Any specific unpopular opinions on RPGs that you have? I'll start. >Morrowind's stat based combat. I liked it

Any specific unpopular opinions on RPGs that you have? I'll start

>Morrowind's stat based combat
I liked it
>Gothic 1 controls
I liked them above average
>Witcher 1
I liked literally everything about this game

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  1. 2 years ago

    Speaking of Morrowind, I like the topic based dialogue more than when your character has responses written out for them. It's more immersive when my character isn't forced to say what the writer wanted my character to say. Some people might say then it's impossible to have conversations with characters but you don't have "conversations" with characters in RPGs, you click dialogue options the writer made for you. It almost never feels like a conversation. Morrowind's dialogue system seems to understand this so in the end your character is defined more by what they do rather than say which is a more natural way to roleplay.

    • 2 years ago

      Also, when you have the morrowind system, you aren't lead directly to the answer. You have to find the right thing to ask and remember what was said because it might not be said the same way next time.
      Also, for headcanon reasons, you can use it to pretend to have a real conversation, like starting with asking about their background or tangential things until popping your real question

    • 2 years ago

      I don't remember how dialogue was in Morrowind tbh I played it a while ago

      You seem to have very based opinions.

      Good post, comfy OP. Very nice.

      Thanks I choose a comfy pic rel wizard with one purpose

      I genuinely love pic rel. It's like TES-lite.
      >Mostly unleveled world
      >Seamless interiors
      >Side quests do just as good of a job of distracting from the main quest as TES
      >Cool spells
      >You can have more than 1 summon
      >Cool looking weapons and armor
      >Basic alchemy and equipment upgrade system
      >Teleport network that justifies having quick travel
      >Interesting towns and cities
      >Attempts at "Old" English are charming and kind of funny
      >Diverse environments in the world
      To this day I still haven't finished the main story. Loot in locked chests and Bandits are the only things that level with the player (maybe orcs too), but that's pretty much it. Extremely minimal level scaling and I love it. It's not an "Oblivion killer," but it's sense of progression absolutely pwns Oblivion's progression.

      I actually remembered this game today out of nowhere. I never played it but I heard the narrative surrounding it. I don't really like TES so Two Worlds never seemed intriguing enough to try out

    • 2 years ago

      Hyperlink-based dialogue is cool and i wish there was more of it.

    • 2 years ago

      same thing in my opinion is accomplished when homosexual writers don't make give their characters voice acting. i'm completely fine with reading through dialogue options to pick the one that urges the game in the direction I want it to be, theres plenty of times I want to be a dickhead to an npc and I choose to frick them over in every way possible, doesn't really matter to me that homosexual writers constantly write down cringe because im roleplaying by myself 99% of the game anyways

    • 2 years ago

      Hyperlink-based dialogue is cool and i wish there was more of it.

      I read some zoomer b***hing about the wikipedia dialogue system in morrowind, but the game actually predates wikipedia (or at least, wiki was not popularized in 2002). I think Morrowind's system largely resembles daggerfall, in any case.

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind's system was essentially taken from Redguard, which took it from point and click adventure games.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            What do you mean bullshit? Have you ever played a point and click?

            • 2 years ago

              Bull frickiing shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. The best thing about the Morrowind system is that it makes conversations with unimportant people abstract, but working in the same format as important people where the conversations feel more concrete and like the PC is being directly addressed.
      So there is less "this is a real NPC that matters, but this one is just a respawning billboard" feeling of most games.

    • 2 years ago

      >is a more natural way to roleplay.

      What a pathetic little man you are. Morrowind is just "open wikipedia page and read wall of text", your character never even interacts with the world, in other RPGs companions speak more than you sure but you're still having a conversation and replying back, in Morrowind you just pick "Nerevar" and you get a lefty long meme.

      You just wanna play imagination time, probably because you're a troony pedo that gets mad when games with voiced protagonist or hell, even silent ones but with strict dialogue options, force you to talk like a normal person so you can't imagine your pedo little girl nerevar going "WAHHH uwu!!! Neravrine me?? AWW kawaii!!!"

      • 2 years ago

        >waaa waaa reading break my inmersion, literally unplayable
        Also, is it really that different to click on the option "directions to X town" instead of hearing your character ask for it?
        >You just wanna play imagination time, probably because you're a troony pedo
        Is this trolling? Since when are we against imagination and roleplaying?

      • 2 years ago


        Absolute Black personhomosexual going amok. Holy frick my sides. Youre so fricking dumb and Morrowind proves why it's the best again.

        >waaa waaa reading break my inmersion, literally unplayable
        Also, is it really that different to click on the option "directions to X town" instead of hearing your character ask for it?
        >You just wanna play imagination time, probably because you're a troony pedo
        Is this trolling? Since when are we against imagination and roleplaying?

        not an argument

    • 2 years ago

      It's amazing because you don't have to find specific NPCs to get quest information, and can naturally search for them by getting better and better directions.

    • 2 years ago

      Hyperlink-based dialogue is cool and i wish there was more of it.

      Ultima VII my Black folk. The direct inspiration for Morrowind's keyword based dialogue.

  2. 2 years ago

    You seem to have very based opinions.

  3. 2 years ago

    Good post, comfy OP. Very nice.

  4. 2 years ago

    I genuinely love pic rel. It's like TES-lite.
    >Mostly unleveled world
    >Seamless interiors
    >Side quests do just as good of a job of distracting from the main quest as TES
    >Cool spells
    >You can have more than 1 summon
    >Cool looking weapons and armor
    >Basic alchemy and equipment upgrade system
    >Teleport network that justifies having quick travel
    >Interesting towns and cities
    >Attempts at "Old" English are charming and kind of funny
    >Diverse environments in the world
    To this day I still haven't finished the main story. Loot in locked chests and Bandits are the only things that level with the player (maybe orcs too), but that's pretty much it. Extremely minimal level scaling and I love it. It's not an "Oblivion killer," but it's sense of progression absolutely pwns Oblivion's progression.

    • 2 years ago

      Mmm... interesting, I heard TW2 had a very good magic system. Which one do you reccomend to start with?

      • 2 years ago

        TW2 is far more polished. TW1 is to TW2 what Daggerfall is to Skyrim, in a sense. That is to say, TW1 is more janky, but has a larger, more open world, where as TW2 is smaller in scope, but is more refined. The TW1 magic system involves collecting spell cards that have predefined effects, where as in TW2 you have the ability to assemble components into a dozens of spells. You can, for instance, make fireballs that summon demons when they hit something. It's very fun and could give any RPG magic system a run for its money. I tend to prefer TW1, but I'm nostalgic for it. The stories aren't really related, so you could start anywhere, and I think you'd have just as much fun with TW2.

      • 2 years ago

        >game gives you more party members than you can actually have in battle
        It actually ruins my immersion.
        Almost always cringe. It's done well like twice in the history of RPGs.
        >morality systems
        Almost always actually REDUCE your freedom to roleplay because you're letting some english major libshit decide what's a "good" action or not. It burdens the game design team with coming up with alternative outcomes so they just make it "kill guy or save guy" to call it a day rather than do stuff like "save guy to enthrall him." I'd rather just be forced to be a good guy than have a morality system.
        Anything that adds gameplay features is almost always trash because modders are not skilled game developers so they just toss it in there with no care to how it meshes with everything else or if it's balanced. You go on fallout NV mods and you'll see just endless "unlimited stealth boy effect on stealth armor" and crap.
        >bioware style party member interrogations (biggest thing I hate)
        I absolutely hate RPGs that make you go and exhaust the dialog of your entire party after any bout of gameplay. This ruins games for me. Shadowrun HK for example was so bad about it I had to take 3 points off my imaginary score because everytime I wanted to play a game I had to read 30 minutes of the lifestory of some moron cooking a fish. Do the party member exposition DURING missions. It's busy work otherwise, a chore.

        The problem with TW2 is that it's built like an MMO with the standard just leveled mobs walking around aimlessly. The only thing fun about it is the magic system.

  5. 2 years ago

    That opinion of morrowind isn't unpopular, stat based combat is one of the key differences between action games and rpgs.

    • 2 years ago

      You'll agree that vast majority of people would say shit like
      >Ohhh morrowind was good and what not but combat was trash
      While I do agree that stat based is better for RPGs, at least pure RPGs not action games with RPG elements, many people seemed to have disliked it.

    • 2 years ago

      You'll agree that vast majority of people would say shit like
      >Ohhh morrowind was good and what not but combat was trash
      While I do agree that stat based is better for RPGs, at least pure RPGs not action games with RPG elements, many people seemed to have disliked it.

      First off those are some sexy numbers. I think the main problem people have with Morrowind's combat is miss chance. The enemies in Morrowind feel dynamic, i.e. they move around you, they raise their shield to block, etc., as such the concept of missing when physically hitting feels rather unintuitive compared to more static 3d games like most mmos.

      • 2 years ago

        The missing is an abstraction of dodging, glancing blows, etc that weren't feasible to demonstrate back then. Most of us that played it on release were used to these abstractions. There was no disconnect for us.

        • 2 years ago

          >The missing is an abstraction of dodging, glancing blows, etc that weren't feasible to demonstrate back then.
          It would have been definitely feasible to implement a way to indicate dodging through a simple animation for example. The abstraction feels more natural in games where you don't have click to swing and look to physically connect the hit with the enemies like isometric games, games with rowed up enemies opposing your row of heroes or 3d games where more abstractions happen (attack animations don't have to hit the body of the enemy to deal damage, etc.)
          >Most of us that played it on release were used to these abstractions. There was no disconnect for us.
          If you came from a RPG background for sure. I don't know how large the "us" is you describe but Morrowind was also for many the first RPG.

    • 2 years ago

      I feel like "yeah I like morrowind but I wish it had true realtime combat", but that might just be to appease the people that post *miss miss miss* webms

  6. 2 years ago

    I also really liked Bound By Flame
    While indeed it had issues when I read about it on the internet after finishing the game myself I was really surprised to see the poor reviews and impressions
    >I thought characters were based
    The elf, witch lady and others were likable, I'm bad with names so I forgot all the names, it was also quite a few years ago
    >Main plot
    All of it was very unfinished but I really liked the idea. Game really managed to give me a great sense of tension that the world was truly in danger
    I really really liked it.
    Like the weirdest most rushed ending in gaming history. The studio making Bound by Flame wasn't god knows how large at the time so I guess they ran out of money & time but Bound by Flame was based imo
    It's 1.74EUR on steam right now, try it out if you're looking for some action RPG stuff in a semi open world setting

  7. 2 years ago

    >unpopular opinion
    i hate narrative driven RPGs, the good part of an RPG should be choosing: choosing the role you want, choosing the character you want, choosing the story you want, having the adventures you want.
    Baldur's Gate singlehandedly ruined RPGs forever, we must return to daggerfall style games. No, I don't care about the lesbian strong and independent companion, don't force me to play as a character you made. No, I don't want to engage in a main story which has a communist message, I want to create my own, emergent narrative.

    • 2 years ago

      You should trying Ancient Domains of Mystery and Darklands

      • 2 years ago

        I knew about darklands, but thanks for the other reccomendation, didn't know about it, and I often search about sandbox RPGs.
        I can reccomend some to you in exchange.

        • 2 years ago

          ADOM is a roguelike, so be prepared for bullshit, but it's fun bullshit (sometimes) and it has a lot of RPG elements. Also it has mouse support so you can use that while you get used to the absurd old roguelike keybinds. I don't really need any recommendations I've already played every RPG in existence, thank you

    • 2 years ago

      OY VEY NO! Bad goyim.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not even that good a narrative. It blows my mind how low the standard was for writing in games that we praised Bioware so much. Read books damn it

      • 2 years ago

        They did. Salvatore's.

      • 2 years ago

        Bioware's success is only explained because they thrived in an era where RPGx weren't being made as widely as they used to be in the west. By the time CDPR released TW2 they were done

        • 2 years ago

          It was not only bioware, BG1 created an entire genre of baldur's gate clones, which hardly can be called roleplaying games.
          >pillars of eternity
          >icewind dale
          And the list goes on. The game was IMO completely destroyed, like seriusly, soulslike are more RPG heavy than all of those. Just because I can choose a path in the story is not enough to be called an RPG.

          • 2 years ago

            >Tyranny is less of an RPG than Dark Souls

            • 2 years ago

              Good luck roleplaying as a group of characters, insted, in dark souls your character build affects how your character interacts with the world, and therefore you choose a role in the sense that your decision affects how you end up playing. In BG clones the RPG aspect is reserved to dialogue options.
              That kind of game is honestly like the new versions of D&D where you are supposed to roleplay through a preset narrative, while Dark souls is like old school D&D where your choice of character determines how it actually plays, specifically in dungeon crawling.

              • 2 years ago

                >roleplaying as one character leading around a handful of other characters = not true roleplaying
                >exploring cautiously until you've memorized trap and enemy placement, and dividing your stamina between attacks and dodge rolls = true roleplaying
                Are you memeing?
                One of the largest issues of the Souls series is how one-dimensional the combat is, and how the attempts to squeeze a bit more challenge out of it have progressively ruined the overall game design.

              • 2 years ago

                >exploring cautiously until you've memorized trap and enemy placement, and dividing your stamina between attacks and dodge rolls = true roleplaying
                Couldn't that be said about the original D&D too? If you only had 1 dungeon you repeated over and over after dying until you beat it, you would eventully end up memorizing all its traps, difference is that in D&D you had infinite dungeons while DS does not. But that's not what i'm discussing tho, even if the dungeons were procedurally generated (chalice dungeons, for example) and changed every time, the role of your charcater, how it is build, still determines how you end up playing and interacting with the game, your choice of role is meaningful. There are some zones in DS where certain playstyles have adventage over others.
                On the other hand, when the RPG element is limited to only narrative, like in BG clones, it generally doesn't matter whether you are more magic oriented or an barbarian, the main quest plays out exactly the same as it would with any other character (because, after all, it's about the story the writers want to tell you, not the story you want to make/play)

              • 2 years ago

                About repeating dungeons, that's one of the main differences between tabletop and vidya: having a (somewhat) intelligent being orchestrating the game opens up a lot of possibilities.
                About roles in Soulslikes, you greatly overestimate those games: a mage and a knight will for the most part result in you pressing the same buttons at the same time, because dodge-poke-repeat is a near-universal law and silly things like "spacing" are easily accounted for.
                Finally, at least BG and company have some degree of branching in the main quests: soulslikes might give you a couple endings to choose from after the last boss, but that's usually it.
                >inb4 npc quests
                Ah yes, follow these obtuse steps and you'll get to see how this npc dies in a pointless and tragic way.
                So much variety.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm so sick of souls games. I don't understand how everyone didn't get tired of them ten years ago

              • 2 years ago

                A single soulslike, any, is enough to dedicate an entire lifetime, let alone many.

              • 2 years ago

                If you say so

              • 2 years ago

                Muh hardcore gamer cred + a bare minimum amount of neuron activation when compared to the AAA cinematic standard.

                >you greatly overestimate those games
                On the contrary, you simplify soulslike design too much, it actually varies a lot depending on your character build, for example, a heavy armored PC may not roll as often and may rely on his shield to avoid damage, rather than rolling through it like a dex based character, or simply staying far away from the enemies like a ranged character.
                (Wowie is almost as if your character's role had weight and meaning in the gameplay)
                >branching in the main quests, soulslikes might give you a couple endings to choose from after the last boss
                It's not about the endings, it's about the way you play. Do I have to explain again the difference between old school and modern roleplaying again? I think it's no use discussing with you.

                >a heavy armored PC may not roll as often and may rely on his shield to avoid damage
                Heavy armor doesn't make you better at blocking, unless you're doing some meme elemental resist build you're better off ditching all that weight and freeing it up for a heavier greatshield with better stability/block percentages.
                And that's without considering game-specific shit like armor taking up titanites that could go to your shield, equip load gradually lowering stamina regen...
                >rather than rolling through it like a dex based character
                Dexterity does not improve rolling in any way, across the whole series.
                >hurr durr no use discussing with you meanies ;.(
                If you want to discuss games you haven't played, go back to Ganker.

              • 2 years ago

                >Heavy armor doesn't make you better at blocking
                Are you moronic? When did I say it does? What a pathetic reading comprehension you have. I clearly said that since they can't rely on dodging as a means of avoiding damage, hevy armored characters do need to do so with shields, which proves my point of character roles being relevant to the gameplay, instead of only in the narrative.
                >Dexterity does not improve rolling in any way, across the whole series.
                True, but what does that have to do with my point of roleplaying thorugh mechanics? Nice red herring you did there, either that or you are just too stupid to get what we were discussing.
                It's no use discussing with morons like you.

              • 2 years ago

                >heavy armor can't rely on dodging
                What is Giantdad?
                Play the game before talking, homosexual.
                >hurr but what if I hallucinate things and "roleplay" through mechanics that don't actually exist?
                The absolute state of Fromdrones.

              • 2 years ago

                >What is Giantdad?
                A build that is very carefully made to be viable in PvP.
                >what if I hallucinate things and "roleplay" through mechanics that don't actually exist?
                Isn't roleplaying at the end of the day choosing a role to play as? What literally better way of roleplaying than building a character to play with? What do you mean dark souls mechanics do not exist? What a fricking moronic argument.
                In fact, it's the other way around, choosing prewritten dialogue options is not roleplaying, is just a simulation of it in the same way that choosing options in a turn based combat system is a simulation of real time combat. Mechanics are the true way of experiencing roleplaying:
                You have more endurance? Then you roll more, that's your role, a faster character.
                You have higher INT? Then you are a mage, you cast spells, that's your role.
                It's an RPG it all its glory, you roleplay because you actually play as one, not because the story acknowledges you as A, B, or C.
                Seethe more, narrativegay.

              • 2 years ago

                >you greatly overestimate those games
                On the contrary, you simplify soulslike design too much, it actually varies a lot depending on your character build, for example, a heavy armored PC may not roll as often and may rely on his shield to avoid damage, rather than rolling through it like a dex based character, or simply staying far away from the enemies like a ranged character.
                (Wowie is almost as if your character's role had weight and meaning in the gameplay)
                >branching in the main quests, soulslikes might give you a couple endings to choose from after the last boss
                It's not about the endings, it's about the way you play. Do I have to explain again the difference between old school and modern roleplaying again? I think it's no use discussing with you.

        • 2 years ago

          Frick cdpr

    • 2 years ago

      Cry more.

  8. 2 years ago

    I just like classic RPG of adventure and heroism and I like my gameplay to be slow and methodical requiring commitment. Is that so wrong? Everything new is trying to do some twist but they don't have the experience or knowledge to even attempt a twist. And it's all boom boom flash fast

  9. 2 years ago

    Disco Elysium doesn't have meaningful choices. No matter what you do, the tribunal will happen, you will side against the mercs, Joyce will lose, Evrart will win, you will not fine the perp in time, you will find him later and you will arrest him. There is zero replayability, because nothing you do (or don't do) matters.

    For example, a big deal is made out of you feeding information to Joyce according to Evrart's plan. But if you don't do it, it will have the same outcome.

  10. 2 years ago

    's stat based combat
    >I liked it

    • 2 years ago

      If you miss hits that much is because you just don't know how to play the game. Brainlet cope and seethe harder, filtered.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry, but you need an IQ of at least 95 (slightly below average) in order to play Morrowind and it's predecessors. You can probably get away with 90 to play Oblivion. Anything > 80 should suffice for Skyrim. Just follow the arrows and you'll be a pro in no time.

      • 2 years ago

        >is a more natural way to roleplay.

        What a pathetic little man you are. Morrowind is just "open wikipedia page and read wall of text", your character never even interacts with the world, in other RPGs companions speak more than you sure but you're still having a conversation and replying back, in Morrowind you just pick "Nerevar" and you get a lefty long meme.

        You just wanna play imagination time, probably because you're a troony pedo that gets mad when games with voiced protagonist or hell, even silent ones but with strict dialogue options, force you to talk like a normal person so you can't imagine your pedo little girl nerevar going "WAHHH uwu!!! Neravrine me?? AWW kawaii!!!"

        Absolute Black personhomosexual going amok. Holy frick my sides. Youre so fricking dumb and Morrowind proves why it's the best again.

    • 2 years ago

      I love Morrowind combat because it forces every dumb zoomer that plays it to immediately out themselves for having dopped it after 5 minutes because if you put the slightest amount of time in or even just choose proper skills at class creation you won't miss shit.
      You got filtered and the game is designed to make you tell on yourself for b***hing about it. The .gif of a player in Seyda Neen with the starter clothes is the cherry on top.

  11. 2 years ago

    Some people may like Fallout over Fallout 2 because they *get* the references in Fallout 2 and it ruins the atmosphere for them. Conversely, Eastern Europeans like Fallout 2 more because they do not get the references and a one-liner dropped by a raider is just a part of the world and not a link to some old film that was lost in translation, so they like the world more.
    > t. played ATOM RPG some time ago and almost dropped it due to getting the culutral references to my homeland because they all fricking sucked; at least it seems like they had fired the c**t who had been inserting them later on and the game's plot and quest design is much better because there's no reliance on "yo, remember this?" shit

  12. 2 years ago

    's stat based combat
    Fallout has stat based combat. Morrowalk has an abominable mix of stats based and real-time action. It's quite shit as a result.

    • 2 years ago

      >real-time action
      Morrowind is not an action game, you think it is, that's why you think it's so bad, you are judging it based on something it doesn't even try to do.
      >It's quite shit as a result
      No, it's only shit because of the lack of visual feedback, dishonored also has a porcentage chance of landing a hit on an enemy, difference is, when the attack misses the enemies are animated to reflect this visually. I haven't yet seen anyone complain about this system.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't bother replying to gays, Black folk that grew up on Ganker are permanently moronic.

  13. 2 years ago

    >Nox and Soldak games are the only good isometric ARPGs
    >Fallout 1 and 2 are extremely casual RPGs with mediocre combat and exploration that mostly got by because of style and atmosphere

  14. 2 years ago

    Related to Gothic controls. People say Gothic combat is "clunky", but I really like it. You can't just rush at enemy and smash attack button. You have to look at enemy movement, know where to attack, block or dodge, find a rhythm in fight. The one thing I dislike tho is the critic hits enemies can randomly land on you that was introduced in G2 NotR (or maybe it was in the base G2, I don't remember honestly). Especial in early stages sometimes enemies can just take a bit of your health and sometimes just take half of it in one hit, and that just feel like bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      >he one thing I dislike tho is the critic hits enemies can randomly land on you that was introduced in G2 NotR (or maybe it was in the base G2, I don't remember honestly).
      Crits were in G1 too but it was just that, a crit with like 10% chance for double damage at master weapon skill. G2 changed the damage calculation formula to the absolute moronation of
      Normal hit: (Weapon damage + Str - enemy armor)/10
      Crit: Weapon damage + str - enemy armor

      Where crit chance is your weapons skill which in the first third of the game would rarely be above 34 because of scaling costs and the need to train other skills and attributes. And NotR gave enemies and npcs stupid amounts of levels, armor, strength and other stats so they kill you in 1-2 hits and you hit for minimal (5) damage and sometimes "crit" for 10 or so.

      The poorest part of the city (docks) is full of level 40 npcs, not even counting the paladins who stand there, absolute moronation. I hate NotR with a passion.

      • 2 years ago

        >and you hit for minimal (5) damage and sometimes "crit" for 10 or so
        Sometimes you crit for 5. I am pretty sure that in base G2 most of the systems were like in G1 but fans demanded PB to ramp up the difficulty because for them it was too easy, so PB overtuned enemy stats and armor, introduced stat brackets for MC and I think they changed how the crits worked. Honestly, I do not mind them that much but the fact that your free attribute points from potions and tablets count towards increasing your learning costs annoys me even today.

  15. 2 years ago

    Fantasy setting is boring

  16. 2 years ago

    The secret to Gothic's controls is to ignore the mouse

  17. 2 years ago

    >unpopular opinion thread
    >actually a thinly veiled circlejerk thread
    You're a homosexual and you should have a nice day.

  18. 2 years ago

    >Gothic 1 controls
    I started with Gothic 2 had zero problems and enjoyed the combat but I was never able to et around G1 controls, so I ended as a mage and just removed the need for melee combat.

  19. 2 years ago

    People who have played actual DnD will come into video game spaces and speak like they have any amount of authority, seniority, or expertise. What's important to keep in mind is that DnD is the lowest-common-denominator Marvel movie shit of the ttrpg world. Their game of choice actively making the ttrpg industry worse and their opinions about anything can be safely disregarded.

  20. 2 years ago


    I like star traders frontiers

    I like time breaker chronicles

    I like star valor

    I like ghostlore

    I like keplerth

    I like necesse

    I like 9th dawn

    I like pretty much every classic WRPG i've played, and most of them I played specifically due to recommendations and not during my childhood

    I like pretty much every classic JRPG i've tried as well, though i'll admit a lot of them i played during my childhood.

    Any game is an RPG really, like seriously, most of them are RPGs.

  21. 2 years ago

    Breath of fire is superior to final fantasy.

  22. 2 years ago

    Morrowind, along with the rest of the TES series is the worst thing to ever happen to RPGs
    It promoted the idea of quantity > quality single player MMOs with no value or depth in writing
    If you think that Morroshit is a well written game, I don't know what to tell you. You are VERY easy to please.

    • 2 years ago

      homie Morrowind has schizo writing up the ass
      and handplaced shit everywhere

    • 2 years ago

      It's a good game yeah

    • 2 years ago

      >no value or depth in writing
      Have you fricking played morrowind?
      It literally has one of the most innovative setting in all of videogame history, along with a good main story and many memorable characters.

    • 2 years ago

      >Morrowind, along with the rest of the TES series is the worst thing to ever happen to RPGs
      >It promoted the idea of quantity > quality single player MMOs with no value or depth in writing
      there is not a single TES clone in existence. Genre would be better if there were TES clones

    • 2 years ago

      But morrowind went way smaller than other games. If anything morrowind is proof of quality>quantity

  23. 2 years ago

    Imagine being such an uneducated seething brainlet - or worse, a jarpig cattle consumer. It was Daggerfall that went for quantity over quality. It's nice to see trannies getting filtered hard.

    • 2 years ago

      There is no good TES game, have a nice day you pretentious midwit, you've literally never played a well thought out game in your life

  24. 2 years ago

    I think Obsidian absolute hacks when it comes to writting.

  25. 2 years ago

    I'd beat you like your father surely did to your mother.

  26. 2 years ago

    Morrowind is trash. have a nice day morroscum

  27. 2 years ago

    I love the Oblivion Gate realms

  28. 2 years ago

    >Any specific unpopular opinions on RPGs that you have?
    too many to list

  29. 2 years ago

    PS1 fanboys are the dumbest gamers on the planet, even dumber than mobile phone candy crush players.

    PS1 graphics, gameplay, and loading times have aged like milk, and many (especially the older 3D focused ones) are unplayable without modern graphics and gameplay updates.

    • 2 years ago

      It's take an HD PS1 look if it means we can go back to having fun JRPGs again and not whatever the frick happened after FF7 came out.

  30. 2 years ago

    CDPR and The Witcher are shit and the only reason they got big was a combination of them being "based" and giving away free shit to people on PC. And also W3 was the first big game on the then current gen and was probably both a lot of teenagers boys first fap and RPG. It was just the perfect shit storm of the right trash at the right time.

    • 2 years ago

      God damn what a shit take, lol

      >unpopular opinions
      I liked kingdom management in Kingmaker, because I love board games.
      I think that romances are a waste of development time.
      I think that Planescape: Torment is extremely overrated.

      I loved kingdom management too tbh
      Why are romances any different than any other form of character writing and engagement between them

      • 2 years ago

        >Why are romances any different than any other form of character writing and engagement between them
        they require some level of emotional investment that I simply can't feel while playing a game.

  31. 2 years ago

    >unpopular opinions
    I liked kingdom management in Kingmaker, because I love board games.
    I think that romances are a waste of development time.
    I think that Planescape: Torment is extremely overrated.

  32. 2 years ago

    The Witcher 1 and Gothic were great. I like that both games punish you for button mashing. It's such a simple concept, and it baffles me that not more games do it

    • 2 years ago


  33. 2 years ago

    Paper Mario 64 is better than TTYD.

  34. 2 years ago

    Epic plots about the fate of the world are lame. Give me a more personal narrative about some crime boss, corrupt official who's my nemesis or whatever.

    • 2 years ago

      Dude everyone thinks this as well. No one says they want a story where they get to save the world because it's be done so many times.

    • 2 years ago

      >Give me a more personal narrative about some crime boss, corrupt official who's my nemesis or whatever.

  35. 2 years ago

    >Morrowblivion is the best way to experience Morrowind

    >Oblivion is the best Elder Scrolls game and it’s not even close

    >Dragons Dogma is a shit game because missable quests and storylines. Rather than roleplaying, players constantly alt + tabbing to look up what they need to do next

    >Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale are shit. Neverwinter Nights 1 is the only good DnD game

    >RPGs should be about story telling and player choice. The entire genre chooses to focus on stat point leveling autism instead while giving few meaningful choices.

    >If an RPG has anime, cartoony graphics, or lacks western medieval elements it’s guaranteed to be garbage

    • 2 years ago

      >Oblivion is the best TES
      Many will try to deny this. Thing is, Oblivions flaws (level scaling) can be modded away. You can fix it into a decent game I guess. Skyrim and Morrowind are beyond fixing they are just single player MMOs in their core. A mod would literally have to remake the whole game

      >Baldurs Gate and IWD are shit
      Icewind dale is mediocre Baldurs Gate 1 is the best aD&D game out there. No idea what you disliked about it

      >Choices and leveling autism
      I agree. If your choices don't impact the outcome of the story, that ain't much of an RPG in my book

      >Anime graphics
      Couldn't agree with this more.

      Overall based opinions

      • 2 years ago

        >Skyrim and Morrowind are just single player MMOs in their core
        homie, I wish there was an mmo with morrowind mechanics instead of only WoW clones.

        • 2 years ago

          Imagine saying Morrowind and Skyrim are single player MMOs, but Oblivion isn't.

          Also, can't the same be said about any RPG?
          What makes oblivion so special it can't be an MMO? Its atrocious combat system?


      • 2 years ago

        >Skyrim and Morrowind are just single player MMOs in their core
        homie, I wish there was an mmo with morrowind mechanics instead of only WoW clones.

        Also, can't the same be said about any RPG?
        What makes oblivion so special it can't be an MMO? Its atrocious combat system?

    • 2 years ago

      >Morrowblivion is the best way to experience Morrowind

    • 2 years ago

      Dragon's Dogma is an action game. Don't play it like a RPG.

  36. 2 years ago

    's stat based combat
    Is this something people didn't like?

    • 2 years ago

      Yep, zoom brains are so used to action RPGs that when they find a first person RPG that is stat based, they think the game is broken and unplayable.

      • 2 years ago

        But zoomers love morrowind. Are you joking?

        • 2 years ago

          I wish bethesda got the memo

  37. 2 years ago

    Unpopular on Ganker or unpopular among the wider internet?

    >the entire elder scrolls series is garbage
    >KotOR 2 > KotOR 1
    >story > gameplay
    >choices and consequences above all
    >Witcher series is excellent

    • 2 years ago

      You and I are the same person.
      Unironically I agree 100% with every single statement and I've been saying it all for years.

  38. 2 years ago

    >Procedural world generation is objectively good and what crpgs should focus on
    >Open world is objectively good and naturally superior to linear design
    >Real time is objectively, straight superior to turns in every single way. There isn't a single downside to it and there isn't a single case where it's preferable to make game turn based. All turn based games would be better in real time
    >Distinction between full real time and rtwp is meaningless. All advantages of real time are present in rtwp anyway
    >Level scaling is mandatory in order to maintain difficulty. Not only player should be developing and improving as the time passes
    >Tabletop is a vastly inferior, limited medium in comparison to video games and so are tabletop rpgs and wargames
    >Consequently, there is nothing to be gained by getting inspired by it. Simulating dice rolling is especially moronic when computers can simulate everything in far better, more realistic and believable way, like with ballistics
    >Story is irrelevant and there is no value to it
    >Same with characters and their personalities
    >Combat/battles are the purest expression of gameplay, dialogues are maybe of a tertiary importance
    >Romances are always cringeworthy
    >There is nothing wrong with fast travel, game shouldn't waste your time
    >There is nothing wrong with markers, game shouldn't waste your time
    >Quests are a rather lazy and linear mechanic to add content to the game and never are particularly interesting
    >Crpgs should have more mechanics from strategy games, which are all around a superior genre

    • 2 years ago

      zoomer post

  39. 2 years ago

    RPGs dont need to be 40 hours long or even longer
    30 hours to complete the main quest plus the most important side quests is fine

  40. 2 years ago

    Main quests are a stupid concept and we should only focus on emergent narrative.

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