Any tips for a first time Necromunda arbitor

Me and some friends are about to start our first Necromunda campaign, but none of us have a lot of experience with it. Only played some skirmish games so far. Any tips?

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  1. 9 months ago

    play old necromunda and avoid the new shit.
    Also, make your own scenery and buy old minis if you can.

    • 9 months ago

      Why, what’s wrong with the new rules?

      • 9 months ago

        He won’t be able to give you an answer because he doesn’t actually play games

      • 9 months ago

        In a word: Flanderization.

        Old rules are fairly concise and have the benefit of decades of GW and subsequently community efforts to balance and add to them(and then balance the additions). New rules are...let's be polite and say "a different experience.

        Oldmunda is a game of gang warfare between gaggles of dregs at the bottom - figuratively AND literally - of society. You're fighting over some marginally-functional water pumping station or power outlet, using cast-off guns, looking to earn enough reputation to move up from bottom-feeder to pleb-with-connections, maybe strike it rich by finding a piece of gen-yoo-ine archeotech. It's the Wild West but set in the decaying ruins of a city, buried under the decaying ruins of several hundred other cities, buried under a Robber Baron-era industrial park of unspeakable size, buried under an utterly remote and alien culture of wealth and privilege you can barely comprehend nevermind be part of. House gangs are less strongly differentiated initially, and less stratified internally, with most of the flavour coming from the actual in-campaign development. Generally speaking if you just want to run a campaign for a few lads down the club/store, they Just Work, and whether you want to expand/tweak them is a matter of preference.

        • 9 months ago

          Nucromunda is a game of elite PMCs with the best gear(Cawdor excepted) fighting over whole industrial sectors directly on behalf of their House, who's power and authority you represent. Its tone is more Call of Duty/The Division/Cyberpunk 2077 than Gothic-Punk-Western, with a tech level that's presented at the top end of what the Imperium has available - in some cases, more than that(Van Saar went from "the good at tech guys" to having a functional STC system but somehow nobody knows about it despite them routinely using hoverboards and rad cannons; the Delaque went from "the spy/drug guys" to being a gestalt hivemind controlled by ancient alien cthulu-octupus xenos that live in a secret ocean in the planet's core and have flying cybernetic fish-warriors that people also somehow haven't noticed). Gangs are strongly differentiated right at creation with clear niches and favoured gameplay styles, and highly stratified internally with an approach more like Mordheim where fighters are hired from "classes" that have defined roles and development paths, with some limited ability to shift between them/hybridise during campaigns. They're also bloody endless and notoriously badly proofread - maybe the new compilation book has tightened things up a bit but based on their what, three previous attempts to make a "proper" version of the new rules all of which were riddled with errors, I doubt it. Running campaign without a dedicated Arbitrator who is willing(and the group will accept) directly intervening to steer things along and keep it fun for everyone is pretty mandatory unless you spend a long time hacking the rules back to something more manageable.

          There, eat shit [...].

          Nice speech. But nucromunda has alternative activations.

          • 9 months ago

            A: alternating activations are a crutch for people with low attention spans and poor tactical planning who need a game with more opportunities for dice randomness to level the playing field for them against actually competent opponents.
            B: you say that like tacticlets haven't been houseruling them into classic 'munda for years, a task that literally requires no more effort than saying "let's use alternating activations", "okay sure". Mind you, I can see how the type of person who defines whether a game is good or bad based on its inclusion or otherwise of AA might find that a staggering and insurmountable mental challenge.

            • 9 months ago

              It’s always amusing to me how triggered people get over the most minor little things
              > the type of person who defines whether a game is good or bad based on its inclusion or otherwise of AA might find that a staggering and insurmountable mental challenge.
              top Kek, never change you insufferable autists

            • 9 months ago

              > alternating activations is a crutch!!!
              THATS a new one!
              COPE and SEETHE levels are OFF the charts!!!!

              • 9 months ago

                It’s always amusing to me how triggered people get over the most minor little things
                > the type of person who defines whether a game is good or bad based on its inclusion or otherwise of AA might find that a staggering and insurmountable mental challenge.
                top Kek, never change you insufferable autists

                He's 100% right tho.
                When you hit less than 30% of the time and the entire game loses on a single LD test you sure as frick don't play balls to the walls like you do in Infinity.

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah, I hate it when stinky Chess players move their pieces one at a time, it makes me so fricking mad. JUST MOVE EVERY PIECE AT ONCE YOU DUMB FRICK.
              Also I fricking hate how there are only two armies in chess and the same one army special rule opposed to 57.

          • 9 months ago

            Is there any reason you can't use Correct Activations in oldcromunda?
            Just shift the clean up phase in bulk to the end of turn.

        • 9 months ago

          Nucromunda is a game of elite PMCs with the best gear(Cawdor excepted) fighting over whole industrial sectors directly on behalf of their House, who's power and authority you represent. Its tone is more Call of Duty/The Division/Cyberpunk 2077 than Gothic-Punk-Western, with a tech level that's presented at the top end of what the Imperium has available - in some cases, more than that(Van Saar went from "the good at tech guys" to having a functional STC system but somehow nobody knows about it despite them routinely using hoverboards and rad cannons; the Delaque went from "the spy/drug guys" to being a gestalt hivemind controlled by ancient alien cthulu-octupus xenos that live in a secret ocean in the planet's core and have flying cybernetic fish-warriors that people also somehow haven't noticed). Gangs are strongly differentiated right at creation with clear niches and favoured gameplay styles, and highly stratified internally with an approach more like Mordheim where fighters are hired from "classes" that have defined roles and development paths, with some limited ability to shift between them/hybridise during campaigns. They're also bloody endless and notoriously badly proofread - maybe the new compilation book has tightened things up a bit but based on their what, three previous attempts to make a "proper" version of the new rules all of which were riddled with errors, I doubt it. Running campaign without a dedicated Arbitrator who is willing(and the group will accept) directly intervening to steer things along and keep it fun for everyone is pretty mandatory unless you spend a long time hacking the rules back to something more manageable.

          There, eat shit [...].

          I played in a Nucromunda campaign earlier this year and had a fun time, but I would like to try the older ruleset. I have a lot of the original models for whatever reason. The new game is very fun, and generally very quick to play but the rules are intentionally spread across as many books as possible to a degree that's even absurd by GW standards.
          Necromunda kicks ass if for no other reason than the terrain it inspires people to create. Pic related is from the group I played with. Good guys.

          Thanks for the input
          I think we’ll stick to the new rules for now, since I’ve already got myself a physical copy of the rules, but I will give the 1st Ed a shot in the future. I got the pdf already.
          They did spread those rules out in a super moronic way, agreed. Escher cutter rules arent in their house book. They aren’t in the vehicle rules expansion. Noooo, they are in that one weird campaign book I can’t find a free copy of anywhere. I agree that it’s a little frustrating but necrodamus is very helpful and I enjoy owning the books for the fluff and art since I’ve tried to read more and reduce screen time in general.
          But I do love the setting and minis. And boy do I enjoy building terrain and converting aos stuff.
          Might come back with pics later

      • 9 months ago

        In a word: Flanderization.

        Old rules are fairly concise and have the benefit of decades of GW and subsequently community efforts to balance and add to them(and then balance the additions). New rules are...let's be polite and say "a different experience.

        Oldmunda is a game of gang warfare between gaggles of dregs at the bottom - figuratively AND literally - of society. You're fighting over some marginally-functional water pumping station or power outlet, using cast-off guns, looking to earn enough reputation to move up from bottom-feeder to pleb-with-connections, maybe strike it rich by finding a piece of gen-yoo-ine archeotech. It's the Wild West but set in the decaying ruins of a city, buried under the decaying ruins of several hundred other cities, buried under a Robber Baron-era industrial park of unspeakable size, buried under an utterly remote and alien culture of wealth and privilege you can barely comprehend nevermind be part of. House gangs are less strongly differentiated initially, and less stratified internally, with most of the flavour coming from the actual in-campaign development. Generally speaking if you just want to run a campaign for a few lads down the club/store, they Just Work, and whether you want to expand/tweak them is a matter of preference.

        Nucromunda is a game of elite PMCs with the best gear(Cawdor excepted) fighting over whole industrial sectors directly on behalf of their House, who's power and authority you represent. Its tone is more Call of Duty/The Division/Cyberpunk 2077 than Gothic-Punk-Western, with a tech level that's presented at the top end of what the Imperium has available - in some cases, more than that(Van Saar went from "the good at tech guys" to having a functional STC system but somehow nobody knows about it despite them routinely using hoverboards and rad cannons; the Delaque went from "the spy/drug guys" to being a gestalt hivemind controlled by ancient alien cthulu-octupus xenos that live in a secret ocean in the planet's core and have flying cybernetic fish-warriors that people also somehow haven't noticed). Gangs are strongly differentiated right at creation with clear niches and favoured gameplay styles, and highly stratified internally with an approach more like Mordheim where fighters are hired from "classes" that have defined roles and development paths, with some limited ability to shift between them/hybridise during campaigns. They're also bloody endless and notoriously badly proofread - maybe the new compilation book has tightened things up a bit but based on their what, three previous attempts to make a "proper" version of the new rules all of which were riddled with errors, I doubt it. Running campaign without a dedicated Arbitrator who is willing(and the group will accept) directly intervening to steer things along and keep it fun for everyone is pretty mandatory unless you spend a long time hacking the rules back to something more manageable.

        There, eat shit

        He won’t be able to give you an answer because he doesn’t actually play games


        • 9 months ago

          I played in a Nucromunda campaign earlier this year and had a fun time, but I would like to try the older ruleset. I have a lot of the original models for whatever reason. The new game is very fun, and generally very quick to play but the rules are intentionally spread across as many books as possible to a degree that's even absurd by GW standards.
          Necromunda kicks ass if for no other reason than the terrain it inspires people to create. Pic related is from the group I played with. Good guys.

  2. 9 months ago



    and ask in there.

    • 9 months ago

      But he was asking about Necromunda, not MESBG.

      Me and some friends are about to start our first Necromunda campaign, but none of us have a lot of experience with it. Only played some skirmish games so far. Any tips?

      Don't be afraid to sit down and houserule stuff with your friends. Nucromunda is even worse about game balance than regular 40k and can very quickly get a runaway player problem. There's also some equipment thats massively overpriced and some that's massively underpriced.

  3. 9 months ago

    Ok, but only 1st ed necromunda, not that moronic cad designed shyte.

  4. 9 months ago

    Classic GW 'Bait and Switch' doubling down.. "Watch netflix! Ha! no we arnt, we are painting these! Ha!, Got you twice! This isnt even the great game of Necromunda you know and love (1st ed), its some derivetive crap we have slapped the old title over so newbies buy it!"

    (puts head to gun muzzle) Just shoot me now you frickers.

  5. 9 months ago

    >troony flag
    Hell no.

    • 9 months ago

      Didn’t notice.
      Calm down it’s just a jpg it can’t hurt you

  6. 9 months ago

    Let me fix that for you buddy.

    • 9 months ago

      You just need to leave them alone for awhile and they will delete themselves.

    • 9 months ago

      That’s what I love about Ganker, now you all pretend like it wasn’t /b/ that started the whole fad with all the trap posting

  7. 9 months ago

    Don't start with Ash Waste. It's allright, but the added rules for vehicles shit things up
    The Dark Uprising campaign is ok, even though it adds extra resource scarcity rules. It does so after you have a few rounds of play experience
    Maybe just start with a 3 week, no frills campaign, then start a new campaign if you want the added complexity. People can change their gangs up if they're not feeling them, or buy old gangers if they want to stick with a gang.

    Be prepared to fluff up underdogs or add special missions if one gang starts on a death spiral. I think the GW downloads page has a few gang-specific missions that enable special recruitment. They're almost tailored for an underdog gang to be brought back to competitive status in a thematic way. Usually it's a gang-fight scenario where you salvage an ambot, or recruit a champion for the gang.

    It's not strictly fair in a competitive, win at all costs sense, but it keeps the campaign competitive. Don't be afraid to give an extra powerful gang a send-off as well. Don't spring this shit on players though, if you do decide to tilt the scales in order to keep things competitive, then let the players know ahead of time that this is the way you'll be arbitrating the campaign. It might lead to hurt feelings if people think you're favoring players. Get ahead of things like that.

    Most importantly, have fun. If it's not fun, you're doing it wrong, or you need to find another game.

    • 9 months ago

      Thanks, that’s great advice.
      We Gott some first timers and casual players who want to try it, the one guy who’s super competitive already raged out when I didn’t let him snipe across the whole map trough terrain without a aim penalty, (he didn’t understand that when a door opens, it doesn’t create a magical corridor all the way up to the heavens, there’s solid wall above that door even if you can’t see it) so I’ll definitely will rubber band it mariocart style a little bit. I want it to be fluffy and narriative focused. I even thought of maybe finding a way to implement rpg mechanics from dark heresy in the future maybe, but that’s probably a bit too hard for me at this point.

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