Anybody else re-experiencing Alan Wake before the sequel comes out?

Anybody else re-experiencing Alan Wake before the sequel comes out? I've never actually played the game, because I simply don't have time. Just watched a YouTube video essay, so it'll be interesting to see the story beat by beat.

Anybody got any theories about Zane? The timeline is fricked regarding whether things start with Zane or things start with Alan...since everything we experience during Alan Wake 1 is technically being written about by Alan right? But where does it start truly? Is Zane even real? I've heard theories that Alan is actually Zane, but I don't know what to make of them...

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  1. 8 months ago

    >watching his stream
    >one of his chatters unironically say "the writing is a bit on the nose"

    are they moronic?

    • 8 months ago

      Think of your average anon, then go a little bit lower than that. That's the smartest chatter on twitch.

    • 8 months ago

      He's a moron who brags about being a le deep appreciator of subtle writing yet misses the most obvious plot cues and blames it on the games he plays. His viewers aren't much better, just a bunch of asmongold-tier autismos who praise him like a god.

      • 8 months ago

        >His viewers aren't much better, just a bunch of asmongold-tier autismos who praise him like a god.

        lmao...I'm pretty sure he consistently gets into fights with his chat over games, most infamously the danganronpa cases. But even not considering that...he literally got shit on by his chat about his silent hill 2 opinion that's literally how everyone knows it. I don't even know what point you're trying to make when I never said anything about how he felt about the game only his chat...admittedly he doesn't seem to like Alan Wake but he hasn't explicitly expressed why, and Is only in the beginning of the game

        • 8 months ago

          >lmao...I'm pretty sure he consistently gets into fights with his chat over games,
          He does, but it's usually the one or two smart viewers trying to correct him, he spergs out, and then either the other viewers dogpile on the viewer who's right to defend their onions overlord, OR for once his entire chat agrees Joseph is moronic in which case he just dismisses everyone collectively as stupid. And even in those cases, I think it's just that viewers enjoy seeing the homosexual have constant meltdowns so they'll play contrarian just to keep it going longer.

  2. 8 months ago

    I'm playing Alan Wake 2 tonight got a review copy. I played a bit last night and they definitely cranked up the scare factor. Its a bonafide shit your pants horror game

    • 8 months ago

      Played Alan Wake for the first time this october. I really liked it.
      Thomas Zane started it and wrote himself out of existence (but not fully).

      Makes sense. The first one is Stephen King/Twin Peaks which is more comfy spooky while the second one goes for modern horror like Hereditary or Talk To Me

  3. 8 months ago

    I replayed it last year. It killed my hype for 2.
    The story was good, the game direction wasn't.

  4. 8 months ago

    So did the town make Alan stupid?

    • 8 months ago

      kek! le town le make stupid!

      but on a serious note, even if he doesn't end up getting it, it won't matter because it doesn't have the pedigree of "le subtle masterful writing..." that Silent Hill 2 has. And even his chatters don't seem to get it.

      • 8 months ago

        cringe post

  5. 8 months ago

    Joseph Anderson is fat and looks like a hamster.

  6. 8 months ago

    Don't post this failed writer homosexual on here again.

  7. 8 months ago

    watching his stream, the gameplay looks nowhere as bad as Ganker made it to be. Could be really good and interesting if spruced up a bit, either by adding meaningful resource management or making the enemies more tense and a gameplay sense

    • 8 months ago

      It's perfectly functional on a mechanical level. I always felt like it would have made a decent foundation for a modern SH game, where the actual shooting doesn't have to matter as much and atmosphere and enemies just being visually interesting can do the heavy lifting. The game becomes a slog because it just never really goes anywhere with the gameplay or the enemy variety. It's just the same lame shadow people, ravens, and inanimate objects thrown at you over and over again.

      • 8 months ago

        American Nightmare added a few more enemies but they should have added those in the main game. The demo they showed about an Alan Wake 2 seemed promising though, wish the first game had those mechanics...

  8. 8 months ago

    >because I simply don't have time.
    It takes as much time as binging a netflix series (and it very much tries to be a tv series and nails that), like 5-10 hours depending how fast you go.

    • 8 months ago

      yeah, but I've got uni, and if I'm going to waste my time on a game for the story, I might as well do it with the game that'll have the better gameplay (Alan Wake 2)

  9. 8 months ago

    Shill thread for DOA woke trash.

  10. 8 months ago


  11. 8 months ago

    >imagine my wiener

  12. 8 months ago

    We're not playing your goyslop Black persongame. We noticed you are israeli, you aren't getting our money, if you like Black folk so much move to africa you blood drinking mutated israelites

    • 8 months ago

      Thank you, anon. Thank you for speaking the truth.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm not israeli, I'm actually black but I'm not interested in the game for the protagonist anyway, I just can't wait for kino True Detective gameplay (case board) surrounded by a crazy elaborate story. Why is that wrong?

  13. 8 months ago

    >Just watched a YouTube video essay

    • 8 months ago

      tell me actually what's wrong with that if I don't have that much time on my hand and can probably recall the story and all the relevant beats more aptly than you

      • 8 months ago

        this homie never listened to the pat maine radio shows and thinks he knows about the game. alan wake takes less than 10 hours to beat. we both know you're not going to parties or have a social life so there's no excuse

        • 8 months ago

          Pat Maine night radio show is maximum comfy

      • 8 months ago

        if you’re gonna do something that homosexual either read a synopsis or watch a longolay. Not some buttholes review

  14. 8 months ago

    not givingh you a (You)

    • 8 months ago

      I'll give you one instead.

  15. 8 months ago

    Hamster let his wife's kids die of starvation because he couldn't be bothered to make a video summarising the plot of the witcher

    • 8 months ago

      Why put effort into writing novels and video essays when you can make free money from idiots just playing games you hate all day?

      • 8 months ago

        Judging by the hamster's metrics, he literally left millions of dollars on the table through his FAILURE to summarise the plot of the witcher. Its kids could have been set for life, going to private school, with a sturdy trust fund safety net under them. But instead they've living in dire poverty, children of an 800 viewer twitch streaming hamster with a dying career. That kind of laziness is just unforgivable. Does no one else understand this? Why even discuss its video game takes? Who cares that it failed to understand silent hill 2 when such irresponsibility is staring you in the face? That's why I refuse to acknowledge hamster as a man - he is a mere rodent.

  16. 8 months ago
  17. 8 months ago

    I was a big fan of the first game, even played the little spin-off game on the Xbox Live Arcade and then bought them all on Steam when they were about to be removed from the store due to music licensing issues, but from what I've seen of the second game they're trying to do some dual-protagonist shit with some black woman and that's a real turn off for me. I want to see Alan Wake damnit, he's the interesting character with the built-up backstory, there's no way that this chick is going to have any personality besides "black"

  18. 8 months ago

    and many many more classic essays from the brilliant mind of Joseph Anderson

  19. 8 months ago

    >dont have time
    its literally a 10 hr game, if that. Its from the age of 60$ games that are singleplayer and short. Part of the reason it didnt sell well. Youre missing out just watching like a moronic zoomer and honestly you might as well watch Alan Wake 2 aswell you homosexual.

  20. 8 months ago

    Its not a theory, Zane IS Alans father play the fricking game moron and you wouldnt have these questions

    • 8 months ago

      I was a big fan of the first game, even played the little spin-off game on the Xbox Live Arcade and then bought them all on Steam when they were about to be removed from the store due to music licensing issues, but from what I've seen of the second game they're trying to do some dual-protagonist shit with some black woman and that's a real turn off for me. I want to see Alan Wake damnit, he's the interesting character with the built-up backstory, there's no way that this chick is going to have any personality besides "black"

      this homie never listened to the pat maine radio shows and thinks he knows about the game. alan wake takes less than 10 hours to beat. we both know you're not going to parties or have a social life so there's no excuse

      why is Ganker so annoying even when they're talking on topic? I'm starting to think there's a deeper problem with this board than off topic threads.

      a moron us actually saying that Zane is Alan's father when theres no agreed upon consensus on that, and not remotely enough to suggest that. Also the contradictions, like the fact that Zane is a character that technically was written into Alan's story by who came first isn't clear.

      • 8 months ago

        What does that have to do with what I said about one-dimensional characters?

      • 8 months ago

        >not remotely enough to suggest that
        play the fricking game and you will realize there absolutely is. Maybe not his father but his creator. All the Zane stuff happened 30ish years before Alan Wake, Alan never knew his father and when he was 7 was given the clicker by his Mom. The game is set in 2007ish and Alan is in his late 30s or 40. Maybe he isnt his father but a reincarnation of sorts but its hard to deny all the little info you hear all lines up as if he was Alans father or "reincarnation" but father sounds plausible enough. Zane was a writer, Alan was a writer. "The Old Gods call you Tom", implying you look like Tom and may be his offspring. But Cynthia Weaver also comments that you remind her of Tom. It's almost like being reunited with his mother after a long time, and she's shocked by how similar he has become to his father (her old love interest). The other big support for this is in the Alan Wake Files: the short story by Alan Wake describes a totally parallel event, where a son meets his long-gone dad. The dad had been planning to kill the son, but can't because he is shocked by how much the son resembles the mother, his old lover. There's plenty more there providing evidence of this.

        • 8 months ago

          >The game is set in 2007ish

          Game is set the same year it came out moron.

          >Zane was a writer

          a poet. there's a difference.

          >"The Old Gods call you Tom", implying you look like Tom and may be his offspring.

          None of this is implied. You're actually genuinely braindead employing schizo tier logic. There's nothing that can be drawn from this, could literally mean whatever.

          > But Cynthia Weaver also comments that you remind her of Tom.

          Doesn't mean it has anything to do with them being related. Zane was also a famous well known person of a creative profession.

          >The other big support for this is in the Alan Wake Files: the short story by Alan Wake describes a totally parallel event, where a son meets his long-gone dad.

          This is not a support, just an assumption and leap of logic. As valid as making an arbitrary connection to anything in the game to Night Springs.

  21. 8 months ago

    >don't have time
    it's less than 10 hours long. yes you do. frick off and go play it and stop peddling midwit reviewers

  22. 8 months ago

    I think they should have made a new horror IP with the aesthetics of Alan Wake. The story of Alan Wake sucks-ass as the game was in constant dev-hell.

    • 8 months ago

      With washed up pozzed studios, you have one of two options:
      >They make a sequel to a classic franchise, ruining it with their shit
      >They make an entirely new IP, where they are free to fill it with shit, it bombs
      What we need is more actual studios making games in paranormal or urban fantasy settings, instead of dragon and elves fantasyslop #85092

    • 8 months ago

      With washed up pozzed studios, you have one of two options:
      >They make a sequel to a classic franchise, ruining it with their shit
      >They make an entirely new IP, where they are free to fill it with shit, it bombs
      What we need is more actual studios making games in paranormal or urban fantasy settings, instead of dragon and elves fantasyslop #85092

      lol. can't wait for Alan Wake 2 to come out and end up being the best game this year. It'll hopefully be another case of Armoured Core 6 doomposting and then the game actually comes out, and the doomposters are purged.

      • 8 months ago

        >black foid mc
        highly improbable

  23. 8 months ago

    >Anybody else re-experiencing Alan Wake before the sequel comes out?
    why does this shit sound so homosexual like its from reddit

  24. 8 months ago

    i just read the wiki synopsis
    i know the game has shit gameplay

  25. 8 months ago

    Guys......It's not looking good

    • 8 months ago

      let's see how mentally ill this review will be. I remember seeing one of these from another dude for elden ring and even tho I was primed to hate elden ring the reviews was so shit that I couldn't even agree with him

    • 8 months ago


      Remedy games is shit now!?

      • 8 months ago

        quantum break and control were shite so yea they have been for a while

        • 8 months ago

          I liked them, especially Control

        • 8 months ago

          What about the Alan Wake remaster? I thought Ganker loved this series?!?

          • 8 months ago

            the remaster was just a standard low effort cash grab like all western devs do these days

            Control was good though.

            yea for an hour. combat gets old quick and the story was tiresome. also terrible performance when it came out and still bad on console

            • 8 months ago

              ya'll wild

              White people ain't never gonna make a good video game again.

              >Cyberflop 2077
              >Spider-Shit 2
              >Alan Woke 2

              when will this end?

              • 8 months ago

                please frick off with the false flag man, can we just not actually talk about the videogame for once instead of all this moronic culture war shit?

              • 8 months ago

                I mean I haven't even played Control and I own it.

                I haven't even played Alan Wake and I own every game in the series.

                But go on about how it's me who's false flagging.

        • 8 months ago

          Control was good though.

    • 8 months ago

      actually watched this. unbelievably stupid. but I unfortunately chuckled. you win.

  26. 8 months ago

    meme storyline, no one can truly create something from nothing and most likely just adjusted reality or 'wrote into reality' but actually just wrote events that would occur no matter if they wrote about it or not

  27. 8 months ago

    Will Alan get BLACKED in the sequel?

    • 8 months ago

      He'll just get Disney'd
      >John Alanwake encounters ghosts
      >Despite previous experiences with the supernatural, he falls to the floor screaming and pees his pants
      >Sheboona jumps in fearlessly and gets rid of the ghosts, cracking a capeshit line before helping a whimpering Alan get back up

  28. 8 months ago

    It’s not a good story. That’s why it took 15 years to write a sequel. It was always just shameless twin peaks worship and nothing more sadly. When I was a kid before I’d seen twin peaks I was fine

  29. 8 months ago

    I just hope Alan Wake 2 has a menu theme as good as this:

  30. 8 months ago

    Can someone explain the Town before retcon in Control. Alan is just a schizo. right?

  31. 8 months ago

    Buy an ad space, Black person.

  32. 8 months ago

    I have a soft spot for Remedy games even if they're not very good all things considered

  33. 8 months ago

    Would love to hear Joseph's opinion in an essay! His critiques are some of the most high brow in-depth retrospectives on Youtube.

  34. 8 months ago

    Idgaf, Alan Wake was a 2/10 game with a 6/10 story that had good vibes. Wish the town itself was explored more.

    Or better yet- that we actually got the game that PC Gamer showed, god knows they had a long enough dev time.

  35. 8 months ago

    >I've never actually played the game
    >watched a YouTube video essay

    Congratulations. It worked. I'm fricking mad.

  36. 8 months ago

    im not playing as a black woman

  37. 8 months ago

    >the town made him stupid

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