Anybody played the original? Will the remake be worth it?

Anybody played the original?
Will the remake be worth it?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Depends on population mostly. Finding a game's the hardest part of the original, you are way too reliant on discord shittery to even play, so if you can actually get matches with randos in the new one that'll be a big help.
    The hell's up witv "Princex"?

    • 4 months ago

      So mechanically alone the game was pretty good?

      the original discord questionnaire to get into beta of that game had not 2, not 3 but like 6 genders to choose from.

      Thanks for the trivia /misc/.

      • 4 months ago

        Mecanically it's barely changed from the orignal. Wich is probably good because the changes they did make were for the worse. Character customisation has been completely gutted, now you get premade characters and a three slot box where classics like "kingmaker" take up all three.

  2. 4 months ago

    the original discord questionnaire to get into beta of that game had not 2, not 3 but like 6 genders to choose from.

    • 4 months ago

      I played it, the setting, style and atmosphere was amazing for a card based game like this but the AI was braindead so there wasn't much fun in the overall game as I remember.

      I still have Armageddon Empires the other game by the dev but Solium Infernum seems to have vanished off the internet can't find it anywhere.

      The new game looks terrible by the way.

      Sounds about right for a modern game ugh

      • 4 months ago

        >The new game looks terrible by the way.
        Any reason other than
        >old good
        >new bad

        • 4 months ago

          Terrible art style
          Cluttered ui
          Anything new isn't an improvement over what was already there.

          What is this improving over the original? Not much from the looks of it. Then again it clear this isn't being marketed towards fans of the old games but another niche. Have fun if you want but this is not for me.

          • 4 months ago

            I mean it does have one improvement that it's actually an online game instead of PBEM.

  3. 4 months ago

    nah i'm good

  4. 4 months ago

    Unit art is neat. Never hear of the original. In a sudden mood to play Emperor of the Fading Suns.

  5. 4 months ago

    The devs cancelled their last early access game after less than 4 months of development, saying "oopsie, this isn't selling enough, so here's a last patch and have fun, we're out lol."

    Buy this if you really love getting scammed.

    • 4 months ago

      I mean they maintained Armello for a REALLY long time. My guess is that they overestimated their resources to develop two projects in parallel and canned the failed one. If anything it's better for the surviving project.

      The original was hella fun in multiplayer, so just for that reason alone the remake is worth it. Now that it's out hopefully some anons provide their opinions while my PC is being repaired.

      Terrible art style
      Cluttered ui
      Anything new isn't an improvement over what was already there.

      What is this improving over the original? Not much from the looks of it. Then again it clear this isn't being marketed towards fans of the old games but another niche. Have fun if you want but this is not for me.

      homie the original was made in fricking Adobe Director, criticizing remake for it's UI and art style of all things is an absolute joke. As long as the mechanics of the original are faithfully implemented (from my experience with the demo that is the case) and multiplayer works it's almost impossible for it to be worse than the original.

      • 4 months ago

        Shill elsewhere, c**t.

        • 4 months ago

          Do you even play strategy games?

  6. 4 months ago

    >40 dollars
    >Steam forums are hidden
    Uuuuuh don't they know MP focused niche titles NEED to have enough people playing at any given time?

    • 3 months ago

      forums are hidden
      To be honest, quit you cope digestion if you thinking that nowdays people take Steam forums (or any forum in general) seriously anymore.

  7. 4 months ago

    Anyone got the game and want to set up a multiplayer game for fun and shitposting?

  8. 4 months ago

    This will probably come as a surprise to absolutely nobody, but the AI is hopelessly incompetent. Despite doing basically nothing for half the game I ended up with almost 5 times as much prestige as the best AI player. Literally all you have to do against the AI is have a good early game where you capture, or at least secure, a couple of good sites. Once you have a lead on them they can't do shit against you. You can just sit down and farm tribute, the only way the AI could even slightly damage me was through challenging me to a duel because I had no good duelling demons, but since I was so far ahead in prestige I could just tell them to frick off and eat the prestige loss. They never press their advantage enough for it to become an actual challenge and they certainly don't cooperate against an obvious threat..

    • 3 months ago

      A shame, AI improvements were the one thing I was somewhat interested in about the remake.

    • 3 months ago

      Game is good, AI is bad, population is meh, getting into asynchronus games isn't hard, sessional games are very rare.

      Overall design good, Archfiend design is atrocious, UI is whatever, AI is very bad, too easy to beat. I like the theme but I can't see myself playing this game for long.

      Really disappointed to hear that the AI is shit. The game sounds neat, but who knows how many people will be playing this in six months or a year from now.

  9. 4 months ago

    The remake is now out so surely someone has an opinion. Good, bad, populated, dead?

    • 4 months ago

      personally I like it and Malacoda is my husband

    • 4 months ago

      It's good but as I mentioned above (

      This will probably come as a surprise to absolutely nobody, but the AI is hopelessly incompetent. Despite doing basically nothing for half the game I ended up with almost 5 times as much prestige as the best AI player. Literally all you have to do against the AI is have a good early game where you capture, or at least secure, a couple of good sites. Once you have a lead on them they can't do shit against you. You can just sit down and farm tribute, the only way the AI could even slightly damage me was through challenging me to a duel because I had no good duelling demons, but since I was so far ahead in prestige I could just tell them to frick off and eat the prestige loss. They never press their advantage enough for it to become an actual challenge and they certainly don't cooperate against an obvious threat..

      ) the AI is moronic so singleplayer isn't as much fun.

    • 4 months ago

      Game is good, AI is bad, population is meh, getting into asynchronus games isn't hard, sessional games are very rare.

  10. 4 months ago

    im surprised no one has made a connection to that fricking cartoon hazbin hotel for the remake

    • 4 months ago

      hazbin hotel demons meeting solium infernum demons would be a really funny bit actually

  11. 3 months ago

    >game actually comes out
    >all discussion stops
    That bad, huh?

    • 3 months ago

      Nah, it just looks like I'm the only guy on /vst/ playing it.

    • 3 months ago

      Just shows you the state of this board when actual strategy games don't get discussion over similationist autism bait

      Nah, it just looks like I'm the only guy on /vst/ playing it.

      My pc was broken for a while, now I'm going in too. Any tips?

  12. 3 months ago

    Overall design good, Archfiend design is atrocious, UI is whatever, AI is very bad, too easy to beat. I like the theme but I can't see myself playing this game for long.

    • 3 months ago

      >Archfiend design is atrocious
      It's weird how lame most of the 3D art is, considering how good the 2D art is. I'm also very disappointed that all the Legions and Praetors look identical on the 3D map, no matter what their 2D art looks like.

  13. 3 months ago

    Murmur seems kind of underpowered, tbh, very difficult start and I do not see a real use for his unique power.

  14. 3 months ago

    Post screenshots.

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