Anyone else feel like we're headed for a gaming crash?

At least on the western AAA end?
>diminishing returns on graphics
>despite that, publishers are sinking hundreds of millions into the budgets of games (spider-man 2 had a budget of $350m, 3x the budget of the original but that isn't evident at all to the average consumer, insomniac had an internal slide that even mentioned this)
>games with gargantuan budgets based on extremely well established IPs barely breaking even
>studios in a scenario like that still need to layoff people (insomniac)
>smaller AA studios to pad out a particular publisher's calendar practically don't exist anymore
>because of how long and how much games take to make, a single flop can sink an entire studio whereas you could pump out a few games in a few years during the sixth gen and hope for the best
Japanese and a few European publishers understand the need for mid-budget games but many of the big western publishers are hedging their bets on these frick-huge live service and prestige single-player games that are having a harder and harder time of making what they need to make. Where do we go from here?

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  1. 5 months ago
  2. 5 months ago

    Korea and China will lead the 2nd gaming renaissance, but it won't be until like 2026 given that GTA VI still needs to flop financially and screw the knife deeper in the AAA industry.

    • 5 months ago

      If that game struggles to outpace GTA V financially, it's unironically over, especially considering its rumored budget of $1b.

      • 5 months ago

        pretty much this
        for the westoid industry to survive, GTA6 needs to be a success
        if it flops in any way the crash will happen almost overnight

    • 5 months ago

      >Korea and China
      stopped reading here

    • 5 months ago

      >korea and china
      >the people who don't know how to make anything other than gacha or shitty mmo's, and even if they actually try to make a game that isn't just a shitty ripoff of a western product its usually the most poorly designed piece of shit you've played in a while

      • 5 months ago

        Look into how difficult it is for those countries to get signed off on releasing console games
        It's all a big gambit, the gacha and mobage rake in funds for bigger single player projects
        Even Nexon is starting to realize just how much potential there is in releasing proper games

        • 5 months ago

          What we're seeing now is the line between gacha mobage and regular vidya growing thinner and thinner

      • 5 months ago

        Western games had this phase too, with arcade. As much soul as the actual arcade was, the games were all blinking lights and empty marketing to sucker as much cash out as possible. The moment either of those countries' game industry show the slightest bit of innovation, they will steamroll the West. As for Japan they will just keep chugging along, they are the Ol' Reliable of vidya.

    • 5 months ago

      You mean Japan will

    • 5 months ago

      n.Korea and China are heading to a war with South Korea, Japan and the USA.

  3. 5 months ago

    nope just means AAA companies will make even worse games but the unwashed masses will still buy them because theyre trained

  4. 5 months ago

    It's only because AAA devs bloat their games. Games don't need "next-gen" graphics, outsourced writing teams, 100+ hours of recycled content and forced online features.

  5. 5 months ago

    Nope well just get AI generated product instead

  6. 5 months ago

    I hope so. If gaming dies I can finally off myself.

  7. 5 months ago

    There won't be a crash. At worst, these companies will have to downsize and sell IPs, maybe get gobbled up by the big dogs, but the idea they will just go belly up all at once is a fantasy.

  8. 5 months ago

    Elden Ring is the only comparable game to these big-budget Western AAA games, and to compare it to Spiderman 2 makes it almost seem like either Hollywood Accounting or explicit money laundering on the part of Sony. I can't tell if the Western AAA industry just doesn't understand how to use their resources or not.

    • 5 months ago

      Western AAA companies have so many layers of management that nothing but the lowest common denominator ideas get through the filter of morons.

    • 5 months ago

      God I wish someone hacks into From and we find out how much Elden Ring cost to develop. Would put a lot of these companies to shame.

      • 5 months ago

        Elden Ring according to the first google search result had a budget of $200M. A huge dip in the pot, but compared to Spiderman 2, at $375M, it's night and day what went into the game development side.

        Both of these cutscenes look objectively bad, and anyone who disagrees is lying to themselves.

        I couldn't even dream of giving an iota of a shit about the cutscenes. It's the gameplay.

        • 5 months ago

          >Elden Ring according to the first google search result had a budget of $200M. A huge dip in the pot, but compared to Spiderman 2, at $375M, it's night and day what went into the game development side.
          That site you got that figure from is some AI SEO slop that isn't even real. Battlefield 2042 did not have a budget of $2b, that'd make it the most expensive game of all-time which makes no sense. Elden Ring is probably $70m tops.

    • 5 months ago

      Both of these cutscenes look objectively bad, and anyone who disagrees is lying to themselves.

    • 5 months ago

      Tragic, Elden Ring was such a step back for Fromsoft and yet normalgays ate it up. I really hope they go back to making quality, focused games like DS1, Bloodborne and Sekiro and don't get influenced by the financial success of Elden Ring too much.

      • 5 months ago

        AC6 is game with literally nothing but menus between the missions I think they'll be fine doing whatever the frick they want

    • 5 months ago

      And then there's stuff like this that was made on a shoestring budget with some extra ramen as employee bonuses.

  9. 5 months ago
  10. 5 months ago

    they'll solve it by introducing artificial scarcity, pushing gay pass and cloud streaming so you'll own nothing and be happy. video games (and all entertainment really) is oversaturated as frick and if you aren't a normalgay who only buys cod every year you probably have a massive backlog of games thus will only buy future titles from an established IP you like or something that truly stands out, which gets harder and harder every year. reining in budgets and going AA won't work because you'll just make something that gets lost in a sea of indieshit and the AAAs of yesteryear hitting the bargain bin. zoomies are getting financially ass raped at every possible angle and can barely afford a couple AAA games a year much less multiple mid budget ones. future will be something akin to modern television where they'll subscribe to a streaming service which streams games to their financed iphones.
    oh yeah zoomers won't own or even finance TVs, those will be too big for the pods

  11. 5 months ago

    Idiotic fans of Japanese games don't realize that an industry crash would harm Japanese game output and studios more than it would the West. They'd play it safe following a crash and make the most boring, by the numbers games.

    • 5 months ago

      They're playing it fairly safe already and in the instances they aren't, they're not putting all the eggs in the 'game HAS to be a mega success' basket. See: most of Square-Enix's output last year.

    • 5 months ago

      idiotic westoids that only get their news from ecelebs don't realize japan has been "playing it safe" ever since snoy betrayed them and almost caused a crash on the jp vidya industry
      they already managed to adjust to modern engines like unreal and unity without inflating the budgets, and we have seen multiple years now with JRPG releases with almost AAA graphix and polish but running off light AA budgets at most

  12. 5 months ago

    I fricking wish, man.
    I fricking wish.

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