Anyone ever play Amazing Cultivation Simulator? It looks like it might be a fun way to waste a couple months.

Anyone ever play Amazing Cultivation Simulator? It looks like it might be a fun way to waste a couple months. Is it as insane as Sseth makes it seem?

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  1. 2 years ago

    We had a regular thread here for awhile. Eventually we all moved on. It's pretty good if slightly jank. It's fricking long too. I have hundreds of hours and still never got to the 'end'.

    And yes it's as insane as Sseth said. It's a cultivation game and as such is full of traps and pitfalls. Meta knowledge is everything, learning how to manipulate the systems is half the game.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like it'll be fun to dig into if I can figure out how the hell anything actually functions. I've been looking into it a little and I'm pretty overwhelmed.

      • 2 years ago

        That's completely normal, the mechanics are a torrent of convoluted bullshit. Perfectly inline with cultivation stories. Of note if you've read any of those you'll understand things a bit more easily. There's not really a set bunch of rules every story follows but the concepts are always roughly similar. Cultivation tiers, breakthroughs, eating rare animals to steal their power, so on. The game reflects that somewhat with the three different cultivation methods.

        Anyway, the wiki is somewhat fleshed out these days and the troonycord is a good source of knowledge with links to guides (there's a lot of guides).

      • 2 years ago

        Oh yeah, mods.

        There are must have mods if you want to remain sane. They don't really change things, they're needed quality of life, but some you would call cheats.

        Show Law Stats
        SkillLevelInRecruitment (the actual number the game uses)
        OneClickFavor (listing twice because it's that important to avoid the fricking social game)
        GreatPainter (this one is a blatant cheat, but the 100% for refining is a sanity saver)
        Body Equalizer (for ungimped female body cultists at the expense of the joy of being able to make super penises, wish it just added clit remoulding)
        Temp Control (a cheat but there's no automated way to regulate temperature so you'll constantly be fricking with heating and cooling otherwise)
        MODModifier (basically a cheat edit window, but also important for fixing things when something breaks; also a nightmare to actually use)
        Daemonia Wonder Fix
        Ancient Formation Condition Fix

        And for when you get the mini universe:
        Mini-Universe auto-acquire
        Custom Mini-Universe

        The other mods listed there are pretty good too but I don't consider them as important.

        • 2 years ago

          Great stuff. Will check it out. Thanks anon

        • 2 years ago

          >Ancient Formation Condition Fix
          This will make things harder due to the added conditions|their proper implementation. If utilizing the proper Law Element is causing issues, nothing will break when you remove it mid-save. Same goes for adding it in the middle of a run.

          So that's why I was randomly getting evil rep, it was using inners to hunt. In any case it's still pretty important since I've thought about how to use provocations more intentionally but the issue of rep snowball always concerned me.

          The Inner gets condemnation, which is going to be a pain with Tribulations. And a clarification about the Rep/Levels, after some digging, the actual ranges were brought up:

          The page on Invaders has more details, but that particular table should be enough to clear up who you'll be facing at which Reputation amounts.

          >Try to persuade the opponent to join your side by communicating to them using spirituality. The higher your Attainment, and the greater the difference between your and your opponent's State and Perception, the easier it is to succeed. Reverse control may occur if the difference is too large. Target with Cultivation experience must be unconscious. Can only be used once on each target.
          You get it at core shaping with the Taiyi water law. I was thinking about using it to recruit lots of trash cultivators to then put into whatever suicidal tasks I can think of, such as reputation burning.

          IoC advantage is the lack of negative effects on the caster, compared to other conversion Miracles.
          It's also useful for converting Mortals (that includes Animals).
          As a source of trash cultivators, sure, go for it. But since you're limited by the amount of disciples, getting pure trash might not be ideal.
          On higher difficulty levels (Trib IX), it can be a source of OP cultivators. The AI specific modifiers don't get cleared on conversion, so they remain with their buffs. As long as you don't take them through Rebirths, they will remain stronger than usual.

          • 2 years ago

            >Sect branches
            Don't mix up Sect Branches (function unlocked at 2K rep) and Agencies (or Branch Sects, unlocked after a certain event). Agencies are the ones where you can recruit shitters at a massive scale. There's even mods to "automate" the process:
            Depending on your style of play, either one can come first. With playing passively, Agencies can come first when avoiding Rep. And when blitzing to 2K, you can have Branches already utilized when the event unlocking Mt. South happens.
            >punitive force scaling
            None that I can think of. So here:
            Whenever the Event "Fire of Anger" (ID 10022) is triggered (which happens whenever Relations are further decreased), there's a check in the XiaWorld.SchoolMgr.AddSchoolRelation function that adds an Event when Relations are low enough.
            >if Relations Below -1000
            Event ID 10021, Assault (X has sent experienced Elders of the sect to take revenge.). Factor of 9.
            >if Relations Below -500
            Event ID 10020, Assault (X has sent Senior Disciples to take revenge.). Factor of 6.
            >if Relations Below -200
            Event ID 10019, Assault (X has sent a group of Elite Disciples to take revenge.). Factor of 3.
            The Events will take place between 660 and 1140 seconds after Fire of Anger has been triggered. All Events have an Attack Time of 1200.
            The factor with the events is used to add to the current Enemy Strength Level value. An example. If you had 1K Rep (strength Level 5) and Relations at -300, then further decrease of Relations would spawn enemies with a Strength Level of 5+3=8.
            I wouldn't consider it completely separate from Reputation. While the situation you described is a common possibility, the reverse (getting low level enemies while at high Rep) won't happen.

            Hey man, you're a welcome face back in these threads.

    • 2 years ago

      ACS has some good ideas and some interesting ideas, but it's too autistic about Chinese shit to be worth playing for a long time. I think it'd be better to take the good stuff out of ACS and mod it into Rimworld.

      • 2 years ago

        I think it'd be better to take the good stuff out of Rimworld and mod it into ACS.

  2. 2 years ago

    i had so much fun, played it for 450 hours then i had nothing left to do as i min maxed everything and beat everything
    it was a fun ride, but after 450 i burned out

    • 2 years ago

      Can I enjoy this if I know nothing about Wuxia?

      Did you finish the storyline? Sseth made it seem to be outright impossible (since it's a massive grind and key characters can die of old age)

      • 2 years ago

        Yes you can. As long as you enjoy the batshit esoteric Chinese logic of it. I'm fairly sure most western players had no clue what wuxia was before they found the game.

      • 2 years ago

        >Did you finish the storyline
        No, frick that shit kek

      • 2 years ago

        >Can I enjoy this if I know nothing about Wuxia
        Yeah, i first learned about wuxia from this game in the first place and had tons of fun

      • 2 years ago

        If you use OneClickFavor finishing the story is a lot less grindy. There's some RNG involved in whether someone important dies, it's possible to do it legit if you're efficient about it. You can fix dead people with MODModifier too (with great difficulty because it's so confusing to use) so it's not a permanent issue with cheats.

        Honestly you'll want to use a guide for the story. There's mechanics the game hides from you and are only used once if want the true ending. Fricking Yin Lian.

      • 2 years ago

        The social game is not difficult and the "grind" doesnt really take much time in the ingame world. Just A LOT of tedious clicking. The only major hurdle are the characters with withdrawn personality, because it takes a while for the doggo to recover the stats after each use of "act playful"

        >Get a character with at least 80 social score. You need to be able to ask npcs at 60 favor about other NPCs weaknesses, and to ask NPCs at 100 favor about other NPCs mysteries
        >Visit each sect, get everyone (except withdrawn homosexuals) to 100 favor
        >Ask each NPC about other NPCs mysteries
        >Once an NPCs mystery is revealed, get them to 100 favor and talk with them about it to get a clue. Use the doggo if the NPC is withdrawn personality
        >Repeat for every NPC that has a mystery
        >Go to the secrets tab and assemble those clues to unlock the mysteries

        • 2 years ago

          Withdrawn is RNG though. You may get a few, you may get every second person. Also you won't get 100% story with those tactics. Yin Lian a b***h.

          • 2 years ago

            >Withdrawn is RNG though.
            Ask around maybe someone has a seed laying around without a withdrawn trait on key characters.

      • 2 years ago

        >Can I enjoy this if I know nothing about Wuxia?
        You will enjoy it MORE that way because you get to learn all this insane shit out of context

        • 2 years ago

          Wut insane shit.
          Nothing you fight is out of the ordinary, 99% of the upgrades in trees are passives, changing the weather or changing moods with most laws having more or less the same shit but affecting different stats, the building is just very basic shit but with less flexibility than in comparable games because of feng shui with next to not noteably magical buildings, its probably the single most mundane and tame cultivation based game I've ever played. Even the combat is mostly just watching blocks of stats sit vaguely near each other not being affected by anything until they just die.
          Pretty much the only thing it has that's note worthy on any level at all is sentient furniture.

          • 2 years ago

            Ok mister wuxia expert
            For those of us who like to have fun it's better to not know anything going in that way you get to learn all this insane shit out of context 🙂

            • 2 years ago

              Again, what insane shit? Trying to demean me is not an answer. You are highly misleading the guy by saying there's anything insane in this game.

    • 2 years ago

      Ok not for me

  3. 2 years ago

    Does it have rape?

    • 2 years ago

      hey changs, does your fricking game have rape or not? What’s the point of giving your pigman a giant wiener if he can’t use it to rape?

      • 2 years ago

        No sex or romance at all as far as I know. Everyone's too busy autistically trying to consume substances and achieve enlightenment. The game only superficially resembles rimworld.

  4. 2 years ago

    You can intentionally reduce reputation by sending inner disciples to fail encounters?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, but it's not that needed unless you've really gone nuts building rep. Up to 500 you actually want rep because that unlocks the last of your buildings (although you will start seeing cultivators attacking you then). 2000 is the last unlock.

      That reminds me too, a note about chink cultivator morality you might not grasp. Cultivators (Inners) don't kill non-cultivator things, even ones that attack your base. Only mortals should kill mortals or it's bad sect rep for you, if you're watching that. This doesn't count for your pet by the way, it's an animal, it can maul who it wants.

      • 2 years ago

        So that's why I was randomly getting evil rep, it was using inners to hunt. In any case it's still pretty important since I've thought about how to use provocations more intentionally but the issue of rep snowball always concerned me.

  5. 2 years ago

    Oh shit, there's an actual ACS thread back up? I'm the guy who used to make all the threads last year, stopped playing in November from a mix of getting busy playing other things and burnout. Was just about to finally go back to the game now and checked for new threads just in case and lo & behold there's actually one. Maybe this is a sign.

    I'll grab the info from the old threads and post it here, might as well.

    • 2 years ago

      based. thx for posting that stuff again. Loved this game, but never got super deep into it. Time to boot it back up again

    • 2 years ago

      >One thousand one hundred seventy-one point one hours
      This truly was an Amazing Cultivation Simulator 1-210-ENG-CHI-GNU-Linux-Wine-johncena141-tt5008380

    • 2 years ago

      Alright anons give it to me straight, is this game better than Rimworld with Vanilla Extended installed? I don't feel like wasting money if it isn't yet

      • 2 years ago

        It's nothing like Rimworld. But I like it more than Rimworld.

        • 2 years ago

          Wait really? I thought they were the same genre

          • 2 years ago

            I thought the same thing during my first hour of playing. But it really isn't.

          • 2 years ago

            It's Rimworld for the first two hours. Then it's all about poking around layers upon layers of autistic systems trying to divine the autistic logic governing them.

      • 2 years ago

        Wait really? I thought they were the same genre

        Want me to link you to Hey Hey man's video on this game? Because they are only similar on the surface level and are vastly different beyond that. They also appeal to different tastes and I'm not so you so I can't speak for you.

      • 2 years ago

        >is this game better than Rimworld
        yes, because rimworld sucks and tynan is a hack
        i dunno about mods

      • 2 years ago

        >vanilla expanded

      • 2 years ago

        >is this game better than Rimworld with Vanilla Extended installed?
        what shape are your eyelids?

  6. 2 years ago

    >I'm new and don't have any idea what I'm doing!
    Don't worry, we were all there. A few things to keep in mind:

    1. Take a large map, it's 100% worth it in the long run.
    2. Don't start with any beastmen (Yaougai) in your first game, they have to face a tribulation after a while and you're going to have no idea how to prepare for it in time.
    3. Don't make a bedroom out of fire materials for your fire cultivator, you don't want to be pic related. Wood feeds fire, so build a specific cultivation room out of wood and send your fire cultivator there instead of his bedroom.

    >What the hell should I prioritise for my starting main character?
    If you want to roll for something really good for a new player, aim to get 5 (or higher) Per / Con / Cha / Int, with 6 or higher luck and 10/20 qi sense or higher. If you want something really good, aim for decently high Social skill and qi sense as high as 15/20.
    Start with True Sun Refining Law and at least 1 other disciple who has great crafting and building skills, feel free to invest the rest of your perk points into whatever you like such as extra building materials, some perks will increase one stat on your main disciple by 2 so feel free to hit the stat minimums using one or two of these if you like. Don't worry about finding perfection.

    >What should be my progression goal?
    First goal: Get a tier 1 golden core, or at least a core good enough to let you have 150,000+ qi when they are in the Primordial Spirit realm, use them to grab useful resources and medicines from the world map.
    Second goal: Using your first cultivator, cast the stat remoulding miracles on your best outer disciples (use Soul Infection on them first for better results!) and learn weather miracles so they have an easier time breaking through.
    Third goal: Get the advanced laws from "manifesting mandate" secret events, train bigger and better cultivators, until your army won't fold like a cheap card table when faced with any of the game's formidable threats.

    • 2 years ago

      Useful guides and info:
      (lots of tabs at the bottom)
      Sseth's recommended guides, beware some (especially the basic guides) are badly out of date:

      Highly recommended mods to start with, especially the first four:

      • 2 years ago

        Well since Yang Kai just became the Void Great Emperor I may as well start ACS up

    • 2 years ago

      Useful guides and info:
      (lots of tabs at the bottom)
      Sseth's recommended guides, beware some (especially the basic guides) are badly out of date:

      Highly recommended mods to start with, especially the first four:

      solid advice anon

  7. 2 years ago

    How useful is Incantation of Consonance? Do I need some PS uber-cultivator to be able to use it on GCs? How bad is the risk of "reverse control" and does it refer simply to failing the attempt or straight up losing my cultivator and them turning hostile? Also how do you knock cultivators unconscious instead of killing them anyway?

    • 2 years ago

      >Incantation of Consonance
      What's that? Could you take a pic to refresh my memory?
      >Also how do you knock cultivators unconscious instead of killing them anyway?
      Just don't hit them too hard I think, but god it's been so long that I don't remember. I'm so rusty it's ridiculous.

      • 2 years ago

        >Try to persuade the opponent to join your side by communicating to them using spirituality. The higher your Attainment, and the greater the difference between your and your opponent's State and Perception, the easier it is to succeed. Reverse control may occur if the difference is too large. Target with Cultivation experience must be unconscious. Can only be used once on each target.
        You get it at core shaping with the Taiyi water law. I was thinking about using it to recruit lots of trash cultivators to then put into whatever suicidal tasks I can think of, such as reputation burning.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't think I ever used it back in the day, which prob means it's shit.
          Why not just mass produce some shitters from recruiting at your branch sects? Not difficult?

          • 2 years ago

            Sect branches technically come quite a bit later than IoC, and I'm interested in ways to optimize a war economy in particular.

            >Ancient Formation Condition Fix
            This will make things harder due to the added conditions|their proper implementation. If utilizing the proper Law Element is causing issues, nothing will break when you remove it mid-save. Same goes for adding it in the middle of a run.
            The Inner gets condemnation, which is going to be a pain with Tribulations. And a clarification about the Rep/Levels, after some digging, the actual ranges were brought up:
            The page on Invaders has more details, but that particular table should be enough to clear up who you'll be facing at which Reputation amounts.
            IoC advantage is the lack of negative effects on the caster, compared to other conversion Miracles.
            It's also useful for converting Mortals (that includes Animals).
            As a source of trash cultivators, sure, go for it. But since you're limited by the amount of disciples, getting pure trash might not be ideal.
            On higher difficulty levels (Trib IX), it can be a source of OP cultivators. The AI specific modifiers don't get cleared on conversion, so they remain with their buffs. As long as you don't take them through Rebirths, they will remain stronger than usual.

            Do you know if there is an explanation of punitive force scaling anywhere? I noticed that it works completely separately from Reputation and that pissing off the same sect repeatedly can even get you GC attackers even when you only have a few hundred rep.

            • 2 years ago

              >Sect branches
              Don't mix up Sect Branches (function unlocked at 2K rep) and Agencies (or Branch Sects, unlocked after a certain event). Agencies are the ones where you can recruit shitters at a massive scale. There's even mods to "automate" the process:
              Depending on your style of play, either one can come first. With playing passively, Agencies can come first when avoiding Rep. And when blitzing to 2K, you can have Branches already utilized when the event unlocking Mt. South happens.
              >punitive force scaling
              None that I can think of. So here:
              Whenever the Event "Fire of Anger" (ID 10022) is triggered (which happens whenever Relations are further decreased), there's a check in the XiaWorld.SchoolMgr.AddSchoolRelation function that adds an Event when Relations are low enough.
              >if Relations Below -1000
              Event ID 10021, Assault (X has sent experienced Elders of the sect to take revenge.). Factor of 9.
              >if Relations Below -500
              Event ID 10020, Assault (X has sent Senior Disciples to take revenge.). Factor of 6.
              >if Relations Below -200
              Event ID 10019, Assault (X has sent a group of Elite Disciples to take revenge.). Factor of 3.
              The Events will take place between 660 and 1140 seconds after Fire of Anger has been triggered. All Events have an Attack Time of 1200.
              The factor with the events is used to add to the current Enemy Strength Level value. An example. If you had 1K Rep (strength Level 5) and Relations at -300, then further decrease of Relations would spawn enemies with a Strength Level of 5+3=8.
              I wouldn't consider it completely separate from Reputation. While the situation you described is a common possibility, the reverse (getting low level enemies while at high Rep) won't happen.

              • 2 years ago

                >that revenge scaling speed
                No wonder that shit gets out of hand so quickly. Aggressive events can cause like -200 relationship at a time iirc

              • 2 years ago

                Around that amount, yes. Visiting when in the opposite alignment, past GC and succeeding Ignore will does have an event where you get -200. Failing that particular one will "only" give -100. Others exist where it's -50, -150, and so on. A downward spiral indeed, just like Reputation.

                What should I look for in a mook to go establish a new branch sect?

                >Branch Sect
                Agencies you mean? The wiki page on the topic has a hint, on the Stats and Skills recommended for an Abbot:

                ACS has some good ideas and some interesting ideas, but it's too autistic about Chinese shit to be worth playing for a long time. I think it'd be better to take the good stuff out of ACS and mod it into Rimworld.

                I think it'd be better to take the good stuff out of Rimworld and mod it into ACS.

                ACS<>RW would be a hard transfer in either direction. Both have issues on the technical side, making the preferred direction completely subjective. The gameplay being different doesn't help.
                Due to the technical similarities (Unity), it's definitely possible. Harmony is already being used in ACS, both as a stand-alone assembly and as a part of ModLoaderLite (MLL).
                Just one issue:
                Porting over the content requires you to understand both how it was originally implemented as well as how to "translate" it over. And on the topic, some mods not on the workshop.
                >Ancient Caskets no longer require you to select someone to open it:
                >Strange Mushroom as a rare drop from regular Mushrooms (similar to Ginseng and Lingzhi):
                >Additional Shendao stage for Arrogant obsession Farming:
                >Wudang Translation, adds the Duck to English Version:
                >Sub-Spirit Shield Attachment Fix (Vanilla attachments with Shield have no effect currently)
                Also, minimal layouts for Lv1 Pillars.

              • 2 years ago

                >Ancient Caskets
                What good shit do they drop? I have 4 in my stockpile from last year which makes me think I was saving them for something, but I've no clue what now.

              • 2 years ago

                Wiki has a list:
                The two Laws? Maybe Relics? Or Manuals?
                Since the opening has no relation to the NPC who opened the chest, there's no reason to hold off on opening them. Unless of course you plan on reloading for the ideal result, whatever that may be.
                That's also why the mod was made, having to select a random person (who has no influence on the result) each time got annoying.

              • 2 years ago

                Wiki has a list:
                The two Laws? Maybe Relics? Or Manuals?
                Since the opening has no relation to the NPC who opened the chest, there's no reason to hold off on opening them. Unless of course you plan on reloading for the ideal result, whatever that may be.
                That's also why the mod was made, having to select a random person (who has no influence on the result) each time got annoying.

                Perhaps I'm missing something, but I'm not sure how you're expected to keep a full set of agencies fed on Trib IX difficulty at 40 Wheat per, especially when the achievement wants you to do all of this in 3 years.
                Seems unrealistic.

              • 2 years ago

                Trib IX is one thing.
                Trib IX with all Achievements by Day X is another. So is Trib (Whatever) where you only focus on that particular constraint.
                That particular Achievement only requires the related Constraints. Anything else is just making it harder on yourself for no reason. Practical reason that is.
                And the best part about it?
                You can do a dedicated run for only that Achievement. No additional Constraints to getting Agencies up and running. Start on a Canyon Map for early Shendao, Full Reincarnator (vanilla, not custom ones) start. Focus on only the Agencies. If it doesn't help with them, ignore it.
                And if you are not favored by RNG, you can miss the achievement. If the Events don't spawn, or spawn in unwanted locations, nothing you can do about that.

  8. 2 years ago

    hell yeah boy ACS threads are back alive
    thanks OP

  9. 2 years ago

    What should I look for in a mook to go establish a new branch sect?

    • 2 years ago

      Also, is there any essence with an increased chance of getting Ancestral Throwback, or is it pure luck?

      • 2 years ago

        Luck, essence rarity, and your skill/organ quality is pretty much it I think. Using immortal essence instead of no/common essence should help at least.

  10. 2 years ago

    >looks like it might be a fun
    And "looks" is the correct word to describe it

    • 2 years ago

      "is" is also correct, because it is fun.

  11. 2 years ago

    no, i don't want to install chinese games because
    1 taxes give money to ccp and they are running concentration camps with organ harvesting.
    2 who knows what chinese companies install on your system?
    3 the game looks confusing as all hell in videos.

    • 2 years ago

      Why are you even trying to justify your purchasing decisions to us if you find 1 and 2 to be important?
      As for 3, yeah the learning curve is something of a cliff but it's hella fun once you begin to get the hang of it. An advantage of Chinese games is they're not trying to follow any sort of cookie cutter western way of making games so you'll get an experience you're unlikely to see elsewhere.

      • 2 years ago

        sieg heil brother

        • 2 years ago

          I'd probably care if it wasn't Muslims in the camps.

          • 2 years ago

            like i always say, anyone that believes that china only put muslims in their camps is a god damn moron

            • 2 years ago

              It'd probably also help if I still had the ability to give fricks. I'm tired, man.

              • 2 years ago

                i know that feeling, we have a literal second nazi empire and media doesn't cover it. we even hosted the olympics in it. and they keep talking about how we should use paper straws to reduce pollution while china pollutes more than usa, europe and india combined. the absolute best thing we could do for the planet is to pull out production from china but nobody talks about it. it's very god damn tiring but at least i can point out that there are chinese concentration camps with forced sterilization, torture and organ harvesting. and they lie about everything, as can be easily proven simply by looking at their covid deaths curve. after that i don't know why anybody would believe any number coming out of china, they are literally north korea but with money.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, believe me man I know, I've just given up trying to get anybody of importance to care. I generally do my best to avoid buying Chinese shit, but I made an exception for this game because it's fun.
                Here's a vid you've maybe not seen yet, perhaps you can get more people to see it.

    • 2 years ago

      >1 taxes give money to ccp and they are running concentration camps with organ harvesting.
      >2 who knows what chinese companies install on your system?
      I bet you use discord.

    • 2 years ago

      your dum

  12. 2 years ago


    >this is not a government we should give money to because we want to play a fricking game.
    Having this game keeps me going until tomorrow, which indirectly helps as I'm alive tomorrow to talk about China's BS.
    Just stop man, I know, but I'm not going to hardline stance above all else.

    • 2 years ago

      pirate it if you're that weak. don't buy it. you'll get a better experience with pirated games anyway and the cracker probably removed any embedded ccp spyware.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm an achievement prostitute and I never ever pirate.
        Anyway, in recognition of your inability to know when to drop a topic and because you keep pestering me about this, I'm going to buy a friend the game when the Steam summer sale comes around and fund them more, as a lesson to you if nothing else to know when to quit.
        Best of luck with the crusade you claim you're not on.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            If you want to persuade somebody of something or to do something, remember in future that gentle persuasion is the key. Being forceful gets you the opposite results.

  13. 2 years ago

    How do I tell how much True Qi regeneration my body cultivator has and how many more bones I could get away with tempering before I end up with a deficit? I'd like to not find out the hard way.

    • 2 years ago

      Also, when the achievements say to suppress the flood dragon cavern that appears on day 30, does it want me to do it "until" day 200, or "for" 200 days (day 230)?

    • 2 years ago

      It's semi-hidden in a bunch of stats on one of those fricking character tabs. Been too long since I played to remember which exactly. Health maybe? Just poke around. It's not in the body cult UI, it's in the list of stats every character has.

      Also, when the achievements say to suppress the flood dragon cavern that appears on day 30, does it want me to do it "until" day 200, or "for" 200 days (day 230)?

      For 200, so it'll be day 230 or so.

  14. 2 years ago


    Yeah mate, and your tax money more than likely supported genocides in turkey and Central Asia

  15. 2 years ago

    >Going for a mellow Trib IV run
    >Day 30, its finally time to get the doggo!
    >Some random wolf starts attacking some wall a minute after i got the doggo
    >Send the doggo to kill it. Its a fricking regular wolf against a spirit pet with qi and shit, what could go wrong?
    >Doggo dies because he only had 100qi accumulated and apparently a wolf can chew through that no problem

    • 2 years ago

      Also, same run but like a day or two later
      >Some random attackers appear
      >Send some nearby outers to take em out
      >This time one of the enemies somehow manage to instakill one of my outers
      >2 Deep cuts to torso => destroyed
      >The "no deaths" achievement is ruined, delete the save

      • 2 years ago

        >Not backing up your save constantly

      • 2 years ago

        Why you always send the pet or if you don't have one yet, equip everyone with bows.

        ACS has some good ideas and some interesting ideas, but it's too autistic about Chinese shit to be worth playing for a long time. I think it'd be better to take the good stuff out of ACS and mod it into Rimworld.

        It wouldn't be cultivation if it wasn't autistic.

  16. 2 years ago

    Oh man, I've underestimated how annoying it is to get 999 tempered bones. I've done 100% of my rare labels and only have tempering left to do, but it's taking ages and tons of essences.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you at least have a gigantic ginkgo farm?

      • 2 years ago

        You'll have to remind me what that is, it's been a while.

        • 2 years ago

          Ginkgo trees, which produce ginkgo fruit, which grant Innate Life Essence at very high rates. Having lots of said fruit gets rid of any need to breathe for that essence, and the other eatables are rarer iirc.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you at least have a gigantic ginkgo farm?

      Ginkgo trees, which produce ginkgo fruit, which grant Innate Life Essence at very high rates. Having lots of said fruit gets rid of any need to breathe for that essence, and the other eatables are rarer iirc.

      I finally remembered that you get intrinsic life essence from soil essence powder, well that solves my troubles easily enough.

  17. 2 years ago

    A bit off topic but do you guys have recommendation for other GOOD cultivation games?
    Or maybe just Wuxia in general. I've been browsing for a bit for the steam sales and everything seems in forever-early-access

  18. 2 years ago

    so I want to make a srt of auto-attack / builder game in the "cultivation" style.
    someone tell me all the shit the game needs to have in it

    • 2 years ago

      Could you give me a more in depth description of what you want please?

  19. 2 years ago

    i want my 7 killer sword chad to rape b***hes

  20. 2 years ago

    After 18 billion years I finally finished remoulding all the things I wanted to do on my Body Cultivator, and finally found out how much over my true qi regen I am.
    I'm at around -400 true qi per second. Frick.

    I can see about eating water origins for innate water (unless there's something better?) but what should I put the labels on for the best effect? What would give me the most room to put said labels on? Considering I need like 11 unused parts tempered with this shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >what should I put the labels on for the best effect? What would give me the most room to put said labels on? Considering I need like 11 unused parts tempered with this shit.
      I should probably mention this is Unity Body running Eagle Bear combined form.

  21. 2 years ago

    Any news about 2?

  22. 2 years ago

    Only 8 months or so overdue.

    • 2 years ago

      So, did you just cheese it with a body cultivator, or actually managed to get a strong enough xiandao in time?

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not sure you can call a body cultivator "Cheese", but I used one. I went all in on Xiandao and Shendao in my first and didn't touch body cultivators so I'd still have something new to try in my second playthrough.
        Conclusion I've come to: body cultivators fricking suck beyond their ability to punch hard and I wish I was still using Xiandao and Shendao cultivators for everything. She keeps eating all my food and she's completely fricking useless for shit like breaking every body part and getting the forbidden scale because she's only good for 50 seconds (can furious berserk duration be lengthened?) and that's not enough time to unlock the scale in.

        • 2 years ago

          You can double that length of time at least. And shit, a fully built body cultist should be able to rip apart every limb. OP is an understatement. Helpful guide with the laws and thought shards and shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >You can double that length of time at least.
            With Demonic Pattern? Can I have that on any bone or does it only count for ones in secret bodies I'm using?

            >And shit, a fully built body cultist should be able to rip apart every limb. OP is an understatement.
            Honestly feels underwhelming, I'm not entirely sure why. If I'm using an attack body part that has a bunch of Cloudburst bones for Qi regeneration will that lower my damage dealt as it's using that half the time, or would it not matter? If it doesn't matter, then I'm too used to having OP like pic (who I later got to 100m qi) and prior pic related that it genuinely feels very underwhelming compared to what I've kept hearing about them.

            >Helpful guide with the laws and thought shards and shit.
            Been following it, I have better than the starter guide and I'm still pissed at it / stopped playing for months in part because it had me train my body cultivator incorrectly (as a joke), which took a load more time to unfrick and generally fix up.

            • 2 years ago

              There's thought shards that boost the timer too for furries. And yes it works without being used. The Qi I'm less sure about, I can't remember it's been too long. It's easy enough to test anyway. I do have my old, rough notes from when I got my dragon kill achievements and beyond.

              Innate Fire
              Flood Dragon

              Innate Fire

              Innate Earth

              Innate Earth
              Flood Dragon



          • 2 years ago

            There's thought shards that boost the timer too for furries. And yes it works without being used. The Qi I'm less sure about, I can't remember it's been too long. It's easy enough to test anyway. I do have my old, rough notes from when I got my dragon kill achievements and beyond.

            Innate Fire
            Flood Dragon

            Innate Fire

            Innate Earth

            Innate Earth
            Flood Dragon



            Got around to retrying the fight and also taking a pic of their secret body.
            The dragon refuses to cast rain again, makes it impossible to get the forbidden scale to show up, and my body cultivator dies of hunger waiting for anything of value to happen.
            I dunno, man.

            • 2 years ago

              Are you dispelling the current rain storm?

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah obviously.

  23. 2 years ago

    >Invader appears
    >A bunch of my inners engage them in combat
    >Invader suddenly flies across the entire map, kills an outer, then flies back

    Why does this happen every single time?

  24. 2 years ago



    • 2 years ago

      >Okay so I'll pick your Mini-Universe instead then

  25. 2 years ago

    Anyone got a design for an alchemy room that isn't overly elaborate and expensive? It's time for me to finally stop being lazy and build one.

  26. 2 years ago

    should i get this or rimworld? never played either but the concept of this game interests me way more. seems extremely complex though

    • 2 years ago

      ACS is complex but only as you're first learning it, 'It Just Works'(tm) after that.

    • 2 years ago

      Rimworld is a lot more coherent. Things kinda make sense and the game's systems interact with each other well enough.
      ACS is a fricking mess, with many systems just jankily strapped together. And they also often make zero sense whatsoever for someone unfamiliar with xianxia or chinese mythology, or even no sense at all. You will spend a lot more time just discovering and trying to make sense of those systems in ACS compared to Rimworld. ACS is far less balanced and has some very tedious parts like the social minigame, or just waiting for hours for characters to accumulate experience because you havent learned the tricks/exploits to massively speed that process up.
      ACS is a lot more sandboxy, its main part of "fun" is in raising your characters, finding all kinds of systems and tricks to power them up to insane levels. Beyond earlygame there will be no major threats to put you under any pressure (unless you play hardmode), you can play at your own pace and take on the challenges (like the bosses) whenever you feel like it.
      Rimworld is a much more traditional colony simulation game where your goals it to build up your colony and ensure characters survival, comfort and safety against attackers.

  27. 2 years ago

    what are the differences between the physical cultivation paths?

    • 2 years ago

      Unity and Yaougai body are sronk, Oblivion is underwhelming, the other one exists.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm still confused as to what the differences are. Is it just advancement, like the Shendao cultivation laws?

      • 2 years ago

        I'm still confused as to what the differences are. Is it just advancement, like the Shendao cultivation laws?

        Xiandao I mean. Fricking similar ass names

        • 2 years ago

          You get different sets of secret bodies

          • 2 years ago


  28. 2 years ago

    I've finally decided to buy this shit. I played a ton of it on a cracked version a few years ago, but I figure these based chinks deserve a little bit of money, plus the DLCs look good. If any anons want to enhance your cultivation experience with some movies, I found

    Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain (1983)
    Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
    White Snake (2019)
    Mo Dao Zu Shi (the animated show)

    to be pretty good. Anyone know any other chinese mythological kinos aside from these?

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks friend

    • 2 years ago

      For comics the 2 best cultivation series I've found are tales of demons and gods, and apotheosis ascension to godhood.

      • 2 years ago

        All the chink cultivation ones I've run across are some dogshit adaptation of a power fantasy webnovel with deviantart tier art. Only exceptions were Song of the Sky Pacers, which actually has gorgeous drawings, and Heresy, rare for being actually paneled as opposed to the webtoon format.

        I've finally decided to buy this shit. I played a ton of it on a cracked version a few years ago, but I figure these based chinks deserve a little bit of money, plus the DLCs look good. If any anons want to enhance your cultivation experience with some movies, I found

        Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain (1983)
        Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
        White Snake (2019)
        Mo Dao Zu Shi (the animated show)

        to be pretty good. Anyone know any other chinese mythological kinos aside from these?

        >Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain (1983)
        Fricking based.

  29. 2 years ago

    Do i just have to accept that i need to look up guides for this? everything is so convoluted, It's been a while since i did the tutorial and i feel like i already forgot everything from it and have to redo it again and the ingame comments aren't that helpful most of the time.

    • 2 years ago

      Put it this way. There's a reason reincarnation stories feature so prominently in cultivation stories. Where the protagonist gets to live his life over so this time he doesn't completely frick up everything over centuries of wasted life. Convoluted and impenetrable is a feature.

    • 2 years ago

      Kind of. The best thing you can do is read 1-3 wuxia novels. I recommend Libarary of Heavens Path. The game will make a lot more sense after you do this.

  30. 2 years ago

    I get why every single guide hates a yaoguai start, but it's really not that bad once you realize you can just send your yaoguai to permanently explore shit since the trib timer doesn't tick down while they are away. So having only one is very easy to handle, I want someone exploring all of the time anyway. I love cat girls bros I don't want to spend 2 years autistically gathering intelligences

  31. 2 years ago

    So i guess one of the reasons that true sun refinement is recommended for beginners is because of ease to find qi gathering items?
    i can't seem to find anything to make a metal room for water cultivators that early. meanwhile for true sun you can just cut all the spirit trees for a start.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much.

      I get why every single guide hates a yaoguai start, but it's really not that bad once you realize you can just send your yaoguai to permanently explore shit since the trib timer doesn't tick down while they are away. So having only one is very easy to handle, I want someone exploring all of the time anyway. I love cat girls bros I don't want to spend 2 years autistically gathering intelligences

      or you can just get alchemy refining and turn them into super saiyans

      Do i just have to accept that i need to look up guides for this? everything is so convoluted, It's been a while since i did the tutorial and i feel like i already forgot everything from it and have to redo it again and the ingame comments aren't that helpful most of the time.

      Put it this way. There's a reason reincarnation stories feature so prominently in cultivation stories. Where the protagonist gets to live his life over so this time he doesn't completely frick up everything over centuries of wasted life. Convoluted and impenetrable is a feature.


    • 2 years ago

      Yes, and also because it's the best element for collecting Earth Flux, which is one of the most essential +max qi items.
      For qi gathering the best starting element is metal, because you can get a huge stack of earth essences on one of the nearby locations.

      Do i just have to accept that i need to look up guides for this? everything is so convoluted, It's been a while since i did the tutorial and i feel like i already forgot everything from it and have to redo it again and the ingame comments aren't that helpful most of the time.

      Many guides are absurdly verbose and go through every detail of some system instead of just explaining the most important aspects and common mistakes.
      Getting familiar with a system by trial and error is a totally viable way to do, it just might end up in a lot of wasted time when you realise that you missed some important step early on that locks you out of something important later on.
      >Getting low-grade Golden Cores because you dont know how to minmax every factor in your favor
      >On Physical cultivators, filling various body parts with random essences only to realise that secret bodies need those body parts to have very specific essences
      >Making a Shendao cultivator with low stats only to realise you cant progress with INT below 8
      >Planting spirit trees without knowing how to take care of them
      >Raising yaoguai characters before you know how to raise them strong enough to deal with their tribulations

      • 2 years ago

        >>On Physical cultivators, filling various body parts with random essences only to realise that secret bodies need those body parts to have very specific essences
        physical cultivators are also supremely based and punch divine storms to death

    • 2 years ago

      >So i guess one of the reasons that true sun refinement is recommended for beginners is because of ease to find qi gathering items?
      >i can't seem to find anything to make a metal room for water cultivators that early.
      When I made this blueprint mod for cultivation rooms, I included exactly how to quickly get all the materials for any of them in the description, if you wanna refer to that.

  32. 2 years ago

    Not much point using the traditional cultivation methods when body cultivation can wreck so much shit with a quarter of the effort.

    • 2 years ago

      >Quarter of the effort
      Bruh, it took me weeks of savescumming labels to build a "decent" body cultivator. I kinda never wanna do it again.

      • 2 years ago

        Huh? All you really need is to follow the secret body arts.

        This is my seven sword killer with the highest grade of golden core I ever got (before gold core 0 was added)

        • 2 years ago

          and this is just a normal body cultivator with ancestral throwback and access to wraith essence

          It's quicker in game time to get a good body cultivator going, but I'd take a properly trained Xiandao cultivator in literally every other use case. They're much more fun to train, they are far more useful, and they don't keep eating all of my food.
          Maybe it's because I'm used to raising them and have gotten extremely good at it.

          • 2 years ago

            Eh. If you can't find the right material for your cultivation setup, you're pretty fricked or useless for a great amount of time.

            Food isn't a problem if you learn to plant wheat and remold your mouth and insides.

            • 2 years ago

              >Eh. If you can't find the right material for your cultivation setup, you're pretty fricked or useless for a great amount of time.
              Hard disagree, both on the point of not finding shit since you can pretty much always get your hands on almost anything, with the only troublesome thing being 5 range qi items - and on the point that you're fricked without them.
              Practically anything else isn't too bad to get and you don't really need them either.
              Having to turn half your sect into a farm to get one goku fed is dumb. I can't even use them effectively on the world map.

              • 2 years ago

                >Having to turn half your sect into a farm to get one goku fed is dumb. I can't even use them effectively on the world map.
                What the frick? They really don't eat that much unless you make the mistake of remolding their stomachs.

              • 2 years ago

                The body cultivator starter guide has you remould their stomach.
                Anyway, end of the day though I went all out and got what I believe the best possible attack secret body part I could reasonably get, 2.85m attack power, and after how much I'd heard of how strong body cultivators are and having multiple personally trained Xiandao and Shendao cultivators as a comparison point I found myself let down by their killing power being lacklustre compared to what I was being led to believe.

                Yeah, it killed the Flood Dragon in about 30 to 40 seconds when I Furious Berserked, but I'm used to being able to measure the dragon's lifespan in single digit numbers of frames.

              • 2 years ago

                >The body cultivator starter guide has you remould their stomach.
                you poor bastard

                I suppose the appeal of body cultivators is specialization and the ability to keep remolding forever.

              • 2 years ago

                >you poor bastard
                The guide has you do a bunch of shit intentionally wrong, 'as a joke', it was pretty much the final straw that stopped me playing any more last year.

              • 2 years ago

                Wow. You were better off unironically reading the text hints left behind by other gaijin.

      • 2 years ago

        Huh? All you really need is to follow the secret body arts.

        This is my seven sword killer with the highest grade of golden core I ever got (before gold core 0 was added)

        and this is just a normal body cultivator with ancestral throwback and access to wraith essence

    • 2 years ago

      I'm pretty sure Shendao is the ultimate power or something with the right exploits.

      • 2 years ago

        You have to jump through tons of hoops to get there.

        • 2 years ago

          pretty much
          another point in physical's favor

          Though, after a certain point, doesn't physical have to fight off constant tribulations?

  33. 2 years ago

    The bar is too high for me,too many things to learn and keep track of,i will just stick with Elona

  34. 2 years ago

    what's the new core tier 0 like?

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing. You just get the achievement for getting the GC breakthrough score to 300k. It still displays as GC I and gives no extra stats or abilities

  35. 2 years ago

    I tried pushing my first golden core a bit higher with qi regen pill but best i can manage is tier 8.
    turns out he's just a pleb with shit qi sense, doesn't match his law and i'd have to wait half a year to be his right season.
    Should i just restart or can he still be a decent help as a mentor for others? Does mentor-mentee relation still follow the feng shui element rules?

    Also, does the game throw a hard stat check at you at a certain point or am i good to take it slow? i know attacking enemies are supposed to get harder with reputation but so far it's climbing fairly slowly and i only had shitty mortals attack so far.

    • 2 years ago

      >I tried pushing my first golden core a bit higher with qi regen pill
      Has zero effect on GC breakthroughs, because your QI cannot regen during it.
      >or can he still be a decent help as a mentor for others?
      Better than nothing I guess, if he has shit QI sense then it sounds like he wouldn't be useful for anything else anyway.
      >Does mentor-mentee relation still follow the feng shui element rules?
      Sort of. Same law will be better than someone who doesn't have the same law. Keep in mind that they can only teach somebody if they're further on in their cultivation than the disciple, so if you leave them as a shitter they're not going to be able to teach for long.
      >Also, does the game throw a hard stat check at you at a certain point or am i good to take it slow?
      The Flood Dragon is the game's main shitter filter, if you're on basic b***h difficulty then feel free to wall in his cavern with Very Auspicious feng shui and he'll never appear until you summon him. Meanwhile your dog will be strong enough to tank any random enemies for you.
      Don't get too comfortable using your dog to kill things though, he's crap at handling multiple enemies and while he won't die easily he's not great at actually killing things.

    • 2 years ago

      You can live with a shit first GC, his real role will be preparing your second gen's forming with all his stat boosting and weather miracles. You can always rebirth him later if he has good base stats.

      But still, remember kids - winners do ALL the drugs

  36. 2 years ago

    >Another beast dude comes to my sect to turn into food for my trees
    >Get my gigachad 3rd core guy, pet and my maxxed physical lad to work
    >I can't damage him
    >Those few hits which connect take like 1/18 hp of the body part and heal immediately
    >He can't beat me either
    >Battle with him for days
    >He runs to my storage at hyper speed, seats down on my table and eats all my food, then continue to fight
    >We fight for a few more days before he finally decides that it is time to go home. He takes my food again before leaving.
    And I thought that almost nothing sects can offer can challenge me except for formations... Those guys who said that angering bodybuilders was a bad idea were right.

    • 2 years ago

      You can't stop him, anon. Don't even try.
      All your food are belong to him.

  37. 2 years ago



    no dlc, so that's a skip for now. i'm still super early, just got my first golden core (t4, which was honestly better than expected), so refinement's a ways off.
    is the qi block for darksteel ore, for instance. the addion stuff is pretty well documented with qi gathering and absorption i can intuit. accommodation and attenuation, though, no idea.
    >with what else
    Just any crafts in general, although clothing and tools would be the obvious options. Also if there's any mechanics to it other than high quality can bump tier and change object name.

  38. 2 years ago


    >I have no idea where you're seeing those stats, I'm interested in a picture.
    settings > thingdef > item > item_material_metal for ores specifically, other stuff nearby

    >Higher levels
    Right, I know higher tiers produce better results, but that's not my question. I'm just curious about critting on outer crafts. As far as I can tell it's only on weapons, since I have a quality 100 pants and they kept the same tier. It also looks like it's about an increase by half - spirit stone goes from 6 to 9, iron goes from 2 to 3. Which is a lot of tier gain when you're working with stuff that starts off high.

    • 2 years ago

      >settings > thingdef > item > item_material_metal for ores specifically, other stuff nearby
      Well don't think about them, they're irrelevant.

      >Right, I know higher tiers produce better results, but that's not my question. I'm just curious about critting on outer crafts.
      I mean, you can get occasional messages about some pleb doing an exceptional craft, but honestly it is so, so insignificant that I've never once paid attention.

      • 2 years ago

        >Well don't think about them
        i thought about them with the help of an image someone posted on the discord a year ago

        the short version is that accommodation is a ratio for how much qi an object can drain in total from the tile it's on. this starts fast but slows down as it gets closer to the cap
        attenuation is what percent of qi flow the object diverts from adjacent tiles trying to add qi to the tile the object is on
        absorbtion is a multiplier that gets applied to the gain from both parts, although the reduction in tile qi gain rate from attenuation ignores it.

  39. 2 years ago

    What weather and at what times do I want it for a wood elemental breakthrough, when Air of Cultivation is running?
    I'm getting mixed messages from it, my weather is always at 5 but it seems to frick my yin-yang up if I cast anything.

  40. 2 years ago


    >Higher levels on your tools will get you much faster results
    Goldwood (at 1.8) is an improvement over Spirit Stone (at 1.4), since the Tier doesn't matter for Tools. Or any of the materials mentioned on the page, if they are available at that point.

    What weather and at what times do I want it for a wood elemental breakthrough, when Air of Cultivation is running?
    I'm getting mixed messages from it, my weather is always at 5 but it seems to frick my yin-yang up if I cast anything.

    Since it's all Chinese anyway, here's an image for illustration.
    Lower right table is the Time of Day with the resulting Yin Yang bonus displayed. Green 木 is for Wood.
    As you can see from the image, Wood and Fire get their bonus during the day time, or when the global Light level is high. Due to Yin Yang being cyclical, it's mostly out of your control.
    For any additional weather apart from AoC, you're after "Water" Element Weathers. Rain, in other words. But those have an unwanted effect of lowering the global light level, reducing the Yin Yang bonus.
    Going with "Wood" Element weather (Miasma) also has the unwanted effect of lowering light level. However, there is an option that also increases the Wood Element Cultivators breakthrough factors without reducing light level:
    Qi Aquasphere.
    Technically, it's a Weather. Also boosts the Water Element percentage for all tiles. And if you have a 16SSL Demi-God with it, then as long as your Disciples can withstand the drop in temperature, it can be utilized.

    • 2 years ago

      what's the bottom right chart? normal light/heavy rain/snow are off on the left, but then it looks like they're included again? is that sunny day/polar night?

      How the FRICK do I make my disciples treat injuries? I've got healing pills and healing salves just sitting around, I've prioritized the heal job, and my dipshit disciples are apparently content to wander around sweeping the floor until they catch gangrene. What am I missing?

      what kind of injury is it? i hadn't had an issue just giving someone medicine in work so long as stuff's available

      • 2 years ago

        Just your standard cuts and lacerations from occasionally having to fight off wild animals. The injuries wound up just "corrupting" into scars, which don't seem to do anything, so I guess it's fine. This sort of thing just boils my piss, though.

        • 2 years ago

          i think you can get scars if minor injuries heal successfully? a lot of stuff from just work accidents heals itself and doesn't need treatment, i usually only see time to corrupt on internal injuries
          there's also miracles/elixirs to remove scars later on if you particularly care

      • 2 years ago

        right table is the Time of Day with the resulting Yin Yang bonus displayed.
        That's exactly what that chart/table is. The entire image is about Breakthrough factors. Season at the top, Weather at the lower left (AoC being the final one in that list), and Yin Yang at the lower right.
        Those two final columns seem to be for particular weathers that also lock the Time, like Polar Night.

        As I thought, the most fun you can have in this game is minmaxing Xiandao cultivators. Body cultivation is the opposite of fun.
        This guy's a six-path reincarnation guy I started training last year, but I've forgotten what I was training him for. Can somebody please give me ideas for what his law would be good for? I honestly don't remember.

        There are three aspects that make a Law Unique.
        Skills (abilities found in IMB's, also used for Branch Leader Method Bonus) and Element
        Exclusive Manuals (both Law Exclusive and Mutually Exclusive)
        Breakthrough Mechanics (Innate Talismans for PSL, becoming weaker for 6Paths, adventure breakthroughs, etc.)
        If you look at the second aspect, then there are a multiple ways you can make 6Paths useful:
        >Qi Battery/Miracle Slave
        True Form, and use them for tasks requiring a lot of Qi, like Mountain Shaping. The Plant Growth miracles are also useful for them.
        >Support Spell Caster
        Hallowed Form, Reversa Cycle (both versions), and any other supportive Spells you can find.
        Supreme Form, Fire Element Sword of Tao, and all the Combat spells you can find. Not terrible for both, but not excellent either.
        Or maybe you were after an Alchemist for Nirvana Pills?

    • 2 years ago

      Translated and typesetted the picture. Left the elements in the lower right section untranslated as I couldn't widen the picture any more without ruining the ratio, taking suggestions for how I can do it in the limited space that'd look good.

      • 2 years ago

        >Left the elements in the lower right section untranslated
        That's a good thing. It's how you trick people into learning chinese characters. You start with "火 (Fire)", then halfway through the guide drop the translations.

        • 2 years ago

          I mean, under the weather miracles there's already the 5 characters displayed in colourful circles.

  41. 2 years ago

    How the FRICK do I make my disciples treat injuries? I've got healing pills and healing salves just sitting around, I've prioritized the heal job, and my dipshit disciples are apparently content to wander around sweeping the floor until they catch gangrene. What am I missing?

  42. 2 years ago

    >outer disciple has a mood of 150
    >there's about fifty items needing to be put away in stockpiles
    >and several walls queued up for construction
    >outer disciple is fricking around and watching the sky instead.
    I don't understand this game, man. I get that item hauling is probably a low-priority task but it's just baffling to watch meals, goods, and other items just piling up around the workshops and being left to rot for weeks on end.

    • 2 years ago

      their leisure meter is probably empty. it's just a bar they need to keep full that drains over time like food or water

  43. 2 years ago

    As I thought, the most fun you can have in this game is minmaxing Xiandao cultivators. Body cultivation is the opposite of fun.
    This guy's a six-path reincarnation guy I started training last year, but I've forgotten what I was training him for. Can somebody please give me ideas for what his law would be good for? I honestly don't remember.

    • 2 years ago

      >599 KB
      > As I thought, the most fun you can have in this game is minmaxing Xiandao cultivators. Body cultivation is the opposite of fun.
      The system they dedicated almost all of their dev time to was better than the shit they tacked on at the very end? Say it ain't so.

  44. 2 years ago

    So anyone here played and beat an immortal tribulation IX run? If yes, how nuts was it?

    • 2 years ago

      I refuse to believe anyone has beaten it with a xiandao start.
      Day 80 Yaoguai raid is frickin brutal, and the Flood Dragon appears really quickly as well.

    • 2 years ago

      If you pay attention tot he lower right corner of the pics I've been posting occasionally, you'll note it says Tribulation IX.
      The beast invasion on day 80 or 90 is a massive shitter filter, body cultivation is the "easy" way to pass that hurdle and Xiandao is possible if you shit out 4 of them and build a ghetto formation out of them, I believe our resident super autist has done it but I don't know for absolutely certain.
      After that is the Flood dragon who now has 40m hp, but you can suppress him until day 300 if you really push it which is plenty of time to get something good going.

      Normal attacks on the sect are just two to three cultivators with 50k to 250k qi each, nothing special.

    • 2 years ago

      Look East.
      The Baidu board for ACS. Translator+uBlock or similar tools, and it's somewhat usable. You can find guides there on clearing Trib IX within a month or two.
      I gave up on vanilla when I started code diving, and at 12K hours, I have no plans of returning to a vanilla Trib IX run. Too limiting.

      >Nope, just weapons.
      alright, thanks. anything else i'm missing about it, mechanically, or just 90+ quality increases tier by half and gives it a unique name/model?

      Just that the names/models for each Weapon can be found under SettingsDisplayArtItemWeapon.xml, or for the English Names/Descriptions, SettingsLanguageOfficialEnglishSettingsDisplayArtItemWeapon.xml

      I refuse to believe anyone has beaten it with a xiandao start.
      Day 80 Yaoguai raid is frickin brutal, and the Flood Dragon appears really quickly as well.
      Trib IX, and day 30 is when the first sect falls. Xiandaos. Yandex OCR translation and snipping tool can prove useful to get some idea of what they are doing.

      If you pay attention tot he lower right corner of the pics I've been posting occasionally, you'll note it says Tribulation IX.
      The beast invasion on day 80 or 90 is a massive shitter filter, body cultivation is the "easy" way to pass that hurdle and Xiandao is possible if you shit out 4 of them and build a ghetto formation out of them, I believe our resident super autist has done it but I don't know for absolutely certain.
      After that is the Flood dragon who now has 40m hp, but you can suppress him until day 300 if you really push it which is plenty of time to get something good going.

      Normal attacks on the sect are just two to three cultivators with 50k to 250k qi each, nothing special.

      The code diving autist is more interested in ACS as an application, why and how it works, and what it can be turned into.
      And instead of a ghetto formation using Lv1 Nodes, any of the Ancient Formations would be preferable, as the Formation Attributes are greater in them. An existing documented example, Conqueror's Formation, all the Links in the Nodes are Lv3:
      The tutorial/guide in that baidu post uses the Abyssal Sword Formation, which has easier activation conditions. It will also require more disciples, but it's easier to build Auxiliary Cultivators than another Pillar. At least, that's one way of doing things.
      ACS is somewhat of a Sandbox. And reaching the Credits can be done without fighting any of the Sects, or even Ancient Beasts. Get the MU, clear enough DG tribulations or just Ascend enough trash, and you're there.

      is whether a chat inquiry succeeds (asking about favorites/discussing weakness/whatever) basically just a check against the sum of favor and social skill?

      Pretty much. Wnd_JianghuTalk.TalkAbout is the particular function if you want to dive into the assemblies for the precise logic, but those two factors are the main part. Whether their Heart Guard is up's another.

      • 2 years ago

        >Whether their Heart Guard is up's another.
        oh, figured that only worked as a limit on favor and not a factor in itself. thanks
        appreciate the info, haven't quite gotten to setting up decompiled code yet. browsing through xmls is still giving me plenty to chew on

        • 2 years ago

          Correction, while Heart Guard (JianghuMgr.JHNpcData.hlock) is utilized in those Jianghu related functions, it's not used as a factor in the way you were asking about. That TalkAbout function is a major one, and requires a bit more digging if you want the precise requirements.
          Social*3+Favor-JHNpcKnowOtherBaseP[data.type][5]/10 is somewhat of a formula for success.

          >and at 12K hours
          Mind posting a pic of your playtime on steam, if that's how it shows? I'd love to see it.

          The rounding is purely on my part, it shows the exact numbers on Steam.

          Can someone with enough insight break down the math behind golden core breakthroughs for me? It seems like switching something from 5 minus to 5 plus doesn't have that big of an impact than simply getting more max qi.

          First thing when starting a GC Breakthrough, a Flag gets added, FLAG_NOLING, which stops Qi Recovery. A bunch of visual effects get added, and then the for each tick, the following happens:
          >30 points of Qi get drained
          >Calculate the GoldEffectSpeed value based on all the factors involved
          >Check if it's a T1 GC, if it is, diminishing returns
          And if they eventually run out of Qi, the breakthrough ends.
          For more information on the GoldEffectSpeed, look at the wiki Max Qi page:

          There's also a calculator for estimating long (multiple years) breakthroughs, the actual values (or at least the averaged estimates) can be seen there:

          Or Mods, as GCAssist will turn the +/- indicators into the actual values utilized.
          Steam Link (CN):

          Dropbox link for EN version:

          • 2 years ago

            >stops Qi Recovery
            out of curiosity, is there anything at all which bypasses the no regen during core forming rule? qi gain miracles being the thing that comes to mind most, since obviously passive and buff regen is killed

            • 2 years ago

              With high Luck there's a chance to just regain all of your qi randomly.

      • 2 years ago

        >and at 12K hours
        Mind posting a pic of your playtime on steam, if that's how it shows? I'd love to see it.

  45. 2 years ago


    >Nope, just weapons.
    alright, thanks. anything else i'm missing about it, mechanically, or just 90+ quality increases tier by half and gives it a unique name/model?

  46. 2 years ago

    is whether a chat inquiry succeeds (asking about favorites/discussing weakness/whatever) basically just a check against the sum of favor and social skill?

  47. 2 years ago

    Can someone with enough insight break down the math behind golden core breakthroughs for me? It seems like switching something from 5 minus to 5 plus doesn't have that big of an impact than simply getting more max qi.

    • 2 years ago

      For any sort of exact math you want

      Look East.
      The Baidu board for ACS. Translator+uBlock or similar tools, and it's somewhat usable. You can find guides there on clearing Trib IX within a month or two.
      I gave up on vanilla when I started code diving, and at 12K hours, I have no plans of returning to a vanilla Trib IX run. Too limiting.
      Just that the names/models for each Weapon can be found under SettingsDisplayArtItemWeapon.xml, or for the English Names/Descriptions, SettingsLanguageOfficialEnglishSettingsDisplayArtItemWeapon.xml
      Trib IX, and day 30 is when the first sect falls. Xiandaos. Yandex OCR translation and snipping tool can prove useful to get some idea of what they are doing.
      The code diving autist is more interested in ACS as an application, why and how it works, and what it can be turned into.
      And instead of a ghetto formation using Lv1 Nodes, any of the Ancient Formations would be preferable, as the Formation Attributes are greater in them. An existing documented example, Conqueror's Formation, all the Links in the Nodes are Lv3:
      The tutorial/guide in that baidu post uses the Abyssal Sword Formation, which has easier activation conditions. It will also require more disciples, but it's easier to build Auxiliary Cultivators than another Pillar. At least, that's one way of doing things.
      ACS is somewhat of a Sandbox. And reaching the Credits can be done without fighting any of the Sects, or even Ancient Beasts. Get the MU, clear enough DG tribulations or just Ascend enough trash, and you're there.
      Pretty much. Wnd_JianghuTalk.TalkAbout is the particular function if you want to dive into the assemblies for the precise logic, but those two factors are the main part. Whether their Heart Guard is up's another.

      but tl;dr as I've learned it more plusses will make your qi drain slower, though this is in conjunction with how much ambient qi is on the breakthrough tile. With everything at 5+s with thousands of ambient qi on the breakthrough tile you will gain something like 50 core points per point of max qi you started with, though the rate you gain them at slows down over time until eventually after a week or whatever with an extreme breakthrough it will be down to 1 core point per max qi.

  48. 2 years ago

    How does Medication work exactly? Specifically, when I try to meditate for only a short while it won't let me and the length of time I have to meditate for only grows.

    • 2 years ago

      You're basically sacrificing life points for faster cultivation. Pretty worth it since breakthroughs expand your lifeline into the thousands easily enough.

      • 2 years ago

        Not the part I needed to know, what I do need to know is why half time time I can't meditate, even if I have the stamina for it.

        • 2 years ago

          you don't have the mental for it

          • 2 years ago

            >you don't have the mental for it
            It's pristine mental.

          • 2 years ago

            There's no qi where you're trying to meditate.

            Meditation sucks it up.

            Just to restate again though in case you missed it: I can meditate when I up the duration to say 3 or 4 days, but a lower duration I cannot. After I've meditated for 3 days it won't let me meditate again unless I try to meditate for 4 days straight, and so on.

    • 2 years ago

      There's no qi where you're trying to meditate.

      • 2 years ago

        If there's no qi in the middle of my cultivation array, there's a problem.

        • 2 years ago

          Meditation sucks it up.

    • 2 years ago

      Just to restate again though in case you missed it: I can meditate when I up the duration to say 3 or 4 days, but a lower duration I cannot. After I've meditated for 3 days it won't let me meditate again unless I try to meditate for 4 days straight, and so on.

      I think it's a math problem in the game. I experienced the same thing. Basically a bug.

  49. 2 years ago

    got all ready to form two metal golden cores. mood is up, it's the right time of season, i've got pills ready
    i go to cast dust devil. qi gets spent, caster fricks off to play go. weather doesn't change
    today i learned that you cannot dust devil in summer
    what should i look for in a potential alchemist? high medicine/magic crafting, plus the usual good base stats?

    • 2 years ago

      >what should i look for in a potential alchemist?
      The right stats for the talisman law and good Qi sense, the rest is insignificant.

      • 2 years ago

        only got the taiyi five so far

        • 2 years ago

          Then a good alchemist shouldn't be a concern for you yet, you've more important things to do like trying to get all the advanced Xiandao laws.

  50. 2 years ago

    there's no way to make spirit trees, is there? also, is spirit water good for anything? it has higher fertility than base shallow water but you can also just use corpses/shit to improve that anyway

    • 2 years ago

      >there's no way to make spirit trees, is there?
      There is a "Qi burst" random weather event that has a chance to transform regular trees into their spiritwood version. Not sure if the chance is per tree or global, so just plant a whole bunch of trees of all types and wait it out. Or just get spiritwood through other means - you can find a few stacks of it by camping and entering Mistwood Forest (Region in Mystic Unity sect territory), or just buy it from Mystic Unity sect directly

      >is spirit water good for anything?
      Spirit soil and spirit water have higher fertility floor, and they also have +40 qi gathering. Both factors are pretty important for growing spirit roots (Prism lotus, Gnarled vine etc.)

  51. 2 years ago

    Man, I love this game. Does anyone know if WuDang is last DLC for it?
    Since they are working on the 2nd one, I'm living in a constant fear that they are done with this game, yet I want more.

    • 2 years ago

      pretty sure they're done, although i thought bamboo came after wudang
      try modding? there's an absolute ton available, although a lot of it's overpowered nonsense, cn only, or both

  52. 2 years ago

    So what are the good cultivation novels? Most of them seem like repetitive self insert power fantasies but I enjoyed Way of Choices, aka Ze Tian Ji.

    • 2 years ago

      Strictly speaking of cultivation:
      World of Cultivation

      Chink fantasy:
      Kingdom's bloodline.

      • 2 years ago

        i've been enjoying world of cultivation but the author sure does take a year to actually do anything, and at this point the cast is so huge that even main-ish characters just won't appear for a hundred chapters
        pu and wei set up sub plots and then those characters aren't mentioned even once after that until an arc and a half later. i don't remember these dudes, they had like one paragraph

    • 2 years ago

      >Most of them seem like repetitive self insert power fantasies
      Well, yeah? By and large cultivation novels are the literary equivalent of junk food, they're at best the likes of McDonalds and Burger King that string you along daily with tasty enough food in the form of short chapters to keep you coming back day after day even though they'll slowly rot your brain.
      The only author maybe who doesn't do so as a whole is IET (I Eat Tomatoes), for which you can try Coiling Dragon, Desolate Era and Lord Xue Ying in that order, which read almost like a beginner, intermediate and advanced course on cultivation systems. Other than that there's "Lord of the Mysteries" which isn't quite a cultivation novel but rather has a power system better than 95+% of cultivation novels and isn't just literary junk food.
      Anything beyond those is just going to be the reader's personal taste for what unhealthy writing they enjoy consuming. I like Against the Gods for example, as well as Nine Star Hegemon Body Art anytime the villains of the day aren't being wienerroaches.

      • 2 years ago

        >Desolate Era
        Seriously? I read about 1000 pages of it and if that's not a repetitive self insert power fantasy I don't know what is.

        • 2 years ago

          >Seriously? I read about 1000 pages of it and if that's not a repetitive self insert power fantasy I don't know what is.
          Read a couple of hundred chapters of Martial God Asura, then get back to me.

          • 2 years ago

            Do you pay for the chapters? Or where can I read these for free.

            • 2 years ago

              You'll need to register an account but it's whatever. If you are ever paying for any chapters anywhere, you're doing it wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, in this example everything is unlocked. I was reading a random cultivation webnovel, it was enjoyable, then I noticed the locked chapters, should I stay away from them and look for unlocked complete ones?

              • 2 years ago

                On that site in particular, any in progress novel is fully unlocked, as well as any that only completed recently.
                For webnovel/qidian you can use this or any whole host of sites that do something similar:
                If the novel you want isn't from either of those two sites, try here to find where it is and get linked to it:
                Finally, if none of those get you the result you want then simply Google search something along the lines of "Read (novel title) free online" or something to that effect and you'll find a dozen or more sites that have reuploaded the novel you want there and make their money from ads. Just uBlock Origin your way to victory from there.

    • 2 years ago

      "Reverend Insanity" is a standby, but currently unfinished due to censorship shenanigans. Still a few thousand chapters. "Warlock in the Magus World" is a cultivation novel set in pseudo-Europe that also jumps into the Forgotten Realms at one point. "History's Number 1 Founder" is a parody of a few different stories, but it ends up as a pretty good cultivation story about running a sect full of bullshit overpowered main characters.

      If you don't mind modern settings, "My Doomsday Territory" has a feel pretty similar to ACS at times. "Shepherding Humanity" does as well. They both involve building up cultivation civilizations, exploring the universe, encountering extraterrestrial cultures, min-maxing strategies to create super-chad cultivators and the MC as (generally) a semi-distant puppet master who's guiding things along.

      • 2 years ago

        >"Warlock in the Magus World" is a cultivation novel
        I'd say it's more of a fantasy inspired by cultivation novels.

        • 2 years ago

          It ends with him pursuing various daos and embodying them. I'd say that's close enough to the end game of most cultivation novels.

          • 2 years ago

            Well, you have a point. No idea I had a nitpicking c**t in me.

            • 2 years ago

              It's okay, anon. You're still a good person.

    • 2 years ago

      On a replay (I got to golden core highest tier last time and burnt out because of how repetitive the process to do that was) this is... less good then I remember. The powers you're working towards are largely very boring, the combat is 2 dudes not being effected by damage at all until they die, the animal people are incredibly imbalanced, feng shui really just means you have to make things in very specific and limiting ways to not get fricked over and you don't have nearly as much control over outers as I remembered but inners won't do shit.

      Rev insanities first like 5 arcs. Turns to shit after that imo.

      Didn't like Magus world, mc's cheat was too good and he was evil in an edgy 12 year old kind of way rather than Rev Insanity or Negary's 100% practical.

      >Swiord Xia of Shu Mountains
      Not far into translations, but its one of the original and defining xianxia novels. Extremely likeable MC (early on anyways). The closest to the ideal of what a good cultivator is supposed to be.

      >Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady
      Only one with a female protag to not annoy me with a rapey love interest. Its essentially a chick with a wuxia power system (flying on a sword, talismans, golems, etc) but a xianxia (city ending) power level. Feels like a celebration of both.
      May not be for you since while the mc does lose somtimes she's also stronger than most of the world day 1, being a near-immortal who failed her tribulation.

      Soul of Negary:
      Stuck in translation hell. About a sentient virus cultivating society to ascend into being a god.
      The cultivation system is basically Hamon, which is cute.

      Scum villain System: Really focussed isekai one about a guy trying not to die because he's the villain.
      Demon GrandMaster.
      The one where the mc's love interest is a snake and he doesn't know if its a chick so it pulls out its double dick.

      All of those are BL. I find BL novels tend to be better written than most because they're very character focussed.

      • 2 years ago

        >Swiord Xia of Shu Mountains
        Would be this be the same novel as Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain? I love that crazy flick (the 80's one).

        • 2 years ago

          "During the Tang Dynasty, army deserter Dik Ming-kei, who was chased by vampires in the mountain of Zu, is rescued by Master Ding Yan and becomes his pupil. When they were ambushed by the Blood Devil, devil chaser Siu Yu and his pupil Yat Jan came to their assistance. They managed to hold off the Blood Devil but they need to find the Dual Swords to destroy it. "
          Sword Xia is about an old man who's a big deal in the mortal world interacting with immortals (who are as mysterious and otherwordly as other models tend to say they are in narration, without narrating it), before later switching protags, apparently.
          Literally all he does as far as its translated is talk to a friend, point out he's wasting his daughter (a genius even among geniuses apparently; I think she may be its apparent main protag later, since the novel's also famous for having a female protag in backwards ass china despite being written in 1948), then walk from immortal to immortal sniffing out very minor issues.
          Shame it apparently switches protags; I really like the old guy we get so far. He's suitably human and nice.

  53. 2 years ago

    anything decent to do with a manual after it's been transcribed, or just smelt them for space?

    • 2 years ago

      >or just smelt them for space?
      Pretty much just this.

  54. 2 years ago

    >90% trib fails
    >no injuries
    yeah that's alright then, we'll get'm next time
    miniature universe is pretty good, what do the mini nodes for it do?
    i was thinking about how i could raise map ambient qi in order to improve my gathering arrays but it's actually as simple as just flushing my gathering arrays now and then.

    • 2 years ago

      >what do the mini nodes for it do?
      Gives you a separate place to access it without moving over there on the map, to wherever you built it.

      • 2 years ago

        but it's global access anyway, takes from anywhere on collect and provides to anywhere it's needed
        only exception is for manual withdrawal, and that's pretty insignificant

  55. 2 years ago

    does the qi an array cushion has absorbed matter at all?

    • 2 years ago


  56. 2 years ago

    >A normal human guy successfully confesses his love to a pre-tribulation boar Yaoguai
    Frick i didnt even realise it was female until now

    • 2 years ago

      did you not see the breasts?

    • 2 years ago

      Come on man, she's wearing a flower on her head and all that.

      • 2 years ago

        I had two sneks recently, one with flower one without, so I assumed they were a female and a male. Only after failing to find the flowerless one's penis did I realise they were also a girl.

      • 2 years ago

        did you not see the breasts?

        >Yeah apparently she also really loves Spirit Dogshit and now knows 9 ways to cook it.
        Truly the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

  57. 2 years ago

    why does it sometimes take a while for spiritual breath chant to kick in?

  58. 2 years ago

    maybe it'll be fine and i can handle the fights that show up

  59. 2 years ago

    I've never played this game beyond 5 disciplines (1 inner and 4 outer) before getting bored at the slowness and clunk (crafting).

    Any tips?

    • 2 years ago

      >Any tips?
      Uhhh, the main fun of the game is in making inner disciples, then using those inner disciples to form stronger and stronger inner disciples until you eventually create a barely restrained sentient blender who can turn even the game's bosses into little chunks of meat in a matter of frames.
      If the lack of enemy difficulty is the problem, do Immortal and maybe even turn one or two bars up. What was the problem exactly?

  60. 2 years ago

    apparently, interfering with an evil's sects malicious plans is evil
    i am now a shady sect
    any reliable options to get good points?

    • 2 years ago

      I think you should avoid increasing your sect morality/alignment early on since it will make you an enemy of evil sect if you're just and vice versa. So, avoid events with other sects as much as possible. If you already piling up one side, I think it's better to balance it. Unless you really want to be good or evil.
      I can't remember much since it's been some time, but I believe you can increase your good boy points from helping good sect and... making graveyards for dead bodies. Also, don't use evil spells like making zombies and stuff. That will increase your evil points.
      Pretty sure it's somewhere in the guide

      Useful guides and info:
      (lots of tabs at the bottom)
      Sseth's recommended guides, beware some (especially the basic guides) are badly out of date:

      Highly recommended mods to start with, especially the first four:

  61. 2 years ago

    >You can easily beat the 3 extra monsters challenge by just hiring an NPC Golden core and supporting it with your dog and whatever else you have
    >If you are lucky, the fight might also somehow proc the Good Doggo achievement
    I know this might not look like much for ultranerds who run Trib IX, but i am still happy with how my mellow Trib IV run is turning out

    • 2 years ago

      >Not as many, but as one
      We are the gods of the new world order

  62. 2 years ago

    >Immortal Warrior of World Unification
    The novel follows the life and adventures of Kè Láo Sī (克劳斯) as he joins the secretive school of Dá Wò Sī (达沃斯) and eventually leads it to manipulate the mortal world into complete obedience to him and his sect

  63. 2 years ago

    >random enlightened bird cage starts wandering through my storage areas and deallocating them
    alright frick you you're getting dismantled

    • 2 years ago

      I hope you at least didnt forget to first use Soul Chant to grab its Primordial Soul Gem

      >Immortal Warrior of World Unification
      The novel follows the life and adventures of Kè Láo Sī (克劳斯) as he joins the secretive school of Dá Wò Sī (达沃斯) and eventually leads it to manipulate the mortal world into complete obedience to him and his sect

      Goddamn this AI is a fricking goldmine

      • 2 years ago

        i don't know what the frick that is so no

  64. 2 years ago

    finished world of cultivation
    that was kind of a weak as hell ending

    • 2 years ago

      >that was kind of a weak as hell ending
      It was okay.
      It started in the Wukong Sword sect and ended on the sword mountain.
      If remember correctly, the cope at the time when it ended was that the last "arc" where Zuo Mo came out of the void in Mo lands is more of an epilogue and the ending/climax was that fight where he ascended to Shen God realm.
      Author did tie some stuff up and gave an "ending" to a lot of characters.

      The actual shit part of that novel was how 'everyone' suddenly was able to cultivated shen power and Zuo Mo's unique circumstances with how he balanced and combined back the 3 cultivation systems to unlock it was just hand-waved away.
      Also the plot of the Zuo family's artifact was kind of dropped and forgotten.
      Still a good cultivation webnovel with interesting world, cultivation systems and factions.

  65. 2 years ago


    Better turn radius should do the trick I'd imagine.

  66. 2 years ago

    what the frick is this game?

    • 2 years ago

      It's a little like Rimworld, except you're making gods.

    • 2 years ago

      Chink wizard simulator. Get stronger by sitting on your ass all day doing nothing and eating random mysterious pills.

  67. 2 years ago

    Personally I’m waiting for ACS2, dunno if I’ll get back to 1 considering my backlog, but it was good fun (in an autistic, number crunching way)

  68. 2 years ago


    >do inner disciples get a negative mood about sharing space if i put cushions for them out in the open, or can i just make a cushion field for cultivating on?
    I mean no, but what exactly is your plan here? Because a "cushion field" sounds like a bad idea almost no matter how you slice it.

  69. 2 years ago


    You should equip your inner disciples with invisibility talismans before sending them out. That way, your sect won't be attacked by other cultivators.
    You should just make cultivation rooms for your inner disciples since room auspiciousness is one of the factors that will affect their growth.

  70. 2 years ago

    What's the downside of this skill? I don't remember it existing but it's been a while. Extra qi sense sounds nice.

    • 2 years ago

      I have no idea if there's any downside. I usually just make my inner learn all the qi increasing/enhancing skills I could find until the attainment cap.

      • 2 years ago

        With the new Yin-Yang law I forget the exact name of, that's probably a bad idea. A lot of their skills contain big upsides and hefty downsides like -45 mental state.

  71. 2 years ago

    Is there any way to mark Lavish Meals as being off limits for eating, and only for sacrificing to the ancestors?

    • 2 years ago

      I vaguely remember a checkmark of sort somewhere so your outer won't eat certain meals. But I might be wrong since it's been some time since I played this game.

      • 2 years ago

        are you thinking of the autoeat setting in the sect menu?

        • 2 years ago

          That must be it.

      • 2 years ago

        are you thinking of the autoeat setting in the sect menu?

        That must be it.

        Yeah I just can't seem to do anything about it. Simple meals are the sect meals, but if there's any lavish meals lying around the wolf them down instead, even if they're already been offered to the ancestral statue.

        • 2 years ago

          can you forbid them after offering?

          • 2 years ago

            No, they're in the statue and unselectable.

  72. 2 years ago

    first attainment tribulation has triple the qi of my fresh new primordeal
    guess i should probably figure out a way to get one with more than 90k qi, rip subspirits/cheaper manuals

    • 2 years ago

      Getting good protection / equipping a darkarmour talisman and that scroll of taiyi will make them near indestructible to ordinary tribulations. Also make sure to raise the qi and qi regen.

      • 2 years ago

        i don't have shit for talisman books yet, just the basics and the taiyi one

        • 2 years ago

          Why are you trying to do attainment tribulations this early in the game? You know you don't have to click that button right? Also some skills get buffed chances to happen with higher attainment so it's not even a good idea to do them generally.

          • 2 years ago

            to test my abilities
            also i didn't know how strong it would pop out. saved beforehand because i have no shame
            manuals are expensive when you start hitting a couple hundred attainment, i gotta pump my outposts up

            • 2 years ago

              >saved beforehand because i have no shame
              No shame in savescumming a game that can go on for hundreds if not thousands of hours and can frick you over badly for mistakes, I've personally savescum so many times for this I've lost count and gotten exceedingly efficient at it.
              >manuals are expensive when you start hitting a couple hundred attainment, i gotta pump my outposts up
              Get those outposts up faster, I don't consider manuals to be "expensive" until you're at least in the 4 digits range attainment wise. Inspiration with high level outposts is basically free.

              • 2 years ago

                there's no way to build them up beyond just waiting for events, right? i have most of them started and on charity but they only tick now and then and you can only focus one

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, most of it is just hoping for disasters and sending a primordial spirit guy to deal with it.
                Even if you only have like two places in the 1XX range though that should be enough for now and shouldn't leave you starved for inspiration, don't need everywhere up to just under 400k right this second.

              • 2 years ago

                i've got a couple around 100k, yeah, it's just that i just promoted a few outers and so they got the full stocks because i didn't think i'd need it soon

              • 2 years ago

                Either be patient, or put more focus on forcing Manifesting Mandate events to spawn so you can get more laws, though the talisman law you want is gotten from the sect just left of the Seven Slaughter Sword sect (either Kunlun Palace or Sky Dome Palace.)

  73. 2 years ago

    is this game actually called amazing cultivation simulator in chinese or is there some funky translation going on

  74. 2 years ago

    Frick, looking at this place made me want to play this autistic shit again. But once I play, I'll be in neck-deep.

  75. 2 years ago

    any way to improve social on an inner aside from raising base stats?

    • 2 years ago

      Make a rook with 8 light sources that's also full of generally nice stuff, some bird cages, a few zithers and chess boards while having it be a generally pretty room for them to be in.
      Once you get the learning relic from a random Ancient Cultivator, put it in there as well on a stand.

      • 2 years ago

        a room?

        • 2 years ago

          That is what I said, yes.
          Outers get most of their social from the dining hall while eating.
          Inners get most of their social from the leisure room while relaxing.

  76. 2 years ago

    Bull yaoguais are so fast and that makes them convenient for outer disciples. Too bad they have to face tribulations.

    • 2 years ago

      don't you have like a thousand days before the trib for yaoguai that join as outers?

      • 2 years ago

        No, that shit is random. One time I got a yaoguai that only have 5 fricking days left before he's struck by lightning.

        >Pass Tribulation

        Feels like too much resources wasted just for that. I'm not sure if it's worth it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Pass Tribulation

  77. 2 years ago

    oh right getting my first PS means i can use the stat miracles
    guess i shoulda held off on the recent set of outers i promoted, oh well

  78. 2 years ago

    if i have a disciple learn a skill in their tree from the pavilion, can they learn levels 2/3 from the inspiration manual without having the skill's requirements? specifically i'm looking at the later levels of earthbound qi in sunflower refining without having notes on moral integrity

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, sure.

  79. 2 years ago

    In the ACS cultivation guide (probably awfully outdated by now) mentions that the Primordial Symbols law is one of the strongest laws because you can stack 4x 3500% artifact power. Meanwhile on the first breakthrough I lack the qi for the higher tier options and seems amulet stacking isn't allowed unless you draw fake ones, which lower their effect.
    How do you properly build an inner in this law nowadays?

    • 2 years ago

      >How do you properly build an inner in this law nowadays?
      No element laws can be done with any element arrays, so just use your best array.
      >and seems amulet stacking isn't allowed unless you draw fake ones, which lower their effect.
      Greater painter mod lets you do the fake talismans to 100% effect, it's a great mod once you're sick of freehand drawing talismans yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, but my question was more towards on which talismans I should pick on breakthroughs. For example I assume I should draw a fake artifact power one first since I lack the qi for the high tier option, and then drawing a real one when I can afford it.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh well that wasn't very clear.
          It's also not clear what you're looking to get out of this. The best use of a talisman law cultivator is as the best possible alchemist, by stacking perfect +alchemy yield x5 and outdoing any other law for the job by a decent margin. Anything else it may be worth considering another law for.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks again anon. I picked this law because I wanted someone able to draw every single talisman in the game, and the guide baited me thinking it would also double as one of the best fighters. Guess I'll try build him as the resident alchemist then since that spot isn't taken yet.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean, he'd be a good fighter too if you stacked Sacredsword talismans or something, but imo I'd rather use a real cultivator for that and just have the talisman law guy be an alchemist, since they're unparalleled at that.

  80. 2 years ago

    Any way to get your furnace refined faster?

    • 2 years ago

      Good cultivation array, eat a spirit stone, spirit crystal and a sprout pill (with more as soon as the effects wear off) and meditate the entire time after learning every skill that increases cultivation speed.
      Do MQB every couple of days too if you wanna go the extra mile.

      • 2 years ago

        I do all of these and it's still going at a snail's pace.

        • 2 years ago

          Get a better cultivation array, that's what everything else is multiplying so if it's weak then it won't multiply by much.
          It's never going to be super fast though so don't expect it even if you get a full super array like this one.

      • 2 years ago

        Also dont forget to get your mental state to 200, and have items with highest tier cultivation speed sub-spirits in all slots

        Oh and watch your stamina. Cultivation drains stamina so you gotta maintain it by increasing its regeneration rate and by eating shit like spirit dew and demon boar meat.

    • 2 years ago

      Good cultivation array, eat a spirit stone, spirit crystal and a sprout pill (with more as soon as the effects wear off) and meditate the entire time after learning every skill that increases cultivation speed.
      Do MQB every couple of days too if you wanna go the extra mile.

      Oh right, also a tier 12 Heavenly Heart sacred talisman, that gives +84% cultivation speed.

  81. 2 years ago

    How the frick do you make tier 30 talismans? I know you can reach tier 15 with sentient talisman but that's the ceiling, no?

    • 2 years ago

      30 wasn't the limit, there wasn't a limit at all given enough autism.
      I've not personally tried since but I've been told by a reliable source that it was fixed around the time of the Wudang DLC.
      How it worked was that instead of taking them to demi god as normal and killing them, you'd instead reincarnate them at golden core, give them a law again, get to golden core, repeat as many times as your autism would allow and you'd get +1 tier for each reincarnation to golden core you went through. It was great for making things like Darkarmour talismans that make the wearer basically indestructible.

      • 2 years ago

        >it was fixed around the time of the Wudang DLC
        Ah, that explains it. Thanks for sharing.

  82. 2 years ago

    What are my options for getting my dog to train spells more often? I've never managed to catch him in the act of it.

  83. 2 years ago

    How the frick do you kill a body cultivator using another one?
    I'm trying to kill the leader of Daemonia Temple so I can get a new one to give gifts to, and my body cultivator simply can't seem to kill them. Highest damage body part I could give them, attack stance, I've at here through three furious berserks and I managed to knock him unconscious the first time but couldn't kill him, so he got back up and kept fighting.
    Now what the frick do I do?

    • 2 years ago

      If I remember correctly, xiandao spellcasters should wreck physical cultivators. Pair one up with your body cultivator tanking and it should be an easy fight.

  84. 2 years ago

    I'm currently in the middle of gathering all the clues for the main storyline while following the index of this guide:
    though the guide isn't massively clear this way. Once I've gotten the 5 clues mentioned for the Mysterious Figure and the 24 clues for the Mystery of Taiyi, what's everything else I need for the best ending other than the golden scroll?
    Anyone willing to put together a checklist for the other stuff for me?

  85. 2 years ago

    how the hell do you get enough elemental fruits for alchemy stuff? or do you just buy most stuff premade from sects/merchant?

    • 2 years ago

      Depends on the stuff, a few things you're probably just better off buying pre-made like Eternity Pills.
      For other stuff though, there's a quest that you can do which will get you the Painting of the Four Symbols which will let you safeguard the world map trees, so you can visit them anytime to collect all the backlogged fruit. That, plus planting your own in specially constructed rooms, plus the ones you can collect by adventure from visiting the sect owned trees once you're respected by the sect.
      Get a better alchemist to up the amount you get each time, If you still need more than that after all of that then buy them from merchants and sects - you can remove the connection cost from a sect by conquering their sect.

  86. 2 years ago
    new tool for planning body cults

  87. 2 years ago

    Does alchemy yield bonus work with with spirit seeds (torch elixir etc)?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm pretty sure it works with anything you make with alchemy, the catch is that the break points for some shit is BIG. For example, making Spirit Seeds out of Fortune Seeds you only get 1 extra Spirit Seed for every +400% alchemy yield.

      • 2 years ago

        >you only get 1 extra Spirit Seed for every +400% alchemy yield
        Frick me for not knowing earlier, thanks.

  88. 2 years ago

    I'm looking to revive two NPCs (Chi Danqiu and Yu Moran of the Seven-slaughtering Sect), as I suspect they are dead before I could unlock access to their sect, but MODManager is a confusing mess that I don't even begin to claim I understand, even with their linked video.
    Anybody able and willing to spoonfeed me through the process please? Their two clues + the 3rd casket event are all I need now to complete the story.

    • 2 years ago

      Okay, I'm pretty sure I've managed to confirm for sure that both are dead.
      Actually, I'm sure a bunch of people from the sect are dead even though it's only day 400 or so.
      Anybody please advise me on the use of this mod? The main thing is I'm not sure which button from the mod's main menu I want (though I suspect I know that) and what to do after that - specifically how can I pick them as a resurrection target when I've never met either of them before?

      • 2 years ago

        It's been so long since I did this, this might be 100% accurate. Use the NPCMgr section, find them on the list of NPCs and then ChangePos to get them to your sect. You may be able to revive them after that. You'll need multiple people of course, to get knowledge of what they know before asking them.

  89. 2 years ago

    Any other games like this one, all about making your numbers bigger?

    • 2 years ago

      >all about making your numbers bigger?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          It's a phone capture I shrank to something like 30% size.

    • 2 years ago

      I know its not /vst/ at all, but i've just been very impressed by how insane you can get your numbers in Antimatter Dimensions.
      >Currently have 1×10^1,922,137 of game's basic resource. Which puts to absolute shame any physical properties ( observable universe is merely 10^184 planck volumes) or many of the combinatorial numbers (10^44 chess games, 10^217 permutations in 8x8x8 Rubik's cube, 10^700 possible Go games), and is slightly larger than 50,000!
      Googolplex and Graham number are still far beyond though.

  90. 2 years ago

    Experienced anon, if you're reading these threads ever still I have a question:
    What's the best formation I could make / use that fulfils the following requirements?
    >Artifact Mastery +(at least)10
    >Protection +(at least)10
    >(Optional) Formation Stability +(at least)10
    >Formation Size -1
    >Formation Load -5
    Using the lowest number of nodes? Any formation manuals from Ancient Cultivators or the second Golden Casket event / anything that I don't have to steal from another sect is fine. Basically I'm asking how to do the lower right formation when I don't see any reason to care about the +10 Spell, plus I'll have full access to Ancient Cultivator formations so perhaps that would improve things?

    My other question is this: For any member of a formation other than the pillar, what matters at all? I know their Qi amount does but I don't remember what else.

  91. 2 years ago


    Continuing, since the last two requirements are not directly influenced by the existing Auxiliary Links (as the previous post shows), you'd have to look into Truths, as seen in this image.

    Around that amount, yes. Visiting when in the opposite alignment, past GC and succeeding Ignore will does have an event where you get -200. Failing that particular one will "only" give -100. Others exist where it's -50, -150, and so on. A downward spiral indeed, just like Reputation.
    >Branch Sect
    Agencies you mean? The wiki page on the topic has a hint, on the Stats and Skills recommended for an Abbot:
    ACS<>RW would be a hard transfer in either direction. Both have issues on the technical side, making the preferred direction completely subjective. The gameplay being different doesn't help.
    Due to the technical similarities (Unity), it's definitely possible. Harmony is already being used in ACS, both as a stand-alone assembly and as a part of ModLoaderLite (MLL).
    Just one issue:
    Porting over the content requires you to understand both how it was originally implemented as well as how to "translate" it over. And on the topic, some mods not on the workshop.
    >Ancient Caskets no longer require you to select someone to open it:
    >Strange Mushroom as a rare drop from regular Mushrooms (similar to Ginseng and Lingzhi):
    >Additional Shendao stage for Arrogant obsession Farming:
    >Wudang Translation, adds the Duck to English Version:
    >Sub-Spirit Shield Attachment Fix (Vanilla attachments with Shield have no effect currently)
    Also, minimal layouts for Lv1 Pillars.

    already lists a bunch of optimal designs, the Blade of Tide variant would be useful for Artifact Mastery and Stability, but not so much for Protection. Thundercloud Dragon would fit both Artifact Mastery and Protection, but it's a bit larger in Size and even with the optimal layout takes 11 Cultivators (10 Size, due to the Mind of Balance). Additional points to consider with them:
    >Using the lowest number of nodes?
    Those designs are already as small as I could make them with Vanilla Nodes. Going smaller means giving up on a Truth of Formation.
    >full access to Ancient Cultivator formations so perhaps that would improve things?
    All 10 Lv2 Node related Manuals? Then there are two directions you can take:
    >Expand an existing Diagram
    This involves taking an existing layout, and expanding it with Lv2 Nodes. To expand a Lv1 layout, you will be needing the Centers of Changed Formation of the Twenty-Four Primordial Auxiliaries, or the Nodes you get from the 2nd Golden Casket, which are exclusive to it.
    >Change the Pillar
    This involves making a new layout with a Lv2 Pillar. And due to the lack of (reasonable) Minimal Designs with all Truths, this might be more complex.
    Either of them requires some writing and additional images, which one would you rather have?

    • 2 years ago

      >Either of them requires some writing and additional images, which one would you rather have?
      Is both not an option? Honestly your advice can be very difficult to parse sometimes.

      • 2 years ago

        Going with only one of them would limit the amount of information, which should be a good thing, as simply mentioning the options is already confusing enough.

        Any luck with upgrading the formations using level 2 nodes, Iguana-sama?

        Since that's the option selected, here's an image with some parts about the concept.
        Due to the limited amount of Nodes and the possible layouts in vanilla, not everything is a reasonable option. The reworked Cardinal example is one such case. If you're after specific results, you will have to start making sacrifices.
        That particular Pillar, ignoring the other Truths will give better results, like the layout above it shows.
        The remaining Beast/Weather Pillars are currently left out, since the existing layouts provided should already be enough.

        Ok so i actually went ahead and did a few experiments.

        >Overall, even small formations offer a very significant increase to artifact damage, and the Joint artifact multiplies that even more.
        >Auxiliaries artifact-related stats dont matter at all. Not even for Join Artifact
        >Auxiliaries barrier power does matter. The damage to the formation is spread to all members, and then damage is applied to each member according to their personal barrier power
        >Join Artifact does not seem to have any extra scaling with auxiliary count, even though you can see them summon extra artifacts
        >Join artifact does seem to give bigger bonus when the pillar has fewer artifacts, but this might be an issue with the experiment, as it was hard to make multiple artifacts hit the target all at once
        >There is diminishing returns to damage bonuses, so if you have 2 extremely strong artifact users and 8 auxiliaries, two 5-man formations are going to be stronger than one 10-man formation
        >Auxiliary links between each other are affected by feng shui relations, even the "side" links that do not lead directly to the pillar

        While the post focuses on Artifact Mastery Ability, much of it is also accurate about Spell and Protection Ability as well.
        artifact-related stats dont matter at all
        Unless you have a secondary Pillar in mind, then all that your Auxiliaries need to be capable of is maintaining the Formation (Max Qi + Qi Recovery) and taking damage (Barrier, together with Elemental Resistances). Spell related attributes are useless as well.
        barrier power does matter.
        And before it's spread, it gets reduced according to the Formations Protection Ability. Which is also why the old guide suggested "Everyone in the formation should have proportionate Qi cap, good Qi Regeneration and good protection." No idea why that's missing from the wiki page.
        >>Join Artifact does not seem to have any extra scaling with auxiliary count, even though you can see them summon extra artifacts
        Correct, the only direct effect of Auxiliary count is the amount of targets damage gets split by, as well as Formation Size and Load.
        Is just contaminated testing, as XiaWorld.ZhenMgr or the related functions have no sections on dealing with Artifact Counts. Continued...

        • 2 years ago

          is diminishing returns to damage bonuses
          That's Formation attributes in general.
          Artifact Mastery Ability, the square root of that is the resulting boosted Artifact Power (not in percentages, so x100%).
          The Joint Artifact boost is 1+"Artifact Mastery Ability" / 50, same formula goes for the Joint Spell boost and Spell Ability.
          Or Spell Ability and the resulting increase, the number shown taken to the power of 0.33333334 is the resulting boosted Spell Power.
          The other attributes have a bit more math involved, but there are diminishing returns in all of them. But yes, the only downside of two 5-man formations compared to a single 10-man formation is the additional cost in raising two pillars instead of one.
          links between each other are affected by feng shui relations
          Another thing that was mentioned in the old guide, but somewhat lacking on the wiki. Here's an image with a layout containing multiple Auxiliary Paths.
          What matters is the Rate listed under the [Current Auxiliary] section. That rate is what the Node effect gets multiplied by. If the node hovered over in the first path was Sword Will, it would provide (1+1+1)*2.44 Artifact Mastery Ability to the Formation attributes.
          The same node for the second path, it would only provide (1+1+1)*0.98 Artifact Mastery Ability.
          Or if the third path had a custom Node with 3 Jian links each providing +1 Artifact Mastery Ability, it would provide (1+1+1)*1.73 Artifact Mastery Ability.
          There are auxiliary multiple paths, which all head for the Pillar.
          And all that matters are the ones between the Node in question and the Pillar.
          With the example, the cultivator on the end of the 2nd path is same element as the one on the end of the 3rd path. But because their paths aren't connected, their relation doesn't matter. What does matter is the path, and since the previous Node has a Wood element cultivator, the Node is with an overcoming Relation.

          • 2 years ago

            got confused by this and wondered why the frick you were drawing aux paths between nodes until i realized that the node labeled 'pillar' was not in fact the pillar
            is there a standard logic for what route an aux path takes to a node if multiple are available? it clearly prioritizes fewest possible links, but not sure otherwise

        • 2 years ago

          is diminishing returns to damage bonuses
          That's Formation attributes in general.
          Artifact Mastery Ability, the square root of that is the resulting boosted Artifact Power (not in percentages, so x100%).
          The Joint Artifact boost is 1+"Artifact Mastery Ability" / 50, same formula goes for the Joint Spell boost and Spell Ability.
          Or Spell Ability and the resulting increase, the number shown taken to the power of 0.33333334 is the resulting boosted Spell Power.
          The other attributes have a bit more math involved, but there are diminishing returns in all of them. But yes, the only downside of two 5-man formations compared to a single 10-man formation is the additional cost in raising two pillars instead of one.
          links between each other are affected by feng shui relations
          Another thing that was mentioned in the old guide, but somewhat lacking on the wiki. Here's an image with a layout containing multiple Auxiliary Paths.
          What matters is the Rate listed under the [Current Auxiliary] section. That rate is what the Node effect gets multiplied by. If the node hovered over in the first path was Sword Will, it would provide (1+1+1)*2.44 Artifact Mastery Ability to the Formation attributes.
          The same node for the second path, it would only provide (1+1+1)*0.98 Artifact Mastery Ability.
          Or if the third path had a custom Node with 3 Jian links each providing +1 Artifact Mastery Ability, it would provide (1+1+1)*1.73 Artifact Mastery Ability.
          There are auxiliary multiple paths, which all head for the Pillar.
          And all that matters are the ones between the Node in question and the Pillar.
          With the example, the cultivator on the end of the 2nd path is same element as the one on the end of the 3rd path. But because their paths aren't connected, their relation doesn't matter. What does matter is the path, and since the previous Node has a Wood element cultivator, the Node is with an overcoming Relation.

          *Raises hands*
          I have questions, please keep in mind that this entire subject is so far over my head that it orbits further out than the moon, but a few things jump out at me.

          1: The pic in the first post. The top middle image provides just shy of 80 artifact mastery and 16 protect for 10 nodes, while the one on the right of that takes 14 nodes and only gives low 30s stats. What exactly justifies the extra 4 nodes there?
          2: The one directly below the top middle of the first pic provides 10 extra artifact mastery for a tiny bit of protection ability and only needs 9 cultivators to keep it running, what exactly makes it not better than the one above it?
          3: In the second image there are so many metal cultivators joined up, what gives there exactly?
          4: Now that I'm thinking about it, what difference does the whole "Mind of the Sword - Artifact Mastery +10" and so on exactly *DO*? Because looking at the first image the impression I get by comparing to the raw numbers on the left is that it doesn't do shit.

          • 2 years ago

            The additional nodes are from the base layout, that fulfills all the Truths. And BoTR is one of the largest "minimal" designs, having it be larger isn't that surprising due to the amount of requirements for all Truths.
            The difference in stats is somewhat obvious. Lv1 and Lv2 Links provide different effects. Jian|剑provides Artifact Mastery +1. Li|离provides Artifact Mastery +2 as well as +2 Protection. Similarly for Lv3 and Lv4 Links, it gets better the higher you go.
            Now compare the two layouts. Expanded BoTR (the one of the right) has the following Nodes with Lv2 Links (with the Auxiliary Rates):
            Fire Barrier Focus at 1.56
            Fire at 1.95
            The Expanded CSA on the other hand:
            Wind Sword Mastery at 1.56
            Wind at 1.95
            Fire Sword Mastery at 1.56
            Fire at 1.95
            Mountain Sword Mastery at 1.95
            Mountain at 2.44
            You should be able to see that one design has a bit more Nodes with Lv2 connections, as well as having some of them at higher rates. BoTR tries to go for all of the Truths, which requires a bunch of Lv1 connections. And due to that, it might not seem as effective.
            Somewhat related to the earlier, the Nodes involved. Top has a mix of Wind/Fire/Mountain Sword Mastery, and Mountain with the best rate does nothing for Artifact Mastery.
            The one below is with two Fire Sword Mastery Nodes. And it has 2 of them. When you rework the Expanded CSA with three Fire Sword Mastery, you get the image. That's one more than the layout with the Cardinals, which uses only two Lv2 Nodes.
            Instead of a Sword Will, you get two nodes with Lv2 links. So the additional auxiliary can be seen as providing more of an effect.
            An example of how the Auxiliary rate is calculated in action. Same boosts same, but at a lower rate than feeding. That's all there is to it. Also to point out that while the direct path is considered, the "side paths" don't exist.
            That's a Truth of Formation. Wiki page for terms:

            • 2 years ago

              I've read through your post twice now, and honestly I don't feel any wiser for it. It's like reading about how to understand Calculus while I'm still trying to grasp basic multiplication. The difference in our levels on this subject is staggering.
              This new pic for example, the stats it lists on the left look great - much better than the ones from the previous pic involving the exact same looking formation, yet I can't figure out what's different exactly to it so I'm calling this 'witchcraft'.
              Uhhhh, I guess is this the one you'd recommend that I copy and use, if I'm going to train up a squad of cultivators specifically for this formation for max difficulty sect destroying?

  92. 2 years ago


    >For a regular Formation, it's Max Qi + Qi Recovery (the Formation Cost to maintain it) together with Qi Barrier (the resulting stat, as well as Elemental Resistances, for reducing the damage dealt). That's what matters for Auxiliary Cultivators.
    Do they not also use their artifacts? That's one of the main things I'm asking / wondering about, if it's worth it to get more artifacts on everyone so I can have a grinder of 60 artifacts instead of just 6.

    Continuing, since the last two requirements are not directly influenced by the existing Auxiliary Links (as the previous post shows), you'd have to look into Truths, as seen in this image.
    [...] already lists a bunch of optimal designs, the Blade of Tide variant would be useful for Artifact Mastery and Stability, but not so much for Protection. Thundercloud Dragon would fit both Artifact Mastery and Protection, but it's a bit larger in Size and even with the optimal layout takes 11 Cultivators (10 Size, due to the Mind of Balance). Additional points to consider with them:
    >Using the lowest number of nodes?
    Those designs are already as small as I could make them with Vanilla Nodes. Going smaller means giving up on a Truth of Formation.
    >full access to Ancient Cultivator formations so perhaps that would improve things?
    All 10 Lv2 Node related Manuals? Then there are two directions you can take:
    >Expand an existing Diagram
    This involves taking an existing layout, and expanding it with Lv2 Nodes. To expand a Lv1 layout, you will be needing the Centers of Changed Formation of the Twenty-Four Primordial Auxiliaries, or the Nodes you get from the 2nd Golden Casket, which are exclusive to it.
    >Change the Pillar
    This involves making a new layout with a Lv2 Pillar. And due to the lack of (reasonable) Minimal Designs with all Truths, this might be more complex.
    Either of them requires some writing and additional images, which one would you rather have?

    >This involves taking an existing layout, and expanding it with Lv2 Nodes. To expand a Lv1 layout, you will be needing the Centers of Changed Formation of the Twenty-Four Primordial Auxiliaries, or the Nodes you get from the 2nd Golden Casket, which are exclusive to it.
    >This involves making a new layout with a Lv2 Pillar. And due to the lack of (reasonable) Minimal Designs with all Truths, this might be more complex.
    >Either of them requires some writing and additional images, which one would you rather have?
    *Blank stare into a slow nod and smile*
    In my first sect I was annoyed that I missed out on the formation manuals in the second golden casket event, so THIS TIME I've gone out of my way to make sure to get both from the GC event and savescumming for manuals from Ancient Cultivators. I just want a really good artifact based formation for a SSS cultivator to take down sects on Trib IX difficulty, I'm about to open an entire zoo to staff said formation with but first I need to understand how many people (and which types) I'm going to need this.
    Fail to plan, and you plan to fail.

    • 2 years ago

      >Do they not also use their artifacts?
      i'm not an expert, but i'm fairly certain they do their usual stuff. it's just that only the pillar gets formation bonuses

    • 2 years ago

      >Do they not also use their artifacts?
      Dont listen to the non-experts. Auxiliaries dont use their artifacts at all.
      Auxiliaries are there to contribute their qi and provide passive formation bonuses. You want them to have a lot of qi and barrier power, and that's it. Their artifact mastery or quality/quantity of their artifact doesnt matter. At least for normal operation. The "Join Artifact" ability? Dunno lol
      Formations have a strong multiplicative effect on Pillar's artifact power, so the Pillar's gain in power will usually outweigh auxiliary's loss of ability to fight. That is assuming your pillar is your sect's strongest fighter, of course.

  93. 2 years ago

    How do I archive threads? This one's pretty good.

  94. 2 years ago

    boy that was a lot of pings from the official discord today
    i like how the official dev-appointed community manager showed up to say he was regularly active and then under an hour later people start pinging the whole server because there's no lock on it and the CM doesn't do shit

    • 2 years ago

      I have no idea what any of the things you typed mean beyond "something happened on discord". Why would that matter?

      • 2 years ago

        Not that guy, but I am on there for the help channel and tl;dr from what I gathered:
        >Main guy from the discord was sort of getting supplanted with some Community Manager that the chinks had decided they wanted in and were going to pay
        >This new CM did jack shit and kept pretty quiet, letting everyone else pick up his slack while still getting paid
        >OP tried talking to the devs about it multiple times and they were either dismissive or didn't care
        >After months of this, OP quits out of frustration
        >A couple of hours later the CM replies with a long apology post saying he though the volunteer staff were going a good job and didn't want to get in their way
        >Somebody spams one of the channel and floods it with pings shortly afterwards, CM does nothing about it

  95. 2 years ago


    Continuing, since the last two requirements are not directly influenced by the existing Auxiliary Links (as the previous post shows), you'd have to look into Truths, as seen in this image.
    [...] already lists a bunch of optimal designs, the Blade of Tide variant would be useful for Artifact Mastery and Stability, but not so much for Protection. Thundercloud Dragon would fit both Artifact Mastery and Protection, but it's a bit larger in Size and even with the optimal layout takes 11 Cultivators (10 Size, due to the Mind of Balance). Additional points to consider with them:
    >Using the lowest number of nodes?
    Those designs are already as small as I could make them with Vanilla Nodes. Going smaller means giving up on a Truth of Formation.
    >full access to Ancient Cultivator formations so perhaps that would improve things?
    All 10 Lv2 Node related Manuals? Then there are two directions you can take:
    >Expand an existing Diagram
    This involves taking an existing layout, and expanding it with Lv2 Nodes. To expand a Lv1 layout, you will be needing the Centers of Changed Formation of the Twenty-Four Primordial Auxiliaries, or the Nodes you get from the 2nd Golden Casket, which are exclusive to it.
    >Change the Pillar
    This involves making a new layout with a Lv2 Pillar. And due to the lack of (reasonable) Minimal Designs with all Truths, this might be more complex.
    Either of them requires some writing and additional images, which one would you rather have?

    Any luck with upgrading the formations using level 2 nodes, Iguana-sama?

  96. 2 years ago

    Ok so i actually went ahead and did a few experiments.

    >Overall, even small formations offer a very significant increase to artifact damage, and the Joint artifact multiplies that even more.
    >Auxiliaries artifact-related stats dont matter at all. Not even for Join Artifact
    >Auxiliaries barrier power does matter. The damage to the formation is spread to all members, and then damage is applied to each member according to their personal barrier power
    >Join Artifact does not seem to have any extra scaling with auxiliary count, even though you can see them summon extra artifacts
    >Join artifact does seem to give bigger bonus when the pillar has fewer artifacts, but this might be an issue with the experiment, as it was hard to make multiple artifacts hit the target all at once
    >There is diminishing returns to damage bonuses, so if you have 2 extremely strong artifact users and 8 auxiliaries, two 5-man formations are going to be stronger than one 10-man formation
    >Auxiliary links between each other are affected by feng shui relations, even the "side" links that do not lead directly to the pillar

  97. 2 years ago


    Continuing, since the last two requirements are not directly influenced by the existing Auxiliary Links (as the previous post shows), you'd have to look into Truths, as seen in this image.
    [...] already lists a bunch of optimal designs, the Blade of Tide variant would be useful for Artifact Mastery and Stability, but not so much for Protection. Thundercloud Dragon would fit both Artifact Mastery and Protection, but it's a bit larger in Size and even with the optimal layout takes 11 Cultivators (10 Size, due to the Mind of Balance). Additional points to consider with them:
    >Using the lowest number of nodes?
    Those designs are already as small as I could make them with Vanilla Nodes. Going smaller means giving up on a Truth of Formation.
    >full access to Ancient Cultivator formations so perhaps that would improve things?
    All 10 Lv2 Node related Manuals? Then there are two directions you can take:
    >Expand an existing Diagram
    This involves taking an existing layout, and expanding it with Lv2 Nodes. To expand a Lv1 layout, you will be needing the Centers of Changed Formation of the Twenty-Four Primordial Auxiliaries, or the Nodes you get from the 2nd Golden Casket, which are exclusive to it.
    >Change the Pillar
    This involves making a new layout with a Lv2 Pillar. And due to the lack of (reasonable) Minimal Designs with all Truths, this might be more complex.
    Either of them requires some writing and additional images, which one would you rather have?

    Ok so i actually went ahead and did a few experiments.

    >Overall, even small formations offer a very significant increase to artifact damage, and the Joint artifact multiplies that even more.
    >Auxiliaries artifact-related stats dont matter at all. Not even for Join Artifact
    >Auxiliaries barrier power does matter. The damage to the formation is spread to all members, and then damage is applied to each member according to their personal barrier power
    >Join Artifact does not seem to have any extra scaling with auxiliary count, even though you can see them summon extra artifacts
    >Join artifact does seem to give bigger bonus when the pillar has fewer artifacts, but this might be an issue with the experiment, as it was hard to make multiple artifacts hit the target all at once
    >There is diminishing returns to damage bonuses, so if you have 2 extremely strong artifact users and 8 auxiliaries, two 5-man formations are going to be stronger than one 10-man formation
    >Auxiliary links between each other are affected by feng shui relations, even the "side" links that do not lead directly to the pillar

    Formations are some arcane mumbo jumbo that I am never ever ever ever going to properly understand, frick me. Just going to follow recommended diagrams and make my life much easier.

  98. 2 years ago

    >Fighting the first Torch Dragon of my latest sect
    >Destroy an egg to change the phase after getting all the feng shui just right
    >Heavy snow begins the SAME FRICKING SECOND
    >5 eggs break because their feng shui is fricked up

  99. 2 years ago

    I wish there was more shit to use formations against. Once I get to the point where formations becoming somewhat useful I've already beaten all the major threats in the game with the help of either a shen warrior or physical cultivator.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, especially the more advanced ones.
      By the time you can make a Lv3 Formation, you'll already have an Ancient Formation (Lv5). Or if you go with the path of stealing, you can make an Ancient Formation before a regular one. Definitely an issue in vanilla.

      >Two months old thread
      >When threads used to hit bump limit in less than two daysa

      The fast threads were when that video came out. But before and after that, it was common for a thread to last that long. When the thread gets a post per day, it's going to last a while.

      I've read through your post twice now, and honestly I don't feel any wiser for it. It's like reading about how to understand Calculus while I'm still trying to grasp basic multiplication. The difference in our levels on this subject is staggering.
      This new pic for example, the stats it lists on the left look great - much better than the ones from the previous pic involving the exact same looking formation, yet I can't figure out what's different exactly to it so I'm calling this 'witchcraft'.
      Uhhhh, I guess is this the one you'd recommend that I copy and use, if I'm going to train up a squad of cultivators specifically for this formation for max difficulty sect destroying?

      >The difference in our levels on this subject is staggering.
      This has been stated multiple times in the past, and it's also why giving a choice earlier was the right decision.
      Between the two expanded CSA version? Just Node selection.
      The first one uses a mix of Lv2 connections, while the second one uses only those that boost Artifact Mastery Ability. But there's another factor that might further clarify things, the Pillar Node.
      The 3 links for Concentrated Sword Aura have an effect of boosting Artifact Mastery by 30% each. Or 90% in total. So if you have a Node that provides a boost to Artifact Mastery, the effect is boosted further due the effect from the Pillar.
      If the Pillar had links boosting Protect instead, then even with Lv2 connections focused on Artifact Mastery, the resulting Artifact Mastery Ability wouldn't be that high.
      For a design to copy, either the latest one for an Artifact Mastery related one, or an alternative "balanced" Formation based on Thundercloud Dragon, as the image shows.
      On the top, Sharpened Sword, Crane Sword and Pliability, and Fire Sword Mastery with Fire.
      On the bottom, Dragon Sword and Spell, Doubled Positivity, and Fire Barrier Focus with Fire.
      Since the Pillar effects end up with 60% for both Artifact Mastery and Protection, it can be seen as more useful for dealing with Spells and general damages. A slight increase to Spell Power will also give a bit of a boost to any healing Spells.
      Pure Artifact combat, or ATK+DEF. Your choice.

      • 2 years ago

        >This has been stated multiple times in the past, and it's also why giving a choice earlier was the right decision.
        Honestly, I asked for both because I didn't even know what either would be like and no idea what would help. The pictures seem to help me more, with them having the stats listed with them. That being said they're still somewhat confusing as ones with higher looking stats seem to be worse from your description, which really throws me off.
        Any particular reason why this one starts with a Fire cultivator? If no and I can use an SSS pillar, I think I''ll go with it since it seems pretty beefy while still retaining a good bit of bite.

        Looks like I'll be raising a Tiger and 7 cats in that case. My goal is to get 1m core on everyone involved or close enough.

        • 2 years ago

          >That being said they're still somewhat confusing as ones with higher looking stats seem to be worse from your description, which really throws me off.
          Effectiveness, or Diminishing Returns. For example, Artifact Power Increase mentioned earlier is a Square Root of Artifact Mastery Ability.
          Remember, Formations are just another tool in your possession. A Pillar is still important. And at those numbers, if they deal 240K or 251K DPS, you can sacrifice a bit of pure DPS to make them tankier.
          >Any particular reason why this one starts with a Fire cultivator?
          The source of those images is a testing save from a long time ago, used to document Ancient Formations and general testing. 20 Outer Disciples, 69 Inner Disciples.
          You can use whoever, as long as the feeding elements are being followed.
          >7 cats
          Turtles with their added Barrier might work better. Or Snakes with their additional Qi. But that's the minmax way, not the fun way.

          >The fast threads were when that video came out. But before and after that, it was common for a thread to last that long. When the thread gets a post per day, it's going to last a while.
          It's a good thing.
          - I can read things in this thread while taking a morning shit
          - Then I can test the thing that interested me in the evening when I have time to play the game
          - I can contemplate my own experiences while I was playing for a whole day after that
          - Then come back here on the 3rd day with my thoughts gathered and find the thread still around for me to freely join into the discussion

          Good or bad, that all depends on the game in question. ACS is complex enough that you have to go to the details involved here. And for a some topics, it can actually take the time you mentioned.

          got confused by this and wondered why the frick you were drawing aux paths between nodes until i realized that the node labeled 'pillar' was not in fact the pillar
          is there a standard logic for what route an aux path takes to a node if multiple are available? it clearly prioritizes fewest possible links, but not sure otherwise

          >was not in fact the pillar
          Yes, the naming scheme was Zhen Node for any Auxiliaries, and Zhen Pillar for any Pillars. That was when the Ancient Formation Configs were being raised (The Grand Chariot related ones were a bit "special"). And then it was just a matter of reuse, so that's why those images can be confusing.
          For Auxiliary Paths, that's close enough to the truth. An image for show, only the shortest paths are used. Not something usable, but works as an example.
          Also, when you hover over a particular Node, the path will be shown in gold like in that image. Both in the Diagram and Config screens. Useful to know if you don't have a full config and are filling it with randoms.

          • 2 years ago

            >Turtles with their added Barrier might work better. Or Snakes with their additional Qi. But that's the minmax way, not the fun way.
            Minmax for the formation sure, but I'm minmaxing for them to be useful in multiple ways. Cats get good stats in general instead of dumpster tier ones and are useful for adventures like finding mass amounts of Lumina Core and Holy Stone. Turtles would be useless fricks outside of their fighting role and I have a body cultivator to fill that role already.

            Side question about MQB since I know you're the authority on it: assuming both formations are on the same horizontal plane and are 8 node, what's the minimum distance from each other they have to be in order to not interfere with each other if two are burst simultaneously?
            If the second cushion is exactly 14 tiles away horizontally from the first, how much effectiveness am I losing?

            • 2 years ago

              >Minmax for the formation sure, but I'm minmaxing for them to be useful in multiple ways
              Can't have Max without the Min. But the main reason for bringing them up was for the bigger picture. When using Turtles as auxiliaries, they'd be more "resilient". Which means that the Formation can focus on other things, like pure damage. Or with Snakes having more Qi, it's not an issue if the Formations Qi Cost per Second is slightly higher.
              Just something you might consider, nothing crucial.
              For bursting, the common method documented in that guide is the easiest one, but it's not the only method. Apart from being the easiest to understand (opinion), it also has a relatively small footprint, even when looking at the AR4BR4N8 setup. Look at the image.
              Two AR4BR4N8, side by side, with the tiles being reset "clearly" marked. If you're after zero overlap, then 15 Tiles is the distance between Cushions.
              The single row between the two areas means that bursting one array (and NOT a Formation) would have no direct influence on the other array.
              >If the second cushion is exactly 14 tiles away horizontally from the first, how much effectiveness am I losing?
              This means that there is no "dead-zone" between the two arrays, and when bursting one array, the adjacent tiles of the other area can be influenced.
              Adjacency is not that much of an issue, as far as effectiveness goes. But go any closer than that, and you will start overlapping the areas influenced.
              For an AR4BR4N8, you'd start losing effectiveness when the distance between cushions is 12 or less. At that point, the Nodes of one array would reset of the other array that have Qi Gathering from the Array itself.
              That's for AR4BR4N8, if you're using Range 5 Items in your layout, you'd need 16 Tiles between Cushions for adjacency, or 17 for isolation Two AR5BR4N8 arrays with 14 Tiles between Cushions means that there's 2 Tiles of Overlap
              Tiny loss in effectiveness, but nothing to worry about.

              • 2 years ago

                >Can't have Max without the Min.
                Something that is 9/10/10/10 is better than something that is 10/0/0/0, even if that first thing is the main reason you're getting them for. Sacrificing several very useful things you still want to keep in order to be 10% better at the main thing is not minmaxing, it's losing sight of the bigger picture because the "bigger picture" isn't just formations and nothing else. Things like adventuring to mass collect Lumina Core / Holy Stone / Phoenixwood etc is secondary in importance compared to formation duties, but it's still like 1/3rd of their purpose compared to formation duties 2/3rds.

                >Tiny loss in effectiveness, but nothing to worry about.
                Fair enough, thanks.

      • 2 years ago

        >The fast threads were when that video came out. But before and after that, it was common for a thread to last that long. When the thread gets a post per day, it's going to last a while.
        It's a good thing.
        - I can read things in this thread while taking a morning shit
        - Then I can test the thing that interested me in the evening when I have time to play the game
        - I can contemplate my own experiences while I was playing for a whole day after that
        - Then come back here on the 3rd day with my thoughts gathered and find the thread still around for me to freely join into the discussion

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks man, you've been a big help with formations. They're mumbo jumbo to me.

        >The fast threads were when that video came out. But before and after that, it was common for a thread to last that long. When the thread gets a post per day, it's going to last a while.
        It's a good thing.
        - I can read things in this thread while taking a morning shit
        - Then I can test the thing that interested me in the evening when I have time to play the game
        - I can contemplate my own experiences while I was playing for a whole day after that
        - Then come back here on the 3rd day with my thoughts gathered and find the thread still around for me to freely join into the discussion

        I just wish that some weeks, I wasn't the only one keeping the thread bumped.

  100. 2 years ago

    >Two months old thread
    >When threads used to hit bump limit in less than two daysa

    • 2 years ago

      it's fine
      the longer a sect exists, the slower things progress
      probably still a few months until news about 2

  101. 2 years ago

    >We had three Primordial Spirits, four Golden Cores, three useless Core Shapers, a Shendao guy with a bigass divine realm, and a whole encyclopedia of multi-colored diagrams, pillars, auxiliaries, links, truths... and also an entire stash of Darkarmor Talismans, an euphoria pill, a box of artifacts, a Turtle Soul Contract, and two dozen Spirit crystals.
    >Not that we needed all that for the formation, but once you get locked into building formations, the tendency is to push it as far as you can

    • 2 years ago

      I thought the general idea with formations was that you wanted elements that fed the pillar adjacent to it, and then elements that fed those? i.e. If you've a wood in the centre, everyone supporting him is water, and everyone supporting the water guys is metal.

      • 2 years ago

        >Caring about such minor details when you can just grab whatever you have available and jam it in

        • 2 years ago

          >We had three Primordial Spirits, four Golden Cores, three useless Core Shapers, a Shendao guy with a bigass divine realm, and a whole encyclopedia of multi-colored diagrams, pillars, auxiliaries, links, truths... and also an entire stash of Darkarmor Talismans, an euphoria pill, a box of artifacts, a Turtle Soul Contract, and two dozen Spirit crystals.
          >Not that we needed all that for the formation, but once you get locked into building formations, the tendency is to push it as far as you can

          >tendency is to push it as far as you can

  102. 2 years ago

    between this game and Kenshi, vidya is giving heroin a run for its money.

    I could sense a time sink pit trap in these games a mile a way, my immune system knows better.

  103. 2 years ago

    A minor inconvenience.

    • 2 years ago

      How could someone live without a skull?

      • 2 years ago

        very carefully

  104. 2 years ago

    I know its technically wuxia, but i'm surprised nobody mentioned Thunderbolt Fantasy, considering how hard it leans into fantasy elements

    • 2 years ago

      It's based but as you said, it's wuxia and not cultivation.

      • 2 years ago

        Wuxia has cultivation too tho?

        • 2 years ago

          Not really? The whole cultivation thing with advancing your state of being by training, eating pills, soul stones, etc is almost entirely a xianxia thing. Wuxia is mostly just fantasy martial arts. There is technically a basic cultivation of qi, but it lacks most of the elements that came to be associated with cultivation. i.e. you won't see somehing like Golden Core or Nascent Soul in Tale of Wuxia or Scroll of Taiwu.

    • 2 years ago

      Season 4 when?

      Wuxia has cultivation too tho?

      It does, but ACS feels more like xianxia than wuxia with how people becoming gods and stuff. Wuxia in general have lower power scaling than xianxia.

      • 2 years ago

        wasn't s3 super recent? we got the third movie before s4 anyway
        in the meantime uhhh more pili seasons translated when haha

    • 2 years ago

      Is there a cult builder like ACS but for the Wuxia genre?

      • 2 years ago

        Not really anything like ACS. Evoultion of Jianghu is about sect management. From Jianghu has some as well. Both aren't all that good and your only option for playing them if you don't know Chinese is using MTL mods.

  105. 2 years ago

    What exactly does it mean, "Three buildings with connecting elements"?

    • 2 years ago

      Buildings, objects you made from the Build menu, I believe.
      Isn't connecting elements the 5 elements thingy? I'd reckon you can use wood, fire, and earth objects in that room since you can't use water.

    • 2 years ago

      The wiki article on Relics is actually pretty good
      >Must have at least three buildings that feeds the Relic element (Water building for Wood relic, etc.)
      So just put a bunch banners feeding the Relic's element around it and you should be fine

      • 2 years ago

        Interesting, do these 3 wood buildings (or whatever) have to be touching the relic or otherwise close to it?
        Honestly this has completely fricked me up, I thought this meant that I had to avoid building wells (as the water from them would counter my relic) but it sounds like the devs kind of intended for you to have 3 wells in the room as part of it?
        What light sources, if any, have an elemental range of 2 instead of 3?

        • 2 years ago

          >touching the relic or otherwise close to it?
          No, just in the same Room. Walls/Doors don't count as buildings for either of the special requirements.
          >devs kind of intended for you to have 3 wells in the room as part of it?
          Arguable, but it sure is one of the easiest Wood Element Buildings to utilize. For the Celestial Pagoda, the following can be said about the requirements:
          >Fire Element Relic
          >Area Slightly Beneficial for Fire Element spot (at least 0.3 Element Power)
          >Large (99 Tiles) Workshop
          >Not touching any Walls
          >3 buildings and relics with connecting elements means at least 3 Buildings with Wood Element
          >No buildings whose elements counter relics means no Water Element buildings
          >Exactly 1 Spirit Relic
          Based on that, a layout like can be created, see image. Exactly 99 Tiles. 2 Wells and a Lamp made out of Wood for the connecting bonus, and that's pretty much it.
          Each 2X3 pod can either fit a single 2X2 Workbench, or two 2X1 ones. The Relics location can be swapped, as long as the amount of Tiles remains at 99 or below.
          >What light sources, if any, have an elemental range of 2 instead of 3?
          None. Spirit Crystals Walls work for just light without Element emission, but if you plan on using Metal Buildings (you can), a regular Earth Decoration can be positioned in a way that it only affects the desired FS Buildings. Like that Wood Element Lamp in the image.

          Let's say that I have X Charisma (or any other non Luck stat), I use a top tier suppression room to reduce their stats to 0 and use both the IMB remould and the miracle to remould their stats, then feed them a Fortune Dew and wait for the side effects to wear off, then feed them 3x t12 Eternity Pill and 5x t12 Bane Pill, give them a sub spirit set that boosts their Charisma by 30% and put them in a room with a relic that buffs Charisma by a further 40%.
          What X would I have to start with in order for the result of all of that to be 10 Charisma and maximum innate Potential from that stat when they become an inner disciple? What's the minimum initial Charisma I could get away with?

          IMB and Remolding is detailed on the relevant wiki pages.
          Leaving out RNG, the lowest roll at 0 would be 40%+80%=120%
          At this point, starting at 5 will already get you to 10:

          Fortune Dew gets them to 120+20=140
          3 T12 Eternity Pills in total will provide 21.42%, taking it up to 161.42%, which is past the requirement for 4.
          5 T12 Bane Pills with a total of 33.51%, or 194.93%.
          4 is safe for those stats, 3 requires additional 40% from any source.

          • 2 years ago

            >4 is safe for those stats, 3 requires additional 40% from any source.
            How about decimal places though? This is for a Yao Tiger, I'd like to know how little I can get away with here from maybe a 0.5 and occasional 0.1 sources.

            • 2 years ago

              10/2.9493 = 3.39 minimum up to the bane pills
              3.5 yes, 3.1 no without further steps. subspirit enables 3.1, relic would enable 3

              • 2 years ago

                Righty, cheers. I'll get Ringing, Anxious, and Tranquil which should give me 2.1 and then savescum for a +1 on Charisma to get 3.1 then.

            • 2 years ago

              The math involved in finding the "minimal" limit isn't exactly rocket science. ((10/X)-1)*100 is the required amount in percentages to reach the cap. X being the initial base stat.
              10/X provides the total required boost including the initial stat, -1 is due to the the initial stat (alternative point of view, 100%), and *100 for a more readable result.
              Here are the values with a single decimal, up to 8, with the required percentage boost utilizing that same formula.
              The vales on the left are the Base stat, before any boosts are applied to it. Those can either be from Yaogai Shards (a flat boost that doesn't follow the typical logic), or the sources already mentioned earlier, like Pills or Backgrounds.
              >Yao Tiger
              Since the 5 Base Attributes from Shards are applied differently, following the formula currently listed will not provide the desired effect. Due to them being flat additions, it's no longer 10/X-1*100, but something closer to ~~*10-Effect from Shards)/(X-Effect from Shards))-1)*100.
              10-EfS since you don't need to rely on pure percentages, and X-EfS since the flat boost doesn't get influenced by percentages. It's related to why Yaoguai have "higher" starting stats on higher Tribulation difficulties, as the base stat debuff is applied as a percentage. And due to it being calculated differently, the same formula no longer applies.
              The second column in the image starts with =(10/A2-1)*100 , changing any of the variables involved shouldn't be an issue to anyone.

              • 2 years ago

                This game seems like weapons-grade autism.

              • 2 years ago

                it is, but only as much as you make it

          • 2 years ago

            Why is the door facing west on that workshop?

            • 2 years ago

              The relic is gonna override any other Feng Shui modifiers, so the door position doesnt matter anymore

  106. 2 years ago

    there's a couple of adventures which are like diving/master's stash, what determines success/loot on those? is it usually just luck, and is the loot pool the same for the same event in multiple locations?

  107. 2 years ago

    I just bought this game out of boredom and the dlc. I hope it's fun.

  108. 2 years ago

    Let's say that I have X Charisma (or any other non Luck stat), I use a top tier suppression room to reduce their stats to 0 and use both the IMB remould and the miracle to remould their stats, then feed them a Fortune Dew and wait for the side effects to wear off, then feed them 3x t12 Eternity Pill and 5x t12 Bane Pill, give them a sub spirit set that boosts their Charisma by 30% and put them in a room with a relic that buffs Charisma by a further 40%.
    What X would I have to start with in order for the result of all of that to be 10 Charisma and maximum innate Potential from that stat when they become an inner disciple? What's the minimum initial Charisma I could get away with?

  109. 2 years ago

    My game keeps crashing during tutorials.

  110. 2 years ago

    No, chink 'mythology' is cringe and shit

  111. 2 years ago

    Two relics I found for my stat suppression room, one right before and one from the Phoenix.
    Extremely blessed.

    • 2 years ago
  112. 2 years ago

    It's been such a fricking long time coming, but I've finally completed the story.

    • 2 years ago

      Doesnt count if you used One click Favor

  113. 2 years ago

    I'm curious to see how big they'll get on day 1000.

  114. 2 years ago

    What's the point where you press "stop pedal" on reincarnators? I've just discovered you can make custom thoughts for yao beasts with, for example, 1k True Qi regen or whatever.
    I've always made my starting squad somewhat decent before (13 Qi sense minimum) starting a run, but this new knowledge of custom thoughts is eating me from the inside, since I could skip a lot of grind.

    • 2 years ago

      I might make a custom Yao with 5 legit thought shards but basically actually choosing the ones I want, but that's about it.

      • 2 years ago

        >Yao with 5 legit thought shards
        That would be max secret bodies for body cult and max qi sense for Shen/Xian culti or something similar, right?

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah more or less.

      • 2 years ago

        Made a yaoguai with 2d tribulation timer and passed it with element arm and shield leg, lmao.

  115. 2 years ago

    I have it and I want to try it but I dunno if I am willing to spend the hours required for rimworld with max autism

  116. 2 years ago

    How the frick do I make offcut? None of the crafting stations I have access to make it and its required for all floors.

  117. 2 years ago

    Nvmind its handcraft station and it just doesn't say it does this

  118. 2 years ago

    >Find out about the Wudang Duck
    >Have to play in Chinese to have the manual for extra qi
    Is there anything I can do about this or way around it? Any other obscure shit discovered this year I prob don't know about?

    • 2 years ago

      >dlc that makes the game punish me for not daring to be chinese
      >pay to be racist'd at

    • 2 years ago

      There's a mod to make it english, just ctrl F wudang in the thread

      • 2 years ago

        What does the mod do exactly though? Does it make all the Wudang Duck stuff exactly the same on the English version or do I have to encounter it there still or what?

        • 2 years ago

          It just translates the wudang duck and its drops to english and lets you find it on the english version so you don't have to do the language swap

  119. 2 years ago

    You guys play 觅长生 / Immortal Way of Life ? I've been addicted to it for the past week and already sank 80 hours into it. It's hard as balls too and turn based rpg and convoluted like ACS.

    • 2 years ago

      Its on my list but wasn't translated last I looked at it. There's no warning saying no english now so I guess it is.
      Being convuluted isn't particularly appealing though. Generally what that actually means is 'the ui or tutorial or descriptions are bad'

    • 2 years ago

      >No england translation
      Wuts the game like? I think I've seen it in steam discusions mentioned before (that or 'immortal WAY of life' which is what google finds before this errytime).
      I assumes it has a translation patch

      • 2 years ago

        The translation is almost all MTL so you need to be able to stomach that. It's on the workshop.
        As for what's the game like, it plays like a RPG where you roam around the world map and get stronger obviously. NPC live their lives as well mostly without you and you encounter them on the world map. Sometimes they're in trouble and will need assitance with hp pots/gathering or combat.
        There's a "friend" system where if you befriend a NPC, you can leave them a communication talisman and can ask where they are or what they're doing, invite them to your cave to chat or if you're really intimate to even dual cultivate.
        What's make it interesting compared to ToI where NPC don't matter is that you need people to discuss the Dao to level up your skill trees and thus you'll need diversified amount of people depending on what you want to increase. NPC also have skills that you can't get if you're not in their sect and GOOD combat skills are hard to get.
        There's quite a lot of quests to do and some of them are time gated so I don't think it's possible to clear them all unless you're meta gaming from the get go.
        Combat is turn based, you absorb elemental Qi every round and you spend it on abilities. There's tons of builds you can make and there's elemental gimmick where if you do a wood skill, your next fire skill will be empowered with additional abilities.

        I got a standalone build going with goldberg emu and got the EN patch on the workshop to work without being loaded as one with bepinex if you guys want to try the game : pixeldrain com/u/d1MTxsR2
        If the game doesn't start or is being weird (not getting dao xp when debating), Windows Languages settings > Administrative language settings > Language for non-Unicode programs > Change system locale > Tick Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8

        • 2 years ago

          This translation is simutaniously better than expected and worse
          >Get to auction because quest says so
          >No fricking clue what to do, the game doesn't explain its ui at all, there's nothing to click beyond people who have nothing to say
          Game seems liable to be boring just because of the combat system though. Lot of waiting around to be able to do shit.

          • 2 years ago

            The early game is brutal since you have no synergies between all your skills and you're flat out weak. To interact with the auctioneer it's always the first person in the member list on the left.
            In the tutorial they only want you to witness the auction to see how it all works. Once you get to Wuling City, you'll witness the tournament and from there the game is open.
            I strongly advise you start on easy mode since you get more Qi per turn and make a character with dual spirit roots of your choice and join an elemental sect. For example if you want to play fire you'd want dual root and then select wood and fire.
            Once you're in a sect you'll have a lot of early spells available to you and you can get a feel of the game like that.
            Quicksave often with F5/F8. If there's some hanzi popping on screen and you really need to figure out what they mean, Win+shift+S + Ctrl+V in though I think most of the early game shouldn't be too bad translation wise.

            • 2 years ago

              Thanks, I'll restart on easy because
              >You spend more turns unable to do shit
              Isn't a fun kind of challenge

        • 2 years ago

          needs a proper translation to be worth playing imo, but not sure devs plan to do that (probably not when fans made a mediocre one and removed the need). even early on its full of stuff that's not translated, which also often almost immediately vanishes. game doesn't feel good enough to be worth the effort of dealing with it.
          lost interest when one of my quests was to 'comprehend an element via discourse', which was spam clicking through a boring 'minigame' where my literal only choice was to pick a color or another color with 0 explanation on what the frick any of this means (i won every time anyways, not sure its possible to lose)
          it is indeed convuluted in a 'the ui and tutorials suck' kind of way
          shame since the character creation does acutally match a lot of classic novels, where you only get a super good root if destiny (in this case the first option we pick in char creation) says so, at least until the mc meets some girl with am omega god root and somehow copies it or some such shit

  120. 2 years ago

    I don't suppose anybody knows what causes the flashing red square on my body cultivator's attacks? It's the only thing that makes them good but I've no clue how to trigger it or encourage it.

  121. 2 years ago

    How do you get a natural and divergent law for the achievement? I used to know this, it's to do with the Spirit Fruit trees, but I really don't remember any more.

  122. 2 years ago

    >Anyone ever play Amazing Cultivation Simulator? It looks like it might be a fun way to waste a couple months.
    >Is it as insane as Sseth makes it seem?
    In fact imma start a new run soon

  123. 2 years ago

    Of these, which is the least useless?
    I'm using OneClickFavor and it's Tribulation IX so I need 2x as much connection in order to buy anything.

  124. 2 years ago

    Tried to debuff this guy's stats down to 0 but perception was stuck at 2 and I still can't figure out why.

  125. 2 years ago

    Should have been more unique sect wonders like the mini-universe instead of the rest all being
    >learn x
    >a fricking seat
    They give you the universe super early to give the illusion the wonders are, well, wonderful, when they're incredibly basic

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, firstly what could they even be? Plus it's eluded to in the story that the Mini Universe is the actual good shit and the other sects are basically small time compared to the ones who created the mini universe.

      • 2 years ago

        Trivializing other jobs the way it does storage
        Upgrading your stupid pets
        Easier ways to do X, such as making animals sentient
        Giving more ways to add lifespan so we can pretend that mechanic matters some more
        Plenty of thing, its a game based off one of the most popular genres of fiction in the world (by virtue of china breeding like rabbits), there's plenty to take from beyond 'you can now do a new formation'

        • 2 years ago

          Doesn't change the fact that the Mini Universe creators are gods and the guys who made the other sect's wonders are complete plebs.

          • 2 years ago

            I am clearly talking about the mechanics being boring, if they needed to say gods made other shit to make those fun, then that's 1 single line of code slightly changed to say x rather than y.

  126. 2 years ago

    I was going to ask a question but forgot what it was, instead here's a pic of my Alchemy lab relic.

  127. 2 years ago

    How do I deal with this shit.
    She's in perfect health outside of this injured tag, she dies before it goes away, she used herbs and they did nothing. She never even got in a fight to be hurt to begin with. I don't get what her issue is, beyond being a shitter.

    • 2 years ago

      >She's in perfect health outside of this injured tag
      >she dies before it goes away
      What you're telling me doesn't make sense, so what aren't you telling us or aren't explaining properly?
      How's the health panel?

      >Wonder what the third type is like. Do they get to use manuals?
      3rd type of what, Physical Cultivator? Only Xiandao cultivators can use manuals.

      • 2 years ago

        Perfectly healthy like I said.
        She's still hurt like 11 days later with a completely blank health panel and so is another cultist. I just reloaded when she died a few times and now she stopped dying, but is hurt, even though I have like 5 different medicines.

        • 2 years ago

          I mean, logically there has to be something you're not telling us or showing us I'd assume, unless it's a bug I've never heard of then there's no reason for it.
          What are her traits and stuff?

          • 2 years ago

            I can't check right now but do you really think I'd be asking what the issue is if I could just click her health tab and see 'her health be bad' or her traits and see 'shes sick'?
            I specifically noted her being injured in this tab because it is the only tab with any issue.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean you say that, but people miss obvious stuff sometimes and I have to at least ask the equivalent of if you've turned it off and on again.
              best I could do is ask for a full screen pic of each of her menus with as much info shown as possible, so maybe I can figure something out.

              The moodlet tag part isn't unusual, it sticks around after an injury until it expires naturally. Dying randomly though shouldn't happen.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean you say that, but people miss obvious stuff sometimes and I have to at least ask the equivalent of if you've turned it off and on again.
              best I could do is ask for a full screen pic of each of her menus with as much info shown as possible, so maybe I can figure something out.

              The moodlet tag part isn't unusual, it sticks around after an injury until it expires naturally. Dying randomly though shouldn't happen.

              Oh yeah, and what is she dying OF here? It wouldn't happen to be 'heart palpitations' or something like that would it?

              • 2 years ago

                Crippled > Dead within seconds randomly in the middle of the night. So fast I can't even see the cripped status before she died.
                Half-suspect she died of cold + sickness since this stopped happening once I got proper cultivator clothing but its not even cold.

              • 2 years ago

                >in the middle of the night.
                So she's asleep at the time? Have you checked what the feng shui of her room is like currently?

              • 2 years ago

                Seems fine but I'm starting over anyways 'cause I read the starting body cultivation method you get is worthless for animal people so I'd rather just start with regular cultivation

              • 2 years ago

                Sure thing, imo body cultivation is shitty in all aspects and the only way I'd ever bother with it is Trib 9 if I'm lazy.

              • 2 years ago

                Is the third type fun/good? I only tried body because I did normal last time. Third sounds like a more boring version of first with less miracles overall

              • 2 years ago

                You didn't answer my question for what you meant by third type.
                I'm guessing you mean Shendao cultivators then? They're different, more fun to raise than a body cultivator but once you've raised one god tier Shendao you've raised them all. Make sure to get the arrogant obsession mod fix that's in this thread, Ctrl + F for it.

  128. 2 years ago

    Phys cults surprisingly boring. Shame melee attacks for actual cultivators seem locked to them.
    They just sort of fap on a bed 500 jerks an hour and then occasionally you open a menu and spam click through identical menus.
    Don't seem to be able to inscribe or learn any of the magical shit the normal guys can or serve any real utility at all beyond combat or running on the map, which I'm not sure they'll even be good at, since they don't seem to have elements and those vastly effect the chance of getting shit from the map.
    Wonder what the third type is like. Do they get to use manuals?

  129. 2 years ago

    >Old inner disciples work mod is dead
    >New one doesn't explain how it works and doesn't let you set jogs
    Most xianxia I read even inners do farming and the like so it ruins the kind of vibe I'm going for when they turn to 100% jerk off mode the instant they promote once (rather than doing than as an eldar)

  130. 2 years ago

    Okay so, anybody know why this room isn't VA? I don't see any leakage and that's all I can think it might be. Trib 9 so I can't actually check the details or anything.

    • 2 years ago

      isn't the open space ratio too high?

      • 2 years ago

        I mean yes, but that's never affected the Feng Shui before that I've noticed. My practically empty dining room hasn't had that problem I think.

  131. 2 years ago


    >Estimated -% to PER?
    >Only an issue with that NPC?
    Something like -180%, only that NPC yes. Even adding Soul Infection to it did nothing.

    • 2 years ago

      If it was a Yaoguai, the blame could lie in the Shards being flat Additions. Since it's a regular Human, those don't enter into the calculations.
      Easy solution would be to just go with it (most likely you already did that), since figuring out why it happens is a longer process. If nothing obvious leaps out instantly, the NPC needs to be investigated.
      The investigation process requires ModModifier. I assume you're already familiar with selecting an NPC, either through the NPC menu or the Shortcut (which are enabled under the Easy Menu).
      Then, going through Modifiers (AllMF), Features (AllFT), and Experiences (the final one, AllEP). Click on Modifiers (AllMF), then on Refresh the List (shown in the image) to display the current list of Modifiers on the target NPC.
      Do the same for Features and Experiences, and you'll get a pretty definitive list of what's influencing the NPC. For more details, you can click on the entry, and the ID will be filled, after which you can try to Remove the Buff/Feature/etc.
      When there's a bunch of FSZhenWu, that's just the Relic effects.

      Welcome back. Out of interest what happened? I vaguely remember last year you said something about how you didn't like the Discord or avoided them or something and now that seems to have changed.

      Not really, the dislike is maintained.
      ACS is what interests me. Not speaking Chinese, there's a limited amount of places where it's discussed.
      Youtube/Twitch/Reddit, not interested in the early game discussions that have been already had multiple times.
      Steam is not terrible, but shares the drawback of the previous, a lack of progress in the topics being discussed.
      Discord in general is terrible, but the official ACS server is the only place where you can expect detailed discussions on the more complex topics (this place doesn't count). Out of the previous list, it happens to be the best place for inspiration as well.
      Wudang translation, came out of someone inquiring about encrypted mod files. The first mod uploaded on Nexus also came out of a request (and my subsequent proof that X is possible, as well as easy to accomplish).
      Still terrible, just not as terrible as the alternatives.

      • 2 years ago

        >For more details, you can click on the entry, and the ID will be filled, after which you can try to Remove the Buff/Feature/etc.
        >When there's a bunch of FSZhenWu, that's just the Relic effects.
        Got this far but was unsure what to click or check next. Couldn't really ask though as my computer's a bit old and I have to close my browser to have enough ram to run the game.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought about making a large diagram of images, but since the methods for all three aspects were identical, I thought a single one would suffice. Now that I've been proven wrong, the image you posted is after selecting an NPC.
          This image is the end result after going through an NPC. A list of Modifiers, Features, and Experiences, that are currently applied for the NPC.
          Look at:

          If it was a Yaoguai, the blame could lie in the Shards being flat Additions. Since it's a regular Human, those don't enter into the calculations.
          Easy solution would be to just go with it (most likely you already did that), since figuring out why it happens is a longer process. If nothing obvious leaps out instantly, the NPC needs to be investigated.
          The investigation process requires ModModifier. I assume you're already familiar with selecting an NPC, either through the NPC menu or the Shortcut (which are enabled under the Easy Menu).
          Then, going through Modifiers (AllMF), Features (AllFT), and Experiences (the final one, AllEP). Click on Modifiers (AllMF), then on Refresh the List (shown in the image) to display the current list of Modifiers on the target NPC.
          Do the same for Features and Experiences, and you'll get a pretty definitive list of what's influencing the NPC. For more details, you can click on the entry, and the ID will be filled, after which you can try to Remove the Buff/Feature/etc.
          When there's a bunch of FSZhenWu, that's just the Relic effects.
          Not really, the dislike is maintained.
          ACS is what interests me. Not speaking Chinese, there's a limited amount of places where it's discussed.
          Youtube/Twitch/Reddit, not interested in the early game discussions that have been already had multiple times.
          Steam is not terrible, but shares the drawback of the previous, a lack of progress in the topics being discussed.
          Discord in general is terrible, but the official ACS server is the only place where you can expect detailed discussions on the more complex topics (this place doesn't count). Out of the previous list, it happens to be the best place for inspiration as well.
          Wudang translation, came out of someone inquiring about encrypted mod files. The first mod uploaded on Nexus also came out of a request (and my subsequent proof that X is possible, as well as easy to accomplish).
          Still terrible, just not as terrible as the alternatives.

          In the previous image, there are two black boxes. One over the AllMF button that you already clicked, and the second over Refresh (the list) which causes only the currently applied Modifiers to show up on the left tab. While the translation itself may be slightly different, the placement and function of the buttons are identical.
          Clicking on Refresh (the list) will shorten the list on the left to the Modifiers currently on the NPC. This is also how the first image was accomplished.
          Once you have a list like the first image, go through other aspects including features, and Experiences. Make a list of what's included.

          Okay so small update about the Perception thing, I had a random outer wander into my debuff room to add in another relic and I noticed that her Per was only debuffed to 2.00 too, which makes me think something peculiar is going in with the room itself rather than the cultivator. Is there any relic (the Dragon Rod perhaps?) that has a property of maintaining 2 perception or anything like that?

          Do it for the other NPC as well. You might also attempt a third "controlled" version, where the one wandering into the room gets their PER lower than 2. If that can't be achieved, compare the two sets of images. For Relics, the effect ID's are listed on the wiki:

          And for the record, while adding/removing a Modifier/Buff or Feature, if it's coming from an external source (like the Weather related ones in my images), removing the resulting effect has no effect.
          If you want to remove those, get rid of the root cause (Weather in my examples).

          One of my disciples has a bed but he keeps sleeping on the ground instead and getting bad mood from it. What the frick is wrong with this guy? is it a yaoguai thing?

          A Mortal thing, to be precise.
          If they are too tired to reach their bed, they'll just lay on the ground. To solve that issue, Talismans. Either ones that reduce Energy consumption, or ones to increase movement speed. Either work for that purpose.

          • 2 years ago

            Okay, here's a list of everyone in my sect who had any stat anomalies. Four of them had 2.00 Perception, one had 1.00 Perception, and one had 1.00 Constitution. There may have been luck anomalies as I did see more than a few people with 2.00 luck even when I'm lowering it by 5% thanks to the Buzhou Stone. I will note that one of them was somebody who's only been in the sect for one or two days, ID 32 Ji Ming (3rd in the pic) who is fresh from the Immortal Destiny Fair. Maybe some connection?
            The last one is the "control" whose stats all get reduced to 0.00 other than Luck.

            I don't really know what to do or look for past this point though, clicking the modifiers doesn't seem to really do anything that I've noticed and I'm worried about randomly trying to remove them and breaking something. What should I do or show from here?

      • 2 years ago

        >For more details, you can click on the entry, and the ID will be filled, after which you can try to Remove the Buff/Feature/etc.
        >When there's a bunch of FSZhenWu, that's just the Relic effects.
        Got this far but was unsure what to click or check next. Couldn't really ask though as my computer's a bit old and I have to close my browser to have enough ram to run the game.

        Okay so small update about the Perception thing, I had a random outer wander into my debuff room to add in another relic and I noticed that her Per was only debuffed to 2.00 too, which makes me think something peculiar is going in with the room itself rather than the cultivator. Is there any relic (the Dragon Rod perhaps?) that has a property of maintaining 2 perception or anything like that?

  132. 2 years ago


    Welcome back. Out of interest what happened? I vaguely remember last year you said something about how you didn't like the Discord or avoided them or something and now that seems to have changed.

  133. 2 years ago

    >invite people to join sect
    >3 days later no show
    How long do I gotta wait? I want people to do shit

    • 2 years ago

      The instant I posted that they popped up as 'a stranger'
      So it takes like 3 days

    • 2 years ago

      The instant I posted that they popped up as 'a stranger'
      So it takes like 3 days

      Depends entirely how far away they are, since it's not a set time and they're physically travelling the distance across the map to reach your sect.

  134. 2 years ago

    One of my disciples has a bed but he keeps sleeping on the ground instead and getting bad mood from it. What the frick is wrong with this guy? is it a yaoguai thing?

  135. 2 years ago

    My soul for a guide on how to truly minmax the Yin Yang bonuses during golden core breakthroughs.

    • 2 years ago

      Description says time of day. The actual value being looked at is Global Light Level. This is the function responsible, used for Breakthroughs. For GC, it's a slightly different end result (1+ [Value returned]*5), but still the same logic.
      Chaos Element Laws (none in vanilla, but can be seen in Mods) don't care, and have a fixed value.
      Fire and Wood Element Laws want it (GLL) as high as possible.
      Water and Metal Element Laws want it (GLL) as low as possible.
      Earth and None Element Laws want it (GLL) as close to 50 as possible.
      Without going into the mechanics of how GLL is initially calculated (involves curves), there are a few things to keep in mind.
      Lushu and Fei contracts are extremely useful for this, Lushu for increasing GLL, Fei for decreasing GLL. The Rainmaker sword can be used in a similar manner to the Fei contract.
      However, because all three are also Type1 Kind Weathers, they will also overwrite the regular Weathers. AoC will be needed to compensate for that.

      Okay, here's a list of everyone in my sect who had any stat anomalies. Four of them had 2.00 Perception, one had 1.00 Perception, and one had 1.00 Constitution. There may have been luck anomalies as I did see more than a few people with 2.00 luck even when I'm lowering it by 5% thanks to the Buzhou Stone. I will note that one of them was somebody who's only been in the sect for one or two days, ID 32 Ji Ming (3rd in the pic) who is fresh from the Immortal Destiny Fair. Maybe some connection?
      The last one is the "control" whose stats all get reduced to 0.00 other than Luck.

      I don't really know what to do or look for past this point though, clicking the modifiers doesn't seem to really do anything that I've noticed and I'm worried about randomly trying to remove them and breaking something. What should I do or show from here?

      The next step would be mapping out the Modifiers, to verify that nothing is out of place. _F_X being related to features, Weather_X being obvious, and so on.
      You'd also want to reduce the amount of variables, by having identical Weather/Room conditions. Currently, there are some differences from that, as only the first NPC has any Relic related Modifiers attached.
      But before you continue on that line of thought, is there any correlation between the NPC's Origin, and the STAT with the Anomaly?
      AddJoiners, the function used with recruiting, has a set of parameters, one of which ranges between 1 and 3 when recruiting from certain spots. This is the Boost given to a particular Stat, PER for Seascape, as an example.
      The Boost is implemented the same way as Yaoguai Shards in vanilla. A Flat Boost. So if the correlation is there, that's the source of the Anomaly. If so, then there's nothing you can do, just like you can't remove the effect from Yaoguai shards.

      • 2 years ago

        >Global Light Level
        oh, so that's why eclipse kicks yin to max? neat

      • 2 years ago

        >Description says time of day. The actual value being looked at is Global Light Level. This is the function responsible, used for Breakthroughs. For GC, it's a slightly different end result (1+ [Value returned]*5), but still the same logic.
        >Chaos Element Laws (none in vanilla, but can be seen in Mods) don't care, and have a fixed value.
        >Fire and Wood Element Laws want it (GLL) as high as possible.
        >Water and Metal Element Laws want it (GLL) as low as possible.
        >Earth and None Element Laws want it (GLL) as close to 50 as possible.
        >Without going into the mechanics of how GLL is initially calculated (involves curves), there are a few things to keep in mind.
        >Lushu and Fei contracts are extremely useful for this, Lushu for increasing GLL, Fei for decreasing GLL. The Rainmaker sword can be used in a similar manner to the Fei contract.
        >However, because all three are also Type1 Kind Weathers, they will also overwrite the regular Weathers. AoC will be needed to compensate for that.
        That's bueno and all, but if you want to go full autism and minmax it to the extreme, what should you cast and when to get a little extra YinYang for each of the three GLLs?
        I want the holy grail of GC minmaxing.

        • 2 years ago

          >what should you cast and when to get a little extra YinYang for each of the three GLLs?
          For Yang Elements (Fire and Wood), a Weather to increase GLL (with a Positive value for LightAddP), and at all times.
          For Yin Elements (Water and Metal), a Weather to decrease GLL (with a Negative value for LightAddP), and at all times.
          For Neutral Elements (Earth and None), a Weather to increase GLL during times of low light values (also referred to as Nighttime), and a Weather to decrease GLL during times of high light values (also referred to as Daytime).

          >Higher levels on your tools will get you much faster results

          Goldwood (at 1.8) is an improvement over Spirit Stone (at 1.4), since the Tier doesn't matter for Tools. Or any of the materials mentioned on the page, if they are available at that point.
          Since it's all Chinese anyway, here's an image for illustration.
          Lower right table is the Time of Day with the resulting Yin Yang bonus displayed. Green 木 is for Wood.
          As you can see from the image, Wood and Fire get their bonus during the day time, or when the global Light level is high. Due to Yin Yang being cyclical, it's mostly out of your control.
          For any additional weather apart from AoC, you're after "Water" Element Weathers. Rain, in other words. But those have an unwanted effect of lowering the global light level, reducing the Yin Yang bonus.
          Going with "Wood" Element weather (Miasma) also has the unwanted effect of lowering light level. However, there is an option that also increases the Wood Element Cultivators breakthrough factors without reducing light level:
          Qi Aquasphere.
          Technically, it's a Weather. Also boosts the Water Element percentage for all tiles. And if you have a 16SSL Demi-God with it, then as long as your Disciples can withstand the drop in temperature, it can be utilized.

          has a bunch of tables, the one in the lower right is relevant once again. With the Lushu and Fei contracts, you'll have a reasonable setup already.
          >I want the holy grail of GC minmaxing.
          This image contains a list of Weathers that influence the LightAddP, or GLL. It was compiled just now. The only things not on it are Weathers that don't utilize LightAddP, but lock the Time of Day directly. But they are either Boss Fight related (Phonix, as well as Torch Dragon), or the Polar Night (Stela) triggered by the Yin Yang Stela, so they're not that relevant.
          From this piece of information, no great changes can be implemented. Lushu/Fei Contracts are still the best things for general use cases.

          I've tried playing this a few times but never actually got to the first great filter. How much of the story do I need to follow to actually unlock most of the mechanics?

          I know I need it to get the universe stone or whatever and formations. Anything significant beyond that mechanics wise?

          >How much of the story do I need to follow to actually unlock most of the mechanics?
          By the Story, are you referring to the Secrets and Mysteries, or just Events?
          If the Former, none at all.
          For the latter, just the "unique" events. And even then, not all of them. The only ones that "unlock" Mechanics would be the Agency at Mt. South, and the rest of the Basic Laws from Ruins of Taiyi.
          Mini-Universe can be built without doing any of the time-gated events, and the Formation related Manuals can be acquired from Day 1. Technically, that is. Practically, your experience may vary.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm probably misremembering. It could be events at all. I just noticed they seemed to appear at the same dates, or close to when starting over. Figured it was story

          • 2 years ago

            >has a bunch of tables, the one in the lower right is relevant once again.
            Got any translation or a key to that chart at all? Alternately, basically I should just have my Fei use rain in the morning and Lushu use sun at night is what I'm gathering for neutral element laws? If yes, what time should I make the switch?

  136. 2 years ago

    Is there something I can fix to get my cat Yao back to 100% action, or are cat Yaos naturally fricked on that front?

    • 2 years ago

      Not sure what is wrong with that cat, but you could try pain resistance manuals?

      • 2 years ago

        But she has no injuries or pain though?

  137. 2 years ago

    So in terms of extreme end-game, are the guys you first start with simply not as good as the ones you can get later (since you can't, for example, do the inspiration minigame with them)? Want my leader to be the strongest but every run they just end up outlcassed by people who have objectively better baselines I find or raise later. Can't even put off their growth to get boons from other cultivation skills fully because they need to rank up at least 1 time to be able to count as a sect that can go out into the world, make progress and assign a leader.
    I don't think there's any way to 'rebirth' people or similar unless that's a miracle I missed.

    • 2 years ago

      A properly raised Yaoguai will always beat out a human with equal resources and attention, 100%. You can reset your starting stats on the start screen until you get something pretty damn good, but it will still lose out ultimately to a good Yao you raise.
      >I don't think there's any way to 'rebirth' people or similar unless that's a miracle I missed.

      • 2 years ago

        Ah so its an alchemy thing, not a miracle. Thanks. Shame Yaougai are just better though. Still, I can at least rebirth my leader and cast all the 'buff weaker dudes' shit on him while he's weak to get a better version.
        Assuming you mean yaogai are better because of the minigame they get free stats from when turning a cat into a cat person and such, not from chargen, because if its just chargen then I'll just make my leader next run a yaogai, I really don't care much what race they are so long as its the strongest.

        • 2 years ago

          Because you can more or less custom select their thought shards, and have things like 38 Qi sense or 35 artifact mastery from the moment they awaken, along with other bonuses.
          Takes about 150 days to raise a high level one and your sect has to be well set up in order to properly take advantage of them and pass their tribulation etc, but the results can't be argued with.
          Pic related is a simple 5 shard cat Yao I raised (same one pictured above) to have maxed out artifact mastery skill.

  138. 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago

      >Clearly real time
      Passed purely on principle.
      Also if I wanted a roguelite (the actual genre) about a sword using cultivator I'd get Warm Snow. Looks better than this and its about a guy using melee + magic swords instead of just magic swords (which has always been one of the worst parts of reading cultivation; his gleaming sword gleamed gleamingly as he gleamed his enemies insight with his powerful instincts gleamed over 4000 years of chinese history; their blades gleaming so brightly that the lesser men around must avert their eyes, lest it be the last thing they gleamed)

  139. 2 years ago

    I've tried playing this a few times but never actually got to the first great filter. How much of the story do I need to follow to actually unlock most of the mechanics?

    I know I need it to get the universe stone or whatever and formations. Anything significant beyond that mechanics wise?

  140. 2 years ago

    Just started playing again after months away and feeling as lost as ever. Never got far in the first place
    My first cultivators are basically meant to get remolding miracles, rebirth and start over again right? With a mentor and someone to buff their stats for a second shot at greatness?

    All the mortals I can find have absolutely trash stats though. Even getting remolded seems awful. Do I just grind city visits or something?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, don't worry too much about your first two cultivators or so you're just going to keep them around for a long time as half shitters and then one day reincarnate them once your cultivation setup is worthy of them.
      Basically have them as utility. Your first one should probably be on spectral refinement and body remould duty for a long time, along with general utility miracles like weather casting and Feng Shui Identification, as well as stuff like Soul Chant and Soul Inquiry. Second one should probably be an artifact user and crafter that you can use for early game heavy lifting to deal with bigger threats.
      >All the mortals I can find have absolutely trash stats though. Even getting remolded seems awful. Do I just grind city visits or something?
      Second best place to recruit new disciples is from the City of Desolation and Snaketail village once you have an agency at them. The best way is to buy Cat or Tiger cages, raise a Yaoguai from them and pass their tribulations with the help of a Darkarmor talisman. You can get the talsman law from someone at Skydome palace.

      • 2 years ago

        Speaking of talismans, we have to discuss Skydome Palace's elder He Zudao

      • 2 years ago

        >is from the City of Desolation and Snaketail village
        why those two specifically?

        • 2 years ago

          Because each of the 5 city agencies give a specific bonus stat to the recruits. City of Desolation is +Constitution and Snaketail Village is +Luck, making them the most useful as new recruits.

          • 2 years ago

            I have 700 hours on clock and it’s the first time I hear it. What the other cities boost?

            • 2 years ago

              >What the other cities boost?
              Abundance - Charisma
              Riverback - Intelligence
              Seascape Perception
              Another 1000 and you'll catch up with me.

              • 2 years ago

                >audible wew
                I kneel, 1k+ hour sempai. This game is a proper hobby.

  141. 2 years ago

    Screencap from the first days tutorial video I'm working on, this is a bonus "alternate reality, if things are done better and more efficiently" clip for right near the end. No idea when it'll be finished though because a friend of mine is doing the voice over for it and I'm not exactly paying him for it.
    Should I do it again, except this time go for a spirit vein instead of a random low Qi field by the spawn and try for the earliest T1 core I can?

    • 2 years ago

      You want to explain Spirit Veins? For beginners?
      First run, definitely not. For subsequent runs, when further optimization is considered, that's different.

      >Heck, you can get both in abouts of 40 from adventuring at Mt. Shu with a 33% chance each time
      In my last save I didn't send out my inner cultivator often because I wanted him to raise mental state and cultivate, and I never adventured in the red areas because I thought that would cause attacks from the sect there. I'll keep this in mind for the new save.
      >Do you have the Wudang Tales DLC?
      I don't. I'm playing the Game Pass release that doesn't come with DLC.

      Pirating is always an option, especially when the launch for it was such a mess. It's also a version behind Steam/GOG.

      I just said I was on that page and it didn't explain what I was asking.
      Basically what I'm wanting to know here is if it's possible to get that one skill from the DLC law that gives +25% match for all laws onto a sub spirit set for doing GC breakthroughs with, and if yes how much of a bonus it would give exactly, in tangible example numbers not just the formula from the wiki being regurgitated.

      The factor is used directly.
      So a 150% Law Match is utilized as 1.5, 200% as 2, and so on.
      Adding 25% means that the Score Per Tick will have fixed increase of 0.25. A similar effect is for Cultivation.
      How it translates into the end result, that requires additional mathematical actions, consider the calculator for estimating results (c is where the change in Law Match would be reflected):

      There any way to force a Yaoguai to have this trait with MODModifier, or is it impossible? I didn't know it was possible to see it happen normally.

      From a technical point of view, Dragon Blood is a Feature. An earlier post about figuring out an NPC goes over that aspect of ModModifier.
      AllFT to switch to Features, Refresh to update the list, click on the desired Feature, and Add it. After that, close/open any currently open windows for that NPC and you would see the difference.

      Also, something to make Cat Yaoguai work as they were intended:
      In vanilla, Curious (the Trait or Feature) does nothing:
      With this mod, it boosts all sources of Post-Natal Potential by 100%. An example:
      Landscape Evolution, from Law of Nimbus Conquest, increased Post-Natal by 1. For a Cat, it's turned into 2.
      Doesn't apply to any Modded Items/Effects/Pills/Traits/etc, but that's to be expected for a 30-minute work.

      • 2 years ago

        I've known about that calculator, but it's still an arcane sorcery beyond my mortal comprehension.
        Do you mean to say though, if I would normally get 1,000,000 core size in the span of 50,000qi, that I'd get 1,250,000 core size for that same amount of qi if that's the only thing I changed?

        • 2 years ago

          The calculator can be used for estimating long breakthrough result.
          It was originally made to estimate the point where one could "reasonably" reach the vanilla Max Qi Cap. And to figure that out, you'd need to be aware of how much Max Qi you'd gain from a GC Breakthrough, which is directly related to the GCQ.
          As a result, the calculator uses average values, including the Season Bonus. Similarly to the estimate shown with GCAssist, it's not 100% accurate, but it will provide a specific range.
          >Do you mean to say though, if I would normally get 1,000,000 core size in the span of 50,000qi, that I'd get 1,250,000 core size for that same amount of qi if that's the only thing I changed?
          Not exactly. That's why I brought up the calculator:
          Input the current values for your Cultivator. The resulting Curve is an estimate of their GCQ, based on their Max Qi (or breakthrough duration, if you want to look at it that way).
          This is what you could expect without Law Match boost.
          Now change c by 0.25. This is to reflect the 25% boost to Law Match. The resulting Curve is once again an estimate of their GCQ based on their Max Qi, but now it accounts for the bonus.
          Whatever the difference between the two curves at a particular X coordinate, that's the estimated bonus from that Manual.

          >Also, something to make Cat Yaoguai work as they were intended:
          Very interesting to see that conversation turned into a mod, my man.

          You know, if you're up for it there's a mod I'd dearly love to beg you for:
          Right now there's a bug in the game whereby when a Yaoguai first rebirths, they have a chance of getting a random large minus to one or more of their skills. Pic related randomly got -20 assigned to Social and -10 to Mining, others I've seen are things like -6 to Qi Sense, -14 to Battle, -20 to Farming and so on.
          I'm trying to roll for a good stat distribution on my Yaos, but it's a hundred times harder when probably 80% of the Yaos have 1 to 5 skills that are completely fricked and unfixable without resorting to MODmodifier. Would it be possible to make a mod that fixes this problem instead and prevents it happening in the first place?

          >Right now
          I have a feeling that it's been a pain since the "rebirth stat change" issue was first documented here.
          >Would it be possible
          Technically, yes. Practically, there's an issue:
          >mod that fixes this problem instead and prevents it happening in the first place
          The Cat_Pot_Rework took 30 minutes, because there were a bunch of definitions that required changing AddV to BAddV, and to verify that Fragments do work as assumed. From a design point of view, it can be seen as a simple modification.
          Yaoguai Rebirth Rework would probably take a lot longer because the root cause can be seen as unidentified. Can't fix what's not documented.

          • 2 years ago

            >Yaoguai Rebirth Rework would probably take a lot longer because the root cause can be seen as unidentified. Can't fix what's not documented.
            Would a ghetto version be possible? As in, it looks at what the stats were before and if any become minus after the rebirth then it simply sets them to 0?

            • 2 years ago

              Instead of further discussions over going ghetto, I might have come across something questionable.
              XiaWorld.HumanoidEvolutionMgr.ModifyNpcByFrag. Frag being short for Fragment.
              Just like you'd assume from the name, this is where the Fragments are applied. It's utilized in the general Reborn functions, one pass with toremove set to true before the PropertyMgr.Reborn happens, and a second pass with toremove set to false right after it.
              For most values involved, the functions utilized with the toremove bool are all using negative values. The only exception is for Skill Levels, where the simple value is used for both cases.
              Whether it's the actual cause or not, since it's going to need a patch either way, might as well approach it from that angle.
              A ghetto solution (assuming that IS the cause, and not something else) would be just turning "v" into "-v" in the assembly. A less ghetto solution with a Harmony Patch is going to take some time.

              • 2 years ago

                >A less ghetto solution with a Harmony Patch is going to take some time.
                Well if you do end up making a patch / mod I'll be looking forward to it.
                By the way, do you indeed want to keep your mods as a general "if somebody finds the link for one they can use it, if not oh well" and generally keep them to a smaller circle rather than being spread around?

      • 2 years ago

        >Also, something to make Cat Yaoguai work as they were intended:
        Very interesting to see that conversation turned into a mod, my man.

        You know, if you're up for it there's a mod I'd dearly love to beg you for:
        Right now there's a bug in the game whereby when a Yaoguai first rebirths, they have a chance of getting a random large minus to one or more of their skills. Pic related randomly got -20 assigned to Social and -10 to Mining, others I've seen are things like -6 to Qi Sense, -14 to Battle, -20 to Farming and so on.
        I'm trying to roll for a good stat distribution on my Yaos, but it's a hundred times harder when probably 80% of the Yaos have 1 to 5 skills that are completely fricked and unfixable without resorting to MODmodifier. Would it be possible to make a mod that fixes this problem instead and prevents it happening in the first place?

  142. 2 years ago

    *chuckle* B-B- *snort* B-B-Ba- *giggle* B-Ba- *wheeze* B-Bane *maniacal laughter

    • 2 years ago

      It's a big pill.

      • 2 years ago

        For you

  143. 2 years ago

    If I have an Ancestral Yaoguai body cultivator Tiger and assuming I have every single body cultivator ability to pick from from all 4 laws, what would be the best combo of parts I could have?

  144. 2 years ago

    Just got the game recently. I started one save but eventually got attacked by 2 groups of cultivators simultaneously and they killed most of my outer disciples and one of my 2 inner disciples and wrecked my sect so I'm starting over.

    What's a good start for the starter outer disciples? It seems difficult to get a stat roll that works with True Sun despite that being the recommended beginner background.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm currently working on a video that'd perfectly answer that question among others, but the guy I asked to do the voiceover isn't finished yet sadly.

      Large map size, don't forget that.

      What I would recommend though is to take a Tiger Yao as your first guy, Try to aim for 6+ in Per, Con and Int with as much Luck as possible (4+ at least if you can help it) who has about 200 days before his tribulation and none of his Yaoguai shards listed when you hover over that word are "Summer". If you see "Facing West", that's a desirable bonus.
      Second guy like pic related, you absolutely can roll 5+ in every stat, pictured is 6/5/6/5/6 with 8/20 true qi sense. It might take you half an hour of rolling, but frankly the result is worth it imo.
      Third guy's just going to be a crafting b***h so nothing too important, try and aim for high stats other than Charisma, and one or two gold stars on Crafting and / or Building skills. It doesn't matter if he has high crafting skill or whatever, the gold stars mean he will pretty quickly max out his skills and high stats mean the max will give you great adjusted skill.

      The moment the game starts, save and back it up. If you frick up you won't have to recreate the characters that way. I can give advice from that point onwards too if desired if you do all that.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh right, perks.
        True Sun law, then I'd recommend Beastly Instincts and Luck with Manual Pavilion.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks! I'd rather not get into yaoguai just yet so I'll try sticking to humans for now.

        For building the mini universe, what's the best way to get the materials for it? 99 igneocopper/ice crystal ore to make the essence bars seems like a lot, and I had a lumina core in my last save but I don't remember how I got it.

        • 2 years ago

          >Thanks! I'd rather not get into yaoguai just yet so I'll try sticking to humans for now.
          Don't worry too much about the tribulation, like 50% or more of passing the shapeshifting tribulation is "Have a t12 Darkarmor talisman" (or at least a pretty good one) and you can literally have the law that lets you make them in the first two weeks of the game. Alternately invite some ender back who's got one equipped, and cook him in a high temperature 1x3 room and loot them off his body.
          >99 igneocopper/ice crystal ore to make the essence bars seems like a lot, and I had a lumina core in my last save but I don't remember how I got it.
          The 99 ores are super easy, barely an inconvenience. Heck, you can get both in abouts of 40 from adventuring at Mt. Shu with a 33% chance each time, get both 3x for more than the 99 you need. The tricky parts are the Lumina Core and the Holy Stone.
          Do you have the Wudang Tales DLC?

          • 2 years ago

            >Heck, you can get both in abouts of 40 from adventuring at Mt. Shu with a 33% chance each time
            In my last save I didn't send out my inner cultivator often because I wanted him to raise mental state and cultivate, and I never adventured in the red areas because I thought that would cause attacks from the sect there. I'll keep this in mind for the new save.
            >Do you have the Wudang Tales DLC?
            I don't. I'm playing the Game Pass release that doesn't come with DLC.

            • 2 years ago

              >I never adventured in the red areas because I thought that would cause attacks from the sect there.
              Only camping and entering at a location in a red zone causes attacks, and even then you have something like 15 seconds to grab shit or do whatever before some guy comes to brutally murder you. Alternately go gift the sect in charge a piece of crap, then buy access for 100 spirit stone's worth of materials or whatever you don't need and then you can camp and enter safely too.
              >I don't. I'm playing the Game Pass release that doesn't come with DLC.
              Ooof. Well, I do recommend the Steam version if you think of upgrading, the Wudang Tales DLC is 1000% worth it and I've heard multiple times now about graphical errors in the gamepass version.

  145. 2 years ago

    Is there anything I can do with enemy corpses early on aside from burying them?

    • 2 years ago

      leave them to rot on top of any crop fields you have, they'll increase soil nutrition

  146. 2 years ago

    >"Falling Treasure" event that I've never seen before
    >Send the hunter to explore the space it's pointing to
    >There's an artifact and a core shaping monster next to it
    >Only inner disciple is only qi shaping right now
    How do I deal with this? In my last save I had a core shaping inner disciple attack a qi shaping monster and they fought for several days with a bunch of outers getting hurt in the crossfire until the monster eventually died of starvation.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not worth picking a fight you can't win over one artefact. Just leave it until you've a cultivator (or your dog) who can take the monster easily. It won't go anywhere.

  147. 2 years ago

    I want to cos I love cultivation comics but goddamn do I not have the time for another autism simulator

  148. 2 years ago

    The fifth disciple has arrived and it's a turtle yaoguai. I've heard these are useless. Should I keep it?

    • 2 years ago

      >Should I keep it?

      I really wouldn't bother. IMO the most useful Yaos are Cats / Tigers (for inner disciples) and Bulls and maybe a few others as outers. Turtles are good for generating one Anguish soul gem in your hellgate.

  149. 2 years ago

    >haven't played acs in a year
    >decide to finally do a tribulation run
    >nice full array, two huge ginkgos, all set up to do a spring true sun GC
    >even get a sunny day event to interrupt the nonstop rain from the fei that is almost certainly hiding behind the map beast
    >6am, start eating spirit stones
    >6:05, a tiger attacks and destroys my cushion
    >i sold all the rest of my fabric
    >panic trade every single thing in my sect for twenty fabric
    >my yaoguai slaves refuse to touch it
    >only the slowest, fattest frick on the whole map is even willing to look at the fabric
    >it's almost noon
    >the cushion is finally done
    >as i click to start the tribulation, i remember that inners don't need to sit on a cushion for it
    >frick up my manual qi burst because i forgot you can't drop things onto the material work place tiles i was using as placeholders
    >core 5

    yep, i'm back

    • 2 years ago

      Try learning more luck increase manuals.

  150. 2 years ago

    What effects, exactly, does law match % have?
    The wiki says it "Increases Golden Core Quality", but doesn't explain exactly how.

    • 2 years ago

      the short version is it increases the core quality you gain per tick during forming
      for more full details/specific numbers see and

    • 2 years ago

      I just said I was on that page and it didn't explain what I was asking.
      Basically what I'm wanting to know here is if it's possible to get that one skill from the DLC law that gives +25% match for all laws onto a sub spirit set for doing GC breakthroughs with, and if yes how much of a bonus it would give exactly, in tangible example numbers not just the formula from the wiki being regurgitated.

  151. 2 years ago

    There any way to force a Yaoguai to have this trait with MODModifier, or is it impossible? I didn't know it was possible to see it happen normally.

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