Anyone playing this? The translations are so shit I can't understand 80% of what is fricking happening

Anyone playing this?
The translations are so shit I can't understand 80% of what is fricking happening

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  1. 1 year ago

    Game is so fricking good. Played it a bunch for like 2 years then dropped it for a while. Desperately waiting for Buriedbornes2 (allegedly closed beta at the end of the summer). Yeah, the translations are shit and the game is really fricking bad at providing information. Think I'm still bad at it, but there's really no other game like it

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I'm having a great time despite the fact I can't tell what most skills and stuff actually do
      I'm also puzzled at how to build some classes that seems really fricking weak after you buy them
      Hope that 2 won't abandon the dungeon synth "made in a garage" vibes because that's the best part of the game

      • 1 year ago

        He says that 2 is basically just 1 but with better source code and some things he wanted to do in 1 but couldn't because of code limitations. So I'm pretty hopeful about it

  2. 1 year ago

    I've been playing this off and on for seriously like 5 years I think. I love it, but downloaded it on a PC emulator a few months before the Steam launch, and I binged it really hard so I only maxed out this latest event and have not played it since

    I am 100% sure that I would be able to provide better translations and more appropriate keywords for abilities, but when I poked around the discord (I didn't make ask about it though) it seemed like the translation was the work of one sole person, and that he might be proud of his translations, so I did not bother looking any further

    • 1 year ago

      >was the work of one sole person
      Yeah it shows. Sure, it's a lot of work but the effort is the only thing to be proud of.
      By the way, how the frick am I supposed to play the ninja class, dot int or avoid dex? I get fricked before 40 floor no matter what with him

  3. 1 year ago

    Apparently the best thing is reflect dragoon or somethin. Game is smooth sailing until you realize you haven't upgraded your gear in a few hundred levels and get insta clapped and that can be annoying

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah capitalising on reflect+class skill makes him absolutely monstrous, to the point the only thing stopping you is stuff like delayed damage that kills you in one turn because you were distracted by the big numbers to pay attention to the plethora of scrolling text.

      I've played it on and off for about a year. Every time I come back I've forgotten some aspect of jobs, labs, gems, dried leafs, events and all the other crap that goes into a successful run. But yeah, it's really unique and fun - the bad translations are part of the charm with this game.

      It has some of the coolest artwork and "feel" of any Android game. The fact you can mix any items and jobs makes it possible to create completely busted setups for grinding currency.

      I've heard Buriedbornes2 will be significantly different in many respects and more like a blend of his other game B100X. But who knows.

      Absolutely the art is what made me stick on it, like I said to the other anon I really hope dev is going to keep the same aesthetics

  4. 1 year ago

    I've played it on and off for about a year. Every time I come back I've forgotten some aspect of jobs, labs, gems, dried leafs, events and all the other crap that goes into a successful run. But yeah, it's really unique and fun - the bad translations are part of the charm with this game.

    It has some of the coolest artwork and "feel" of any Android game. The fact you can mix any items and jobs makes it possible to create completely busted setups for grinding currency.

    I've heard Buriedbornes2 will be significantly different in many respects and more like a blend of his other game B100X. But who knows.

    • 1 year ago

      Even though I love this game, this is why I don't play it often. It has one of the worst "returning to" experiences I've ever seen. Coming back after a few months and trying to figure out how things work and what certain traits do is pretty annoying.

  5. 1 year ago

    >no game name in OP

    • 1 year ago

      It's in the op pic

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah but I was looking for BB thread for a week and it didn't show up in the catalog because, no game name in subject.

        • 1 year ago

          Op here
          I'm not used making generals and I made this thread expecting it to sink without a single reply. If you want to start making generals of this suit yourself, I'd be glad to stick around, but I really don't browse Ganker enough lately so I'm really not suited in making new threads, and I have literally zero knowledge on sources

          This said, how the absolute frick do you kill infinite army?

  6. 1 year ago

    I played the frick out of it and even paid to remove ads, then they nerfed witch and I'm getting ads again, so I dumped it. Hoping the sequel doesn't suck shit

  7. 1 year ago

    New BB2 blog

    >soulstones are no longer meta currency and you lose them all when you die
    >bigger focus on Unions (the three colors)
    >camp items reworked so they're finite-use but can have 5 of them
    >lab parts are now slot-based, so you can only equip one "head" part, one "left hand" etc.
    >Eternal Dark nerfed to the ground

    • 1 year ago

      oh and the concept of transferring your save data seems to have been scrapped, only gold shards will be moved over

    • 1 year ago

      >Eternal Dark nerfed to the ground

    • 1 year ago

      I only hope that it doesn't become p2w. I played B100X for a little bit, but at a certain point, it became obviously p2w due to needing way the frick too many inventory spaces, which are conveniently purchasable for real money

      As long as it doesn't become p2w via complete and utter inventory slot frickery, I'm sure I'll be able to find some really cool combination that I like, probably multiple even

    • 1 year ago

      The new art looks so fricking good. I was worried development was going to drag, but it sounds like they are making great progress

    • 12 months ago

      ED bros......... how am i going to cheese for score now...................

  8. 1 year ago

    Necromancer build?

    • 1 year ago

      Lab parts:
      - Heaven and earth
      - Penetrate 50%
      - Fleet footed
      - Empowered barrier
      - Limit break+1

      Benefit of time + alert + plating

      Stockpile arms or Pact of the Swamp

      • 12 months ago

        >Heaven and earth
        >Benefit of time
        >Stockpile arms
        What's the effects of these?

        • 12 months ago

          >heaven and earth
          doubles amount of status effects gained
          necromancy is an okay 5* part substitute
          >benefit of time
          drifting odor (0 cooldowns but can't resist statuses) + shield conversion (gain shields when receiving status effects)
          you can probably make do with just shield conversion on a contract
          doubles pursuit

  9. 12 months ago

    are his other games any good

    • 12 months ago

      I played B100X for like a week or something. I had a lot of fun for a while, but then when you get to floor 1,000 or floor 10,000 it started becoming an inventory based game. At that point, in order to progress, you need like 64 of the same rare weapons drops, so that you can fuse them together while pruning for substats. If you don't do this, you cannot progress past this point. Some of the items require you to have 3 rare drops, and then those 3 rare drops combine to make the 1 weapon you need, and again, you need like 64 duplicates of these weapons, and you want to combine them in a way that your duplicate keep the substats that you want, so there's also some planning involved

      Meanwhile, the game shits out drops constantly, but they aren't the rare drops you want, and you only have 100 inventory slots, and at least like 30 of them are already spoken for before you even leave on your run just due to the gear you need. It starts being a lot more about inventory management than anything else, and I found it to be very annoying. But you can buy inventory slots for real money. If you wanted to do this, I'd imagine that game could still be fun for a lot longer. Also, there is the possibility that I was playing it "wrong", since I wasn't following a guide or anything, but I've never had that same inventory problem in Buriedbornes. B100X is definitely worth a play if you're interested in more grindy goodness, I just think it falls off a cliff when you start needing to combine like 32-64 of the same rare artifact to make progress

  10. 12 months ago

    ...I have no fricking idea how this happened. Now the necromancer instakills bosses just with 1351 pursuit

    • 12 months ago

      What the frick, now its 600%

  11. 12 months ago

    In the google docs unofficial guide the build for beginner dragoon says get pumpkinhead contract and big wave amulet from the shop but they aren't there? I am assuming it's out of date is there a better source for guides and builds somewhere?

    • 12 months ago

      >[Pumpkinhead contract, Big Wave Amulet, not in shop]
      "Pumpkinhead" refers to "Party Time", which is the Pumpkinhead class ability. You buy random Amulets and Contracts from the shop with Soulstones. Getting Party Time is very rare, or at least it was the last time I went fishing for the Party Time contract, which admittedly was ages ago. It's not really integral for the Dragoon build, but rather I assume its intention is in capturing creatures so that you can start farming Lab Parts. Big Wave is also available in the same way, by using Soulstones to buy tons of random Amulets until you eventually get it. Eventually, you will buy every possible Amulet and will no longer be able to buy it anymore, since there are no new Amulets to get

      If you don't already have a Soulstone farm set up, you should do that. If Soulstones are an actual consideration for you, you should probably work towards getting to a point where you have so many that you never even think about them. It looks like there is even increase Soulstone drops for 10 days going on right now

      >I am assuming it's out of date
      As far as I know, the official dick sword and that google doc are the best sources of information for this game. I don't think the google doc is that heavily maintained though. I feel like this is a game where it's more fun to come up with your own builds, and for that I've asked a few questions in the discord over the years, but the Party Time recommendation is indeed a good one, so that you can start getting better Lab Parts to facilitate better/more interesting builds. That said, the build you are referencing is from 2.8.7 and we're currently in 3.9.15. I know this past season added lots of stuff that may be either good for Dragoon or easily accessible, but I wouldn't know since I haven't really played that class

      Once you get some good Lab Parts with Party Time, or luck into an Eternal Dark part, the game really opens up in terms of farm and builds

      • 12 months ago

        Oh also, being able to extract Lab Parts when the ability is not the bottom ability is some really fricking convoluted and unintuitive shit. Here's an infograph, but also I would recommend running through it once yourself. Meaning, don't try to extract a super valuable ability as your first Lab Part. Make sure you know how to do it properly before trying to extract something like Eternal Dark I say that because I made this mistake when trying to extract my first Eternal Dark; I didn't actually know how combining creatures and extracting the parts worked yet

        >Soulstone farm
        I just noticed I had purchased the miner class a while back I will follow picrel and keep spamming random amulets and contracts. What do you use to farm anon?

        >Official dicksword
        Fricking gay

        >Good lab parts
        Do these drop in all dungeons and what is the best way to aquire them?

        • 12 months ago

          >What do you use to farm anon?
          Just using Miner is good, because it starts with the Mining skill. The higher tier dungeon you farm, the more Soulstones you'll get (the closer to the top of the list, the "higher tier"). If you can get confusion or Turbulence (whatever that room effect is called) or an auto clicker set up you can just let it farm while you sleep. If you pause the game and then go back to town, you keep the Soulstones, and you also get to keep your farming spot, so you only need to set it up once. Moon Queen is good, but I think Miner is an easier setup and is basically the same. There's also Scholar, but that requires peak autism to set up so I don't recommend it, though it's probably the best farm

          For me though, over the time that I've played this game I've found that Demon is my favorite class, so my Soulstone farm is Demon because it works pretty well for that also. I forget how much of this stuff is strictly necessary, but with this setup you don't even need to find a special room condition, any encounter is good enough to farm. You definitely want Greed+2 and Golden Cat!+2, and I think Immobility is required also, and then Autoheal+8%/No Faith keeps you alive. Then you just spam the Mining skill (via Amulet) probably with an auto clicker and that's it

          >Do these drop in all dungeons and what is the best way to aquire them?
          iirc, the google docs has a Lab Parts list with locations. I don't remember if all parts come from all places. I know some enemies can have completely random abilities (I got my Eternal Dark from some random enemy, not the boss you're "supposed" to get it from) but I don't know if all abilities can be acquired like this or if some are only on "their" boss. I do remember that not all fancy looking abilities can be acquired though, most notably Wavy Attack could not be, but that might have changed by now. It used to be that you can't get a Wavy Attack Lab Part at all

      • 12 months ago

        >luck into an Eternal Dark part, the game really opens up in terms of farm and builds
        Honestly I think parts like those are really boring as they turn every class into the same playstyle. I'm glad they're getting thrown out the window in 2 and we're going back to building around your class again.

        • 12 months ago

          As someone who has had their fill of Eternal Dark runs, I definitely agree with you, but it's pretty cool when you first get it, it's a "noteworthy" lab part, and getting Eternal Dark early on is a pretty huge leap forward in terms of "account progression", if you will

    • 12 months ago

      >[Pumpkinhead contract, Big Wave Amulet, not in shop]
      "Pumpkinhead" refers to "Party Time", which is the Pumpkinhead class ability. You buy random Amulets and Contracts from the shop with Soulstones. Getting Party Time is very rare, or at least it was the last time I went fishing for the Party Time contract, which admittedly was ages ago. It's not really integral for the Dragoon build, but rather I assume its intention is in capturing creatures so that you can start farming Lab Parts. Big Wave is also available in the same way, by using Soulstones to buy tons of random Amulets until you eventually get it. Eventually, you will buy every possible Amulet and will no longer be able to buy it anymore, since there are no new Amulets to get

      If you don't already have a Soulstone farm set up, you should do that. If Soulstones are an actual consideration for you, you should probably work towards getting to a point where you have so many that you never even think about them. It looks like there is even increase Soulstone drops for 10 days going on right now

      >I am assuming it's out of date
      As far as I know, the official dick sword and that google doc are the best sources of information for this game. I don't think the google doc is that heavily maintained though. I feel like this is a game where it's more fun to come up with your own builds, and for that I've asked a few questions in the discord over the years, but the Party Time recommendation is indeed a good one, so that you can start getting better Lab Parts to facilitate better/more interesting builds. That said, the build you are referencing is from 2.8.7 and we're currently in 3.9.15. I know this past season added lots of stuff that may be either good for Dragoon or easily accessible, but I wouldn't know since I haven't really played that class

      Once you get some good Lab Parts with Party Time, or luck into an Eternal Dark part, the game really opens up in terms of farm and builds

      Oh also, being able to extract Lab Parts when the ability is not the bottom ability is some really fricking convoluted and unintuitive shit. Here's an infograph, but also I would recommend running through it once yourself. Meaning, don't try to extract a super valuable ability as your first Lab Part. Make sure you know how to do it properly before trying to extract something like Eternal Dark I say that because I made this mistake when trying to extract my first Eternal Dark; I didn't actually know how combining creatures and extracting the parts worked yet

  12. 12 months ago

    I just started playing a couple of days ago. It's pretty fun, even if I don't understand much.
    I have no idea what to do with monsters in detention, for example. Dissecting them doesn't seem to do anything.

    • 12 months ago

      They need to be at 80 injury to give you a lab part, and you get higher injury from fusing.

      Oh also, being able to extract Lab Parts when the ability is not the bottom ability is some really fricking convoluted and unintuitive shit. Here's an infograph, but also I would recommend running through it once yourself. Meaning, don't try to extract a super valuable ability as your first Lab Part. Make sure you know how to do it properly before trying to extract something like Eternal Dark I say that because I made this mistake when trying to extract my first Eternal Dark; I didn't actually know how combining creatures and extracting the parts worked yet

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks for that infographic, that makes it pretty clear.
        On a side note, dragoon with reflect is fricking broken, especially with good equipment abilities (100% juggernaut, HP Boost, White Tiger's Blessing, etc.). I'm on floor 78 of the labyrinth, for reference. The hardest part seems to be getting limit breaks and skill levels, unless I'm missing some sort of drawback to this build.
        What other classes are fun? I'm looking at Miner to farm enough soulstones to frick around as much as I want, but other than that, I can't really glean enough from the class descriptions to figure out what would be fun.

        • 12 months ago

          >What other classes are fun? I'm looking at Miner to farm enough soulstones to frick around as much as I want, but other than that, I can't really glean enough from the class descriptions to figure out what would be fun.
          The first thing you want to do in this game is to take care of your Soulstone farm so that you never have to worry about it again. Then you can buy all the Amulets, all the Contracts, and whatever classes you want (except the ones that you purchase with a different currency, like Dried Leaves)

          My favorite class is Demon, but you might want to save that for later since it has a Fragments of Death upkeep to maintain. Angel is another class like Dragoon that is pretty strong and also beginner friendly, though I think it does require more Lab Parts/Contracts than Dragoon does. It just depends on how you want to play the game

        • 12 months ago

          >What other classes are fun? I'm looking at Miner to farm enough soulstones to frick around as much as I want, but other than that, I can't really glean enough from the class descriptions to figure out what would be fun.
          The first thing you want to do in this game is to take care of your Soulstone farm so that you never have to worry about it again. Then you can buy all the Amulets, all the Contracts, and whatever classes you want (except the ones that you purchase with a different currency, like Dried Leaves)

          My favorite class is Demon, but you might want to save that for later since it has a Fragments of Death upkeep to maintain. Angel is another class like Dragoon that is pretty strong and also beginner friendly, though I think it does require more Lab Parts/Contracts than Dragoon does. It just depends on how you want to play the game

          Glancing briefly at this, I am also reminded that Necromancer can by build to basically be Angel, and there's that one really cool Necromancer skin, so you might prefer to play "Angel" via Necromancer, if you want that playstyle

          • 12 months ago

            >What other classes are fun? I'm looking at Miner to farm enough soulstones to frick around as much as I want, but other than that, I can't really glean enough from the class descriptions to figure out what would be fun.
            The first thing you want to do in this game is to take care of your Soulstone farm so that you never have to worry about it again. Then you can buy all the Amulets, all the Contracts, and whatever classes you want (except the ones that you purchase with a different currency, like Dried Leaves)

            My favorite class is Demon, but you might want to save that for later since it has a Fragments of Death upkeep to maintain. Angel is another class like Dragoon that is pretty strong and also beginner friendly, though I think it does require more Lab Parts/Contracts than Dragoon does. It just depends on how you want to play the game

            >Soulstone farm
            I just noticed I had purchased the miner class a while back I will follow picrel and keep spamming random amulets and contracts. What do you use to farm anon?

            >Official dicksword
            Fricking gay

            >Good lab parts
            Do these drop in all dungeons and what is the best way to aquire them?

            Oh also, being able to extract Lab Parts when the ability is not the bottom ability is some really fricking convoluted and unintuitive shit. Here's an infograph, but also I would recommend running through it once yourself. Meaning, don't try to extract a super valuable ability as your first Lab Part. Make sure you know how to do it properly before trying to extract something like Eternal Dark I say that because I made this mistake when trying to extract my first Eternal Dark; I didn't actually know how combining creatures and extracting the parts worked yet

            Op here
            Those are absolutely fricking great

        • 12 months ago

          just finished floor 100 with aforementioned broken dragoon
          and now i have to clean up 130+ lab parts before I can hit the next dungeon 🙁

  13. 12 months ago

    >vain praying
    >impure blood
    >"please give medicine to my brother"
    >"lol no" *proceeds to give fragments to wererabbit*
    why does the game shit on the saint like this lmao

  14. 12 months ago

    How does limit break work exactly? I still get 99999 sometimes despite having two equipped
    Do every +1 break a cap? Does it work 100% or there's a chance of failing in not passive values?

    • 12 months ago

      yeah you get addition breaks at +2 and +4
      other stats like HP and shield and barriers also get affected by the cap and need to be LB'd

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