Anyone remember Star Trek Armada 2? Was a pretty fun game and got me interested in the franchise.

Anyone remember Star Trek Armada 2? Was a pretty fun game and got me interested in the franchise. What did you guys think about it?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I liked capturing ships. But only some factions were truly good at that.

  2. 2 years ago

    I played 1 more. It was a somewhat streamlined game with some cool mechanics. 2 feels like a carelessly upscaled sequel: you command more ships, there are more resource types, planets can be colonized and conquered, but a lot of that straightforward simplicity was lost in the process. I beat it but didn't play it since.
    Abilities felt less impactful and were mostly autocast, static defenses no longer provided much protection (starbase spam was the only thing that worked for me), space became 3-dimensional which didn't actually change much, etc. I recall there was a mod that added the Dominion faction but I mostly forgot about the game otherwise.
    Speaking of mods, hearing about ST:A III got me excited but then I learned that behind this misleading name was actually a completely unrelated SoaSE total conversion. Talk about clickbait.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly I believe that mod would be how an official sequel would be like. Considering how 2 was, it's not out of the realm of possibility for an official Armada 3 to be something similar.

    • 2 years ago

      Reading this makes me want to replay Armada 1. I had a lot of fun playing it years ago. I hope there's a HD resolution mod for it.
      The SoaSE armada 3 mod was made to be more micro heavy recently.
      Have you anons tried Fleet Operations for Star Trek Armada 2?

      • 2 years ago

        It's actually wicked fun with a ton of features but extremely tailored to multiplayer autism so you can't dick around and once someone starts to snowball experienced ships it's game ogre.

        >Do a RP skirmish campaign with a couple friends playing a renegade Feddie faction against AI opponents
        >Think up the campaign story and have it change based on whether we win/lose battles
        >Core plot is we're on the run to the far Beta-Quadrant with federation tech and when you capture a races construction ship we can play as that faction from then on
        >Endgame is to comeback, defeat all the empires and conquer Earth
        >Usually get our shit pushed in by AI but can win some so story continues
        >Capture a Borg drone constructor in a lucky game
        >Start winning because Borg are still OP
        >"haha let's do a match where the drones rebel"
        >Campaign quickly turns into that alternate universe where the Borg assimilated Earth

        Good times.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much what says. It has a lot more stuff than 1 mostly for the sake of more stuff, although kid me had a ton of fun playing both of them.

      They've recently added both of them and many other old star trek games on GOG recently and I've heard they run well. (I haven't been able to try myself as my pc is inoperable atm).

      Also, the first game still has one of the best game intros of all time.

      • 2 years ago

        I've heard that the GOG version of Armada 2 is fine, I'll try Gog's version of 1 later. Armada I & II are probably some of the few games I still have hardcopies of. Actually, I think that's the case for most of the star trek games I have.

        • 2 years ago

          GOG's Armada 1 works

          • 2 years ago

            I forgot to add that I used some widescreen patch called "Star Trek: Armada Patch 1.3 Project "

      • 2 years ago

        Intro is 100% pure kino.

  3. 2 years ago

    >steamroll everything with these tactical megacubes the Borg later can build
    >use the transwarp gates to teleport these things directly into the enemy base
    Good times.

    • 2 years ago

      It was a great game, actually the last good Star Trek game alongw with Bridge Commander if I'm not mistaken?
      Anyway, what were some of its faults? I remember the Borg fusion cubes but what else?
      I think you could just select all ships and deathball the enemy, or was it not so simple?

      • 2 years ago

        Armada 1 & 2 along Bridge Commander were the three games I played the most

      • 2 years ago

        I replayed Bridge Commander a few years ago, and it did not age well. Controls are all over the place, as is to be expected from an older simulation type game. None of the writing or voice acting is particularly good, and it was kind of sad to realize Patrick Stewart totally phones in his cameo. That's worse combined with the insane design choice of combining pre-cutscene savepoints with unskippable cutscenes. And then there's one of the early missions that spawns a Romulan warbird on your ass. I don't recall it giving me much trouble when I played it when I was young, but this time around it kicked my ass three times, and I gave up (after having to sit through that cardboard Bajoran First Officer waffle on three times). I straight up did not have a good time.

        Honestly, the thing that surprises me is that Trek never got even an attempt at a proper RPG. Most of the show is people talking and people trying to solve shit by talking. That fact that most Trek games are pew pew games is baffling.

        • 2 years ago

          >Trek never got even an attempt at a proper RPG
          I think Telltale is making one.

        • 2 years ago

          The general lack of ST games is baffling, I guess the series dropped in relevancy before gaming systems could handle more than pew-pew. The franchise could have very well flooded the market with all sorts of games: RTS, 4X, 4DIAR, CCG, freaking CYOA - just about anything, really.
          However, all of the relevant concepts, especially not focused on just combat, like colony/starbase/starship management, trading and diplomacy, planetary exploration, away team survival, alien medical treatment, etc. have already been claimed by assorted series and indies by now, probably.

        • 2 years ago

          There are some adventure games. Look up 25th anniversary for TOS, or TNG Final Unity which was really AAA game for its time. I'd say the TNG one holds up well, the TOS ones are retro.

        • 2 years ago

          The general lack of ST games is baffling, I guess the series dropped in relevancy before gaming systems could handle more than pew-pew. The franchise could have very well flooded the market with all sorts of games: RTS, 4X, 4DIAR, CCG, freaking CYOA - just about anything, really.
          However, all of the relevant concepts, especially not focused on just combat, like colony/starbase/starship management, trading and diplomacy, planetary exploration, away team survival, alien medical treatment, etc. have already been claimed by assorted series and indies by now, probably.

          There are some adventure games. Look up 25th anniversary for TOS, or TNG Final Unity which was really AAA game for its time. I'd say the TNG one holds up well, the TOS ones are retro.

          What about Star Trek: TNG on the Super NES?

    • 2 years ago

      everything with these tactical megacubes the Borg later can build

      kek I think I didn't even play 10 minutes with the other factions

  4. 2 years ago

    good soundtrack, i played it with my dad a ton as a kid. i would always pick borg for the big frickcube and watch him win anyway because i was a moronic child who didnt think i needed more than 1 collector for any given resource. wish the dude was still alive, was fun.

  5. 2 years ago

    Both it and the first game are on GOG. Both are fun.

  6. 2 years ago

    I love both 1 and 2. They're always fun to go back and frick around in, and the campaigns have always been pretty interesting. I also like doing stuff in the map editor or making my own mods from time to time.

  7. 2 years ago

    How's the first Starfleet Academy game? I think I bought it on GOG some years ago during a sale, but haven't tried it.

    • 2 years ago

      Basically an interactive movie with very basic 3d graphics and a lot of bugs and unfinished content lurking in submenus.

      Klingon Academy is far more advanced gameplay wise, and has a lot of mods if you can find them.

      Has strongly the Trek feel tho.

      • 2 years ago

        >Klingon Academy
        Is that the game that had 14 discs?

  8. 2 years ago

    The light cruisers like the Intrepid should've had the ability to bombard planets. They felt useless.

    • 2 years ago

      Planets felt out of place somehow.

      • 2 years ago

        They wanted to expand on the game so I guess they figured that colonizing planets would be a neat idea. Problem was it seemed unfinished.

        • 2 years ago

          Do any mods fix it/expand on it
          Can they?

  9. 2 years ago

    Do the Command Games count as /vst/?
    Steam lists them as strategy but it seems you only control one ship.

    • 2 years ago

      It astounds me that nearly twenty years later there seems to be no game similar to those. For some reason there's plenty of space fighter ship/interceptor simulators but there's nothing for capital ships.

      • 2 years ago

        The early leveling in Star Trek Online plays like that but then it gives in to moronic mmo scaling and you go from difficult fights with 1 or 2 ships to vaporizing entire squadrons of them in seconds

      • 2 years ago

        Nexus Jupiter Incident I guess
        Gaymers just don't like that kind of gameplay really
        They want to control massive fleets and just attack move them for the most part even Trekkies are like that for some reason.

    • 2 years ago

      Like Star Trek: Starfleet Command? Don't confuse this with the mobile game

      The early leveling in Star Trek Online plays like that but then it gives in to moronic mmo scaling and you go from difficult fights with 1 or 2 ships to vaporizing entire squadrons of them in seconds

      Yup, around Commander level was when stuff got fricked up in that game. Fighting Romulan warbirds in the missions given by that one vulcan admiral were awesome.

      Nexus Jupiter Incident I guess
      Gaymers just don't like that kind of gameplay really
      They want to control massive fleets and just attack move them for the most part even Trekkies are like that for some reason.

      >Nexus Jupiter Incident I guess
      That was an interesting game.

      • 2 years ago

        >Starfleet Command
        Yeah that one, It's based on a table top strategy game but the vidya game doesn't seem like it's strategy based more like sim
        I've played that mobile game, somehow less fun than Hades Star. Literally worthless if it wasn't Trek branded.
        There's also pic related that I played the demo of way back when but I can't get the full version abandonware to work on anything.

        • 2 years ago

          Don't worry it it literally the worst strategy game imaginable. There isn't even any strategy, because you only have very few units to choose from. It always boils down to producing a death stack and sending it into the enemy base. It is shocking how bad it is. Just pretend that game does not exist.

          • 2 years ago

            Too bad. I guess it makes sense though there isn't really much to work with from the source material when it comes to ground forces especially vehicles. Star Wars also had this problem at least for the Rebels.

  10. 2 years ago

    For a mod, Armada 3 is really good. It's more like an actual published game.

    • 2 years ago

      It seems to lag pretty badly in my experience.

  11. 2 years ago

    Well no, because when I try talking about Armada 2 I usually got no replies, but I am glad you got a thread going.
    Same, this is the game that got me into Star Trek as a whole.
    For me, it was the faction design, Federation, Klingons, Romulans and Cardasians have such a great aesthetic design to them. I think an RTS having good looking factions is very important and Star Trek prop designers from TNG/DS9/VOY era did an amazing job setting the design language. Borg and Species aren't bad either and both have iconic feel to them as well.

    The game being so easily moddable was a massive, massive plus in my book. I spend so much time messing around with custom ships, faction packs or TCs, pity that the AI were governed by a notepad build order.

    I was pretty late to it though, played mostly in the late 2000s early 2010s and then stopped. Went back to check on the community in around 2019 to find news that Aad Moerman had died, the guy had made so many ship models. I also learned that FleetOps guys have been MIA for years.
    felt like an end of an era for me.

    • 2 years ago

      Anyone remember Star Trek Armada 2? Was a pretty fun game and got me interested in the franchise. What did you guys think about it?

      My post was supposed to start with
      >Are you literally me, OP?
      but that got lost in formatting

    • 2 years ago

      Just wondering, but how do you feel about the Armada 3 Sins mod?

    • 2 years ago

      People are still making mods for fleet ops but it's unfortunately all in discord

      • 2 years ago

        What server?

        • 2 years ago

          The fleet ops one

  12. 2 years ago

    shit game honestly

  13. 2 years ago

    Any good TOS or TMP mod?
    For any Star Trek game really, been sick of TNG eta since forever

    • 2 years ago

      I believe that Homeworld has both. There's mods for the remastered version and there's mods for the original versions.

  14. 2 years ago

    I loved that game! Played the shit out of it. Muh Tactical fusion cube ftw. Frick you corbomite reflector Sovereign class though.

    I couldn't get it to run today unfortunately. Im on Linux so my options are limited to whatever Lutris can do. Would love to play through the campaign again.

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