Anyone up for a nwn shill session from 0?

I just bought the enhanced edition with all the premium modules. Now, i just want to have a nice time with my v frens.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Despite all the hate, it's still one of the very, very few RPGs where the MC has a bad/sad ending to his story as canon.

    • 2 years ago

      Sad indeed not only did hero of neverwinter didn't get the girl, because even if romanced she will be executed, but also Nasher unpersoned the hero Stalin style.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't forget he was exiled from the city, and none of his former companions joined him. I would actually love a campaign cantered around what happened to this poor guy.

        • 2 years ago

          The funniest thing is that ending describes that after events of nwn hero has many more adventures, then came the expansions, and guess what it's someone else story.

          • 2 years ago

            >it's someone else story
            And that guy is Mr. Steal Your Girl who bangs Aribeth in a threesome with a drow chick and ends up as beloved hero in the whole of the Sword Coast.

            • 2 years ago

              spoilers dude

              • 2 years ago

                Aribeth dies, Fenthic dies, everyone but Deekin from 2nd expansion dies, Tommy dies, Shadow King dies, Lord Neverwinter lives, Qara dies, Akachi dies, Betrayer dies and Storm of Zehir sucks.

                The end.

              • 2 years ago

                >everyone but Deekin dies
                honestly i'm okay with this

              • 2 years ago

                SoU was a snoozefest with no interesting character. Deekin was serviceable but truly good only in HotU. I will never understand why morons here fellate first expansion but deride the original campaign.

              • 2 years ago

                Because the original campaign is a set of huge mazes not designed for 1 player to traverse, it is a constant barrage of side-tracking that feels offensively like MMO fetch-quests and rarely advances the actual plot.

                There is no gravitas to the quest, there is little motivation to keep you going and what little you get is killed by unapologetic padding.

                SoU worked much better in contrast - you were given agenda, freedom to approach the problem the way you want, characters that you can customise personally, locations that are much shorter and actually feel like something that can exist. Hell, the Intermission that has nothing to do with main plot makes you fight against truly exciting enemies and scenarios, while OC gives you copypasted mazes to clean the same you always do.

              • 2 years ago

                >characters that you can customise personally
                Characters without personality
                >Hell, the Intermission that has nothing to do with main plot makes you fight against truly exciting enemies and scenarios
                You have to be fricking joking. None of the intermission crap was interesting nor did it fit the main storyline, which was shit by the way. It felt like a novice DM forgot his notes and was poorly ad-libbing, getting increasingly more nervous watching the lukewarm responses from the players.

              • 2 years ago

                >Characters without personality
                I wonder how high your criteria for "having personality" is. Jesus, not everything has to be a chatterbox, reserved behavior is a fine thing too.

                >None of the intermission crap was interesting
                If you don't find survivor-horror like health management in Talona caves or overcoming the Death Knight in the tombs interesting, you're not suited for CRPGs.

              • 2 years ago

                >I wonder how high your criteria for "having personality" is. Jesus, not everything has to be a chatterbox, reserved behavior is a fine thing too.
                Tell me the story of that dwarf cleric/rogue or half-orc barbarian/sorc (wtf is this build?). You have to remember something about them, they are your precious companions, aren't they?
                Survivor-horror. Anon, be serious.
                >overcoming the Death Knight in the tombs interesting
                Not at all. There was some lich or a mummy that tried to trick me but he was boring and his story was barebones.
                >you're not suited for CRPGs.
                Ah, what a glorious line of defense. You criticise something I like but I don't have any decent argument so I will use the ace up my sleeve and will call you not a true gamer.
                Maybe you are the one not suited for CRPGs if you can't see the faults of a bad campaign such as SoU? Which is very strange since you can pinpoint what is bad with the OC without trouble.

              • 2 years ago

                >Tell me the story of that dwarf cleric/rogue or half-orc barbarian/sorc (wtf is this build?).

                Dorna seeks adventure that initially cares little for anything but the joy of getting to do the adventure, but when confronted with tragedy and death ponders what is right, finds no answer and choses to confront life as it comes, solving one problem at a time.

                Xanos is a huge egoist with inferiority complex, is constantly tormented by how he may not live up to his boast and when confronted with the reality pipes down and trurns to you for andvice. (But his build is a fricking atrocity, I agree)

                Deekin constantly wonders if his new life is really better than the old one. The stories he tells are quite cruel, but Deeking is very nostlagic of them and can't confront new reality without extensively relying on the protag.

                Dual rogues with only pots for healing. Constant boxing and low AC. That limited resourse management works great.

                >Death Knight in the tombs interesting
                >Not at all.
                ... Did you play the game or did you roll a weaponmaster couse you hate playing games?

                >Ah, what a glorious line...
                Did you enjoy strawmanning me? My point is not is not about "true gamer"-ing and shit, you blatantly ignore what makes CRPGs appealing, meaning you either do not enjoy the genre or adopted a rather specific outlook on what a good CRPG is.

                SoU is not "bad" - it has focus, it doesn't squander momentum, it maintains difficuilty and gives enough roleplaying opportunities. It's not the level of MotB or HotU good, or even OG2 campaign, but it does what it is supposed and lets you experience a fun adventure.

              • 2 years ago

                Because the original campaign is a set of huge mazes not designed for 1 player to traverse, it is a constant barrage of side-tracking that feels offensively like MMO fetch-quests and rarely advances the actual plot.

                There is no gravitas to the quest, there is little motivation to keep you going and what little you get is killed by unapologetic padding.

                SoU worked much better in contrast - you were given agenda, freedom to approach the problem the way you want, characters that you can customise personally, locations that are much shorter and actually feel like something that can exist. Hell, the Intermission that has nothing to do with main plot makes you fight against truly exciting enemies and scenarios, while OC gives you copypasted mazes to clean the same you always do.

                >characters that you can customise personally
                Characters without personality
                >Hell, the Intermission that has nothing to do with main plot makes you fight against truly exciting enemies and scenarios
                You have to be fricking joking. None of the intermission crap was interesting nor did it fit the main storyline, which was shit by the way. It felt like a novice DM forgot his notes and was poorly ad-libbing, getting increasingly more nervous watching the lukewarm responses from the players.

                I hated the original campaign too until I replayed it a few months ago with a monk and suddenly things went from boring to INSANE.
                The original campaign was clearly designed for a Sword&Board Fighter or Paladin or something along those lines if you take a good lock at the encounters but suddenly this completly turned on its head and I breezed through encounters that I remember being annoying/hard as frick and struggled with encounters that I remembere being a cakewalk.
                Punching dragons to death while shrugging of their breaths due to my ridiculous saves was or going ATATATATATA on evil wizard while their spells failed to affect me was a kino experience.

              • 2 years ago

                I found bards were pretty good too, they can pass almost any non Rogue skillcheck and there were magic items that could convert bard songs into wizard spells. Still not as OP as a bard in NWN2 though.

              • 2 years ago

                Monk with 1 level in Shadowdancer is insanely fun too.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry, anon. Forgot that the game is still fresh from the oven.

              • 2 years ago

                As any older title, some people already played it, some are yet to discover it. No reason to spoil it for them.

              • 2 years ago

                Going by that logic everything we post should be hidden unless it's off-topic.

        • 2 years ago

          The Blades of Netheril by Luke Skull (Known for Tyrants of the Moonsea and Mysteries of Westgate among the others) is actually planned to be exactly that.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, Jesus Christ, anon, you just made my day. Now somebody please get that troony making Icewind Dale II: Enhanced Edition to finish it.

  2. 2 years ago

    this isn't Ganker and we're not you friends

    • 2 years ago

      I'm his fren.

    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    can you play EE mp with pirated version? older versions could be through LAN.

    • 2 years ago

      I dont think so. Fartdog uses another auth method for keys.

  4. 2 years ago

    host a server, anons

  5. 2 years ago

    Best modules?

  6. 2 years ago

    Never played NWN at the time, does it hold up?
    I'd check reviews but all I see on storefronts are old reviews of people crying about beamdog.

    • 2 years ago

      OG is best ignored.

      Try SoU and if you hate it, Jump to HotU.

      If you finished HotU but you are still dying to know how it all started, go back to SoU.

      OC character doesn't reappear in both DLCs, they revolve around SoU protag. Recrutable characters in HotU are from OG campaign + Deeking from SoU.

      If you want to see the whole story anyway here is how you make OC bearable - pick either a caster/cleric and get a barb companion or get fighter/paladin/barb and the sorc companion. Do not do side-quests unless you stumble into those outside cities, those are usually bearable. Do not do all the companion quests, do for the one you chose and forget the rest.

      • 2 years ago

        >If you finished HotU but you are still dying to know how it all started, go back to SoU.
        SoU has barely anything to do with HotU. It doesn't feel like you are playing the same character or story. SoU can be safely ignored.
        >If you want to see the whole story anyway here is how you make OC bearable - pick either a caster/cleric and get a barb companion or get fighter/paladin/barb and the sorc companion.
        Wrong. OC is the comfiest when you are playing as a monk, or pick the monk companion. You can also do both. Any caster companion will waste their spell slots, barbarian will not rage and the rouge will die from a trap if he somehow is not KO'd in any fight.
        >Do not do all the companion quests, do for the one you chose and forget the rest.
        Wrong again. You are passively finishing companion quests as you explore the world. You can botch them only if you intentionally ignore them, miss a quest item due to the lack of exploration or are underleveled and the last part of the conversation can't trigger (which will happen if you ignore side quests as you suggested). Doing so is unadvised because rewards for these quests are some of the best items in the game, along with leaving companions' stories unfinished.

        • 2 years ago

          >SoU has barely anything to do with HotU.
          >Deekin actively acknowledges PC, HotU companions have to reopen their life-stories and the entire escapade in SoU was the sole reason BBEG confronts us.
          Try reading, will ya.

          >C is the comfiest when you are playing as a monk, or pick the monk companion.
          Low-level face tanking traps is so fun, yeah. Mid-high level carouseling around anything dangerous trying to heal is the epitome of comfy.

          >You are passively finishing companion quests as you explore the world.
          You randomly find their shit, but all the triggers have to be fired manually. Constant backtracking is not fun.

          • 2 years ago

            >Try reading, will ya.
            Try thinking. Nothing you accomplished on SoU means anything for HotU. Yeah, Deekin has some voice lines, gratz for the devs. Shame that the plot gains nothing from it.
            >the entire escapade in SoU was the sole reason BBEG confronts us
            No. You are given the macguffin because reasons, which happens AFTER SoU but before HotU. It's not even a proper prequel when the truly important part of the story, the adventure in the realm of shadows, is not even depicted. SoU ends when you jump into the portal, HotU starts sometime after you get back from it. It is a pinnacle of bad storytelling. I could fault HotU here as well but it is a campaign that actually can stand on its own feet. SoU can't.
            >Low-level face tanking traps is so fun, yeah.
            It is if you know what you are doing, yeah. Monk has high reflex saves and even when you frick up, you get half damage due to evasion. And half damage means nothing because most of the traps are fire, acid or cold which should barely break through your damage resistance if you play the game and find/buy actually decent gear.
            >You randomly find their shit, but all the triggers have to be fired manually.
            Most of the triggering you do from the dialogue menu, only a little bit of it needs to be in a certain place.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't really think it does. It's very much a singleplayer game, although you can have a henchman to help, but you have to constantly tell them not to bash open boxes because the AI is moronic. The plot is a solid "okay" and the dungeons aren't particularly interesting either. People seem to praise the game a lot because there were tons of high-quality mods back in the day. I never really messed with mods much, but I played the vanilla EE game and wasn't really impressed.

      • 2 years ago

        >there were tons of high-quality mods back in the day.
        There were actually very few high-quality mods. People mostly remember the tiny minority of decent ones, as well as the custom persistent world servers which were a neat novelty at the time.

  7. 2 years ago

    Frick Aribeth, Linu is best girl prove me wrong.

    (you can't prove me wrong)

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