Aonuma says people only want old zelda because of nostalgia

>"It's interesting when I hear people say [they prefer the old entries] because I am wondering, 'Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?' But I do understand that desire that we have for nostalgia, and so I can also understand it from that aspect,"
Is he right? Do people only like old zelda because of nostalgia?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Yes, nostalgia is a cancer

    • 6 months ago

      I think its unfair to just disregard 3 decades of zelda titles to "nostalgia". Most peoples favorite zeldas aren't even ones Aonuma worked on.

      • 6 months ago

        >Most peoples favorite zeldas aren't even ones Aonuma worked on.
        And that's the problem he has with them.

    • 6 months ago

      t. Aonuma still salty for being filtered by AlttP

  2. 6 months ago

    If he's talking about OoT and Majora's Mask gays, he's right. If he's talking about zelda, zelda 2, Link's awakening enjoyers, he's wrong, but he's probably not because those fans usually like BotW and ToTK more than the N64 trash

  3. 6 months ago

    He's right in the sense that gameplay is worse in older 3d entries.
    But he's wrong in that some gameplay aspects was also lost to the older entries, give me back the gear/skateboard.

    Overall post switch era zelda is indeed better than in the past, but there still needs to be improvements to be made to truly eclipse OOT forever, just make some closed dungeons dammit, not everything needs to be open world.
    Also, melodies, we need another instrument and learn songs trhoughout hyrule we play with full 4k cutscenes.

  4. 6 months ago

    I just want a Zelda with a gripping atmosphere and story again, not this barebones melodramatic nippon anime collect-all-150-flashbacks-and-5-useless-captain-planet-buddies storytelling they did in BOTW/TOTK.

    • 6 months ago

      >gripping atmosphere
      >BotW/ToTK did not have this
      I mean it's no OoT/MM level but what are you on about?

  5. 6 months ago

    Sounds about right. Doesn't make "new Zelda" good. At the end of the day it's just an Action-Adventure series based in Medieval-Fantasy concepts, and it has fricking sucked at doing all four of those concepts in the 21st century.
    You might argue that these purported people want to go back to a time when the developers behind the series didn't seemed like jobbers without any creative vision or mechanical knowledge, and who can blame them? It's a shame there are millions of people with standards lower than dinosaur bones to keep buying the games for no discernible reason other than brand name, but frick it. Dozens of other Action-Adventure titles releasing every year.
    (You)'re not unique, Aonuma, and you're not competent anymore because the industry learned (from you and your cohorts, to some degree) and evolved, while you struggled and have now fallen into the pit of just copy/pasting their work from a decade ago while pretending it's new and revolutionary because the brand hadn't done it. But it's not. And you suck at it, whatever it may be.
    I hope you get better. There's still time. It's never too late to be what you could have been.

  6. 6 months ago

    I don't mind BotW style Zelda in concept but I wish it jacked off less to wandering for the sake of it and crafted more Hyrule Castle tier labyrinths to get lost in. It's like I spend 90% of my time trying to hunt down the 10% I actually give a frick about.

  7. 6 months ago

    No, people want a mix of open world and longform classic dungeons instead of 150 micro puzzles and 100+ copy pasted side quests sprinkled atround the map Ubislop style.

    • 6 months ago

      This and I’m tired of the wasteland setting give me populated Hyrule.

    • 6 months ago

      I also want rewards that are worth a damn. Soft-metroidvania-ing shit in the overworld has been a core part of Zelda from the getgo.
      Having all the slate powers out of the tutorial in BotW was a flaw unironically.

      • 6 months ago

        Not having them limits you too much, I guess. For instance, let's say that you had to obtain magnetism from the Gerudo dungeon. But magnetism is an omni-important ability. Multiple other major areas require it. By forcing you to complete a dungeon to obtain it, you are railroading the player down a set path. You have no choice but to complete the Gerudo dungeon first.

        This is why the champion skills, whilst incredibly useful, are all technically unnecessary. You don't need Revali's Gale to do anything, it's just really handy to have.

        • 6 months ago

          Linearity is not a flaw.

          • 6 months ago

            >Linearity is not a flaw.

            It's a drawback in an adventure game. It's goes from being an adventure to an onrails experience where everything is gate kept from the player.

          • 6 months ago

            Problem is they wanted to make BotW really big. Forcing the player down a specific path doesn't help this game, it's just too large.

          • 6 months ago

            It absolutely can be if a dev team goes overboard with it. Hence Skyward Sword.

  8. 6 months ago

    wrap it up Aonuma, your hack career is done

    • 6 months ago

      Didn't they shut up the Larian gayget too while he was thanking a troony that killed itself during the development of the game?

      • 6 months ago

        This gay at least can make good games unlike Hackonuma.

        • 6 months ago

          Kys moron

        • 6 months ago

          >tfw Aonuma learn all the wrong lessons from this yet again and puts photorealistic graphics, nudity and sex in the next Zelda game

          • 6 months ago

            well, it would work to win at the game awards
            TOTK did have the trannies already

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah. Geoff said on twitter he was going to "do better" about this in the future, but we all know how thats gonna go.

  9. 6 months ago

    Fire this hack already

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah I agree, frick Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.

      • 6 months ago

        TOTK lost game of the year despite Nintendo paying every reviewer to give it a 10/10.

      • 6 months ago

        Ocarina's "field" was 5 feet long and TP's was a setting for story events that the game explicitly showed you how to bypass with fast travel after the first time you cross it.

        • 6 months ago

          >Ocarina's "field" was 5 feet long
          Was considered to be massive & revolutionary for its time.

          People will look at BoTW in a similar light in 10-15 years as an empty sandbox with nothing but recycled assets littered throughout it (because that's what it literally is.)

          • 6 months ago

            >Was considered to be massive & revolutionary for its time.
            only to tendies.

  10. 6 months ago

    There are a million zelda games that uses the old formula, but only two that uses the botw formula
    And people still want MORE zeldas that uses the old formula instead of changing/evolving/whatever
    Just play one of those million games if you don't want change

  11. 6 months ago

    zelda was never good.

  12. 6 months ago

    If people wanted those games, botw and Totk wouldn't be the best selling games in the series right now

    • 6 months ago

      Now if the advertisement budget was the same as BotW I'm sure they would

    • 6 months ago

      OOT is the second best selling, on a console that sold less than a quarter of what the Switch did.

      • 6 months ago

        That's not the gotcha you think it is, the N64 had few games and less than half the sales are from the 3DS remake. If it was that demanded it would have outsold itself during the remake but it didn't.

        • 6 months ago

          N64 had more games than the switch does

    • 6 months ago

      BOTW/TOTK are the most casualized and accessible Zelda titles where it's easy to do nothing but explore the world, do piss easy shrines and collect useless trinkets to make you feel a sense of accomplishment. I know this because I have a sister who doesn't even play Nintendo games seriously despite being a Nintendo fan and she "enjoyed" BOTW without never having finished the game or even an animal dungeon because she likes walking around the world.

      The fact that it has a large amount of sales has nothing to do with the game being good, only that they've become the Wii Sports of the Zelda franchise.

      • 6 months ago

        >BOTW/TOTK are the most casualized and accessible Zelda titles

        TotK is the most challenging Zelda game since Zelda 2. Even BotW was more challenging than most Zelda's.

    • 6 months ago

      People like Assassin’s Creed slop, it’s obvious the new open world format would sell more. Doesn’t make it less awful that they changed a series formula just to please people like you.
      Open world games with Ubitowers are released every year. Few games follow the Zelda formula, like stuff like Okami, Mega Man Legends and the older Ys games. It’s a huge loss.

      • 6 months ago

        Imagine being attached to a formula. Grow up and try something different, NPC

        • 6 months ago

          Have fun with the anual Ubislop, troon. That’s all you’ll get from now on. Variety is dead.

          • 6 months ago

            >believes in ~~*franchises*~~
            >wants to play the same game 80 times every year until the end of time like Madden
            >muh heckin quirkin variety is le kill noooo DX

    • 6 months ago

      there are more people playing videogames now than ever before and that doesnt mean they're better than ever you moronic homosexual

    • 6 months ago

      >why does game released for Nintendo's most successful console ever sell more than game released for console that barely broke 30m worldwide series? MUST BE BECAUSE THE GAMES ARE BETTER

      • 6 months ago

        Are you implying that Wind Waker, Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword are better than Breath of the Wild?

        • 6 months ago

          No, I was specific with the 30m figure, and it can only mean one single Nintendo system.

        • 6 months ago

          No, he's implying you're either stupid or dishonest in your selection of statistics. He was dismissing your evidence, rather than drawing a specific point.

          • 6 months ago

            >he dismissed argument with no counterevidence
            >when you tried to narrow down his actual argument you must be stupid or dishonest

            • 6 months ago

              >helmets cause injuries, just look at the hospitalisation rates!
              >no, that's an invalid conclusion to draw from that information
              >are you saying boots cause injuries instead?
              This is you.

        • 6 months ago

          I am outright saying so
          They are. And I don't even like post MM 3d zelda

    • 6 months ago

      The switch sells almost every bit of garbage out the ass. Some of nintendo's franchises are the worst they've ever been, yet are selling the best they've ever sold.

  13. 6 months ago

    >Why do people like books when they can just watch TV
    Beyond pixel graphics, those games engage a more abstract way of consuming the experience.

  14. 6 months ago

    >itt 30 something boomers who reminisce about 2d zelda
    Top kek.

    • 6 months ago

      *cracks open monster*
      Yea? Because 2D Zelda was just better
      *rides away on lawnmower*

  15. 6 months ago

    I don't care about 3D Zelda. I just want another 2D game which isn't a remake.

  16. 6 months ago

    It's about finding a balance between both. I want a 3D Zelda with Ocarina of Time/Twilight princess gameplay, although with tons of quality of life improvements, maybe some elements from Breath of the Wild, but with a structure of a link between worlds. That to me is the perfect zelda

    • 6 months ago

      Open world has never been good and is fundamentally the worst design choice in the history of the industry.

    • 6 months ago

      >I want a 3D Zelda with Ocarina of Time/Twilight princess gameplay, although with tons of quality of life improvements, maybe some elements from Breath of the Wild, but with a structure of a link between worlds
      Way too ambitious for an open world a game.

      • 6 months ago

        Why? I want tons of dungeons i can explore in any order like ALBW, each with their own unique weapons/tools, with maybe the jump button and a heavily modified climbing version of BotW, with ocarina/twilight aesthetics/art style, only heavily upgraded.

  17. 6 months ago

    NuTendo is the MCU of gaming. Pretty much the only AAA games I enjoy now are from Capcom. Fromsoft games are ok, but I don't like the gloomy aesthetic they all have.

    • 6 months ago


  18. 6 months ago

    sometimes jap dev autism is even worse than the western one

  19. 6 months ago

    Like it or not, BotW and TotK's sales speak for themselves. People who want Zelda to go back are a minority.

    • 6 months ago

      Means nothing, Dark Souls sold like shit and is considered the best game of the last 15 years

      • 6 months ago

        >Dark Souls sold like shit and is considered the best game of the last 15 years
        And then they made Elden Ring and it sold like hotcakes. It only proves Aonuma right.
        Maybe people will get bored of open worlds, but it sure as frick isn't happening yet.

        • 6 months ago

          Elden ring at least kept the usual dark souls stages as "legacy dungeons". The new zelda formula has no excuse not to bring back traditional dungeons.

          • 6 months ago

            Elden Ring was a one-off game, and they had already made 4 different Zelda-Like games, along with Sekiro

            Despite being called "open world", Elden Ring still has a very clear structure to it. You can't enter Leyndell until you have at least two great runes. There's no climbing or gliding so the environmental geometry is a lot more important (there's places that are only accessible through a single strict route). Everything after Leyndell is pretty linear. It's not the same as BotW/TotK which are way more flat.

            I think the problem facing Zelda's current formula is that by moving away from hyperlinearity they've made it hard for people to feel like they're making any progress, it's not really a problem with the formula itself however, it's an issue with how people conceive the concept of progress itself, BotW and TotK absolutely have markers of progress, but they're all concentrated on Link (Health, stamina, armor sets, weapons, special abilities, etc.), while in the past these markers were mostly put on the map and Link remained relatively unchanged from start to end.

            Not the same. Fromsoftware did what Nintendo didn't do cause. They used the format of dungeon like areas and used that molded that around an open world similar to BOTW but Elden Ring had real points of interest that mattered and had actual content. Of course you could say the copy pasted dungeons are like the shrines and caves of TOTK but it had actual places that were not just filler.

            >it doesn't count
            C O P E

            • 6 months ago

              Elden Ring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BotW/TotK
              Which is embarrassing, considering they delayed TotK because they feared ER

              • 6 months ago

                >they delayed TotK because they feared ER
                Out of the frying pan into the fire, heh.

        • 6 months ago

          Elden Ring was a one-off game, and they had already made 4 different Zelda-Like games, along with Sekiro

        • 6 months ago

          Despite being called "open world", Elden Ring still has a very clear structure to it. You can't enter Leyndell until you have at least two great runes. There's no climbing or gliding so the environmental geometry is a lot more important (there's places that are only accessible through a single strict route). Everything after Leyndell is pretty linear. It's not the same as BotW/TotK which are way more flat.

        • 6 months ago

          I think the problem facing Zelda's current formula is that by moving away from hyperlinearity they've made it hard for people to feel like they're making any progress, it's not really a problem with the formula itself however, it's an issue with how people conceive the concept of progress itself, BotW and TotK absolutely have markers of progress, but they're all concentrated on Link (Health, stamina, armor sets, weapons, special abilities, etc.), while in the past these markers were mostly put on the map and Link remained relatively unchanged from start to end.

          • 6 months ago

            >it's not really a problem with the formula itself
            Yes it is. This formula is shit.

        • 6 months ago

          Not the same. Fromsoftware did what Nintendo didn't do cause. They used the format of dungeon like areas and used that molded that around an open world similar to BOTW but Elden Ring had real points of interest that mattered and had actual content. Of course you could say the copy pasted dungeons are like the shrines and caves of TOTK but it had actual places that were not just filler.

          • 6 months ago

            >Elden Ring had real points of interest that mattered and had actual content
            It's all copy pasted assests from previous games. The content was go along a linear path with a couple off shoots, fight a "hard" boss and repeat over and over. It's the same game as demon's souls for the 5 or 6th time.

            • 6 months ago

              Why even bother responding if you need to be completely disingenuous? Jesus christ.

      • 6 months ago

        >Dark Souls sold like shit
        Most games which genuinely did sell like shit wish they could manage 2.37 million in 18 months.

  20. 6 months ago

    The old games were good, that's why people played them. There's no time limit on something being good.
    If they didn't want people to want their games, they shouldn't have cared about making them fun.

  21. 6 months ago

    He's not wrong, but he's not entirely right either.
    The real issue with open world Zelda is that they refuse to give us actual dungeons but some people are also being virulently against something new for no reason other than because it threatens the status quo.

  22. 6 months ago

    You can have advanced physics and creative mechanics without making a giant map with copy paste content you know. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

  23. 6 months ago

    I just want twilight princess without the absolute shit twiight princess overworld map

  24. 6 months ago

    >Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?
    Dear god why is this man so fricking moronic?

  25. 6 months ago

    You’re right Aonuma. We don’t want the old games. You should tell your legal team at Nintendo to back off and chill after Majora’s Mask gets decompiled.

    • 6 months ago

      Majora's Mask is already decompiled.

      • 6 months ago

        It's at 92%.

        • 6 months ago

          Nah the OOT PC port team finished it.
          It's a branch of the main one and not counted on the graph, but it's a 100% decompilation and they're making MM PC with it.

          • 6 months ago

            Click the bottom blue "here" anon, its not done yet. That announcement is just saying they are making their own 100% fork and they have enough to do a "micro build" which is something they also mentioned on their twitter.

            • 6 months ago

              That announcement is saying they finished their 100% fork.
              The "displayable product" mentioned isn't a completed decomp, it's V1 of the Majora's Mask PC port.

              • 6 months ago

                I see. Not really a fan of them hiding decomp stuff like that then. For their ship specific stuff sure thats fine, but at least help out the public codebase before going off and making your black box.

              • 6 months ago

                When I said it was branched off the main decomp, I meant that as in a literal Github fork. It's still public.

      • 6 months ago

        who gives a frick, oot is decompiled and we still don't have a render98 yet

        these fans are taking fricking forever to do anything interesting with the code

  26. 6 months ago

    >But I also think that with the freedom players have in the more recent games in the series… there still is a set path, it just happens to be the path that they chose. So I think that that is one thing I kind of like to remind myself about the current games that we’re making.
    Is Aonuma fricking moronic?
    Dude went senile faster than Miyamoto.

    • 6 months ago

      WTFH is the issue?
      BotW has at minimum 4 set paths.
      Each divine beasts. It's on the player to choose which one to take when.
      Plus shrines, armor hunting, etc.
      Same with TotK with its dungeons, shrines, depths exploration/kohga hunt, lomie mazes etc.
      Are you fricking moronic anon?

    • 6 months ago

      He's on his way to creating the world's first pathless-type game.

  27. 6 months ago

    he's right in the fact that the formula needs to be shaken up
    he's wrong to do that by releasing TOTK, which was shit, so he didn't really fix the issue

  28. 6 months ago

    >Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?

    By this logic, why isnt TotK just a game engine like Dreams then? Or Unreal even? Isnt that true gaming "freedom"? Games rely on restrictions to be games. Is Chess a bad game because certain pieces can only move a certain way? The whole "more freedom = better" argument is dumb.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah if more freedom = better why can't you just noclip through everything?
      They're too stupid to realize it's anti-game design. Good games find a balance between freedom and restriction.

    • 6 months ago

      I think because TotK was honestly, and I believe admittedly, going to be BotW DLC, but they decided to flesh it out and make it a whole game instead. Basically the Mario Galaxy/Mario Galaxy 2 treatment, but for BotW/TotK.

    • 6 months ago

      Uh chud it's literally 2023 the horse guy should move in any way I feel it should.

  29. 6 months ago

    Meet in the middle and do a LttP remake using the BotW/TotK engine. Guaranteed billions of dollars.

  30. 6 months ago

    I am sick of the world being open.
    Please close it again.

  31. 6 months ago

    What a moron

  32. 6 months ago

    he's right about old Zelda only being good due to nostalgia

    • 6 months ago

      If old zelda was never good why do they suck off OOT as much as square sucks off FF7?

      • 6 months ago

        They really don't, recent games like ALBW and BotW made a concerted effort to move away from the lore and structure of OoT, the sages were redefined (Champions) or completely changed (The new sages from ALBW), and TotK even goes as far as to show that the Medli and Ruto that were referenced in BotW were not actually the ones from OoT but the ancient sages from the Wind and Water temples.

      • 6 months ago

        Because majority of Nintendo fans are manchildren. They pretend shit like Kirby franchise is anything above a C- and that current Nintendo output like Mario Wonder is good. They're VERY emotionally-attached to the company and and has intense nostalgia for most of their franchises.

    • 6 months ago

      He's wrong; nostalgia is not an argument. And that applies to both sides.

  33. 6 months ago

    I would kill Aonuma with my bare hands in broad daylight if it meant another top down Zelda game came out, even if it meant I would never play it.

    • 6 months ago

      You homosexuals are beyond moronic.
      Like absolutely completely beyond moronic.
      Remember when you twats SWORE galaxy, 3d land/world killed the mario64/sunshine style 3d mario games...then we got odyssey?
      Same for you twats proclaiming we'd never get 2d mario again then Wonder came out.
      And with Mario RPG and TTYD HD we'll get a new true mario rpg.
      We'll get a new top down zelda in time, though likely made by grezzo, but they did LA HD well enough so should do okay.

      • 6 months ago

        1. Nintendo said switch slop is the zelda formula going forward
        2. The LA remake sucks dick

        • 6 months ago

          Oh nooo..the best Zelda game ever will be the new standard.
          Get over it b***h.
          That aside they can have smaller teams like grezzo still do 2d games. Again Stop being moronic.
          >LA HD is...le bad
          Massive moron.

          >wanting a new X
          You're an unimaginative Black folklopper. It's better to have new IP than it is to have 40 forced retakes of the same universe and concept. You want there to be 5 or 6 franchises that release yearly rehashes like Madden. In thr NES there were over 20 new Nintendo IPs, but because of nostalgiaBlack folk like you the Switch era only gave Nintendo Labo tech demo and Arms.

          >seething over nothing
          Did you buy Code Name Steam anon?
          Did you buy Ever Oasis?
          Astral Chain?
          Bayo2 or 3 or Origins?
          Cause I did.
          I absolutely fricking bet you didn't despite your worthless impoment seething.
          Your worthless nonsensical homosexualy ass empty whinging has no affect here. Because it is insincere.
          Nintendo can make new Zelda games and new IPs.
          As they ever did, especially with their new massive expansions.
          Shove it up your ass gay lord.
          >seriously trying to justify the NES having new IPs...when it was Nintendo debut thus every new game is a new IP be default
          >and ignoring well over half the new IPs on the Switch
          Frick lmao.

      • 6 months ago

        >wanting a new X
        You're an unimaginative Black folklopper. It's better to have new IP than it is to have 40 forced retakes of the same universe and concept. You want there to be 5 or 6 franchises that release yearly rehashes like Madden. In thr NES there were over 20 new Nintendo IPs, but because of nostalgiaBlack folk like you the Switch era only gave Nintendo Labo tech demo and Arms.

  34. 6 months ago

    Well maybe people would like the new formula better I'd you literally didn't re use the same map again with minimal "changes" just to shit out a sequel for 70 bucks. Say what you want about the old games but from the first game all the way to SS it was a brand new hand crafted experience each time instead of two instances of the same empty open world. Imagine if they use the map a 3rd time in the next sequel, that would be hilarious.

  35. 6 months ago

    We just want proper dungeons again

  36. 6 months ago


  37. 6 months ago

    BotW killed the series. After all those sales, nintendo will never go back, or do anything that will risk selling less.

  38. 6 months ago

    >open world
    all shit. every single one. all the best open world games are modern

    • 6 months ago

      I can't really think of a good open world game set in modern times that isn't some racing slop or Gta.
      Oh Spidergay I guess?

      • 6 months ago

        Stalker, Just Cause

  39. 6 months ago

    "The game is so free you can clear a puzzle any way you want" yeah you can just cheese it and that's it, you couldn't cheese every puzzle in old zelda. If you can cheese everything that the puzzle has no sense.

  40. 6 months ago

    That's a pretty dismissive statement.

  41. 6 months ago

    >guy(s) who get full control of a series end up being people who have disdain for the games that came before they got said full control
    stop doing this Nintendo you fricking c**ts

  42. 6 months ago

    the GC-Wii era was cancer, BotW is the cure and RETVRN to form for NES AND SNES Zelda

    Literally only TP (gay satanists) disagree

    • 6 months ago

      Tp is shit and so is your botw homosexualry

  43. 6 months ago

    He isn't entirely wrong but frick we need better dungeons

  44. 6 months ago

    Nah he's moronic. Not understanding how limitations can be good just shows they're a hack

  45. 6 months ago

    Pretty ironic people like the old Zelda games for nostalgia when he literally released the same game twice and the masses still sucked its dick it for nostalgia of BOTW

  46. 6 months ago

    The current design of Zelda shit the bed and now Metroid is my favorite Nintendo series, frick it.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, it’s pretty shitty, especially when other Nintendo franchises like star fox are dead, smash is soulless now too and pokemon has massively shit the bed. At least mario RPGs appear to be making a comeback. But I don’t want to wait another decade for the off chance we get another proper zelda game and there’s not really much to fill the void other than fromslop and the likes of Mina the Hollower so I’m considering trying to make a zelda-like myself

  47. 6 months ago

    >another thread of botwBlack folk talking about how much they hate every past zelda game

    • 6 months ago

      They always make it so obvious that they had zero interest in this series until their favorite youtuber talked them into playing botw. This is why “gatekeeping” is important. No gatekeeping leads to your favorite game or hobby getting hijacked by knuckle dragging subhumans.

    • 6 months ago

      who the hell is saying they hate old zeldas exactly?
      Or are you swinging at ghosts?
      I've plasyed every fricking zelda minus the cd-i games and tingle rupee land, cross bow training.
      beat all but zelda2 and PH (ds would never register the hourglass to stop time).
      I've solidly enjoyed pretty much every zelda, and BotW and TotK are actual Zelda games no matter how much you b***h and cry.

  48. 6 months ago

    >man that works on zelda games hates zelda games
    So this series is pretty much dead until this hack retires or dies? I don’t know why people seethe over Miyamoto so much, Aonuma is clearly the biggest hack working at Nintendo and is the cancer killing Zelda. I wouldn’t shed a single tear if Nintendo gave him the Gunpei Yokoi special.

    • 6 months ago

      Well, he dishonored them by losing GOTY to the bear sex game so with any luck he’ll slowly be sidelined over the next few years

      • 6 months ago

        He already dishonored them with previous entries like WW and SS, yet he's still in-charge.
        Clearly, something is amiss or Nintendo just doesn't care to find someone better to run the show.

      • 6 months ago

        He already dishonored them with previous entries like WW and SS, yet he's still in-charge.
        Clearly, something is amiss or Nintendo just doesn't care to find someone better to run the show.

        Nintendo won more awards at GTA for more games than any other developer. TotK is already drowning in awards.

        Both BotW and TotK are two of most acclaimed and successful video games ever made. lmao I've seen trannies less delusional than you.

  49. 6 months ago

    He's right but that doesn't make the BotW style better than what came before. I guess the radio-tower open world game is novel to an eastern audience but these games, while well executed, aren't that remarkable after the honeymoon period is over. Also the wet faux-ghibli mood needs to go.

  50. 6 months ago

    >When asked about Ultrahand's return in future titles, they insisted that Tears is Ultrahand, and they want to "create something new" when approaching new titles, so it won't be seeing a return.

    Aonuma says shit like the old zelda style being gone while simultaneously saying he won't be bringing TotK's mechanics forward. The Zelda franchise has no fricking direction.

    • 6 months ago

      There’s a new gimmick with every game, I don’t see how ultrahand not returning is an issue

      • 6 months ago

        Majora's Mask didn't do away with OoT's big gimmick (the Ocarina) despite being a very different type of game. Hell, even conducting with the Wind Waker was similar in WW. Throwing out conceptually good mechanics wholesale and chasing novelty for its own sake is shoddy design.

        • 6 months ago

          how many games after MM used shape shifting masks that gave you totally new powers though

        • 6 months ago

          Oot's gimmick was more about the time travel, child link and adult link. The ocarina was just a mechanic

        • 6 months ago

          What in the hell are you on anon?
          Zelda2 had the weird side scrolling action combat magic system
          ALttP had the light/dark worlds. plus set the dungeon format for the next like 25 years.
          LA further cemented dungeon structure, minigames, had the weird 2d sections
          OoT had kid/adult plus the ocarina
          MM had the masks plus 3 day cycle
          WW had the sailing and pseudo partners
          TP was the twilight world/wolf
          MC had shrinking
          4SA was designed around co-op action
          PH had the ocean temple, dual screen puzzles and brought back sailing.
          ST introduced the train and that fricking god awful pan flute.
          SS was sky/earth plus harp and gay ballz imprisoned and heavy waggle.
          ALBW was ALttP redone, buying all items, plus the wall merge.
          Literally EVERY fricking Zelda game gets a new central gimmick.
          Can YOU c**tS actually play these damn games rather than impotently seethe over BotW and TotK being good games and getting praise.

          • 6 months ago

            >BotW and TotK being good games
            They aren't though. They're boring, tedious, and lame. Even the music sucks dick.

            • 6 months ago

              Such is your opinion, I strongly disagree.
              Learn to have fun and enjoy things again.

              • 6 months ago

                NTA, but your webm repulses me from the game, rather than sells me on it. Nothing in that clip looks fun or relevant to Zelda, it just looks like a series of physics colliders interacting that happen to be using Zelda models. What I enjoyed about Zelda games was a good story, and good level design. If you're calling for me to "learn to enjoy things again" I could just as easily call upon you to "learn to enjoy things again" by going back to Minish Cap, A Link to the Past, Windwaker, or Ocarina of Time and appreciate how they stood as thrilling tales of adventure. Even Zelda 1, which BOTW and TOTK "take so much inspiration" from didn't hook players through deep gameplay mechanics or openness of the world alone; rather, that vast openness contributed to the game's scope, and made the game truly feel like an expansive epic quest.

              • 6 months ago

                Enjoy things again you worthless homosexual.
                >herf derf but old gayme
                So fricking pathetic that you need to use them as a crutch you worthless cur.
                I've beaten OoT like...12? 15? times. 3 on Master mode. MM like 10.
                WW at least 5 and twice on NG+.
                TP 4 or so.
                Minish cap once at minimum. Oracle games just a few years back.
                I deeply enjoy every zelda game...minus PH and ST...boy they sure...did try..on those. God damn I hate that fricking pan flute and hour glass drawing section.
                Unlike you I don't need to rip down one Zelda game to build up another.
                Fix yourself you cretin.
                It's bad enough that Metroid threads get plagued with prime vs 2d. Or xenoblade having 'umm well [title] doesn't count as REAL xenoblade'., frick you for pushing more division on this board.

        • 6 months ago

          >”Throwing out conceptually good mechanics wholesale and chasing novelty for its own sake is shoddy design.”
          That’s been Nintendo’s entire design philosophy for years

          • 6 months ago

            >Nintendo always try to bring something new to the table

            Based. We don't deserve Nintendo.

          • 6 months ago

            When mario fps?

            • 6 months ago

              Yoshi's Safari.

    • 6 months ago

      >The Zelda franchise has no fricking direction.

      Yeah, that's a huge part of it. That and utilizing shitty gimmicks in a desperate attempt to hide the fact that modern Nintendo is lazy, safe and complacent.

      • 6 months ago

        >not recycling OOT for the billionth time os being safe and complacent
        You're a special kind of moronic.

        • 6 months ago

          There is wanting a rehashed OoT and then there is wanting an open-world game that doesn't rely on a fricking recycled open-world map, copy-pasted assets and terrible story & worldbuilding after 6 so-called years of development time.
          I have no problem with Zelda going open-world, but lazy-asset rehashing with non-existent worldbuilding is not the way to go about it. It's not that hard to understand.

          >ToTK isn't the right direction
          It was a second game in a direction they are no longer going, it was the perfect direction. Frick off

          >recycled assets, poor enemy variety, copy-pasted shrines, food-spamming and physics-system abuse to bypass difficulty, terrible world building, questing, soundtrack & story
          >the right direction to go in

          No. I like the foundation they're setting up with BoTW, but they need to fill it with actual fricking content now, which BG3 and Elden Ring had in spades for what they were trying to accomplish.

          • 6 months ago

            >EarlyAccessGate 3: The Woke BearSex Game
            Of course. Every time.

            • 6 months ago

              The Gay Bear sex game had better questing, exploration, characters, replayability and world-building. Not to mention decision-making has lasting, permanent effects on a playthrough. Can't say the same for ToTK.

              Ubislop open worlds are so 2016, normies and zoomers are tired of them now and it shows through surprise success stories like BG3 and Elden Ring.

              • 6 months ago

                Zelda has always placed a greater emphasis on hitting things and puzzles. The worldbuilding and story have always been secondary.

              • 6 months ago

                >The worldbuilding and story have always been secondary.
                Regardless of what you say, it was still better in past games.
                Now, the worldbuilding, questing and environmental storytelling in ToTK is so fricking shit that I don't even feel like I'm on an adventure anymore. I feel like I'm playing lazy, safe, corporate committee kidslop - which I am.

                >The Gay Bear sex game had better questing, exploration, characters
                If you are gay movie enjoyer.
                I mean it uses fricking 5e.

                In BG3, I can get sidetracked into entirely different areas that offer new enemy encounters, locations, quests, items & weapons, etc.
                In Elden Ring there are entire optional regions that the player can skip or bypass if need be.

                What do I get in TotK? A bunch of villagers hyping up that they're being attacked by pirates - only to realize that, in great disappointment, it's just more recycled, copy-pasted bokoblins and moblins again. All of which are relatively easy to take down, all of which don't actually threaten the nearby npcs in any meaningful way.
                Therein lies your problem with nu-Zelda. They don't feel like genuine fantasy-adventures anymore. It's just mind-numbing sandbox bullshit.

              • 6 months ago

                >In BG3, I can get bearsex and all types of gay sexual escapades
                Very fun. Frick off

              • 6 months ago

                >in botw you praise a troony and dress like one
                Very fun. Frick off

              • 6 months ago

                I didn't have sex or romance bullshit in my first BG3 playthrough, honestly. Frick I ended up getting a few party members killed.

                I don't understand the anger, anon. As previous mentioned, I have no problem with Zelda going open world - as long as the devs actually try. Which they clearly didn't with TotK. Or rather they did, but in all the wrong ways. Why don't you want the devs to try harder with their next installment? Do you really want to play through more recycled shrines and bokoblin games all while needing to pause and access the menu every minute to grab a new item or weapon?

              • 6 months ago

                >The Gay Bear sex game had better questing, exploration, characters
                If you are gay movie enjoyer.
                I mean it uses fricking 5e.

        • 6 months ago

          >>not recycling OOT for the billionth time
          This is how you know Shitch Zelda zoomies don't know what the frick they're talking about
          >ALTTP introduces the modern "classic" Zelda game design and structure. 3 intro dungeons followed by second half of 5-8 hard dungeons before facing Ganon.
          >OOT is ALTTP realized in 3D.
          >MM is an OOT asset flip but very distinct in its game design through the 3 day time mechanic, a core gameplay feature from OOT that was expanded upon. Temples were also the hardest in the series. NPC questlines become prominent with the time looping.
          >OoA, OoS were the peak of the 2D Zelda games in terms of puzzle solving and overworld progression. First of its kind in the series since you needed to play both games and despite being Pokemon dual release in nature, both games were different and complemented each other.
          >WW is a re-imagining of the series through the Toon Link style. This time, the open world (the great sea) and the travel mechanics (seafaring on a little ship) were the gameplay novelties. Distinct art-style and aforementioned mechanics made it different to previous mainline console entries
          >MC, 4S, 4SA were more 2D Toon Link games but with more gameplay mechanics not seen in the console entries or previous 2D entries. 4S was a Zelda arcade game.
          >TP was an OOT "clone" (oh look, we found our first OOT clone copy after half a dozen of entries post-OOT!) and intended as an apology game to Zelda fans who didn't want WW
          >PH, ST were more Toon Link games in 2.5D which were clearly distinct from the GBA Toon Link games with console (NDS) mechanics as core gameplay. Traveling mechanics also distinct (sailing, using a train)
          >SS focused on improved sword combat gameplay and reinvented the overworld to be more dungeon-like (many fans didn't like this)
          >ALBW releases as a 2D ALTTP remake but ended up being original.
          Wow, look how "unoriginal" Zelda was before the Shitch entries!

          • 6 months ago

            Anyone who says gay moronic shit like "BOTW/TOTK is a return to Zelda 1 roots" and "Zelda was unoriginal before BOTW/TOTK" are only outing themselves as newbies who hate Zelda games.

    • 6 months ago

      >Aonuma says shit like the old zelda style being gone while simultaneously saying he won't be bringing TotK's mechanics forward. The Zelda franchise has no fricking direction.

      Because the moron Aonuma put the franchise into a corner, again.

      They can't go back to old Zelda anymore because its too "dated" according to them, but they can't keep building on Ultrahand and giving the player even more freedom because its too much work, and arguably doesn't feel like Zelda anymore. Basically the BotW formula is already spent and they need to pivot into something else, again.

      • 6 months ago

        Do you even know how the dev process works? They make the game first, and then they decide the franchise after. Botw and totk were clearly not meant to be zelda games. They just had zelda paint slapped on it to fill the flavor text and generate hype. They make a concept for a 2d platformer, and then after, based on the concept, they decide if it will be mario or yoshi or dkc or even chibi robo or pikmin that one time. This is not ideal, but this generates sales. Ideally each game would be a new IP and have its own universe.

  51. 6 months ago

    talking awfully smug for a motherfricker who just lost GotY and got visibly upset over it

    • 6 months ago

      We need an “it’s over” aonuma edit

  52. 6 months ago

    >you think you do but you don't 2: electric boogaloo

    Open world formula is fine but give me back dungeons and all the cool ass items like hookshots instead of giving me bombs and a gravity gun then calling it a day.

  53. 6 months ago

    It’s really not about one or the other. Both styles can coexist easily, the only difference being loading screens between areas. Hell everybody thought totk was going to be botw with traditional elements, real dungeons and an active story. Nobody could have predicted it would be the exact same game.

    • 6 months ago

      I predicted it was going to be more shrineslop because how else would you sprinkle content on a giant map? Open world needs useless filler content and that's why open world is a bad idea. Its a very cheap idea though because you can excuse reused content a lot more easily.

      • 6 months ago

        Sky islands. That’s what was advertised and that’s what people were hyped for. It wasn’t until we saw the map leaks that we knew it was going to be a nothingburger. The depths should have never existed, or at least limited to Hyrule castle.

    • 6 months ago

      The perfect Zelda
      >60% the size of BOTW world
      >12 dungeons that can't be climbed
      >Game progression can be 6 dungeons-Story event-5 dungeons-Pre finale event- Final Dungeon
      >4 recyclable mini bosses, +1 mini boss per region
      >6 general enemy types, all with boss boko variants.
      >3 Lynel tier enemies, Darknut and Ironknuckle
      >Guardian equivalent
      >Regional enemies like Gibdos, Tektites, Deku Baba, Skulltulla etc.
      >Caves like in TOTK
      >Depths, but small pocket sized areas
      >Skyward Sword Sailcloth
      >Remove shrines, 20-30 natural Mini dungeons replace them
      >Additionally, Spirit Orb/Heart container replacement can be found in chests and NPC side quests
      >Final Boss is locked away
      >3 new weapon types, Ball and Chain, Gauntlets and ranged type of weapon
      >Master Sword or a new weapon is your base weapon that upgrades throughout the game and never breaks, however, breakable weapons are stronger by default.
      >Bring back army fights from TOTK, maybe even have them attack towns for mini HW styled missions
      >Make good NPC character designs again.
      >Fuse returns, but it can only be done at towns, where a smith can fuse them onto your weapons, these will last 5x as long as the do in TOTK, giving towns more value
      >Add back Rings, take off status effects from armor and make a loot system like the Orcale games. I don't want to dress as a clown
      >Armor now adds Armor hearts instead of a flat number defense. Depending on the number of hearts the armor has, it will fill out 1-4 hearts as double defense hearts per piece of armor.
      They need to know linear and open can co-exist. They are sitting on the actual best games ever.

      Not to Aonuma they can't. There is a reason someone like him adores how easy everything is to avoid or cheese in this BotW format and it's because he thinks everyone who plays Zelda is a moron. He does not want anyone getting stuck on anything, puzzles or combat, and so to him it's either a question or whether it should be meaningless or if he should give the player a babysitter like Fi, or any egregious example of handholding in the older games.
      He loves this new format not just because he's ultimately right about people being moronic, but because there's no stakes, no risk of getting stuck, he gets to make idiots feel smart and get praised for it as a genius. Load up the giant directionless blob of a map with meaningless optional filler content and make players make their own fun and ignore whatever they don't like or can't handle with no risk of frustration. It's pure journo and casual fodder masked as a respectable game, piggybacking off a once respectable series.

      • 6 months ago

        Aonuma can only think in black and white, he's as dumb as he thinks his audience is.

  54. 6 months ago

    Considering this news came out after the game awards I'm assuming totk winning goty was the determining factor for whether they would make it a trilogy. Which is an asinine metric but looking at the clip of Aonuma’s disappointment when BG3 won I’m not surprised.

    • 6 months ago

      As much as I'd like that to be true, they already dismissed BotW3 a few months ago. The big question is going to be seeing just how much of a departure the next game truly ends up being from BotW/TotK in various aspects (linearity and progression, art style, music, story, etc).

      • 6 months ago

        Totk is in an interesting position. It’s the first mainline Zelda title to not come out with a console, at least in decades. It’s also the first to not be vastly different from its predecessor. Which makes me wonder if they’re going to make the same game for the third time shrines and all but with a different iteration of Link and Zelda and Hyrule.

        • 6 months ago

          What? Skyward Sword didn't come out with a console.

    • 6 months ago

      talking awfully smug for a motherfricker who just lost GotY and got visibly upset over it

      Can someone post a webm of this

      • 6 months ago

        and as a bonus here's Best Game Direction, where Aonuma also got noticeably salty kek

        • 6 months ago

          lmao, that's great, I didn't notice that during the livestream

    • 6 months ago

      Even dismissing Aounuma saying months ago that there won't be DLC for TotK because they were able to achieve everything they wanted to do in that version of Hyrule, the game sold 20 million units in 3 months. Some Geoff awards wouldn't go in the way of a corporation making money. You can see how much they care by counting how many game reveals they brought to TGA. Zero

  55. 6 months ago

    I played BotW and didn't like it. Played Skyward Sword remake because I skipped it and I liked it. Played TotK and I didn't like it. Its not nostalgia, I just dont like Ubisoft style games anymore. Played enough FarCry and AssCreeds to not want to touch them again.

  56. 6 months ago

    No I want dungeons and a good game with a sense of progression and reward and structure

  57. 6 months ago

    >Is he right about this thing?

    No. No, he's fricking not. He's a moron and a homosexual and needs to be fricking punted to the fricking curb like they should've fricking done after Flopward Knife and bring back the old team and permanently ban Hacknouma from ever returning ever the FRICK again.

  58. 6 months ago

    Anybody else feel blue balled by this? I really like botw Link and Zelda, and there is so much potential with that Hyrule but ToTK didn’t deliver what I wanted at all. The dungeons were stale and the story was incredibly weak. I was really hoping a third game would rectify this.

    • 6 months ago

      Meant for

      Considering this news came out after the game awards I'm assuming totk winning goty was the determining factor for whether they would make it a trilogy. Which is an asinine metric but looking at the clip of Aonuma’s disappointment when BG3 won I’m not surprised.

    • 6 months ago

      If you didn't see any red flags at any point from the immediate reveal of BotW being reused wholesale until release, you deserve to be disappointed in some fashion.

      • 6 months ago

        I didn’t pay attention to anything other than the trailers. The first trailer was definitely a red flag for many of us but the later one redeemed it.

    • 6 months ago

      We already got a sequel that fixed literally 0 of the weakpoints of BOTW, they weren't going to fix it the third time

    • 6 months ago

      >I really like botw Link and Zelda

      I fricking hate them, some of the worst iterations/incarnations of the characters by a landslide. Worst Hyrule too. Could've had a ton of potential if they explored pre-ruined Hyrule through gameplay segments for a DLC release or something - but that never happened because that would require too much work from Nintendo.

  59. 6 months ago

    Recently played a bunch of Zelda games for the first time and MM is my favorite, so that nostalgia argument doesn't work.
    anons here in Ganker say something is good because of nostalgia and that it's actually a bad game but when I tried it the game was good, that's how I played all the Deus ex games and my favorite is the first one

    • 6 months ago

      Whatever u say falseflagger

      • 6 months ago

        My group and I will get you anon. We know everything about you. You will not win. We will change your opinion on everything you love.

  60. 6 months ago

    What I truly despise about this is the fanbase side of things. People aren't just happy about getting a Zelda game they like, they're always also actively fricking ECSTATIC about the notion of it also coming with taking away the future of classic Zelda from fans of that style of games. I don't know what the frick the Switch did, but its fans are collectively incredibly spiteful and disdainful of Nintendo's past, and I don't like Nintendo catering to tastes and spending backed up by such motivations.

    • 6 months ago

      Windwaker, TP, and SS were all relative failures. There wasn’t a truly good Zelda game for almost 20 years. Botw comes along and it’s not just a hit but a massive hit so obviously Nintendo will keep the formula, which they did. Totk comes out and it’s literally the exact same game verbatim, all the same flaws are present and the honeymoon phase faded quickly. Fans are eager for a renaissance, they want the best of both worlds. So when Aonuma tells fans to frick off of course they’re going to be pissed.

      • 6 months ago

        >Windwaker, TP, and SS were all relative failures
        I disagree. TP even outsold OOT.

      • 6 months ago

        TP was the best selling zelda game. Only SS was an actual flop, and significantly because of elements it had that would carry over into the switch titles.

    • 6 months ago

      >being so moronic you trust falseflagging double Black folk
      I politely request YOU end yourself.
      We will get another top down 2d zelda again, there is literally no reason to believe we won't.
      Then you or some other Black person will go 'herf derf nut wurth sexti bocks' like you twats did for Mario Wonder after years of b***hing that '2d mario is totes fur relz ded'. Meanwhile I'll be here enjoying it as I enjoyed Wonder.
      Same with the OoT/WW design. We'll likely get another type in that style, or BotW style will continue to bring on elements from those games.
      Stop believing trolls are being genuine anon. It's unhealthy.
      Plus your post is full of shit to begin with as Pikmin4 gets NOTHING but praise from old fans and new alike. Same for Wonder..though it has some shit posting mixed in in fairness.

      • 6 months ago

        >Meanwhile I'll be here enjoying it as I enjoyed Wonder.
        What, all 4 hours of it? Nice past tense and $60 donation to the nintendojew

        • 6 months ago

          >shut up, stop having standards and just mindlessly consooooom
          >stop bullying and questioning the poor poor corporation
          >2d mario is totes fur relz ded
          Literally nobody said this, do you have any idea how profitable NSMB is, especially for how low effort it is? They're by far some of the best selling Mario games, with tens of millions of copies. 2D Mario was never in question, only a matter of time. But yes Wonder is a $15 game at most.

          >literally proving my point
          >uh nu et ez sheit...cuz et ez
          sad joyless homosexuals.

          I just really like the nuZelda challenge design.
          >here's some blocks you can use to solve this puzzle
          >but you don't have to use them
          I spent way too long playing around with both minimalistic and overwrought solutions to problems that could have been solved with a single bomb arrow, just because I was having fun.

          I like it as well. There is a ton of actual variation in puzzle design and styles. Sure some can be cheater or cheesed, others can be made quite interesting by fully using the mechanics, like the gliderless puzzles I posted...because I literally did not have it yet. lol.

      • 6 months ago

        >shut up, stop having standards and just mindlessly consooooom
        >stop bullying and questioning the poor poor corporation
        >2d mario is totes fur relz ded
        Literally nobody said this, do you have any idea how profitable NSMB is, especially for how low effort it is? They're by far some of the best selling Mario games, with tens of millions of copies. 2D Mario was never in question, only a matter of time. But yes Wonder is a $15 game at most.

    • 6 months ago

      >I don't know what the frick the Switch did
      About 115 million of them aren't Nintendo fans by any stretch, they're nu-fans who got into the Switch for portability and BotW is "their" flagship sacred untouchable game to consolewar and shitpost over, on top of the diehard fan reputation Zelda has always had. A lot of them are also former sony ponies as Sony stabbed them in the back and this is where all their weeb games went. Hell, Zelda itself is far more weeb than it's ever been, catering to them even more.
      So they have absolutely zero respect or interest in what Zelda used to be, they didn't grow up with it or care for it back then, they only know and like what it is now, or at least represents for their system, and will defend it tooth and nail as fanboys typically do, the only difference being they're also newbies who've usurped an old equally passion fanbase so that fighting leads to them flinging tons of shit at the older games.

      • 6 months ago

        Most of those guys are kids that don’t know anything and probably didn’t even finish the game . Maybe like 10 million of them are shitposters though

        • 6 months ago

          I mean yeah, fanboys are an insanely vocal tiny minority. Vast majority of people who own a console certainly don't care enough to screech about it one way or the other online. I'm just comparing the number of switch sales to how well the last nintendo console performed that none of them bought.

    • 6 months ago

      Switch fans are homosexuals who jumped on to Nintendo with the Switch and brought the tribalistic console wars mentality with them. This is why they also hate everything from the past. These are truly dark times.

  61. 6 months ago

    My only issue with Aonuma is how tonally stale the franchise has become, which is not doubt a product of his cartoony windwaker dream. Totk had lots of horror potential but now Zelda is stuck in cartoony marvelslop. It’s like how pg13 movies nowadays don’t show blood at all or anything. Just look at how dark oot was back in the day by comparison.

    • 6 months ago

      Oot and Mm didn't shy away from throwing a bit of mild horror. Oot even had some gothic influence. That's the kind of thing that's missing, having a bit of true danger and dread is an important part of any good adventure.

      • 6 months ago

        What’s that? You don’t like Gorons with modern day hardhats

      • 6 months ago

        Too right. OoT/MM was the perfect marrying of Tolkienesque fantasy tropes and classic Victorian fairy tales. Children are enthralled by things that are a little bit scary. It isn't fair to sand the edges off everything you give to them.

    • 6 months ago

      I think that's less of an Aonuma thing and more of a Miyamoto thing/corporate Nintendo thing in general. They want to appeal to the lowest common denominator at all times, and that also includes young children (like, really young children.)

      • 6 months ago

        Both is probably accurate

      • 6 months ago

        yet Mario has (so far) survived the moronification Zelda has been hit with, with Wonder being the actual GOTY
        SMOdyssey was GOTY too, but I'm worried it's 3D Mario's turn to get castrated in 2024

        • 6 months ago

          the moronification of Zelda was worst in the GC/DS/Wii era, if anything it has clawed back from that basic nonsense

          • 6 months ago

            In what fricking regard? Every character in TOTK is actually moronic.

        • 6 months ago

          Mario has seen moronification though, not sure what you're talking about.

  62. 6 months ago

    >you're just nostalgigays
    It's always funny seeing nips go full greedy gaslight mode. It's like seeing the start of woke culture there.

  63. 6 months ago

    >muh nostalgia deflection
    I don't know Aonuma was a redditor

  64. 6 months ago

    >it's just nostalgia
    you mean like all the shallow Zelda 1 references and mechanical comparisons made for BotW?

    • 6 months ago

      No, that is not what he means.

  65. 6 months ago

    >everything should be an empty sandbox
    Just shoot this senile chink already

  66. 6 months ago

    people only want old zelda to be contrarian

  67. 6 months ago

    >New good. Old bad.

  68. 6 months ago

    Sometimes I miss a 20-30ish hours tight adventure with limited but rich exploration and high replay value. Every game that's not a corridor shooter trying to be some demanding bloated open world 100 hours experience gets tiring, no matter how good it may be.

  69. 6 months ago

    >tfw we get Ocarina of Time Remake for Switch 2 next year

    • 6 months ago

      Would you trust them to remake it though?

      • 6 months ago

        They would take the soul out and replace it with muh graphics, just like most remakes do.

      • 6 months ago

        after Prime HD, Mario RPG, and TTYD, plus a few others.
        Yes absolutely.
        Even the 3ds remake was fine barring lighting which was likely due to it being a much weaker handheld.
        What exactly do you fear anon?

        Oot and Mm didn't shy away from throwing a bit of mild horror. Oot even had some gothic influence. That's the kind of thing that's missing, having a bit of true danger and dread is an important part of any good adventure.

        I agree on this though, Depths coulda had some good minor horror kino.
        YIga antics is still great though.

        The perfect Zelda
        >60% the size of BOTW world
        >12 dungeons that can't be climbed
        >Game progression can be 6 dungeons-Story event-5 dungeons-Pre finale event- Final Dungeon
        >4 recyclable mini bosses, +1 mini boss per region
        >6 general enemy types, all with boss boko variants.
        >3 Lynel tier enemies, Darknut and Ironknuckle
        >Guardian equivalent
        >Regional enemies like Gibdos, Tektites, Deku Baba, Skulltulla etc.
        >Caves like in TOTK
        >Depths, but small pocket sized areas
        >Skyward Sword Sailcloth
        >Remove shrines, 20-30 natural Mini dungeons replace them
        >Additionally, Spirit Orb/Heart container replacement can be found in chests and NPC side quests
        >Final Boss is locked away
        >3 new weapon types, Ball and Chain, Gauntlets and ranged type of weapon
        >Master Sword or a new weapon is your base weapon that upgrades throughout the game and never breaks, however, breakable weapons are stronger by default.
        >Bring back army fights from TOTK, maybe even have them attack towns for mini HW styled missions
        >Make good NPC character designs again.
        >Fuse returns, but it can only be done at towns, where a smith can fuse them onto your weapons, these will last 5x as long as the do in TOTK, giving towns more value
        >Add back Rings, take off status effects from armor and make a loot system like the Orcale games. I don't want to dress as a clown
        >Armor now adds Armor hearts instead of a flat number defense. Depending on the number of hearts the armor has, it will fill out 1-4 hearts as double defense hearts per piece of armor.
        They need to know linear and open can co-exist. They are sitting on the actual best games ever.

        I'm genuinely surprised we didn't get Iron Knuckles/Darknuts + gauntlet weapons or Ball+Chain.
        Or Levers in the desert.

  70. 6 months ago

    The perfect Zelda
    >60% the size of BOTW world
    >12 dungeons that can't be climbed
    >Game progression can be 6 dungeons-Story event-5 dungeons-Pre finale event- Final Dungeon
    >4 recyclable mini bosses, +1 mini boss per region
    >6 general enemy types, all with boss boko variants.
    >3 Lynel tier enemies, Darknut and Ironknuckle
    >Guardian equivalent
    >Regional enemies like Gibdos, Tektites, Deku Baba, Skulltulla etc.
    >Caves like in TOTK
    >Depths, but small pocket sized areas
    >Skyward Sword Sailcloth
    >Remove shrines, 20-30 natural Mini dungeons replace them
    >Additionally, Spirit Orb/Heart container replacement can be found in chests and NPC side quests
    >Final Boss is locked away
    >3 new weapon types, Ball and Chain, Gauntlets and ranged type of weapon
    >Master Sword or a new weapon is your base weapon that upgrades throughout the game and never breaks, however, breakable weapons are stronger by default.
    >Bring back army fights from TOTK, maybe even have them attack towns for mini HW styled missions
    >Make good NPC character designs again.
    >Fuse returns, but it can only be done at towns, where a smith can fuse them onto your weapons, these will last 5x as long as the do in TOTK, giving towns more value
    >Add back Rings, take off status effects from armor and make a loot system like the Orcale games. I don't want to dress as a clown
    >Armor now adds Armor hearts instead of a flat number defense. Depending on the number of hearts the armor has, it will fill out 1-4 hearts as double defense hearts per piece of armor.
    They need to know linear and open can co-exist. They are sitting on the actual best games ever.

  71. 6 months ago

    I'd be okay with Aonuma and Fujibayashi dying in a car crash
    along with the "people" (marketeers and stockholders) and motherfricking focus groups behind them actually calling the shots and forcing them to pander to braindead openworldgays
    they're all guilty

    • 6 months ago

      I'd actually be fine with 'open world' Zelda is the open world wasn't actually the focus and you were intended to mostly explore tightly designed areas that also has meaningful item gating.

      • 6 months ago

        that's not allowed
        anything that could cause the nu-zelda fan to experience the slightest amount of discomfort (thinking) is very bad!

        • 6 months ago

          you are a fricking idiot.

          • 6 months ago

            I just really like the nuZelda challenge design.
            >here's some blocks you can use to solve this puzzle
            >but you don't have to use them
            I spent way too long playing around with both minimalistic and overwrought solutions to problems that could have been solved with a single bomb arrow, just because I was having fun.

      • 6 months ago

        >Open world

        • 6 months ago

          ALBW did it

          • 6 months ago

            ALBW only gated the Lowrule, and I think there was a small quest you had to complete to enter the den of thieves? Still, you can consider the first 3 dungeons in Hyrule the tutorial, just like BotW and TotK gated their turorial areas

  72. 6 months ago

    BotW and TotK are only held back by being released on old portable hardware. If they were released in the PS3/360 gen they would be arguably be the best open world games of that period

    Hopefully the Switch 2 specs can allow them to actually push a more engaging vision because I thought they did well enough with what they had to work with otherwise.

    • 6 months ago

      no, better tech means they'll do even more moronic crafting and physics shit instead of focusing on delivering a tight zelda experience

  73. 6 months ago

    I'm so sick and tired of open world slop.

  74. 6 months ago

    >muh nostalgia

  75. 6 months ago

    >working gameplay formulas are "nostalgia" now

    No, the reality is that ToTK just wasn't a very good game worth its ridiculous 6-year wait, Aonuma. ToTK is proof that the mainline Zelda team didn't learn jack-shit, they're just making all of the same base mistakes that gradually tarnished the old formula in the first place.

  76. 6 months ago

    i only want old zelda. nu-zelda hasn't been in my interests ever. if i wanted garbage open world id just play far cry at least you get a car and won't be judged by women

  77. 6 months ago

    OoT and TP are still the best games for having a focused, mostly linear design with polished dungeons. Your open world sandbox isn't that exciting, Aonuma.

  78. 6 months ago

    You know what I give props to Aonuma. Any western dev would’ve caved into making Zelink a real thing and fumbled the franchise into oblivion. Especially if they used that Canadian company like Spider Man 2.

  79. 6 months ago

    take someone who hasn't played the old games and have them play it
    did they like it?
    then it's not nostalgia


    • 6 months ago

      what happens if those some people like the new games as well

      • 6 months ago

        they probably will
        but that doesn't have anything to do with the question of whether or not the formula is only liked by people nostalgic for it

      • 6 months ago

        Then that means all three types of games are good and should have their best qualties merged together to make the decfacto best Zelda game.

        yet Mario has (so far) survived the moronification Zelda has been hit with, with Wonder being the actual GOTY
        SMOdyssey was GOTY too, but I'm worried it's 3D Mario's turn to get castrated in 2024

        Mario was always hyper casual shit anon.
        Don't be moronic.
        Mario always out preformed Zelda sales wise.
        Not even a bad thing, but saying Wonder won GOTY (as is awards and urinalists mean anything. seriously. WHICH IS IT?! Are these c**ts not worth listening to and idiots? Or divine prophets of gaming. stop making them both. They are the former. Always) isn't an accomplishment.
        That aside BotW and TotK are not 'moronified' the puzzles are as good if not better than ever.

  80. 6 months ago

    why does Ganker try so hard to make some games just look a lot worse then they are anyways

  81. 6 months ago

    Yes, I long for the days when zelda was fun

  82. 6 months ago

    >there still is a set path, it just happens to be the path that they chose
    Are people really still taking this guy seriously?

    • 6 months ago

      don't trust troonylators to get complex things right tbh

      • 6 months ago

        I don't know; my opinion of the guy who never beat Zelda I is pretty low already.

  83. 6 months ago

    BotW and TotK would be dramatically better if they limited how much shit you could carry. If you had to consider what armor to wear, what weapons and items you hauled around, and could only use a few healing items/buffs at a time it would instantly become a dramatically better experience. So yes, limitations can make a game better.

    • 6 months ago

      >BotW and TotK would be dramatically better if they limited how much shit you could carry. If you had to consider what armor to wear, what weapons and items you hauled around, and could only use a few healing items/buffs at a time it would instantly become a dramatically better experience. So yes, limitations can make a game better.

      What an absolutely shit idea. This is just donkey work and an annoyance. I hate games which put such pointless management in place of fun. It would serve no benefit to the game other than annoying the player.

      • 6 months ago

        nta but I like his ideas and had similar thoughts about it myself, BotW was at its peak when it felt like the game was "pushing back" and didn't just feel like Link's playground. I would have liked a version of BotW/TotK that was more survival focused.

    • 6 months ago

      this bullshit is why I dropped Witcher3.
      No I do not want to be fricking 'encumbered' walking slower than a snail because I picked up too much shit then can't even sell it off because only certain shops buy certain items.
      moronic as all frick.

      • 6 months ago

        Inventory management is part of the role playing experience. It's a skill, not a chore. Maybe there should be an easy story mode with infinite pocket sizes, but for the harder difficulties inventory management is based

        • 6 months ago

          >Inventory management is part of the role playing experience
          Ohhhhhh really?
          Please do show me a zelda game with inventory management then good anon.
          Because...ya know...the topic is about how BotW is totally not a real zelda game.
          AllTP doesn't have it, OoT doesn't. Not TP.
          SS kinda sorta has it with that bizarre itemj swap shit...but I thought we all hated SS and it was a blight on the series???
          Black person ass b***h.

          Monster hunter limits what you can carry, lets you do this, and it's taken into account and balanced and not cheesy as shit.

          Is Zelda Monster Hunter?
          Then why even bring it up?
          >implying (you) even fricking touched mh1-4u
          lmao try again queer.
          gens has emergency rations mid quest you can ship in. World and rise let you infinitely plunder your item box for restocks. Wilds will be the same.
          What fricking horse shit are you pulling anon?
          Mon hun died at gens.

          >fricking 'encumbered'
          You know you can solve that differently with arbitrary item count limits or a "box packing" inventory.

          Arbitrary Item Limits:
          >instead of being able to carry 999 meat, maybe you can only carry 10
          >ref: many examples of this

          Box Packing Puzzle:
          >items have an inventory footprint, usually like a Tetris shape
          >your inventory is a big X*Y rectangle, so you have to smartly pack items, and choose what to carry with you, to have the most possible utility on-hand
          >some of these items can stack
          >ref: Diablo and Deus Ex

          Inventory limits don't have to be Shitesda-style.

          okay you have item limits.
          Great job.
          Now resolve the great fairy needing fifty fricking items of a thing per final upgrade.
          >Ganker will now defend resi evil packing puzzles

          ??? Bro. I'm not saying that people who played Breath of the Wild never played an open-world game before. I'm saying that these people loved Breath of the Wild because they never played a ZELDA game, and they likely had more experience with the more forgiving open-world by virtue of open-world games being in-vogue for the past gaming generation or two.

          Okay...and your point still falls on its face. I've touched and beat basically every zelda game released. And enjoyed BotW because it still is zelda to its core.
          Many others feel the same.
          Stay mad I guess.

          • 6 months ago

            You type too much for a shitposter, nobody is going to read it.

            • 6 months ago

              >no argument so I'll reeeeeeeeee
              suck wieners, pound rocks then b***h.

              If you enjoyed it, great. I'm glad you did. I'm not the one who's constantly stumping for it for (You)s on Ganker. It's incredibly flawed, in a much more insidious way than any of its predecessors and there's plenty of proof to support that view.

              >uhhh it's toters shit cuz i said so
              Sure pal k.
              >i'm totally not trolling
              I believe ya.

          • 6 months ago

            If you enjoyed it, great. I'm glad you did. I'm not the one who's constantly stumping for it for (You)s on Ganker. It's incredibly flawed, in a much more insidious way than any of its predecessors and there's plenty of proof to support that view.

      • 6 months ago

        Monster hunter limits what you can carry, lets you do this, and it's taken into account and balanced and not cheesy as shit.

      • 6 months ago

        >fricking 'encumbered'
        You know you can solve that differently with arbitrary item count limits or a "box packing" inventory.

        Arbitrary Item Limits:
        >instead of being able to carry 999 meat, maybe you can only carry 10
        >ref: many examples of this

        Box Packing Puzzle:
        >items have an inventory footprint, usually like a Tetris shape
        >your inventory is a big X*Y rectangle, so you have to smartly pack items, and choose what to carry with you, to have the most possible utility on-hand
        >some of these items can stack
        >ref: Diablo and Deus Ex

        Inventory limits don't have to be Shitesda-style.

  84. 6 months ago

    This is such a stupid comment to make about your series. This is what's killing Final Fantasy too. You make a game in a genre, swap genres down the line then discredit the original fans by saying nostalgia.

    If the next call of duty was a turn based puzzle game, would the current fans be shut down for wanting a fps?

    There's so many games now, easily accessible. If one series changes its genre don't be shocked the old players don't care.

  85. 6 months ago

    I can't imagine ever going back. It would be a total regression. I replayed Twlight Princess not too long ago and Holy frick its so boring and simplistic compared to BotW/TotK. The world is completely empty. Utterly fricking empty. There is nothing to explore. At most you'll find a chest with 20 rupees. It's so sterile. And then you become aware that it isn't even a "world". It's just a series of rooms with a skybox, connected by rubes.

    The idea of going back to this is quite frankly laughable. It's a relic of the past.

  86. 6 months ago

    nope, he's just mad that his taking over of Zelda turned it upside down and nearly killed it.
    Twilight Princess brought hope back and everyone from reviewers to actual people knew Skyward Sword was "paid for"
    There was no other direction but up from Skyward Sword and its "sequels".
    ToTK proved that it was a fluke anyways
    They recovered but it will never be back to what potential it could have been pre-Wind Waker

    • 6 months ago

      >They recovered but it will never be back to what potential it could have been pre-Wind Waker

      BotW and TotK are two of the most acclaimed games ever make. They're the best selling games in the franchise and considered the absolute pinnacle of adventure games which every other game is measured against.

      Christ, nobody can make an adventure game now without everyone asking "is-is it better than BotW tho??"

      • 6 months ago

        Is this really what tendies believe? Jesus. Y'all need to play some different games other than soulless ubislop.

        • 6 months ago

          Still seething huh?

          • 6 months ago

            Not particularly. Just laughing at people who honestly believe that Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom are the absolute pinnacle of adventure games.

            I will say this: it really attracted a lot of casual tourists to the series, so there's that!

            • 6 months ago

              Damn it must be hard having to live on Ganker and hide away from reality constantly.

              • 6 months ago

                I could say the same to you! How long are you going to be on here singing the praises of a mediocre game, anon? Honestly? Does it hurt to admit that the game has an excessive amount of flaws ?

              • 6 months ago

                No game is perfect. We could sit here and nitpick your favorite game all day long. Your problem is that you're so completely bootyblasted by BotW/TotK you refuse to give Nintendo any credit despite the fact you can't name a better adventure game. Why do you hate great video games? The frick is wrong with you?

                Baring in mind that TotK is only Nintendo's SECOND attempt at an open world game, and we can see them working and improving core aspects like combat, content, dungeons, rewards.

                I can't wait to see how Nintendo build on this.

              • 6 months ago

                My brother in christ, The Legend of Zelda (the fricking original one) was an open world game, in 2d.

                Ocarina of Time was an open world game in 3d.
                Sick bait btw.

              • 6 months ago

                OoT was considered to be open-world for its time.

                OoT is not 'open world'. The word didn't even exist 1998. OPEN WORLD is a very modern concept with clear distinctions in its game design, popularized by titles like GTA, Ass Creed and Skyrim.

                BotW was Nintendo's first attempt at the genre and they made the best open world game anyone had ever seen on their first try.

              • 6 months ago

                >and they made the best open world game anyone had ever seen
                Fricking lmao

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                Seethe, tendie. The best open world game at the time was just cause 2. Now it's elden ring

              • 6 months ago

                Who are you trying to convince?

              • 6 months ago

                I'm simply telling the truth. You already know it, and are lying because you are gay.

              • 6 months ago

                >elden ring
                ER's open world is shit.

              • 6 months ago

                It's immaculate

                >That's how everyone actually plays switch zelda, because it's always the best strategy.

                No only morons do. Button mashing is all they know.

                No it's just the best strategy. For big enemies also mix in popping them in the head with an arrow. Contraptions do frick all damage in addition to consuming resources and time to deploy and so are never worth building outside transportation (99% of the time a hover bike).

              • 6 months ago

                >BotW was Nintendo's first attempt at the genre
                WW is as much of an Open World as BotW or GTA or Ass Creed by having the whole overworld accessable without loading.
                So you are wrong.
                Secondly Xenoblade existed in 2010.

              • 6 months ago

                It's actually a very old concept, and I don't know why people keep trying to revise it as being a new idea that just sprung up. Skyrim is really nothing more than following in the long line of footsteps put down by Ultima, which itself is Dungeons and Dragons. It's complete nonsense, this idea that Skyrim "popularized" open world, when the series was already the same style for 15 years, and there are also older games in this style.

              • 6 months ago

                OoT was considered to be open-world for its time.

              • 6 months ago

                I do give credit to Nintendo, absolutely. When they DESERVE it. In this case, it feels like ambition won the day without considering how it might affect the overall cohesiveness of its various parts. They put so much effort into the minutiae of the games systems in order to accommodate the scope of the game, that they ultimately undid what made Zelda compelling in the first place.

              • 6 months ago

                Bowser's Fury is open world

            • 6 months ago

              >it really attracted a lot of casual tourists to the series
              Zelda's been casual fair since at least fricking OoT, what the frick are you talking about

              • 6 months ago

                I'm saying that BotW specifically got a lot of casual attention, more than is usual for the series. I suspect this is because of the game's open-world nature, since that seems to be in-vogue right now.

            • 6 months ago

              And it's fricking laughable when Black folk like you try to pretend people who played BotW on release never touched any open world game prior.
              The WiiU alone had Arkem City, ass creed 3+4, and Watch Dogs.
              I should know. I played them all. BotW is leagues above them.
              NVM most day1 switch owners always had a ps4 or xbone thus played skyrim or such.
              Why can't you gays just accept BotW/TotK are just that good?

              • 6 months ago

                >The WiiU alone had Arkem City, ass creed 3+4, and Watch Dogs.
                Even lego city undercover was better than a lot of those games

              • 6 months ago

                ??? Bro. I'm not saying that people who played Breath of the Wild never played an open-world game before. I'm saying that these people loved Breath of the Wild because they never played a ZELDA game, and they likely had more experience with the more forgiving open-world by virtue of open-world games being in-vogue for the past gaming generation or two.

  87. 6 months ago

    Super Mario Sunshine
    >mostly gets shit on as the worst in the series
    >go back and replay
    >wow the movement is so smooth
    >no way i forgot they had that here
    >fludd is completely optional, doesnt actually change the game unless you want it to

    This was right after I tried odyssey, got bored, and never finished. Older Nintendo games really are better, not just the ones you always liked.

    • 6 months ago

      True, Sunshine feels so fricking good to play. Damn shame we didn't get anything that built off of that.

  88. 6 months ago

    >'Why do you want to go back to a type of game where I actually have to come up with things for you do do?

  89. 6 months ago

    This is like saying the water pack won't come back in the next mario game kek
    You gays will cry about anything

    • 6 months ago

      It’s more like if they made a Mario game where you had every powerup at once, dumped a bunch of repeated level assets everywhere and let you fight Bowser any time you wanted, then acted confused when people said they wanted the older games with structure again

      Actually, Paper Mario is kind of a good example of how Mario fans would react to a major gameplay change, in spite of Sticker Star being the best selling game fans were very vocal about its faults over the course of its sequels and now we’re getting a TTYD remaster, which might lead to more games like the original PM style in the future

      • 6 months ago

        >It’s more like if they made a Mario game where you had every powerup at once, dumped a bunch of repeated level assets everywhere and let you fight Bowser any time you wanted
        The sad part is that I think Nintendo fanboys and a significant portion of the press would praise this.
        Hell Odyssey was already halfway there.

  90. 6 months ago

    Did he not just say essentially the same shit Jim Ryan said about old games

  91. 6 months ago

    I don't want them to go back to the old tired formula. I want them to experiment with random shit like Majora's Mask.
    Anyone who says they want 3 intro dungeons, a plot twist and then 4-5 more dungeons and then playing tennis with Ganonbore again is lying.

    • 6 months ago

      I want all of that except Ganondorf, Ganondorf sucks.

  92. 6 months ago

    People stop spilling this "I-I-It's just nostalgia" bullshit.
    I never played a Zelda game before BotW. And after I finished it I played some of the old games and was blown away. Link to the Past was so much better and cozier than the open world game.
    How can it be nostalgia when I was 1 year old at the games release and I played it for my first time in 2019?

    • 6 months ago

      I don't know how to break this to you, but 2D is not the same as 3D. It's a whole different school of game design. You're not even using the same parts of your brain when playing in 2D vs 3D.

      • 6 months ago

        >2D is not the same as 3D
        Well Aonuma doesn't seem think that 2D Zelda has any value considering he killed off the 2D team so they could all work on BotW/TotK. And no, soulless remakes don't count as new games.

        • 6 months ago

          ALBW is pretty good. The Link's Awakening remake was pretty ballsy and egregious though.

  93. 6 months ago

    Enough with Hyrule, what's going on in Neighborule?
    What's their history? Gods? Conflicts?

    • 6 months ago

      Nothing because Aonuma, Fujibayashi and Nintendo don't care; they've practically outright admitted that they don't care in several recent interviews.

      And this is a very stupid mentality to hold when you're trying to expand your IP into a massive multimedia franchise with shit like movies, shows, theme parks and whatnot - which is what they're now trying to do, if the upcoming shitty, marvelized live-action movie is anything to follow by.

      My hope (or perhaps, cope) is that Nintendo knows this, and they're currently in some weird transitory phase in which they don't quite know what to do with Zelda's lore and extensive universe just yet. Which explains why BoTW and ToTK were so barebones and disjointed with their lore and continuity, and why Aonuma, Fuji & etc don't really care for it.
      ToTK started off as a DLC project that went haywire and it shows. My assumption is that it was a filler game created mostly by their Monolith Soft B-Team, while the rest of the A-Team went off to work on the next mainline title for the Switch 2.

      Meanwhile, we take a look at the Mario IP and we can already see Nintendo entering the early phase or planning stages that signify a greater shift and focus on story and lore. I doubt it's coincidental that SMRPG and PMTTYD door - two of some of the most story-intensive Mario games - received remakes this year. That, and add the upcoming Princess Peach game and the recent Universal Theme Park attractions to the fire and it's clear that they're ready to ditch the Miyamoto-esque disregard for story (or lack thereof) in future mainline titles.

    • 6 months ago

      Nothing exists outside of Hyrule anymore
      Even Mario has better worldbuilding

  94. 6 months ago

    I could actually explore the sea in wind waker you stupid asiatic.

    • 6 months ago

      Lol, no you couldn't at least until you got all the pearls.

  95. 6 months ago

    They have to keep moving forward and changing the formula. If they just go back to trying to recapture the old games, or just remastering them, the series will die.

  96. 6 months ago

    I played Zelda 1 for the first time this year and it shits all over BotW and TotK so I'll say that no, nostalgia has nothing to do with it. At any rate, Aonuma shouldn't be talking about nostalgia in the first place since he's never even finished Zelda 1.

  97. 6 months ago

    > criticize old game
    > criticize new game
    > criticize popular game
    > criticize unpopular game

    Maybe address the criticism instead of deflecting it with fanboy buzzwords

    • 6 months ago

      the wise guy's figured it all out

  98. 6 months ago

    What homosexualry. It is BotW that is limited. No progression, no items, no rewards, no puzzles, no story, no funny or memorable moments or NPCs.
    All you do is run around in a big map and spam A on the 5 different monsters to get 5 arrows and two rusty swords.

    In Link's Awakening, I had to find Marin, see cute and hilarious scenes, get her to the right place, explore a desert with new and unique enemies and assets, fight a mini boss to get a dungeon key, discover a piece of heard hidden behind an invisible breakable wall, open the dungeon with the key, then find how to access the entrance by exploring mountains and dropping down.
    In BotW I just walked to the shrine.

    • 6 months ago

      >No progression, no items, no rewards, no puzzles, no story, no funny or memorable moments or NPCs.

      You must have played a different game from me.

      • 6 months ago

        No, only a different concept of reward, I didn't count rusty swords as one

  99. 6 months ago

    >following in his mentors footsteps

    • 6 months ago

      >praise Assault
      >just to shitpost
      I'd fricking bash yer skull in mate.

  100. 6 months ago

    >where you're more limited or more restricted
    Frick this Black person. "More restricted". Nu zelda lets you do literally nothing except slaughter shitty goblins over and over and over the whole game. Having a thousand ways to solve the same problem over and over isn't the kind of variety that's actually fun, especially when the vast majority of those methods suck dick and are intentionally nerfed to be inferior to basic combat.

    He's also just completely ignoring that new "dungeons" are fricking awful, and that the simple but touching writing of the old games has been replaced with literal hours of dogshit mobile game tier writing.

  101. 6 months ago

    It's pretty clear that Aonuma's tired of working on this franchise and doesn't have any real passion in the series' classic elements anymore. They need to give him the reigns to create a new IP with their new physics system,

  102. 6 months ago

    Koizumi is the good director, not this gay

    • 6 months ago

      Unfortunately he seems to be busy with Mario. Couldn’t he juggle both franchises like Shiggy did back in the day?

      • 6 months ago

        Shiggy forced him off Zelda to let this moron handle the franchise. Probably made for a good puppet Shiggy thought.

  103. 6 months ago

    I haven't been Zelda target audience since Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, Minish Cap or Four Sword Adventures, but... my ideal version of Zelda is a puzzle game with a specific gimmick, inspiring story and quirky characters.

    No lukewarm adventure setting with Garry's Mod gameplay mechanics.

    • 6 months ago

      >my ideal version of Zelda is a puzzle game with a specific gimmick, inspiring story and quirky characters.

    • 6 months ago

      Go play Skyward Sword bro, you'll love it.

      • 6 months ago

        Squidward's Sword is a Fujibayashi game, meaning the story and characters suck dick.

        • 6 months ago

          The story is fine in isolation, meaning if you take it as its own thing detached from the rest of the franchise, but if you actually try to make sense of all the moronic lore retcons and how they relate to the rest of the franchise then yes, it blows ass, just like the characters

  104. 6 months ago

    >Nostalgia? Hah! what people want is a rehashed game from 2017. 20 million copies sold as of today.

  105. 6 months ago

    Preferring a smaller, more linear but cultivated world over large empty open world isn't simply nostalgia

    • 6 months ago

      Play a different game, chud

    • 6 months ago

      >Preferring a smaller, more linear but cultivated world over large empty open world isn't simply nostalgia

      Without the gameplay concepts and immersive world introduced in BotW/TotK it would be a massive backwards step. You think going back to button-mashing against enemies on a completely flat plane, in a sterile environment is a good idea? Have you played any of the older games recently? They feel completely stoneage now.

      • 6 months ago

        >You think going back to button-mashing against enemies on a completely flat plane,
        That's how everyone actually plays switch zelda, because it's always the best strategy.

        • 6 months ago

          >That's how everyone actually plays switch zelda, because it's always the best strategy.

          No only morons do. Button mashing is all they know.

  106. 6 months ago

    He's not wrong. Just play the old games. They didn't go anywhere

  107. 6 months ago

    why not just put actual real dungeons into totk and make everyone happy?

    • 6 months ago

      That's expensive. TOTK was a budget game made by a skeleton crew that couldn't afford the time to make real dungeons.

  108. 6 months ago

    I'm starting to see why people hate this guy.

  109. 6 months ago

    I hate Aonuma so goddamn much it's unreal. The man will never fricking get it and the series should never have gone to him.

  110. 6 months ago

    I just like item-based progression. I guess I'll just keep playing metroidvanias because I can't get that from Zelda anymore.

  111. 6 months ago

    i like every zelda game 🙂

    • 6 months ago

      Based. Every Zelda game is great. Some are just better than others. Even the worst Zelda game is better than 99% of all other video games.

  112. 6 months ago

    I still can't believe they spent 6 fricking years and reused the same map and so many assets just to make the dumb fricking Ultrahand mechanic. How the frick did nobody throughout this process step in and say "Hey guys, this is gonna take a ridiculousamount of playtesting to not be a total shitshow. Also are we sure this even fits Zelda? Isn't Zelda about adventure and not building janky cars?"

    Imagine if the next Mario was literally the exact same fricking game as Odyssey but they went and added RPG elements and moral choices. I don't care if there's a fricking hundred different endings that's just a fricking stupid idea to begin with.

    • 6 months ago

      You want Mario Madden? Stop b***hing

    • 6 months ago

      It didn't take 6 years. The game is clearly quickly and sloppily developed. They even outsourced the writing. The whole depths was added in late 2022 after elden ring game out.

      • 6 months ago

        I genuinely hope this is the case and that their real focus was elsewhere, likely the next game on the switch 2.

        • 6 months ago

          The real focus is on counting cash. The switch has made nintendo filthy rich with minimal effort. Why bother trying to make games when you can charge 30% on a gigantic library of switch ports and indie games, that all sell like hotcakes? Nintendo is the console equivalent of Valve.

          • 6 months ago

            >The switch has made nintendo filthy rich with minimal effort.
            That was the 3DS. It was literally just the DS again, but with an eye-raping gimmick nobody used.

            The Switch actually has a useful portability gimmick and the gyro control it inherited from the Wii U is so good the industry is now playing catch-up, and those together almost make up for the stupidly underpowered hardware.

  113. 6 months ago

    Boomers just want to solve crosswords to keep active. Creativity is too high risk for their generation now.

  114. 6 months ago

    Hot take: I think Zelda was better as a 2D game series. It started having a lot of these identity issues when it transitioned to 3D.

    • 6 months ago

      hot take my dick in your ass

  115. 6 months ago

    No. Even the original game is very different in terms of priorities than BOTW/TOTK. There are similarities and it's easy to find design continuties, but they're nevertheless just different.

  116. 6 months ago

    >more limited
    Majora had a smaller world but the thing was most of the map was unique so everything felt new, not just another Korok or Moblin base

    Also one NPC in Majora probably has more unique Dialog than every NPC in TotK, i want more characters like Anju and less of the fricking Signpost Cuckold.

    And there’s taking the format of a franchise known for creative puzzles and making it an Assassin’s Creed clone in the year of 2023 where that genre is at this point a fossilized corpse, TotK feels “old” because we have plenty like it, whilst the only games that really emulate the original formula are Okami.

  117. 6 months ago

    More people should admit that Zelda is an over-glorified baby game series that peaked 20+ years ago, in the 80's and 90's. If you're still playing Zelda instead of Souls, I honestly don't know what to tell you, besides grow up.

    • 6 months ago

      Theoretically, the Souls games are games that I should like by virtue of my tastes being what they are, but for some reason I could never get into them. I guess the aesthetic or nigh incomprehensible setting didn't really draw me in...

      That said, I've restarted Dark Souls like 5 times on my Steam Deck, trying out different builds. It's fun, but I could just never stick to the game and finish it.

    • 6 months ago

      >If you're still playing Zelda instead of Souls, I honestly don't know what to tell you, besides grow up.

      Name a better action adventure game this year than TotK. I'll wait.

      • 6 months ago

        Not that anon, but Lies of P and Resident Evil 4 Remake.
        Not that it matters what I tell you, you'll just declare that both games are shit, regardless.

      • 6 months ago

        RE4R, Lies of P, Hi-Fi Rush, pretty much anything that wasn't politicized into the ground or shamelessly asset flipped. It's fricking sad that RE4R is more of a new game than TotK was.

        • 6 months ago

          >RE4R, Lies of P, Hi-Fi Rush,

          None of these are as good as TotK. Nintendo's game is on a different planet to these

          • 6 months ago

            They are all far better than TotK and the moment you start trying to argue otherwise with the garbage reasons I know you're waiting to pull, I'll just bring up BG3.

            • 6 months ago

              >I'll just bring up BG3.

              Not an action adventure game.

              • 6 months ago

                Didn't say it was, you know what it's meant to counter.

              • 6 months ago

                I asked you for a better action adventure game this year than TotK. You can't name one. Now you're so bootyblasted you're bringing games from completely different genres just so you can convince yourself a better game exists somewhere rather than just admitting Nintendo made a great video game.

                Big yikes from me. Have sex.

              • 6 months ago

                >You can't name one
                Correct. I can't name one. I named several.
                Not reading the rest of your post.

              • 6 months ago

                >I named several

                I have all those games on my Xbox. None of them are better than TotK. There isn't a respectable opinion anywhere that would agree with you.

              • 6 months ago

                Well thankfully you don't agree with me. If you agreed with me arthur I'd be far more concerned about my taste.

              • 6 months ago

                You'll have to console yourself with your shit taste alone on Ganker. It's sad to see people so bootyblasted by Nintendo that you can't even give them the credit they deserve due to your own childish jealousy. Oh well.

              • 6 months ago

                >console yourself with your shit taste alone on Ganker
                Is that why you have to shit up every single zelda thread 24/7, throwing tantrums over everyone who criticizes the game and disagrees with you?

          • 6 months ago

            Lies of P was better than TOTK IMHO and Zelda is my favorite series. TOTK is a dlc. Lies of Pee is a BB ripoff that is incredibly well polished. I had far more fun with that than TOTK. If you never played BOTW I guess TOTK. deserves the praise but that's such a gigantic what if limited it's moronic

      • 6 months ago

        Thirding Lies of P, my only gripe was that it started to wear itself out close to the end and some of the writing was a bit weak though that can be excused by the dev team being Koreans. Still, it more than made up for that with its gameplay and the amount of detail put into things like its soundtrack and character design. Would recommend above TotK easily

    • 6 months ago

      It's all baby shit. It's video games.

    • 6 months ago

      >More people should admit that Zelda is an over-glorified baby game series that peaked 20+ years ago, in the 80's and 90's. If you're still playing Zelda instead of Souls, I honestly don't know what to tell you, besides grow up.

      The problem with Souls is that they eventually lost that adventure'like Zelda feel and progressively just became FIGHTFIGHTFIGHTFIGHT games. Even Elden Ring, the game people praise for its beautiful world, is mostly just a big arena with enemies to fight. I actually liked the platforming elements in that tower section of ER simply because it was something different from just fighting enemies

    • 6 months ago

      It is pretty sad that it's mostly 30+ year olds fighting over it. It's pretty sad that the Switch's core demographic is 30+ year olds. It's definitely all childish and rather pathetic and that From has usurped what many Zelda fans like me used to like the series for.
      But I'll be damned if it's not sad to see the decline of this series regardless. I'd still happily play properly modernized and improved upon versions of those 20+ year old Zelda games because they were good games.

    • 6 months ago

      >vidya gaem r srs bzns

  118. 6 months ago

    >Aonuma is out of touch
    water is wet

  119. 6 months ago

    So why is this clown running his mouth now about a game that came out 7 months ago in May? Just ultra sensitive about losing the Goty award at TGA I guess?

    • 6 months ago

      Because they were in america for the game awards

  120. 6 months ago

    I just want a new 2D Zelda game.

    • 6 months ago

      They should've made Zelda metroidvainia instead of Metroid Dread.

    • 6 months ago

      grezzo in 2024. relax. 2025 at the latest.

    • 6 months ago

      It probably won't be """new"""" but we're likely to get another 2D remake from Grezzo at the very least.

  121. 6 months ago

    >Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?
    Restrictions provide structure. Developers who want to provide 'limitless' experiences just want to put less effort into crafting enjoyable and satisfying scenarios. They'd always rather just slap together 100 shitty puzzle rooms and plop them all over the map at random than make anything that requires real creativity on their part.

  122. 6 months ago

    Or maybe the new games fricking suck because open world slop is gay and bullshit. Go fricking work for ubishit if you want to make ass creed homosexual, don't shit up zelda.

  123. 6 months ago

    I miss old zelda but my main complaint for Totk is that they didn't develop the gmod shit enough.
    They give you all these funny gizmos but they're universally worse than just hitting things with your sword or using a hoverbike.
    Half the devices have shitty time limits and every miniboss and their dog evaporates your shit. Not to mention it's unusable until you get autobuild, and the build limit is atrociously low
    It's like they didn't actually want you to use the zonai shit, it feels tacked on, it's not really used in the dungeons either

  124. 6 months ago

    This is the homosexual who ruined Zelda in the first place. Wish I could go back in time and killed him before he made Wind Waker

    • 6 months ago

      Unironically Miyamoto for giving to Aonuma instead of Koizumi. Absolute garbage choice. Mario was a far better fit for someone like Aonuma.

      • 6 months ago

        >Mario was a far better fit for someone like Aonuma.
        This is a new take.
        I'm genuinely intrigued.

        Switch fans are homosexuals who jumped on to Nintendo with the Switch and brought the tribalistic console wars mentality with them. This is why they also hate everything from the past. These are truly dark times.

        >7 years of switch seethe salt
        This will be a fun thrusday I can tell already.

        I'd give so much money to kill demon manpig Ganon with silver arrows again after collecting 9 relics and 3 master sword keys.

        personally I'm tired of Ganondorf in every form.
        ST with bootleg ganon was uber gay.
        I want Vaati back or some new villian.
        Even Mario rarely gets a new villian.

        • 6 months ago

          Vaati would be a solid choice for a villain revival.
          Could fill in the handsome villain slot for women rather well, and perhaps more opportunity for depth and rivalry in comparison to TotK's Ganondorf, at lest.
          Meanwhile something chaotic and cosmic like Majora could be cool, but I fear modern Nintendo doesn't have the balls to tackle a villain of that kind of scope or stature.
          Either way, Ganon/Ganondorf/Demise is fricking overused at this point. The next villains should have far more presence in the game's world.

        • 6 months ago

          As long as they keep Vaati an eldritch abomination rather than a bishonen. Vaati lost his mind the first time he became a villain, I don't want them to pander to morons.

          • 6 months ago

            >Vaati lost his mind the first time he became a villain,
            Yuh anon.
            I remember Ganon the mind broken pig fricker never becoming a human as well.
            Him just snarling like a mad beast in WW was great.
            You idiot. They'll do both forms obviously.

            >Dark Souls sold like shit
            Most games which genuinely did sell like shit wish they could manage 2.37 million in 18 months.

            why reply to bait? Don't do that.

            • 6 months ago

              Vaati has reappeared twice after Minish Cap you homosexual. Both times his memories and sense of being was fully dead and all he cared about was kidnapping girls not even knowing he was doing that in the first place to search for light force within a particular girl (MC Zelda). Stop making a mockery of already established continuity just because you want to frick a twink.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm gonna be real honest with you mate.
                I completely and absolutely do not recall the plot of FSA besides 4 links exist, shadow link shows up then ganon steals the show....again.
                So...uh...cry more?

                You're probably weren't born when MM released but it was gone like a fart in the wind with zero impact and pitiful sales numbers.

                Trying to compare MM to something of the size, scope and complexity of TotK is laughable.

                And trying to shit on MM is pathetic and sad.
                Both are fantastic follow-ups to their prequel games.
                You can actually in fact like both.

              • 6 months ago

                >They should not follow continuity because I don't remember older games xD
                This shit is why BotW and TotK pander to morons who don't care about Zelda.

              • 6 months ago

                I never said the continuity should be dropped you fricking spastic twat.
                Just admiting I forgot that cannonically Vaati stays mindless/lacking deeper thinking.
                I'm perfectly fine with that trait staying.
                Get that stick out of your ass before it snaps anon.

                He specifically namedropped Ocarina of Time as the influence for N:A's map. Even down to details to like trying to recreate the same amount of empty space to aid with downtime for pacing reasons.

                I got the second part, just realizing some locations were similar in position as well.

                >with zero impact
                Impact is measured in the long term, you moron. MM has a lasting effect on the direction of Zelda to this day; an extremely minor side character from the game, Tingle, got his own fricking spin-off franchise. People still fondly remember it, even after 20 years. Nobody will even care that TotK came out in 20 years, and people will look on it as an embarassing footnote in the franchise at best.
                >Le sales numbers
                The final refuge of the slopeater. MM sold perfectly fine for a title on a console well at the end of this lifecycle. Yeah, no shit TotK sold better on a console occupying a unique market spot with no follow-up model in sight and a several times larger install base.

                >trying this hard to predict the future
                >wanting to be this wrong
                Oh yes.
                Please anon.
                Tell me about all the love and adoration TINGLE fricking got on release.
                My god you homosexuals cabn't help yourself.
                Kilton will be the new Tingle/Beedle at minimum I guarantee you that.
                Maybe even Hudson gets carried over somehow.
                Stupid ass Black person fricks.
                7 fricking years and you still are blinded by your seethe.
                Grow up.

  125. 6 months ago

    Perhaps they're yearning for the days of Zelda with tightly designed dungeons and collecting the 9 relics of Hyrule to put a Silver Arrow in a pigman's fat ass rather than wanting any more empty open-world bootleg Bethesda. Nobody even wants that from Bethesda anymore. Just give us a tight story instead of shallow soulless procgen worlds with "Points of Interest" where you've seen them all the first 10 minutes but they've been copypasted a thousand times over.

    • 6 months ago

      I'd give so much money to kill demon manpig Ganon with silver arrows again after collecting 9 relics and 3 master sword keys.

  126. 6 months ago

    Soulslikes replaced Zelda games for me so he's right.

    • 6 months ago

      Souls games don't have much in the way of item-gated dungeon progression or puzzles. They're like the 3D version of the NES games which were more combat-focused.

      • 6 months ago

        Souls games are more Zelda like than botw/totk are but yeah neither has item progression anymore. Totk would have been godly if they just did that and each dungeon had like hookshot and stuff that affected how you interact with the world

      • 6 months ago

        Exactly. You find items/keys so you can progress. Just the way it should be.

  127. 6 months ago

    Meanwhile Fujibayashi:

    • 6 months ago

      Wait a minute I just realised he's calling Aonuma an old moron which makes sense with what Aonuma said in the OP.

  128. 6 months ago

    Bro I just want a fricking good Zelda game with interesting characters and good dungeons and items

  129. 6 months ago

    Is he autistic? The games are so wildly different that of course people are going to prefer the old style, they're so detached that now there's third group of Zelda fans (2D, old 3D, open world). How isn't this obvious? Whenever any game series departs so wildly from another style it's going to make those fans miss it. I don't very much care for the new games myself, not that they're bad but I do very much wish we can get the best of both worlds by getting both types.

  130. 6 months ago

    Is it so hard to understand that a carefully crafted dungeon or progression can be better than "JUST DO ANYTHING YOU WANT BRO IT'S FUN"

    • 6 months ago

      TotK dungeons are carefully crafted thougj, no matter how you care to screech.
      The Lightning temple has a very deliberate path to follow to trigger the generators.
      As does the fire temple, ffs 80% of it is literally on mine cart rails. It's very much so literally linerally if you follow them as designed.
      Even wind and water have structured due to how traveling them is designed.
      Just because you CHOOSE to break the guided path does not stop it from existing.
      I'd love for you tards to cease being disingenuous for once.

      • 6 months ago

        Holy shit there is no way you actually even believe what you're typing
        TOTK "dungeons" are horrible

        • 6 months ago

          >if I scream I win
          Whatever you say moron.
          maybe they are just too complex for you since they don't hand the answers out on a silver platter like OoT, MM, WW, TP, and SS do.
          Guess that's why you gays need to cheese everything, you lack the intellect to actually solve the puzzles.

  131. 6 months ago

    Yes, People are Nostalgic for when Zelda was actually good.

  132. 6 months ago

    >more limited or more restricted
    That creates structure. It's what prevents the game from being a pointless, meandering slog. There is a reason devs do not just give you god mode with ultimate freedom, it's because it makes the game boring as shit. He's been in this industry for 35 years, he should know one of the most basic rules of game design.

    • 6 months ago

      I think he's right. Freedom is better than linear progression. The only compromise with old fans is to ditch big open world and create several big maps with actually interesting content (dungeons, loot, quests, bosses).

  133. 6 months ago

    I prefer the new gameplay style but the old games had one major advantage over the new ones, they didn't take 6 years to make.

    • 6 months ago

      >they didn't take 6 years to make.

      And they're not as good.

      • 6 months ago

        I would argue they were better then

      • 6 months ago

        They were better. MM makes an absolute mockery of TotK.

        • 6 months ago

          MM makes a mockery out of most post-MM Zelda games.

        • 6 months ago

          >MM makes an absolute mockery of TotK.


          • 6 months ago

            it's a good game, proven by still being good years later.

            Tears aged like milk. Doesn't have the staying power of BotW because it's just the same shit but more annoying without any of the lore or worldbuilding to cover up all the blatant rehashing.

            • 6 months ago

              You're probably weren't born when MM released but it was gone like a fart in the wind with zero impact and pitiful sales numbers.

              Trying to compare MM to something of the size, scope and complexity of TotK is laughable.

              • 6 months ago

                NTA, but I was around during that time, and that is PATENTLY untrue. I still remember the hype that was driven up because people wanted to see if the sequel to Ocarina of Time could live up to its predecessor. I still recall the commercials for the game that ran pretty frequently.

                why are you lying?

              • 6 months ago

                You're a moron
                We're you constantly looking up sales numbers back then? Explain how b***h ass liar
                I rented MM from blockbuster every single week for over ten weeks until I got it for Christmas

                I don't need to look up sales numbers. I was there. MM was met with a "meh" at release.

              • 6 months ago

                no it was not, you lying gay. the general consensus iirc was that it was weird, and I remember the common criticism was of it not being like any Zelda that had come before it.

              • 6 months ago

                It didn't connect with gamers. And it's gameplay style was very polarizing to Zelda fans. It was generally seen as a sidestory rather than being a new mainline Zelda. Let's not kid ourselves.

              • 6 months ago

                It came out a year after release
                TOTK is a side story that came out 6 years later and reused the same map lmao
                No characters in totk have the depth or writing quality of even random nobodies in MM
                no dungeons have level design even close
                MM has four different playstyles
                mm has atmosphere, emotion, tone
                all in 1 year
                and yes we considered it a side story
                It still is
                But that says even more about totk, brain dead zoomer

              • 6 months ago

                >It came out a year after release
                >TOTK is a side story that came out 6 years later and reused the same map lmao

                MM has a double digit polygon count and you're trying to compare to something of the size, scope and complexity of TotK. It makes me think you don't understand video games at all with such a childlike superficial comment.

              • 6 months ago

                Mm is a better game at 64mb than totk is at whatever gb size it is yeah

              • 6 months ago

                False. It's very much Ocarina of Time's sequel, and it is still treated as a worthy successor to Ocarina of Time. some even think that it's better in some ways, and I completely agree with that sentiment.

              • 6 months ago

                >MM was met with a "meh" at release.

                Maybe I was just young back in the day, but I don't remember this at all.
                I remember most people being upset at the small number of dungeons, and some others really despising the time-cycle gimmick, but not many other complaints about the gameplay, story or side quests. Also a lot of people mentioning how "weird" and "out-there" it was, but that's it.

              • 6 months ago

                No it fricking wasn't
                everyone at my lunch table had it and the guide
                Every game magazine was on its balls

              • 6 months ago

                Anyone else remember getting that promotional VHS tape through the mail? Fun times. Hell, I still have it somewhere in my attic.

              • 6 months ago

                Nintendo Power israelites didn't send me the tapes. I think I missed the Banjo-Kazooie tape as well.

              • 6 months ago

                It was the direct follow up to OoT - which was the GOAT at the time. I had dudebro mates who bought an N64 just to play OoT. None of them gave a frick about MM. And I felt pretty underwhelmed by it myself. It was Sidequests: The game. And the ticking clock onscreen just ruined the exploration. Sales don't lie.

              • 6 months ago

                God you're stupid
                how old are you pretending to be in 1998? 30? You weren't even alive. You had dudbro mates buying n64s?

              • 6 months ago

                it's becoming super clear that he's a turbo autist willing to lie about facts to boost his favorite game.

              • 6 months ago

                >You had dudbro mates buying n64s?

                OoT was a pretty big deal. A lot of dudebros were playing Tomb Raider around this time and OoT was a much better version of that kind-of gameplay.

              • 6 months ago

                Ahhh, yes, Tomb Raider, a puzzle platformer + TPS, is a lot like Zelda, an action-adventure game with swords and magic. very much alike, so much that I couldn't tell them apart if they were put next to each other.

              • 6 months ago

                >And the ticking clock onscreen just ruined the exploration
                You fundamentally do not understand exploration. MM has some of the best exploration in the series.

              • 6 months ago

                >MM has some of the best exploration in the series.

                Better than BotW and TotK? Seriously? This the hill you want to die on?

              • 6 months ago

                >Better than BotW and TotK?

                Frick off, Arthur.

              • 6 months ago

                Top-tier delusional.

                >what's over there?
                >Oh I can't go over there.
                >Oh no my timer is running out, better reset the 3 days

                Great stuff.

              • 6 months ago

                You don't even get to the point of asking what's there in nuzelda. All three possible things it could be are signposted.

              • 6 months ago

                More accurately:
                >Hm, I'm on my third day, but I still have some hours left. I could go exploring to one of the places I haven't been to
                >Oh cool, a completely unique setpiece - but it seems I can't do anything here right now. But by the context clues, I can figure out something happened here on Day 2. I'll come back on the next loop and see what's up!

                Meanwhile, in TotK:
                >What's over there?
                >Oh, it's another Korok puzzle.
                >Oh no my weapons are running out, better go to a copypasted enemy camp to get some more

                MM wins easily.

              • 6 months ago

                Exploration in BotW and TotK fricking sucks. The discovery is shit so the exploration is shit and I'm tired of people pretending otherwise. Nobody wants to spend 15 minutes running around giant empty spaces just to get from one copy pasted seed or shrine to another copy pasted seed or shrine. That appeals exclusively to autists. The casuals and journos who praised the game passively dropped it long before they had to experience that boredom. The game peaked hard right at the start, they saw 90% of what it offered and moved on.

              • 6 months ago

                Actual pleb. Genuinely fricking artless.

              • 6 months ago

                You're a moron
                We're you constantly looking up sales numbers back then? Explain how b***h ass liar
                I rented MM from blockbuster every single week for over ten weeks until I got it for Christmas

              • 6 months ago

                anon, you (or your parents) spent a lot of money renting that game like that... you would have been better off just buying. not digging at you, but just an observation

              • 6 months ago

                Sorry we were poor and 5 every week was far more manageable than 50
                Thsnks3for retroactively explaining basic math 20 years later to a cpa tho
                sorry I wasn't a cpa when I was 7

              • 6 months ago

                >5 every week was far more manageable than 50
                >states he did this for ten weeks
                >very literally spent the price of the game to rent it
                >paid 100 bucks for MM
                >his parents did nothing to step in and stop this at any point
                But please.
                Once more. cry that TotK is 70.
                That's just funny mate.

              • 6 months ago

                This is the level of iq of a TOTK defender

              • 6 months ago

                again, I wasn't trying to dig at you anon. sorry if I came off as judgemental. I just remember weekly rentals being like $10 for a 3 (or was it 5?) day rental. I, too, would rent games for multiple periods like that

              • 6 months ago

                Tears is a shit dlc with banjo physics

              • 6 months ago

                MM is the last Zelda game that really grew into a very positive reception as people grew up and started to understand more about its themes that they missed as kids. Every Zelda after has had its initially positive reception wane.

              • 6 months ago

                >zero impact
                aside from overwhelming critical acclaim
                it sold poorly because it released the same day as the PS2

              • 6 months ago

                MM regained its power as a heavy-hitter once the core fanbase grew older and appreciated what it was trying to accomplish. It's now widely regarded as the best retro-3D Zelda game by many people.
                It also doesn't help that the game was released at the tail-end of its lifespan, either.

                Meanwhile ToTK is a rehash of BoTW with no identity or staying power of its own. There's no point in people purchasing or playing BoTW for years to come when ToTK exists. The only thing future players would be missing out on are guardians, Calamity Ganon, and the divine beasts. Which is an incredibly moronic thing to do down the line, if you want to make money through remakes or remasters.

              • 6 months ago

                >with zero impact
                Impact is measured in the long term, you moron. MM has a lasting effect on the direction of Zelda to this day; an extremely minor side character from the game, Tingle, got his own fricking spin-off franchise. People still fondly remember it, even after 20 years. Nobody will even care that TotK came out in 20 years, and people will look on it as an embarassing footnote in the franchise at best.
                >Le sales numbers
                The final refuge of the slopeater. MM sold perfectly fine for a title on a console well at the end of this lifecycle. Yeah, no shit TotK sold better on a console occupying a unique market spot with no follow-up model in sight and a several times larger install base.

    • 6 months ago

      They also had more more unique content scenarios going for them. Better stories, side quests and soundtracks as well.
      BoTW does traversal better than any other Zelda game though - hell, better than most other open worlds. But it that world needs depth and variety in its content in order to truly flesh it out. And ToTK didn't deliver on this, at all.
      THAT is the underlying problem. THAT is what the next Zelda game needs to do.

      A couple years ago, there was an interview where Miyamoto said something like "Now, I am confident that Aonuma can design games by himself" and I remember thinking how utterly disrespectful of a statement that was about your coworker in his late 50s or even early 60s by then. After TotK and especially this interview, I realize that Miyamoto might have been too positive. Aonuma absolutely needs to be tardwrangled by him or somebody else. If not, we will see Zelda go the way of Final Fantasy in our lifetime and degenerate from a series that saw masterpiece after masterpiece released to directionless trash that people will only buy because of brand-name nostalgia. But I'm sure the irony vis-à-vis his statements in this interview would be lost on this nimrod even if that came to pass.

      Honestly Miyamoto shouldn't have put him in-charge of the Zelda franchise to begin with. As some other anon already mentioned, Mario would've been a better fit for him. Or a new IP at this rate.

      • 6 months ago

        >As some other anon already mentioned, Mario would've been a better fit for him
        Miyamoto couldn't have given Mario to Aonuma because that'd mean he couldn't keep Koizumi away from Zelda and all those terrible, no good narratives and ideas he had that people loved. So obviously the exact opposite fit for each of them was the best choice.

      • 6 months ago

        I wasn't making a point about what the quality of the games, just that I prefer the new formula and hate how they take so long to make the newer games. what's it going to be on Switch 2 hardware when that launches in 2026, will we even get a Zelda title on that hardware generation.

    • 6 months ago

      >they didn't take 6 years to make.
      If OoT was released today as a brand new game.
      Yes. It fricking would. Even MM would take 4 years at minimum.
      Welcome to HD development.
      Literally EVERY fricking game now takes 4-6 years to make.
      Xenoblade 3 5 years from 2.
      Splatoon3 5 years.
      Horizon zero dawn forbidden west. 5 years. god of war2. 5 years. spider man2. 4 years at minimum from memory. and reused the map from spiderman1 AND miles morales (fricking weird we never got 2,000 threads mocking the game over this but hey whatever)
      elden ring was 5 years.
      YOU homosexuals begging for graffix, and post processing affects BROUGHT US HERE!
      Blame. Yourselves.
      By 2030 games will take 10 years to make due to increased graphics, texture rendering etc...or AI will shit everything up and everything will be a mess.

      Vaati would be a solid choice for a villain revival.
      Could fill in the handsome villain slot for women rather well, and perhaps more opportunity for depth and rivalry in comparison to TotK's Ganondorf, at lest.
      Meanwhile something chaotic and cosmic like Majora could be cool, but I fear modern Nintendo doesn't have the balls to tackle a villain of that kind of scope or stature.
      Either way, Ganon/Ganondorf/Demise is fricking overused at this point. The next villains should have far more presence in the game's world.

      Xenoblade had a good cosmetic enity boss in Z I think.
      Kirby Forgotten Land did fetus fricker decently.
      It can be done just fine.

      • 6 months ago

        >If OoT was released today as a brand new game.
        >Yes. It fricking would. Even MM would take 4 years at minimum.
        >Welcome to HD development.
        No they wouldn't Tears of the Kingdom is easily the worst example, the Zelda team only worked on 1 game after Breath of the Wild and it was Tears of the Kingdom.
        >Xenoblade 3 5 years from 2
        It launched in the first half of the year 2022, not the end of the year 2022, which is less than 5 years, but development didn't start until 2018, and that would have been pre production, with the studio concurrently working on Xenoblade Definitive edition.
        >Splatoon3 5 years
        More than 5 years but that's the gap between the release of these 2 games, the same team worked on Animal Crossing which launched in 2020, so Splatoon 3 took closer to 2 years to make, which is in line with Splatoon 2 being 2 years and Splatoon being around 1.5 years.
        >YOU homosexuals begging for graffix
        No I don't, I want Switch 2 to prioritize a 10 hour battery life minimum and to focus expanding graphics through more features that are less artist intensive like better water simulation and Tears of the Kingdom style grass becoming the new standard for all other games.

        • 6 months ago

          >but development didn't start until 2018, and that would have been pre production,
 mean like TotK then.
          Because the BotW didn't end till 2018, which still had a fair chunk of the team.
          But let me guess
          >doesn't count
          Dumb frick ape.
          Yes you twat if OoT released today it would be in development for 4-6 years. That is the typical development cycle INDUSTRY WIDE for new games.

          This is the level of iq of a TOTK defender

          >b***h about kid you wanting MM
          >waste the game's price tag on renting because you are a duumb frick snot nosed brat and your parents didn't raise you to have any sense of delayed gratification
          >got only one game instead of two because he wasted 50 bucks...again because your a dumb frick brat with bad parents
          I'm the dumb one.

          • 6 months ago

            MM was 80 dollars not 50

            • 6 months ago

              This, you had to buy an expansion pack (pic-related) in order to play it, and they were fricking $50 back in the day. Only a handful of N64 titles required that fricking thing, and it probably didn't help with with the game's sales in the long run.

              Goddamn it Anouma stop being fricking stupid and listen to your fans, the guy made a fricking zelda that basically was fricking perfect and improved on an older game as well and he thinks what the trash what is shrines are supposed to be a good thing to make up for it it isnt, coupled with the fact that the combat for both BOTW's were fricking absolute garbage with shit weapon mechanics that required you to farm specific weapon spawns endlessly because the Fricking Master Sword is only a fricking limited weapon which is fricking abyssmal. Also Iam missing all the cool items the series used to have has been reduced to a tiny fricking tablet and thats all you use for the whole ass fricking game.
              I liked BOTW on my first play through but damn it dawned on me that the game was lacking slightly but I gave it a pass because I thought Nintendo would actually change and improve the new formula but they didnt do fricking shit.

              Basically Play fricking A Link Between Worlds its an incredible game and is what Zelda should be.

              I'm sure Aonuma knows, he's probably just upset that he has to put more effort into future titles from this point forward and can't take the easy-way out with Ubislop dev practices.

              The difference is that Nintendo's dinosaur upper management actually makes games people want to buy, people will shit on Tears of the Kingdom/Breath of the Wild non stop but the two titles are the #1 and #2 top sales for the Zelda series with a power gap.

              I don't know if that'll continue being the case with Zelda after ToTK honestly. They really dropped the ball there; I suspect the next title will under-perform in sales if it ends up being more of the same.

              • 6 months ago

                Expansion pak was bundled with DK64. Did anybody buy them separately? Even if you hate DK64 might as well get the pak+game instead of just the pak.

          • 6 months ago

            Tears of the Kingdom started development in 2017 as DLC for Breath of the Wild, even with the team moving onto Champions Ballad until the end of 2018 work on Tears of the Kingdom could have been going on concurrently because it's the same engine and effectively the same game.
            >Yes you twat if OoT released today it would be in development for 4-6 years. That is the typical development cycle INDUSTRY WIDE for new games.
            There's nothing to indicate that this would be the case, especially from Nintendo who outside of Tears of the Kingdom slaps together games in record time.

  134. 6 months ago

    A couple years ago, there was an interview where Miyamoto said something like "Now, I am confident that Aonuma can design games by himself" and I remember thinking how utterly disrespectful of a statement that was about your coworker in his late 50s or even early 60s by then. After TotK and especially this interview, I realize that Miyamoto might have been too positive. Aonuma absolutely needs to be tardwrangled by him or somebody else. If not, we will see Zelda go the way of Final Fantasy in our lifetime and degenerate from a series that saw masterpiece after masterpiece released to directionless trash that people will only buy because of brand-name nostalgia. But I'm sure the irony vis-à-vis his statements in this interview would be lost on this nimrod even if that came to pass.

    • 6 months ago

      Miayamoto speech are full irony meme like the delay games being good

  135. 6 months ago

    >No Midna
    Is he really that dumb?

  136. 6 months ago

    >Open big space in the middle
    >Branches out into more linear areas
    >Can do stuff in different order but said branches are tightly designed
    >Constantly return to big open space in the middle to create a sense of neutrality and familar world

    The perfect formula, so good that Yoko Taro specifically ripped it off for Nier Automata.

    • 6 months ago

      >Yoko Taro specifically ripped it off for Nier Automata.
      >Neir's auto-potato desert is also in the north west section
      Not sure if intention or not but...wack.
      the sea is also south west no?
      Least the forest is north east.

      • 6 months ago

        He specifically namedropped Ocarina of Time as the influence for N:A's map. Even down to details to like trying to recreate the same amount of empty space to aid with downtime for pacing reasons.

        • 6 months ago

          One of the clearest callbacks is having the canyon that looks like it must be a bottomless pit it's so deep, but actually you can just dive down there and access new areas from the bottom

    • 6 months ago

      The key to this design is the traditional zelda revisit tour and some metroidvania bonus secrets mixed in. It elevates the branches from pump and dump zones into places that feel lived in and weighty

      • 6 months ago

        Definitely. Revisiting an area as an adult and seeing how it's changed, finding an entire dungeon hidden in a place you had already been to as a kid is very cool. They should do the "two worlds" thing like ALTTP and OOT more often. TOTK failed in this department because its second world, the Depths, has no real connection to the first. It's not an alternate reality, it's not a different timeline, you don't meet the same people or see the same structures. It's just similar terrain. Superficially similar but nothing deeper than that.

        • 6 months ago

          Dont worry if elden cringe dlc authism leak its real you got it

        • 6 months ago

          I really want to like the new zeldas but they threw away a lot of basic zelda conventions without wondering what they were there for.
          If they had just collected the shrine puzzles/runes into more organic dungeon collections and added the revisit round I would have loved these games a lot.

    • 6 months ago

      What about Demon's Souls nexus system?

      • 6 months ago

        It feels like crash Bandicoot 3 hub than zelda oot dark souls 1 its more similar or the infamous 2 with majula

  137. 6 months ago

    Whats up with jap devs getting older and moronic? Im more limited in the latest zelda with the stupid durability

  138. 6 months ago

    videogames are about overcoming challenges, not necessarily about being creative

  139. 6 months ago

    Reading this thread is bizarre, a lot of you are really fricking stupid lmao

  140. 6 months ago

    Limitations are design. What you don't let the player do is what makes the game fun and different from other games. Otherwise every game would come with godmode pre-enabled.
    A lot of people like the notion of a puzzle you can 'solve' by imaginative exploits. I vastly prefer something tighter and designed with intent. Linearity is a neutral trait - it's not good or bad without context.
    BotW was really fun. The only bad part about it is that it replaces old zelda entirely. We still got 2D zelda post OoT because they recognised both as valid patterns. We won't get 3D zelda post BotW.
    TotK was much less fun. I ended up really bored. Didn't finish it. The building mechanic didn't really cut it.
    There's nothing wrong with the Zelda formula, it makes amazing games. They just got really fricking lazy about it and didn't even bother using another proverbial madlib sheet.

  141. 6 months ago

    At this point I don't care if it's old style or open world, I want a new Zelda with zero Aonuma involvement.

  142. 6 months ago

    its interesting to see how out of touch this homie is.

    • 6 months ago

      A lot of Japanese devs are like this, honestly.
      That's a problem with the company's obsession with senior/geriatric

      • 6 months ago

        >despite making great games

        • 6 months ago

          If you're in charge of Zelda and don't know why people liked Zelda, you're out of touch. That's an issue that will turn your lightning in a bottle into a flash in the pan.
          Which is a great way to describe the difference between BotW and TotK.

          • 6 months ago

            >in charge of games
            >make good games
            >this is a problem because they are not in touch with twitter

            • 6 months ago

              What the actual frick are you smoking, TotK is literally tailor made for the twitter audience. Every part of its design is optimized for people posting short videos of "hey look at this crazy machine I built haha isn't that wacky", to the detriment of everything else. And just like those tweets, it's already forgotten.

              • 6 months ago

                and unlike BotW they made the continuity connections worse so even loregays hate it. It's funny

              • 6 months ago

                >TotK is literally tailor made for the twitter audience

      • 6 months ago

        The difference is that Nintendo's dinosaur upper management actually makes games people want to buy, people will shit on Tears of the Kingdom/Breath of the Wild non stop but the two titles are the #1 and #2 top sales for the Zelda series with a power gap.

        • 6 months ago

          Using pure sales numbers doesn't work. The market is infinitely larger than it was previously. The #1 best seller of yesteryear would be a flop nowadays on numbers alone because of the change in expectations. An absolute bomb nowadays likely gets sales that would be a modest success back then too.
          You'd have to adjust for 'audience inflation' somehow to make the numbers work in that context.
          I don't think it's debatable that BotW is at least an OoT-level success, particularly in expanding the audience.

          • 6 months ago

            Breath of the Wild is around 3x Twilight Princess but the gaming installbase on consoles isn't 3x what it was from Twilight Princess launch.
            >An absolute bomb nowadays likely gets sales that would be a modest success back then too
            Completely irrelevant statement.
            >I don't think it's debatable that BotW is at least an OoT-level success, particularly in expanding the audience.
            Ocarina of time doubled the previous mainline title A Link to the past, Breath of the Wild was about 10x as successful as the previous mainline title, Skyward Sword, comparing previous series bests, Ocarina of time was 1.5x the original Zelda, whereas Breath of the Wild was around 3x Twilight Princess.
            In terms of a ratio to total console sales 8th gen is about double the 5th gen, but Breath of the Wild is close to 4x the sales of Ocarina of Time.

  143. 6 months ago

    Goddamn it Anouma stop being fricking stupid and listen to your fans, the guy made a fricking zelda that basically was fricking perfect and improved on an older game as well and he thinks what the trash what is shrines are supposed to be a good thing to make up for it it isnt, coupled with the fact that the combat for both BOTW's were fricking absolute garbage with shit weapon mechanics that required you to farm specific weapon spawns endlessly because the Fricking Master Sword is only a fricking limited weapon which is fricking abyssmal. Also Iam missing all the cool items the series used to have has been reduced to a tiny fricking tablet and thats all you use for the whole ass fricking game.
    I liked BOTW on my first play through but damn it dawned on me that the game was lacking slightly but I gave it a pass because I thought Nintendo would actually change and improve the new formula but they didnt do fricking shit.

    Basically Play fricking A Link Between Worlds its an incredible game and is what Zelda should be.

    • 6 months ago

      >that required you to farm specific weapon spawns endlessly
      What the frick are you even talking about?

  144. 6 months ago

    This is just justifying being too lazy to actually design levels/scenarios or handcraft anything worse experiencing.

  145. 6 months ago

    BotW and TotK are just Zelda games for people who never liked Zelda

  146. 6 months ago

    >But then we did hear the desire from fans for a bit more of a designed dungeon, and that led to our approach to dungeons for Tears of the Kingdom.
    yeah right.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah that is why they made the TotK "Water Temple" the biggest frick you to the entire concept of dungeons we've ever seen.

      • 6 months ago

        Aonuma still has Vietnam flashbacks from the OoT Water Temple.
        >design one of the best 3D dungeons ever
        >morons tell you it's too hard
        >never make a dungeon again

        • 6 months ago

          morons ruin everything.

  147. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      I'm glad the gay bear game tore them a new one, as did Elden Ring.
      ToTK is proof that the modern Zelda team is out-of-touch with what gamers want from fantasy-adventures these days. Even the normies don't enjoy map-marker Ubisoft slop with copy-pasted enemy camps and busywork anymore.

      Aonuma still has Vietnam flashbacks from the OoT Water Temple.
      >design one of the best 3D dungeons ever
      >morons tell you it's too hard
      >never make a dungeon again

      Water Temple was great. Some of the best atmosphere in the game, with the best mini-boss in the entire game. The only thing that made it unbearable was the fricking menu-scrolling bullshit for the Iron Boots.

  148. 6 months ago



    • 6 months ago

      Why do you want to go back to original Zelda?

    • 6 months ago

      ToTK isn't the right direction for open-world Zelda though. Sorry.

      • 6 months ago

        >ToTK isn't the right direction
        It was a second game in a direction they are no longer going, it was the perfect direction. Frick off

        • 6 months ago

          >in a direction they are no longer going
          They have literally said that's the exact direction they're going. BotW3 just won't be a direct sequel, like TotK supposedly was, even though it damn near retconned everything, maybe because they couldn't even be assed to create a plot and just outsourced it to some literal who's. It'll have a new map, and most of, if not all, the same cancer in it. Hurray.

    • 6 months ago

      The original Zelda had a handful of tightly designed unique dungeons and secrets in an openly accessible overworld, much like its successor games like OoT. You'd know this if you had actually been alive when the game was released instead of parroting some idiotic nonsense you heard from some equally clueless youtuber, zoomie.

    • 6 months ago

      The original Zelda is absolutely nothing like BotW. The open world in the original LoZ is far more like a giant dungeon or Elden Ring's world than BotW's.

    • 6 months ago

      Then beat the original Zelda without collecting the sword, or beating dungeons, or collecting a single item. Rush right to Ganon and beat him without collecting a thing.

  149. 6 months ago

    It’s probably easier to make big open worlds full of nothing rather than craft different biomes and levels

  150. 6 months ago

    Weapons you get from enemies should be shitty and break easily. But the Master Sword and the champion weapons shouldn't.

  151. 6 months ago

    This moron will never understand that people want classic zelda because they are short and have replayabilty. No one want to replay a zelda game that is over 100 hours long with no replayability like BOTW and TOK.

  152. 6 months ago

    Zelda is a series that can have "nostalgic" spinoffs.

  153. 6 months ago
  154. 6 months ago

    >'Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?'
    See, the thing that baffles me about this statement is that, fundamentally, working past restrictions and limitations is the most basic nature of a game. A game is defined by the limitations it imposes on the player. BotW and TotK's primary issue is that they give you a lot of fun toys, but never give you enough restriction to warrant any experimentation.

    I'm not one to say more freeform aspects are inherently bad, but you have to encourage them SOMEHOW. Character Action games usually accomplish this by giving the player some form of ranking to work towards so they don't just use the easiest combos, for example. The only restriction TotK puts on me building the funny bike a million times is my own enjoyment, but it's not like building/using different vehicles is inherently fun enough for me to get anything out of trying to make a more interesting build.
    TotK feels like the base systems for a way better game on a sandbox test map.

  155. 6 months ago

    >is he right
    Let me put it like this:
    Breath of the Wild already gives people Nostalgia right now.
    Tears of the Kingdom will not give people Nostalgia in 10 years.

    You can't have nostalgia for something that is bad.
    However, you can have misplaced Nostalgia for the feeling of discovering something new and not for the thing in and of itself.
    That's valid, but I don't think it applies to OOT or Majora's.
    People fondly remember the thing itself, and moreover when new people play it today they still appreciate it despite it being dated.
    "Nostalgia" is just a scapegoat, it's easy to say that and disregard everything.

  156. 6 months ago

    name anything in BotW/TotK that matches the level of design in literally any other 3D zelda game

  157. 6 months ago

    I expect statements like this from zoomer devs who just made their first free unity game and think they're the next Miyamoto but an old guard dev? That I just can't comprehend.
    >You like some of our old game design and structure? Lol, that's just nostalgia. Look at this big empty nothing, wouldn't you rather play that?

  158. 6 months ago

    >game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play
    >makes game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or content you can experience
    so as long as I have the illusion of choice I'm just a nostalgiagay for complaining that there's nearly nothing to fricking do with it except roll over moblins or follow the meager 90% solved puzzles

  159. 6 months ago

    I’m a zoomer. I liked OoT 3DS and Wind Waker HD more than BoTW/ToTK. What does that make me?

    • 6 months ago

      A reasonable person rather than a tiktok moron.

    • 6 months ago

      A zoomer.

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