Are consumers of GW products the most brain damaged of any consumer group?

Are consumers of GW products the most brain damaged of any consumer group? They have petty rivalries about products the company itself rolls out. Never mind that GW happily milks either party. What kind of brain rot causes this?

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  1. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      But why do their products attract so many autists? War gaming has some, but it's mostly boomers and the rare sprinkling of young fellas interested in history.

      • 5 months ago

        Because the GW Marketers target them. They are an ideal customer base:
        They tend to have no social life due to being unable to build effective relationships, so they often tend to have spare cash which normal people spend on social activities,
        GW encourages them to spend incedible amounts on their products, which normal people would be horrified at. Autists don't understand value though, and actually think that blowing a few thousand pounds on plastic or resin toys is a good use of their wealth. Some even gain a misplaced sense of self importance from the money they have wasted, calling others who question their wastage 'poorgays', as if having an understanding of value is something to be derided.
        Autist tend to get obsessed by complicated things, so GW encourages this with their constant powercreep and ever changing products and rules, releasing a game system and then squatting it a year or two later, forcing the autists to jump to the next 'new thing'.
        Autists tend to be very competitive (they lose at so many things in real life so seek security in their interests), so the autistic tournaments and rules lawyering is perfect for them.
        GW goes for exploiting children as well occasionally, releasing books and games aimed at the very young, grooming them for when they get older and want to upgrade to the main games.
        They target the weak minded, vulnerable and those with poor judgement, just like religions do and use many of the same methods.

        • 5 months ago

          seething poorgay
          post body and 1RM

          • 5 months ago

            I agree with some of this. The other parts make *you* sound autistic. There's a lot of projection in your post

            Games are a social activity you bloody gremlin.

            There's so much projection here, sounds like you need a therapist friend if a few anons get you wound up over a wargame.

            why are 40kids so insecure? among the GW consumer base fantasygays keep to themselves and AOSgays are just morons but 40kids are some of the most insecure and pathetic fanboys i've ever seen. these people barge into other fanbases bragging about how le badass 40k is and how it could destroy every other setting, think horus heresy is le deep and pretend 40k isn't just a hodgepodge of ideas stolen from greater creators. autistic morons who think shouting for le emperor and heresy is "based"

            • 5 months ago

              Anon, seems like you need some time off the screen, look at your rambling lol.

            • 5 months ago

              We sound insecure? Have you checked out your posts, holy kek.

            • 5 months ago

              >fantasygays keep to themselves

        • 5 months ago

          I agree with some of this. The other parts make *you* sound autistic. There's a lot of projection in your post

        • 5 months ago

          Games are a social activity you bloody gremlin.

        • 5 months ago

          There's so much projection here, sounds like you need a therapist friend if a few anons get you wound up over a wargame.

        • 5 months ago

          >releasing books and games aimed at the very young
          Speaking of which, what happened to the Warhammer kids' books? Did GW just bury the idea? Haven't seen anything about those in ages.

      • 5 months ago

        >Are consumers of GW products the most brain damaged of any consumer group?
        The shoe is always on the other foot for them, when pointing out every aspect of the "hobby" (consumer product and advertising campaign) sucks: The models, the "fluff", because a coherent story is too much effort to maintain so frick it, just write whatever you want as fanfiction, the rules, the sale model.

        Similar reason Sonic attracts autists, Pokemon also.
        Everyone can find a thing to identify with, make it a part of their own personality, and even change their perspective of self to match two-dimensional aspects of the human condition. They do not know how to read into things at a deeper level, because they have been trained from birth by advertising swamped in Black folk and strong wah!men. Funko.

  2. 5 months ago

    >banter is brain damage
    Have you seen what Magic fans pay for cardboard?

    • 5 months ago

      Way less if they're going first party and aren't after a specific card, the problem is the secondary market for specific cards and prints which is still sadly cheaper than pulls for constructed.

  3. 5 months ago

    I can honestly say that with two decades of market research I can confirm that the entire market base for Games Workshop are on the spectrum. They also tend to have misogynist and fascist tendencies.

    • 5 months ago

      As any man worth his salt that cares about his culture and legacy should.

      • 5 months ago

        They aren't worth their salt. They only care about it when capitalist moneygrubbing does exactly what it's supposed to, and then they act surprised. So few people have any concept of what culture and legacy means. Neither of those means commodifying your culture to be sold for a low price, just so you can consume more garbage. Never mind that those dweebs hold nothing close to fascist ideals, especially if they play fricking wargames. Will is the most important tenant in fascism, yet all these piss babies can do is cry about it AND STILL they will buy from the company that spouts and creates the garbage they hate.

    • 5 months ago

      40k but awesome?!

  4. 5 months ago

    people who care about this silly game wars dont actually own minis or play. Thats why they have plenty of time to shitpost on /tg/

  5. 5 months ago

    Jannies seriously need to crack down on these morons. Any time one of them has some moronic half baked idea about warhammer they run to mums computer to spam the catalog with a new thread about it and it’s usually the same shit we’ve seen thousands of times like “dude the tau are wacky and can’t melee lol!”
    >but warhammer is le Ganker culture!
    It isn’t it’s just been spammed so long by viral marketers that you’ve deluded yourselves into thinking it is. Even if it were that wouldn’t make spamming it ok. If I shat up Ganker with 20 threads about Gurren Lagann, which is actually Ganker culture I would get banned.

    • 5 months ago

      This. There are already 5 threads up to either whine about warhammer fantasy or age of sigmar. Never mind the other, non-general, threads about anything warhammer related. At this point jannies should just auto-delete any warhammer thread that isn't one of the containment generals.

      • 5 months ago

        While I agree the trollposter spewing Ganker-level consolewar homosexualry for TOW vs. AoS is awful, they are still threads, let them get pushed off normally. Generalgays are shitty and are a big reason for the death of various board cultures because they want every board to be like a forum or reddit. Also reminder that /tg/ was mostly created as a warhammer containment board for these gays specifically.

    • 5 months ago

      /tg/ has LITERALLY been created as a 40k containment board, you are merely allowed to be here.

      • 5 months ago

        That’s just a meme you entitled 40pigs spam every time you get called out. The board is called traditional games not warhammer circlejerk.

        • 5 months ago

          No, he's right. This board exists because Warhammer Wednesdays and MTG Mondays were taking over /b/. If you're going to be such an open newbie you should at least bother to lurk moar.

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe resetera is more your speed, you goddamned homosexual.

      • 5 months ago

        >he actually fell for the meme

    • 5 months ago

      Maybe you should go to a place that seperates things into nice little boxes. Subreddits if you would. Then you don't need to worry about people posting things you dont like.

      • 5 months ago

        Wouldn't it be nice to have a board where a broad range of subjects can be discussed? Maybe with generals or something to discuss more specific things. Oh, wait.

        • 5 months ago

          >Wouldn't it be nice to have a board where a broad range of subjects can be discussed?
          Just not warhammer right? Constant magic or d&d threads outside of generals is fine, but heaven forbid warhammer does it.

          • 5 months ago

            Yes. Because half of the warhammer slop threads are lowbrow shitflinging contests between monkeys.

            • 5 months ago

              And all I need to read. As I said before reddit might be more your speed since you can't understand you can filter threads you don't like.

            • 5 months ago

              >spam for me but not for thee
              Why are D&Dgays like this?

            • 5 months ago

              >lowbrow shitflinging contests between monkeys.
              This is just Ganker in general

          • 5 months ago

            That’s another problem unrelated to this line of discussion

        • 5 months ago

          I can think of exactly two generals that have enough consistent new content to justify being generals, and it's zero of the boardgame and wargame ones. That's why they're full of angry shitposters.

          • 5 months ago

            In theory one would discuss the games they played. No one actually plays 40k though so it’s just dudes b***hing.

    • 5 months ago

      >spammed by viral marketers
      Damn this is a fricking awful reddit post and makes me think that all generals should be deleted and /tg/ returned to where it was in 2008 with just random ass threads posted here and there.

  6. 5 months ago

    >Are consumers of GW products the most brain damaged of any consumer group?
    The spot is taken by people that watch ecelebs

  7. 5 months ago

    >muh freedom of speech
    It just would be nice to not have 25 warhammer threads, half of which is aos vs tow homosexualry

    • 5 months ago

      Then make your own threads
      Oh wait you do and they 404 because no one cares about your niche tabletop game xD

      • 5 months ago

        Case in point. Some gay angrily defending 40k despite the fact that the biggest games stores in the country have maybe 2-3 games a week tops.

        It’s not even a game anymore. It’s just a mechanism for dudes to post “getting back into the hobby after 15 years xDdd”

      • 5 months ago

        >i dont like dog shit all over the street
        >then make your own shit, whats the problem?

    • 5 months ago

      Also how hilariously asshurt GW gays get when you talk about any other game.

      Literally every thread about Warmachine gets brigaded by GW gays who can’t bear the thought of any other war game existing.

  8. 5 months ago

    If you want to play 40k
    Buy a 3d printer and print your own minis.
    Or buy from s third party.
    GW models are to expensive

    • 5 months ago

      The modern rules seem to be worse than the modern prices though.
      Just be old enough to have bought both 2-3 decades ago.

  9. 5 months ago

    GW has achieved a unique synthesis between nogames loregays and plastic crackheads.

    • 5 months ago

      You could say I inhabit a third position on this. Just enough lore for mydudes and only ever purchase second hand NoS/assembled well

  10. 5 months ago

    It's like the xbox/playstation console wars
    A divide like that causes customers to be less likely to cross brand lines, and more likely to fanatically shill for your brand for free
    Gw just has a situation where they have both sides buying from them

  11. 5 months ago

    >They have petty rivalries about products the company itself rolls out.

    GW has already proved they are willing to cut products that under perform. It is the same reason that you see rivalries between other wargames, there is only so much money floating around to spend on toy soldiers and only so much time and interest in people willing to play them. For every dollar spent on AoS and time spent playing it, that is money and interest not going to Horus Heresy (or some other game system) which is a direct threat to those other games number. If the number drops to low then GW will kill "your" game. Every GW game "exists" with a sword of Damocles over their head. It happened to WHFB, it happened to Epic, it happened to Bloodbowl, it could happen to you next (unless you play 40k spess marines).

    • 5 months ago

      >It happened to WHFB, it happened to Epic, it happened to Bloodbowl
      And all of those games are back. How does that play into your equation?

    • 5 months ago

      if I spend a dollar on one game it doesnt mean i won't spend a dollar on another one. Moreover, if player already plays something and see that some guys are playing another cool GW game in LGS he would consider spending dollar on both.
      Kill team is great example of gateway game, when you can spend few bucks to tryout new game and get into full scale 40k with time.
      On the other hand playing killteam/warcry/underworlds stuff in full scale games are not most effective, to make you pay double.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Are consumers of GW products the most brain damaged of any consumer group

  13. 5 months ago

    They do the hobby part fairly well. The game part is a horrendous pile of shit that blatantly pushes bad models and distorts the meta for quarterly revenue.

    The games being so trash and having to field 20 year old trash sculpts to play it is really shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >They do the hobby part fairly well.
      I'm sorry, do we live in a universe with the same GW?

      • 5 months ago

        What do you mean? They make some good model kits.

  14. 5 months ago

    would you please frick off posting games workshop threads

  15. 5 months ago

    I’ll give up on GW when the old world prices are announced. The recent leak is showing a box of three knights will cost $60 USD which is pretty high even for GE standards. I’ve ordered my first boxes of conquest minis and I’m probably finished with GW for good. I don’t like the direction 40k is going and AOS has yet to come out with an army that interests me. I also hate how long it takes for them to update models. How old are beast men and why does cities of sigmar still have 20 year old dwarfs and dark elves? Seriously fricking moronic

    • 5 months ago

      We should charge amerisharts even more than we do, frick em

  16. 5 months ago

    real homies who like 40k will be 3d printing out his own versions because real homies should always find ways to save costs on the hobbies he loves

    • 5 months ago


  17. 5 months ago

    >Are consumers of GW products the most brain damaged of any consumer group?
    Disney fans or MTGgays.

  18. 5 months ago

    Magic the gathering players are the most smooth brained.
    Then 5E DnD sloppers.
    Then warhammer.

  19. 5 months ago

    They're like the nintendo fans of tabletop, except from what I can tell nintendo usually has a better track record

  20. 5 months ago

    What the frick is the point of this thread? Were you going to solve the moronation of GW's fan base, or did you just want to screech into the void? I've seen countless coom bait threads with more worthwhile discussion than this fricking temper tantrum you're passing off as a topic for discussion.

  21. 5 months ago

    >oh no, someone is painting toy soldiers and enjoying it, oh no, this makes me so angry!!11

  22. 5 months ago


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