Are modern games too easy?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >quickload/retry until optimal rng and/or buy the guide

    • 8 months ago

      Wizardry is one of the earliest game series to punish savescumming, zoom zoom.

      • 8 months ago

        Nta but it's still 100% possible and viable to savescum

        • 8 months ago

          It's also how the majority of people played.

      • 8 months ago

        how did it punish you?

    • 8 months ago

      So while there's ways around it (like opening up the floppy drive before it writes and then restoring your 'lost' party, making them a decade older in the process) Wizardry only saves when your out of the dungeon. In fact it autosaves and also has (semi) perma-death mechanics. And even with backups it makes the game still a genuinely nerve-wracking experience even now

  2. 8 months ago

    Yes. /thread

  3. 8 months ago

    Some yes some no. Modern game design as a whole is probably easier since there's a much larger casual market compared to the niche gaming circle that we used to have. Though honestly, the big part of difficulty back then was that even just saving took some time to get popularized. On the other hand, devs that actually want to make things truly difficult have more freedom to do so thanks to saves as well.

  4. 8 months ago

    No, there are lots of difficult new games to play. The problem is games that have you select easy, normal, hard. That means the developers are not able to balance a games difficulty to be maximum fun.
    Also, most people don't finish games, even if they are piss easy

  5. 8 months ago

    yes. from the 5th gen onwards video games became extremely easy and I think the save feature is somewhat responsible.

    • 8 months ago

      save feature is a good thing though, you cant argue against it 90s JRPGs sucked dick because you were only allowed to save at certain times.

  6. 8 months ago

    Yeah. I suck at video games and always used to play on normal. But the last two or three gens have made normal way too easy. Most games let you change difficulty on the fly thankfully.

  7. 8 months ago

    I need to get back into this game. I was having a lot of fun with it, but had two back-to-back full party wipes on floor 7 and just didn't wanted to farm Murphy's Ghosts for 2 hours again. Fricking dragons.

    • 8 months ago

      I know right? Wizardry 1 is legit awesome and one of the best games ever still and also frick Wizardry 1. What sadistic c**t designed this shit?

      Pic related is from my last playthrough and about when I rage quit. That's the last boss on floor 10 btw

  8. 8 months ago

    >nips trying to mimick Wrpg
    it's always a disaster. Imagine not playing Lands of Lore instead or Dungeon Master lmao
    >but le difficulty
    yeah me too I can shit out a completly stupid Excel sheet.

    • 8 months ago

      Are you implying Wiz1 is a nip game?

      • 8 months ago

        Nips took over Wizardry

  9. 8 months ago

    >gameplay is boring instead of fun
    >gameplay is based on luck instead of reflexes and skill

    Yawn. You contrarians are the most miserable beings on the planet because you are the most boring.

  10. 8 months ago

    >Peter broke your neck

  11. 8 months ago

    There is literally zero reason to state that Wizardry 1 is fair and balanced

  12. 8 months ago

    >make wrong build
    >oops you're softlocked now lol
    yes the definition of fun every game should be like this

    • 8 months ago

      >Oh hey, skill synergies. I guess you're supposed to specialize in a single type of skill in this game.
      >I'll build a lightning sorceress!
      >20 hours later
      >what the frick do you mean corrupted rogues are immune to lightning

      • 8 months ago

        You can respec in this game or re-level a new character against things like that, but it's still a good example of artificial difficulty:
        >level a barbarian
        >go to Hell
        >can't attack because miss-miss-miss with 85% chance to hit
        >can't kill anything, even white monsters
        >3/4 of the skills are useless
        >some skills are useless to level past 1-2 points in
        >but if you farm for the right items, you can become the best Pindle farmer in the game
        This shit is not immediately obvious and can take years to figure out

      • 8 months ago

        You can respec in this game or re-level a new character against things like that, but it's still a good example of artificial difficulty:
        >level a barbarian
        >go to Hell
        >can't attack because miss-miss-miss with 85% chance to hit
        >can't kill anything, even white monsters
        >3/4 of the skills are useless
        >some skills are useless to level past 1-2 points in
        >but if you farm for the right items, you can become the best Pindle farmer in the game
        This shit is not immediately obvious and can take years to figure out

        To be fair, without immunities Diablo 2 would be way too easy.
        And also act bosses are never immune, only resistant so it's still possible to beat the game. And it's totally practical to just run past certain enemy groups.

        • 8 months ago

          >And also act bosses are never immune, only resistant so it's still possible to beat the game.

          >get to The Ancients on Hell
          >each one is immune to a different element
          Artificial difficulty

    • 8 months ago

      I think you mean bad. Bad builds should exist in games where build making is an important factor in success.

      • 8 months ago

        Bad builds exist obviously but you shouldn't have to read an entire walkthrough before you even start playing the game
        semi offtopic but I fricking hate games like that where you have to read a "BEST BUILDS" guide otherwise you're just completely fricked if you wanna do it yourself

        • 8 months ago

          I don't mind this, but I need to know ahead of time that it's the kind of game I'm getting into. Going part way into an RPG, realizing I fricked my build, and starting over can be fun. I just need to know ahead of time that my first playthrough or two are experimental, and not something that I should be invested in.

      • 8 months ago

        There's bad and non functional. Shit like make an Assassin in Pathfinder WotR. A poison based class in a game where the overwhelming majority of enemies are immune to poison.

        • 8 months ago

          They actually fixed Assassin because it was so dogshit

      • 8 months ago

        I like old RPGs, but not the infamously hard ones.
        Main issue is the difficulty generally doesn't mean "difficult", it means "RNG", as you cross your fingers every single run that you don't get forced into some stunlock instakill encounter or a bugged monster that does 255 damage because the game was made before the internet and the devs didn't know there was a bug.

        A "bad" build should mean some idiot player in an RPG stuffing magic spells on their class that only gets 5 MP by the end of the game, or giving melee weapons to a ranged class, or spending all their levels on raising MP and nothing else because they don't want to bother with mana potions.
        If a game allows you to make a pure Cummancer and there's an entire mandatory dungeon full of enemies that get healed by Cummancy, you should either code in a way to remove the dungeon's immunity, or add in a way for a player to respec, or make the game slightly less linear by offering alternative options for dungeons to progress through.

        On a lesser note, I hate it when ARPGs have where entire stats and common build tropes become irrelevant by higher difficulties, namely the defensive stats, specifically health regen.
        >build to be a pure tank, invincible to everything in the first difficulty
        >kinda slow, but you beat the game
        >now starting to take damage, but your own DPS is basically non-existent, and the game isn't built for you to take for others, or the game has no multiplayer
        >slowly crawl through the game, can barely kill anything, even if you pivot to building DPS
        >everything one-shots you despite all your efforts to be a tank, all those relics and equipment and talents you farmed, all worthless
        >only way to survive at this difficulty is DPS meta builds

        >make status effect character; DoTs, paralysis, confusion, hypnosis, whatever
        >literally 100% of the game is now immune to everything, is hard to proc on, or the status effects wear off in 0.1 seconds
        >build dies

    • 8 months ago

      >Oh hey, skill synergies. I guess you're supposed to specialize in a single type of skill in this game.
      >I'll build a lightning sorceress!
      >20 hours later
      >what the frick do you mean corrupted rogues are immune to lightning

      the main reason why I never commit to or even bother playing games that feature class building and a lengthy campaign (and a lengthier endgame).
      No matter how much sense your current build makes at the moment, if you lack the kind of esoteric knowledge or divine clairvoyance the game demands then you can take that build of yours and shove it. I'm looking at you Path of Health Nodes.

  13. 8 months ago

    >could play Wizardry 8
    >NOOOO I want to play the shitty ones!!!

  14. 8 months ago

    there is a new remaster of wiz 1 in early access
    costs 40 bucks though

    • 8 months ago

      >remake game
      >oops we left all the annoying outdated archaic game design in
      so why would you bother with this? why wouldnt I just play the original

  15. 8 months ago

    Yeah I think so. Maybe I'm just getting old but I'm sure games used to be hard. And not in the "lmao eat rng" shit like that encounter or the "obviously you should have known to (ridiculous obscure bullshit) last dungeon idiot now you're softlocked".
    I dunno, it's been a while since I played a game with good boss fights. Even nioh 2 got easy after like the second boss.
    I wish I could go back to monhun feeling challenging from start to finish.

    • 8 months ago

      >I wish I could go back to monhun feeling challenging from start to finish.
      If there's one thing I dislike in a lot of games, it's the idea that the challenge should be backloaded to "endgame" or whatever. Presumably on the misguided notion that le hardcore gamers who want a challenge won't mind putting hundreds of hours into a game to reach the difficult content.

      • 8 months ago

        I played ffx for the first time recently, and it was fun, but I wish it had been harder.
        Like yeah I know it's got optional postgame super bosses and shit but man I just wish the actual cool bosses of the story had been harder.
        I'm playing through nier automata and the only thing that has killed me so far having been fricking wild boars. It's a neat game but either I need to finish it another time before it's willing to be difficult or it just never gets hard.

    • 8 months ago

      > Monhun
      > Challenging


      • 8 months ago

        Your first monhun is hard.

        /v/'s obsession with difficulty is bordering on the nonsensical. Difficulty does not equal quality and pretending otherwise is ridiculous. Almost as if some here do it just to imply that they're the real true hardcore gamers. Which is obviously ridiculous, seeing as this is an anonymous board.

        If it doesn't doesn't provide the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge its just 20 hours of busywork in between pages of a shit book.
        Why would I subject myself to being bored in between the scenes instead of just consuming actually good media?

        • 8 months ago

          straight from "muh challonge" to "games aren't art." really checking all the boxes, aren't we?

          • 8 months ago

            Challenge is the only advantage vidya has over any other medium.

            • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            I've played a million indie art games.
            What they don't expect me to do is spend 15 hours killing trash mobs or holding forward while someone explains the plot to me, or fight a pathetic "boss" to receive my pat on the back.

            • 8 months ago

              why are you talking about MMO grinds or AAA prestige games like these have anything to do with my central thesis here?

              • 8 months ago

                You don't have a central thesis.

        • 8 months ago

          >a challenge its just 20 hours of busywork
          This. You may as well do irl chores like laundry or dishes

  16. 8 months ago

    why would ninjas be working with demons?
    why would ogres be working with ninjas or demons?

    • 8 months ago

      ninjas in wizardry are always evil, so them working alongside evil monsters makes sense.

      >remake game
      >oops we left all the annoying outdated archaic game design in
      so why would you bother with this? why wouldnt I just play the original

      It's $40 for updated sprites, slowed down combat, and an auto-map.

  17. 8 months ago

    zoomers put on blast


    • 8 months ago

      Wh-Why does that link look weird? Im not clicking this

    • 8 months ago

      Hahahahaha hell yes

    • 8 months ago

      The host looks like he studied organic chemistry in college and his favorite band is primus

      • 8 months ago

        I'd hang out with that guy or at least buy weed from him.

  18. 8 months ago

    What's a good DRPG that allows custom portraits?

    • 8 months ago

      Play Icewind Dale with Olvynchuru's Improved Heart of Fury Mod

  19. 8 months ago

    /v/'s obsession with difficulty is bordering on the nonsensical. Difficulty does not equal quality and pretending otherwise is ridiculous. Almost as if some here do it just to imply that they're the real true hardcore gamers. Which is obviously ridiculous, seeing as this is an anonymous board.

    • 8 months ago

      It doesn't necessarily. The issue is that in the case of modern games, the lack of difficulty does equate to a lack of quality.
      Tacked on cookie-cutter gameplay that is heavily automated and which assumes that the player completely refreshes their short term memory every 10 seconds is of low quality.

      straight from "muh challonge" to "games aren't art." really checking all the boxes, aren't we?

      Games can be art but only if the gameplay is actively taken into consideration. The game should at least be ludonarratively harmonious even if it is boring as sin.

      Challenge is the only advantage vidya has over any other medium.

      Kind of, but it's more in the fact that it is a medium with a ruleset.

      The biggest problem with modern games is the illusion of difficulty, the game can introduce some overwhelming enemy doing all sorts of bullshit but the game also lets you respawn right next to it or you just have the ability to brute force it somehow, take Elden Ring for example there are enemies that can do all sorts of shit and can be a pain to fight yet I can get summoned at the end of the game and the host is an absolute fricking moron who also didn't put a single point in vigor and dies to a gentle breeze, the game can't be too hard if braindead idiots can somehow reach the end.

      >Game includes a QTE that you practically can't fail but which seems like it would be precarious
      >Game includes a jump that is so heavily scripted that you literally can't miss it
      Uncharted games basically.

    • 8 months ago

      I finished Lion King on the Genesis when I was 8. I am the true L33T G4m3r, suck it b***hes

  20. 8 months ago

    RNG isn't difficulty

  21. 8 months ago

    Yes, but what you posted is a really terrible example of "difficulty". RNGfests aren't challenging nor rewarding, there's plenty of older games to choose from.

  22. 8 months ago

    is water wet?

  23. 8 months ago

    Games were mean to be played by smart computer nerds in those days, now it's mean for children using there mom's credit card

    • 8 months ago

      Play Icewind Dale with Olvynchuru's Improved Heart of Fury Mod

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago
  24. 8 months ago

    The biggest problem with modern games is the illusion of difficulty, the game can introduce some overwhelming enemy doing all sorts of bullshit but the game also lets you respawn right next to it or you just have the ability to brute force it somehow, take Elden Ring for example there are enemies that can do all sorts of shit and can be a pain to fight yet I can get summoned at the end of the game and the host is an absolute fricking moron who also didn't put a single point in vigor and dies to a gentle breeze, the game can't be too hard if braindead idiots can somehow reach the end.

  25. 8 months ago

    What are your though on the dark savant trilogy? It seem like I would like it more, but at the same time I hesitate and I don't want to engage in long RPGs without knowing what I'm in for.

  26. 8 months ago

    Wife and I have been playing and mapping out might and magic 1. It's been really fun figuring shit out and the combat is surprisingly simple but engaging.

  27. 8 months ago

    Somebody should design a game where enemies can randomly crash your game and delete all your save files to satisfy morons who believe that dying to bullshit RNG and having to do tons of menial work to continue is proper difficulty.

  28. 8 months ago

    Yes, but I ultimately like difficult modern games more. A lot of old games have straight up badly designed interfaces and that's the real reason most don't give them the chance. If the rights weren't a mess and we could get modern remakes of the early Wizardry games they'd still have niche appeal, but most people could push through them. Overall I prefer the EO games, not having to fight the game just to know what's going on makes delving into the complexities a lot easier. Which actually gives the potential to push systems even further. Few do but its an obtainable goal. In a lot of older games the mechanics didn't allow for ways to ramp up difficulty past start throwing waves of insta death mobs at you. If they did keeping track of what was happening probably wouldn't have been much fun.

  29. 8 months ago

    >see post on Ganker praising Wizardry
    >feel excited
    >start the game
    >"You have encountered a rat"
    >fight it
    >rat misses
    >rat misses
    >rat misses
    >rat misses
    >rat misses
    >rat misses
    >rat misses
    Thanks, but no thanks, I'd rather play Might and Magic VI again.

    • 8 months ago

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