Are sim racing wheels a meme?

Are sim racing wheels a meme?
I'd figured they'd be fun to mess around for 3 hours per week but there are those who buy these things and use it for 1 month then they don't use it again. They even say its hard to set up especially if you have a small apartment cause the wheel gets in the way (like probably will be in my case?

I've researched that its either Logiquake G29 or Thrustmaskek T300 RS GT is the way to go. But what if I buy a used cheaper Thrustmaskek T150 or Logiquake G25/G27 for almost half the price of those on top just to try if sim racing is for me? I would also want to play Truck simulators and motortown and not just race but what do you think?

Should I just stick to controllers? For the record the only racing game I played was the old NFS games from 2012 and below .

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  1. 12 months ago

    german guys be like

    • 12 months ago

      Epic. That was epic for the win.

  2. 12 months ago

    Buy something cheap and try it out. I used a DFGT for years and it cost me 50 bucks.

    Setup is a hassle, for sure. You need a way to make sure the pedals don't walk away from you, you need to clear off your desk a bit every time you want to attach the wheel.

    I can highly recommend playing SRP online, it's fun for an hour here and there, driving around on a server with 40 other morons dodging in and out of traffic on the tokyo highway. Ultimately, the main thing with wheels is they're just fun to use thanks to the FFB.

  3. 12 months ago

    Unless you're playing racing sim it's not worth the hassle.

  4. 12 months ago

    Even a cheap wheel is a massive improvement over a controller in any driving game that properly supports them. The higher end you go the better it gets, with some diminishing returns once you reach direct drive wheels.

    • 12 months ago

      Aren´t DD wheels "dangerous"?

      • 12 months ago

        The more powerful ones can be.

      • 12 months ago

        If you're an idiot, maybe. Honestly, there's not much point going past 10Nm if you're not looking for hyper realism "I want my arms to hurt after an hour" driving 60s shitboxes. At 10Nm you're very unlikely to do more than sprain a finger.

        Always funny watching the clips of morons getting rear ended online after they took their hands partially off the wheel.

        • 12 months ago

          Oh, so you can set it? Then, like you said, if you are not a moron, it´s ok.

  5. 12 months ago

    love my t300rs, 6 years still going strong

  6. 12 months ago

    Why these 2 have different price, do they have anything different?

    • 12 months ago

      Sony are israelites, so they charge extra for licensing controllers. Most manufacturers make one wheel for everything else, and one wheel for Sony (plus everything else). If they're the same price you buy the Sony one, if you don't care about PS support you buy the cheap one.

      • 12 months ago

        So basically the "brand" and probably compatibility? I mean being uneable to use the PS on xbox?

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, it's solely a compatibility thing most of the time. TM sometimes has a different rim on the PS/Xbox bases, but there's not much difference aside from the button legends.

          Oh, so you can set it? Then, like you said, if you are not a moron, it´s ok.

          Yeah, you can always turn down the force. A while back GT pissed off a bunch of people after some moronic 12 year old injured himself so they nerfed the shit out of the force feedback effects for DD wheels. I don't know if that's still the case, I don't play console shit.

          Do you like racing games or not? If you don't know start playing some simcade games like Gran Turismo or Forza. If you like them then you can go the extra step and start playing sims on a wheel. These cost hundreds of dollars for even the most basic wheels like a G29 (unless you want to pick up chinese shit which is barely better than playing on a controller) so just make sure this is what you like. Just make sure you have a surface to place the wheel, if you're on PC good you already have a desk otherwise you will need a separate stand to clip the wheel and pedals to.
          Regarding the wheel choice I've only owned a G29 for a year so I don't have many references, it's good for a low budget choice but the brake pedal is pretty hard you'll have to adjust the ingame settings to reach 100% easier in some cases.

          >hard pedal
          Lol. Lmao, even. Mine need about 50kg, and they're on the light side.

  7. 12 months ago

    >hey even say its hard to set up
    Maybe hard is the wrong word but it is certainly a pain in the ass, if you don't have a dedicated space for your wheel to be permanently installed in don't bother with a wheel, you WILL get tired of doing this shit.

  8. 12 months ago

    Do you like racing games or not? If you don't know start playing some simcade games like Gran Turismo or Forza. If you like them then you can go the extra step and start playing sims on a wheel. These cost hundreds of dollars for even the most basic wheels like a G29 (unless you want to pick up chinese shit which is barely better than playing on a controller) so just make sure this is what you like. Just make sure you have a surface to place the wheel, if you're on PC good you already have a desk otherwise you will need a separate stand to clip the wheel and pedals to.
    Regarding the wheel choice I've only owned a G29 for a year so I don't have many references, it's good for a low budget choice but the brake pedal is pretty hard you'll have to adjust the ingame settings to reach 100% easier in some cases.

  9. 12 months ago

    >They even say its hard to set up especially if you have a small apartment cause the wheel gets in the way (like probably will be in my case?
    It requires setup, as opposed to a controller that you grab and go. But once you put pedals somewhere nice below you and leave them there, "setup" means fixing wheel to your desk and locking your office chair in place, which takes no more than a minute. You won't always feel like it, but you'll most likely do it often, and I doubt you'll get particularly tired of it.

    I often grab a controller and play GT7 even though I have a wheel, but precision and overall experience of a wheel is to die for. You can have both, use both, and appreciate both. I'm not really into eurotruck simulators, but I imagine you'd probably want some of that precision and ease of use in there as well. Also, wheels tend to hold value on used market, so if you really won't find a good use for it, you can always sell it and get most of the money back, so giving it a shot is relatively safe for your pocket.

    • 12 months ago

      Do you like racing games or not? If you don't know start playing some simcade games like Gran Turismo or Forza. If you like them then you can go the extra step and start playing sims on a wheel. These cost hundreds of dollars for even the most basic wheels like a G29 (unless you want to pick up chinese shit which is barely better than playing on a controller) so just make sure this is what you like. Just make sure you have a surface to place the wheel, if you're on PC good you already have a desk otherwise you will need a separate stand to clip the wheel and pedals to.
      Regarding the wheel choice I've only owned a G29 for a year so I don't have many references, it's good for a low budget choice but the brake pedal is pretty hard you'll have to adjust the ingame settings to reach 100% easier in some cases.

      I'm using a PC so gt7 is out of the picture.
      What if I will just use it to play need for speed underground 2 or Most wanted (2005)?

      Is it an overkill?

      • 12 months ago

        >>Is it an overkill?
        Yes, wheel is meant to be used with at least simcade level racing games think gran turismo or forza, wheel combined with arcade games usually ends poorly but there are exceptions.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't think I'd play nfsug2 on a wheel, it's an arcade and it benefits from fast, inaccurate controller controls. But if you like the idea and overall vibe, give it a try, it's all about your personal enjoyment. I've been using wheel in My Summer Car and I liked it, hell, even tried out wheel in Street Legal Racing even though it makes zero sense to do that.

          >Yes, wheel is meant to be used with at least simcade level racing games think gran turismo or forza, wheel combined with arcade games usually ends poorly but there are exceptions.
          This is false. Look at actual arcade racing machines in the 90's and 2000s and they historically use (what else) a wheel. Maybe 2010 Steam arcade style racers are intentionally designed with controller in mind but anything before then being inferior on wheel sounds like some gay zoomer theory shit to me.
          Lot's of arcade racers on PS2 gen supported wheels. it's literally fine if you make the DOR match what was available.

          • 12 months ago

            arcade unit wheels are not comparable to these things

            • 12 months ago

              Does it matter that much? I haven't messed with it in awhile but there is a plugin for MAME that lets you use a modern wheel with force feedback and I was playing Midway shit with it. Again it's literally fine if you adjust the degree of rotation.

              Please stop fricking posting you rambling moron.

              >zoomer can't prove me wrong so he claims 4 brief sentences is rambling
              kick rocks homosexual

            • 12 months ago

              You're a moron. Modern DD wheels and even the cheaper T300 belt stuff is better than or comparable to arcade hardware of the time.

          • 12 months ago

            Please stop fricking posting you rambling moron.

          • 12 months ago

            >Look at actual arcade racing machines
            you're a real moron if you think this is comparable in any way to arcade racers on home consoles

        • 12 months ago

          Whats the difference between simcade and full sim? What is more fun?

          Is there a sim where there is a Need for speed cringe story and you outrun cops? Like street racing? I dont like doing laps on a track?

          • 12 months ago

            >Whats the difference between simcade and full sim?
            The requirements for simcade is quite literally just having the aesthetic of realism. Imagine your baseline being "show it to a normie and they'll think its realistic." That's simcade. A prime example of this is Race Driver GRID, incredible game, classed as simcade. Anybody who's played it can tell you nothing about it is realistic in terms of handling in the slightest.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't think I'd play nfsug2 on a wheel, it's an arcade and it benefits from fast, inaccurate controller controls. But if you like the idea and overall vibe, give it a try, it's all about your personal enjoyment. I've been using wheel in My Summer Car and I liked it, hell, even tried out wheel in Street Legal Racing even though it makes zero sense to do that.

  10. 12 months ago

    When I was deep in my drug habits many years ago, I went with a mate to some crack heads house to score some bud.

    He had built this rig from cheap wood offcuts and one of those wheels, like one of those racing arcade machines that you sit in.Crackhead engineering is something to behold, especially considering his place looked exactly like something out of Breaking Bad.

  11. 12 months ago

    They are pretty great actually but space is definitely an issue. If I'm tired after work I'd rather play a racing game with a controller. Preferably you have a separate small table or chair to put it on.

  12. 12 months ago

    I wish I had a full motorcycle racing/riding sim. Like a bike chasis on a moving frame so you could really lean over and all that shit. It would be cool as hell but probably really hard to program and code/etc. I wonder if those even exist? Guess Ill just have to stick to my real bike. But the sim would be good for doing shit like speeding, trying new roads, etc that you cant always do in real life

  13. 12 months ago

    >Arcade racers literally started with wheels
    >Some moron says "arcade racers shouldn't be played with wheels" and it somehow stuck
    >Which lead to devs not supporting wheels in arcade racers
    >And whenever this is questioned, they just cite arcade racers have never been played with wheels, forgetting the origins of the genre altogether

    • 12 months ago

      yeah it really sounds like something a zoomer would come up with. EA likely used this as an excuse to not support modern wheels on the Burnout Paradise remaster

    • 12 months ago

      just buy your own second-hand arcade racer machine to play it at home, like pinballgays do.

    • 12 months ago

      It's just devs being too lazy to program in FFB effects for a small segment of the market. Plus there are so many different wheels now that you'd wind up with people complaining when it feels bad or their wheel isn't supported properly. And old games were made for the arcades first so they already had all the code for it. F-zero GX even supports FFB because of AX, Logitech released a shitty wheel for the GC for it.

  14. 12 months ago

    >Thrustmaskek T300 RS
    dont get anything worse than this

    that logishit wheel will complete garbage it makes loud noises, the motor is SLOW and weak it cant drive an aftermarket wheel, the stock wheel feels like a toy and has an irregular shape. cant wait to get rid of mine

    >Should I just stick to controllers?
    drifting games are more fun on a wheel

    • 12 months ago

      >the motor is SLOW and weak it cant drive an aftermarket wheel,
      None of the cheap toys can drive a proper wheel, dude. That's why they're all made out of plastic.

  15. 12 months ago

    They're a meme you use for a month or two and after that it just takes up space and collects dust.
    I bought a T300 Alcantara for GT7 PSVR2. It was fun for a while, but I got bored with it after 50 hours. I'll probably sell it.

    • 12 months ago

      VR is the meme here.

  16. 12 months ago

    Got a wheel on sale a little while ago and I need recommendations for PS4 games I can use it with

    • 12 months ago

      nfs heat and gran turismo

  17. 12 months ago

    Genuine question.
    Will I get better at driving if I use a wheel like this and play forza or GT or whatever other racing games?

    • 12 months ago

      A bit. There's a lot more going on in a real car, honestly, it's easier to drive IRL. You can feel weight shift during turns a lot easier than you can feel a wheel slip with canned effects. It can be useful for learning a track before you actually race on it, I guess. It'll be useless for things like manual shifting though, and I doubt it'll help with parallel parking.

      • 12 months ago

        >I doubt it'll help with parallel parking.
        Ah, sorry for not explaining clearer.
        That's mainly the main problem I have with driving.
        I can't properly estimate the size of the car, and will be very afraid of driving through a narrow passage (either walls, or other cars on the sides)

        • 12 months ago

          The problem there is your FOV in game is unlikely to match your FOV in real life. I find it pretty easy to thread the needle with a few inches of room in games, but IRL I wouldn't do it just because it isn't safe.

    • 12 months ago

      >I doubt it'll help with parallel parking.
      Ah, sorry for not explaining clearer.
      That's mainly the main problem I have with driving.
      I can't properly estimate the size of the car, and will be very afraid of driving through a narrow passage (either walls, or other cars on the sides)

      Simracing will not help you at all with city driving and parking because the only kind of driving you do in simracing games is track driving at high speeds.

  18. 12 months ago

    You clearly don't have the passion for them so why not stick with a gamepad instead.

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