Are simultaneous releases on PC inevitable to keep Sony afloat? Will there even be a Playstation 6?

Are simultaneous releases on PC inevitable to keep Sony afloat? Will there even be a Playstation 6? At this point it would be better to just sell Playstation branded PCs
Microsoft would do the same if Sony discontinued their console line and would be happy about it. The consoles just bleed money from both companies

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  1. 3 months ago

    who cares

    • 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    Final Fantasy as a brand is pretty irrelevant among zoomers, since they had to go through 13 and 15.

    • 3 months ago

      Final Fantasy is only relevant to milennials.
      It's impressive how SE shitted the bed since FFXIII.

    • 3 months ago

      Hey man don’t look at me I’ve been jerking off to Tifa lactation porn as much as the next man but I’m not spending 210+ dollars for expensive fan fiction

    • 3 months ago

      Not only zoomers, but late millennials as well.
      If you started gaming on the sixth generation or later, then FF is most likely not going to be a big thing for you.

      • 3 months ago

        I started with FF1 and only ever liked 4. Finally Fantesy is mostly trash.

        • 3 months ago

          At this point there probably are more bad FF games than good.

        • 3 months ago

          I've played a lot of FF games and usually and up dropping them after a few hours. I think it's a fricking psyop because I keep playing these fricking games and none of them are good.

          • 3 months ago

            Maybe it's not a psyop, but you being ADHD.

            • 3 months ago

              I love RPGs, but I just can't stand FF. The only mainline game I finished was 7, and that took many years, and I still thought it was OK. I actually liked 8 more, but my disc would freeze during the parade at the end of Disc 1 and never got any further. I made an effort with 7Remake and got to the end just to quit because the ending got really moronic. Something about FF's writing just annoys me to hell.

              • 3 months ago

                If they're not games for you, then that's how things are and it's okay if you don't like them or don't see anything special in them.

          • 3 months ago

            JRPG fans are delusional and should not be listened to. The faster you realise that, the happier you'll be.

    • 3 months ago

      Not really,Advent Children and CC alone can really leave a long lasting impresion on a childs mind.

    • 3 months ago

      Akin to a music group your dad generation was into dropping a new album. It turns out Final Fantasy before XII-XIII has no appeal other than a childhood nostalgia fix for millennials and Gen Xers.

      • 3 months ago

        The appeal was complex stories and good graphics. These days, compared to the rest of the industry, JRPGs have shitty stories and don't even look that good.

        • 3 months ago

          > shitty stories and don't even look that good
          But that's the rest of the industry, too.

          • 3 months ago

            Not really. Most JRPGs never went past their "WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP, WE CAN DEFEAT GOD" phase. And they have PS3 graphics at best... SNES at worst. FF7 Rebirth is one of the best looking ones, and people make fun of it anyway because shadows look all fricked up if you zoom in.

            So they play bad, they look bad, and the stories they tell are bad. Of course people don't give a shit about JRPGs anymore, if anything I'm surprised they still sell this well.
            I tried playing Bravely Default a few years ago, considered a masterpiece by JRPG fans, and I dropped it not even halfway through. Then looked it up and apparently I was playing the good part lmao.
            I also tried Xenoblade 1, also on 3DS, also considered a masterpiece... and I spent three hours doing MMO-tier quests. What the frick is this shit, how can people like this garbage, I don't get it.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, JRPGs were always a bottom of the barrel genre. Garbage combat, limited builds/customization of characters despite them ostensibly being "RPGs", garbage anime writing with linear stories, preset characters and no choices and consequences (once again, what kind of "RPG" is that?). Stay clear of most of that garbage, only a few of them are good. Tactical RPGs from Japan like Ogre Tactics can be solid, play those instead.

              • 3 months ago

                Sure, I don't disagree. But 30 years ago, when most videogames had twenty lines of dialogue in total, "garbage anime writing" was incredible. When videogames looked like pic related, a game that starts like this was incredible.
                They had their niche, they were the original moviegames. Even if the gameplay was shit, story and presentation were way above average.

                These days the gameplay is still bad... but everyone else can write better stories and make better looking games. So what's the point of JRPGs.

              • 3 months ago

                >they were the original moviegames
                You're spot on, jarpiggays used to mash x and occasionally heal between moving from cutscene to cutscene and they were content with that slop. I often think of Dragon Quarter/BOF5. That game, while by no means amazing, had some difficulty, depth and fresh tactical combat gameplay elements in general, as opposed to most JRPGs, and jarpiggays HATED it so much that it killed the series.
                Aside from massive weaboos that can't stomach anything but trite anime stories with huge amounts of fanservice and people who grew up playing JRPGs, no one is interested in JRPGs these days.

  3. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      they aren't even time jannies anymoer

  4. 3 months ago

    >Playstation branded PCs
    That's just the PS5

    • 3 months ago

      Can the PS5 play Steam Games? Nintendo emulators?

      • 3 months ago

        the Xbox can

  5. 3 months ago

    I think the preferences have already been set
    PC gays will never play on console
    Console gays will never play on PC
    there's no point in trying to lure anyone by exclusivity

    • 3 months ago

      Consolegays would switch to PC if there were no more consoles

      • 3 months ago

        i think a lot of them, the kind that buys consoles day 1 and only play the yearly release of fifa, would stop playing video games

        • 3 months ago

          Fifa would move to smart TV and cloud gaming on TVs

    • 3 months ago

      Bullshit, as someone who plays on console and could technically afford a PC, I just haven't gotten around to it yet and spend my money on stuff other than video games.
      Plus with PS games going to PC and Microsoft making it super easy to upgrade to PC, especially if they put there games on Playstation that's the go sign for all Xbox gays to upgrade. The only holdouts will be corporate bootlicking brand loyalists on Playstation, who think they've invested in the best platform, and by being a huge group of morons all games will come to them, but in the same sense they will be milked and exploited for all their worth, hell a 'bug' just deleted a shit ton of their digital games they paid for, Sony is testing what they can get away with. Sony needs money I'd be terrified if I were them

  6. 3 months ago

    Could've been a money printer if the company wasn't run by morons.

  7. 3 months ago

    of all these GAME IS COMING TO PC ITS OVER threads i still haven't found something i wanted to play that was console only first. i swear its just a secondary ad campaign where publishers think pc players will jump on random console games for little reason other than it was ported

    • 3 months ago

      I think people want to play it just not on the PS5. They recently "leaked" the PS5pro is on the horizon and a lot of people were waiting for that one since the PS5 was announced. "Mid gen refresh" was a moronic decision that's cost them sales.

      • 3 months ago

        I think PS5 Pro is a pointless idea, since the same thing can be achieved by further optimizing the game or temporal upscaling improvements. PS4 had a reason to exists and it was 4K display. Meanwhile PS5 is already 4K capable, while 8K is even bigger meme, blocked by EU.

        But I still hope it's real, so they can further increase the life span of this generation. Barely any 9th gen games came out and they already talk about next gen. And current gen games proved that no matter how powerful the hardware is, they will still target 30 fps.

        • 3 months ago

          >PS4 had a reason to exists and it was 4K display.
          *PS4 Pro

        • 3 months ago

          >PS4 had a reason to exists and it was 4K display.
          *PS4 Pro

          Any further upgrades are just not feasible. You can't see more than 4k 60 fps and even if you do it's a miniscule update not worth wasting 300 mill per game and selling every console at a loss.
          People are not gonna buy $1000 consoles.
          PS5 should be the final iteration of the console for a while. What's the PS5Pro or PS6 gonna do significantly better?
          Unless they wanna make this an IPhone upgrade thing. In which case they need to start selling consoles at a profit

          • 3 months ago

            According to Sony, half way through generation is the point where people switch from console to PC.

        • 3 months ago

          People don't like buying shit twice, middle income people especially. The only people I know who bought a PS4 then the pro were poor cause poor people can't hold onto money. I and may others have a wait mentality. The "leak" also admitted there's no offical release day cause they're hoping to sell off the regular/slim versions (and who the frick wanted the slim), my guess is they are hoping FFrb will clear out the stock.

          On a similar subject there might be a "pro only" or ps6 dlc, making you have to buy the game agian. They really fricked up on all levels. This is why I like the PC, if I ever "buy something twice" it's the timespan of Age of empires to the HD versions, and even then it's really just an officially sanctioned mod.

        • 3 months ago

          >I think PS5 Pro is a pointless idea
          It depends on how much faster it is. The PS5 is a 6600XT-equivalent, it's not that fast by today's standards. Plenty of games run at 720p and/or 30FPS already.
          That said, RDNA3 isn't that big of an improvement compared to RDNA2. It's ~30-40% more efficient: a decent gen-to-gen improvement in the PC space but definitely not enough to launch an entirely new console.
          So the only way to make a considerably faster console is to design a considerably bigger (and thus more expensive) chip. But as you said, is there really a market for a super-expensive console...? Maybe there is, I don't know.

          So, I'm not against the idea of mid-gen spec upgrades. But the technology isn't there yet, unless "RDNA3.5" is way better than the RDNA3 cards we got.


          Also, the supposed "leaked specs" make no sense to me. Same (or slightly faster) CPU, same amount of RAM, but waaay faster GPU? Why, I don't get it.
          Same CPU = Same framerate.
          Same RAM = Same resolution, same memory-reliant settings (like Raytracing).
          So what's even the point of a GPU that's (on paper) 2-3x faster. The CPU makes sense, but the amount of RAM is wrong imo.

          • 3 months ago

            >The PS5 is a 6600XT-equivalent, it's not that fast by today's standards. Plenty of games run at 720p and/or 30FPS already.
            Literally skill issue. These games would run just as shit with more TFLOPs, they would just take less time to release.

            • 3 months ago


              >Same CPU = Same framerate.

              Yes. If the CPU is the bottleneck, they could slap a 4090-equivalent in there and games would still run at the same framerate. They could run games at a higher resolution though... but the amount of RAM is also supposedly the same, so they can't even do that. That's why I believe the leaked specs are wrong, they don't make sense.

              PS4 Pro had the same exact CPU as the base PS4 (clocked a bit higher), but a significantly faster GPU and way more VRAM. So games ran at the same framerate (or slightly better) but at a much higher resolution.

              If PS5 Pro improves both CPU and GPU, they could run games at the same resolution but at a higher framerate. If it improves GPU and RAM, they could run games at the same framerate but at a higher resolution. Boosting only the GPU is a waste.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh, and in case you were wondering, the current spot price of GDDR6 is $3 per GB. It's not even that expensive, they could increase the amount of memory from 16GB to 24GB for a grand total of $25.
                Keep in mind this is the -spot- price, Sony is paying less than this.

              • 3 months ago

                >Yes. If the CPU is the bottleneck
                bigass if but ok

          • 3 months ago

            >Same CPU = Same framerate.

    • 3 months ago

      A exclusive game has to be REALLY good, I think Playstation understands this more than Xbox which is why they put 300 mil into them, because look at your backlog, how many GREAT multiplats have you just not had time to play yet?
      I still havent played Bioshock series, Mass effect series, tons of Japanses games, Dragons Dogma, even huge games like RDR2 i was excited for on release i just haven't gotten around it, stuff like Yakuza and Persona and other long RPGs take so much of time and I go back and play old games, just randomly want to play through Metro games again. Stalker trilogy, another one I havent played
      As a Xbot I can tell you why Gamepass is great, its because no Xbox game is worth paying full price for, even the good ones like Ori, Hi-Fi rush id pay $20 for maybe

      Of Playstation exclusives i'd wait to get them for $15 and they'd sit in my backlog besides maybe Demon Souls, I'd want to play TLOU outta curiosity but lets be honest it would sit in my backlog for years, the Remake games look alright but i havent played the original, new one looks like a spectacle game people like for the Waifus, and sure people will say its amazing because Sony delusion syndrome, but would you pay $70 for it when theres way better games for half the price, games you already bought and havent played ect.

      Tldr: Exclusives are ok at best and still can't do better than Marioj/Zelda games

  8. 3 months ago

    >Are simultaneous releases on PC inevitable
    I cannot wait for GTA VI to release, be all anyone can talk about, have endless seething from PC due to having to wait 2 years for a port and many PC only gays buying a console just to play it

    your post isn’t going to age well, OP, you will cope and you will be unhappy

    • 3 months ago

      I WILL buy a PS5 solely for GTA VI flopped and then sell it once the PC version hits
      Unless of course PC Version is only 6 months apart or so

      • 3 months ago

        Buy a Xbox and a $1 gamepass sub instead, or you gonna shell out $70 bucks for a 10 hour movie game?
        Sony dominating the market is why they suck, help the underdogs and contribute to competition making things Great again, games aren't Great again

      • 3 months ago

        >Unless of course PC Version is only 6 months apart
        >only 6 months
        oh boy…I guarantee you can multiply those number of months by at least three, Sony will be going all in on GTA marketing due to losing COD and having a boatload of extra cash, GTA VI will 100% shift extra PS5/Pro consoles no questions asked, its in their best interest to keep it off PC for a while. and doubt TakeTwo or Rockstar care about porting ASAP to the platform that is rife with piracy, lol

        • 3 months ago

          >having a boatload of extra cash
          Uhm sweety...

          • 3 months ago

            yes? they don’t have to spend money on COD exclusive shit anymore now Microsoft bought them, so that money is absolutely going towards GTA VI as it will be bundled with PS5 Pro consoles, you aren’t a PC only who is currently in the midst of coping with the purchase of a $5000 GPU, are you?

            • 3 months ago

              Have you looked at the budgets of Spiderman 3 and Wolverine and have you read any news about Sony recently, sweetheart?

    • 3 months ago

      I WILL buy a PS5 solely for GTA VI flopped and then sell it once the PC version hits
      Unless of course PC Version is only 6 months apart or so

      Wait you gays, dont reward double dipping buttholes

      • 3 months ago

        >just wait for almost two years to enjoy a game that will almost certainly be kino
        um, no

  9. 3 months ago

    >this Snoy game didn’t do so good
    >this Snoys game did really good
    jesus fricking christ, were you dropped on the head multiple times as a baby, OP?
    >will there even be a Playstation 6
    oh yeah, it seems like you fricking were dropped repeatedly on the head all the way through childhood. and probably homeschooled as well, incredible post, well thought out

    • 3 months ago

      Helldivers 2 did good because of the PC release

      • 3 months ago

        >Helldivers 2 did good because of the PC release
        >devs been up front saying its almost a 50/50 split between platforms
        nice narrative sweety, it will never, ever be on Xbox. nice cope tho

        • 3 months ago

          the fact that so many sonygroes are still obsessed with the non-existent Xbox fanbase will always be hilarious to me
          you nerds are so goddamn insecure lmao

        • 3 months ago

          >>>devs been up front saying its almost a 50/50 split between platforms
          Outdated. I remember it was like 85/15. PC has more players than PS5.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah this. Helldivers 2 is only picking up more Steam on PC (pun intended)

      • 3 months ago

        >Helldivers 2 did good because of the PC release
        gonna need a citation, source and quote for that one chief, it was announced it was an almost 50/50 split in playerbase. unless you’re intentionally being a c**t?

  10. 3 months ago

    To keep them afloat? It's going to fricking ruin them.

  11. 3 months ago

    >”Will there even be a Playstation 6?”
    Yes, but it might be the last one

    • 3 months ago

      >”Will there even be a Playstation 4?”
      >Yes, but it might be the last one
      >”Will there even be a Playstation 5?”
      >Yes, but it might be the last one
      >”Will there even be a Playstation 6?”
      >Yes, but it might be the last one

  12. 3 months ago

    That's all well and good but first party Helldivers 2 annilates the PS5 with constant blackscreen hard crashing while Rebirth doesn't. So what's going on there?

  13. 3 months ago

    Consoles will never stop being a thing because the alternative, PC, will never be able to beat the price to performance ratio of consoles.
    A PS5 costs a measly $499 while a PC of similar specs will always end up costing double, maybe even triple of that. And of course this isn't taking into account even if you have the same specs PC will still need more power due to how the OS works. A PC has to be able to do much more than a console after all.
    And then you also have the fact that PC ports tend to be dogshit as well and will often need even more power just to brute force decent performance raising the price even further.
    The average man just wants to relax after a hard day's work. He doesn't want to spend god knows how many hours trouble shooting shit much less spend $1000+ just to play video games.

    • 3 months ago

      >A PS5 costs a measly $499 while a PC of similar specs will always end up costing double, maybe even triple of that.
      Try $600-$700.

      • 3 months ago

        Not everyone has a rich uncle gifting free parts or has the luck to find them in dumpsters or is capable of summoning them with black magic.

        • 3 months ago

          >Not everyone has a rich uncle gifting free parts or has the luck to find them in dumpsters or is capable of summoning them with black magic.
          That's how you get $500 builds. $600-700 easily nets you a PC equivalent to a PS5 even when buying new parts.

          • 3 months ago

            >$600-700 easily nets you a PC equivalent to a PS5 even when buying new parts
            Very much doubt it
            Also even with equivalent specs PCs will still perform worse because muh console optimization. So you need an additional $100-$200 bucks just to break even with a PS5's performance.
            And at that point you might as well go big and spend $1000 so you can get a machine that's better than a PS5 to begin with.

            • 3 months ago

              >Try $600-$700.
              horseshit. especially if you try to build a PC that will match the specs of a PS6 within a year or two of it releasing

              also what gets my wiener engorged is when people like you neglect to factor in the cost of a good monitor (majority of people have a TV already so non-issue for console players), a good keyboard, a good mouse, a desk and chair. and the stone cold fact that the majority of console ports to PC have issues be it stuttering or other annoying things. its almost like you’re trying to create a narrative…frick PC only people, they are worse than Xjeets

              >muh console optimization
              This literally hasn't existed since the PS3/Xbox 360 era
              There isn't some magic way to "optimize" your bullshit game running on the exact same mid range Ryzen/Radeon as everybody else
              Y'know why a console game might look "smoother"?
              Because without telling you it just frickin' downscaled it mid-frame to 852x480 resolution low texture detail to keep its memory leaking pajeet engine bobbing above 45FPS

              • 3 months ago

                >This literally hasn't existed since the PS3/Xbox 360 era

              • 3 months ago

                Explain to me in layman's terms what arcane "optimizations" you can do that will make your game run better on a PS5's Zen 2 Ryzen than it would on a PC's

              • 3 months ago

                >muh console optimization
                >This literally hasn't existed since the PS3/Xbox 360 era
                so all those endless articles and youtube longform essays showing the absolute state of PC ports are just a figment lf my imagination? ok

              • 3 months ago

                Meanwhile, in the game pictured in your youtube thumbnail:

              • 3 months ago

                >it dips to 17fps
                >the rest of that chart implies it was running at a silky smooth 26fps before that

              • 3 months ago

                According to that delusional guy at DF, it is good on PS5. lmao

              • 3 months ago

                Meanwhile, in the game pictured in your youtube thumbnail:

                It remind me the same shit with Hogwart. I was looking at it running on a PS5, and ho boy, if the framerate wasn't very good.

              • 3 months ago

                >why are pc ports bad?
                >a whopping TWO examples of games that have already been patched and could still be bruteforced by having a decent to good PC, something you will never be able to do with a console (pro editions are practically a scam)
                >somehow implying that the platform itself is responsible for the fact that a few multiplat devs don't give a shit about pc optimization
                >meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of multiplats offer an objectively inferior experience on console

          • 3 months ago

            >$600-700 easily nets you a PC equivalent to a PS5

            Then why the frick wouldn't you just buy a PS5? Who the frick wants a PC that's just equivalent? The whole point of going PC is to have a more powerful system, and it has to be significantly more powerful to be worth the trouble.

        • 3 months ago

          >Try $600-$700.
          horseshit. especially if you try to build a PC that will match the specs of a PS6 within a year or two of it releasing

          also what gets my wiener engorged is when people like you neglect to factor in the cost of a good monitor (majority of people have a TV already so non-issue for console players), a good keyboard, a good mouse, a desk and chair. and the stone cold fact that the majority of console ports to PC have issues be it stuttering or other annoying things. its almost like you’re trying to create a narrative…frick PC only people, they are worse than Xjeets

          >$600-700 easily nets you a PC equivalent to a PS5 even when buying new parts
          Very much doubt it
          Also even with equivalent specs PCs will still perform worse because muh console optimization. So you need an additional $100-$200 bucks just to break even with a PS5's performance.
          And at that point you might as well go big and spend $1000 so you can get a machine that's better than a PS5 to begin with.

          A 6700XT + 5600 PC is around $700, maybe $800 at worst. The GPU is a good 20-30% faster than PS5, everything else is way better (they don't even sell CPUs that slow anymore) except for the SSD which is about the same (bottom tier PCIe 4.0 SSD).
          Technically PS5 is a 6600XT-equivalent, but the 6600XT comes with only 8GB of VRAM and you need at least 12GB to match a PS5, so...

          If you're willing to spend $500 instead of $350 for the GPU, you can get a 7800XT instead of a 6700XT. That's twice as fast as a PS5 if not more.

          >majority of people have a TV already so non-issue for console players
          You can connect your PC to that same TV, you know.
          >a good keyboard, a good mouse
          I already have these, but I don't have a TV.
          >a desk and chair
 console players sit on the ground?

          >Also even with equivalent specs PCs will still perform worse because muh console optimization
          Not really. A 6700XT performs better than a PS5 in basically all games. Only in The Last of Us Part 1 it was slightly slower, but that was one of the worst ports ever made.

          • 3 months ago

            >The GPU is a good 20-30% faster than PS5, everything else is way better (they don't even sell CPUs that slow anymore) except for the SSD which is about the same (bottom tier PCIe 4.0 SSD).

            the point of this argument is? we’re 4 years into this gen, of course PC specs should be greater than the PS5. the point of the OP was pointing towards the PS6. the price point to performance if you try to build a PC within the first couple of years of a new console gen is always out of wack, so the case still stands. console gaming will never go away due to this

            • 3 months ago

              >console gaming will never go away
              Seventh gen, the world bought 260 million consoles and 235 million handhelds
              Ninth gen, the world bought 75 million consoles and 140 million handhelds

              That's in spite of the world having an extra 1.5 billion people and $42 trillion added to it since then

            • 3 months ago

              I was replying to pic related, not whatever people said about the PS6. PS6 is like half a decade away, who cares.
              As I said, you can't really build a 1:1 equivalent PC, because the equivalent GPU doesn't have enough VRAM. And the GPU that does have enough VRAM is 30% faster than a PS5. Also, the CPU in the PS5 is so slow at this point, you literally can't buy one even if you wanted to.
              But no, you don't need to spend "three times more" to match a PS5. With $1500 you can get like a Ryzen 7600 + RX 7900XTX, the second fastest graphics card on the market after the 4090.

              >console gaming will never go away due to this
              Console gaming is never going away because it's easier.

      • 3 months ago

        >Try $600-$700.
        horseshit. especially if you try to build a PC that will match the specs of a PS6 within a year or two of it releasing

        also what gets my wiener engorged is when people like you neglect to factor in the cost of a good monitor (majority of people have a TV already so non-issue for console players), a good keyboard, a good mouse, a desk and chair. and the stone cold fact that the majority of console ports to PC have issues be it stuttering or other annoying things. its almost like you’re trying to create a narrative…frick PC only people, they are worse than Xjeets

        • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          Not just the keyboard and mouse but controllers too. At the end of the day you'll end up spending several thousand of dollars to play games on a desk. And some might say but online is free! Yet PC uses like triple the amount of electricity, so your bills will be pretty high. PC gaming is only for people with lots of time to waste and disposable income. Or maybe you are a streamer, so you spend all day on a desk anyway.

          • 3 months ago

            >At the end of the day you'll end up spending several thousand of dollars to play games on a desk.
            Bullshit strawman, my dude.

          • 3 months ago

            >Yet PC uses like triple the amount of electricity,
            Bollocks. PS5 uses 350W. Budget and medium PCs equivalent to a PS5 use roughly the same amount of power.

          • 3 months ago

            funny is how PC prebuilds are marketed for gaming but never have one or two controllers included in the bundle. But if ignore console-ports, PC-only games are:

            >Some generic MMO of punching trees (Palworld, Minecraft,etc)
            >weird Pixelart pretending be a Super Nintendo
            >Dwarf Fortress

            the real innovation always are in consoles

            • 3 months ago

              >the real innovation always are in consoles
              Total bullshit, there's no more innovation in consoles. And yes, PC games are mostly shit too these days since gaming went to shit almost 20 years ago and never fully recovered, but there are some interesting indie games that come out too. in the past, PC had plenty of amazing games that consoles didn't. various CRPGs, FPS games, strategy games, gems like Thief, etc.
              I take something like Starsector alone over Sony's entire moviegame catalogue.

        • 3 months ago

          >that will match the specs of a PS6 within a year or two of it releasing
          We're talking solely about the PS5 here.
          >majority of people have a TV already so non-issue for console players
          You can hook up your PC up to a console if you so desire.
          >a good keyboard
          A meme. I still use a $10 cheapo membrane from 10 years ago.
          >a good mouse, a desk and chair.
          Once again, you can hook up your PC to a TV. And if you don't, you can buy a great mouse for $50, less than a controller.
          Desk+chair is actually a decent complaint if you don't work remotely. If you want a halfway decent office chair you'll have to pay a fair bit. My HM Embody cost like $1500 IIRC, though I'm pretty sure that the decent office chairs start at like $500 new. Your best bet is offices selling/giving away their old chairs.

          >$600-700 easily nets you a PC equivalent to a PS5

          Then why the frick wouldn't you just buy a PS5? Who the frick wants a PC that's just equivalent? The whole point of going PC is to have a more powerful system, and it has to be significantly more powerful to be worth the trouble.

          PC library of games is fricking massive. You can also pirate and you don't have to pay for multiplayer.

          • 3 months ago

            >We’re talking solely about the PS5 here


            Are simultaneous releases on PC inevitable to keep Sony afloat? Will there even be a Playstation 6? At this point it would be better to just sell Playstation branded PCs
            Microsoft would do the same if Sony discontinued their console line and would be happy about it. The consoles just bleed money from both companies

            >Are simultaneous releases on PC inevitable to keep Sony afloat? Will there even be a Playstation 6?
            have you just woken up, anon? ah yes, when the PS6 and new Xbox launches everyone will just run out to build a new PC because its like a third of the price


        • 3 months ago

          >majority of people have a TV already so non-issue for console players
          Not a single person I know has a 4k TV, why the frick would I buy a console capable of 4k if I can't use the feature?

          • 3 months ago

            >Not a single person I know has a 4k TV
            GOOD MORNING, SIRS!

        • 3 months ago

          you neglect to factor in the cost of a good monitor (majority of people have a TV already so non-issue for console players),

          Now what

    • 3 months ago

      the entire culture about "PC master race" is hurting PCs players.
      I dont want a fish-bowl case, i dont want rainbow lights in the case, I dont want a graphic cards with AI designed for Cortana

      • 3 months ago

        then....... don't get rainbow shit? Or turn them off?

      • 3 months ago

        >I dont want a fish-bowl case, i dont want rainbow lights in the case, I dont want a graphic cards with AI designed for Cortana
        You can. The best part about PC is letting you have more choices.

      • 3 months ago

        Then don't? You can get a PS5 casing if you want

  14. 3 months ago

    Word of mouth travels faster and faster every year. Also, releasing the demo and not making FF7R2 multiplatform hurt this game's sales considerably.

  15. 3 months ago

    most popular game can't beat them most popular game. these game journalists are a fricking joke.

  16. 3 months ago

    >FF7Rebirth flopped because of the PS5
    That's premium copium, bro! Where did you got it?

  17. 3 months ago

    The idea of a PS6 is nonsensical, it serves absolutely no purpose. There are like 3 games so far that cant run on a PS4, and by that I mean legitimately cant run on it not Sony paid them to be PS5 only. The PS6 will likely not have even one single game that cant run at least 1080p on the PS5. It's gonna be a really hard sell as an upgrade to consumers.

  18. 3 months ago

    Thank you for beta testing, consolecucks.

  19. 3 months ago

    Is there seriously a substantial amount of people on Ganker that don't have a computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse? Holy shit. I don't even mean for games, it could be 15 year old garbage, but you do have a desktop setup at home don't you?

    • 3 months ago

      I just use a non-gaming laptop. But with diminishing returns even laptops are starting to reach the point of playing most games. Intel's newest integrated graphics chip is strong enough to run PS5 games in solid quality, and that's quite shocking only 4 years into the generation. I'd guess with the PS6 generation probably ~2 years in there will be non-gaming laptops that can run PS6 games in acceptable (not PS6 level) quality.

    • 3 months ago

      >Is there seriously a substantial amount of people on Ganker that don't have a computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse?
      Not just on Ganker but on the internet in general. Desktop users are a minority compared to mobile/tablet users.
      Today's youth uses their phone to browse the internet and doesn't even know how to use a desktop.

  20. 3 months ago

    >its another PC only gay thread trying to justify the cost of their recent GPU upgrade
    >its another PC only gay thread trying to come to terms that they sit upright at a desk playing games on a machine designed for office work
    >its another PC only gay thread that refuses to acknowledge the majority of PC only gays play queer coded troony visual novels

    is there a worse platform for the absolute whiniest fricks that ever existed, the majority of PC players don’t even play fricking RTS games these days but they play dress up in Fortnite. pathetic

  21. 3 months ago

    >Keep Sony afloat
    Sony wouldn't make any money on a PC port of FF. The whole point is to deny the titles to anyone else until its table scraps time.

  22. 3 months ago

    >it's got Blast Processing, that makes it more powerful than a PC
    >it's got The Power of Cell, that makes it more powerful than a PC
    >it's got... an SSD, that makes it more powerful than a PC
    Can you believe "people" have been doing this for thirty years
    Imagine being consistently wrong for 30 fricking years and just butting your head into it yet again

    • 3 months ago

      >it's got The Power of Cell, that makes it more powerful than a PC
      Xbox 360 was more powerful than any PC money could buy when it came out: I'm not even joking, look it up. The Cell was a beast of a processor... for folding proteins: it sucked ass for videogames. It was like trying to make a videogame console out of an ASIC for Bitcoin mining.
      By 2009, both consoles were turbo-shit compared to a $250 HD 5850.

      >it's got... an SSD, that makes it more powerful than a PC
      It was a pretty good SSD. An equivalent one on PC would cost you $150-200 back in 2020. These days you can get a much faster 1TB drive for like $50. Not that SSD speed matters anyway, games on PC can use RAM as cache so anything is fine, DirectStorage is not that big of a deal compared to consoles.

      • 3 months ago

        >Xbox 360 was more powerful than any PC money could buy when it came out: I'm not even joking, look it up.
        That's true, but It lasted briefly.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, it only lasted for a few months, until ATI launched their newest cards based on the same architecture as the Xbox 360. Still, pretty impressive stuff: a $300 console was faster than a $2000 computer. "Consoles are going to kill PC gaming" didn't seem that dumb back then.
          But we all know how Microsoft achieved that price (RRoD). And GPU performance basically doubled year after year back then, so as I said by 2009 even cheap low-end cards were multiple times faster than consoles.

          That was the last time consoles were THAT good though. PS4 was mediocre-to-bad, Xbox One was even worse. PS5 and Series X were decent mid-range computers, nothing special.

  23. 3 months ago

    Yea its happening
    PC won

  24. 3 months ago

    Until they release Gran Turismo on PC I don't give a frick.

  25. 3 months ago

    being a console warrior past the age of 16 is pure mental illness

  26. 3 months ago

    ITT : sour grapes
    The only reason you poorgays spend whole days rationalizing and convincing yourselves that you made the right choice is because deep down you know you're the ones getting the shitter versions of games
    and you don't even have the exclusives argument anymore

    • 3 months ago

      Well when you spend thousands on a PC you do need to scrap the bottom of the barrel desperately trying to justify spending that much in this economy. But is not easy because if you got all that money then it means you work a lot and don't even have the time to actually enjoy it. By the time you finally sit down a new shiny graphic card and Cpu are coming out and then you start feeling the FOMO again. It's a vicious circle.

      • 3 months ago

        Funny because consolegay's main cope is that PC gayming reminds them of their wagie job and all they want to do after a day of work is sit on the couch and play

      • 3 months ago

        Even IF you spent a thousand bucks on a PC (which will give you a much higher end machine than a PS5 or Xbox) the online cost alone would amortize PCs after 4 year. This is why the average PC game lirbarby is much bigger than the average console owner PC library
        The market is shifting to PC gaming. Nvidia is the third biggest company even before Amazon now. Times are changing buddy

        • 3 months ago

          >Nvidia is the third biggest company even before Amazon now
          that's because of companies buying their datacenter GPUs like crazy due to the AI meme hype, not gaming

          • 3 months ago

            Does it matter? We live in the golden age of cheap and affordable graphics cards.
            Once the market gets truly flooded the second hand market for GPUs will also flourish, making gaming PCs affordable to everyone while people that enjoy high end gaming will get to experience even higher ends

            • 3 months ago

              >Does it matter? We live in the golden age of cheap and affordable graphics cards.
              you're insane, the market has never been worse in terms of performance/cost improvements in the low and mid range and things will only get worse due to new nodes being getting more and more shitty and expensive at the same time. blackwell leaks already show that Nvidia will take a dump on poorgays once again with their next gen due to pitiful SM count increases. rdna4 might be greater improvement relative to rdna3 since rdnar was a flop/technical disaster/missed AMD's targets.

              • 3 months ago

                >blackwell leaks
                It's going to cost a fortune, guaranteed. TSMC 3nm AND GDDR7? They probably won't even bother to launch mid and low-end Blackwell cards, they'll do another Lovelace refresh and call it a day.
                They will only launch a Titan and a 5090, I'm calling it now. Maybe a 4080. The rest of the line-up will be a Lovelace refresh.
                This should be cheap to produce for AMD. Still TSMC 5nm, still GDDR6, relatively small dies, no fancy MCM packaging. If the cards will be cheap for us consumers though... who knows. I hope so, maybe I'll finally upgrade.
                It wasn't a disaster (~35% efficiency improvement is decent), but it definitely missed AMD's target (50%). But when your competition achieves an 80% gen-to-gen improvement... yeah, it looks awful compared to Lovelace lmao.

              • 3 months ago

                >Maybe a 4080

  27. 3 months ago

    I'm sure Sony will be quite happy when Valve releases a new Steambox compatible with their library in addition to Xbox's. Or, the Deck 3 will look close enough to PS6 visuals due to diminishing returns that everyone drops PS anyways.

  28. 3 months ago

    I still think the pc vs console argument is moronic
    Ideally there would be no exclusives and everyone would play everything on their platform of choice
    That said I prefer pc to consoles because I still need a pc, and spending 700+500+paid online just doesn't make sense economically
    You get more by paying less with a pc

  29. 3 months ago

    >to keep Sony afloat
    They can drown for all I care...

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