Are Spiderweb games fun? Which is the best?

Are Spiderweb games fun? Which is the best?

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  1. 5 months ago

    They're not really fun but geneforge is at least interesting and currently being remade. The first remake is out, the second is coming out soon, so if you're interested might want to play the first one now.

    • 5 months ago

      >The first remake is out, the second is coming out soon
      The real important thing to note is that the remake of 1 at least is not a fricking disasters and actually worth playing unlike 99% of remakes.

      • 5 months ago

        They're not really fun but geneforge is at least interesting and currently being remade. The first remake is out, the second is coming out soon, so if you're interested might want to play the first one now.

        >they have a niche
        Geneforge is what got us through the rpg dark age when literally nothing was being released except console shit.

        I downloaded the demo, it seems like pure soul so far. Thanks frens

        • 5 months ago

          Finished the demo and have picked up the full game. I kinda see what

          No, at least 95% of the time playing them is spent on repetitive fights against trash mobs.

          means, it seems levelling up is very slow, but I really like the game anyway, the setting and concept are really original, it's satisfying to explore and clear areas and it all has a comfy old school feel.

          • 5 months ago

            >Endlessly terrifies and charms your party, giving you no turns until death
            Yeah frick these things

  2. 5 months ago

    they are more tedious than fun. they have a niche. try one and see, they all are the same game essentially

    • 5 months ago

      >they have a niche
      Geneforge is what got us through the rpg dark age when literally nothing was being released except console shit.

      • 5 months ago

        i still think it's one of the best original settings in rpgs, topping out the big dogs that people dicksuck.

      • 5 months ago

        Are you fricking moronic? Geneforge came out the same year Arcanum and BG2 came out, dumbass. Jeff is a proud plagiarist and brags about banning people on his shitty forums when they pointed out shit he ripped off from bigger games.

        i still think it's one of the best original settings in rpgs, topping out the big dogs that people dicksuck.

        Read pic related. People dicksuck Jeff way more than they should, he's just as much of a hack as many other devs but at least he stays in his lane for the most part. Everything he's ever made is a rehashed system either straight up lifted or "tweaked" from a bigger game and every setting of his is definitely ripped off. The only people who praise his settings and stories are the unread.

        • 5 months ago

          This doesn't sound anything like Geneforge aside from having guys called Shapers

          • 5 months ago

            Actually read it. The plot follows 1:1 to the original game.

            • 5 months ago

              it doesn't seem to be at all. geneforge seems more like a collage of influences, as anything original is. i think you are being very very moronic.

        • 5 months ago

          >Are you fricking moronic? Geneforge came out the same year Arcanum and BG2 came out, dumbass
          yeah those games are shit lmao

        • 5 months ago

          Holy hell, did you just accuse people of being unread for not reading genre fiction? Amazing.

          • 5 months ago

            If someone says a setting is unique when it's not and blatantly ripped off from somewhere, yes. Read more. The dude's plots are all ripped off from somewhere. It wouldn't be that bad if people didn't defend the guy so much because le quirky indie dev lmao, but people defend the guy when he is more of a hack than mainstream cRPG devs.

            • 5 months ago

              unread is not the right word for accusing people of not reading things that shouldnt ever be read

              • 5 months ago

                Then don't say a setting or plot is unique when it's not. Geneforge is ripped off pretty much one to one from the book mentioned and further entries are also ripped off from trashy sci fi novels from before you were born. If you think Geneforge has a great plot but then say a book shouldn't be read in the first place, that doesn't really add up to a stellar recommendation for the game when it's pretty much lifted entirely from that material.

              • 5 months ago

                >Then don't say a setting or plot is unique when it's not.
                It is unique. There's no other rpg where people use meat magic and meat science

        • 5 months ago

          I would 100% honestly rather play Geneforge than Arcanum, geneforge is a much better game.

  3. 5 months ago

    I liked Avernum 2 and 3, though I kind of liked the older versions better than the newer remakes. Nethergate is pretty good too.

    • 5 months ago

      Geneforge series, exiles, and nethergate are cool.

      Reminder Jeff is the one motherfricker who remakes remakes.

  4. 5 months ago

    No, at least 95% of the time playing them is spent on repetitive fights against trash mobs.

    • 5 months ago

      my man just described almost every rpg ever made

  5. 5 months ago

    Yes, but if you don't like one of the Avernum games then you have zero reason to play any of the Avernum/Avadon/Queen's wish series.

    Geneforge is unique and in my opinion better than the rest. I enjoy Avernum's background lore and I loved the games, but they're not for everyone. They're old school rpgs.

    Nethergate also has a unique setting as well as actual replayability, I'd put it midway between Geneforge and his other series.

    I encourage you to play it on harder difficulties and try to do things you shouldn't do, Jeff usually has something funny programmed for people who managed to do the impossible.

    However do -not- try to beat Redbeard in Avadon 1 on torment with a single party member (the player character). It is technically possible but it will take you forever and I think the only thing that changes is a few sentences, its not something he expected anyone to do. One last warning is that you won't be handheld, you can kill plot relevant characters for laughs at any point and then find your game unfinishable.

    His earlier games were more mechanically complicated and you could do funnier stuff, the remakes are dumbed down which makes a lot of people seethe.

  6. 5 months ago

    The grognards hate the Queen's Wish games because they changed some minor things like how dungeons work, but they really aren't any worse than Vogel's other series.

  7. 5 months ago

    For me it's Nethergate: Resurrection. You'll also get two playthroughs out of it because of two factions you can play as.

    • 5 months ago

      Sleep tight, Vercinguyfieri

  8. 5 months ago

    they're good for what they are. there aren't very deep mechanics. they're all very dryly written. the graphics are charming. they very much resemble old shareware crpgs, not the d&d style crpgs most people are familiar with.

  9. 5 months ago

    I’ve yet to play Nethergate and Blades of Exile, but I’ve completed his other games. Here’s how I’d classify their respective strengths:

    Avernum/Exile: Strong Exploration focus. The first trilogy has a Metroidvania element in that one unlocks traversal abilities while progressing through the story. Tough boss fights and powerful loot are only accessible after using specific traversal abilities.

    Geneforge: Strong Roleplaying focus. Faction driven series where the player is free to align with, betray, ignore or kill different factions and still finish the game. One can also play a diplomatic pacifist character that does not kill a single creature. Worth a try if one is a fan of Fallout 1.

    Avadon: Larger emphasis on Worldbuilding, Characters and Narrative. The dev was researching various Bioware games at that time, especially Origins, and it shows. Unlike his other games, you only create a single character, full-fledged recruitable companions with their own personal stories and quests exist, and a large amount of worldbuilding effort is spent on fleshing out various factions and their cultures. Unlike the Geneforge games, one cannot kill important characters whenever you want, but on the plus side, the best plot twist of all his games is found here. If you are a fan of Tyranny, you might like this. Despite coming out years earlier, Avadon beat Tyranny to the punch in making a game about working for a feared organization/power, and the narrative revolves around the degree to which your views align with the “evil” orders the organization wants you to carry out.

    Queen’s Wish: Best Encounter Design of all his games. Unlike his other games, the dungeons in this are designed around being finished in one go. There is a heavy emphasis on conserving resources such as spells and potions. Unfortunately has the most uninteresting story setup of all his games, so only recommended for those who appreciate challenging fights that have a lot of thought put into them.

    • 4 months ago

      Damn very occasionally you get a great post like this, thanks breh.

    • 4 months ago

      Thanks for putting the Geneforge remake on my radar thread!

      >Avadon: Larger emphasis on Worldbuilding, Characters and Narrative. The dev was researching various Bioware games at that time, especially Origins, and it shows. Unlike his other games, you only create a single character, full-fledged recruitable companions with their own personal stories and quests exist, and a large amount of worldbuilding effort is spent on fleshing out various factions and their cultures. Unlike the Geneforge games, one cannot kill important characters whenever you want, but on the plus side, the best plot twist of all his games is found here. If you are a fan of Tyranny, you might like this. Despite coming out years earlier, Avadon beat Tyranny to the punch in making a game about working for a feared organization/power, and the narrative revolves around the degree to which your views align with the “evil” orders the organization wants you to carry out.

      Thanks man, that's a glowing recommendation.

      I played the first Avernum game, or at least the relatively recent remake of it. I enjoyed the exploration, the setting ideas and the general 'low power level' feeling of it. Being a bunch of scrappy bums is definitely more engaging then some kind of destined chosen one.

  10. 5 months ago

    Every Spiderweb Games game is ludo kino. Every. Single. One.

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