Are the Gen2 originals better than the remakes?

Are the Gen2 originals better than the remakes?

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  1. 4 months ago

    they're both ass

    • 4 months ago

      Well, I love ass. Huge female asses. So they must be pretty good

      • 4 months ago

        nah bro they be fricking s h i t

        • 4 months ago

          no shit, it's ass

  2. 4 months ago


  3. 4 months ago

    I think the remake is too clean. It's not bad visually, but Gold/Silver feels like the peak of sprite and monster design, even the area design.

  4. 4 months ago

    they’re both poorly designed messes unfortunately. at least gsc has the excuse of coming out in 1999 and actually bringing innnovation like the breeding and shiny features.

    hgss just puts a bandaid on johtos dogshit level curve and pokemon distribution by jangling following .pngs of your pokemon and is actually worse to play because of the hm spam and slow gen 4 engine .

    • 4 months ago

      they knew the level curve was fricked when they added wild level 50 magikarps from surfing lmao

    • 4 months ago

      Gen 2 engine is way slower than gen 4 engine

  5. 4 months ago

    Gen 2 is the Mona Lisa of pokemon.
    Many don’t get it, but its legacy continues.

  6. 4 months ago


  7. 4 months ago
  8. 4 months ago

    Crystal Legacy fixes them. I genuinely prefer it to the Gen 4 remakes, since Gen 4 just has a limpdicked soundfont that ruins almost every song from the original game



    • 4 months ago

      Diamond had the same issue where some of the songs are just bananas in terms of composition.

      • 4 months ago

        the difference is dppt has totally original music

    • 4 months ago

      Autism. They sound extremely similar.

    • 4 months ago

      God GBC songs are so grating to the ears. What a horrible console.

  9. 4 months ago

    It's got much better art direction than HGSS which has the same awkward clashing of 3D objects mixed with 2D sprites as the rest of the DS era titles. GSC were the epitome of taking advantage of the limitations given.

  10. 4 months ago

    I've been playing the Sacred Gold rom hack and it's been pretty good. The gym leaders have been really tough and the level curve is steeper. It also comes with a key item that replaces the HGSS music with the original GSC music if it's your preference. Pretty happy with it so far.
    That said there are some top notch Crystal rom hacks, too.

    • 4 months ago

      Nice, Storm Silver was my second ever romhack and I loved it, wanna play Sacred Gold sometime soon myself.

      • 4 months ago

        i'm still waiting for v2 before i replay it

    • 4 months ago

      I wanted to replay HGSS, so I tried out Spirit Gold thinking it was just a difficulty hack. Then Ethan called me a filthy bawd, and my mom told me to "get the frick out of the house so she could play with her pussy", and it kinda turned me off. Apparently it's a gameplay-focused hack, so they "shortened" all of the lines by turning them into edgy middle schooler humor. Not really my thing; I prefer to play games with at least SOME semblance of story to them.

  11. 4 months ago

    Oh shit, I just started replaying crystal. I'm having such a blast, and just caught a phanphy. Might pretend it's my starter.

  12. 4 months ago

    every original game is better than its remakes, except for Wizardry, where the 1987 NES release is better than the 1981 Apple II version just because it has music.

  13. 4 months ago

    Gen 2 gay here, yes but also no.

    The remakes are very faithful to the originals and even go the extra mile to add even more good, fitting and enjoyable content. Its hard to choose between the two because both versions provide the same, insanely comfy experience Gen 2 is well known for. I guess you could say that the remakes elevate this even more with more detailed graphics and soundscsapes but the original is nothing sort of an audio/visual treat either so it all comes down to personal preference in this situation.

    • 4 months ago

      Gold > Ethan, Kris = Lyra both Gold's wives

      • 4 months ago

        I like all 4 of them to be honest, they have their own style but manage to be similar enough.

  14. 4 months ago

    Yes. Gen II had a lot of detail that the remakes butchered. Also, HGSS's music remixes were mostly meh and the GB Sounds was an imitation.

  15. 4 months ago

    They are both peak Pokemon, my favs. Can't really choose between them.

  16. 4 months ago

    more soulful color pallette

  17. 4 months ago


  18. 4 months ago

    moronic on purpose

  19. 4 months ago

    GSC look and sound better, HGSS play better
    hopefully the next remake has the best of both worlds

  20. 4 months ago

    I like both. Gen 2 is better when I just want to pick up and play a quick run of Johto/Kanto gyms since I just catch and go without worrying about getting the optimal natures, abilities and EVs. HGSS is good when I want to invest a lot of time into the game and make sets for postgame facilities.

  21. 4 months ago

    Crystal is better than HGSS

  22. 4 months ago

    I played the original g/s when I was a kid and i loved it but i can't remember the details. I never played HGSS but I'm playing Stormsilver romhack and I'm having a blast. Johto has my favorite pokemon

  23. 4 months ago

    The remakes you don't get this level of soul in any games before or after gen4, watch from like 3 minutes

  24. 4 months ago

    In some ways, yes, but for the most part it comes down to nostalgia. HGSS are objectivity the better games, but I personally, will always derive more enjoyment out of Silver.

  25. 4 months ago

    The originals are better to me.

  26. 4 months ago

    GS are hands down the best GB or GBC games
    HGSS are only decent DS games

    • 4 months ago

      Nothing has actually felt like Pokemon to me since Gen 2. Gen 1 and 2 are just well made graphically impressive 8-bit games. The rapid jump to a 32-bit platform hurt the series, because the gameplay didn't evolve past that of an 8-bit RPG. Gen 3, and the next few gens after it, don't do enough to innovate the gameplay, you're still surfin and getting in random encounters and fighting gym leaders and fighting some pokemon gang. Basically, it's what this anon says:

      R/B/Y and GS are top tier GB games, but everything afterward is mediocre in terms of gameplay and graphics.

      Eventually, you realize all the pokemon remakes aren't worth playing and you should always play the original release.

      • 4 months ago

        >Eventually, you realize all the pokemon remakes aren't worth playing and you should always play the original release.
        FR/LG and HG/SS completely shit all over the originals

        • 4 months ago

          They're just completely different games. Gen 1 isn't Gen 1 without combined special stat and 90% of the pokemon being worthless. They're true janky 8-bit games, akin to Final Fantasy on NES. The fact that entire moves don't work or actually hinder you, and you have to learn this the hard way by playing it, or talking to your friends who are playing it, or reading a guide is part of the experience. The mysterious nature of the games was one of the things that led to everyone playing and discussing it back in the day. You have no chance of figuring some off this stuff out on your own unless you played forever, and most of us didn't, someone just told you. That whole experience is Gen 1. Even when zoomers play it who weren't kids on the playground when it came out, they all have some experience of discovering that catching mechanics make no fricking sense, or some seemingly badass pokemon learns no STAB moves. Too much of this stuff was fixed in the remakes. FR/LG may even be technically better, but they aren't Gen 1.

          • 4 months ago

            They're not Gen 1, they're actually good. The single reason anybody would want to play Gen 1 or 2 is nostalgia. If you have no nostalgia it's utterly pointless, because they're just bad. HG/SS are bad too but that's because Johto is just fundamentally bad. They made that turd nice and shiny but it still stinks.

            • 4 months ago

              I don't really disagree. And I agree that Johto is inferior to gen 1 Kanto in pacing and balance, which is kind of insane considering how bad the balance was in Gen 1 and all the people who will claim Gen 2 fixed the balance.

              Despite these things, pokemon changed enough in the years afterward that I don't really find it as interesting. It's not really all nostalgia either because I never played Gen 2 back in the day. A big part of it is just the fact that I haven't liked the in-game art style since Gen 3.

              • 4 months ago

                you stopped liking the series once the games actually became good?

              • 4 months ago

                I didn't buy Gen 3 because getting half the pokemon I wanted involved buying games on 2 separate consoles with 2 separate link cables. Less people had the GBA than the GBP/GBC, and the ones who had pokemon didn't seem to have link cables, so I gave up on pokemon and bought metroid/castlevania/squeenix remakes instead. I got back into the franchise when B/W came out.

      • 4 months ago

        >Gen 3, and the next few gens after it, don't do enough to innovate the gameplay, you're still surfin and getting in random encounters and fighting gym leaders and fighting some pokemon gang.
        Every game that doesn't adhere to this formula (gen 7 and upwards) is complete shut

  27. 4 months ago

    Irrelevant question, Johto is an unplayable shitfest in either original or remake form, none of the many attempts to fix it have worked out. They're the games that made Tajiri quit working on the games, the games that killed pokemania. Just bad all around.

  28. 4 months ago

    Not really. The main advantage either game has is connectivity, with GSC having RBY/Stadium 2 and HGSS having [essentially the entire rest of the series], but especially DPPt and PBR.

    Assuming real hardware, the main advantage to playing the originals over the remakes SHOULD be accessibility (last I checked they're expensive but not HGSS expensive), but due to the RTC draining the battery extra fast, you'd need to actually replace the battery in any old GSC carts you find, assuming the seller hasn't done that for you. IMO, if you really want to go about playing GSC on real hardware, you should make your own Reproduction carts or get a Flash Cart instead. There's actually a board out there now that can save the game without using a battery backup, but does still support a RTC battery, and when the battery dies your save is fine and it doesn't need soldering in a new battery to fix it, because the battery is actually removable (pic related). If you don't, the battery is just going to die *again* in another 7-8 years.

    If you're just emulating, though, play whatever.

  29. 4 months ago

    The phys/special split helps more mons than it hurts, so I would say your teambuilding options are more flexible in HGSS

    • 4 months ago

      you don't even need to think about this in a pokemon game you'll only be playing in singleplayer against the dumb ai

  30. 4 months ago

    Nostalgia talking I really like the remakes, but there is a certain charm the old game had that is hard to reproduce.
    I cum buckets to gen2 color palette.

  31. 4 months ago


  32. 4 months ago

    No, at least RSE let you play your save with a dead battery.
    romBlack folk need not reply

  33. 4 months ago

    Luckily, they nerfed some of the seductive distractions from the remakes. I was hooked for months

    • 4 months ago

      literal boomer

  34. 4 months ago

    Objectively HGSS is much better, having much more content than GSC
    But in terms of soul Crystal’s art style cannot be topped

    • 4 months ago

      Something about Gen1 and Gen2 artstye (and even the music) really screams 90s (hard to put into words though), which makes any of us kids of the 90s probably extra nostalgic about it.

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