Are the most popular MMOs any good?

Are the most popular MMOs any good?

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  1. 11 months ago

    No. Play Star wars galaxies, guild wars 1, and dc universe online

    • 11 months ago

      >dc universe online
      What does it do better than City of Heroes?
      And whenever I play SWG it just feels like a singleplayer game where I can sometimes see people kill shit but mostly afk in town. Is it because I'm on Legends or is that just SWG?

      • 11 months ago

        nta but DCU is incredibly shitty just like CoH, except the voice acting and the dungeons which are all very fun and cool if you're even remotely interested in the DC mythos. End game combat is also pretty cool playing with certain abilities. For instance I had super speed with pistols, so during a raid I would literally be jumping off walls and getting into small ledges near the ceiling blasting my pistol at this giant boss wrecking everyone on the ground. This was when it only had like 5 DLC though, and the game probably has hundreds of $ worth of DLC nowadays so it's definitely not worth it anymore having said that lol

  2. 11 months ago

    >most popular
    >steam bots
    lel, its all mobile and gacha now

  3. 11 months ago

    MMO's are dead, the only people still playing are people who literally can't let go.

  4. 11 months ago

    FFXIV is good if you want an expansive storyline, fun combat and enjoy playing every class/job on one character. Elder Scrolls online is basically a single player RPG that occasionally has online shit to do. EVE online is only fun if you like constant pvp ass rape, or staring at asteroids while you have a beam constantly drilling into them

    Those are the only ones on that list I've played and my experience with them

    • 11 months ago

      >fun combat
      I've pressed my 3 abilities in correct order and even moved out the red circle, holy shit GOTY, look at the fun I'm having

    • 11 months ago

      I want to add onto this anon's post and say XIV's story is an absolute fricking slog and the combat is a straight up shittier version of WoW's already dated as frick tab target system, only play the game if you want a social/ERP hub and like to play dress up and decorate house interiors

  5. 11 months ago

    >most popular MMOs
    Probably not, but you're not going to find them on that list.
    I do wonder how many games get a bad rap because Steam counts are low due to better/older sign-on methods though.

    • 11 months ago

      >36k player average
      So it's basically 10k average, because everyone who plays EVE has multiple accounts.

      • 11 months ago

        >because everyone who plays EVE has multiple accounts.
        not anymore, sub price went up so all the 3rd worlders and multiboxxers went back to 1 account
        game's healthier than it was in the 2015~2020 days. lots of localisation, fixing shit, nerfing some isk printers and adding more actual co-op content for people.
        also null is irrelevant and its all about lowsec and wormholes now

        • 11 months ago

          Wormholes are even more of a hugbox than null. Have they actually made it possible to evict big corps yet? Last time I played all the big names had literally hundreds of capitals in their primary holes and they were impossible to evict because you simply couldn't get enough mass in to attack them.

  6. 11 months ago

    i like Eve
    nothing else is really like it, the scale and the PVP are so good
    i still have night sweats from a 1v2 fight i won 2 years ago

  7. 11 months ago

    Out of the ones on that list, I'll say Albion is actually pretty fun. Combat is tight, with lots of ways to customize your moveset. But you only have so many skill slots, so you're always going back and forth trying to find the perfect balance for whatever weapon you pick up. Even just using the War Gloves alone, I've got several different specialized builds. I'm pretty casual, so I just like running random dungeons out in the yellow zones, but even that's still fun after all this time thanks to that solid core gameplay. And hey, if you're more of a pvp player, you'll definitely have plenty of things to do out in the black zones where you drop all gear on death. I'm frankly too much of a pussy for it, but the point is that both hardcore and casual players can seamlessly coexist without getting in eah other's way. The best part is probably their f2p model tho, because premium players can pay to progress faster but not further than you. In other words, outside of some cosmetic options, nobody can buy anything that you can't earn. And hey, if you're a massive grinder, you can even purchase premium days with in-game currency.

    If you want my recommendation outside of your list, however, Star Wars : The Old Republic is also good fun. Unfortunately the gameplay is much stiffer compared to Albion, practically a WOW clone, but getting to explore the unique stories for every class and faction makes up for it imo. I'm an avid roleplayer (cringe, I know, whatever) and love bringing my characters to life, which SWTOR allows for even in its core gameplay with Mass Effect esque dialogue options and companions. That's not to say the gameplay can't be fun, however. I do still spend plenty of time runnin dungeons via the in-game group finder. But, what pisses me off is that endgame pve content (the raids) are locked behind subscriber status. So if you're lookin to be the best around, be prepared to cough it up. Or be like me and frick off to go RP instead.

  8. 11 months ago

    >most popular
    MMOs are the one game you do not want to play using the steam launcher. Even diehard steamies know this and use the stand-alone launcher for any MMO.

    • 11 months ago

      >PSO2 with ebin game store or windumb store
      NGS is that bad and killed a lot of good will with OG, anon.

  9. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      i used to play a lot of vindictus back in the day and always thought i should give mabinogi a go just to see whats up

      • 11 months ago

        it's a great time to right now because of the Master Plan event and revamped tutorial
        there's a thread on /vm/ if you're interested

      • 11 months ago

        Vindictus combat is still fun I tried it a couple years ago but they just need to cut all the quests that aren't story+new content then release it as a properly difficult AIO paid co-op game imo. Would probably spark some interest in it again for something new if Nexon gave it any ad time

  10. 11 months ago

    That list is really bad it's probably missing a few other popular games. As for the answer, absolutely not. Frick "MMO" and "MMORPG"s

  11. 11 months ago

    MMOs died because of carebears and whales

    prove me wrong

    protip: you can't

    • 11 months ago

      I can't.

    • 11 months ago

      I can you're forgetting sologays

  12. 11 months ago

    MMO got powercrept by Gacha.

    • 11 months ago

      >MMOs become single player games
      >Loses majority of audience
      Who could have seen such a thing happening?? Surely another shitty tab target 30 slot hotbar give me 0/5 things quest follow the map icon teleport back to town you cannot start the story quest in a party $30 mount pay a monthly sub to login to $100 game purchase account RPG with no roleplaying multiplayer solo experience match the buff color simon says stand in da square count to 3 uh oh stinky simon didn't say count forwards 100 menus to scroll enemies with no AI world with no reusable value content collect your dailies or you cant play dont offend the trannies dont say Black person or money stolen amazing unique life changing experience MMORPG will save the genre this time.

      • 11 months ago

        This shit hits a little too hard, calm down.

        Man I miss ragnarok. To think I used to make fun of "collect 800 chicken buttholes" quests when they were all mostly optional and just let you go at whatever pace while grouping up with whoever also happened to be at the chicken butthole farm. Or just ks his ass until he leaves depending on how the loot system works for any particular game.

  13. 11 months ago

    >Are the most popular MMOs any good?
    People still asking this today deserve death.

  14. 11 months ago

    >Star Trek Online
    Honestly it's probably the best Star Trek game so far, it's just a shame that it's an MMO with terrible monetization

  15. 11 months ago

    when is sega going to shut down pso2 like they shut down phantasy star universe and portable 2?

    • 11 months ago

      the NA servers are funded by microsoft
      they cost sega nothing, Phil Spencer pushed for this because he likes pso

  16. 11 months ago

    the age of MMOs appears to be over. i tried getting into WoW and it felt depressing. ffxiv a bit better but still. it might be alright if you have a friend group to play with

    i wonder if anything changes once riot releases that MMO they're planning

    • 11 months ago

      >i wonder if anything changes once riot releases that MMO they're planning
      Genuinely wondering why you morons keep saying this

      • 11 months ago

        because the previous game they released is consumed like crack by millions of unfrickable bastards, which comprise 99% of any MMOs population anyway

        • 11 months ago

          Riot just makes easy digestible games with a lot of polish for the masses. If you don't like MMOs now then Riot's highly monetised, F2P MMO won't make you like them

  17. 11 months ago

    Tower of fantasy comes to PlayStation 5 in a month and I highly recommend it for the co op action combat

    Not so much the monetisation

    • 11 months ago

      I've never seen that game as a real mmo
      just a janky genshin which is also not an mmo

      • 11 months ago

        I like what it offers in terms of co op missions and I like seeing other people around doing their own thing.

        If it’s not your thing though that’s fine. I just think it’s shit on for no fair reason outside of its bad monetisation.

  18. 11 months ago

    >Three different Idle MMOs in the top 10
    gaming is doomed

  19. 11 months ago

    MMORPGs used to cover all gaming needs: Progress, chores, socializing, weekly events.

    Now? Discord. Literally killed any needs for mmorpgs.

    • 11 months ago

      One of the things I enjoy about the mabinogi guild is that they do not allow discords to be made or voice chats to be used
      all talking is done in the thread or in game
      a lot of people that play mabinogi have the same mindset, it makes the game more alive

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