Are there any "hard sci-fi" strategy video games? What about AAA "hard sci-fi" strategy video games?

Are there any "hard sci-fi" strategy video games? What about AAA "hard sci-fi" strategy video games?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Orbits aren't sci-fi

  2. 2 years ago

    Children of a Dead Earth

    • 2 years ago

      This, you can also kind of jank one together out of kerbal space program. Besides that terra invicta is the only other one I can think of but its not trying to be a sim first like children and kerbal

    • 2 years ago

      Children of a Dead Earth - a classic RTS campaign set in proper n-body modeled space + a super autismo space warship building sandbox where you even design gun barrels. Probably the only game in existence that you can genuinely call "diamond hard sci-fi" maybe outside of, say, Shattered Horizon but that's an FPS.
      Terra Invicta - the combat tech tree is just Project Rho pages (and that's based)

      There's also Falling Frontier (star system scale RTS) and Fragile Existence (modern Empires At War but with actual planets ala Planetary Annihilation) but they don't seem to be anywhere near release, and also aren't especially hard albeit harder than most.

      >diamond hard sci-fi
      I love the bit in the appendix where the dev is like 'I'm so sorry, how fission-fusion bomb lenses are programmed isn't 100% scientifically accurate as the relevant data is apparently "highly classified" by all governments that use them, so I had to make estimates based on known outputs'
      Also the fact that it has an appendix at all, and a section on "what is abstracted or isn't simulated", is an extremely based level of autism

      coade is the most based game in existence

    • 2 years ago

      Children of a Dead Earth - a classic RTS campaign set in proper n-body modeled space + a super autismo space warship building sandbox where you even design gun barrels. Probably the only game in existence that you can genuinely call "diamond hard sci-fi" maybe outside of, say, Shattered Horizon but that's an FPS.
      Terra Invicta - the combat tech tree is just Project Rho pages (and that's based)

      There's also Falling Frontier (star system scale RTS) and Fragile Existence (modern Empires At War but with actual planets ala Planetary Annihilation) but they don't seem to be anywhere near release, and also aren't especially hard albeit harder than most.

      Played few first missions, but game crushes when my rockets hit enemy ship.

  3. 2 years ago

    Closest one is Aurora, but it has its own physics model, non-newtonian. Other than that, I can't really think of anything.

    • 2 years ago

      Aurora is made by one guy and supposedly he has something in the works with newtonian model.

      • 2 years ago

        No updates on newtonian for five years now, its dead.

      • 2 years ago

        In a spreadsheet no one can hear you scream.

    • 2 years ago

      i don't understand why no one has made a version of aurora on an engine that actually works

      • 2 years ago

        Perhaps the ten people in the world who actually play aurora dont have the spare time.

        • 2 years ago

          What about Aurora 4x C#? Is that not the upgrade version of Aurora?

          • 2 years ago

            >What about Aurora 4x C#? Is that not the upgrade version of Aurora?
            He was making new version of it and the game was at another programming language and he decided to continue development but redo everything at c++ to make it faster and learn more about c++
            Before starting c++, he said he would do newtonia aurora and also said he would do aurora 2
            dont know the difference between aurora c++ and the hypothetical aurora 2.

            Perhaps the ten people in the world who actually play aurora dont have the spare time.

            >Perhaps the ten people in the world who actually play aurora dont have the spare time.
            Actually someone made quasar4x because he said to himself c++ development is taking too long I can redo the thing at less time, then he did 95%+ of the original aurora stuff by the time aurora4x c++ was released.

            Its just a matter of him modifying it to create add newtonian aurora rules, the aurora programer and presented the newtonian rules newtonian forum posts.

  4. 2 years ago

    Children of a Dead Earth - a classic RTS campaign set in proper n-body modeled space + a super autismo space warship building sandbox where you even design gun barrels. Probably the only game in existence that you can genuinely call "diamond hard sci-fi" maybe outside of, say, Shattered Horizon but that's an FPS.
    Terra Invicta - the combat tech tree is just Project Rho pages (and that's based)

    There's also Falling Frontier (star system scale RTS) and Fragile Existence (modern Empires At War but with actual planets ala Planetary Annihilation) but they don't seem to be anywhere near release, and also aren't especially hard albeit harder than most.

    • 2 years ago

      >diamond hard sci-fi
      I love the bit in the appendix where the dev is like 'I'm so sorry, how fission-fusion bomb lenses are programmed isn't 100% scientifically accurate as the relevant data is apparently "highly classified" by all governments that use them, so I had to make estimates based on known outputs'
      Also the fact that it has an appendix at all, and a section on "what is abstracted or isn't simulated", is an extremely based level of autism

      • 2 years ago

        >can't add realistic nuclear bomb lenses into your game because how they work is APPARENTLY a state secret
        Fricking government ruining everything

        • 2 years ago

          >diamond hard sci-fi
          I love the bit in the appendix where the dev is like 'I'm so sorry, how fission-fusion bomb lenses are programmed isn't 100% scientifically accurate as the relevant data is apparently "highly classified" by all governments that use them, so I had to make estimates based on known outputs'
          Also the fact that it has an appendix at all, and a section on "what is abstracted or isn't simulated", is an extremely based level of autism

          what are bomb lenses? googled it but am too dumb to understand
          can you simplify it for me and tell me why it's classified?

          • 2 years ago

            Sometimes during the manufacturing process a bomb may suffer slight damage to its optical guidance systems, rendering it either short or long sighted.

            • 2 years ago

              crazy stuff!

          • 2 years ago

            Nice try, Kim Jong-un.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah I just about understand part of that

          • 2 years ago

            You need to compress a critical mass of nuclear material to a critical state. Originally, a gun design was used, where one half of the nuclear material was propelled by an explosive charge into the other half. An explosive lens, or shaped charge, uses several conventional explosives placed around the focal point to create a detonation wave that rapidly compress the fissile material from all sides.

            It's probably all bullshit like the moon landing, but that's the idea anyway.

          • 2 years ago

            Glass lenses focus waves of light. Explosive lenses focus waves of pressure. If you arrange your explosives and other materials in just the right ways you can get all sorts of geometries for your pressure waves.

            You need an explosive lens to compress fissile material in a nuclear bomb and make it go above critical mass.

          • 2 years ago

            It's not actually a lense, it's just the shape they form the explosives into to control the explosion.

      • 2 years ago

        reminds me of the time when Tom Clancy supposedly got investigated by the FBI because a passage in Hunt For Red October accidentally revealed a classified submarine design specification that Tom didn't know for a fact but just *guessed* based on information that was publically available

    • 2 years ago

      COADE has one problem which is that it doesn't have particle accelerators as a weapon, despite them likely being the gold standard of space weaponry, and something that exists IRL.

      • 2 years ago

        I am fairly skeptical of particle accelerators as a weapon. The beam is likely to dissipate without containment.

        • 2 years ago

          Bruh just don't use charged particles.

      • 2 years ago

        Bigger problems are absence of nuclear pulse propulsion and nuclear shaped charges, though the dev acknowledges this. They're not implemented simply because there's not enough unclassified data on them.
        Thing is they're real things and would very likely be used in real space warfare and they'd change the nature of the entire game quite drastically.

    • 2 years ago

      Children of a Dead Earth

      This, you can also kind of jank one together out of kerbal space program. Besides that terra invicta is the only other one I can think of but its not trying to be a sim first like children and kerbal

      >diamond hard sci-fi
      I love the bit in the appendix where the dev is like 'I'm so sorry, how fission-fusion bomb lenses are programmed isn't 100% scientifically accurate as the relevant data is apparently "highly classified" by all governments that use them, so I had to make estimates based on known outputs'
      Also the fact that it has an appendix at all, and a section on "what is abstracted or isn't simulated", is an extremely based level of autism

      coade is the most based game in existence

      It's trash for pseuds who wanna pretend they're rocket scientists. Looks like trash, optimized like trash, barely even a fricking game. have a nice day, shills.

  5. 2 years ago

    I kinda remember a game like terra invicta but more simple, where you defend the solar system against aliens invadeurs, and must please nations on earth, so they can keep giving you money to build ships

  6. 2 years ago

    nebulous fleet command, rts made by some ex-navy guy, so the systems in the game are very much treated like the real deal

    • 2 years ago

      too far future for this thread I think. movement and fuel as well as orbits aren't a thing. Nebulous is a more realistic homeworld game

      • 2 years ago

        There's nothing realistic about that game.
        Isn't the maximum speed of the ships something like 150 m/s? And the sensors can barely see farther than two kilometers? You call this the future?

        • 2 years ago

          cool your autism hotshot all I said was that its like a more realistic homeworld

          • 2 years ago

            he's not autistic, that game is not realistic in any sense. nothing about it is more realistic than homeworld, it's just a different flavor of fantasy space battles.

            • 2 years ago

              nah its more realistic, from the armor modeling to modules system, accounting for crew, more in depth ECW, more realistic control over ship movement. The list goes on really. Its a LOT more realistic than homeworld by a country mile

              • 2 years ago

                >in any sense
                It may not be adding realistic orbital movement mechanics, but it does add pseudo-realistic naval combat mechanics.
                The ship navigation, targeting and damage models are definitely more realistic than most other space sims.

                There is nothing about it that is a space sim
                >can't see shit few miles away in a vacuum
                >realistic armor modelling
                >armor can stop anything fired at point blank ranges
                >realistic ship movement
                >maximum speeds of few dozen m/s

                You morons have no clue what you're talking about. It might be fun or whatever but it's not REALISTIC. Would you call a space sim "realistic" if it had some age of sail swashbuckling fantasy rpg mechanics too? It

              • 2 years ago

                oh my god you fricking autistic double Black person, nobody said it was was a sim or realistic. Everything said is in comparison to HOMEWORLD you thick skilled Black person ape.

            • 2 years ago

              >in any sense
              It may not be adding realistic orbital movement mechanics, but it does add pseudo-realistic naval combat mechanics.
              The ship navigation, targeting and damage models are definitely more realistic than most other space sims.

  7. 2 years ago

    Available on Steam
    Kerbal Space Program (2011-)
    Children of a Dead Earth (2016-)
    Helium Rain (2018-)

    Available on Steam (Early Access)
    Rogue System (2016-2018, temporarily abandoned)
    Stable Orbit (2017, permanently abandoned)

    Off the Market
    Shattered Horizon (2009, still available on eBay)
    Race to Mars (2014-2016, abandoned, unabandoned, 2017- with new developer)

    In The Black (2017-2019)

    Unsuccessful Kickstarters
    Torchships (2012, 2014, abandoned)
    Slower Than Light (2014, abandoned )

    • 2 years ago

      6: Quantitatively scientifically accurate (CDE & KSP, probably In The Black)
      5: Qualitatively scientifically accurate (Helium Rain, for instance there are radiators but they aren't necessarily the right sizes, Shattered Horizon)

      If you play Kerbal Space Program, be sure to get the Principia mod for realistic n-body gravity.

    • 2 years ago

      what happened to in the black?

  8. 2 years ago

    6: Quantitatively scientifically accurate (CDE & KSP, probably In The Black)
    5: Qualitatively scientifically accurate (Helium Rain, for instance there are radiators but they aren't necessarily the right sizes, Shattered Horizon)

  9. 2 years ago

    Great thread

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