are there any non-p2w games like Warframe?

are there any non-p2w games like Warframe?

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  1. 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago

    is it too late to start warframe now? I tried it 2 months ago but the early game filtered me

    • 10 months ago

      its all bloat and grind. don't do it, its not worth the impending dissapointment.

      • 10 months ago

        I can't imagine going through the hundreds of hours of grind it would take to catch up. Do you like grinding?

        Yes I like grinding, I tried it again some weeks ago but I discovered that the prime I was farming got "vaulted", that kind of killed the game for me and I uninstalled

        • 10 months ago

          Don't grind relics as a new player, you literally can't even access the missions required to open Axi relics at all. Complete the star chart and just do quests, everything else doesn't matter and only exists if you want to play more.

    • 10 months ago

      I can't imagine going through the hundreds of hours of grind it would take to catch up. Do you like grinding?

      • 10 months ago

        >to catch up
        wrong mindset imo
        you should not play Warframe to catch up to anything or anyone, it's a multiplayer game that you play and progress at your own pacing

        You can grind 20 hours and get a great frame or you can just buy it with platinum. The game is mostly PvE so the hardcore fans say well pay to skip the grind but there is a PvP I'd avoid because that 100% is pay to win.

        >buy it with platinum
        stop this shit dude
        you shouldn't buy anything that's attainable through drops, unless you've tried your luck multiple times. Level up your gears while you look for the parts.
        If you just outright buy everything with premium currency, you'll have overlapped gears (ex: 2 primaries) that you'll have to level up twice where as if you just play, you can level the 2nd one naturally after maxxing out the first on, while getting tons of materials in the process.
        Buying stuff will also result in you not having enough materials for shits you want to craft.
        t.3600 hours

    • 10 months ago

      It's funny that the much-lauded "lore" they've added since I quit years ago are just different flavors of sob stories from characters you've never met before clicking 'begin quest,' and their only hope coincidentally happens to be you running fetch quests for them. I won't even get to doing half the quests, because I'm not gonna grind up relationship standing with 20 different factions to unlock the various things they gate.

      I knew the grind would get worse when chinks bought DE out in 2014. This exceeds even my wildest imagination. Don't ask why I'm playing again, it's unrelated. But I'm telling you, you shouldn't. Especially if you didn't like the early game; the rest of the game is just that, with different colored effects, forever.

      • 10 months ago

        the lore in warframe is the dumbest shit imaginable.
        >we have killer robot death gods but we're just humble fisherman in a village on earth lol
        >welcome to our space colony, we're perfectly normal people except for the android ios heads
        fricking warframe is so dumb
        frick this game for only having three enemy types
        >high tech engineer people
        >less high tech orc people
        >literal zombies
        >the mysterious glowing death thing which is really just a particle effect slapped onto enemies from the two real factions
        the zombies are kind of cool though

        >farm for it for 50 hours
        it doesn't take 50 fricking hours to farm a prime full prime access release what the frick man

        >noo it's not 50 hours it's only 15 if you know what you're doing
        I played for 85 hours and I never got prime shit, I tried too. I managed to build a frame but dropped the game during the week it took to craft

        • 10 months ago

          I miss when it was just space ninjas fricking with the Grineer in their space submarines.

        • 10 months ago

          The lore of the game went full schizo-insanity when harrow was released.
          But still, the Man in the Wall is a cool concept (or entity)

      • 10 months ago

        >relationship standing with 20 different factions to unlock the various things they gate.
        once again, wrong way to look at warframe
        the factions are there to aid you in your ultimate goal.
        you don't need to max out EVERY faction. Look at what they have, do you need anything from them? If yes, then commit, if no, skip.

        • 10 months ago

          He's moronic but that specific point is accurate for the late game anyway. A lot of stuff like zaws, kitguns, augments, different sets of Arcanes, incarnon weapons, ect. Is locked behind syndicate rewards and all that stuff is varying degrees of shit to meta. I hated rounding up all the frames I hadn't gotten yet a few years back and having to grind out the Fortuna standing to get Hildryn and Baruuk. People ITT are definitely looking at warframe the wrong ways but yeah the syndicate grinds suck ass as someone with 7k hours in WF.

          • 10 months ago

            >that specific point is accurate for the late game anyway
            it's just about half and half. players, new or veterans, absolutely don't need to max out all factions. I haven't done a single mission for the Holdfast and I'm killing Profit-Taker, clearing Veil Proxima, doing Sorties and Arbitrations solo without any problem. And lots of tier-5 faction rewards are "scenes" and cosmetics.

    • 10 months ago

      Warframe is p2w?

      Warframe isn't worth it
      Everyone currently playing is due to sunken cost fallacy
      You get lured in by the graphics and abilities then the game rips it from your hands with the real gameplay loop which asks you to put down your favorite gun and frame to progress. You'll be stuck farming for resources like a chud eventually. You'll never catch up to people with good Rivens.

      • 10 months ago

        >catch up
        homie it's a pve game with no competition. The best guns in the game don't even use Rivens because their disposition is so low.

        • 10 months ago

          >The best guns in the game don't even use Rivens because their disposition is so low.
          this, it's the loadout and how you use it that matters the most.
          I'm using Oberon and Quellor and I'm doing more damage than 70% of all pub players

          • 10 months ago

            I've never once used a riven
            1000+ hours
            I have gotten and sold them so I know it doesn't take much to get a decent one for any weapon you might have
            Godtier rolls that sell for 6kplat are only like 7% than a pretty good riven that would take you maybe an couple dozen rerolls which is piss easy to get

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Dont do it
      Warframe is prime example of
      >(5000 hours played)
      >It's fricking trash.

    • 10 months ago

      if you enjoy games that suck away hundreds of hours of your limited lifespan go ahead

    • 10 months ago

      I started when Duviri released and played every day for about three months.
      I cleared the Star map and finished basically every quest in that time so I got bored.
      If it didn’t have the slots system I would say this game is the only truly free to play MMO

    • 10 months ago

      i started back when plains of eidolon was coming out and i enjoyed it a lot, then after a good year or so i hit the peak of all the content i could do and realized if i wanted to actually progress i had to now go fully balls in on DE's gay open world skinnerbox, which they now consider content, which is why they keep putting them out and haven't made new quests so yes, you are late to the party, or early. they never should have gotten rid of limbo's timestop and never should have gotten rid of alerts

    • 10 months ago

      The earlier the better, you missed plenty of free stuff

      Warframe is p2w?

      More like pay 2 skip because there is nothing but content islands and time gates

    • 10 months ago

      i played 1500 hours of this game, don't play it, it feels awesome at first but by the end you'll just be disappointed (too many things to list) and full of regret, do literally anything else with your time

  3. 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    Warframe is p2w?

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          You can grind 20 hours and get a great frame or you can just buy it with platinum. The game is mostly PvE so the hardcore fans say well pay to skip the grind but there is a PvP I'd avoid because that 100% is pay to win.

          • 10 months ago

            >there is a PvP I'd avoid
            You literally can't PvP even if you fricking wanted to because its deader than dead.

          • 10 months ago

            that's like saying League of Legends is p2w because you can buy champions

        • 10 months ago

          You can buy objectively better stuff with real money, it doesnt matter if you can grind them or not, if you can buy ingame power its p2w

          • 10 months ago

            >buy objectively better stuff with real money
            what are those?

          • 10 months ago

            Literally zero people play PvP. The cash shop basically exists to be a noob trap because you have to be astonishingly bad at Warframe to get stuck on a node

          • 10 months ago

            >if you can buy ingame power its p2w
            god what a moronic statement.
            by your definition Witcher 3 is also a p2w game because you buy new swords, runes, and mutations with real money.

          • 10 months ago

            I can buy better characters in Apex but that doesn't make it p2w

      • 10 months ago

        Alright, my little Black folk
        We finally settled on "how p2w is Warframe" in response to these vague posts

        You can grind 20 hours and get a great frame or you can just buy it with platinum. The game is mostly PvE so the hardcore fans say well pay to skip the grind but there is a PvP I'd avoid because that 100% is pay to win.

        You can buy objectively better stuff with real money, it doesnt matter if you can grind them or not, if you can buy ingame power its p2w

        with this explanation

        My entire point was that it's easier to get your desired builds by spending money, not that you'll get some magic "I deal 100% extra damage over f2p players, regardless of how much they grinded" button. The only truly egregious things in warframe are, imo, slots, potatoes, and maybe primed chamber kek. That doesn't mean you can't pay to get an advantage over non-spending players. Of course there's worse shit like basically any mmo from ASEA. But being less bad about your monetization scheme doesn't mean it can't still suck. There many grinds in this game designed to be as soul-crushing as possible, like Harrow & defection, or Nidus and infested survival. There is an incentive for DE to straddle the line between "this grind is just barely tolerable" and "I'm going to kill myself if I have to do a single additional run of defection", because making the game as frustrating as possible is how they make money.

        >easier to get your desired builds by spending money, not that you'll get some magic "I deal 100% extra damage over f2p players, regardless of how much they grinded" button.
        In conclusion, it IS faster to acquire gears and shit if you pay for them upfront. But the power level at the very end will still be the same. It's entirely up to the player to pay or not, at no point the game will force you to "pay burgers to keep playing"

        • 10 months ago

          I'm going to add to this and say that yes, you can pay your way to the end, but that's essentially all you'll be doing, paying to not play, because getting to the maxed out shit IS what's there to do in the game after you're done with the story, and there's no actual content to use said maxed out shit on.

    • 10 months ago

      Not really. Only thing that comes close are weapon slots. You can trade other players for premium currency so just farm up some prime parts and you can buy as many slots as you need.

    • 10 months ago

      Warframe is Play to Win

    • 10 months ago

      trying to f2p is possible but feels shit
      imagine leveling an mmo class to 80 just because you need to level up more classes to raise a weird account level. And you only get two "frame" (class) slots (if you're f2p and you don't grind) so you literally delete your entire leveled class to raise your account level. most of the game is locked behind high account levels so you'll have to delete a lot of classes or pay up piggie. Same goes for all the weapons you'll use. If you really like one then maybe you can keep it.
      Also you have to grind materials and grind plans and wait IRL days to craft parts from the plans then an IRL week to combine the plans for the whole frame/class.

      It's greedy but other design choices just seem insane.

      • 10 months ago

        Also all your weapons and frames are inferior to their prime counterparts, if a prime counterpart exists. You can pay $ for prime bullshit or farm for it for 50 hours, after you spend a few hours reading the wiki of course. One stroke of genius is by the time you get anywhere near unlocking prime stuff as a f2p you might have another frame or weapon slot or two. Also piggies will buy your prime bullshit with the premium currency so you can do a israelite grind, at least in theory. Standing around the bullshit house with mecha robot ninja holding a "part for sale" sign for 5 hours didn't appeal enough to me.

        • 10 months ago

          >farm for it for 50 hours
          it doesn't take 50 fricking hours to farm a prime full prime access release what the frick man

        • 10 months ago

          Prime weapons haven't been relevant in years. Cedo is one of the best weapons in the game and it's something a new player can get early on. A new player can also just get someone to carry them for a lich/sister weapon once they unlock them. All the best weapons are behind grinds that can't really be skipped like mosr of the Incarnons.

          • 10 months ago

            >last played april 2020
            yeah figures they would make shit better than prime, I could have seen that one coming

          • 10 months ago

            >it's something a new player can get early on
            You cum-jocky, it would take weeks

            >it's not p2w because you can slave in virtual treadmill for scraps and buy a fraction of what real money offer, one at a time
            Every time for 10 fricking years.

            define p2w

            • 10 months ago

              >weeks for a weapon that can carry them though the entire game
              about 2 weeks if they target grind it

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not denying its worth, just stating that 'early' is misleading

                Warframe is the definition of p2w.


            • 10 months ago

              Warframe is the definition of p2w.

            • 10 months ago

              P2W: the ability to spend real money to get any form of advantage in the game over an equally skilled player with the same amount of playtime

              Here, slots, catalysts, primes, mods, and even regular weapons and warframes play into the P2W aspect of the game. I can guarantee you a person with unlimited money to spend on the game will have fewer mission failures and finish successful missions faster than a f2p player. Having a varied arsenal, primes, reactors, lua focus lenses for all schools etc. all make players more powerful. While most of the things can be grinded for (all over hundreds, if not thousands of hours of playing), a paying player will get there infinitely faster, thus maintaining an unsurmountable advantage over f2p players.

              • 10 months ago

                >I can guarantee you a person with unlimited money to spend on the game will have fewer mission failures and finish successful missions faster than a f2p player.
                are you moronic on purpose? For what? (You)s?

              • 10 months ago

                Please make an actual argument. Until then, I accept your concession.

              • 10 months ago

                your points are based on something you have not touched and your basis of those anecdotes are from other chink and asiatic F2P games, there's no argument to argue with in the first place.
                picrel. I'm F2P. At one point I used to have 10k Plat from just trading my surplus prime sets and Rivens. Get. Fricking. Good.

              • 10 months ago

                You inbred Black person, I played the game for more than 2k hours. Just because you can eventually reach the power levels of paying players, that doesn't mean paying won't bestow an advantage to you.
                Imagine Player A (Paypiggie) and Player B (f2p). Player A launches the game, buys unlimited plat and prime access. Player B does not. Player A then buys everything they can for plat, bypassing MR restrictions by buying bundles. Player A also buys potatoes, endo, credits, boosters, resources, and skips all foundry wait times with plat. Player B does not. Assume they're both equally skilled at the game (not like you need much of it lol). If you seriously try telling me Player B can keep up with Player A, you are delusional.

              • 10 months ago

                >a bunch of rhetoric and assumption out of the ass
                Having money doesn't magically grant you +250% damage or give you automatic Red Crit in a mission you fricking Black person homosexual.
                Go be a moron somewhere else.

              • 10 months ago

                Are you lying on purpose? If you got yourself a fresh f2p account and me a fresh paypig account, I can guarantee you I will obliterate you in every metric, be that general progression rate, mission time, failure rate, or survival time. It's a good thing you're still playing warframe, because that at least ensures your dysgenic bloodline ends with (You).

              • 10 months ago

                Black person that's not how a "p2w advantage" works just shut the frick up with your moronic ass non sequiturs
                Each of us has an Excalibur, no mods, level 0, and a level 0 Braton.
                Except yours were bought with plat.
                We deal the same damage per bullet against a level 0 Butcher.
                We deal the same damage with 1 Slash Dash against a level 0 Butcher.
                You paid for a bit convenience, that I can agree with, but pure advantage in a mission with the same exact build? No. You spend money to get the same exact shit that I can get through grind. That isn't p2w.

              • 10 months ago

                >Get all the different frames with money from the get go so you can use the ideal frames for each mission type
                >get unimited slots for warframes, weapons and companions
                >Get all the rare/important mods with plat, either from mod-packs (loot boxes), mod bundles, or trading with others.
                >Get endo from the store
                >rank up appropriate mods, use reactors and catalysts like candy
                >literally deal more damage than (You) can in the early game
                >get boosters, literally ranking up affinity faster than you can, allowing me to equip 60 points worth of mods earlier with every frame, weapon, and companion, as well as saving me huge amounts of time each time I forma shit
                >speed up all foundry tasks
                >buy fully ranked arcanes, getting an additional 2 revives per mission (+whatever effects the arcanes give you)

                Spending money from the very beginning literally lets me deal more damage with any weapon than a new player (not to mention buying meta weapons which have innately higher dps or do AoE). Unlike you, I will not be limited to excal, my mk 1 braton, and no useful mods. I will deal more damage by instantly buying the railjack bundle (to circumvent MR restrictions on buying shit), getting the quellor, modding it with my bought mods (which I leveled with bought endo), getting a potatoed volt to bumrush missions (or a speedva to speed up defense, Khora to basically afk excavation/mobile defence, etc.)
                And spending money to skip hours of grinding is literally p2w. You spend money to get an advantage you would not have if you hadn't spent money, even if you can eventually reach that level of power for free after 100+ hours of grinding. Of course we'll do the same damage with the same builds, only I will get mine hundreds, if not thousands of hours earlier than you. It's a moronic thing to do, obviously, given the ridiculous cost for it all, but that doesn't mean you can't do it.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, I agree with you if you say you have an advantage when you use a clearly superior build with more AoE, damage and utilities, more specialized for a specific mission.
                And you agree with me that
                >Of course we'll do the same damage with the same builds
                Glad we finally managed to conclude this debate to settle our points.

              • 10 months ago

                My entire point was that it's easier to get your desired builds by spending money, not that you'll get some magic "I deal 100% extra damage over f2p players, regardless of how much they grinded" button. The only truly egregious things in warframe are, imo, slots, potatoes, and maybe primed chamber kek. That doesn't mean you can't pay to get an advantage over non-spending players. Of course there's worse shit like basically any mmo from ASEA. But being less bad about your monetization scheme doesn't mean it can't still suck. There many grinds in this game designed to be as soul-crushing as possible, like Harrow & defection, or Nidus and infested survival. There is an incentive for DE to straddle the line between "this grind is just barely tolerable" and "I'm going to kill myself if I have to do a single additional run of defection", because making the game as frustrating as possible is how they make money.

              • 10 months ago

                You inbred Black person, I played the game for more than 2k hours. Just because you can eventually reach the power levels of paying players, that doesn't mean paying won't bestow an advantage to you.
                Imagine Player A (Paypiggie) and Player B (f2p). Player A launches the game, buys unlimited plat and prime access. Player B does not. Player A then buys everything they can for plat, bypassing MR restrictions by buying bundles. Player A also buys potatoes, endo, credits, boosters, resources, and skips all foundry wait times with plat. Player B does not. Assume they're both equally skilled at the game (not like you need much of it lol). If you seriously try telling me Player B can keep up with Player A, you are delusional.

                Oh, and enjoy getting your account banned because one of the gays you traded with issued a chargeback on his credit card, putting you into a negative plat balance until you pay up like a good goy (without getting plat discounts, of course). Enjoy paying 100$ to get your account back from being held hostage because another player decided to fraud DE.

              • 10 months ago

                If you traded your Prime Sets for plat then just ask support/zendesk to take away the plats and give you back the Prime Sets.

              • 10 months ago

                >Use the plat that was charged back
                >Uh-Oh, you did a fricky wucky by using the traded plat, you should have waited multiple months before spending any of it, tee-hee
                >Also, if this happens to you more than once, we might not return your items anyway.

        • 10 months ago

          Or you could simply use warframe market to buy and sell shit.

    • 10 months ago

      When I played it was essentially
      >pay to participate in new content at all
      unless you were cool with doing round-about grinding in missions no one was playing anymore.

      • 10 months ago

        >>pay to participate in new content at all
        what? What was it?

        • 10 months ago

          When they added the stupid jetpack missions, no one was fricking playing the missions where you actually unlock new parts, they were just buying them.

          • 10 months ago

            >Jetpack mission
            What is this moron talking about? The only jetpack mission i recall is khal mission. Or this moron means archwing.

    • 10 months ago

      Pay 2 Skip
      Pay 2 Not Play
      Pay 2 Rush

  5. 10 months ago

    >it's not p2w because you can slave in virtual treadmill for scraps and buy a fraction of what real money offer, one at a time
    Every time for 10 fricking years.

    • 10 months ago

      every game in existence is just another virtual treadmill to kill time that you could use in more productive shits if you think about it enough

  6. 10 months ago

    the real redpill is not wasting your time on open ended chore games like this

  7. 10 months ago

    >best part of the game
    >can only use in content islands
    I miss my necramech. But Im not comming back unitl its usable in base game mode

    • 10 months ago

      yeah it's cool but too limited uses
      they will need to pretty much remake multiple tilesets to accomodate mech movement

      • 10 months ago

        they made it not clip after that shitty ship event. it'll work fine. can't say the same for the other water frame that was released doa

    • 10 months ago

      I'm surprised how much I enjoy the Necramechs. The major reason I can't escape the game most of the time is being able to double-jump across the map to bisect someone with a katana. In the same breath, thumping around with heavy weaponry makes me feel good things.

  8. 10 months ago

    this game went to shit for me when they got rid of the endless void survival missions. It was the real endgame. Lasting 4 hours in void survival with a good team comp was peak

    • 10 months ago

      funny that you say that because one of the "endgame" content is actually void survival on Steel Path. People farm Mot for Steel Essence.

      • 10 months ago

        i mean I got banned 7 years ago for buying DLCs for cheaper through a Skype seller. I'm not paying the difference to get unbanned. Instead, I'll see if I get unbanned in 2033

        • 10 months ago

          I'm assuming you meant plat

          • 10 months ago

            I don't remember, but it wasn't a purchase of plat. It was the Hydroid packs that unlock the warframe and the accessories

        • 10 months ago

          >i mean I got banned 7 years ago for buying DLCs for cheaper through a Skype seller.

          • 10 months ago

            I didn't know better. No one teaches you anything about the internet. Thought I could use my Paypal money a better way

  9. 10 months ago

    >DE defense force arrived less than 50 posts in
    You dogs will defend your master as he keeps shitting on your face in real time.

    • 10 months ago

      Steve left a long time ago anon. She runs things now.

    • 10 months ago

      Warframe is a rich person's game. They banned me over $100 worth of plat while the scammer resumes his credit card scam to other customers

    • 10 months ago

      >people talk about a game
      >some good points about the game's horrible designs, anons giving tips on not farming everything like a moron, basically skipping parts of the game and still be optimal
      >waaaaa defense force

  10. 10 months ago

    Warframe is also an example of a game with bloat. There's legitimately too much content. For a newer player who sees everything they can't tell what's important and what they should be doing or if any limited thing is something they should be concerned about in fear of missing out.

    • 10 months ago

      Thanks to the Mastery system, all content is relevant. Also nothing is perma limited in WF. Everything comes back eventually except some cosmetics that need real money to buy.

    • 10 months ago

      The problem I have with DE is they're fixated on adding new Open worlds with a bunch of content and new concepts that they support for about 2 title updates before they move onto the next big thing and all that content is left to rot. It's not just that it's too much content, it's that a lot of it becomes dated and stagnant because they've moved on to countless other things. I hope that whatever they're doing after this Tennocon and Soulframe or whatever, they just take some time and rework legacy systems and gamemodes so that people have a reason to play them again. They also really need to bring back raids as an endgame for vets. All I'm really doing anymore between updates is getting on to do sorties, steel essence alerts and archon hunts unless I get a booster on login.

      • 10 months ago

        >The problem I have with DE is they're fixated on adding new Open worlds with a bunch of content and new concepts that they support for about 2 title updates before they move onto the next big thing and all that content is left to rot.
        I can only half agree with this sentiment. You get into each zone to get whatever you need/want from it and bring it to the next zone or to all other missions. It's not a 100% closed ecosystem. The Phahd Scaffold you get at Rank 4 Quills absolutely shreds enemies everywhere, take this and bring it to your next zone to have a headstart, etc. One of the Snipers in Cambion (that you can use everywhere) is also fricking busted.

        • 10 months ago

          The rewards themselves are usually fine. They're usually the only reason to revisit the old stuff, though. Once you're done with everything else there's just nothing else to be gained by returning because after a while DE just stops supporting stuff. The last time PoE or Fortuna had anything added to them was the stupid Narmer bounties that basically only exist to give you the archon melees and Caliban, and they're just normal bounties with reskinned enemies. And stuff like that gets off easy compared to other stuff DE has historically abandoned. Lunaro in particular is probably the worst offender, that was a lot of development time for a minigame people played for like a week and never touched again. We never even got the Lunaro mitt melee we were supposed to get.

          • 10 months ago

            well, even an expansive RPG like Witcher 3 is finite. I have no reason to expect to them infinitely support a single zone. Even if they went back and added the 3rd Orb, the tundra will never be "complete" because each person has a different idea of how a zone should be.

            • 10 months ago

              Nta but they never added the third fricking orb?

              I want to love this game because I love Valkyr but DE seems to have the worst fricking ADD.

              • 10 months ago

                >third fricking orb?
                They actually said they were working on it 1-2 streams ago. It's probably gonna get shown at Tennocon next week.

  11. 10 months ago

    So... did they ever got around to reworking Hydroid?

    • 10 months ago

      they're gonna show it at 10ocon next week

    • 10 months ago

      No, he's still shit. He has been shit since he was new sadly. They're made offhand comments about wanting to rework him but they're too busy pumping up their next open world to be doing reworks again though. Grendel's rework was pretty great though so if Hydroid gets one he should be pretty kino.

      • 10 months ago

        So... did they ever got around to reworking Hydroid?

        hell if they EVER actually rework him they probably need a good skin or two excuse atleast

  12. 10 months ago

    Fif you start new then you should dare I say start in Duviri for Circuit.

  13. 10 months ago

    How did Warframe fix p2w, yet no other company even attempts to replicate it?
    >Charge wild prices for platinum, but frequently give out 75% discounts, improving its value
    >also have prime packs, which act as a sort of dlc and lets you skip a lot of grind
    >allow plat to be tradable to players
    >effectively have an ingame conversion between Ducats (only gotten ingame) and Plat (only gotten with cash) to ensure prices never go wild
    >still make a wild amount of profit to sit comfortably on
    >all without anime waifus
    I don't get it

    • 10 months ago

      >all without anime waifus
      Bro have you SEEN the ass on some of these frames?

    • 10 months ago

      plat to be tradable to players
      This is probably the biggest factor? it's like EVE farming for those subscription tokens?

      • 10 months ago

        I mean, GW2 has tradable currencies and those prices fluctuate wildly

        • 10 months ago

          Pic unrelated? The trend is pretty stable across 3 years.

      • 10 months ago

        I mean, GW2 has tradable currencies and those prices fluctuate wildly

        GW2 uses an escrow system because GW2 actually has another tradable currency.

        In Warframe the only currency that's tradable is plat, which is not farmable inagme. So in order to get plat you have to sell something that's valuable to another player.

    • 10 months ago

      You can farm plat easily autistic homosexual. Buying the prime packs are for people that dont want to farm. You can farm sp for 2-4 hours to get 25 relic packs. So when a new prime drops you buy the packs and sell the relics for shit ton of plat then buy the frame like 2 weeks later. How is trading plat p2w moron? Anyone can farm for the good loot and sell it. You transfer prime junk to ducats you wont need much since the gay doesnt bring anything. You can get plat f2p by farming (playing the game).

  14. 10 months ago

    When I tried this game it felt so clunky and poorly made I got flash backs to games like sonic 06. How do people play it?

  15. 10 months ago

    All of you need to reinstall the game and meet me in my orbiter.

  16. 10 months ago

    I have an ancient Warframe account from the olden days. I have these vague memories of playing it back when it was in alpha or beta and it being EXTREMELY threadbare, very little stuff to do and very few features.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah, basically endgame was what you made of it. Mods were very grindy to max out, so people would just do endless modes and see what they could get

      And then Frost Prime came along and nothing was the same

  17. 10 months ago

    >kuva tonkor
    >use 3 then 4
    >kill everything
    I got chat banned like three days ago for saying “kys black boy”. Surprised i didn't get banned honestly

    • 10 months ago

      >not calling them Nick Gurr
      Space Mom is disappoint

  18. 10 months ago

    zamboni was right

  19. 10 months ago

    ffxiv isn't p2w but it's certainly p2p and mod-2-win

  20. 10 months ago

    10o-con this week, bros. Ready for some Lies Umbra Prime?

    • 10 months ago

      that depends, is railjack still an unfinished fricking mess

      • 10 months ago

        Railjack is unironically the only thing worth playing despite being unfinished still better than archwing

        • 10 months ago

          I wish they didn't make it easier and focused more on fixing the bugs. Original Railjack gameplay was peak 8-man-raid-tier material.

  21. 10 months ago

    How fast does it take a F2P player to reach "end-game" or become "opti"? Like I can play with other end-game veterans and reliably pull my own weight, dish out same levels of damage or be as useful?

    • 10 months ago

      Roughly three to four months assuming you’re playing daily

  22. 10 months ago



  23. 10 months ago

    Have they release a permanent pet version of that moronic autistic small grineer who lights shit up with the dual wield gratakas? I forgot it's name.

    • 10 months ago

      Not really, but you can now play as your very own Grineer OC Donutsteel. It's sort of fun.

    • 10 months ago

      >I forgot it's name.

      You also forgot how to spell. If that ever was even a thing for you, which I doubt.

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