Are there any systems that catch the feeling of a space fantasy game?

Are there any systems that catch the feeling of a space fantasy game?

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  1. 1 month ago

    >Are there any systems that catch the feeling of a space fantasy game?
    that would be really great

    all I know of is that a Brazilian autism made a GURPS 3E supplement that looks cool, but I've never played

    Savage Worlds would also work, I'd guess

    • 1 month ago

      GURPS is probably the last place I'd want to try Anime Sciene Fantasy. It's like everything in that rule book is designed to spite the idea unless you are willing to dig through for very obscure rules from a magazine article 20 years ago.

  2. 1 month ago

    Quite a few.

    >RIFTS™ Phase World
    >Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells
    >Trail of the Vagrant Star
    >Alpha Blue
    >Machinations of the Space Princess
    >Cosmic Patrol
    >Planets of Peril
    >Flash Gordon and the Warriors of Mongo
    >John Carter of Mars RPG

    And yes, a homebrew Phantasy Star RPG, attached.

    • 1 month ago

      >Phantasy Star Online
      My brother

    • 1 month ago

      Any more?

    • 1 month ago

      >Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells
      Stolen the hex map generation from this one with a few tweaks.
      Most of the other shit in the book is way too generic OSR.

    • 1 month ago

      >RIFTS™ Phase World

      It's true, isn't it? The kittani are basically the npcs that give you hint about the plot.

  3. 1 month ago

    I have been toying around with Fudge Space opera, I think it has some good ideas and mechanics for the space fantasy/opera genre. Such as using a number to represent the technological "scale" of a weapon. For those situations when you really need to know if your rock would beat a laser gun and what not.

  4. 1 month ago

    Worlds Without Number with the Codex of the Black Sun sourcebook.

    • 1 month ago

      Don’t you mean Stars Without Number?

  5. 1 month ago

    What is the "Space Fantasy" feeling and what would a system have to do to capture it?

    • 1 month ago

      For one, I feel like the "ancient precursors" should not be a source of super-tech.
      For another, the magic should be rare.
      Finally, there should straight up be lost knowledge, forgotten things, and the fluff should not expand on them too much. Overdetailing removes that.

      Basically, it should feel like fantasy that emerged out of a long dark age, with some scifi bits slapped on.

      I dunno why I feel this way, but I do. Star Wars original trilogy had almost no jedi, and shit was mysterious still. The EU put paid to it before the prequels ever came to the screen.

      >Also, bump for interest, I wanna see moar thoughts on this shit and caught it slippin down page 11

      • 1 month ago

        >>Also, bump for interest, I wanna see moar thoughts on this shit and caught it slippin down page 11
        I think it's about recreating a historical period or an era and scaling it up to a galaxy or a cosmos. Dune is Lawrence of Arabia in SPACE, Star Trek was pitched as "a wagon to the stars" series, Star Wars is Rome in SPACE (It even has it's own Republic and Empire periods) etc.

  6. 1 month ago

    Not sure if anyone here has recommendations, but I've been hoping to find books/games to immerse me in the details of a space fantasy or soft sci-fi setting.
    I've noticed too many really like to shove you into the galactic war or the huge sweeping generalities without details, and I'd like to expose myself to some inspirations

    • 1 month ago

      I recently started listening to the "The Hyperion Cantos" audio book, and it's pretty good. Lot's of cool space fantasy/sci-fi stuff going on.

  7. 1 month ago

    I think at its heart space fantasy would be like an old sword and sorcery or sword and sandal type pulp story but in space. So the good old fight of good vs evil and law vs chaos should be on full display in the wars among the stars with heroes fighting evil villeins and monsters, rouges being charming frick boys with plans to get rich and famous fast, and sages trying to teach the next generation how to live good lives and stand up to the wicked and vile of the world.

  8. 1 month ago

    >Are there any systems that catch the feeling of a space fantasy game?

    Spelljammer D&D is probably the closest to the feeling of Phantasy Star series. Like somebody said, Spelljammer is one of the very few settings that feel like scifi inserted into a fantasy setting instead of the other way around.

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