Are there seriously no other RPGs like the Elder Scrolls that actually try to immerse you into a world with your own unique character and allow you to...

Are there seriously no other RPGs like the Elder Scrolls that actually try to immerse you into a world with your own unique character and allow you to do whatever you want?

Why are Bethesda the ONLY ones?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Because "Todd games" for lack of an actual term, take a lot of time and resources to make and a risky investment, especially for a producer that does not have an established brand in that niche. Companies prefer making smaller but more focused games.
    Some games do come close in some regards, thought, like Kingdom Come Deliverance, but it doesn't have a customizable character, or Cyberpunk.

  2. 2 years ago

    Because "whatever you want" means doing MMO-tier fetchquests and exploring copy-paste caves but with tge addition of getting to kill npcs for zero reason. And WoW Classic already does this exact shit far better and with the random killable NPCs replaced with easily gankable ESLs

    • 2 years ago

      I have zero clue what a fetch quest is or how anyone can have an issue with it. Literally everything in every game is a fetch quest to you people

    • 2 years ago

      I like TES but this is accurate. Throwing everything at the wall and hoping it sticks is the mark of inexperience or foolishness in a developer and it's exactly what Bethesda does. Instead of a great main quest and some great sides quests they have a mediocre main quest, mediocre factions, and side quests are a complete mixed bag. Also some real shitty dungeons.

    • 2 years ago

      you kill someone in WoW and they respawn in less than 5 minutes
      you kill someone in morrowind and they are dead forever
      you can play as a vampire who has to stay inside during the daylight and feeds on small villages while avoiding the guards and ordinators that will hunt you on sight

  3. 2 years ago

    > Two Worlds blocks your path

  4. 2 years ago

    Kingdom come but you will get filtered by combat or send 3 year old bug videos like bethesda tard you are

  5. 2 years ago

    Elder Scrolls is one of the GOAT RPG series. You can do anything you want. You can literally take a singular fork or a plate. Based beyond belief.

    • 2 years ago

      But can you use the fork and plate for eating?

      • 2 years ago

        don't ask questions, just consume draugr dungeon and then get excited for the next draugr dungeon

  6. 2 years ago

    Bethesda is honestly the best at what they do, that's why. For all the shit they get, no one else has produced a first person RPG with physics like Oblivion or Skyrim, where there are tons of objects placed everywhere to create immersive environments. Morrowind and even Daggerfall had this too, although the objects are static and any "physics" is entirely scripted rather than part of the underlying engine. I personally love to shit on the things Creation Engine sucks at, but it works wonderfully for the worlds they've made. Fallout New Vegas, still getting its dick sucked to this day, was made using it.

    Daggerfall utilized lots of procedural generation, but from Morrowind onward they've focused on hand-made dungeons, even if they use a handfull of templates for most dungeons. It costs a boatload of man-hours to create all that. Go watch the developer behind the scenes video for Oblivion, and it becomes obvious that they spend a ton of time making the content.

    With that huge cost, you can't reasonably expect a small team to accomplish the same thing. That leaves only the big corporate studios, and they only want to create games that produce good returns on investment, which single-player RPGs almost never do. Just imagine if EA put out a Skyrim clone. They'd have to write the engine, make the game, and then hope people gave a shit. Or, they can just release a game like Mass Effect or Dragon Age where there is very little to make besides character models and animations. And even then, neither of those will capture he revenue that freemium and cash shop online games do. Big RPGs are no longer a "triple A" rated investment.

    • 2 years ago

      Bethesda should be selling license for Creation Engine to other devs so they can use it. Just like Unity or UE. By now we would already get one or two "Skyrim but good games" and multiple other medicore ones with variety of worlds to explore. Everything from Hyborian Age to Warhammer Fantasy to Lotr to ASOIAF and original creations, probably postapo, cyberpunk/scifi and space ones too. And all moddable. It would be a fricking Golden Age.

    • 2 years ago

      Morrowind was pretty much made by 40 guys, that's huge for an indie team but tiny for a AAA team which is why we don't get anything like it anymore.

  7. 2 years ago

    >actually try to immerse you into a world with your own unique character and allow you to do whatever you want?
    and elder scroll games do that?

  8. 2 years ago

    Westoid trash! My JRPGs are way better. Story > everything else. Anything anime is instantly good and kino. Nippon banzai!

  9. 2 years ago

    Funnily enough, TES-ilke Warhammer Fantasy games would probably be very successful. You have multiple races to choose from, multiple classes, melee, ranged, magic combat, many types of armors and so on, plenty of in-universe factions that could be joined.. The first-person combat has already been perfected in games like Vermintide,
    Even the various lands are blob-like shapes with many provinces with distinct biomes that can easily be adapted for a game map.

    • 2 years ago

      You could be describing a billion generic fantasy settings

  10. 2 years ago

    >Why are Bethesda the ONLY ones?

    Because other devs are either concerned with making a dating sim, see Bioware or Larian. Others are concerned with just telling a story, like Kingdom Come Deliverance, and others exist JUST for the gameplay with the mdeival setting and lore being just background noise, like Kingdom of Amalur.

    Most RPGs don't care about the protagonist roleplaying, and those that do, like Shadowrun or Pathfinder, focus on the protagonist on a dialogue and choice level and not on his interactions with the world.

    What you're looking for is not RPGs.
    You're looking for Immersive Sims.

    • 2 years ago

      Not OP but I definitely want an open and resume rpg not an immersive sim.

  11. 2 years ago

    Frick TES modders. Lazy and autistic fricks. Krauts are the only ones who actually fully made something, even though I don't like Enderal. So many overhauls into different settings could be made and yet there is fricking nothing. I think Morrowind even had Warhammer and Gothic mods but they were abandoned. At best there are never finished expansions like Tamriel Rebuilt and like one province released for Beyond Skyrim and Project Tamriel Skyrim and Cyrodiil.

    • 2 years ago

      every release of TR is basically a mini expansion

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