Are there websites like pic related but for Nintendo and Sony?

Are there websites like pic related but for Nintendo and Sony? I'm talking physical scans of almost everything, scans of any magazine mentioning the games, etc

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  1. 6 months ago

    no lol, nintendo and sony fans don't care about archival and are too stupid to have anything more than a superficial interest in the games they play, 99% of nintendo fans think pokemon and kirby are made by nintendo
    and even if there was an equivalent, it would get taken down immediately because of their insanely strict copyright rules
    meanwhile segaretro is endorsed by actual sega employees like yuji naka and yosuke okunari

    • 6 months ago

      >yuji naka
      You mean the literal criminal who almost went in prison?

    • 6 months ago

      I doubt Yuji Naka ever gave a shit about Sega fandom

    • 6 months ago

      >anything more than a superficial interest in the games they play
      Sega fandom is like that too. A lot of the stuff are Sega console or arcade board exclusives, not Sega first party

      • 6 months ago

        Nta, but are implying arcade players only having a cursory interest and understanding of the games they play? Sega arcades are top tier arcade machines and the autists that hoard this shit know every bitwise operation these boards have. You're such a fricking moron and if course you're a nintendrone. Like pottery.

    • 6 months ago

      The same Sega fans now own Switch and PS4, anon

    • 6 months ago

      >[they] are too stupid to have anything more than a superficial interest in the games they play, 99% of nintendo fans think pokemon and kirby are made by nintendo

    • 6 months ago

      This is not really true, nintendo nerds are fricking obsessive.

      Also do you think sucking off a media corporation is virtuous anon? You're a cuckold

    • 6 months ago

      >yuji caca
      >sega employee

    • 6 months ago

      >archival as a noun
      I agree with everything you're saying, but one annoying guy I know does this and it irks me.

    • 6 months ago

      Daily reminder that Sega was founded by a israeli man from Brooklyn and all segagays are brainwashed cattle

      • 6 months ago

        Don't be racist.

      • 6 months ago

        Taito was founded by a israelite too
        Kinda weird that some of the big japanese companies had these origins
        And did you know that Nintendo became big in America thanks to a israelite?
        The more you know

      • 6 months ago

        Hey, stop noticing!

    • 6 months ago

      >nintendo and sony fans are not autistic troony losers
      Im ok with that.

      • 6 months ago

        clearly not if the post rustled your jimmies enough for you to reply.

        • 6 months ago

          that guy is a moron but also it takes 10 seconds to reply, kind of weak comeback anon

    • 6 months ago

      Of course a trade crook endorsed a site needlessly relying on infringing stuff that don't need to be online.

  2. 6 months ago

    I dont think so, in Nintendo's case they probably dont want to deal with their lawyers.
    No idea about Sony.

    • 6 months ago

      Unfortunately no, because it's a fricking incredible website.

      There's no roms on there.

      >psx data center for ps1
      >famicomworld for fc and nes
      >sakatore for saturn
      >msx resource center
      >atari age
      for whatever reason (and its been a noted problem for a long time) the snes generation and on did not care about data and book keeping. they just dont really care about delving into the library the way previous generations did. sega and computer players have been very thorough at maintaining proper perspective

      Those are ok sites but nothing like segaretro and nowhere near as much historical content.

      • 6 months ago

        >There's no roms on there.
        you think that'd stop nintendo?

        • 6 months ago

          I don’t really care tbh because Nintendo fans obsess over their company too hard, they don’t deserve a Sega retro type site anyways nor are they interested in doing the work for something like that, hope they never get one

  3. 6 months ago

    >psx data center for ps1
    >famicomworld for fc and nes
    >sakatore for saturn
    >msx resource center
    >atari age
    for whatever reason (and its been a noted problem for a long time) the snes generation and on did not care about data and book keeping. they just dont really care about delving into the library the way previous generations did. sega and computer players have been very thorough at maintaining proper perspective

    • 6 months ago

      ill also add, theres not really anything as thorough for nintendo consoles as the sega websites. psx data center i do find to be a good resource but you arent getting magazine scans.

    • 6 months ago

      because nintendo fans blow chunks as a community, they only care about romhacking the same 5 games

    • 6 months ago

      >they just dont really care about delving into the library
      That's something very strange I noticed with most Nintendo cultists (and I know one IRL so I know what I'm talking about). They always get super excited about buying the next Mario or Pokemon (yes I know Nintendo doesn't develop Pokemon themselves but tendies are still extremely loyal to that franchise) and with how enthusiastic they look you'd think they'd be passionate about everything surrounding Nintendo but no, 90% of them don't even know what a Famicom is

      • 6 months ago

        >90% of them don't even know what a Famicom is
        For some reason there was some weird change in hardcore Nintendo fans. It was right after the GameCube. There was like a split the Wii created, though it absorbed a large portion of og Nintendo heads. I mean, the same people who could play some double dragon or ninja gaiden, can't play nes games anymore. It's like an insta filter, 99% percent of them never beat original legend of Zelda or even played Zelda 2. It's like these weird ancient archaic games that get equated with the cdi games. It's such a convoluted mess of a fanbase, which makes sense since the Zelda timeline is their dogma.

        • 6 months ago

          >It's like these weird ancient archaic games
          The cultist I mentioned in my previous post refuses to play games released more than a decade ago because he thinks they're "obsolete and archaic". The crazy thing is, he's in his early 30s. The only exception is games he played in his childhood. He refuses to play an SNES game he's never played before

          • 6 months ago

            I've noticed myself become increasingly calloused towards Nintendo because of my interactions here, just recently. It wasn't this bad before, was it really the 6th gen zoomer bump? It almost feels like maybe a janny or mod is pretending to be stupid Nintendo fans just to create this illusion, but there's too many of them at any given time.

            • 6 months ago

              It's COVID unironically I believe. Lockdowns mean a ton of people bought switches and started researching "retro gaming" because they had time and a little extra stimulus money. They realized they didn't actually like it, but do still like modern gaming, so it caused a bit of a revival in modern nintendo fans who really don't cross over with Retro Nintendo Fans(tm). It's why the games you see available on NSO are substantially more popular than other games that are quite good on the NES/SNES/N64 but not nearly as readily available.

              And of course zoomers aren't going out of their way to get the roms and set up the emulators, they're terrified of anything that isn't government or corporation approved subscription based cloud services.

              • 6 months ago

                Ohh yeah I forgot about the covid-19 sham downs. You're right, that's also when these chinkhelds got popular. The same "neat I remember mario" mentality that really waxes into the exterior facade like a good carnauba.
                I always found it strange that zoomers are afraid of technology. From what I've seen a small subset are actually really smart, but for the rest... well, it really is millennial and gen x parents fault. These kids don't know how to do anything, because their parents sucked as parents.

              • 6 months ago

                You can see large groups of individuals on websites like twitter where they tag nintendo in posts saying "please shut this down it's illegal," they complain that emulating is hard and you shouldn't bully people for wanting an easy legal option, etc.

                the term cattle seems too nice for them, non-value-added creatures maybe

              • 6 months ago

                That's disgusting. What the frick happened to humanity? You'd think these Twitter warriors would be anti establishment and emulating Nintendo games takes away from the capitalists machine that Nintendo is very much a part of. It's really a plastic sort of manufactured communism that only American capitalism can produce. Astounding

              • 6 months ago

                They were anti-Nintendo and anti-Establishment until the Correct Thinkers told them corporations are good again, now they've 180'd

              • 6 months ago

                >Correct thinkers
                Ah yes, the Hollywood pedophile cult, the moral paragon of america

        • 6 months ago

          >For some reason there was some weird change in hardcore Nintendo fans. It was right after the GameCube. There was like a split the Wii created,
          Nintendo used to maintain a dedicated section of hardcore fans ("core gamers"), many of whom had stuck with the company through the whole of the 1990s and the early 00s and never jumped ship even when PS1/2 were dominating. These fans were the ones who were happily bragging about the GameCube's superior hardware over the PS2 on old internet forums, and were comparing multiplatform games and flaunting it when the GCN had the best version (Soul Calibur 2 for instance). They liked hard games, they liked mature games, they liked multiplats, but they also liked Nintendo first-party titles and the 64 and the 'Cube still provided enough in all of those categories to satisfy them.

          For obvious reasons, pretty much all of those fans migrated to Xbox, PS3 or PC during the 2006-2009 period when Nintendo decided to release a console barely more powerful than the Gamecube, that couldn't run ANY multiplatforms, and put huge resources into developing and marketing gimmicky waggleshit games like Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Wii Party, and so on so forth... Games like Brawl and Mario Galaxy were obviously great but they weren't enough to stem the tide when the competing platforms at the same time were getting Halo 3, MGS4, GTA 4, Resident Evil 5, Call of Duty, etc. Think about how disappointing it must have been as a Nintendo diehard in the 2000s to go from the era when RE4 was a GCN exclusive (and even after it was ported, still the objectively best version of the game), to just a few years later seeing Nintendo's next system not even being anywhere near powerful enough to run RE5. What a huge letdown. I don't think I'll ever get over it tbh.

          • 6 months ago

            Well videogames died when the wii was revealed

    • 6 months ago

      >psx data center
      >"PSX ONE"
      Why are they like this?

  4. 6 months ago
    Your Anal Nightmare

    Try the good old internet archive.

    • 6 months ago

      Problem is the internet archive isn't as well organized as Sega Retro. For example let's say I want to look at every magazine article/preview/review for SoulCalibur for the Dreamcast. Sega Retro has them all listed on one page, and in the case of the reviews, it even lists the scores:

      • 6 months ago
        Your Anal Nightmare


  5. 6 months ago

    sega retro is fricking based, lot of cool articles and very comprehensive

    im surprised nec pc engine has nec retro as well

  6. 6 months ago

    Nintendo would C&D a nintendo equivalent to oblivion, you can't even keep an archive of old Nintendo power shit that you can't legally get anymore outside of ebay.
    Sony fans really don't give a shit about archival that much, and even when they occasionally do, they're huge homosexuals about it some how, and Sony is almost as bad as Nintendo when it comes to that shit.

    • 6 months ago

      I think with sony they just don't have as strong a brand identity as sega or nintendo or atlus. Like Sony just publishes anything and everything

  7. 6 months ago

    I can forgive Sega for leaving the hardware market but I can't forgive them for becoming trash game developers.

  8. 6 months ago

    Sega stuff is a finite quantity and there's been work ongoing to archive everything Sega since the dawn of the internet
    Nintendo fans are just weird in which things they think are important enough to archive. N64 regional cart variants? There's barely anything on shit like Hong Kong carts. N64 cart ROM chips? Like one guy has collected info on his own cart collection but noone else has, though admittedly it only matters for using unlicensed third party accessories. N64 game packaging plastic seams? There's dozens of Youtube videos, guides, forums and probably a self-proclaimed expert or two on the subject.
    Sony PlayStation stuff has some archives but they're often limited in their scope and accuracy. This is just due to the sheer amount of game/accessory release and regional variants. I mean, PS2 games only released in Italy? PS2 printers (two of them!) only released in Japan? Silver PS1 discs? German PS1 exclusives released in 2005? There is just a bit too much for one website or group to handle.

    • 6 months ago

      >Sega stuff is a finite quantity
      But Sega Retro doesn't stop at the Dreamcast, they cover literally anything Sega, even modern. It's not finite as long as Sega still publishes games

      • 6 months ago

        again, fans who give a shit will get the book keeping done. nintendo fans are more concerned with the brand and corporate hype-cycle marketing than the games themselves. there is no digging into the past when curiosity fails to thrive.

        • 6 months ago

          >nintendo fans are more concerned with the brand and corporate hype-cycle marketing than the games themselves
          I think that's one of the best way I've seen it worded

  9. 6 months ago

    No. Sega autism is too powerful.

  10. 6 months ago

    The fact that there's nothing like Sega Retro or NEC Retro on the Nintendo side really speaks to the difference in how those games are perceived. People take an interest in Sega retroactively. People take an interest in NEC retroactively. They will dig around, discover platforms they never grew up with and never even knew existed, like the X68000, or the Neo Geo, and will get into those retroactively. The same just does not happen with Nintendo. The same people yammering on nonstop about how the NES or the SNES or the N64 are the "best consoles ever" or how tendie IP A and B are all the "best games EVAR!!!!!" are the exact same small crowd of people who grew up playing them. The only way this is sustained is if tendie parents force their children to grow up playing the same games, which does happen, but it cannot keep pace with organic interest.
    Just look at renewed interest in the NES: it peaked in the early 2010's when older millennials started getting spending money, then once they got their fill, it rapidly died off again and now many people correctly identity that the NES is largely garbage and not worth playing. The SNES is down a similar trajectory: it enjoyed renewed interest, but as those people get older, now it's beginning to die off as well, while interest in the Mega Drive persists and is actually increasing. We're currently in the midst of the peak of the N64 renewal because zoomers are now getting spending money, but I believe it's the same course, nobody new is playing these games, and once those N64 kids get their fill, nobody new will replace them.
    Nintendo makes "family friendly" games for very young children, on "family budget" "withered technology" hardware, and people who didn't grow up on that just have no reason to bother with it, especially when there's so much else out there to pick from. If you want to know why there's no dedicated Nintendo Retro, the answer is the same reason why there's no V-Tech Retro, or Leapfrog Retro.

    • 6 months ago

      Your thesis is that the N64 is a zoomer system?
      Weve reached new heights of generational confusion

    • 6 months ago

      Peak NES retro hype is definitely over and SNES is cooling off too

      • 6 months ago

        It can't come quick enough.

    • 6 months ago

      Why work so hard at practicing for being a clever but out-of-touch elderly man who is too ignorant and self-satisfied to actually have anything useful to say about the grand topics to which his numerous preachy lectures pertain? That comes all too naturally; you don't need to practice. And even if it didn't, you shouldn't want to, because who wants that type of person around anyhow?

  11. 6 months ago

    So there's an odd phenomenon where the historic losers of all things geek industry tend to be better documented than the companies that are still dominant in business.

    See also: Capcom and SNK.

    • 6 months ago

      Then why isn't N64 and GameCube better documented?

      • 6 months ago

        No games

        • 6 months ago

          No that would be Jaguar, Apple Bandai Pippin, and Sega 32X

      • 6 months ago

        They kind of are. N64 in particular.

  12. 6 months ago

    I think Mario wiki is pretty decent but it’s only for Mario stuff obviously , and still not as comprehensive as Segaretro

  13. 6 months ago

    sega was founded by a group of american israelites

  14. 6 months ago

    Sony fans grew up and moved on to get well paying jobs that keep society running.
    Nintendo fans became speedrunners.
    Sega fans became disenfranchised schizos with so few good things to have that they could scrape the bottom of the barrel to build an archive website and pretend they weren't abandoned.

    • 6 months ago

      So according to your descriptions of each fan you're not a Sony fan since you're here?

      • 6 months ago

        I'm above the 40-hour week survival caste, so I got some time to kill.

        • 6 months ago

          You mean you're a NEET still console warring about 20+ years old systems

      • 6 months ago

        Ganker is 100% normalgay territory these days. The average poster (the silent majority) has a wife, a kid or two, and a job that enables them to support their family. Please browse a board that isn't adjacent to Ganker, /misc/, or Ganker like this one is and you will immediately see this.

        • 6 months ago

          I'm pretty sure the few boards where anons are married with children would be /k/, Ganker, Ganker and maybe a set of Ganker users, but there's no way you can really convince me that boards like Ganker and the various other anime boards like /c/ have anons that got their shit together, met an actual member of the opposite sex and procreated.

          • 6 months ago

            Is hard to find a nice virgin woman these days, more so one that wants to be with you

  15. 6 months ago

    They don't exist because Nintendo and Sony WON. They don't need to dig up 5 games that theoretically used the Sega CD's full power or 500 visual novels on the Saturn or some wack ass add on to prove a point.

    • 6 months ago

      go back

  16. 6 months ago

    sony has never made games, so what the frick are the fans going to archive?

  17. 6 months ago

    So does anyone want to do a wiki like this, but for NES? I have tons of materials for the Famicom, I can provide a lot of development info. If servers are capable enough we could expand into other consoles.
    captcha: 4msx08

    • 6 months ago

      >I can provide a lot of development info
      What sources do you have? Not that I want to actually do anything, just curious how one would have a lot of dev info

  18. 6 months ago

    Depending on how underground you're looking for.

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