Are you enjoying learning about Muslim culture and Islam? Propaganda

Are you enjoying learning about Muslim culture and Islam?


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  1. 8 months ago

    Did Ubi do anything woke in the game, or is it the same as AC1?

    • 8 months ago

      I'm not super far into it but it doesn't feel woke? it just has a lot of "historical modules" you can pick up that tell you about Muslim society/culture and about Islam. The game takes place in Baghdad so I guess that makes sense.

    • 8 months ago

      Ubislop can't add any woke shit to a game that's set in Baghdad. One of the most important places in Islamic history otherwise they would've created unnecessary drama for themselves. Eurocucks are plain game though.

      • 8 months ago

        Some modules I've picked up mention education and marriage, and then differentiates between men and women. They didn't really change anything, they still claim/state that a woman had to get approval to marry and men were allowed to have multiple wives. Women were allowed to get a public education but it was separated from male education, and most women were homeschooled instead. They also were meant to be housewives and learn domestic skills.

      • 8 months ago

        theres 2 stronk female characters already and ive played less than 20 minutes

        • 8 months ago

          Nehal isn't really a "stronk" female she's an annoying b***h who thinks she is strong and isn't. Roshan is Basim's master/teacher, but we already know the Assassin Order doesn't discriminate with gender. Women can be Assassins and Bayuk's wife was a Hidden One as well, and apparently a pretty good one at that.

        • 8 months ago

          Roshan is Persian and women were put in a higher place in Abbasid Persia compared to rest of the middle east.
          Nehal is Basim's tulpa, Loki's way of showing himself to Basim, I guess either Basim or Loki wanted a brown tomboy (g)f

      • 8 months ago

        correct take
        strong based women leaders are fair game though

        lads, is the game grounded enough? does it feel like a throwback to AC1-2?

        • 8 months ago

          I'm sorry, anon. It's Origins but without level ups and as a 25 hour experience.

          • 8 months ago

            ugh, frick
            back to Lies of Ganker I guess, cheers anon

        • 8 months ago

          ugh, frick
          back to Lies of Ganker I guess, cheers anon

          Don't listen to that anon, it's definitely a throwback to AC1-2 maybe even better. You can't just hack and slash every enemy you see anymore

          • 8 months ago

            Ah yes the throwback to AC1/2 with skill trees yet another fricking eagle drone and FRICKING TELEPORTATION. Are you really so simple that a white hood a city and a target in a palace makes you think the game is a "return to roots"?

          • 8 months ago

            >it's definitely a throwback to AC1-2 maybe even better

          • 8 months ago

            >it's definitely a throwback to AC1-2 maybe even better.
            >You can't just hack and slash every enemy you see anymore
            Oxymoron. AC1/2 had shit stealth and combat was automatic killstreak win. If anything Mirage is closer to Unity/Syndicate. But fans hated those games when they could've been the groundwork of AC games.

            • 8 months ago

              >AC1/2 had shit stealth and combat was automatic killstreak win
              Uninformed opinion. Killstreaks only became a thing from Brotherhood onwards and AC1 has more actual depth to its combat than Unity with its big flashing parry indicator.
              The stealth is much more involved but you're still just as capable at hacking your way through in Unity

    • 8 months ago

      Apparently you can't interrupt people while they're praying

    • 8 months ago

      It is woke.
      The story is shit.

    • 8 months ago

      just the regular stuff like female blacksmiths and vendors in 9th century Baghdad

  2. 8 months ago

    >finally get a modern protag that can use the animus to see his own memories
    >nope, no modern story this time sorry

    It's like they like going bankrupt.

    • 8 months ago

      The other dumb part about this is that the chain attack exists because Basim is so fricking dope or whatever that he glitches the Animus and the only reason you would know this is because Ubisoft, outside of the video game, told people that.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, they said the teleporting happens because he's just so fast that the Animus can't possibly keep up with it, which is mindbogglingly dumb.
        I'd have found it more believable if they said he goes into a trance or heightened state given the Loki DNA which makes his memory hazy during that time

        • 8 months ago

          Basim tapping into Loki's powers/ISU power would be more believable, I agree, but him just "MOVING SO FAST THAT ANIMUS" can't keep up doesn't make sense because Basim seems to be doing it subconsciously and doesn't even understand how he's doing it.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, they said the teleporting happens because he's just so fast that the Animus can't possibly keep up with it, which is mindbogglingly dumb.
        I'd have found it more believable if they said he goes into a trance or heightened state given the Loki DNA which makes his memory hazy during that time

        Basim tapping into Loki's powers/ISU power would be more believable, I agree, but him just "MOVING SO FAST THAT ANIMUS" can't keep up doesn't make sense because Basim seems to be doing it subconsciously and doesn't even understand how he's doing it.

        I have no idea why Ubisoft didn't say that Basim was doing something similar to Alexios in Odyssey with his super powers.

        They just didn't care.

    • 8 months ago

      The other dumb part about this is that the chain attack exists because Basim is so fricking dope or whatever that he glitches the Animus and the only reason you would know this is because Ubisoft, outside of the video game, told people that.

      Yeah, they said the teleporting happens because he's just so fast that the Animus can't possibly keep up with it, which is mindbogglingly dumb.
      I'd have found it more believable if they said he goes into a trance or heightened state given the Loki DNA which makes his memory hazy during that time

      Basim tapping into Loki's powers/ISU power would be more believable, I agree, but him just "MOVING SO FAST THAT ANIMUS" can't keep up doesn't make sense because Basim seems to be doing it subconsciously and doesn't even understand how he's doing it.

      Yjk when you put it that way, the entire story and premise since the first ac game until now felt so stupid and childish.
      >muh assassin power up
      >muh assassin got possessed by loki spirit
      Assassin creed should have never got these fantasy narrative, this is the result and long term effect of keeping the fantasy narrative alongside the historical part for decades. The magic shit like basim teleporting, or fire lightning sword or whatever witcher like power up that these assassins have are the result of that fantasy side of the franchise, which makes them ridiculous as frick.

  3. 8 months ago

    I beat the game in 10 hours and learned nothing. It went in 1 ear and out the other. I just consumed.

    • 8 months ago

      The game's main story is apparently very short like 15 hours or so, there is a lot of padding and side stuff but if you are someone who doesn't engage in that then I can see how you only get 10-15 hours of gameplay into it.

      I like to take my time and play games slowly, so it'll probably take me a bit longer to finish the main story and get bored of the game. I was never one to just rush straight from beginning to end of a video game like a lot of people do, gotta get my money's worth. You paid $50 for a game that only gave you 10 hours of playtime, if anything that's really your own fault since you feel the need to rush straight through the game. You probably have ADHD as well.

      • 8 months ago

        Not him but the game is dogshit. If you don't do the main story, which is boring af even for ubisoft standards, your hobbies can include pick pocketing 40 people, killing 10 people just walking around, looting 20ish weapon and armor chests that aren't better than the default set in ANY way, or collecting books to return to a library. At one point you use a fire urn to blow up a wall like Valhalla puzzles loved.

        This feels like it was made for the Vita like the 3 spin off, and I'm one of few fans of the series that consumes every entry.

        • 8 months ago

          >This feels like it was made for the Vita like the 3 spin off
          I knew this game reminded me of something, it's the Vita game with the black chick. I was thinking that this game is kinda close to Rogue but even Rogue was not this mind numbingly boring.

        • 8 months ago

          >This feels like it was made for the Vita like the 3 spin off
          I knew this game reminded me of something, it's the Vita game with the black chick. I was thinking that this game is kinda close to Rogue but even Rogue was not this mind numbingly boring.

          It was planned as a DLC for Valhalla/Odyssey IIRC.

        • 8 months ago

          Like there's a reason Ubisoft put it in their sub service day one.

        • 8 months ago

          Do weapons work like in Valhalla where each is unique and you go upgrading them or is it the Origins system?

  4. 8 months ago

    >a new assassins creed came out
    kek this is how i found out this even existed

  5. 8 months ago

    Isn't it canon in Assassin's Creed that all Abrahamic religions are fake and gay for a fact?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, kinda defeats the point of trying to not offend mudslimes when in the first game Altair asks one of the guys what are the chants from a mosque and the guy calls it "stupid superstition"

    • 8 months ago

      Every single religion is fake in the AC universe. All of them. It goes into pretty direct detail about this.

      The Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse pantheons are all the same group of Isu just with different names. They're pretty much interchangeable. Jupiter for example is Suttungr in Norse mythology and Zeus in Greek mythology, while as an Isu he's also the "Father of Understanding" the Order of the Ancients/Templars worship and just a normal scientist who tried to save the Isu (and humanity) along with Minerva and Juno.
      Hindu temples are just Isu vaults.
      Jesus was a guy using the Shroud of Eden to avoid dying on the cross and gathered his disciples to start Christianity for whatever reason, they don't really go into it. Power? Fame? Glory? Who knows.
      Moses was a guy using the Staff of Eden to part the Red Sea which people attributed as an act of God.

    • 8 months ago

      Shitslam is not Abrahamic though. Stop repeating mudslime propaganda. SandBlack folk have nothing to do with Abraham nor Ismael. Abraham was Aramaic (Caucasian) while Ismael's mother was Egyptian. Arabian sandBlack folk originaly came over from Pakistan.
      Also Arabian is not an ethnic. Arameans (mountain people) called everyone from below the Levante Arabian (desert people).
      t. Aramean Christian

  6. 8 months ago

    I liked slaughtering rag heads but the game is shit.

  7. 8 months ago

    A game not set in Europe = propaganda?

  8. 8 months ago

    Why does he still have all 5 fingers

    • 8 months ago

      He doesn't, it's just cut above the proximal phalanx

  9. 8 months ago

    Does he fire rockets from Palestine?

  10. 8 months ago

    Does it tell about where the Koran came from?

    • 8 months ago

      >literally the opposite
      Did you even read the thing that you're posting?

  11. 8 months ago

    The recoverable knifes that delete the corpse are OP and something the Assassin's should be using from their invention onward.

  12. 8 months ago

    Does this "game" display the genocide and other unspeakable atrocities the satanic mudslime invaders did to the Mesopotamians/ Babylonians/ Arameans that went off at this time? Does this game even mention the indigineous people at all or is this some romanticised Islamic golden age propaganda piece?
    captcha: frick muslims

  13. 8 months ago

    >make a black character a muslim that praises allah

    weren't the arabs the biggest enslavers of black people to the point it was uncounted? and did they not also castrate every single one to prevent them from mixing into their society?

    is making a black muslim in this era not incredibly more problematic than having him just be a rebelling slave with no balls? he's the oppressor of his own people now

    • 8 months ago


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