Are you more likely to avoid playing a game if all the girls are ugly?

Are you more likely to avoid playing a game if all the girls are ugly?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    im more likely to avoid playing a game if the gameplay sucks

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tbf, most games with the DEI characters also has the most focus tested and boring GamePlay possible. It's a pretty good shorthand for ass game.

      • 2 weeks ago

        They reject your objective views about the Quality of their gameplay and assert that anything can be a good game as long as they pay a media conglomerate to praise it at the next bar mitzvah. After all, reality is malleable.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >muh gameplay
      who the frick cares

    • 2 weeks ago

      fbpb, some many shit anime games for complete morons, gameplay always matters the most

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Those are some ugly girls

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Get the duck outta here

  4. 2 weeks ago

    I'm more likely to avoid a game if it doesn't feature the 765 Allstars, especially Haruka

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I love backboob

    Or is it still sideboob technically in this case

    • 2 weeks ago

      thats a chest butt dude

  6. 2 weeks ago

    If the point of the game is to collect/romance the girls, then yes.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >enormous ass
    Amerimutt thread.

    • 2 weeks ago

      In what universe is that enormous?

      • 2 weeks ago

        The white man's universe, now kys Tyrone.

      • 2 weeks ago

        if you dont live in america, you get arrested if youre caught looking at an ass that couldnt be mistaken as a boys

    • 2 weeks ago

      I actually much prefer character designs like this though.

      • 2 weeks ago

        My queen.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why are Americans obsessed with huge asses? It's gross.

      You don't understand perspective

  8. 2 weeks ago

    What a stupid question. Of course I do, I even have a list of games to avoid. I don't care what gameplay or story they present, if the women are ugly, I know that the game is run by a bitter feminist full of complexes and hatred of men.
    Alan wake 2
    Horizon forbidden west
    Horizon zero dawn
    The last of us 2
    Mortal kombat XL
    Mortal kombat 11
    Mortal kombat 1
    Street fighter 6
    Baldurs gate 3
    Uncharted lost legacy
    Tomb raider nu-trilogy
    Someone seeing this list may say; holy shit, this is a big list full of good aaa games.
    But first of all, there aren't that many, and there are a gazillion other good games, and secondly, you have to have principles in life. If someone despises me, I don't want anything to do with his product.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Aloy was not that ugly in Zero Dawn.
      Forbidden West shrekified her though

  9. 2 weeks ago

    I will play anything with cute enough anime girls.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I can almost see her anus

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Any good games with bath scenes?

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, but if it's clear that the only real thing the game has going for it is gooner-bait, I won't play it either. That already gets rid of a lot of japslop.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Bro I'd be on her like a fricking animal if I was there, I beat the charges

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Yes! It's a visual medium, OP. If it's not pleasant or at least "ugly" in an interesting way, it's missing half the point. I don't play videogames to have my expectations on the standard of beauty challenged, I play them to have a good time. Looking at appealing designs and getting immersed in the setting is part of that. It does a lot to get me invested and make me *care*

  15. 2 weeks ago

    It depends on the studio and how honest it feels.
    For example Blizzard and EA go out of their way to deliberately design characters to go against all conventional standards of attraction in order to fulfill a public image.
    Some indie person making a post apocalyptic game with rugged looking people is likely doing so because that's their vision.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Why are Americans obsessed with huge asses? It's gross.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Good taste.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why are non-americans obssessed with no ass?

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's not even a huge ass you idiot.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >t. Black person loving mutt

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Yes and that’s true for most straight men , no troony gaslighting can change that but gameplay is usually more important.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Only slightly.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    No one wants to look at ugly people men or women. We have enough of those IRL.
    Is it THAT hard to fricking get it?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >dude cant enjoy ratfink because he is not attracted to it
      lame and gay

      • 2 weeks ago

        We talk about human characters not weird characters. Weird shit can be whatever mate.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Are you not allowed to make a "weird" human character?
          How would you make this movie work with the MC as a fashion model?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Ditto here

            That's ugly in an interesting way. Its visual appeal is in how bizarre or extreme it is. Even in the case of gross-out or uglycute or whatever it all comes back to the goal of being fun to behold. Like a carnival!

            Problem is we're getting shown dull, mundane, everyday ugly and expected to pretend it's exciting and even beautiful to see on the screen. More like an average Wal-Mart than a carnival show. And it's a change getting shoved in your face from a lot of angles. It's a genuine problem.

            Quasimodo is still visually exceptional. Disney Quasi in particular is like uglycute 101

      • 2 weeks ago

        That's ugly in an interesting way. Its visual appeal is in how bizarre or extreme it is. Even in the case of gross-out or uglycute or whatever it all comes back to the goal of being fun to behold. Like a carnival!

        Problem is we're getting shown dull, mundane, everyday ugly and expected to pretend it's exciting and even beautiful to see on the screen. More like an average Wal-Mart than a carnival show. And it's a change getting shoved in your face from a lot of angles. It's a genuine problem.

        • 2 weeks ago

          So because there are ugly designs that are dull, we are not allowed to have ugly designs at all?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Wha? I don't believe I said that. Anyway there's a big difference between ugly by design and unappealing to look at. Character designs, especially your protagonist, NEED to have charm. Sometimes being painfully ordinary is the point, but even in those cases there's usually a flash of something pretty to catch the eye.

            • 2 weeks ago

              This is the original post

              No one wants to look at ugly people men or women. We have enough of those IRL.
              Is it THAT hard to fricking get it?

              If they need charm then your argument should be they need charm, not that they cant be ugly.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I would focus more on the "enough of those IRL" part to put that no uglies sentiment in its proper context. How often to you see Ratfink or Quasimodo IRL?

              • 2 weeks ago

                So if a character can resemble an IRL person, it's a bad design?

              • 2 weeks ago

                saw youre mom last night

            • 2 weeks ago

              >there's usually a flash of something pretty to catch the eye.
              whats pretty about beavis

              • 2 weeks ago

                About Beavis himself? Not much. But what does Beavis like? Hot chicks! See even in the midst of peak grossout 90s, shows like Beavis and Butthead regularly featured attractive and visually appealing characters. Even putting aside the fact that a good portion of each episode was them looking as music videos, you had hot babes a plenty. Hell even Daria was kinda frickable in her nerdgirl jailbait resting b***hface sorta way. Didn't she get a spinoff too?

                So if a character can resemble an IRL person, it's a bad design?

                Sometimes, depends on the execution. Is the point that they look normal and frumpy? Is that important to the story somehow?

                saw youre mom last night

                Kek gottem

              • 2 weeks ago

                So if my ugly character likes hot chicks, it's fine?

                If a character needs a plot reason to be ugly, why doesn't the character need a plot reason to be pretty?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Like I said, even in the case of having ugly be characters there's often some attractive visual hook. You can try to be obtuse and avoid the point by fixating on specifics but it changes nothing. People like if there's nice things to look at, even along with deliberately weird visuals (which have their own charm, stylistically)

                The bottom line is the goal should be to entertain, rather than forcibly reeducate or readjust standards. Pretty is entertaining and ugly can be too if that is actually the goal of it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Like I said, even in the case of having ugly be characters there's often some attractive visual hook
                Well whats pretty about beavis? He just likes hot girls I thought that was enough.

                Fixating on specifics? The whole reason this discussion is happening because the specifics make the design, as evidenced by your qualifiers.

                The idea that people only like attractive things is a pointless limitation to design that only serves to make the project sterile and uninteresting.

              • 2 weeks ago

                All you're proving is that non-artists are not good at expressing why they prefer certain designs over other. Good for you but that's not going to me us start liking the ugly shit they put in western games.

              • 2 weeks ago

                ok, whys the non-artist get the job then? Don't you think that's the problem over dictating what you can and cant design?

                We're going in circles here. Beavis' design is interesting because it's like a weird caricature drawing of an awkward teen, same with Butthead. Their ugliness serves the premise insomuch as they're depicting immature horny teenagers and it's funny. Ergo, entertaining. BUT even though the show's protagonists are weird looking, the show still HEAVILY FEATURES attractive designs as well, because both Beavis and Butthead seek out attractive women. So chances are, a fair portion of every episode will have something pretty to look. Or prettier than Beavis anyway.

                This is getting a liiiittle exhausting anon. If you're not catching what I'm throwing that's fine, but I'm not gonna go back and forth forever. I understand what you're trying to make this about
                >You just want everything to look like the same 10/10 attractive visuals and that's boring
                Well, you're wrong. That's not the problem people have and if you don't get it or don't want to, bully for you dude.

                >are weird looking, the show still HEAVILY FEATURES attractive designs as well, because both Beavis and Butthead seek out attractive women
                So beavis and butthead are good designs, because there are hot girls in the show.
                But superjail does not have good designs, because there are not hot girls in the show.

                Therefore, I can make any ugly design "work" by having them look at a hot girl for 5 seconds.

                >This is getting a liiiittle exhausting anon. If you're not catching what I'm throwing that's fine,
                I'm not catching it because your answer changes each post. First ugliness only applied to humans, then it only applied if they dont look at hot girls, then it only applied if there was an attractive person in the show. Apparently, a characters design is good or bad by the design of other characters.

                >That's not the problem people have and if you don't get it or don't want to, bully for you dude.
                Sure sounds like it judging by your reasoning.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I hardly know where to begin here. Yeah I think I'm at my limit with this for now. Whatever it is you think, you can keep it.

                >bully for you dude.
                i can bully him, get over here punk

                Now we're talking.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You misunderstand, I am saying that us, anons on Ganker, are not artists and are bad at expressing why we like some designs and don't like some others. You keep trying to argue with these "gotcha", but all you're proving is that we lack the vocabulary and expertise to express why some designs are good and some are not. "Ugly" is the fastest and simplest way I can express my disdain for a design; showing me Quasimodo in response is not proving that ugly designs are fine, it's just proving that I don't know how to articulate the specificities of character design. You can post these popular ugly characters all you want, it's not going to suddenly make me like the ugly characters in western games.
                I am the customer, not the creator, so I'm allowed to be as petty as I can and not buy a game for any reason I want. This is like when people say they don't want politics in games and some leftists say "But FF7 and Metal Gear Solid have politics!" That doesn't prove that I actually like politics in games, it just proves that I can't articulate why I think the politics in the average western game are off-putting while I'm fine with FF7 and MGS. You can keep arguing with "gotchas", it's not going to make me buy the shitty games.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >but all you're proving is that we lack the vocabulary
                Heh, I don't know if I've ever been accused of lacking vocabulary. I get you though, it's not like most of us have taken art & design classes or pursue it as a hobby, so it can be difficult to articulate exactly what makes some design direction work and others not.

                It's highly subjective obviously but for me, I think a lot of it comes down to basic intent. You'll often hear it said that no entertainer or designer deliberately wants to make their audience feel like shit, but looking at some of the stated rationale behind certain design choices lately, it really makes me wonder.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's just a type of argument I'm really tired of. It goes like this
                >Me: I don't like A1 because it has X1.
                >Someone: But you like A2 and that also has X1!
                OK great, all this proves is that I wasn't able to explain why I dislike A1, it's not going to make me suddenly like it.

                Here's a food anology.
                >Me: I don't like this sandwich. Maybe it's the tomatoes.
                >Someone: But you like tomatoes in your salads!
                OK, so I didn't accurately point out why I don't like the sandwich. I still dislike the sandwich.

                >i dont know how to articulate my complaints, this is your fault. therefore my sweeping generalization is right.

                I'm not saying it's someone else's fault, nor am I saying my generalization is right. I'm saying that pointing out that "your complaint is not precise enough" is not a valid argument. I still don't like the thing. There's a reason why I'm okay with some ugly designs and not okay with some others. Me not knowing that reason is irrelevant because I'm the customer, not the creator. It's the job of character artists to figure that out, not me. If they can't figure out how to make ugly women appealing, then I know that hot women are always acceptable. So their choices are: Make hot women, figure out how to make ugly women appealing, or lose sales.

                If you don't know how to talk about something maybe thats your sign to not act like an authority on it?

                I am in fact an authority in what I like and what I spend money on.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You are trying to argue your point by saying you cant argue your point. If you don't know how to talk about it, then you don't know anything about it. Your opinion has no credibility since it has no thought.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anon, his point is simply that he doesn't like some ugly shit in western games. He's not trying to argue on the specifics of when "ugly" is good or bad like you are. You're the one trying to shift the discussion to "why" because his very simple opinion makes you asshurt.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No. The point is very simple: I don't like some character designs (in this case, ugly women in modern western games). There is no debate or argument to be had because it is a fact that I don't like those character design. You cannot "argue me" into liking them.
                Other people are trying to create a "debate" around this by pondering the "why". But the "why" is irrelevant to the point. I can explain to you "why I don't like them", and you can prove to me that my explanation of "why" was wrong, but I don't care because the "why" is not important to me. Only artists should be concerned with "why". I'm the customer, so I don't need to reverse engineer myself and figure out the "why" of what makes me spend money or not.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >i dont know how to articulate my complaints, this is your fault. therefore my sweeping generalization is right.

              • 2 weeks ago

                If you don't know how to talk about something maybe thats your sign to not act like an authority on it?

              • 2 weeks ago

                God, I miss Super Jail

              • 2 weeks ago

                We're going in circles here. Beavis' design is interesting because it's like a weird caricature drawing of an awkward teen, same with Butthead. Their ugliness serves the premise insomuch as they're depicting immature horny teenagers and it's funny. Ergo, entertaining. BUT even though the show's protagonists are weird looking, the show still HEAVILY FEATURES attractive designs as well, because both Beavis and Butthead seek out attractive women. So chances are, a fair portion of every episode will have something pretty to look. Or prettier than Beavis anyway.

                This is getting a liiiittle exhausting anon. If you're not catching what I'm throwing that's fine, but I'm not gonna go back and forth forever. I understand what you're trying to make this about
                >You just want everything to look like the same 10/10 attractive visuals and that's boring
                Well, you're wrong. That's not the problem people have and if you don't get it or don't want to, bully for you dude.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >bully for you dude.
                i can bully him, get over here punk

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's about visual design.

                You can have ugly characters with good design, but having ugly characters with dog shit visual design that are simply "normal" ugly is a waste of resources.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I'd say Ugliness in a character should only exist such that it serves a purpose. If there's nothing gained from the character being ugly then they shouldn't be.

          • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago

          Why does ugly have to justify itself by being exotic or interesting, while a beautiful character gets a pass for being a cardboard cutout by virtue of being pleasant to look at?

          • 2 weeks ago

            You just described the rationale yourself. One gets by on the virtue of being pleasing to the eye. There's no comparison between a sunrise and a dog turd, if you're gonna ask me to look at one it's fine but if you tell me to look at the other it begs an explanation as to why

            • 2 weeks ago

              But that does not really answer the question why. What is it about beauty that allows it to act in lieu of interesting characterization? Why do we not demand that a beautiful character should also be an interesting character with the same fervor we do for ugly characters?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >What is it about beauty that allows it to act in lieu of interesting characterization?
                Why not both? The idea here isn't that you have to choose one or the other in terms of looking good or having good writing. The idea here is begging the question why you'd actively choose NOT to look good in a vacuum. What is the merit in that? Who benefits?

                I can tell you who benefits when you try to make something visually enjoyable. Me. I do. I can only imagine someone would relish in deliberate mediocrity and repulsiveness out of pure spite, which I hate to see rewarded.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Again, this is assuming an equal level of writing or characterization for either one, and no obvious stylistic choice as to why (exceptional) ugliness sells the character/setting better from a narrative standpoint.

                That aside, without context, choosing whether to show someone something pleasant or something unpleasant should be a pretty clear cut choice. Unless you dislike that person, or have some other reason why.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The thing is that narrative choices never happen in a vacuum. The decision to make a character ugly does not happen based on whim (in the vast majority of cases) but because that plays into the larger narrative that is being developed or at the very least the personal narrative of the character.

                It is due to this that I'd argue that making any aesthetic decisions "just because" is equally as bad in all directions of the spectrum. A character always exists to serve the narrative, never the other way around.

              • 2 weeks ago

                So you're saying there's always a reason to make a character look bizarre or some level of fugly, for the sake of the story you're trying to tell or the feeling your setting is meant to evoke. In which case, we are in agreement. I've added that caveat consistently since the start of this thread

                My problem, I daresay a lot of peoples' problem, is when it DOES appear to happen based on a whim. Or rather a real world agenda that overrides in-universe narrative direction. Our suspicions may or may not be justified, but the idea behind them being bad? I think that shouldn't be controversial at all.

                Also I kinda half disagree with your last point. Not every story places specific emphasis on the physical beauty of a character or lack thereof. So if there's no particular need to go either way one should simply default to making their hero look exceptional in the simplest, most straightforward way possible: Make them pretty, handsome, cute, or cool.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >So if there's no particular need to go either way one should simply default to making their hero look exceptional in the simplest, most straightforward way possible: Make them pretty, handsome, cute, or cool.

                That is what the vast majority of games and media in general does. What you are experiencing is the human propensity towards negative confirmation bias, where negative experiences utterly overshadow the myriad of positive experiences you might have had in the interim.

                We do agree on one thing, however. Political agendas that are not those of in-universe political factions do not belong in fictional narrative, and adding them should be condemned in the harshest manner possible.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Not just more likely. I'll completely avoid it.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    I find that games with ugly women are also ugly everywhere else.
    Cute girls tend to come with handsome men, nice clothes, beautiful sceneries, pretty UI, generally colorful and so on. Enemies might not be "beautiful" but they will look cool and/or scary or at worst neutral.
    Games that have ugly women also have ugly men, clothes are dirty and ripped, sceneries are ugly, UI is shit, colors are overmuted and so on. Enemies will often look outright gross.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Im not a Black person so yes

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I stopped playing Xenoblade Chronicles X because everybody looked ugly as shit

  24. 2 weeks ago

    I will never understand these anti-butt weirdos. Just because Black folk prefer it doesn't mean you have to reflexively pretend like butts are exclusively a Black person thing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You have to understand that the average Ganker poster has the IQ of a 12 year old.

    • 2 weeks ago

      At this point I'm half-convinced it's actual blacked fetishists trying to spread the idea that only black guys are allowed to enjoy women with even slightly wide hips or big butts.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Not necessarily. But attractive women will increase my chances of playing a game.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Yes thats why I exclusively play anime games

  27. 2 weeks ago

    No, I'm more likely to avoid playing a game if it's shit, and especially if it tries to paste over the shittyness with hot girls. C'mon. Don't be so easily manipulated.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    >Western game has "ugly character"
    >Actually one of the most repulsive-looking character ever made

    >Japanese game has "ugly character"
    >It's a cute anime girl but slightly more covered up than anime girls from 10 years ago

  29. 2 weeks ago

    Ugly does not just mean "sexually attractive". You can portray something ugly in a beautiful way. And you can portray something beautiful in an ugly way. If I say a house looks ugly, then obviously I don't mean that the house is sexually unattractive. If I say a house looks beautiful, I don't mean I want to frick the house. Apply the same thing to characters.
    Look at this picture, this is your mother in Dragon Quest 11. She is not sexually attractive. She is so fat she has no neck, her face is comically large, yet she looks kind and caring. She is ugly but portrayed beautifully. Of course, it takes a competent artist to do that, and Akira Toriyama was one of the best artist in the world.
    In western games, even when a girl is meant to be pretty, the artists can't do beauty justice, they portray it in an ugly way.
    I think the best way I can put it is that western characters are so disgusting that they make you want to look away, like seeing maggots or shit on the ground or an open wound. Quasimodo is ugly but he does not make me want to look away. I do not get that feeling of disgust when I look at him. But modern western characters do evoke that feeling in me. It is not just "I'm not attracted to that", it has to be so disgusting that it makes me wants to look away.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >You can portray something ugly in a beautiful way
      What is beautiful about how ratfink is portrayed

      • 2 weeks ago

        You can feel the grime in just a drawing, it's very visceral and evocative

  30. 2 weeks ago

    I played unmodded skyrim, so no.

    But literally everyone in this game is ugly as shit, if the men were handsome and the women were ugly I'd probably feel different.

  31. 2 weeks ago


  32. 2 weeks ago

    wtf that's her anus in partial view

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's just a shadow, your seeing things.

    • 2 weeks ago


  33. 2 weeks ago

    Stop looking at me... please cuck me with your wives... please...

  34. 2 weeks ago

    Yes. I don’t like to look at ugly women in videogames. This is why I never buy western games.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    I will not even know it exist

  36. 2 weeks ago

    Yes. It's much harder to catch my attention and convince me to spend money on game if I find something about it ugly / repulsive and that extends to the girls (if present).

  37. 2 weeks ago

    >see Returnal
    >"woah this looks kinda fun"
    >fugly protag
    >"eh third person shooter I'll rarely see her face"
    >every reset is a zoom in on her face and every cutscene focuses on her face a lot
    Dropped it so hard.
    Same with Horizon Zero Dawn. Aloy isn't HIDEOUS but she is... meh. Like a 4/10.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    >Ganker is just softcore porn everywhere now
    why do i still come here

  39. 2 weeks ago

    Ugly women don't scare me, I'm afraid of all women equally.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    You know thinking about it, I'm surprised there's as much (relatively) substantive discourse as there is in this thread. Pretty sure OP just wanted us to post vidya cheesecake. The old
    and all that

  41. 2 weeks ago


  42. 2 weeks ago

    mmm sex

  43. 2 weeks ago

    Let's ask ourselves: Is sex appeal an effective tool for selling a game?

    Has sex appeal ever been used to sell an otherwise somewhat mediocre game? Not just short term sales but relevance and staying power. Will it keep customers coming back, primarily out of fondness for the sex appeal?

    Likewise are there pretty decent games that have failed on the merit of being painful to look at?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Has sex appeal ever been used to sell an otherwise somewhat mediocre game? Not just short term sales but relevance and staying power. Will it keep customers coming back, primarily out of fondness for the sex appeal?
      Senran Kagura and Neptunia

  44. 2 weeks ago

    yes but I'm a small minority so it doesn't matter if I don't buy the game

  45. 2 weeks ago

    Actually... yes.
    Though having attractive girls does not make me more likely to play it, but if they are all butt ugly, I am definitely going to be deterred. Goes for the guys as well. First thing that comes to mind is how the Xenoblade games look after the first one, I just don't like them, they look like potatoes in X and in 2 they all have clashing art styles and it doesn't work.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    why do you guys focus so hard on "sex sells" as an argument point? You really want AAA goyslop to sell even more? Does everything need to sell more

    • 2 weeks ago

      Videogames owe me sex.

      • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago

          This, unironically.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I want it to appeal to me. Right now it appeals to people who hate games and celebrate its destruction. I want garbage to fail so we get good stuff. We aren't the same.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    if the game is shit and the girls are ugly, there's nothing left to talk about
    if the game is shit and the girls are cute, at least the girls are cute

  48. 2 weeks ago

    Think of it like a meal. If it looks and smells like garbage, I would be naturally repelled to even try it. Appearance is important to attract attention in the first place.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >B-but you haven't even TRIED it yet!
      >it could be a perfectly good tasting dish if you just stick it in your mouth and bite down!
      >you're an butthole if you judge based just on how it looks

  49. 2 weeks ago


  50. 2 weeks ago


  51. 2 weeks ago

    >that tiny wink of anus behind the duck
    goddamn i'm erect

  52. 2 weeks ago

    ...and so the bartender says "Hey! That's not a DUCK!"

  53. 2 weeks ago

    >AI sloppa

  54. 2 weeks ago

    they put the duck there to cover her butt-quack!

  55. 2 weeks ago

    IT depends.

    Ugly girls aren't a deal breaker in themselves but ugly girls are a sign that the rest of the game is half-assed in some way that makes it a bad game.

    Take any Ubislop game. These games are ass. They are unfinished, churned out in a factory, made with sub-standard and sub-optimal teams who crunch for years to piss out some live service slop that feels like shit and plays like shit, all of them only building on the work really good teams made over a decade ago.

    The fact they have ugly girls is codependent on the fact they make shit. They make shit so of course the girls are going to look like shit, because everything they make is shit. You can extend this to a good number of garbage games in the industry right now. If the girls look like shit, especially ones that are front and center of your game, why would they have taken the time to polish literally anything else? Even porn games can at least make their girls look pretty even if they play like garbage.

  56. 2 weeks ago

    I'm more likely to avoid a game if it focuses on women at all

  57. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Madoka sex.

  58. 2 weeks ago

    Why the frick would I want to deal with ugly people in my fantasies?

  59. 2 weeks ago

    I'm not less likely to play a game if the girls are ugly as much as I am simply more likely to play a game if the girls are hot.

  60. 2 weeks ago

    wonder when the mods will 404 this post..

    • 2 weeks ago

      >8 hours up
      modbros i kneel..

      • 2 weeks ago

        they're cooming.

  61. 2 weeks ago

    Real question vros, is there some kind of ai filter so I don't see coomslop threads? My filters are full of tags but alas booba and bunda keeps slipping through the cracks. I just want to talk about vidya

    • 2 weeks ago

      coomslop is Ganker culture thoughbeit, its part and parcel of this channel
      Captcha: RTRDV4

    • 2 weeks ago

      why did he do it

  62. 2 weeks ago

    What do you think?

  63. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, although there are many other design trends that tend to coincide with fugly female characters, so I can't say how I would respond to a game that otherwise completely appeals to me aside from the female character's ugly designs.

    • 2 weeks ago

      3D is uglier (and has worse gameplay if it's action based) than 2D. Have you ever played a 3D game that used to be 2D? There's your answer.

  64. 2 weeks ago

    i can still see part of the butthole despite the duck blocking most of it

  65. 2 weeks ago

    not really

  66. 2 weeks ago

    In my experience, if the game has ugly girls, it will also have bad gameplay, or at the very best mediocre gameplay, basically, having ugly girls is a symptom.

  67. 2 weeks ago

    Not specifically by itself.

    It 100% does, however, affect my ability to even bother following the marketing for it.

    And since I block ads everywhere if you make an ugly game it basically doesn't exist to me because I'm not going to go looking.

  68. 2 weeks ago

    According to them, are WEG's good or bad?

  69. 2 weeks ago

    Man, I fricking hate images like this. It's not that it's anime and it's not that they're naked. It's that the blonde chick looks like a moron as per the stereotype of big boobs, happy all the time, ara ara moron. The black haired chick doesn't need to look jealous of the blondes boobs because at this point she should've just accepted her genetics and gotten over it. The chick in front is showing her butthole to whoever and for whatever reason but also looks apprehensive. Why? For what reason? Why are they all blushing? Why do they all look like they're NPCs that just spawned into a hotspring. If there was any story behind their characters, they obviously came there together but why are they acting like this around people they know? Why are they positioned like that? Who is that chick showing her butthole too? The composition of this is fricking moronic. I don't get it. It's not even hot.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You must be fun at parties.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't go to parties. I didn't like the raves I went to 15 years ago.

        Meguru isn't a moron, you're rude.
        Hiori isn't jealous, she's just awkward because she's always fricking awkward.
        Mano probably wants P to frick her, I don't know, I don't play SC. I assume she does because most idols do.

        I don't know any of these characters or what they're from.

        • 2 weeks ago

          They're from Idolmaster Shiny Colors.

          • 2 weeks ago

            So garbage and every bit the stereotype they're drawn as

            • 2 weeks ago

              Idolmaster Shiny Colors is garbage?

              • 2 weeks ago

                I've never played it but anything idolmaster should be disregarded as generic trash as that's exactly what it looks like

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I've never played it
                >but let me tell you my opinion on it
                You'll have a bright future on this board, god bless your heart.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Considering I've been here for 14 years, I can say with absolutely certainty that if any anime, manga, or game has a generic art style then it is in fact garbage.

                Idolmaster is actually pretty influential and a trendsetter, not generic. There's a reason it's stuck around for nearly 20 years.
                It's okay if you think it's shit though. Just think it's shit for the right reasons.

                Something being popular doesn't mean it's automatically good. Yes, this is exactly "you are all wrong" but there's a lot of things that are popular that are by no means any good at all.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anon he wasn't saying it's good because it's popular, he was saying it's not generic because it was the original trendsetter that generic shit was cloned from.

              • 2 weeks ago

                iM@S is older than some of the people on this board probably.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'd say it's older than at least 70% of this board.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Idolmaster is actually pretty influential and a trendsetter, not generic. There's a reason it's stuck around for nearly 20 years.
                It's okay if you think it's shit though. Just think it's shit for the right reasons.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Don't bully SC. They're having a hard time now that their new game sucks and their old game is being obsoleted by Gakuen, they don't need you making it worse.
              Also their anime looks like ABSOLUTE SHIT oh my god it's bad.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Meguru isn't a moron, you're rude.
      Hiori isn't jealous, she's just awkward because she's always fricking awkward.
      Mano probably wants P to frick her, I don't know, I don't play SC. I assume she does because most idols do.

  70. 2 weeks ago

    >We designed the game badly on purpose.

  71. 2 weeks ago

    if ALL the girls are ugly I literally won't play the game at all. why would I want that? why would anyone?

  72. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, men too.

  73. 2 weeks ago


  74. 2 weeks ago


  75. 2 weeks ago

    I can see her butthole

  76. 2 weeks ago


  77. 2 weeks ago


  78. 2 weeks ago

    what kind of ugly?
    Average ugly i can deal
    but "Nightingale" level of ugly i'm sorry legit can't

  79. 2 weeks ago

    Artistic intent matters
    If you have a Soul then it is possible to convey ideas and emotion through (and also to perceive the ideas and emotional intent behind) artistic works
    This is why you can look at Disney's Quasimodo and sense that the intention was to portray a good natured character who is UNFORTUNATELY blighted by an ugly appearance but is presented as having value INSPITE of this
    This is why you can look at postmodernist Californian slop and sense that the intention was simply to attack objective standards of beauty by forcing the artist's deliberately offensive designs onto canvas. Asserting that their lack of Quality is a good thing and that objective standards don't exist. A pretentious statement made by the "artist" as they preach down to their audience with disdain and anger at the framework which defines the Quality of a creation and which indicates how little quality they have as a creator.

    The problem is not that the characters in the art are ugly. The problem is that the emotions of the artist and their attitude towards their work is ugly and it shows in everything they create.

  80. 2 weeks ago

    Nah, I do not give a shit about what non-player characters look like and actively avoid games with female protagonists.

    If the game is fun to play, it could star nothing but elephant men for all I care. Except for female protagonists. God, I hate women.

  81. 2 weeks ago

    The true Artist strives to find the beauty or value in everything they present, even if what they are presenting is the mundane, the ordinary, the traditionally unattractive. This is a pursuit of art, a process of self improvement.

    The G0yslop "artist" does not strive to find beauty but instead strives to force their audience and the world around them to accept their lack of Quality, their inability to present beauty. Their incompetence must be praised and elevated until true value no longer exists. This is a destructive process which aims to "raise" the artist's value by dragging all of reality down to their level.

  82. 2 weeks ago

    Not necessarily as long as the gameplay is good, but the girls being hot does make it more likely that I am willing to play your game.
    I can tolerate even gachaslop or MMOslop if the girls look good enough

  83. 2 weeks ago

    This thread has magically been up this many hours with that opening image? Congratulations, OP. Not questionable, at all.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's got 'creative censoring.' Since it's not blatantly nude its questionably okay. The threshold for hags ecchi can vary a lot with regards to being technically sfw

      • 2 weeks ago

        You can see her butthole, though

        • 2 weeks ago

          Can you? Looks like a shadow to me.

  84. 2 weeks ago

    Anon, there are THOUSANDS of games out everyday. You have to, by choice, CHOOSE to play a game.

    It's never "why didn't you choose to play Game A?" It's by default "Why did you choose to play play Game B?".

  85. 2 weeks ago

    Can someone move the fricking duck?

  86. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine that bird turning its head and peck an undigested kernel of corn poking out of her anus

  87. 2 weeks ago

    I don't avoid games if the girls are ugly but Im more likely to be interested in a game if it has a pretty girl I like.

  88. 2 weeks ago

    Yes because that means the game is made by incels who think women are ugly.

  89. 2 weeks ago

    Cute women make every game better.
    I did a scenario in A-Train where all the girls ask you out, but if you deny them all and bring your social life down to zero, you get the happy ending with the secretary at the end.

  90. 2 weeks ago

    Im unironically into 2d scat. I want to see these girls take a massive rancid shit

  91. 2 weeks ago


    Ugly women are the easiest red flag for any video game.

  92. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine the smell

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