POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    how many more hours?

    • 9 months ago

      Only 8 more friend

      • 9 months ago

        frick i'll be asleep

        • 9 months ago

          not when you wake up

          • 9 months ago

            What if I wake up dead?

  2. 9 months ago

    Haha no, CA can suck my dick with their inflated price.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      cry more poorgay

      • 9 months ago

        cry more slop eater

      • 9 months ago

        this shit's not even worth pirating anymore due to the insane amount of bugs

  3. 9 months ago

    >more cost than previous DLCs for less content
    make a naval combat expansion then we can talk

    • 9 months ago

      >Sucked in Empire
      >Sucked in Shogun
      >Sucked in Rome
      No. This is a series where devs have to make animations in their spare time so we get cool units. Go play BFGA 2.

      • 9 months ago

        naval combat was great in empire and napoleon, fricking warhammerBlack person

        • 9 months ago

          >I'm a contrarian and have never actually played or even seen a copy of the games in question
          >The post, the experience, based on the book of the film
          Not only did navel combat straight up not work in empire upon release, it was and still is a buggy mess where things happen essentially at random and your ships can explode for no reason at all.

          • 9 months ago

            It was good in fots

          • 9 months ago

            you're making shit up lmao , i have literally never seen a ship 'explode for no reason at all' , you're just shit

            • 9 months ago

              >ship explode for ~~*no reason at all*~~
              There's always a reason. You and I both know why but I can't say it here.

              • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            >explode for no reason at all
            Ships can get hit in the magazine in Empire and Napoleon you fricking moron. Genuinely you are the dumbest person I have ever seen in a Total War thread.

      • 9 months ago

        I will never understand why people would voluntarily like to get the dullest, slowest and clunkiest battle types back in a game where I finally don't have to deal with them anymore.

        I never played those games (I think I played a bit of rome or maybe rome 2 but not enough to do anything naval), maybe I should check them out to see why people are against naval in warhammer
        Surely magic should help make it more interesting though

      • 9 months ago

        wrong because I liked naval combat

      • 9 months ago

        homosexuals like you are the reason Total War is getting worse and worse.

        >Naval doesnt work. Should we try to improve it? Nah delete it

        >Leaderless armies frick with the AI. Should we try to improve the AI? Nah, just make it impossible to have units move without a general

        • 9 months ago

          >Should we throw more of our (very limited because the brass are morons) money and dev time into this 5 time (including nap and attilla) loser? Or should we focus on what we can do well?
          Not every series needs to do everything, especially when history shows it doesn't work. Your outlook is (charitably) utopian. Here, in the real world, you don't throw good money after bad

    • 9 months ago

      Naval combat was kinda in a plan for vampire Coast dlc, but was scrapped. You can see ships for every faction prior to vampire coast dlc in the game files.

      • 9 months ago

        naval combat was actually planned in warhammer 1, but ca abandon this for some reason, data miners even found in warhammer 2 these files from wh1. they're probably even in wh3 now, so these files are unused garbage that take space from your harddisk.

    • 9 months ago

      I will never understand why people would voluntarily like to get the dullest, slowest and clunkiest battle types back in a game where I finally don't have to deal with them anymore.

      • 9 months ago

        But the revamped siege battles are still ingame?

        • 9 months ago

          yes and people don't ask for an expansion to add more siege battles

      • 9 months ago

        People consistently demand naval combat in games and its always shit because slow moving boats fighting across essentially empty terrain is just fricking boring

    • 9 months ago

      Naval combat was kinda in a plan for Vampire Coast dlc, but was scrapped. You can see ships for every faction prior to vampire coast dlc in the game files.

      Do all Warhammer factions even have ships for naval combat?

      • 9 months ago

        Man O' War is the answer

      • 9 months ago

        not really, but like everything in WH every faction is as capable at something as the plot demands it to be
        apart from some obscure side game naval combat is just a side note in the setting, so its best to just ignore morons demanding nonsense like that

        • 9 months ago

          >so its best to just ignore morons demanding nonsense like that
          Ignoring something just makes it worse, it's better to make them understand that naval combat can't happen because not all factions allows for it.

          • 9 months ago

            not every faction having a proper navy isnt even the main problem
            naval combat worked and served a purpose in empire/napoleon but was really lackluster or even unnecessary in the games that came latter
            apart from fots it was no fun at all to play and even it even got dull in that game real fast and became more of a gimmick once you played a few battles and tried out all the OP foreigner ships a few times
            implementing naval battles into TWW would take HUGE effort from CA and even more if they wanted it to be somewhat fun and meaningful
            it is really for the best of the game to not want CA divide its (limited) capabilities into such a non issue, they cant even handle the game properly in its current state

      • 9 months ago

        Mash together the man o war/dreadfleet rosters and it might be passable

    • 9 months ago

      Haha no, CA can suck my dick with their inflated price.

      Even if this whole inflated pricing drama never happened, I still wouldn't pay a penny to anything CA makes, since anything you pay them will inevitably be used to fund Hyenas.

  4. 9 months ago

    cool bros you get to play that for 4 hours then Starfield releases after it. 🙂

    • 9 months ago

      Literally who cares except normies?

  5. 9 months ago

    it was humorous for a while, but now i just want ca to actually give me a regular good old total war game. enough with the troy crap and the hero bullshit, let's just go back to basics, eh? and how is it possible that medieval 3 or empire 2 isn't a thing yet? it's been 17 frigging years since medieval2, come on creative assembly, let's gooooo!

    • 9 months ago

      >how is it possible that medieval 3 or empire 2 isn't a thing yet
      all the good devs from before are gone

    • 9 months ago

      > how is it possible that medieval 3 or empire 2 isn't a thing yet
      total warhammer sold incomparably more.

    • 9 months ago

      Seethe, historycuck.

      You got three kingdoms and Troy. Thank your lucky stars you even got that.

      • 9 months ago

        historycuck? who's side are you on here, exactly?

  6. 9 months ago

    i wish this game got cracked already
    sega is smoking crack charging this much for these games

    • 9 months ago

      you just buy the base game and pirate all the DLC with cream.api

      wait for the base game to go on sale

      • 9 months ago

        Still need to pirate the DLC right?

  7. 9 months ago

    >Buy this overpriced DLC or we wont support Warhammer 3 anymore
    frick CA.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Bottom paragraph of the image, but it's implied since they axed Three Kingdoms because chinks didn't buy DLC despite it sounding like they were gonna shit out a few more.

        • 9 months ago

          Warhammer is their biggest money maker. If they abandon it, CA is done as a company because that means Hyenas is obviously a massive flop but also Pharaoh and future TWs will no longer be bought.
          Probably explains why their games aren't on sale this Steam Sale because they need all the money they can recoup when Hyenas flops.

          • 9 months ago

            True, but they might just be thinking when their license with GW expires and not wanting to be israeliteed by the company that sells a single army for a higher price than the game and all it's dlc at full price.
            Even EA dropped the FIFA name due to israelitery.

            This is basically just me guessing but still doesn't fix or excuse the problem that they're fricked without warhammer at this point.

            • 9 months ago

              >their license with GW expires
              what makes you assume that they cant get a new license from GW?
              GW might be moronic when it comes to handling their IPs but even they arent dense enough to sabotage this money tree
              its a win win situation for both sides, GW gets license money and tons of exposure (WH fantasy/the old world would be dead without the TW games) and CA can cash in on WH autists
              CA would be fine even without the WH franchise one of the main problems with them is that they effectively have a monopol on their niche genre of games and there is literally no serious competition that can put pressure on them to actually tackle the problems of their games, they would just make ME3, rome 3 or whatever

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not saying they can't get the license, I'm just saying GW could charge enough to make it a bad decision.
                Suits aren't immune to making moronic calls, I know it's CA and Saga, but hyenas is being made.

              • 9 months ago

                GW might be israelites but they are weird with their vidya licences and seem to be quite reasonable with it.

              • 9 months ago

                Absolutely not, the only reason VT and TWW even happened at all are because they considered WHF to be a valueless property after the endtimes and it's not unprecedented for them to jack rates on renewal when seeing something is successful.

              • 9 months ago

                > they considered WHF to be a valueless property after the endtimes
                except the license was granted before the release of endtimes.

              • 9 months ago

                Nah this is horseshit.
                They hand out the 40k licence, their most valuable one by far, like candy to no name devs that obviously can't pay much.
                WFB on current state, now that Old World seems to have stalled, is nothing to them.

              • 9 months ago

                >warhammer fantasy would be dead without the TW games
                I genuinely hate you and every single on of you total war apes. Fantasy is doing fine. Better than it was when GW supported it. Tournaments are being held every year and there's still a big community there.
                A community you people have no part in save for shitposting and making asses of yourself. Either make an army or frick off.

              • 9 months ago

                >Fantasy is doing fine
                >Better than it was when GW supported it
                >Tournaments are being held every year and there's still a big community there
                You're a fricking liar

          • 9 months ago

            i have a feeling ca is in a rough spot, regarding those two. hyenas and pharaoh have all the hall-marks of games that end up flopping hard-core. pharaoh seems particularly likely to be a flop. they haven't released the map yet and the game comes out in two months. do we have to wait until the actual game comes out before we can see how large the campaign map is? it better not be small, that's all i'm saying. i am currently playing imperium surrectum for rome remastered and that mod is exactly how the total war games should be done. giga large fricking maps with a thousand plus settlements, that's how you do it. hope they do it right and don't just give egypt three paltry settlements or something and give us a tiny paltry shit map.

            • 9 months ago

              >pharaoh seems particularly likely to be a flop.

              I would say that from the two, Hyenas seems more likely to be DOA. Haven't seen anyone talk about it and history titles still have somekind of audience

          • 9 months ago

            Amazing how fricking clueless you gays are.
            CA isn't funding hyena, it's Sega who is.

        • 9 months ago

          Damn, I'm glad I stopped supporting historical TW a long time ago.
          TWW are the only CA products I'm buying.

        • 9 months ago

          >listen guys, you just gotta pay more, alright?

    • 9 months ago

      Steam cut: 30%
      Warhammer license cut: 20% (possibly 30)
      Keep in mind not many people buy the DLCs, a lot of people buy the base game and 1-2 DLCs then just lose interest. This is why they charge such high prices.

      • 9 months ago

        >Keep in mind not many people buy the DLCs
        TWWH 2's DLCs sold like absolutely crazy, people couldn't get enough of them. I remember one incident where a big announcement about the release of an entire Total War game overshadowed by the news that Slayers (Great Weapons) would be in a free update; Warhammer Mania was very real. Hell, it was so popular that CA even released DLC for DLC despite saying that would never happen and it was so absurdly popular that they went and did it again and it also sold gangbusters.

        Warhammer was a certified golden goose that they could probably have milked for years and years and years before they went and spectacularly fricked up the third game and then once they kinda fixed it with Immortal Empires decided to start half-assing and overcharging for DLC.

      • 9 months ago

        >Keep in mind not many people buy the DLC
        Loads of people buy the DLCs, that's what's making Warhammer such a cashcow for CA.

      • 9 months ago

        Their DLCs used to reach the top 10 on steam.
        This one didn’t even hit the top 50, so you can tell even the whales have had enough

        • 9 months ago

          It's there on mine. Did you set it to ignore, maybe?

          • 9 months ago

            Well Fug now I feel like a moron

          • 9 months ago

            >People are buying starslop
            I guess it's kids who have never played a Bethesda game before.

          • 9 months ago

            The Steam client top sellers does not provide actual order, all "top sellers" are randomly shuffled by some Valve algorithm which mixes in all sorts of shit including people simply clicking on the store page itself.
            If you want to see actual list of games ordered by how much they sold, you need to check the weekly top sellers through the Steam API.
            So we won't really see until the stats for week 36 drop.

            CA playerbase is fairly well-conditioned into acting like pigs in a den, though, so I really don't think any boycotts or anything of the sort will happen.
            They will happily take one up the ass, maybe the Chinese will show them a middle finger as they have a spine going by 3K. But they can ignore that with such a massive price hike.

      • 9 months ago

        >Keep in mind not many people buy the DLCs
        I dont know anyone that hasn't bought at least three PAID DLC's so you're moronic if you think this

        • 9 months ago

          You're moronic if you didn't use CreamAPI like a normal person

  8. 9 months ago

    >feral interactive
    isn't that activisions favorite gun for hire on COD when they need some assets done for elcheapo

    • 9 months ago

      no wait im wrong actually they have done some good ports namely the linux port of company of heroes 2

  9. 9 months ago

    >wasting money on CA slop past Empire

  10. 9 months ago

    My creamapi is ready

    • 9 months ago

      do people actually pay $200 for all the DLC instead of clicking a button on creamapi and getting it for free??

      • 9 months ago

        It doesn't download the files, so what's the point. Might as well download the whole game with dlc's.

        • 9 months ago

          What? Are you complaining that you can't play only the DLC and don't want to play the game as well? The DLC is downloaded in its entirety to the game regardless of whether you have the DLC or not, it's literally just a switch you click to play the units.

        • 9 months ago

          >paypig is also a moron
          like pottery

          • 9 months ago

            I said it'd be better to pirate the game + dlc instead of bothering with steam at all.

            What? Are you complaining that you can't play only the DLC and don't want to play the game as well? The DLC is downloaded in its entirety to the game regardless of whether you have the DLC or not, it's literally just a switch you click to play the units.

            Creamapi faq says that the program does not download the dlc files for you.

            • 9 months ago

              buddy, the DLC files are already there for anyone who owns the game

              Anyone who has the game still has to update and download the files wether they bought the DLC or not

              • 9 months ago

                >buddy, the DLC files are already there for anyone who owns the game
                ... Okay, I might be moronic, I didn't know that.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah and basically all creamapi does is tick the proverbial box saying “this dumbass paid $25” then lets you play the DLC

  11. 9 months ago

    >Cathay Lord
    i sleep, frick chinks

  12. 9 months ago

    I didn't even play Chorfs, but this DLC is going to make me use cream.

  13. 9 months ago

    Wasn't the update scheduled to the 29th i was waiting to start a new campaign. Frick.

  14. 9 months ago

    I would be fine with the price if the game itself wasn’t such a buggy piece of shit. Seriously, the kroxigor lord couldn’t recruit kroxigors and CA did nothing about it for 3 months. Shit like this should be fixed immediately. Not gonna support a game with such lazy devs

  15. 9 months ago

    In a few hours we shall see if gamers truly do have a backbone or if they're all spineless consumers that MUST have what all their parasocial eceleb friends are playing.
    Or maybe we will see if CA will deliver on their promise of ending warhammer 3 support immediately if gamers continue to rise up.
    Take your bets, now, what do you think will happen?

    • 9 months ago

      >Money goes in
      >Mutalith Vortex Beast comes out
      Eat it poorgays.

    • 9 months ago

      If you still have hope for gamers being smart consumers after the MW2 and L4D2 boycotts I have some bad news for you

  16. 9 months ago

    >game is good but lots of problems
    >constantly whittle away at any and all good will by being super shitty with pricing, releasing half-baked crap and not fixing shit

    your time will run out CA

  17. 9 months ago

    You can call me a pay pig but I wouldn't have even given a shit of Tzanngors got their hockey pucks or another weapon Tzeench doesn't already have.
    They're just expensive marauders...

  18. 9 months ago

    Kind of sucks thst CA is dead because of publisher meddling. TWW was my go to map painter game and I wouldn't be surprised if Hyenas kills their studio. Just another casuality in the live service wars. Feels like we're just counting down the days until the last DLC at this point.

  19. 9 months ago

    >Premium DLC
    biggest frick you community i have ever seen so far from a gaming company.

    • 9 months ago

      whats the issue

      • 9 months ago

        >less content than other dlcs
        >prices went up to 150%
        >content creators are not happy with this dlc
        >ca claim its premium quality shit

        • 9 months ago

          whats the issue

          >prices went up to 150%
          no, not TO 150%.
          BY 150%.
          previous lordpacks cost 10 bucks, this one costs 25.

      • 9 months ago

        its the first dlc called premium and it is by far the least premium, except for the price.

        Absolutely not, the only reason VT and TWW even happened at all are because they considered WHF to be a valueless property after the endtimes and it's not unprecedented for them to jack rates on renewal when seeing something is successful.

        the only problem with that is that total warhammer is the biggest warhammer game bar none, ergo the biggest source of external money they have to do nothing for, and it is literally free advertisement for the upcoming old world release, so keeping the game alive as long as possible is wholly in their interest.
        they would be utterly moronic to play coy with demanding a bigger cut.
        then again, GW IS utterly moronic.

      • 9 months ago

        Lord packs used to cost $10, this one is $25.

        CA tries to justify this by putting three legendary lords in the DLC instead of the usual two, but there's less of everything else so it's not exactly an improvement. Lord packs often came with a free lord as well that everyone got even if you didn't buy the DLC and this one doesn't, so the third lord is really just a replacement for that.

        Then they say that they have to increase prices because the development costs went up, which sure I can accept that since the cost of fricking EVERYTHING has gone up, but that doesn't justify going from $10 to $25.

        Seem like they're expecting Warhammer players to fund the development of Hyenas, which they're expecting will be a bigger cash cow than Total War but is probably going to be a big flop.

        • 9 months ago

          >Lord packs often came with a free lord as well that everyone got even if you didn't buy the DLC and this one doesn't, so the third lord is really just a replacement for that.
          you get now a free legendary hero instead. but its not the same like a free lord.

        • 9 months ago

          >CA tries to justify this by putting three legendary lords in the DLC instead of the usual two
          Which is hilarious because last lord pack was $15 and had 4 LL.

          • 9 months ago

            I know it was a while ago now, but Champions of Chaos was a very low effort DLC; if you exclude the WoC rework which everyone got and look at what you pay for, the four CoC lords' mechanics were fully recycled (yet inferior) from the four monogod factions and there was only one new unit (Chaos Warshrines), everything else was a reskin with a small stat tweak. And all four of them are simply less fun to play than Be'lakor anyway. The ratio of development cost to retail price was probably very similar between SoC and CoC. People just forgave it back then because the WoC rework was really fricking good and we got IE at the same time.

            • 9 months ago

              This raises a good point; people that used to be behind planning strategic free releases are clearly gone on top of the manpower siphoned to hyenas.
              CA used to be pretty good at making much needed mechanical changes and dropping them at the same time as a DLC, which helped cover their asses if they had a PR frick up. If everything went smoothly, though, they just gave anyone not buying their DLC a reason to jump back in and boost numbers anyway, which made any potential customer see that the game’s thriving.
              But what do they release this time, when they desperately need some cover for a horrendously judged price gouging? A fricking Cathay minor rework that barely touches on the core mechanics that people care about. Cathay is boring as shit at the moment, since they have the worst of both worlds from Empire and Dwarfs, so what on earth makes them think this minor change is going to help?
              What they need is a green skins tier overhaul, or to just be ignored for the moment so they can give a faction like the dwarfs or ogres a desperately needed boost.

        • 9 months ago

          >some homosexual in a business suit thought THIS was going to let them corner the zoomer, millennial, and gen x gaming market

      • 9 months ago

        While most lord DLCs tend to be weighted to favour one of the factions, this one manages to give almost frick all of use to anyone.
        Cathay gets a frontline standard lord and mid tier single entity units that fill a gap, and Tzeentch gets a heavy hitting single entity, and that’s it.
        Everything else is some form of redundant or useless, and this is their most stupidly overpriced DLC to date; this should be where they bring out the big guns that people have been clamouring for, or at the very least the fan favourites that would pander to the most vocal among them.
        Contrast with Chaos Dwarfs, another overpriced package, and it gets worse. Sure, Chorfs had issues like a missing lord, pathetic self censorship (labourers? Fricking really?) and repackaged mechanics, but at the very least it delivered units that were stupidly OP to even the biggest morons so it had someone to market to.

        • 9 months ago

          >but at the very least it delivered units that were stupidly OP to even the biggest morons so it had someone to market to
          I'll be fricking damned if I understand why people are calling Chorfs OP. Hobgoblins are shit and the normal Chorf infantry is barely above their equivalent Dawi unit. The gun units barely shoot between LOS issues and their own small height and their artillery sucks wiener too for the most part.

          • 9 months ago

            I haven't played since Chorf DLC was fresh and I know there have been nerfs since, but Hobgoblins grossly overperformed for how cheap they were, Infernal Ironsworn could annihilate any other infantry one-for-one because of their blasting charges, Blunderbusses put out ridiculous damage for a tier 2 unit, Magma Cannons were the best artillery in the game because of the vortex they left behind, Dreadquakes would slaughter AI because they wouldn't dodge the shots, and Bull Centaurs (especially with Astragoth) could beat basically anything in a head on fight, even Grail Knights. Then you have the absurd army abilities from the Tower of Zharr and their bonkers strong economy and you have a faction that can quite easily achieve world conquest in 120 turns or so even without exploits.

          • 9 months ago

            Ka’dai fireborn hit stupidly hard on a charge, and destroyers can take out bloodthirsters despite not even being anti large, while basic bull centaurs can 1v1 any other large anti large up to the summoners of rage and blood knights.
            They can also stack fire vulnerability and abuse even basic b***h hobgoblin archers to do pre nerf Grom goblin archer damage, and blunderbusses shit out massive damage despite being a low tier unit, meaning to trade with them you have to either focus fire them before they get into range, ignoring their other dangerous units, or have something face tank their shots and likely have half their health wiped out.

            Then there’s more personal gripes like the fact they deliberately nerfed dwarfs again, just so chaos dwarfs looked better by comparison. Most notably they fricked over Ironbreakers just so Ironsworn were the objectively better unit rather than an alternative.

      • 9 months ago

        >CA expanded studio
        >increases price of dlc of cashcow game while decreasing number of ppl working on it to fund the studio expansion
        >people got mad
        >marketing ceo made a public statement that if ppl wont buy overpriced dlc they will stop support for the game

  20. 9 months ago

    Good I'll cream it later today

  21. 9 months ago

    YO HO

    • 9 months ago

      Pirate Vampires are such a fricking great design choice, has that concept ever been done elsewhere?

      • 9 months ago

        smiling jack from the vtm-verse used to be a pirate
        but no, no actual gameplay scenarios featuring vampire pirates come to mind

  22. 9 months ago

    Again? They are really milking this shit. Do people really care about Warhammer? Where's my Medieval 3?

    • 9 months ago

      >Where's my Medieval 3?
      Why make a game most actual TW fans want when you can just milk WHTW zoomers over 3 games. Even if they ever make ME3 expect to add a bunch of dumb shit from the warhammer games to appeal to said zoomers

    • 9 months ago

      >Where's my Medieval 3?
      Not happening any time soon. The next historical game is Pharaoh.

  23. 9 months ago

    Is anyone buying this?

    • 9 months ago

      not for 25€

    • 9 months ago

      The sales of the game rose from 90th place to 23rd now, people are definitely coming around to it.

      • 9 months ago

        Gamers Rise UP

  24. 9 months ago

    So CA is dead after both Egypt and Hyenas flops?

    • 9 months ago

      Pharaoh won't make much difference either way. Its development costs are minimal. Hyenas on the other hand will send them to the financial middle ages. I have no idea who thought Hyenas was a good investment and I have the feeling they're starting to slowly catch on to the fact that they were and still are literally burning money.

      • 9 months ago

        >I have no idea who thought Hyenas was a good investment
        Some suit at SEGA, probably.

      • 9 months ago

        >Catch on
        They know it for a long time now. Most of trailers on Gamescom are old ones. I literally haven't seen any new stuff they showed about this monstrosity. But since no one is actually following this game no one knows trailers are not new. And all VODs about Hyenas from the Gamescom have been deleted. THEY KNOW this shot will flop.

  25. 9 months ago

    Anything that filters out third worlders from a white hobby is based. Yes, I will happily pay more so every Ivan and pacos can't infest my community.

  26. 9 months ago

    Yea I'm not buying it

  27. 9 months ago

    They should've added two more generic lords, two more generic heroes and five more units so that everyone in this DLC got 1 generic lord and hero along 5 units each.

  28. 9 months ago

    WE GOT TOO wienerY

  29. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Caps* haha got so excited xD

  30. 9 months ago

    Did they reduce the frequency of city battles?

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly, I'm unironically quite excited for Shadows of Change. Yeah, the price is bullshit, I get why people cream the game, and that I'm just lucky to not have to worry about money enough for this to be an issue.
      But Chorfs were god damn great, and this thing is supposed to bring a lot of new units to Kislev and Cathay, as well as some mechanical overhauls (from the looks of it, mainly for Cathay and Tzeench), both of which are SORELY needed.
      I was a little disapointed when I saw that the Kislev isn't getting bigger overhaul from the looks of it, but it's better than nothing. Both Catay and Kislev are barely playable to me mostly because of the desperate lack of unit variety, so getting like 5 new units each could do wonders for them alone, and the overhaul of ballance for Cathay sounds like exactly what I thought they need (Ballance being local and not faction-wide resource).

      >Did they reduce the frequency of city battles?
      Yes, long, LONG time ago actually. Normal minor settlement battles are now just a regular field battles.
      If your settlement has fortification, then you get what used to be regular settlement battles. And proper walled sieges are now for major settlements only.
      Since the A.I. rarely fortifies minor settlement, 90% of minor settlement battles are now just regular fields in IM.

      • 9 months ago

        I could buy a copy for every IP in this thread and not feel it, but frick paying $25 for a DLC. Sometimes it's the principle.

        • 9 months ago

          >Sometimes it's the principle.
          I don't agree with that logic, because like it or not, DLC's have became the sole reason why we can have AA-tier production values for more niche-market genres.
          If you want to see a game that targets a limited audience but keeps up with the production quality with the upper market sphere, you simply CANNOT fund it otherwise. There is a hard celling on how many people will play your game, and that celling isn't high enough to support more lavish production costs.

          Games like TWH, DCS, Ill-2 or Space Engineers will have to end up costing each player proportionally more than a full AAA game would through their reliance on DLC because again: You are paying for an almost AAA tier production costs, but with a market limited to FRACTION of the reach of an AAA title.

          • 9 months ago

            Anon don't say that, you might trigger the parasocial gamers. They don't realize games aren't developed for free and are a money-making venture.
            CA's price hike was absurd, but I simply won't buy it until it's on sale and move on. This wailing is tiresome and frankly embarrassing.

          • 9 months ago

            Both Warhammer 2 and 3 were in the top 10 sellers of steam for multiple periods of times, so did almost every dlc since 2 until now. Going for the
            >it's just a niche game
            defense for CA (one of UK's biggest companies) and Sega is corporate simp behavior. TWH has been CA's cash cow for the better part of the last 4 years for now.

          • 9 months ago

            >you simply CANNOT fund it otherwise
            >that celling isn't high enough to support more lavish production costs
            Now explain why their profits were already higher than ever before this sudden price increase.

            >You are paying for an almost AAA tier production costs
            Given the state of this game both at launch and in terms of follow-up support, this statement is absolutely laughable.

          • 9 months ago

            TWH has been, and still is, one of the most profitable games in the last decade.
            CA is no little indy studio either and just because the audience for TW games in general is made up less by Zoomers doesnt mean that those games sell bad.
            Like the other guy already pointed out CA is unironically one of the biggest companies in the UK with close to 1000 employees.

      • 9 months ago

        It seems like their focus for this round of race updates was removing annoying mechanics which makes sense since they probably consider the TWIII races as being mostly complete. They weren't absolute disasters like old Beastmen were.

        • 9 months ago

          >They weren't absolute disasters like old Beastmen were.
          Well, while TW3's races weren't as disasterous as Beastmen, frankly most of them were pretty damn bad.
          Kislev and Cathay have so few units they are an insane bore-fest, genuinely not worth playing. The Harmony mechanic for Cathay was also entirely ill-concieved, and Kislev desperately lacks sub-faction differenciation, there already isn't much point in playing Kislev now because by the time you reach turn 40, you already have seen all their roster can put together and have your final, universal army composition: but playing as Kostaltin is even less appealing because he does not play any differently from Katherin, so why would you EVER pick him up.

          It's not a disaster but it isn't good either. These factions desperately do need makeovers. In case of Kislev I'd argue that a far more substantial one than we are getting...

          • 9 months ago

            Kislev definitely feels like it was designed for just Katarina, so yeah I'd def agree they could use a bit more reworking. Mother Stanky is definitely distinct enough (though lacking a hag lord is a huge oversight). Cathay's harmony mechanics were terrible though if you ever confederated or otherwise mass acquired territory so I prefer it as it is.

            >The Harmony mechanic for Cathay was also entirely ill-concieved, and Kislev desperately lacks sub-faction differenciation, there already isn't much point in playing Kislev now because by the time you reach turn 40, you already have seen all their roster can put together and have your final, universal army composition
            I also disagree with this not because you're wrong but because that's true of pretty much every faction. Each has it's best units and except for fighting hard counters you're just gonna pump stacks of your top tier guys anyways.

            • 9 months ago

              >I also disagree with this not because you're wrong but because that's true of pretty much every faction.
              Sure, but now you are talking about speculative min-maxing strategies.

              The big difference between how other factions like Tomb Lords or Lizardmen or Empire, and between factions like Cathay or Kislev, is that you CAN field very diverse armies if you want. Sure - you can eventually figure out the most optimal setup and keep pumping it out, but you don't HAVE TO, you have options. Personally, I don't minmax and enjoy creating sub-optimal but interesting army compositions.

              The issue with Cathay and Kislev is that you can't really do that, there just isn't enough units to go around. Cathay felt the worst to me in this respect.
              A perfectly well rounded melee infantry and a perfectly well rounded indirect fire missile infantry, plus two types of artillery covering every need, and a handful of pointless flavor units... it's so damn boring. Jade warriors and jade warriors and artillery. Every single time. Every battle is the exact same, extremely basic two line shit, it's so damn dull.

              Compare that to the kind of crazy compositions you can squeeze out of lizardmen. Or vampires. Or tomb kings. Or empire.

              • 9 months ago

                >The big difference between how other factions like Tomb Lords or Lizardmen or Empire, and between factions like Cathay or Kislev, is that you CAN field very diverse armies if you want
                Before or after all their DLC? Tomb King was a DLC faction so they pretty much got everything at the start. But how diverse was vanilla Lizardmen and Empire?

                Furthermore when it comes to the Empire, their most optimal setup is a diverse army as their units are not the best of anything. Lastly you're issue with Cathay makes me wonder how you're playing dwarfs

              • 9 months ago

                Empire was always diverse. Their dlc units have barely changed anything for them. Flagellants are okay I guess, mostly just a flavor unit. Huntsman and war wagons are actually good, but not really essential. The biggest thing they got for their roster diversity were all of the different mages, but those were all flc anyway.
                Lizardmen's coolest units were added with dlc, but none of them really add much imo at least not in the same way that units like warplock jezails or sisters of averlorn did for their factions.

              • 9 months ago

                >Flagellants are okay I guess
                Flagellants are the only frontline the empire has against the V*mps that will last more than 40 seconds.

              • 9 months ago

                >Before or after all their DLC?
                I only hopped on the TWH train few years ago, around the same time TWH3 was first announced, so I haven't really played things like what Empire was back in TWH2 release era.
                But I think Empire, Lizardmen and Tomb Kings were very rounded even before the many DLC's, at least unit roster-wise, since TWH2 ME came out.
                In fact, the only faction where I think DLC's made a SUBSTANTIAL improvement to unit roster, are the ratboys.

                >Sure, but now you are talking about speculative min-maxing strategies.
                It is a strategy game, Black person. You can definitely compose your army however you want and RP, but you'll never be the devs' priority or align with the majority of the playerbase.

                Like there's something pretty self-centered about being disappointed CA is balancing and designing around strategic gameplay instead of roleplay opportunities.

                >It is a strategy game, Black person. You can definitely compose your army however you want and RP
                Kid, a quality of a strategy game is defined by the number of viable options and strategies it can carry. You got it backwards - 99% of TWH players appreciate variety and experimentations, and only 1% gives a frick about hyper-optimizing their armies, because they play competetive. And CA is pretty fricking obviously aware of that, given how DLC races and race-overhaul all have been prioritizing more creative options over hyper-polishing very limited rosters.
                You think the Huntsman and Beast added more types of war wagons to Empire because the autistic multiplayer optimizers demanded it?

              • 9 months ago

                >Kid, a quality of a strategy game is defined by the number of viable options and strategies it can carry.
                The greatest strategy games of all time don't really follow this maxim of yours, boomer. Age of Empires and Civilization are famous for each civ/faction having a dedicated optimal strat. TW focuses on the differences between Lords and Races, not really the army comps. Even new DLC units are usually just power creep stuff that becomes the new standard comp.

              • 9 months ago

                >The greatest strategy games of all time don't really follow this maxim of yours, boomer. Age of Empires and Civilization are famous for each civ/faction having a dedicated optimal strat.
                Genuine question: Are you diagnosed with some form of cognitive deficiency? News-fash: AoE wasn't DESIGNED to have a dedicated maximum efficiency strategy. In fact was was designed to do the exact opposite.
                It's just the fact that when becoming a popular competetive multiplayer game, min-maxing build-orders and compositions will emerge, in every game, because again: people spend thousands of hours optimizing for competetive purposes. There is literal money on the line at times.
                Also, how cute of you not to mentioning THE most popular RTS games at all. Like SC and Warcraft. Where your argument becomes an absolute joke.

              • 9 months ago

                >In fact was was designed to do the exact opposite.
                Then it was designed incredibly poorly, since as you admit it didn't shake out like that once it came time to play. If you design your game to play fast but everyone plays it slow, you're misinterpreting your own design.
                >Also, how cute of you not to mentioning THE most popular RTS games at all. Like SC and Warcraft.
                Popular 30 years ago gramps, yet AoE and Civilization still sell like hotcakes. It's almost like there's a variety of strategy games out there, some which focus variety on the factions and some which focus on the unit comps. Wowie zowie!

              • 9 months ago

                >Then it was designed incredibly poorly,
                >Popular 30 years ago gramps
                Is this a troll? Nobody is this stupid, right?

              • 9 months ago

                You can't really compare age of empires, civilization and total war. They are played in completely different ways

                Furthermore how are you even comparing them? A faction that's really strong in SP could be very weak in multiplayer

              • 9 months ago

                They're all strategy games and share the fact that each faction/race has an ideal unit comp/strat except during rare matchups/circumstances. If 3 of the top strategy games of all time follow that mold, you can't treat it as something odd or bad.

              • 9 months ago

                What they are different kinds of strategy games, civ has you managing economy, religion, happiness, culture and war while being turn based. AOE is real time and only has you focusing on economy and war, total war mixes both with the overmap being turn based and the battles being real time and again the rules of SP don't apply to MP

              • 9 months ago

                Nobody plays total war MP Black person. It's like Paradox MP, not even a factor in development priorities.

                >Then it was designed incredibly poorly,
                >Popular 30 years ago gramps
                Is this a troll? Nobody is this stupid, right?

                Nobody plays Warcraft or StarCraft anymore. AMP games are donezo (and that's a good thing)

              • 9 months ago

                >Nobody plays total war MP Black person
                There is an very active MP scene for total war

              • 9 months ago

                >Nobody plays Warcraft or StarCraft anymore. AMP games are donezo (and that's a good thing)
                I don't think I've seen anyone quite as moronic as you are outside of Bethesda threads.
                Congratulations. You are on par with beth drones. Quite an achievement in terms of sheer stupidity.

              • 9 months ago

                StarCraft and Warcraft are dead, both professionally and among normies.
                Stick a fork in em, Jimbo. They're done.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's like Paradox MP, not even a factor in development priorities.
                holy shit you are so wrong, MP homosexuals are the reason Stellaris is so homogenised now. the devs play MP and if something was too """unbalanced""" in their games it gets nerfed in SP.

              • 9 months ago

                >Sure, but now you are talking about speculative min-maxing strategies.
                It is a strategy game, Black person. You can definitely compose your army however you want and RP, but you'll never be the devs' priority or align with the majority of the playerbase.

                Like there's something pretty self-centered about being disappointed CA is balancing and designing around strategic gameplay instead of roleplay opportunities.

              • 9 months ago

                You aren't thinking about this in the context of reality.
                The empire has existed for almost 40 years in one form or another, there thus are plenty of units to pick from aside the bare minimum.
                Cathy was effectively invented by GW and CA for TWWIII. When GW releases a new faction it takes time, effort and sculpts the first release is inevitably as bare bones as it can reasonably be to field 2000 points with enough options to cover a game.
                GW and CA effectively work in opposite directions normally. CA has an entire faction and pairs it down to what is reasonable and necessary and portions sections off for dlc.
                GW builds up from nothing and expands niches out over time.

              • 9 months ago

                >Cathy was effectively invented by GW and CA for TWWIII.
                I don't give a shit. If they can't come up with enough interesting units for a faction, then they should scrap that faction and make a different one instead. It's a game, it needs to have engaging mechanics, the faction needs to be fun to play. Cathay in it's current state is not fun to play. We'll see if that changes in like - what is it, 6 more hours?

                I understand the complications and limitations of a game development, in fact I think I'm more considerate of the reality of TWH's development than most people (hence why I don't resent them for the DLC-heavy strategy). But saying that Cathay can't be good because there isn't enough to draw inspiration from is not a good argument in defense of the game. It's their job to make a fun faction to play, I don't care how they achieve it, but I expect that is what they are going to do.

              • 9 months ago

                Do you think T'au roster in 2001 was the same as it is today?
                Do you think the brand-new space dwarf roster feels feature-complete? Compared to Dark Eldar?
                GW is not going to release a faction with literally every mini the possibly can on the initial drop. That's fricking bad business.

              • 9 months ago

                >Do you think T'au roster in 2001 was the same as it is today?
                I have no clue. I also don't care. I have zero personal interest in these IP's outside of the handful of videogames games build on them that I enjoy. And more importantly, the fact that CA decided to include Cathay, despite it not really being properly fleshed out in the tabletop, actually proves your point wrong. It means that CA aren't actually beholden to anything, they can literally make up whatever they feel fits, which is all the more reason why the faction should be interesting - as they can invent units to ballance out the roster when they need them.

                Cathay is bad mostly because the TWH3 core game development team is bad. Quite famously so - TWH core games tend to be shit, and it's then up to the "DLC team" to clean it up.
                But that is still not an excuse. And again, I'm willing to believe things may pick up later. Maybe even with 4.0, who knows. But it's still a fact that Cathay was a terrible faction in TWH3 release and early IM campagins, and it's because the team did a terrible job implementing and ballancing their roster. That is just how it is. Hopefully, that may change over time.

              • 9 months ago

                >It means that CA aren't actually beholden to anything
                This is entirely wrong, which sadly poisons the rest of your argument.
                CA worked with GW on Kislev and Cathay because they are going to feature as playable factions in 'The Old World' WHFB revival/update tabletop game.
                They would have essentially been entirely beholden to whatever GW deems realistic/economically feasible to craft sculpts for.

              • 9 months ago

                >Do you think T'au roster in 2001 was the same as it is today?
                Not the greatest example you could have used given that the Tau army was much more interesting in its early days back before GW's design team caught a severe case of giant mech brainrot.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh yeah hiding FW teams behind devilfish 'they can totes shoot under' while they obliterate anything from across the table and anyone counter-shooting has to blast through a transport first. Was supremely interesting.

        • 9 months ago

          I thought beastmen were only a disaster in campaign but overall very strong in battles

          >Thank you for paying double goyim. Be sure 0 of revenue will go towards your game, but thank you for proxy supporting "trance rights the game".
          I hate you all consumering fricks so much.

          And I hate you delusional fricks you clearly need to be diagnosed with some form of psychosis but you don't hear me complaining about it

  31. 9 months ago

    Release Medieval 3

  32. 9 months ago

    >Mother Babuska protects the forests of Kislev
    >Her starting position in IE is in dark elf land
    Guess that the entire world is Kislev clay

  33. 9 months ago

    It's gonna get reviewbombed, isn't it?

    • 9 months ago

      It already is and the base game

  34. 9 months ago

    I bought it, just like I bought the Chorfs
    Stay mad, some of us are actually employed

    • 9 months ago

      I am also employed, but I got a mortgage to pay, Housing association fees, bills, cat that needs feeding, me that needs feeding, money to put aside for the future and generally balance my economy to never go in the red even if it's just by one.

      Your point?

      • 9 months ago

        post kot

    • 9 months ago

      The fact that you waste the money you get from your textile factory job on useless shit like this is what keeps you a poorgay third worlder. And your kind never learns.

  35. 9 months ago

    How long does creamapi usually take it update? Not giving CA one more cent after Hyenas began existing.

    • 9 months ago

      2-3 days

    • 9 months ago

      Won't take long.
      The last EU IV DLC was updated in like tow days.

    • 9 months ago

      >How long does creamapi usually take it update?
      Its a text file you don't need it to be updated, just apply again the same files after WH3 get updated

      • 9 months ago

        don't you actually need the dlc files?
        where do you get those?

        • 9 months ago

          >don't you actually need the dlc files?
          No, you get these with the update that's the entire point of cream, that it lets you unlock content that you have but its locked

          • 9 months ago

            Wait what?
            The game downloads the dlc onto your pc but locks it?
            That shit sounds dumb as frick.

            • 9 months ago

              Yes, why do you think you can fight against the new units and play with people that have these? you need the files to do that and these come with the update

            • 9 months ago

              they add the new lords as AI opponents to advertise them to you more

  36. 9 months ago

    >Changeling is my favorite WH character
    >The finally release him right when they decide to do the most israeli shit possible.
    Fricking monkey's paw man. Guess I'll check out this cream.api thing.

  37. 9 months ago

    Im going to pirate the DLC like I do all total warhammer DLC
    But Im also going to post tons of images of me playing it saying Im having fun to piss off the boycott people too emotionally invested in a fricking videogame

  38. 9 months ago

    >Thank you for paying double goyim. Be sure 0 of revenue will go towards your game, but thank you for proxy supporting "trance rights the game".
    I hate you all consumering fricks so much.

  39. 9 months ago

    I just bought it so I have all the DLC when they stop supporting the game so I dont get any bugs when the good mods come out post support for the game. The nagash mod is already amazing and the other fan made race packs are good too

  40. 9 months ago

    Medieval 2 with SSHIP is the peak of Total War

  41. 9 months ago

    No thank you.
    Hope CA goes bankrupt.

  42. 9 months ago

    >All the youtube clowns covering TW releases voiced they dislike the higher prices and CAs bullshit.
    >Nevermind, they're back to freely advertising it for them.

    Fricking ad revenue sheep.

  43. 9 months ago

    the pricing is absolute dogshit but i want to upgrade my pc so fricking bad just to get the games and zoom in and watch the stupid fights

    • 9 months ago

      the fights last 3 minutes max unless you puase you won't watch nothing

  44. 9 months ago

    Been playing TWW since day 1 and this is the first dlc I'm not interested in at all. Changeling looks really cool, but his campaign also looks really easy and I hated how it was basically impossible to lose as Beastmen after their rework despite them being made more fun. The other 2 lords look like shit. IME is also in a shit state and I'm really disappointed they haven't put any effort into polishing it over the last year.
    CA had a ton of momentum and finally got people interested in this series during WH2 and now they're squandering it all. Sad.

    • 9 months ago

      >IME is also in a shit state and I'm really disappointed they haven't put any effort into polishing it over the last year.
      homie they're about to drop the fattest patch of WHIII for free.

      • 9 months ago

        The previous patches have ended up with CA breaking things and then having us wait months on end for small things to be fixed, I'm not confident. The early access israelitetubers have also been cataloging pretty awful bugs. Bugs that I'll be surprised if they're fixed for this launch. The game has gotten so bad that I feel like the community patch is basically necessary now. It's reached the point where it's Bethesda tier shit now and basically requires mods to be good.

        • 9 months ago

          The Great Book of Grudges dude already confirmed that CA fixed most of the bugs he identified in the final pre-launch patch.

          • 9 months ago

            Well, that's good then.

    • 9 months ago

      >Changeling looks really cool
      He doesn't fricking look "cool" you moronic troony. He is objectively the worst LL in the game, because you can't lose as him. The point of games is to WIN at them, but what's the point of WINning in them if you can't LOSE?

      • 9 months ago

        >The point of games is to WIN at them, but what's the point of WINning in them if you can't LOSE?
        Can't really lose in a normal Total War campaign absent of just putting the keyboard away. Minecraft is also a super popular game you can't really lose.

        • 9 months ago

          >Minecraft is also a super popular game you can't really lose.
          Incorrect. Try playing hardcore.
          >Can't really lose in a normal Total War campaign
          There is at least a 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of losing as other LL, while you can't even theoretically lose as Changeling.

          • 9 months ago

            >Incorrect. Try playing hardcore.
            Nah, game was mega popular before hardcore was a thing.
            >There is at least a 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of losing as other LL, while you can't even theoretically lose as Changeling.
            Streamers already reported AI Changeling dies within 10 turns 50% of the time, so it's definitely possible to lose. You don't need to lie to save your failing boycott, anon.

            • 9 months ago

              >game was mega popular before hardcore was a thing.
              Your point being? You said it was impossible to lose in Minecraft, I told you you're wrong.
              >Streamers already reported AI Changeling dies
              What does this have to do with me, the player, not being able to lose as him? You do understand that AI is a) Fricking brain dead b) doesn't even use the full capabilities of the LL?

              • 9 months ago

                >Your point being? You said it was impossible to lose in Minecraft, I told you you're wrong.
                It was a popular game that did not have a fail state, you're in the wrong anon. They added one later, but it was already critically and popularly well received way before that.
                >what does that have to do with me, the player
                If the AI can play poorly and lose, so can a player. You underestimate the skill of the average gamer. They're also brain dead.

              • 9 months ago

                >It was a popular game that did not have a fail state
                Who asked?
                >If the AI can play poorly and lose, so can a player.
                Incorrect. As I said the AI is 1) moronic 2) Doesn't use the full capabilities of the LL.

              • 9 months ago

                >Who asked?
                I don't need anyone to ask to prove you wrong, kek. Imagine being this self centered to think that someone needs to ASK your opponent in a debate to provide a counter point. Here's my question: are you actually, unironically autistic? You don't seem to have the ability to formulate thoughts outside your own worldview.
                >as I said, AI is moronic
                Anon, so is the average player. They'll definitely have one cult only and get merked. You're also discounting that a lot of players give up and "lose" when facing major setbacks even if they haven't officially hit the game over screen.

              • 9 months ago

                >I don't need anyone to ask to prove you wrong, kek.
                What the frick are you talking about you moronic troony? You said "You can't lose in Minecraft", I told you - you are wrong and provided evidence. You started talking about popularity out of nowhere, because you are a subhuman thirdworlder with no education who probably shits on the street right now.
                >the average player
                I don't care about average trannies. Let me make this simple for you
                FACT: You can't lose as Changeling
                FACT: You can lose as other LLs
                Is there anything about this that is unclear, troony?

              • 9 months ago

                >I told you - you are wrong and provided evidence.
                I proved your point wrong by showing that that point was incorrect as it's critical acclaim and popularity came WELL before that. It was a complete and good game without a fail state. Try again anon.
                >I don't care about average trannies.
                Of course, all your whining is just "me, me, me". If you didn't have a parasocial relationship with CA you wouldn't be malding this hard over a video game. They design for the average player, not you specifically dumbass. Accept that and you'll be a lot less ass-mad.

              • 9 months ago

                Are you genuinely mentally challenged or something? You said and I quote "You can't lose in Minecraft", and I told that you are lying, because you can lose in Minecraft, what else don't you understand, moron? If you have a mental disability you shouldn't be posting on this website.
                >They design for the average player
                Any player who completed the tutorial won't be able to lose as Changeling.

      • 9 months ago

        Honestly (despite it obviously being a dev oversight) it makes sense Chaos-keks can't lose. Even when they 'die' they always just fricking come back.
        Also seems comfy just floating around meddling with other people's business and dropping the occasional JUST AS KEKKU.

        • 9 months ago

          >it makes sense Chaos-keks can't lose
          I don't care about this, I'm playing a video game, I want to be able to win and to lose. Also other Chaos LLs don't have this problem.

          • 9 months ago

            All of the demon lords should just eternally have a chance to respawn wherever their corruption is tbh.

      • 9 months ago

        That's literally what I said in my post in the exact same sentence you colossal moron.

  45. 9 months ago

    >$25 DLC
    Oh no, poor me, guess I won't be able to afford to buy that on my $4000 PC

  46. 9 months ago

    All that I want from a dlc is a hard isn't just the campaign and battle difficulty slider or your immediate neighbours. They had the perfect opportunity to do that with Oxyotl but they half baked it. Not every campaign should be designed so it could be anybody first campaign. I just want to be challenged by purposefully designed mechanics for a lord.

    • 9 months ago

      *hard campaign that isn't just

    • 9 months ago

      that one is not on CA tho
      it is sadly a fact that broken OP LL's sell better than balanced ones
      you just have to take a look at the most popular mods in the workshop, alot of them are literally cheat mods

  47. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Even if this whole inflated pricing drama never happened, I still wouldn't pay a penny to anything CA makes, since anything you pay them will inevitably be used to fund Hyenas.

      Why do you shitposters repeat this point? I seen you people talk more about Hyenas then CA

      The previous patches have ended up with CA breaking things and then having us wait months on end for small things to be fixed, I'm not confident. The early access israelitetubers have also been cataloging pretty awful bugs. Bugs that I'll be surprised if they're fixed for this launch. The game has gotten so bad that I feel like the community patch is basically necessary now. It's reached the point where it's Bethesda tier shit now and basically requires mods to be good.

      >and then having us wait months on end for small things to be fixed
      I think CA prefers to find as many bugs as possible and then fixing them in one big patch rather then many small hotfixes.

      >Before or after all their DLC?
      I only hopped on the TWH train few years ago, around the same time TWH3 was first announced, so I haven't really played things like what Empire was back in TWH2 release era.
      But I think Empire, Lizardmen and Tomb Kings were very rounded even before the many DLC's, at least unit roster-wise, since TWH2 ME came out.
      In fact, the only faction where I think DLC's made a SUBSTANTIAL improvement to unit roster, are the ratboys.

      >It is a strategy game, Black person. You can definitely compose your army however you want and RP
      Kid, a quality of a strategy game is defined by the number of viable options and strategies it can carry. You got it backwards - 99% of TWH players appreciate variety and experimentations, and only 1% gives a frick about hyper-optimizing their armies, because they play competetive. And CA is pretty fricking obviously aware of that, given how DLC races and race-overhaul all have been prioritizing more creative options over hyper-polishing very limited rosters.
      You think the Huntsman and Beast added more types of war wagons to Empire because the autistic multiplayer optimizers demanded it?

      >and Tomb Kings were very rounded even before the many DLC's
      As mentioned before, Tomb kings are a DLC faction and haven't gotten any updates since their DLC launched. Just like Norsca and Bretonnia. It also took a really long time for wood elves, Beastmen and Warriors of chaos to get an updated because they are DLC factions.

      • 9 months ago

        >As mentioned before, Tomb kings are a DLC faction
        Fair enough, but the point still stands for Empire and Lizardmen. Also, you aren't entirely correct on Norsica, because while they (as far as I know) didn't recieve any new units, they did recieve 2 MASSIVE mechanical overhauls through out the time.
        Also, Norsica is right now the worst faction in the game, as far as I am concerned. Not because of units or faction mechanics, but solely on IE positioning. Playing them is suffering. Though that MAY change, because it seems that a lot of the announced campaign A.I. changes are going to directly and heavily benefit them and should make them much more fun to play.

      • 9 months ago

        Tomb KANGZ and Brets are the two most unpopular and ignored races in the tabletop.
        They really dont have anything to add unless you want to make up bullshit

        • 9 months ago

          Funny considering that Bret and Tomb kangz are considered core races for the Old World then.

        • 9 months ago

          And yet they are two of the strongest faction in the game when played in multiplayer

      • 9 months ago

        Tomb Kings did get the bone giant added to the roster but I'm pretty sure it was a unit they couldn't finish in time for the dlc, so they cut it until they could finish it.

  48. 9 months ago

    Warhammer consooooomers are one step below Gachatards

  49. 9 months ago

    Why do I see this lets gooooo in every release that no one cares about? It's like a fake hype machine. Is it being ironic?

  50. 9 months ago

    >Top seller
    Another successful reddit boycott

  51. 9 months ago

    Would I be able to get around a theoretical CreamAPI ban if I use a secondary account with Steam family sharing to protect my main account?

    • 9 months ago

      Any accounts remotely linked to sharing will receive a vac ban if any of them receive one. I don't think starfield uses vac, you might just get banned by bethesda

    • 9 months ago

      I think they can tell, but cream API has been around for years so far and has had 0 issues.

  52. 9 months ago

    >my wife jen just solo'd 2 Steel Watchers at level 10

    So proud of her.

  53. 9 months ago

    I installed Shogun 2
    I will play it for 50 hours and then uninstall
    I want to try playing more slowly so I can get swamped with enemy armies

  54. 9 months ago

    shadows of cringe

  55. 9 months ago

    Is the game playable (=on the level of WH2 or better) yet? Or should I keep waiting?

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, it's playable. Less bugs and better performance than on launch. Will be even better when the patch drops soon

    • 9 months ago

      >Is the game playable (=on the level of WH2 or better) yet?

  56. 9 months ago

    Even if this was still $10 I wouldn't buy it because it's content for the cringe nu-hammer OC factions.

    • 9 months ago

      Kill la have a nice day secondary.

      • 9 months ago

        Stop replying to trannies, moron.

  57. 9 months ago

    I'm so ready bros! I can bearly contain my excitement!

    • 9 months ago

      Look at him go!

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      What is it with all games featuring bears lately?

  58. 9 months ago

    IT'S UP!

  59. 9 months ago

    >this fiasco is happening a few month before they actually are supposed to release a proper Nurgle DLC

    On one hand frick them for this price hike, on the other I hope this doesn't frick up the upcoming Nurgle/Empire/Dwarf DLC because all 3 of those need love, Nurgle especially probably needs a semi-rework as well.

    • 9 months ago

      i like nurgle
      what does he need?

      • 9 months ago

        1. Better economy that picks up faster, they went too far with the "flavor" of waxing/waning, it can stay for flavor but needs to be more balanced so you don't have to conquer the entirety of Cathay and still can only maintain two respectable stacks
        2. Option for Nurgle Marked Chaos Lord + option for Nurgle mark regular Nurgle Sorcerer who can take lore of Nurgle
        3. Pox Maggoths as a dedicated anti-large monster
        4. Some visual updates so they don't look like men colored in green paint. Sure there are mods but cmon.

    • 9 months ago

      Look on the bright side anon, when this dlc bombs because of them being israelites, they are going to over correct and try to win the community back by making the next one(nurgle) great.

      I can't even pretend to be optimistic, they are just gonna double down after a few shit eaters buy the dlc anyways. Hope you also like a different faction anon.

  60. 9 months ago

    >am I ready for the worst dlc yet
    Leaving aside the price hike and new bugs that'll take 3 months to fix the DLC is just not that interesting. Don't give a single shit about cathay and generic chinky dragon lord #3 and I certainly don't give any more fricks about fantasy slavs. I'll come back when they finally decide to add Nagash and probably pirate that.

    • 9 months ago

      not to mention the changeling is absolutely broken and both the chorf caravan mechanics and the hags stew mechanics are just rehashes of existing mechanics CA just reworded to sound new.

  61. 9 months ago

    >top seller
    Looks like big corpo wins again maggots. Learn your fricking place in life.

  62. 9 months ago

    Fricking hell, CA might be the most incompetent file size bloaters around

    • 9 months ago

      Sega requires you to download a 80GB DLC pack just to listen to some music tracks in their MMO New Genesis.

    • 9 months ago

      haha yeah ;_;

  63. 9 months ago

    So can I creampie it right away?

    • 9 months ago

      what is creamapi?

    • 9 months ago

      I don't see why not if you enabled auto dlc unlock

      • 9 months ago

        So can I creampie it right away?

        Confirmed works

        • 9 months ago

          let's fricking goooo

          • 9 months ago

            You're incapable of communicating without using reddit memes? You're a homosexual, shit thread

  64. 9 months ago

    shadows of change? but they charged me full price?

    • 9 months ago


  65. 9 months ago

    CA won

  66. 9 months ago

    Reminder that Bretonnians are footgays.

  67. 9 months ago

    >latest CA slop
    >immense powercreep
    >reusing old mechanics and calling it "new"
    >150% price increase
    CAdrones truly are a horribly cucked fanbase. Every game and dlc just gets worse with each iteration and these paypigs happily line up to consoom the latest slop being served up.

    • 9 months ago

      >CAdrones truly are a horribly cucked fanbase
      Don't lump the rest of us with the cuckhammer/GWslop cattle.

      • 9 months ago

        At least we get actual new units and mechanics, instead of recolored spearmen.

      • 9 months ago

        3d printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr

    • 9 months ago

      >150% price increase
      Their costs are up bro please understand

      • 9 months ago

        CA needs the money to build the new studio for FPS battle royale games

        • 9 months ago

          i have a feeling their fans are getting shafted hard right now because ca thinks hyenas and pharaoh is going to bomb in spectacular fashion.

  68. 9 months ago

    Keep funding my games paypiggies while i just creampie your slop.

    • 9 months ago

      I will.

  69. 9 months ago

    You're incapable of communicating without using reddit memes? OP is homosexual, shit thread

    • 9 months ago

      You're incapable of communicating without using reddit memes? You're a homosexual, shit thread


  70. 9 months ago

    Oh its time for Big Daddy.

  71. 9 months ago

    frick you shill
    speaking realistically here, you wont be able to actually play the game until 4 weeks after the update because it will be bugged to shit, because theyre always bugged to shit.

  72. 9 months ago

    I know this dlc is a bit expensive but it still offers good value for the amount of content

    • 9 months ago

      what does this shit even mean? you could have bought like 40 times as much content with the same amount of money if you had bought other games

      • 9 months ago

        >3 new Legendary Lords emerge from the shadows.
        >Perform dastardly schemes and trickery with the Changeling of Tzeentch.
        >Establish and execute grand stratagems on a global scale as Yuan Bo of Grand Cathay.
        >Conjure powerful hexes and incantations whilst engaging in witchcraft, flipping campaigns on their head as Mother Ostankya of Kislev.
        >Scatter magical spells at random with the Blue Scribes of Tzeentch; a new Legendary Hero.
        >Expand your roster with 11 additional units, and enhance your troops with 9 new Regiments of Renown.
        No cap, they could've charged twice the amount that they did and it would've been worth it

        • 9 months ago

          your gif is fitting since thats what you are; a dumb, materialistic, shallow prostitute, whoring herself out online. thats you every time you defend CA

          • 9 months ago

            Why shouldn't we defend developers who make great content at reasonable prices?

        • 9 months ago

          >No Hag Mothers
          >No melee hero for Cathay
          >No Tzeentch Lord and Exalted hero
          >No Ungol units for Kislev and better choices for monsters like the Frostfiend (the Incarnate rocks however)
          >No units that would compliment the existing Cathay ones
          >Free updates are shallow (especially Cathay's)
          Yeah no. Not for a price bigger than the Chaos Dwarfs.

          • 9 months ago

            The fact that we didn't get an Aspiring Champions of Tzeentch unit is pretty fricking terrible.

            • 9 months ago

              Yep. Or Tzaanbulls so that Beastmen could also get them.
              Not to mention that they could've added Ungol units to Kislev with Ostankya...but no, put in some guys that outperform Streltsi and a monster that lives near Mordheim (I can't b***h about the Incarnate Elemental, but apart of Kislev and Beastmen, The Empire should also get it since they summon Incarnates in general non-stop to aid them). Or stuff like Longma Riders with Crossbows so to accompany the Longma Riders or Terracotta Soldiers...but nope.
              I mean for Kislev they could've made stuff like Ungol Raiders that would be a hybrid melee/ranged unit and added the Frostfiend as both its own unit and a mount for Ice Witches
              That's inexcusable.

        • 9 months ago

          Wish I could smoke indoors... why do women look so much hotter smoking too.

  73. 9 months ago

    I wish i still found total war interesting.
    It all just feels so surface level and no campaign stays interesting past turn 20

  74. 9 months ago

    >"hype" thread for a DLC
    I want normalgays to leave.

    • 9 months ago

      What normalgays?
      This is CA shills advertising and discord gays trying to stir shit

  75. 9 months ago


  76. 9 months ago

    If they:
    >Added Hag Mothers for Kislev as generic lords
    >Added Bastion Commanders (or how they are called again) for Cathay as generic melee heroes
    >Added the marked Lord and Exalted Heroe variants for Tzeentch and WoC
    >Added five more thematic units to the content
    Divided it all so that each side had 1 lord, 1 hero and five units then this DLC would've been tolerable.

    • 9 months ago

      >Added Hag Mothers for Kislev as generic lords
      There are areas in Kislev where you can actually unlock Hag Mothers and some of the new units once you build appropriate structures. Fort Ostrosk for an instance allows you to build Hag's Hut, that gives you all those fancy new toys.

      I think it's a pretty good system, actually. Rewarding controlling key regions with new toys is pretty cool.

  77. 9 months ago

    i cant wait until all creamapi gays get banned and lose their steam accounts again

    • 9 months ago

      >making up imaginary events to cope with your impotence
      Ok let me humour you: when did it happen the first time?

      • 9 months ago

        it's undetectable

        just wait for the next banwave

        • 9 months ago

          when was the first

    • 9 months ago

      it's undetectable

  78. 9 months ago

    >i cant wait until all creamapi gays get banned and lose their steam accounts again

    • 9 months ago

      >/misc/ hates communism and loves capitalism
      >steals products

  79. 9 months ago

    because quality > quantity

    • 9 months ago

      The frick you are talking?
      The quality of it is poor because it lacks stuff that Kislev, Cathay and Tzeentch need.

  80. 9 months ago

    >discoverability mechanic on Tzeentch cult buildings
    I fricking hate it.

    • 9 months ago

      uninspired mechanic on skaven undercities too, hasnt changed

      • 9 months ago

        Well, I mean it is different there. But they way you balance it is unsatisfying.
        Like the "symbiosis" and "parasite" paths having to be mixed, because the former lowers discoverability, while the latter increases it.

  81. 9 months ago

    Ok bros, apart from Empire/dwarves/nurgle in the next update, which factions would you say need the most work??

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