Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward?

Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward? It's such a godsend, I'm unable to do the combat sections without fast forward nowadays, especially when there are random encounters

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  1. 11 months ago

    if the combat is so bad you have to fast forward, then your time would be better spent just reading fantasy literature.

    • 11 months ago

      Having to fast forward doesn't mean the combat, just that it's slow because of the animations and after having seen them a thousand times you just want to get on with it.
      >your time would be better spent just reading fantasy literature.
      what kind of moronic comparison is this

  2. 11 months ago

    I never use summons in FFVII

    Summon magic in FFV was super rad so I'm disappointed

  3. 11 months ago

    Yes I am, and I pity the ADHD zoomers who think that using cheats would ever be "necessary".

    • 11 months ago

      Is it really cheating if it doesn't give you any advantage whatsoever?

    • 11 months ago

      I'm 35 and I'm never playing an old rpg without ff ever again. FFS, this made replaying 2000's games much more bearable, and actually 100ed ffx for the first the time because as a kid I refused to do that moronic grinding that involved getting your hp to 99999 and luck to 255, clocked at 90 hours and not the 200+ I spent as a kid and giving up because I was nowhere near reaching it

      • 11 months ago

        I'm 35 as well, and I love them. Sad to hear that you've been infected by the zoom zoom mentality.

        >muh grinding
        Your problem, kiddo.

        • 11 months ago

          Contrary to you, I value the time I have to spend on my leisure which is not the same I had in my teen years

          Grinding for perfect stats was never necessary

          I never said it was, shithead. I like to 100 rpgs, that's part of my enjoyment, unless it's a moronic session of endless hours that make no sense

          • 11 months ago

            >Contrary to you, I value the time I have to spend on my leisure
            The fact that you use the term "I HAVE TO spend" already proves that you hate video games as a whole, don't actually enjoy them, nor do you want to immerse yourself into them.

            When I finally moved away from home and started my student (and later work) life, I got to game more than I ever did as a kid (was restricted to ~2h a day, only after homework and chores, etc). But even as a wee lad, I still managed to beat multiple 100+ hour behemoth games and replay numerous much shorter classics a dozen times.

            As an adult, I don't even start a game if I don't have the peace and quiet to focus and ENJOY the game. It helps that my wife's the same, and is even more HC perfectionist in vidya.

            • 11 months ago

              I feel like speeding through a turn based JRPG kind of defeats the whole purpose of those types of games. They're the antithesis of high octane action focused games that focus around reaction times.
              JRPGs for me are just these slow methodical games where I slowly build up my adventuring party and go on some grand quest. Just speeding through it feels like it defeats the entire purpose of what I want out of games like that.

              • 11 months ago

                Spot on.
                It's a similar phenomena, or maybe just an offspring of the same attitude as the young nugays thinking of starting a brand new game series for the first time, always asking which games they should play first and how many they can skip. Usually they just want to ride the hype train for the latest sequel / remake, and don't give a frick about the series' roots, lore, etc. They're looking for an elevator pitch crash course, not a life altering experience.

              • 11 months ago

                >life altering experience
                Pre or post op?
                If you put that much value into vidya then the zoomies won.

              • 11 months ago

                Sorry scitzo, I'm a perfectly happy and healthy, heterosexual human male (man), who is married to a heterosexual, human woman (female).
                I'm sorry to hear that you have never experienced true passion and emotional masterpieces during your life, and clearly have not forged beautiful relationships through them either.

                Treating games as a disposable, consumable instant-fix entertainment products is the very definition of a zoom zoom mentality. The simple idea of REPLAYING games absolutely terrifies (You)r kind these day, which is sad and hilarious.

              • 11 months ago

                I find more often than not this is a thing predominantly with zoomers who only look to consume a game series instead of experience it. They see online discourse around a thing and want to be a part of that thing so they want to basically speedrun through the least amount of "thing" that they are able to get away with so they can pretend they're a part of the fandom and talk about it on discord or with their favorite twitch streamer or whatever.

                It's so bizarre the way people chose to play video games now where they are seemingly doing so just to check a box off saying they did it instead of actually wanting to experience the video game for what it is. I will never understand it.
                >oh I need to fast forward through this game so that I can work on my backlog because playing games is just a chore for me and check boxes I need to tick off so I can post online that I did this thing
                Just plain weird. No idea how people end up with this mentality.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's so bizarre the way people chose to play video games now where they are seemingly doing so just to check a box off saying they did it
                This is why the "muh backlog" meme was born a few years ago.
                This is why they don't like REPLAYING any game no more.
                This is why young folks keep demanding MORE generic and casualized remakes of older classics too; they don't want to put effort to actually play, master and finish the real deal beloved titles themselves, just kinda taste the "mood" through a neutered modern McMeal release.

              • 11 months ago

                I never understood that hatred about remakes. There are very few games I've played the remake and not the original and I'm always happy to go through a similar games with a bunch of changes because more often than not there are always some things that are improved and others that are downgraded

              • 11 months ago

                >t. friendless boomer
                Zoomers drop uninteresting slop instead of digging their heels in because they perceive themselves as some patient wise wizard who understands a children's toy on a spiritual philosophical level.

              • 11 months ago

                >Zoomers drop uninteresting slop instead of digging their heels in
                homie, it's the very zoom zooms that praise shit like RDR, TLOU, nu-GOWs, etc. Or just replay the same FortWatch Battlegrounds' online skirmishes on the very same maps for some daily chuggie points, over and over again.

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm so much better than zoomies because I grind power sources instead of chuggie points
                Just say you're filtered by games that don't give you time to think. It's less embarassing.

              • 11 months ago

                That's a nice scitzo head canon, but who are you quoting?
                Unlike the modern zoom zooms, I do not suffer of ADHD, and I'm also not a picky eater. Little CoD kids would get absolutely assblasted if they tried to play Q3 or UT, and the endless whining kiddie games like the very OG Resident Evil and in OP's case FF7 cause nowadays is just hilarious.

              • 11 months ago

                You might not have ADHD, but you definitely have autism.
                CoD kids would absolutely demolish you in Quake/UT. Those games are piss easy and basic. Jump/Shoot/Swap weapon buttons. Real complex gameplay there lmao
                You're desperate to seem like a epic gamer. Pretty pathetic for someone in their 40s tbh.

              • 11 months ago

                >You might not have ADHD, but you definitely have autism.
                I don't. And yes, I've been diagnosed, analyzed, etc.
                I need to handle kids that are autistic, ADHD, aspergers... etc, every week at my work.

                >calling Q&UT "basic" and easy

                >epic gamer
                Anyone who got to live and breathe the Golden Era back in the day is compared to the iPhone era consoomer zoombies, kiddo. Don't need to even pretend among these light weights who get triggered like some Egoraptor about "sooo much waiting!!!".

              • 11 months ago

                >Tard wrangler surrounds himself with the lowest of iqs
                >Thinks UT/Quake is hard.
                This explains so much kek

              • 11 months ago

                it depends on the series
                a series like STALKER I will play to enjoy
                a series like FF I'll just force myself to play them all so I can shit on them and defend FF16 which I loved

              • 11 months ago

                >a series like FF I'll just force myself to play them all so I can shit on them and defend FF16 which I loved
                As a seasoned Final Fantasy enjoyer, don't worry anon. You can join FF discourse online without having played any of the prior games. It has been this way since FF7 and it's become something of a franchise staple where people aren't fans of the franchise and instead just pick their favorite game and shit on everything else.

              • 11 months ago

                Not that anon but I've never felt right about that type of shit, which is why I am also now going through the series again (I had played a few games beforehand).
                I am now halfway through 3 and can say that so far, it's been an okay and actually interesting time - with the exception of two, which oscillated between an okay-ish, if boring, game with a shit levelling conceipt and "wow, what the frick is this dog shit"

              • 11 months ago

                you're playing them all in release order? FF is the one series I wouldn't have bothered with that

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, I like seeing series evolve. I didn't the first time - I played ten first, then went back and did a bit of 8, 9 to completion, then played 13 when it came out and hated it, which killed my enthusiasm flr the series until 16.
                But I did the same thing with quite a few series in the past, and it's honestly an interesting experience and really illustrates how much the series references itself.
                Without playing II for example I would have never known that that dark as hell endgame quest in 16 in the collosseum was a reference to the first time a behemoth shows up.

              • 11 months ago

                I like all the Final Fantasy games. I find discussing them online has a ton of nuance and a lot of people have difficulty judging games in a vacuum. Which is fair, I suppose, but there are decades between some of these releases and the development teams vary wildly. But people forget stuff like
                >the shift from Nintendo to Playstation from 6 to 7
                >the absolute tonal shifts between games like 8 and 9
                >constant changing of mechanics (like not having a job system, swapping between full turn based, ATB, and action)
                The audiences of these games are so different that the strong opinions form one way or another one what is or isn't a Final Fantasy game. I would always recommend someone play through the series in it's entirety but doing it back to back may be a fool's errand.
                If you've done 1-3, the good thing is the series really hits a stride from 4-6. Especially 5 and 6, they're fantastic games. I do think playing through all of them helps to give perspective to certain decisions in the franchise. As an example I've played FF11 which most people ignore as it's an MMO (which is understandable). But it helps shed a lot of light on a ton of the decisions in FF12, for better or for worse.

              • 11 months ago

                This explains a lot about a certain friend of mine.
                >sees a lot of material about Game
                >I also play Game quite a bit
                >when they ask me about Game I don’t try to sell them on Game, instead warning them because it’s incredibly casual-unfriendly
                >they buy it anyway
                >absolutely non-stop b***hing ensues
                >they still haven’t dropped the game yet though
                I can think of no other reason that they would play, much less continue playing, something that they clearly dislike, unless it was for some weird "I want to be in the club" reasons.

              • 11 months ago

                Speeding up repetitive animations is not skipping the game though.
                Anyway, my main beef with RPGs is:
                >want to play RPG
                >"NOOOO you can't reload saves and respec, that's savescumming!"
                >"YOU'RE OVERLEVELED, YOU SUCK"
                how the frick are you supposed to enjoy the game if you can only play the way some stuck-up neckbeards think is right?

              • 11 months ago

                >how the frick are you supposed to enjoy the game if you can only play the way some stuck-up neckbeards think is right?
                What a weird thing to get hung up on. Why would you ever let anyone's opinion about the right or wrong way to play a game impact how you want to play a game?
                People may have strong opinions about one way or another but ultimately just play the game how you want. As an example, I mod some JRPGs to lower encounter rate because some of the earlier ones are absolute bullshit (looking at you Phantasy Star IV)

              • 11 months ago

                NOOOOOOO you're supposed to do low level runs and beat the game without reloading a save or you suck!

            • 11 months ago

              are you even into reading comprehension moron? the free time I actually have, which I ocassionally choose to spend on video games
              Slugging through a tedious repetitive task is not the part I enjoy about them though, and don't tell me that those things are part of the game because that's BS, it was unnecessary padding to make them longer than needed

          • 11 months ago

            >I value the time I have to spend on my leisure
            >I like to 100 rpgs
            Next time just save yourself the trouble and let us know that you’re full of shit.

        • 11 months ago

          grinding is everyones problem in FF games with encounters that- yknow what. nah

        • 11 months ago

          Yea, the speed button just cheapens it all for me. I’m with you brotha.

      • 11 months ago

        Grinding for perfect stats was never necessary

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah no shit, but he said he WANTED to 100% it

    • 11 months ago

      I'm 35 as well, and I love them. Sad to hear that you've been infected by the zoom zoom mentality.

      >muh grinding
      Your problem, kiddo.

      Having to fast forward doesn't mean the combat, just that it's slow because of the animations and after having seen them a thousand times you just want to get on with it.
      >your time would be better spent just reading fantasy literature.
      what kind of moronic comparison is this

      absolutely bonkers cope. genuine brainrot

      • 11 months ago

        t.genuinely brainrotted insect who see no issues doing the same thing over and over watching the same animations over and over against fodder enemies

        spoken like a true factory-worker chink

        • 11 months ago

          >reading comprehension
          found the dumbest """human being""" in this thread lmao. you're even dumber than the gays defending jrpg combat dude don't ever post again

          • 11 months ago

            I accept your concession

            • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                No need to insist, you lost.

              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                You lost.

              • 11 months ago
  4. 11 months ago

    Yeah, i play one hour after lunch while in the sofa and after that i take a nap before going back to work.

  5. 11 months ago

    only chrono trigger, it's the only old jrpg that has perfect tempo and pacing and as such doesn't make me wish for a turbo button 99% of the time.

  6. 11 months ago

    Any JRPG with unavoidable random encounters is automatically shit

    • 11 months ago

      One of the many many reasons why Mother 1 apologists are moronic

    • 11 months ago

      the great filter

      • 11 months ago

        >I love to waste time oneshotting weak enemies that give me 0 XP while backtracking

        Beating a game with fast forward is no different than watching a youtube video playthrough of the game and saying you beat it.

        Simple as.

        You didn't beat the game.

        >skipping animations means you didn't beat the game
        >leddit spacing
        it all makes sense now.

        • 11 months ago

          Why are you backtracking
          why are you not just escaping encounters

          • 11 months ago

            >Why are you backtracking
            Because some games make you backtrack dum-dum. e.g. Dragon Quest II.
            >why are you not just escaping encounters
            Why have those encounters? Loading screens take time

        • 11 months ago

          >i dont want to waste time so i just gameshark infinite health and exp and kill bosses in one hit
          >wouldnt want to waste time haha. oh the game? yeah i totally beat it but my opinion is the game sucks because it's too easy haha

          • 11 months ago

            >gameshark infinite health and exp and kill bosses in one hit
            That's not fast-forwarding to skip animations. I think you might have brain damage.

            • 11 months ago

              Your whole argument is about saving time so you can do other things. Skipping aspects of the game for the sole purpose of not "wasting time" as you put it.
              So where do you draw the line?

              • 11 months ago

                >Skipping aspects of the game for the sole purpose of not "wasting time" as you put it.

                Fast forward don't let you skip anything. When I play a game in fast forward I've done the exact same things as any player playing at regular speed. Used the same mechanic, went through the same animations, same bosses, same challenges, except it was faster.

              • 11 months ago

                >When I play a game in using cheat codes I've done the exact same things as any player playing without cheat codes. Used the same mechanic, went through the same animations, same bosses, same challenges, except it was faster.
                Weird how this works, huh?

              • 11 months ago

                Nope that's not how it works since you wouldn't be able to get through the same challenge as someone who played without cheating.

              • 11 months ago

                Man, seems like they forgot to remove a piece or two of your brain when they lobotomized you.

              • 11 months ago

                This might be the falsest equivalence I've ever seen

  7. 11 months ago

    Yeah, I find it relaxing to play at the game's intended pace
    Except in Final Fantasy 9
    because it's way too fricking slow

  8. 11 months ago

    The only JRPG I play with fast forward are Pokemon games. Most other JRPGs I've never really had an issue with. People complain about summons being super long in Final Fantasy games but I never really use them all that much for them to be an issue. And I still like watching them for the most part.

    • 11 months ago

      I use Summons as a quick break to get a drink or something
      in FF8 maybe a piss break even

  9. 11 months ago

    I can't even play them with fast forward now. It's just mashing x to make numbers bigger. Cookie Clicker gameplay has more meaningful decisions than any turn based game

    • 11 months ago

      >any turn based game

      Etrian Odyssey games have good combat

  10. 11 months ago

    >Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward?
    If you're saying this, you're not playing OLD turn based RPGs. Pre 5th gen JRPGs are as snappy as they come.

  11. 11 months ago

    It's mostly just square PS1 RPGs that have this problem. God Chrono Cross without emulation speed up I can't even imagine.

  12. 11 months ago

    FFX fixed ATB

    (mostly by getting rid of the A)

    • 11 months ago

      Based, ATB was a cringe abstraction that diminished the one positive turn-based combat automatically has going for it.

    • 11 months ago

      >copypaste the turn order code from every SRPG ever designed into X homies in a row battles
      >just werkz
      FFX can't be the first time this was done though. Anyone have any idea on the first x homies in a row game?

      • 11 months ago

        >Anyone have any idea on the first x homies in a row game?
        Dragon Quest.

        • 11 months ago

          bro that's not even close

        • 11 months ago

          I meant to say the first x homies in a row game that copypasted the SRPG turn order calculation/handling and just went from there.
          ATB is largely that just slowed down anyway since at its core you have this running in the BG
          >all combatants have CT which is +1 in a loop
          >whenever a combatant's CT reaches or exceeds a certain value, they take their turn
          >depending on the action taken their "base" CT may be modified for the next turn (e.g. a heavy slow attack might modify their base Ct by -20, but a quick, light attack might do +20)
          ATB wait is pretty much this sort of arrangement but slowed down, forcing you to watch bars fill up between each action, whereas the SRPG/CTB arrangement just goes instantly to the next turn while running a constant simulation of the next x turns out to show you who will act and when.

  13. 11 months ago

    No I just don't play games where I need to fast forward. Plenty of turn based RPG that I actually like, I don't fast forward. Because I like them. It means that the value in other aspects of the game, makes it worth playing the game without fast forwarding. Its called patience, but I guess some people don't understand that.

  14. 11 months ago

    It's not like everything is FF, classic Megaten for instance is super fast by nature, most old dungeon crawlers that aren't Wizardry 8 are.

  15. 11 months ago

    I am currently playing through the ff series for the first time and for every game I've played the first half at normal speed and second half on black screen because I get bored and turn it off.

  16. 11 months ago

    I play RPGs for the atmosphere and immersion, not as an actual "game", so zoom-forward would defeat the purpose

    I wouldn't speed-read a favorite fantasy book either

  17. 11 months ago

    So many games become great with fast forward.

    Shin Megami Tensei (+ If... and maybe 2)
    Persona 2
    Phantasy Star

    Absolutely trash without a fast forward.

    Pretty much any game that even requires a little grinding is made 100% better with FF.

    • 11 months ago

      Persona 2 is not great with FF. It's still fairly dull and annoying, FF just lessens the shitty gameplay's sting

  18. 11 months ago

    its almost as if "grinding" and "turn based" rpgs are trash, and by "almost" i mean "they are"

    • 11 months ago

      Its they are as if grinding and turn based rpgs are trash?

      • 11 months ago

        >Its they are as if

    • 11 months ago

      Objectively correct. I can give some crpgs and tactics/strategy a pass because of permadeath characters and making stupid decisions on your build has consequences.
      JRPGs are just grinding to make all numbers bigger with the ultimate goal of being able to use basic attack to win every encounter.

    • 11 months ago

      Quintessentially reddit post

  19. 11 months ago

    Fast forward is a god send for old games with random unavoidable encounters, especially the ones with moronic encounter rates like persona 1. It's not about ADHD or zoomer mentality, it's purely a waste of time when you could spend that exact same time doing something else or playing another game.
    TLDR: fast forward is a must in old jrpg games unless you're a NEET.

    • 11 months ago

      >guys MUH TIME
      >gotta uh OPTIMIZE

      • 11 months ago

        >He doesn't waste his time as efficiently as possible so he can maximize the time spent on wasting time

      • 11 months ago

        everything is a waste of time and I'd rather optimize what I enjoy

        • 11 months ago

          Based, there's a lot of old games with boring/shit gameplay that had great plot and characters that I wouldn't have been able to enjoy if it wasn't for fast forward.

    • 11 months ago

      I kinda agree with this. I played FF7 back when I was a kid in 2000, and if you were a kid back then you know you were lucky if your parents bought you more than 2 games a yearr, so having long ass games like FF7 was a godsend. Nowadays you have access to thousands of games, so why would you spend 80 hours to 100% a game when you can cut that time in half or more and be able to play more games overall.
      People who deny fast forward are most likely zoomers trying to fit in or just nostalgia boomers.

      • 11 months ago

        Or people who don't have any need to check off a list of cheevos for autism points and can simply enjoy a game the way it is

        • 11 months ago

          I refuse to believe that people still enjoy games like FF7 where you just stare at the screen doing nothing for hours. If it was fun, I wouldn't mind it, but there's nothing fun about it. But you do you.

          • 11 months ago

            >where you just stare at the screen doing nothing for hours
            When did this happen? FF7 moves at a pretty brisk pace

          • 11 months ago

            If they enjoyed that shit back then why would they not enjoy it now?
            You're talking about people who think FF was a hardcore, super experimental RPG franchise.

            • 11 months ago

              >You're talking about people who think FF was a hardcore, super experimental RPG franchise
              who are you quoting?

              • 11 months ago

                The average FF fan

  20. 11 months ago

    I have never used fast forward in any emulator. I have no idea why you would. I also have not used it in other games when offered as part of the game.
    All you are doing is destroying the game's experience. And why? Because you are neurotic, anxious, you must "get to the next place."

    • 11 months ago

      for a lot of people games become more of a job or a chore than a leisure activity
      They must complete as many as possibly as quickly as possible, before they have to clock back in to Mr Shekelberg's misery factory

      • 11 months ago

        Yes. These people have lost the plot. Speeding up/slowing down time in a JRPG destroys an essential part of what the genre offers, which is its effect on time.

  21. 11 months ago

    yes, I'm not impatient lil' b***h like you, OP.

  22. 11 months ago


  23. 11 months ago

    >old turn based RPGs without fast forward?
    No. Dragon Quest spoiled me.

  24. 11 months ago

    People use fast forward cause they live in age of abundance - you have all games in the world at your fingertips. Hundreds and thousands of them.
    So instead of taking time with the game, they are compelled to play them quickly. To not "waste" the time.
    That resulted in completely different mindset of modern person, one of the reasons why most games became action packed instead of turn based cause god forbid if modern player feel his time being "wasted". (Despite games actually encouraging addiction more and more - so wasting your time in whole different way.)

    Fun fact, overall turn based games are about same length as action ones. If not shorter.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not some philosophical observation of society. Turn based combat (mostly jrpg) is boring.

      • 11 months ago

        wow, I guess all the people who still play and make those turn based games didn't get the memo.

        • 11 months ago

          Considering a lot of these remakes are coming out with built-in fast forward, I'd say they got the memo.

          • 11 months ago

            remakes are mostly for modern audience who can't stomach idea of playing game which doesn't pander them to every degree.
            QoL is worst thing happened to videogames.

            No, its just not fun to look at the same canned animations in a 60 hour game over and over, even more so when the game's systems are already barebones / basic, like most FFs.

            For example SRW games are all about overly long animations. You can skip them since PS1 or around that time.
            And you mostly use unrealistic scenarios. No one watches same exact animation for hours. Games are more than battles. And there is variety to attacks and animations.
            And longest ones are rare and usually for special occasion which you don't use often or can't use more than few times per battle at best.
            If you use same argument for short ones - then it loses any sense

            • 11 months ago

              >remakes are mostly for modern audience who can't stomach idea of playing game which doesn't pander them to every degree.
              I take offense to that. DQI+II was a great remake.

              • 11 months ago

                well I'm saying mostly.
                I too played plenty of remakes or just altered versions like Phantasy Star via Sega Ages.
                It's just I also don't have issues playing original games.
                Both are fine.

                >No one watches same exact animation for hours
                If you play a turn based RPG eith random battles, you'll be seeing the same animations hundreds to thousands of times, especially in FF games, which all devolve into mashing attack or using the same overpowered spell / summon over and over

                Some of them have items to correct that.
                Either way, maybe you are just inpatient person - which is fine. Don't blame the game genre for your tastes not aligning with it.
                If we use our FF example - FF 7 and 16 take roughly same time to beat. What the difference watching you amazing set piece of attack animation? Turn based or action?
                Turns out it's really doesn't matter, FF especially are all of similar length regardless how long attack animations are there and if it's even turn based at all.

                So all shitposting about attack animation is just that - shitposting since you don't have anything better to do. Which is hilarious in context of argument.

              • 11 months ago

                >What the difference watching you amazing set piece of attack animation? Turn based or action?
                The fact that there's actively 0 down time in an action game. With a turn based, or even atb game, you input an action and then wait for it to play out befire you can actively do something again. If shit plays out slowly or the animations are long, the time lag between actions gets exasparated. It's not like every turn based game is guilty of this, by the way. I didn't have to speed up P4, for example, but I sure as frick sped up P2.

                And no, idiot, my attention span is fine. I read dull shit like Dostoyevski, I like the original Blade Runner.

              • 11 months ago

                >The fact that there's actively 0 down time in an action game.
                and? It is not universally a positive thing.
                >With a turn based, or even atb game, you input an action and then wait for it to play out befire you can actively do something again
                so? It's not universally a negative thing.
                Again, I fail to see an issue.
                You know anon, it's fine that you dislike it. It's your right.
                Play as you want.
                Just maybe realize that people mostly fine with issues you have. You realized that your tastes do not like turn based games. It's fine to ignore them or use hacks to speed up.
                But whatever you think about these aspects - it's just your taste and nothing more. Games are different. You are not supposed to enjoy everything out there. You are not even supposed to enjoy same game genre aspects as the other person.

                You really here just to shitpost since you already expecting course of discussion. So why I bother.

              • 11 months ago

                I just explained the difference and why some people fast forward the dead air to a time where they can actually do something again and then you sperg out and go
                >yeah but where's the problem?????

              • 11 months ago

                I mean it wasn't actually an actual question.
                It was more of a rhetorical one used after mentioning that it doesn't matter which battle system FF game has when they are same lenght anyway.
                Any idiot knows what difference between turn based and action is, so I was confused by your reply.

                Again, people do not care about dead air about as much as you don't care about arguing and shitposting with anons on 4chins.
                Dead air is fine. Only complete idiots in this thread making big deal out of it.
                People can enjoy game with and without fast forward.
                There is no problem, just one people created to shitpost about.

              • 11 months ago

                Are you so autistic that you cannot conceive of the fact that people might not play videogames to experience very frequent pockets of dead air where nothing happens and where you cannot do anything? It's not like you have to micromanage things or have to use the time to strategize, either, as most FFs are super braindead.
                It might not bother you, but it bothers a lot of people.
                By the way, this is why P5 managed to charm a bunch of people that do not like turn based rpgs: Its real fricking quick and snappy. It's basic and easy as pie, but it does not waste your time in combat.

              • 11 months ago

                I mean people have tastes.
                You doesn't seem to get idea that your opinion is not universal. Right here in this thread there are at least dozen of people who do not mind long animations which you hate so much.
                "a lot of people" is useless metric. People nowadays don't even play videogames much, just check achievement ratios.
                Popularity is also useless. Why should anyone care if something is popular? Does it make it only one valid way of enjoying things?

              • 11 months ago

                >I mean people have tastes
                Holy shit the sheer irony
                Your entire argument hinges on your point of view that people are not allowed to have their own opinion on whether or not waiting in a turn based / atb game is fun, which is why you're crying about people fast forwarding until their next action / skipping animations

              • 11 months ago

                My argument is that people have tastes, and those who hate waiting in turn based games to point of screeching about it on internets - yet still play them are kinda dumb and play them for checklist instead of actually enjoying them.
                Seems like you forced yourself to like genre you really do not align with.
                Quite pitiful.

            • 11 months ago

              >No one watches same exact animation for hours
              If you play a turn based RPG eith random battles, you'll be seeing the same animations hundreds to thousands of times, especially in FF games, which all devolve into mashing attack or using the same overpowered spell / summon over and over

      • 11 months ago

        Incorrect on both items.
        TBS is called turn-BASED for a reason.

        bro that's not even close

        Educate me then please.

    • 11 months ago

      No, its just not fun to look at the same canned animations in a 60 hour game over and over, even more so when the game's systems are already barebones / basic, like most FFs.

      • 11 months ago

        Calm down, we don't like nuance here. You're either on one side or the other. Stop thinking.

  25. 11 months ago

    Beating a game with fast forward is no different than watching a youtube video playthrough of the game and saying you beat it.

    Simple as.

    You didn't beat the game.

  26. 11 months ago


  27. 11 months ago

    >I want to play the game as little as possible
    Just go install another autobattler gacha zoomer

  28. 11 months ago

    >better hurry so I don't have to play this game anymore
    Maybe turn based RPGs just aren't for you?

  29. 11 months ago

    gotta zoom zoom through the game because wagie has to get back to cagie!

  30. 11 months ago

    How is Steam version of VII or VIII? Are they moddable and what mods should I use? Specially for VII, I played it long ago.

    • 11 months ago

      For VII, get the New Threat mod.
      For VIII, Ragnarok mod

    • 11 months ago

      Emulator is superior.

  31. 11 months ago

    IF you think the actual game part is a waste of time then why not just watch one of the hundreds of "FF7 The Movie" type shits on youtube instead

    Surely that would be even more efficient. Hell, just read a plot summary on wikipedia. Or even better, just form your opinions based on Ganker memes you run across incidentally while you waste 20 hours a day shitposting here instead of wasting your time playing video games

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah for me I just watch my favorite twitch streamer and copy their opinion. Then I spam it relentlessly in every single thread even though they have no qualifications or credentials to warrant their opinion being any more valid than a homeless person grabbed off the street.

  32. 11 months ago


  33. 11 months ago

    If I ever "need" to fast forward, I stop playing the game. Either I'm tired or it's trash, in which case I'll delete the game.

    • 11 months ago

      rip all final fantasy games pre-XIII

      • 11 months ago

        >I have never played any FF that wasn’t on a playstation

        • 11 months ago

          More like you haven't. The old as frick FFs are basic as shit and FF2 without fast forward would not have been a game I'd ever have played to completion

  34. 11 months ago

    No. Always fast forward. I'm not a child any more, my time is valuable.

    • 11 months ago

      >my time is valuable.
      >he says, posting on Ganker

      • 11 months ago

        Yes, it's a good way to wake up in the morning. Not playing vidya then.

  35. 11 months ago

    Just watch a spreadsheet at that point

  36. 11 months ago

    I can, I actually played FF VII on PS4 this year and didn't use fast forward.

  37. 11 months ago

    I've been replaying through the entire mainline FF series on my Deck in the last year and they're all still great. Pixel Remasters are fantastic, FF7 and 8 are still great, 9 is still dogshit, but both 10 and 12 are still top notch as well.

    • 11 months ago

      >praising 8
      >shitting on 9
      >giving any praise for 12
      subtle b8.

      • 11 months ago

        >your opinion is different than mine
        >therefore you're baiting!
        Nah frick off. 9 is dogshit and is the worst game in the mainline franchise. I'd rather replay 2, 13, and 15 back to back to back than replay 9 again. Unlike other games in the series, I hadn't replayed it since the first time I played through it back in 2001 and it's still as dogshit now as it was back then, shockingly so.

        • 11 months ago

          >Nah frick off. 9 is dogshit and is the worst game in the mainline franchise
          It's boring, but not more boring in terms of gameplay, but not more so than 1 or 3 and it's sure not as offensively dogshit as 2 or 8 or even 15 in terms lf gameplay

          • 11 months ago

            Gameplay in 1, 2, 3 and 8 all trump it completely because I can build characters how I want to and make goofy parties if desired. 9 has the same issues as 4 where every character is set and has their specific niche role that they fit and that, to me, is incredibly fricking boring.
            15s gameplay is fine after the royal edition added character swapping.
            9 is still dogshit.

        • 11 months ago

          My biggest black pill on FF9 was turning it on because I remember liking the card game in it, just to remember how forgettably boring the game is.
          I told people FF9 was my favorite for years.

          • 11 months ago

            >just to remember how forgettably boring the game is.
            I think you are mixing up FF12 and 9 there, buddy.

  38. 11 months ago

    Which turn based is better?
    >Choose all parties attacks then watch the fight play out (DQXI 2D, Bravely Default)
    >Choose an attack then next character/enemy goes (DQXI 3D, FFX)

    What’s their official name for these turn based systems?

    • 11 months ago

      I prefer the later. I want turns to play out in sequence. I always hated stuff like Bravely Default where a monster dies and then your attack just randomly changes to something else.
      Or a status effect impacts what you would be selecting so you lose a turn instead of being able to react to it right after the fact and clear the status effect right after it was applied.

  39. 11 months ago

    I usually don't fast forward but its heavily dependent on the music for me. If the battle theme is great I can unironically play for 100 hours and have no problem. If the battle theme starts to get grating and battles are easy enough where I can mash through them without much thought then yeah I'm going to start fast forwarding.

  40. 11 months ago

    Playing FF12 right now and I would have dropped it hours ago if not for the 2x speed. Some of the levels are just way too large and the combat loop is too mundane to sit through all of that. Despite that I like the game so far.

  41. 11 months ago

    >mfw trying to play an older console RPG and it has fixed text speed and it's slow as shit

  42. 11 months ago

    ill use it when the dead time between attacks is of no use to me.
    ie, if i just input an attack and expect the enemy to attack between now and my next move, i watch the attack the enemy does and respond accordingly with heals or with going along with my next move.

    if i know that there is nothing (no other moves) in the dead time between my input and the resulting output i'll fast forward.

  43. 11 months ago

    I sped up SMT3 only after 20 hours into the game

    And persona 3 tartarus fricking sucks so i sped it up too

    I don't really see the issue when the combat is boring AF and adds nothing to game because it becomes repetitive after like 5 hours into the game

  44. 11 months ago

    Actually this thread reminded me.

    HEY moron INDIE DEVS

    That is all.

    • 11 months ago

      >Start a new game
      >five+ 10-15 second flashy logo animations for the devs, the publishers, the game engine, and all the apps they used on top
      >all of them unskippable

      • 11 months ago

        the sega logo's musical stings are all based, though

  45. 11 months ago

    >Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward?

    • 11 months ago

      Rhythm based shit is just there to appeal to normalshitters 90% of the time.
      Actual good timed hits/rhythm based attacks/minigames for attacks are rare. And even in the games they appear in, it's nearly impossible to balance because the moment you introduce a skill-based aspect like this, the game breaks wide open without some serious risk/reward factor added in. Even then it would still err on being too easy.

      • 11 months ago

        Mother 3 did a pretty good job of it, I think.

        • 11 months ago

          Mother 3 is one of the exact examples I cite as being tacked on and literally only there to appeal to normies.
          >Barely works most of the time even on actual hardware
          >Literally invalidates 95% of combat options once you can consistently bang out 16 hit combos
          >Invalidates the scrolling HP system which was already made less impactful since it takes an eternity to go through the combo animation, any length
          Mario & Luigi Super Star Saga did its timed hits/action commands perfectly several years prior, yet M3 couldn't even implement a rudimentary system passably well so late in the GBA's lifespan.

      • 11 months ago

        >Actual good timed hits/rhythm based attacks/minigames for attacks are rare
        Legend of Dragoon?

        • 11 months ago

          The first truly decent implementation was the aforementioned M&L Super Star Saga, since the game fundamentally hinged upon it and rewarded not only doing it correctly, but doing it without the game holding your hand via the adjustable difficulty. Feedback was not only present, but powerful to make a clear and marked difference between pass and fail, and was extremely satisfying to do well. Balance was a crapshoot as a matter of course, but at least it was fun to play.
          SMRPG is one of the first "OK" implementations but suffered from a severe lack of proper feedback or any sort of information on what correct timing was.
          Tomato Adventure was probably the first decent implementation of a minigame system, but the balance of the minigames' difficulties was badly fricked, meaning most players would gravitate towards the same loadout of Gimmicks that were easy to do perfectly on max difficulty, ignoring the ones that were too inherently inconsistent.
          Shadow Hearts is just OK and my main complaint is that it's literally just the wheel. Zero variety. It'd be one thing if every attack was like M&L or Squall's sword from FFVIII where there is a visible timing window to hit corresponding to their action/attack, but it's just... a fricking wheel. Want variety? Get the item that blinds the wheel so you just have to memorize it all. Fun.

          • 11 months ago

            I earnestly believe however that there's still a lot of room to improve upon such a diverse minigame system as what TA brought, and it's a shame AlphaDream never got their chance to do a sequel to apply the lessons they'd learned from their years of making M&L titles. I think with a greater focus on higher-skill minigames, cutting out the luck-based ones, and minigames that play during defense and not just while attacking, would have really tightened up the screws and made an OK game into an influential classic.

  46. 11 months ago

    I feel like I might have autism because when people say turn based games are a slog, I'm the complete opposite. The only games I've ever actively dropped are action based games as it feels a lot more like a slog having to spam the same action combat encounter after encounter than the turn based equivalent where I can just button through the same menu over and over.
    Something like a Yakuza game ended up being a lot more enjoyable for me when they shifted over to turn based for Like a Dragon and encounters felt a lot less like a slog to me.
    Turn based has just never felt that way, even with ones that have more egregious animations.

    • 11 months ago

      No cramp either outside of mini games

    • 11 months ago

      >Something like a Yakuza game ended up being a lot more enjoyable for me when they shifted over to turn based for Like a Dragon and encounters felt a lot less like a slog to me
      You probably do have autism considering it turned from a somewhat basic brawler thst nonetheless had a ton of actions, legacy gameplay quirks, juggling, reactions, counters, bounding throws, and much more into the most basic b***h Dragon Quest clone out there.

      • 11 months ago

        But why use any of that when the majority of enemies in Yakuza games are basic fodder trash that you can finish off with one environmental move like smashing them into a vending machine.
        I feel like what you just listed is really for the minority of people that want to jack up difficulty to turn every encounter into HP sponge enemies which may work for a shorter game but in no world would I ever want that from a game I may be playing for 50+ hours.

        • 11 months ago

          >But why do things that are fun? Why engage with the games mechanics?
          Oh, you're one of THOSE people

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah it's fun the first couple hours you do it. But by hour 50, you're mostly just avoiding encounters in a Yakuza game.
            >but it's fun
            Yet this argument is somehow never allowed for people that enjoy turn based games. Odd how that works.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, I am the same way. Turn based simply feels better.

  47. 11 months ago

    ... What? The only time I've ever used fast forward is getting through some unskippable shit I've seen before, and even then, sometimes I don't.
    The only way I can imagine fast forward being even usable is if you're for some reason constantly doing encounters you're WILDLY overleveled for and can just mash attack through. You're not one of THOSE players, are you?

  48. 11 months ago

    >games need to have action all the time
    >something must be happening at every second of my life
    man I wish I was younger
    make sense how twitter became so popular

    • 11 months ago

      You're talking to a generation of people that have never once just sat in a room and thought in silence. Or gone in a walk in the woods to just take in nature.
      Constant stimulation is a requirement and they need to constantly be watching a stream, looking at some app on their phone, etc.

      • 11 months ago

        Why do you like looking at shit like Knights of Round and Supernova play? After the first couple of times It's as exciting as watching paint dry.

        • 11 months ago

          >Why do you like looking at shit like Knights of Round and Supernova play?
          The same reason that even though I can't skip any cutscenes in FFX, I still watch them despite playing through the game for the umpteenth time. I enjoy them.

          • 11 months ago

            Now I can see why movie games sell so well.

          • 11 months ago

            >watches 90 second cutscene every time
            senile, drug abuse, or physical abuse?

      • 11 months ago

        Really makes me thankful that I wasn't born in digital age.

        Just read a book homie. Stop trying to shit up interactive media.
        You're not a wise sage because you have no brain activity for minutes at a time.

        >action games
        >brain activity

        • 11 months ago

          Most action games require way more brain activity than 90% of all JRPGs.
          You're not playing grand strategy here, dude.

          • 11 months ago

            >most action games require way more brain activity than 90% of all JRPGs.

            • 11 months ago

              You want me to post a webm of a man mashing x on attack for a minute straight? That's what most FFs devolve into. You don't even habe to move or dodge or anything.

              • 11 months ago

                >All turn based RPGs are FF
                FF has only four turn based games out of 16 mainlines, most of the spinoffs are action games too.

              • 11 months ago

                Watch, you're going to set off this Black person because he's a hardline action purist who therefore thinks ATB is still "turn based".
                And at some point he's going to pull out logic along the lines of "turns are when the enemy can't attack during your animation".

              • 11 months ago

                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, World, World 2, and Tactics are turn based.

                What are you on about?

              • 11 months ago

                ATB is not turn-based.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, instead its an even worse system

              • 11 months ago

                It has its moments, but generally I agree.

              • 11 months ago

                I would disagree. You still have concepts of Turn Order, it is just that instead of basic scheduling there is priority to turn order. I still think that ATB technically still counts as Turn Based for that reason. I think a good example would be from the CRPG genre; Divinity OS 2 has turns, but the turn order can be manipulated in your favor. The same can be said of most ATB games.

              • 11 months ago

                You can also manipulate turn order in proper turn-based games with things like haste and slowness status effects.
                ATB is not turn-based because turns are not attack animations. Turns are turns.

              • 11 months ago

                Most people can't differentiate well between
                >Round based: All combatants take a set number of actions each round. Actions are queued in a command allocation phase and are afterwards executed in order of priority/agility.
                >Turn based: All combatants act in order of agility. Commands are issued at the time of the acting combatant's turn. Turns pass to the "next" combatant immediately once the current actor's action(s) is/are carried out/their turn brought to an end.
                >ATB: All combatants act in order of agility. Commands are issued at the time of the acting combatant's turn. Turns pass to the "next" combatant as a gauge fills up between actions. "Active" systems allow non-acting combatants' gauges to fill while issuing commands, allowing foes to continue acting all the while.

              • 11 months ago

                But round-based and turn-based can both be considered "turn-based", while ATB cannot.
                If you can pass a turn without a discrete "pass this turn" action, then it isn't turn-based.

              • 11 months ago

                ATB has historically allowed players to defer a character's turn and pass to a different actor whose gauge is full.
                Therefore it can still be considered turn based. It's literally just CTB slowed down. It is fundamentally turn based.
                I'd argue that round-based combat isn't turn-based at all since what you have is "action order" rather than "turn order," but that's getting into semantics argument territory.

              • 11 months ago

                >ATB has historically allowed players to defer a character's turn and pass to a different actor whose gauge is full.
                No, you're just cycling between characters who have their ATB gauge filled, you're not passing turns, it's just a very clunky way to select different characters who can take an action.
                >I'd argue that round-based combat isn't turn-based at all
                moronic take, turn based systems are 99% round based since tabletop wargames, singular turn systems were a videogame thing and not even very common at that.

              • 11 months ago

                >ATB has historically allowed players to defer a character's turn and pass to a different actor whose gauge is full.
                And it is also defined by the fact that, if you select nothing, the enemy will keep getting "turns" over and over. You don't need to defer your action for the enemy to act without you doing anything; you just need to do nothing. It is not turn-based because the sequence is not universal; it can shift depending on the speed of your inputs. "You took too long so you lose your turn to talk" is a literal kindergartener mindset.
                >round-based combat isn't turn-based at all since what you have is "action order" rather than "turn order,"
                You and the enemy AI coordinator or whatever you want to call it take turns giving orders. Turn-based.

              • 11 months ago

                Atb is just turn based but with loading time between, basically an ad.

              • 11 months ago

                You can also manipulate turn order in proper turn-based games with things like haste and slowness status effects.
                ATB is not turn-based because turns are not attack animations. Turns are turns.

                I think categorically, it is hard to categorizes what really counts as a turn based game. If you really want to be nitty gritty, most action rpgs could even be categorized as turn based given that you execute actions out of order based on a stamina resource.

                So maybe that should be more of the distinction between action rpgs and turn based rpgs; one matters on time, and the other on stamina, rather than the concrete definition of a turn.

              • 11 months ago

                >I think categorically, it is hard to categorizes what really counts as a turn based game.
                it's really not

              • 11 months ago

                >System is called ACTIVE TIME battle
                >Turn based
                Why are FF fans like this

              • 11 months ago

                >Game uses marketing jargon
                >You just wait a couple seconds for a turn

              • 11 months ago

                Watch, you're going to set off this Black person because he's a hardline action purist who therefore thinks ATB is still "turn based".
                And at some point he's going to pull out logic along the lines of "turns are when the enemy can't attack during your animation".

                The only ATB game where it actually makes any sort of difference is CT, and thats only because the atb in that game is so quick that it might as well just be a real time instead

          • 11 months ago

            it's about the same, sometimes it's dumb, sometimes it's not.
            It's a toy - as you are all

            Go and watch movies or tv, then, or read a book. Videogames are electronic, interactive toys. Don't get it twisted.
            Or what, are David Cage games your absolute favorite?

            yelling, why don't you go to chess association and complain about turn based order and why games are not in real time
            Or all toys are the same? Barby doll is a toy, but so are an RC car, or puzzle. I guess they are all entirely the same

        • 11 months ago

          >enemy does things on your turn
          Already infinitely more brain activity than turnbased jrpgs kek

          • 11 months ago

            >enemy does things on your turn
            To be fair, the majority of action games fodder enemies just stand around waiting for you to hit them. Bosses are primarily the only engaging enemies.

          • 11 months ago

            So long as you only attack during Designated Attack Windows you're not going to be caught out in any action game, even against bosses. It may as well be fricking turn based with a minigame on the enemy's turn.

            • 11 months ago

              Good point. Action games are just turn based with extra steps. Turn based is like journalist difficulty setting.
              They should just add turnbased to action games and make everyone happy.

              • 11 months ago

                >turn based is easy because the only thing that has ever been difficult has been dodging things in real time

              • 11 months ago

                Turn based is easy because it's solved.
                If low hp > heal
                if low mp > mp pot
                if boss > stongest attack spam
                if basic enemy > basic attack spam
                if fail > kill previous dungeon enemies until it works

              • 11 months ago

                You wouldn't win the first battle in something like Scarlet Grace with that mindset

              • 11 months ago

                And action games are even more solved
                If enemy > spam attack
                If enemy attack > spam dodge
                Um...I think that's it.

              • 11 months ago

                You forgot if injured replace spam attack with heal.

              • 11 months ago

                it's not as braindead as you think
                >spam attack
                >enemy attacks
                >can't dodge because stuck in the middle of uncancellable attack animation
                >get chunked for 90% of my health, maybe even die
                meanwhile in RPGs
                >char1 buffs party
                >char2 attacks
                >keep menu open for char3 until enemy attacks, then heal party
                >rinse and repeat
                WOW SO MUCH STRATEGY

              • 11 months ago

                >can't dodge because stuck in the middle of uncancellable attack animation
                I feel like a lot of action games are moving away from this. Most allow animation canceling either through using dodge or hitting some cooldown ability you have.

              • 11 months ago

                >Action games good because *fantasy scenario that supports my argument*
                >Turned games bad because *fantasy scenario that supports my argument*
                Ah yes, the great commitment of uncancellable attack animations...

              • 11 months ago

                The "strategy" required to beat modt turn based games is also incredibly basic, though. Listen, if turn based games actually made the enemies require thought, then that'd be one thing - and some games do, and some games do occasionally, gmabd they're better for it.

                But most don't. Even SMT doesn't really all that much - there's a reason why the typical SMT difficulty curve became somewhat of a meme in the community in the past

                >play turn-based game
                >encounter minor difficulty
                >do not adjust strategy in the slightest, instead grind until it works
                >repeat for every turn-based game you play
                >"turn-based games are solved because I can beat them 3x slower and 10x more boring than intended"

              • 11 months ago

                Once again, not required in 90% of all games

              • 11 months ago

                The "strategy" required to beat modt turn based games is also incredibly basic, though. Listen, if turn based games actually made the enemies require thought, then that'd be one thing - and some games do, and some games do occasionally, gmabd they're better for it.

                But most don't. Even SMT doesn't really all that much - there's a reason why the typical SMT difficulty curve became somewhat of a meme in the community in the past

              • 11 months ago

                >The "strategy" required to beat modt turn based games is also incredibly basic, though.
                Same thing applies to action games, 90% of games are made for the casual audience this is a completely irrelevant argument, only a select handful of games in any genre require actual thought and effort to beat, even the average shmup isn't hard to beat, hence why you the communities are fixated on self imposed limitations and challenges like scoring, 1CC, no bomb etc.
                The other thing about RPGs in general is that they're not really about a specific challenge but rather letting you play in as many possible ways you want, something most of them admittedly fail in many respect, but the core identity of the genre is freedom and roleplaying, the fun part is tackling the game in your own way and seeing how your choices affect the game.
                Even something as simple as Wizardry is a good example of that, different party compositions drastically change the way you play through the game, even the very first FF was like that, that's the fun part of RPGs, creating a team/character and playing through the game with them, seeing what those characters can and cannot do.
                If you approach RPGs with the mentality of just beating up things in the most "efficient" way possible you genuinely do not understand the genre, much like you wouldn't understand a lot of action games either, which by the way fall into the same issues of being exceedingly braindead, especially ARPGs which are the worst of both worlds.

              • 11 months ago

                On the other hand, building characters with mostly fixed roles into different specializations that suit your desired playstyle is an entirely distinct type of challenge and fun that is still far closer to RPGs than anything else, despite not at all being related to "roleplaying".
                The fact that many fixed-cast RPGs fail to realize this and give everyone some intentional "ultimate build" that invalidates everything else they can possibly do is another thing entirely. Note that this is distinct from players discovering that some mechanics have enough of a power advantage over others that certain builds are pointless.

              • 11 months ago

                > especially ARPGs which are the worst of both worlds.
                Just finished FF16, what a masterpiece. What’s weird though is the combat for the first 10-15 hours is really fun. It has a souls like quality to it. Then for the next 35 hours it gets repetitive as shit. I can’t put my finger on what they could of done to make the combat fun for the full 50 hours.

              • 11 months ago

                I think incentivizing changing up eikon builds would be a good start. I think what I would've liked to see is having eikon abilities level as you use them instead of straight dumping AP into them.
                Then leverage an actual RPG style stat growth system that gave you specific stats based off the eikon abilities you leveled / had equipped. That way to actively build your character, you would need to swap the way you play instead of just leveraging the same build the whole game which probably leads to people feeling bored of the combat as they continue to use the same abilities for 50 hours.

              • 11 months ago

                Bring back classes based on eikons, brilliant.

              • 11 months ago

                Alternatively to aleviate the issue

                I didn't play it yet, but considering abilities are on cool down, it seems like the same issue Gos of War reboot has, once you upgrade your cooldowns and get your second weapon, fighting bosses turns into cooldown management and ability rotation, rather than the deliberate use of actions in order to achieve specific outcomes, like headshotting an enemy with an axe throw to turn them around, and then punching their backs with your bare hands because both hitting their back and punching instead of slashing build more stun than using the axe to their fronts. With two weapons, you just hold the ability button and use your shit once and the enemy dies.
                Also the fact that the game stops introducing new enemies about 45% through the campaign means you no longer even have to figure anything out until you finish, just going through the motions.

                pointed out, actually having resistances on enemies would be a good start.
                >Also the fact that the game stops introducing new enemies about 45% through the campaign means you no longer even have to figure anything out until you finish
                It would at least change how you played if you couldn't use Ifrit / Phoenix skills on bombs if they just absorbed all your fire damage. It does kind of move the goalpost down the line a little bit as it still has the issue of lack of enemy variety and the game feeling solved, but it at least pushes you towards using other skills than just spamming Ignition on every single encounter.

              • 11 months ago

                Does FF mode do anything to help combat feel a bit less "solved"?
                Man, if only they cut all of the shitty ass sidequests pretending they're main quests, it would already help. You can finish DMC on every difficulty in the time one playthrough of FF16 takes. Of course a casualized version of DMC won't have enough depth for that duration, why pad it even longer?

              • 11 months ago

                Not particularly. The main changes are
                >enemies are a bit more aggressive
                >layouts of enemies are different (like a chimera in the forest)
                I think it ends up making encounters more interesting for sure but there are issues with the combat that an increased difficulty just won't solve. They really needed more interactions like classic debuffs, buffs, etc. It'd be cool to have stuff like Silence where you're unable to magic burst combo or having to worry about gaze attacks that petrify you so you have to turn around, etc.

              • 11 months ago

                Man, silence stopping your ability spam would already make such a big difference. Poison doing just enough damage per tick to be denied by the devil trigger's healing would also give it more purpose than "the thing you activate on stagger before spamming everything"

              • 11 months ago

                I didn't play it yet, but considering abilities are on cool down, it seems like the same issue Gos of War reboot has, once you upgrade your cooldowns and get your second weapon, fighting bosses turns into cooldown management and ability rotation, rather than the deliberate use of actions in order to achieve specific outcomes, like headshotting an enemy with an axe throw to turn them around, and then punching their backs with your bare hands because both hitting their back and punching instead of slashing build more stun than using the axe to their fronts. With two weapons, you just hold the ability button and use your shit once and the enemy dies.
                Also the fact that the game stops introducing new enemies about 45% through the campaign means you no longer even have to figure anything out until you finish, just going through the motions.

    • 11 months ago

      Just read a book homie. Stop trying to shit up interactive media.
      You're not a wise sage because you have no brain activity for minutes at a time.

    • 11 months ago

      Go and watch movies or tv, then, or read a book. Videogames are electronic, interactive toys. Don't get it twisted.
      Or what, are David Cage games your absolute favorite?

  49. 11 months ago

    Why replay slow games when you can watch lengthy retrospectives on tubeshart

  50. 11 months ago

    >Never got around to playing the original Octopath Traveler because I was busy during its launch and forgot about it
    >Bought the sequel from steam sale
    >Spent the last week basically playing it and nothing else because it's so fricking good
    >Feels like I'm playing an amazing indie RPGmaker game, but it's AAA quality in every aspect
    What the heck? 4 homies in a row is back bigly, why is FF so hellbent on being action shit when turn-based is so based and fun
    Partitio is the best

    • 11 months ago

      Because turn based games don't make money. I love Octopath as well but it doesn't sell particularly well. Sells enough to keep getting games though which is all that matters. Hopefully we continue to get more as 2 is a straight improvement over 1.

      • 11 months ago

        if it sold enough to make sequels it was enough
        frick you shills homosexuals believing everything needs to make trillion sales to be worth making

        • 11 months ago

          >frick you shills homosexuals believing everything needs to make trillion sales to be worth making
          I don't believe this. Square Enix does and ultimately they are the only people who matter when it comes to sales as it impacts what games they do / don't make.
          Unfortunately we are at a point where most companies are dissatisfied with games that make their development costs back with a little profit. The games MUST perform insane amounts and everything needs to be the next GTA5 or whatever. It's so tiresome.

    • 11 months ago

      Because 3 million sales in a year. Even FF16 beat that in a week and it's pretty bad.
      It's a niche genre

      • 11 months ago

        16 is the best mainline FF since AT LEAST 10, and better than a good number of FFs before 10, too.

        • 11 months ago

          horrendous take

    • 11 months ago

      Because turn based games don't make money. I love Octopath as well but it doesn't sell particularly well. Sells enough to keep getting games though which is all that matters. Hopefully we continue to get more as 2 is a straight improvement over 1.

      Should I play 1 before 2. I can use my game voucher for switch on the first game?

  51. 11 months ago

    I don’t spend my time playing games that I feel the need to fast forward through.

  52. 11 months ago

    >Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward?
    i can't even stand standing there waiting 5 seconds in a "hold shit to open door" or shitty cutscenes

  53. 11 months ago

    Hey, action gays, do something useful and complain not about this crap, but how in EVERY FRICKING SINGLE GAME YOU NEED TO HOLD BUTTON TO CONFIRM ACTION.
    Do something fricking useful, and then I'll consider your "wasting time" arguments.

  54. 11 months ago

    If it's a cool battle or something important that would require strategy then I play normal speed
    If it's another 3x wolf that I'm going to need to hit "Attack" 3 times with each character to kill, I'm going to fast forward
    Anything in between is what I feel would be most fun going into battle
    Simple as.

  55. 11 months ago

    Why do JRPG players hate fun so much? They'd rather use fast forward and grind for hours in order to trivialize the whole game than learn to buff and debuff.

    • 11 months ago

      Because most people don't play JRPGs for a challenge.

    • 11 months ago

      They had their chance to prove they wanted fun games that offer a real challenge, but turned it away.

      • 11 months ago

        I have so many mixed feeling about that game. Ultimately I just think it was too ambitious for the time. It’s funny how divinity did a marginally similar combat system and won game of the year.

      • 11 months ago

        >They had their chance to prove they wanted fun games that offer a real challenge, but turned it away.

        pic unrelated.
        The D Counter made that game unfun and added forced challenge

        • 11 months ago

          It was fun.
          You weren't ever forced to use D-Dive.
          You weren't ever forced to move forward without being prepared either.
          You felt this way because you took the devs' bait and allowed the D-Counter to pressure you into making moronic mistakes.
          You got filtered not only as a player, but as a human being.

          • 11 months ago

            >all these fake scenarios to defend the BoF game that killed the series with how shit it is

    • 11 months ago

      They're not "JRPG players". They're either irony-poisoned homosexuals who want "cred" for playing the games they're playing or disingenuous homosexuals who hate RPGs and therefore refuse to engage with them.

    • 11 months ago

      ah yes, the dreaded lvl 15 goblin requires so much thought. I must make use of all my neurons to command all my units to attack once!

      • 11 months ago

        Right, most fights don't even need buffs and debuffs. What is all the grinding for, then? I don't blame you for using FF on mindless fodder fights, I'm specifically talking about grinding.

        • 11 months ago

          Black person you're arguing with some moronic strawman
          I dont grind
          Even without grinding 90% of all JRPG battles require 0 thought. They're not complex, man.

          • 11 months ago

            I never said you specifically grind, seems like you're the one fighting a strawman.

  56. 11 months ago

    >needing a feature to not play the video game
    Yea, that modern video games.

    • 11 months ago

      >pay a monthly sub to access the game
      >pay even more to skip over content and play it less
      MMOtards are an interesting bunch

  57. 11 months ago

    If you save stated or fast forwarded you did NOT beat the game.

    • 11 months ago

      I save state multiple times every time I use an in-game save and then never load them.

  58. 11 months ago

    >Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward?
    Yeah. I've played through FF1 (NES) on original hardware multiple times.

    • 11 months ago

      Ones very playable, how many times you beat 2?

  59. 11 months ago

    Not a fan of ATB but I love true turn based RPGs (Pokemon,DQ,FF1-3+X,Chrono Trigger, etc)

    • 11 months ago

      >Not a fan of ATB but I love true turn based RPGs
      >Not ATB

  60. 11 months ago

    Most RPGs are fine
    Legend of Dragoon is painfully slow and you can't really fast forward because of how the attack additions work

  61. 11 months ago

    >Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward?
    Yes because i'm not a subhuman zoomer Black person

  62. 11 months ago

    I like fastforwarding slow attack animations like the ones in BoF.

  63. 11 months ago

    Yes, I am able to play JRPGs without fast forward. Currently playing Sora no Kiseki SC on hard and I'm enjoying it even though I'm getting my ass handed to me a lot

    • 11 months ago

      >all those people whining about fast forward

      did any of you play Xenosaga 1? whether it's in combat or outside combat, I swear it's far, far, far too slow

      Don't Kiseki games include fast forward though? at the least the English releases of every title up to Cold Steel.
      I usually play Kiseki games are normal speed, but when you want to talk to every NPC in town after every event or just do a fetch quest between two different cities the increased speed is really valuable

      • 11 months ago

        I haven't seen a fast forward option, nor have I used one. Only played Sky 1 and now playing Sky 2.

        • 11 months ago

          well enjoy it bro, I have very fonds memories of the Sky trilogy and SC is still my favorite Kiseki, would kill to discover it again

          • 11 months ago

            thanks mate, I'm having fun so far in the early game

      • 11 months ago

        >did any of you play Xenosaga 1?
        Yeah and its not even the slowest combat Ive seen. At its core xenosaga 1s combat is very interesting so the fact its slow didnt bother me. But god damn they are slow in the overworld. Youre right on the money there.

  64. 11 months ago

    Sometimes combat feels a bit too slow, but I typically find the bigger issue to be slow movement outside of combat.

  65. 11 months ago

    I don't fast forward but I do use save states when it's moronic.
    Take MGS 1 for instance, if I get beaten by Ocelot I have to blow up all the walls again before I get to fight him once more. I don't see the point, so I save state before the fight.

  66. 11 months ago

    >get hit too much
    >easy mode engage
    >press x
    >watch movie
    Boomers are the root cause of movie games and journalist difficulty. Glad your shitty genre is dying

    • 11 months ago

      Omnislash is so fricking rad

    • 11 months ago

      Journalist difficulty is for the disabled, literally. After learning that I kind of respect it.

    • 11 months ago

      >why can you do a lot of damage with one attack
      because i did the requirements to unlock that attack
      >b-but that looks... easy
      does unlocking a high damage weapon in an action game make it easy?
      >no but that's because you can still be hit so you have to time it-
      and being hit in an RPG is inevitable unless you kill the enemy first.

      • 11 months ago

        >strawman defeated
        >you gain 47xp and 13 gilders
        That's nice anon. Doesn't change the fact that you're getting rewarded for taking damage, in the easiest genre, with a movie.
        I think accessibility options are fine, but they shouldn't be forced on the player.

        • 11 months ago

          Who put the gun to your head and forced you to use the limit break?

          • 11 months ago

            Limit break replaces basic attack so morons don't accidentally lose. They knew their audience at least.

            • 11 months ago

              Pretty much every fricking mass-market RPG these days though
              Octopath more or less forces the player to play exactly the way the game wants it to with the stupid break mechanic.

              • 11 months ago

                I like the break mechanic. I like turn transparent turn orders that I can also manipulate through good play. I just think it's a little misused.

              • 11 months ago

                This is why you don't play games aimed at the lowest common denominator, or children, and that's true for any genre.

        • 11 months ago

          >rewarded for taking damage
          >easiest genre
          False. False. False.
          Nice accuracy actiontard.

          • 11 months ago

            >Get hit, get limit gauge increase.
            Rewarded for taking damage.
            >Can win 80% of encounters blindfolded on first try, with no practice.
            >Press buttons during Omnislash does nothing to affect gameplay.
            Very repetitive movie.
            Sorry you attached your gamer creds to the most basic of video game genres.

            • 11 months ago

              >Rewarded for taking damage.
              And if you use this "reward" in any fight in which you're not meant to stick around for awhile and thus take a lot of hits, it's not a "reward" at all. It is not something you are going to just use unconditionally all the fricking time.
              Unless you don't overlevel yourself to frick, like 99% of players do.
              >Very repetitive movie.
              Button presses per minute is not a metric of gameplay unless you're going to tell me walk and talk with some zero risk platforming or QTEs is "gameplay".
              Sorry you attached your gamer creds to hating "le weeb genre".

              • 11 months ago

                >mental gymnastics to justify movie games
                horseshoe theory is real.

              • 11 months ago

                >"non-movie games are movie games"
                >no, here's why, and this is what an actual movie game is
                >"mental gymnastics, horseshoe theory"
                Mental illness.

              • 11 months ago

                >words words words
                It's a reward for getting hit, on par with reset bubbles in Mario Odyssey. It's baby shit no matter how you use it.
                >words words
                I need to gimp myself and play inefficiently to make the game difficult. Sounds like baby shit.
                Button presses is what differentiates movies from vidya. They have LeapFrog tablets that let you change pages with a button press. Maybe look into that if you want new turn based games.

              • 11 months ago

                And it's a "reward" that going out of your way to use will get you killed.
                See that seems to be your entire mindset here. Because it can maybe be taken the way you say it should be, you are objectively correct- that's how you're thinking of it.
                That's fricking stupid. You're not convincing anybody.

              • 11 months ago

                >reward for being hit is op attack that replaces basic attack
                >this kills you

              • 11 months ago

                >get hit
                >lose HP
                >if this happens enough, you're either forced to use other resources or you die
                >going out of your way to do regular battles in a way where you use limit breaks all the time will drain your resources faster than necessary, or again, just kill you

              • 11 months ago

                So it's not a reward because you might have to skip 1 turn to use a hi-potion? What about the limit breaks that are just mass heals?
                Lots of jumping through hoops to justify journalist mode being default difficulty..

              • 11 months ago

                alright anon, by all means go ahead, show us how much easier the game is if you fall back on limit breaks constantly and refuse to fight in ways that might avoid them.
                Oh wait. It's NOT? That's a moronic way to play that nobody really goes for? Go figure.

              • 11 months ago

                Hardest enemy in 7 defeated by limit spam

              • 11 months ago

                >requires fricking every other turn to be devoted to healing AND a decent level
                >FRICKING CHEATED
                >"s-still counts"

              • 11 months ago

                >good luck winning using limit breaks
                >does that
                >this doesn't count because he farmed power sources
                lel the absolute state of turn based grannies

              • 11 months ago

                >massive outlier that requires extreme grinding and almost certainly cheating as well is indicative of normal gameplay

  67. 11 months ago

    No, i have a life, i play video games for leisure, im not some dumb basement dewller homosexual 40 year old virgin that thinks grinding is some way to defend your honor as a gaymer.

  68. 11 months ago

    >Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs
    >[all that other shit you wrote]
    Sounds like you should play other games.

  69. 11 months ago

    anyone against FF is either a troll or a zoomer trying to fit in. Any real boomer who played these games without fast forward is glad it exists now and knows it doesn't actually give you any advantages

    • 11 months ago

      if fast forward is okay then so are save states

      • 11 months ago

        It's ok to enjoy cheats.

      • 11 months ago

        It's ok to enjoy cheats.

        >fast forward
        >auto battle
        >what is the point
        >some years pass
        >I totally get it now

        Honestly I feel guilty playing vidya sometimes because I should be doing something else productive.

        i never got this complaint
        ive played on emulators for years and i always use the save states and frame skipping, specially RPGs. Otherwise the game are insanely slow, and you dont really eliminate any difficulty

        • 11 months ago

          As I said, nothing wrong with using cheats, but they are cheats. Using a save state in places the game never intended to let you save, like halfway through a boss gauntlet, is circumventing intended challenge.
          There's no issue with doing that, do whatever you want, I myself always use save state as a suspend/resume feature, I have no fond memories of forcing myself to play until a save point so I can stop. But it is a cheat.

  70. 11 months ago

    >fast forward
    >auto battle
    >what is the point
    >some years pass
    >I totally get it now

    Honestly I feel guilty playing vidya sometimes because I should be doing something else productive.

  71. 11 months ago

    I still play it like it was played back in the days. What I can't stand actually is how some classic RPG series became GoW clones.

  72. 11 months ago

    I've never been able to tolerate them, not even as a kid, unless it was a road trip or something and there was literally nothing else to do

  73. 11 months ago

    Time was different back then and by this I mean internet connection, phones, lifestyle. If you get any older movie you will realize that they are slow as frick because people in that time was much more patient than they are now, in chaotic modern times. A reason for why rpgs as a whole are getting more and more niche.

  74. 11 months ago

    Yes, I play them without fast forwarding and I will even watch long battle animations without skipping them.

  75. 11 months ago

    Kind of just tells you how bad the combat is, doesn't it.

  76. 11 months ago

    ....duh? Final Fantasy VIII is still one my favorite games of all time. And FFIX probably will be too once I finish it. Also loved Dragon Quest XI.

  77. 11 months ago

    Just listen to the podcast while grinding. I've sunk hundreds of hours into Dan Carlin, Lex Friedman, Joe Rogan... while playing Genshin.

  78. 11 months ago

    >Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward?
    It's what makes Pokémon games playable for me. Even with animations turned off shit just feels so slow.

    • 11 months ago

      You mean you don't want to wait 30 seconds for the animation of Blissey's health bar to drain?

      • 11 months ago

        It's not even that but the way every battle starts with the animation of the pokémon showing up and you throwing the ball, even if you want to immediately run away. Like, if it were for me the option would show up before throwing the ball.

  79. 11 months ago

    Obviously. I'm planning to play FFIX on my PS1 soon.

  80. 11 months ago

    i am, because my attention spawn is not as limited as the more modern audience.

  81. 11 months ago

    >Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward?

  82. 11 months ago

    Why did it take turn based RPG so long to finally do this? Back on the N64 the Pokemon Stadium games had this as an unlockable feature for playing the game. It made playing the GB games on the big screen even better. Yet it seems this didn't get adopted for the genre until way later. Why? I'm convinced these japs creating the genre were just that far behind on the times.

  83. 11 months ago

    Final Fantasy is particularly bad about wasting the player's time with animations. I would say 90% of turn based RPG's I've played don't have this problem.

    It feels like most people's complaints about "turn based RPGs" on this board are specifically referring to Final Fantasy

  84. 11 months ago

    I've been playing blobbers on a second screen for years now that shit is boring as hell, especially when the challenge is the number of enemies not the individual enemies

  85. 11 months ago

    yeah, it's not a big deal to me

    • 11 months ago

      >old hags
      wtf dude thx for killing my boner

  86. 11 months ago

    I play RPGs on a handheld. The wait times aren't a problem when you aren't forced to sit in front of your TV.

  87. 11 months ago

    If a game has combat that I feel a need or urge to fast forward past, then I'd rather just not play it since it sounds like the combat sucks.
    I tried FF7 and it seemed to be the case there so I just stopped playing a few hours in (like after Don Corneo's mansion).

  88. 11 months ago

    >Are you still able to play old turn based RPGs without fast forward?
    I tried fast forwarding battles for a while using emulators but i found it ruined the game.
    Now, if i feel a game needs to be fast forwarded,then that's a fundamental flaw in the game and i just move on.

  89. 11 months ago

    I'm turning 35, I hate fast-forward crap in these games, I never use it. Good to know I haven't developed ADHD or something I suppose.

  90. 11 months ago

    I don't know whether turning off special effects or toggling double speed is good or not, but if the majority of players want to avoid most of the gameplay, maybe there's a design problem. Pic unrelated

    • 11 months ago

      >but if the majority of players want to avoid most of the gameplay

      or use codes to disable shit mechanics, like Breath of Fire 5's D Counter

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