Are you still in touch with your first TTRPG table?

Are you still in touch with your first TTRPG table?

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  1. 2 months ago

    No, it was lost in an unfortunate house fire. It was mahogany.

  2. 2 months ago

    Yeah, at least part of it. There are a couple of guys I've lost contact with, but also a couple of other guys I'd consider good friends, and I still regularly play with these guys and hang out with them outside games, too.

  3. 2 months ago

    I still play with all but one. We started playing when we were around 10, now we're in our mid 30s. We took a break for a couple of decades but we got back into it, now we're doing it online though.

  4. 2 months ago

    We still play together online most weeks, but ironically it's all of them except my first DM. I can't blame him for everything but despite it being a good experience on the journey, things ended on such a sour note for me that I just didn't really wanna bother keeping up with him, and he kinda moved on from our group as well as rpgs in general too afaik. He had been flaking for months on end and when we finally got together he had basically skipped anything resembling an adventure straight to the BBEG pair, combining two campaigns so we had a bunch of people.
    Cool idea in concept, except he had his drug deal customers in there smoking off to the side, I didn't know most of the room, half the people I did were joining by video call, every turn took an hour, we basically cutscene skipped to get to the big final battle completely disjointed from what we'd been doing in the adventure, because it took too long we got to the actual BBEGs after the minion gauntlet and he said "frick it, you guys win" on the first round actually fighting them. This was during early covid and a lot of shit going on in my life so I drove like 5 hours at 5am to make it to this game session on time since it meant a lot to me and it was when I went to the usual place that I discovered from the new resident that he had fricking moved and never told anyone. I call him to find his new address and in the middle of whatever the frick he's doing before the session starts he cannot be assed to listen to me and take two seconds out of the half hour I was getting a hold of him to just tell me his new address. It still makes me bitter to remember that one day, but ultimately if it weren't for him I wouldn't be in this hobby and in most ways he was still trying to do what he could in the time he had, and it just didn't work out well and I don't think it ever would have been great even if he had picked it up in the places that bothered me the most.

  5. 2 months ago

    Yes I still speak to my little brother and my best friend.

  6. 2 months ago

    No, because I realized most of that group were incredibly toxic people. The one cool guy and I are still in touch and regularly game together though.

    • 2 months ago

      Same except I married the cool guy.

      Why does WoD always have the craziest fricking players?
      You never hear this shit from fricking Traveller or something.

      There's Traveller cults too but most of them don't survive the rigorous astronaut training so comparatively you're less likely to run into one.

      Vampire attracts some batshit people, and I imagine it's because the kind of radical counter culture that is goth culture is just inherently interesting to that kind of weird people. If there was a big RPG about tulpas or being otherkin or whatever, I bet those communities would be filled to the brim with sickos.

      • 2 months ago

        Why are you gay?

      • 2 months ago

        wh-why cant i have a gay roleplaying bf

      • 2 months ago

        >There's Traveller cults too but most of them don't survive the rigorous astronaut training so comparatively you're less likely to run into one.

        I have now declared my life mission to play Traveller in space.

        I will fail at this mission but it is mine none the less

        • 2 months ago

          How would you roll dice in zero-g?

          • 2 months ago

            Just spin one and wait for it to stop?

            • 2 months ago

              How will it stop there's no friction

              • 2 months ago

                There's still air, assuming he'll be playing in a space station

              • 2 months ago

                Oh yeah true I thought he wanted to play outside the space station in his little space suit.
                Yeah then I guess it'd work but it'd be really weird and inconvenient.

          • 2 months ago

            Metal dice and a magnet?

          • 2 months ago

            Metal dice and a magnet?

            Spin dials with a clicker on them. That clicking sound is already so satisfying, why would you pass up the chance?

      • 2 months ago

        >There's Traveller cults too but most of them don't survive the rigorous astronaut training so comparatively you're less likely to run into one.

        I have now declared my life mission to play Traveller in space.

        I will fail at this mission but it is mine none the less

        >No Traveler LARP?
        It looks like Elon Musk is doing alright.
        >play with rockets all over the planet
        >shot his own car into space because he could
        >shuttle actually made it to ISS

  7. 2 months ago

    No, my cousin got leukemia in 1992 and there were no more games.
    My second group disintegrated after I moved and 1 year later our main DM got sent to rehab and came out a zombie.
    My third group was a cult and it took me three years to figure it out. Lost my best d10, Ol' Blackie.
    My fourth group was a decade of 3e D&D. Best gaming of my life to that time.
    Current group is two friends, a male couple, and my wife. They are quite good but the sessions are a bit shorter to account for the b***h session at the end. 7/10

    • 2 months ago

      >My third group was a cult and it took me three years to figure it out. Lost my best d10, Ol' Black
      That sounds like a story

      • 2 months ago

        Vampire LARP was the only thing we cared about. Three sessions per week. Playing D&D or CCGs when waiting for the vampire game. If you had a job you kept your schedule lean enough to have income but still game 40+ hours per week. The current Storyteller crew were the tastemakers of everything you did because it all tied back to your status in the LARP.

        • 2 months ago

          Ah, I've heard legends of VTM LARP groups

          • 2 months ago

            I heard of one in some eastern US city (Cincinnati? Baltimore?) that got so big there were like 200 goth kids running around downtown every night underage drinking and generally making a nuisance of themselves scaring all the WASPs by pretending to be vampires. Eventually the city or whoever got rid of them by shutting the hosting LGS down after the manager turned out to be running VtM larp mainly to groom teenage boys

          • 2 months ago

            It was a distillation of narcissism, delusion, megalomania, and sexual deviance. The amount of people that it attracted that were utterly ineffectual in real life was staggering. I don't know how I fooled myself into spending so much time around people I despised. I've never had so much mental illness within arms reach in my entire life.
            The greatest upside was meeting my best friend at a con we put on. I've since lost contact with him due to an extreme change of life perspective but we were tight for 20 years.

            • 2 months ago

              >I don't know how I fooled myself into spending so much time around people I despised
              I still do it so I don't have to be alone, which is somehow even worse.

              • 2 months ago

                >necromancing a wojak spam thread
                You're a piece of shit.

              • 2 months ago

                Half of the threads up right now are the same shit but for softcore porn. I'm not too bothered that I accidentally bumped this dying thread instead.

        • 2 months ago

          Why does WoD always have the craziest fricking players?
          You never hear this shit from fricking Traveller or something.

          • 2 months ago

            Kinda, but the whole thing fell apart. I got kicked out for some bullshit, made up with the guys later but then the "leader" and the GM had a very bad feud and refuse to talk to each other to this day. That split the table and made things weird.

            Well, at least it's great for immersion because you are basically RPing one of those freaks to begin with. Really, there isnt much difference between an average VtM 3e character and a mid 2000s mall goth.

  8. 2 months ago

    No but I am in contact with my second and we play video games and shit every other day. No ttrpgs tho, I guess they stopped being interested.

  9. 2 months ago

    I played a homebrew with my three friends when we were like 10-12 y.o. I talk to one of them once a month via messanger.

  10. 2 months ago

    I haven't kept in contact with my very first RPG table, no. The very first RPG I played was a D&D intro box campaign run by my best friends dad, with me, my best friend, and my best friends little brother as the 3 players. That would have been about when I was 8-10, abouts? A few years later they moved away and while we did keep in touch for a few years after that, we drifted apart as our lives went in different directions. Last I heard, my best friends dad had passed from the coof. It was kind of a surreal feeling at the time, knowing the guy who had introduced me to TTRPG's was gone.

    I do still keep up with my second group though. The core of that group formed in middle school and we took on a few more in high school, and aside from one guy who in hindsight had always been kind of a douche, the entirety of that group still keeps in regular contact. While not everyone participates in every campaign, the group has had some kind of RPG running weekly for about a decade and a half now.

  11. 2 months ago

    Yeah, we've added a few players and some people aren't part of the current game, but it's the same friend group from fourteen years ago. Nobody's fallen out yet.

  12. 2 months ago

    Only one.
    The rest of my that table were NEETs and That Guys. I even looked up neet to see if I was using it correctly.
    They're all moved away now and I hope they're doing better. I still wouldn't game with them.

    There's greener pastures out there anons. Never settle

  13. 2 months ago

    No. Two of them drank the TDS Koolaid and absolutely flipped a shit when I told them I was sick of politics at the table.
    I was promptly excommunicated

  14. 2 months ago

    Well my first table was my older brother and two cousins. One of the cousins is dead. The other works in my IT department. And yes I'm still in touch with my brother.

    But my first real group was in highschool. Unfortunately, I only keep in touch with one of them, still. It's pretty hard to stay in touch twenty years later with your highschool buddies. People get other things going on, families, move all across the country. But the one I am still in touch with visited not too long ago. We played Zombicide and X-Wing a lot.

  15. 2 months ago

    No, it was over 20 years ago and I don't even remember anyone's name.

  16. 2 months ago

    Oddly enough the first real group I had I am in still in touch with one guy all these years later. We play FF14 and talk on the regular. The game we met each other in was Adeptus Evangelion and shockingly enough I met someone who worked on Adeptus Eva in real life. So thanks /tg/ for giving me a bud for all these years.
    Pic related it was my character in adeptus Eva done by an artist on the irc free of charge the mad lass

  17. 2 months ago

    Of course but only one of them is still playing in my current groups. Reason is that they all moved out for work and we only occasionally meet for festivities. I managed to group them together once in 2015 for a wfrp 1e game, we had a blast.
    >Inb4 how back you go with them?
    I think we start playing together in '98 with 2e and MERP

  18. 2 months ago

    My first TTRPG table was made up entirely of my siblings so obviously no I don't.

  19. 2 months ago

    nah, i cucked the guy dating my first ex by having really descriptive rpg sex with his girlfriend (the girl the table orbited around) at the table. he left and then my ex broke up with me cus he convinced her I was cheating on her. haven't seen either of them since the break up.

    • 2 months ago

      >I had a sexual encounter while everyone watched how dare that KEK tell my b***h EX WIFE how I did the thing everyone saw me do
      You are an idiot and you deserve your bad life.

      • 2 months ago

        This isn't true, but if it is you deserve it.

        that's the common sentiment. I mean, I would feel more bad if she wasn't such a bawd to begin with. I didn't really miss it on much, first gaming table was full of sociopaths, liars, hypocrites and racists. the girl outright played a "hooker who likes her job and glorifies being a hooker" while the boy played an actual sexbot.

        I regret nothing, considering that my bullshit got me the Tumblrina bawd dicky AND cucked a sociopath who couldn't stop being a hitlerite Black person.

        but we all know how you gays feel about that guy. chalk it up to a b***h with jungle fever if you must, everyone was a wienerBAG at the table.

      • 2 months ago

        also you let on that you know more than what I said. is that you, Nicker?

        glad to know you're still butt mad for getting cucked in your own house. not that everyone BUT Brandon got to first base that night.

    • 2 months ago

      This isn't true, but if it is you deserve it.

  20. 2 months ago

    I was celebrating my 25th anniversary in the hobby two weeks ago. That involved drinking a beer and playing Puerto Rico with a guy from that group, since we are still in touch. Let's call him Player 3. Our playing together in this configuration lasted only for six months of highly irregular games (month-long hiatus followed by non-stop gaming for a week, followed by week break, then playing every other day, then long hiatus etc). Otherwise:
    GM is a literal loser, one step away from being a hobo. Was already in freefall back then, so it's hardly surprising. I cut all ties with this guy by 2008, the rest tried to stick with him a bit longer. Saw him last spring, a total wreck. He didn't recognise me, I didn't bother to even say hi. Crew that c**t.
    Player 1 decided that weed is more interesting than TTRPGs and fall out from our group as the first person, mere 5 sessions in. Him and rest of the group drifted apart so much, we don't really know what's with him, but last time I was in touch, he ended up being a coal miner with effectively a life debt by the ripe age of 19.
    Player 2 and 3 were neighbours as teens and going to the same class, so it helped keep the pack together. We sticked together as a trio till about 2013, when each of us simply went into different part of the country to try our luck. Last time I saw player 2 in person, it was... I think '17? From time to time we were playing online (but not TTRPGs)
    Player 3 was already covered. I"m effectively Martin Riggs to his Murtaughs family. We don't play TTRPGs anymore, at least not together, but I do have spare keys to his house, so fricking figure. I remember before he got married and was with his previous girlfriend and how confused she was by the sort of interaction between us two.
    Player 4 was Player 3's younger brother, the classic tale of "you can crash in the garden, but he has to play to". I'm kinda-sorta still in touch, but he flaked on his own in short order.

    • 2 months ago

      I actually met the miner guy yesterday when leaving the church after Stations of the Cross. Burned out, still in debts, but alive. Weirdest and most unexpected meet-up in recent years, especially since he's an ex-altair boy, making it all that weirder that he was in church. We obviously didn't talk games, having other stuff to discuss and catch-up.

  21. 2 months ago

    My first DM is my closest friend nowadays. Two of the other players I played with I found out were total pieces of shit over the years (and I gave them way too many second chances), so I try to stay away from them, and another player is a good dude but we rarely talk.

  22. 2 months ago

    Being that I only started playing a couple of years ago with a couple of friends;
    Never imagined I'd get new friends and a new hobby after 30, but here I am I suppose.

  23. 2 months ago

    Of my original 5 its only me and the GM left, but the other 3 current participants joined within ~1 year of the table being founded.

    We were all in grad school when we met, and after the world got coofed upon we kept up via discord. Playing near-weekly going on 7ish years now.

    • 2 months ago

      How does it feel to be have a good and consistent group OP?

      • 2 months ago

        Not gonna lie, bretty good. I just GM'd a Dark Sun 5e conversion for the group and the regular GM is getting a new campaign going soon. I miss our in-person days a lot though, we'd all get drunk in a meeting room with a giant projector we used for visual aids.

  24. 2 months ago

    I was like 10, I don't even remember what game it was...only that it was pokemon themed

  25. 2 months ago

    Sadly no. I'm 71, and every friend I had back in the 80's are dead. I don't even get to play in person anymore, had to have my grandson build me a PC just so I could play on Foundry with his friends.

    • 2 months ago

      At least you have a grandson, and therefore a lineage oldposter
      Why dont you put up an ad at some "Retirement villas" and play with some other oldgays?

  26. 2 months ago

    I do talk with some of them occasionaly, but only like once a year or so really. With others not at all.

    Kinda bummed about it since they were all close friends from my home town and I would consider them important people in my life, those middle/high school RPG sessions hold tonnes of nostalgia for me. But I know I just wouldn't enjoy their company nearly as much today, they've changed a lot and so did I probably. Such is life.

  27. 2 months ago

    One player I couldn't tolerate even when we gamed together.
    One disappeared one he became a dad.
    One got arrested for kidnap and attempted murder.
    Drifted apart from the last one over the years.

  28. 2 months ago

    My first? No
    My second? No
    My third? Absolutely, they’ve been my best friends since high school

  29. 2 months ago

    Half of it are still my group. The others went full normalgay when they married but they got replaced with young'ns and people who didn't have shrieking harpies for wives.

  30. 2 months ago

    I first played RPGs in the hallways of primary school, 4th or 5th grade I think? We didn't have tables back then son.

  31. 2 months ago

    I think I talked to one of the players a few years ago. Last I heard he became an officer and thought most of his fellow officers are idiots. I think he's gotten out and settled down a few hours away.

  32. 2 months ago

    Yes, I’m actually going to be starting a new vtm campaign from dark ages to modern times with them this afternoon.
    [Spoiler] it’s me, I only ever play solo games [/Spoiler]

    • 2 months ago

      Tfw it’s been so long since posting you frick in the spoiler tag

      • 2 months ago

        you're phone posting
        make sure the 's' in spoiler is not capitalized

  33. 2 months ago

    I still play with everyone from it except our first dm. He got accused of sexually assaulting a mutual friend in our town when we were 17. Moved away for college and got in trouble there for trying to hook up with high school girls. Last I heard he's a camp counselor year round now. I switch off DMing with another member from the original table, we share the same world but operate different parts of it for a break.

  34. 2 months ago

    Not the first one, sadly.
    But kept the second one for 20 years and counting.

  35. 2 months ago

    First table was Dad and my two younger siblings. So yes, we're still pretty close.

  36. 2 months ago

    Nope. DM went all in on trying to imitate critical role and ended up with Fantasy Zork. It was the worst D&D experience I've ever had.

  37. 2 months ago

    My first table was with my older bro and his friends, I remember it being a rather basic table but for young me it was a magical experience to discover this kind of game.
    1 or 2 years later I started DMing to my school friends, had 3 major campaigns each one lasting 1 year and half, then I moved to another city after the first year of highschool didn't play TTRPGs for a long time until I met some online friends.
    I started an online campaign 2 years ago and it felt very nostalgic to DM again, now I have a lot more experience and practical advice, so I cringe at a lot of the early stuff in my first two campaigns lmao

  38. 2 months ago

    Mostly but one friend left the friend group abruptly and cut all ties because he was apparently trooning out and one of the friend group said some rather non-progressive things about them to him. I can understand being pissy with the other guy but that c**t just cut everyone out which really boiled my piss because i got a DBS Broly statue for his birthday a few months prior.

  39. 2 months ago

    Haven't caught up with the group in more than two decades. One is a teacher, one got married and got stuck in a normie rut, third one I can't even remember his full name.

  40. 2 months ago

    My first table was with random kids during recess in middle school.

  41. 2 months ago

    Kinda. There were my highschool friends and I went back there for the school’s 50th anniversary last Saturday

  42. 2 months ago

    nope, and last time I knew what was going on in the DMs life, she was ranting on Facebook about SJWs being the reason that they stopped using animal byproducts to make paper money.

  43. 2 months ago

    No, sadly.
    >one player trooned out and became an insufferable politisperg.
    >one player died from the coof.
    >one player is doing time in prison.
    >one player left us for second life.
    >DM switched to playing pokemon and yugioh exclusively.
    I miss the days of playing 3.5

  44. 2 months ago

    My first gaming group was a huge table of people at my FLGS that constantly rotated players until it eventually fell apart when the GM got arrested for sexual assault charges

  45. 2 months ago

    frick no, amd thank god for that.

  46. 2 months ago

    Frick yeah

  47. 2 months ago

    It was a one-on-one session i had with my girlfriend at the time so no.
    My very first group though, they all moved on to other things, so also no.

  48. 2 months ago

    I still live with my dad so yeah.
    Also I still play with him and his friends.

  49. 2 months ago

    My first group (online) I lost contact with naturally, for the most part. I still wonder how they’re doing.
    Second group was my irl friends. One drifted away from our friend group, one trooned out (FtM), and one moved to the next state and can’t come over as much, but the remaining three (and the one that moved) still keep in touch.
    Third group (online) I got kicked out of due to some drama with a troon that wasn’t even in our group to begin with. They’ve started drama with me before, but that was the moment when I realized, “Maybe troons aren’t the innocent victims they want us to think they are.”

  50. 2 months ago

    Short answer is no.
    First off the FIRST person that got me into tabletop RPGs passed away a year and a half ago. Yes I was still in contact with him. Flew down to see him when he found out about his medical condition (terminal) but wanted to keep it secret.
    Talked to him on the phone 48 hours before he passed away.
    We started with Redbox way back when.
    I actually purchased his copies of 3.5 core set cause he was broke at the time. We were that tight.
    Now for the rest.

    >Fat edgy cringe "Goth Guy" that gets his wardrobe from spirit halloween.
    Pretty much a clone of GothKingCobra (every town has one)
    He spent a few years having borderline homeless girls move in with him. All were 100% BPD psychos. Their situation was due to them being so insufferable that their garbage parents kicked them out to live with above described guy.
    He was okay behind closed doors.
    You just never took the guy out in public.
    Honestly got tired of his girl's crap and ejected him out in the middle of a session.
    She got knocked up by a pill dealer she was screwing while he was at work.
    He tried to reconnect via FB a while back.
    We exchanged numbers and our first and last conversation was me more or less telling him I honestly don't care if i hear from him again.
    He also neglected to return my 2e core books.

    >Old player and his GF
    >GF transitioned and is now a man. They're still married.
    His wife did some dumb crap and in order to save her own self from getting arrested pointed the finger at me.
    Had a 6 month legal battle and prosecution realized it was 99% BS and the particular cop that got her statement was on record as being someone with a grudge that stemmed from a decade prior and me banging a girl he was infatuated with.
    Prosecution refused to drop it cause Muh Conviction Record.
    Judge tosses an Alford Plea and 100$ fine + erasure of record after 6 months.
    >I'm pretty sure that they lurk here a bit.
    Screw you man. You know what you did. Retaliation would be punching down.

    • 2 months ago

      There's a reason every single person that dropped you did. They were literally there in my defense. Enjoy your mediocre existence.
      I'm thriving.

      >Old player and his buddy in long time group
      One went full blown traitor mode to the other. Proved to be a garbage human being.
      I'm still bros with other guy. We just don't play anymore. We do go river fishing when we meet up though.

      >Odds and ends from teenage years
      I don't keep in contact with any of them. My life is far removed from theirs. I wish them well though.

      I have a good core group now that I've been off and on with for a decade. We play different games and each run our own stuff.
      >Star Wars ran by one
      >I ran Becmi and 3e until Star Wars guy learned to DM 3e. We swap duty on 3e but shelved it for the time being
      >I run a Gonzo Murder Hobo Mork Borg campaign for laughs now. Sometimes Becmi.
      >Another guy runs Shadowrun every couple of weeks
      >Another player runs Kids on Bikes semi frequently
      >I printed out Dragonquest 3e and considering running something with that. Familiar with Gurps and how to port anything over from that.
      >Scored a box of d20 modern/future books from a garage sale last Tuesday. 25 bucks for the lot. Handed the grandma 40$ and said don't worry about change. Also 2 sets of dice in there.

      I miss the GOOD old times. But I don't regret 1 second of parting ways with the people I did part ways with.
      Just remember folks that you can always meet new players.
      Make new friends.
      Build lasting relationships.
      Just like in game.
      We part ways with characters all the time.
      The way forward is what matters.
      Not what's behind.

  51. 2 months ago

    Same group. 13+ years and running. One normal group for the group normies, 1 for the Degens, Same Dm for both, everyone in both groups have autism. Degen group is hyper racist, and degen, with a White-Nationalist, Spanish guy. Great time.

  52. 2 months ago
    Poor Investor

    My first TTRPG table was either my uncle's or my neighbor's. My uncle had a falling out with my dad 10 years ago and I haven't really talked to him since. My neighbor was a psycho that always played murderhobos and would do weird shit like pour candle wax on me.

  53. 2 months ago

    Dude one: Is a college professor now. Seems happy. We sometimes talk about music and hiking but he's multiple states away.

    Dude two: Had some drama 12 years ago so we don't speak. Just checked FB and apparently he's still working in a call center at age 38. Dating a fat single mom.

    Dude three: Owns his own tattoo shop in our hometown and seems like a popular artist even though his work is super ugly. Divorced.

    My little sister: She was like my tomboy sidekick back then but hated me for many years after that. She got especially rude and angry in college and only got over that social justice shit a couple years ago. Married to a nice doctor and just had my niece a couple months ago.

  54. 2 months ago

    i'm good friends with the only person from that group that was a tolerable human being. feel fortunate enough i made one friend from the cesspit of joining random games at my college's tabletop club

  55. 2 months ago

    I occasionally talk to them on the discord for the friend group.

    With that being said, I could not be happier not playing with them. I can't stand Pathfinder and getting them to even play anything else with me is like pulling teeth.

    Been having a lot more fun with online strangers (well non IRL friends) ironically.

  56. 2 months ago

    i'm in regular contact with most of them. one guy I lost contact with reached out recently after around 15 years probably. it felt nice

  57. 2 months ago

    Yeah, I speak to all of them on a daily basis, 3 of the 4 are still at my current table. One of them is my best friend, who got me my current job and I see him on most weekends. (His two year old son calls me uncle.)

  58. 2 months ago

    I am in touch with them but we no longer play TTRPGs. They just weren’t very good roleplayers, not sure why they wanted to try the game in the first place, they were drug dealers and gangbangers and far from your typical nerd. They’d just murder hobo everything, torture was always their first method for getting information, and they played as if they thought their criminal actions would not have consequences. I eventually just ran OSRS pure dungeon crawl style stuff for them because it seemed they way they wanted to play. Luckily they all eventually got bored with RPGs and I found better players at conventions/LGS/online

  59. 2 months ago

    No, I left after about 10 sessions because it was going nowhere with us just randomly following whatever plot threads the psychic player didn't immediately destroy out of boredom. Never went back, never contacted any of them again.

    Dunno why I even stuck around that long, especially after that same psychic lobotomized my PC to steal my loot and then went ERPing with dryads he brainwashed into being his sex slaves. The GM just... let him do it all without resistance too.

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