Let's have a good aRPG thread (yes, they are RPGs, its in the title)
Diablo, Grim Dawn, Titan Quest, Path of Exile, etc.
What you playing?
What build are you running?
Favorite aRPG in general and why?
Discuss crack in video game format

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  1. 2 years ago

    Was the Fate ARPGs any good? I played them as a kid and enjoyed them, I wonder if they're still good

    • 2 years ago

      It's been a while for me also but I played them as an adult. I remember finding the first one fun but the camera got on my nerves, and it was sort of mind numbing. I think the second one bored me right away but I can't recall why. On Steam they go on sale for $0.79 or $1.99 several times a year. I bought them just for sentimental value but I think I might play one of them later.

      No one mentioned Torchlight. The first Torchlight game plays a lot like Fate except you have all sorts of ways to play with your skills, and it also has Path of Exile style maps. The skill system is so indulgent at one point I had a pet sword, a ground pound AoE, chain lightning, and my dog could summon zombies. Torchlight 2 is a MUCH better game but it has kiting and set bonus problems. I played it on easy difficulty and made it harder by falling behind on gear and skills.

      Skinner boxes are not RPGs. Path of Exile is garbage, only thing it's good for is containing all the morons that would ruin other games.

      Path of Exile is good until it becomes tiresome, which is usually when you reach a dead end doing the skill tree yourself and start having to rely on someone else's build to make the game tolerable. Even then, it's either massacre or die. There is no real hack and slash as you need to be able to AoE the shit out of everything if you want to survive boss fights.

      I like TQ but I need to try Diablo at some point, a console version hopefully but they're all 130$

      Immortal isn't at all a bad game if you can look past all the bullshit with the gems and microtransactions. I've been playing it for a few months and I only spent money on the battle passes for the costumes. Every other game discussed here is better, unless someone mentions Torchlight 3 while I'm typing this, but it's a real Diablo game and it's fun. It feels a lot like Diablo III. Stay away from it if you are impulsive about microtransactions. On that level it's probably the most toxic game ever made.

      • 2 years ago

        >Immortal isn't at all a bad game if you can look past all the bullshit with the gems and microtransactions. I've been playing it for a few months and I only spent money on the battle passes for the costumes. Every other game discussed here is better, unless someone mentions Torchlight 3 while I'm typing this, but it's a real Diablo game and it's fun. It feels a lot like Diablo III. Stay away from it if you are impulsive about microtransactions. On that level it's probably the most toxic game ever made.
        So Diablo Immortal is just mobile Diablo III? Thought it would be a lot worse

        • 2 years ago

          D3 is an infinitely better game. I'm only recommending it to someone I had the impression has no way to play games on PC and maybe doesn't own a console. I couldn't tell what the $130 was in reference to.

          i'm playing d2 single player with a smiter, chanter, girlfriend barb, some ampspam nec, and four fricking bears.

          Historically, people have b***hed about winding up underleveled and underprepared, especially for Duriel, and later for Hell when the immunities gap up. I've been fairly thorough clearing out areas in this game, and everybody is already 16 when we're not even out of the Jail. I can't fathom the basis for these complaints. I'm going to record the party's level for the end of each act and see what happens.

          Are you multiboxing or is there a mod that makes this possible? I'm sad you don't have any skeletons in there. This reminds me of WoW back when you could keep quest animals indefinitely until you turned in the quest. I used to run around Desolace with a hunter pet and somehow two or three other animal friends. Someday when we are all dead we will have time to hang out and show each other every last screenshot we ever took in any game plus the ones we regret not taking. Then we can continue this conversation.

          • 2 years ago

            After reading your remark I bought a cute skeleton wand and reset the nec, and each skeleton can do more damage per swing than the teeth-synergized bone spear he was throwing earlier. I wouldn't be able to afford a bone spear wand because it's a level 18 skill, so for now, fishymancer seems like a great idea.

            >Are you multiboxing or is there a mod that makes this possible?
            This is made possible with Kolbot, one of the notorious scourges of bnet, but it doesn't hurt anybody in single player. Most single player grail hunters use plugY. It isn't compatible with kolbot since both are very forceful dll injectors. PlugY is simple to set up. Bots are not. Which to choose, the delicious account stash or the party of followers...

        • 2 years ago

          No, it's a game solely for low IQ whales. The gear score literally blocks you from end game content if you don't have a 5-star gemstone from the gacha or p2w rifts. They give away legendary gear like candy in that game because the gems are what's important. Blizzard wants you to socket that shit with their "Star of Israel" which costs $4000.

          To say Diablo Immortal is a good game is being dishonest. The game itself is built around the MTX. Don't let homosexuals tell you otherwise, they are still in honeymoon phase with the game and they don't even know what that term means because they never played a chink mobile game in their life. I do, because it's funny to see how other shit countries fail to compete with an already degrading west. What more if we are at our peak. Diablo is not a RPG but they killed one of my most favorite games. Diablo 4 will be a Black person shit show.

          • 2 years ago

            It is silly to say Immortal is a bad game because of the MTX, after I stated that it is only not bad if you can look past the MTX.

            There's no need to be at endgame in Immortal. It works much the same as D3 in that you slowly upgrade your character and as you do so you increase the difficulty. It's true what you say about whales, and yes the game is built around the MTX, but there is no need to play with them or against them, at least not until/unless the lower difficulties start emptying out and it becomes a chore to find other players for required party size. But since much of the game is soloable and none of the party content is required, there is no reason to avoid it unless you are prone to gambling addiction and other whale tricks. Again, I was answering someone who for some reason cannot play the other Diablo games.

            Why do people with Diablo baggage always come into aRPG threads and fuss over things that are either piffle or have already been discussed? You are worse than the NMA gays who cry about Van Buren in all the Fallout threads. I bet you are one of those too.

            • 2 years ago

              Incorrect. You're a normalgay and never played a chink game before that's why you can't see the terrible stuff. Go ahead and eat some more shit, just don't groom people into joining you.

              • 2 years ago

                Weak argument I have been playing these games since you were a child. Go back to Ganker, there's a new topsters thread for you to piss in.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm older than you, son. Don't use the age card quickly next time. Seems like playing israelite-blow Immoral fried your brain. Go back.

  2. 2 years ago

    I loved original Diablo, subsequent games weren't even close to that atmosphere. I currently only play Path of Exile, it's great if you're looking for build autism and complex mechanics.

  3. 2 years ago

    Skinner boxes are not RPGs. Path of Exile is garbage, only thing it's good for is containing all the morons that would ruin other games.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree: online ARPGs are the devil's work. Still I only play single player ones so I'm safe from that

    • 2 years ago

      >quarter operated arcade machines GOOD
      >content dispensing home game BAD

  4. 2 years ago

    Fortnite is a rpg.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not

      • 2 years ago

        Yes it is you can switch your weapon so its a rpg just like diablo,grim dawn,titan quest etc. if you can change your equipment its a rpg right?

  5. 2 years ago
    The Red Barron

    I like TQ but I need to try Diablo at some point, a console version hopefully but they're all 130$

  6. 2 years ago

    What about Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor? It's one of those games you can't pirate but I'm thinking of buying it, but its hard to find people who play it

    • 2 years ago

      it has like 300 active players on steam, just play it yourself at this point

  7. 2 years ago

    >What you playing?
    >What build are you running?
    Mostly reaper spec'd warlock with all the set bonuses from desecraters rainment
    >Favorite aRPG in general and why?
    Diablo 2, necromancy

  8. 2 years ago

    >What you playing?
    >What build are you running?
    Mending netherite sword and mending netherite armor.
    >Favorite aRPG in general and why?

  9. 2 years ago

    i'm playing d2 single player with a smiter, chanter, girlfriend barb, some ampspam nec, and four fricking bears.

    Historically, people have b***hed about winding up underleveled and underprepared, especially for Duriel, and later for Hell when the immunities gap up. I've been fairly thorough clearing out areas in this game, and everybody is already 16 when we're not even out of the Jail. I can't fathom the basis for these complaints. I'm going to record the party's level for the end of each act and see what happens.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Blizzshit supporter mentions age first
    whoda thunk it
    >>>Ganker is for your kind

  11. 2 years ago

    >thread about ARPGs
    >it's western garbage

  12. 2 years ago

    Lost Ark is great if you want to feel big budget, have mounts and shit.
    Poe is great if you want to spend hours looking at items you just dropped and your tree wondering what the frick do you do.
    Grim Dawn is great if you want atmosphere and don't care about online bullshit.
    Torchlight 2 is nice if you want something less serious in tone.
    Diablo 3 if you want smooth combat without much use of brain.
    In the end, Diablo 2 is still the king.

  13. 2 years ago

    Bros, does anyone know where I can download (pirate) original Diablo 2? I just finished playing single player on D1 and I'm planning to play Hellfire as well, it's a lot of fun.

    • 2 years ago

      Keep in mind, Diablo games are not RPGs but the first two are among the best games of all time.

    • 2 years ago

      this private server gives a direct download for the game, just plug in some cd keys which are easily googleable to install it
      consider joining the server, it's my go to

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