As a GM have you ever bought/sed a book of magic, runes, alchemy, tarot, or spells to add some flavour for the campaing?

As a GM have you ever bought/sed a book of magic, runes, alchemy, tarot, or spells to add some flavour for the campaing? Is it a good idea?

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  1. 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago

    >A third of the Player's Handbook being just spells and spellcasting isn't enough, I must make the autism go even deeper.

    Meanwhile martials are still stuck with a bunch of weapons never worth using and one subclass that can use actual combat techniques. Frick this caster favoritism for real. I'm not even a martialgay, but frick am I sick of Casters getting like 90% of the content for this game.

    • 4 months ago

      >I must make the autism go even deeper
      You succeeded. Remarkably, so.

    • 4 months ago

      Have you tried not playing D&D?

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah. Nobody plays anything else, even if I offer to GM.

        • 4 months ago

          I don't have that problem, sorry.

          • 4 months ago

            I'm jealous.

            • 4 months ago

              Easier in online communities. And it helps if you call their bluff. 'Can't we just do D&D?' gets a reply of 'Sorry, I'm not interested in running that.'

              • 4 months ago

                Frick no. Every time I've tried to play online, it has been a disaster of That Guys, autists, drama prostitutes, and generally people who are online because I can't imagine them functioning in the real world. I will only run games if they're IRL games.

              • 4 months ago

                OK, I don't have that problem, sorry that you do. Good luck!

            • 4 months ago

              Yeah. Nobody plays anything else, even if I offer to GM.

              very easy, just pretend you are playing d&d but introduce more and more of the other system, after 2-3 sessions change it to the new system

  3. 4 months ago

    Wut? It is just erudition. Everything I've read contributes to the campaign.

    For example, I don't need to buy a tarot book. I kind of already know a lot about tarot and can apply it.

  4. 4 months ago

    I've had my occult library longer than my rpg hobby, so it would be more like remembering something to use in a campaign.
    >Is it a good idea?
    It's always a good idea to raid old books for elements you can use in your games. Call of Cthulhu gets really fun when your more religious players find out that passage they just read came from a real medieval text. Also, reading through really old works gives you an idea of how things used to be written in terms of language, style, and even formatting. Tarot cards are almost a must for some Ravenloft settings. It's never a bad idea to expand your collection of old books, physical or digital.

  5. 4 months ago

    I sometimes lurk on forums for Wiccans and the like, just to see what people who believe in irl magic are like

  6. 4 months ago

    I added a lot of esoteric Hitlerism/Nazi lore to my Delta Green campaign long ago.
    Players really appreciated the in-depth knowledge I had and we all learned something about the SS-Ahnenerbe and where white people actually come from.
    It was all rather tongue in cheek because I didn't want it to overtake the common ground of exterminating horrors from beyond while going insane.

    Also I use the I-Ging for my solo-campaign.

    • 4 months ago

      >Also I use the I-Ging for my solo-campaign.
      I'm actually quite interested in hearing how you do that.

      • 4 months ago

        Depends on how in depth you want to use it.
        I'm usually use it when I want to give a character direction or I'm at a point where I'm not so sure where I want to bring the story.
        I use it with three coins so the first thing you usually "roll" are one of the 8 trigrams. Think of it as a d8 with broad meaning on each of it's sides. If I want something more cryptic I roll again and get on of the hexagrams.
        Interpreting the I Ging is obviously very open ended and depends heavily on what kind of question you asked or your circumstances.
        Since my commitment to drinking copious amounts of mercury is rather low I can only hope to scratch the very surface of making the right decisions.

        Recently I rolled for one of my characters and his upcoming perilous quest. Should he do it or not? I got "hesitate" so the oracle is literally telling me don't go.
        Of course I did the exact opposite and made a critical table with horrible outcomes that keeps ticking up each time I play to symbolize this brazen disregard for the heavenly will.
        This was one of the more flavorful outcomes. Sometimes you get results that are utter nonsense for those with too little mercury in their system.

  7. 4 months ago

    Playing a short fantasy game in Mini Six and a player wanted a Spellcaster (I wasn't using the magic rules). We came up with a deal. He could draw tarot cards in the morning (I had a deck and the little booklet lying around the house) and I as a GM would stick to them. It gave the group an inkling of what would happen each session and we really enjoyed the symbolism.

  8. 4 months ago


  9. 4 months ago

    I've thought about, I've wanted to modeled some things on actual historical magic, at least aesthetically. I did the mistake of using shamanism as a basis because that is too loose and esoteric to get enough info on

  10. 4 months ago

    I thought about it for Call of Cthulhu, but I thought about it more and I realized I wanted magic to be explicitly alien and non-human, so any magic system developed by human minds straight up does not work. No symbol from any religion man made, no alchemical recepie, no chant to summon any demon, none of them do anything. Magic that actually works only comes from alien, foreign minds, and is, at best, written by one of their human cultists in a language we can kinda sorta read.

  11. 4 months ago

    I imagine that I've subconsciously drawn inspiration from one or more previously-held real world beliefs in magic, but I've never cared to pick out any one, singular inspiration; for me, I'd rather just combine concepts I think are cool, without examining or reflecting on what came from where.

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