Assassin's Creed

Didn´t Desmond die in the third game?
How is this franchise still going?

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  1. 8 months ago

    They realized no one cared about the gay bartender. It's funny that they stopped bothering with modern day parts but still have synchronization and animus stuff

    • 8 months ago

      I stopped playing after 3
      Are you now litteraly in the past and they stopped with the whole future memory reliving aspect or what is it?

      • 8 months ago

        They made a new character but she was worthless and a shutter so she got killed off as well when they realized no one gives a flying frick about the ass backwards modern day plot

        • 8 months ago

          That was always the plan you colossal moron, did you somehow miss how Layla was created solely to become the Eve to Desmond's Adam and thus end a plot hook that had been left hanging since 2010? Did you somehow believe she would've become the new face of the modern day forevermore going forward? lmfao

      • 8 months ago

        At first they turned Abstergo into a video game company that mirrored Ubisoft and was gay as frick. Then I stopped playing that trash so I don't know.

        • 8 months ago

          >Are you now litteraly in the past and they stopped with the whole future memory reliving aspect or what is it?
          Black Flag / Rogue / Liberation / Unity (i think) had you being a dev at ubisoft.
          The rpgs has future completely optional

          >you being a dev at ubisoft
          That was actually kind of funny because they leaned incredibly hard into how evil the company was and needed to be shutdown

          It wasn't just a game dev. They were basically crowdsourcing by having gamers "play" their Animus "games" and utilizing their historical findings in their evil templar plots.

      • 8 months ago

        >Are you now litteraly in the past and they stopped with the whole future memory reliving aspect or what is it?
        Black Flag / Rogue / Liberation / Unity (i think) had you being a dev at ubisoft.
        The rpgs has future completely optional

        • 8 months ago

          >you being a dev at ubisoft
          That was actually kind of funny because they leaned incredibly hard into how evil the company was and needed to be shutdown

        • 8 months ago

          At first they turned Abstergo into a video game company that mirrored Ubisoft and was gay as frick. Then I stopped playing that trash so I don't know.

          having to go through this shit when all I wanted to do was blow up ships in Black Flag was the most infuriating shit.
          Slowly walking around and needing to listen to shit that I didn't care about

          • 8 months ago

            Is black flag actually good or is it good for an AC game?
            There arent that many pirate themed games i can think off

            • 8 months ago

              It's good when you're not reminded it's an Assassin Creed game. It's one of the few AC i actually finished. So it must be good, i normally drop them halfway.

            • 8 months ago

              It's great, I loved it. There's Rogue aswell which is pretty much the same game and it's decent enough but loses out to Black Flag because it's set in North America instead of the kino Caribbean

            • 8 months ago

              It's honestly good at both, the problem is that the melee combat is piss easy and the parkour is clunky as shit.

              There's not much Assassin stuff, but it makes sense that you end up becoming one.

      • 8 months ago

        >Are you now litteraly in the past and they stopped with the whole future memory reliving aspect or what is it?
        Liberations is (You) playing through the Animus home system.
        Black Flag was an Abstergo employee named Noob.
        Rogue was an Abstergo employee named Numbskull.
        Unity and Syndicate are (You) playing your Animus home system and the Assassins hack it to show you "The truth".
        Origins through Valhalla had Layla as MC and everyone hated her so they pseudo-killed her off.
        Loki gave his blood to William (Desmond's father) at the end of Valhalla and since it's Isu blood they're combing through it because both the Assassins and Templars have been searching for Isu blood since AC1 or 2, I forgot where they started mentioning going for it.

    • 8 months ago

      Everyone I know that played AC1 when they were in their early teens liked the Modern Day. It was the people that were already in their 20s at the time that wanted AC to be historical GTA and hated Desmond with a passion. Fast-forward a decade and turns out those teens have grown up to realize a franchise with potential was fricked over by morons before they had a voice in the matter.
      The important narrative happened in the present, not the past. Altaïr had already gone through his story, so had Ezio. Their arcs were over, written in history. Desmond's didn't have an end, it was the present. AC1's story wasn't important because Altaïr got his honor back, it was important because the Apple he came in contact with showed the location of other artifacts which Abstergo needed for their plans. AC2's story wasn't important because Ezio got his revenge, it was important because his role as the Prophet was to pass on a message. If you eliminate these jumps in time, the "Who are we, who have been so blessed to share our stories like this? To speak across centuries?" point Ezio makes at the end of his Assassin career, there's nothing left but a bunch of dudes in hoods fighting moustache twirling villains in virtual turism for the next 25 real life years. So Yakuza but in history, less historically accurate and worsely written.
      >It's funny that they stopped bothering with modern day parts
      Yeah they stopped bothering so hard that they created Layla and Basim as new modern day protagonists after people complained about the lack of one during the interim games. As shit as Valhalla is Darby's magical touch gave us one of the best beats of Desmond characterization eight fricking years after his death...

      ...and it even added retroactive characterization for Ezio

      • 8 months ago

        >they created Layla
        and everybody fricking hated Layla, so much so that people don't even remember her arc or actions in Origins~Valhalla, especially with Valhalla where she frickin dies.
        In comparison, everybody at least has a vague memory of what happened to Desmond at the end of every game.
        AC1, he unlocks eagle vision
        2, he syncs up with the ancestors and can fight and parkour
        brotherhood, he killed Lucy and entered into a coma
        revelations, he woke up with determination
        3, he did some assassinating in the real world and died saving the world.
        a character who may as well have had 5 minutes of screen time in the base game of Valhalla and got an asspull of a plot twist that jumped the shark even if you consider that the new Animus created by Layla can let you enter the memories of people using millennia old desiccated semen from an ancient dildo or whatever.

        Layla and Basim were a mistake and they know it because Mirage has frick all for modern day shit. Not even the bare minimum of Shaun and some other Assassin occasionally interjecting like Unity and Syndicate. Even if you try to cope with how Mirage was a cheap cash grab side game, even Rogue had full modern day sections akin to Black Flag.

        • 8 months ago

          >everybody fricking hated Layla
          Because she was shittily written first by that indie cringe comedy ""actor"" Alain Mercieca and then by Ubisoft Quebec who wrote such classic lines as "What's this Greenie, Assassin Christmas?"
          It's telling the one game she starts coming across as a regular fricking character is the one with a competent writer behind it
          >In comparison, everybody at least has a vague memory of what happened to Desmond at the end of every game.
          Yeah almost like Ass Creed used to have actual passion and people that cared behind it. 1 to Brotherhood had Désilets, Revelations had Darby and 1 to III had Corey May
          >a character who may as well have had 5 minutes of screen time
          And yet people liked well enough for him to get a game of his own, get touted as the one good thing about Valhalla and already be compared favorably to Layla without actually having done anything
          >they know it because Mirage has frick all for modern day
          Mirage has frick-all for modern day because it's a Valhalla DLC hastily slotted between Valhalla's post-release DLC and AC Red
          >even Rogue had full modern day sections akin to Black Flag
          You mean the section where Otso Berg acts like a dude we never hear from again is the most important assassin in history just because his work was undone not 11 years later then the game ends with the dude uploading a shitpost virus to the Assassin servers?

          • 8 months ago

            >with a competent writer behind it
            Hey now, the rest of Valhalla's story exists.

            • 8 months ago

              Well, there's only so much one (1) man can do with Ubisoft's need for "muh Icelandic Sagas levels of length 300 hours of open world". I'll take it any day of the week over this

          • 8 months ago

            Even if you try to cope with how Mirage was a cheap cash grab side game, even Rogue had full modern day sections akin to Black Flag.
            Modern day shit is a fricking cancer they should've excised or treated it as "just a thing that's there" once the people that started the Desmond saga, whether it is the writer, left during Brotherhood or something, or Jade "I'll suck your dick if you buy my game" the producer, left the company.
            As Layla showed us they have zero fricking idea on what to do with it, adding asspulls, retcons, and jerking Layla off because she is somebody's OC donut steel.
            Even just meandering with AC4~Syndicate approach of "guy outside the animus = you" had more value than the entirety of Layla's storyline.

      • 8 months ago

        to this day i still don't understand how people didnt love the conspiracy of abstergo and modern day stories in the game. altair, Ezio and the worlds we played them in were fricking amazing but i still have chills when at end of 2 the goddess said Desmond when looking at the camera. patrice desilets was a golden goose for ubisoft (sands of times, ac1 and 2) and they let him go haahahah

      • 8 months ago

        >every kid i knew liked the parts where you just walked slowly and got fed boring exposition. only those older boomers wanted to have fun with the video game they bought.
        how's life in bizarro world?

        • 8 months ago

          >no argument
          I'll accept the concession

        • 8 months ago

          >kids that knew nothing about AC and were open to anything thought the creepy dystopian scifi present and promise of Desmond becoming the ultimate Assassin was cool as frick
          >morons that only cared about the E3 gameplay (but conveniently forgot about the last 10 seconds showing the Animus with Jade Raymond on stage going "and this, well, we're not ready to talk about it yet *wink* *wink*) missed the forest for the trees because "modern story breaks my immersion :(" even though it does the exact opposite by creating context for everything you're doing
          t. 23yo, started with AC1 and the franchise effectively died with Desmond

  2. 8 months ago

    this would've been a lot more fun to play if it had unity's Parkour. not having parkour down was a dogshit decision. The story was shit right up until the end where it ended in a kino sci-fi scene.

    • 8 months ago

      I thought the same, but 2 days ago I was thinking maybe it's intentional, lore wise. Parkour wasn't that good back then, they didn't know, it developed over-time, just like real-world athletes, if you compare a swimmer 100 years ago to olympic champion now, it's a big difference, so maybe that's the case but probably they are just lazy lol, Unity has crazy animations

    • 8 months ago

      I thought the same, but 2 days ago I was thinking maybe it's intentional, lore wise. Parkour wasn't that good back then, they didn't know, it developed over-time, just like real-world athletes, if you compare a swimmer 100 years ago to olympic champion now, it's a big difference, so maybe that's the case but probably they are just lazy lol, Unity has crazy animations

      There's no intention behind it.
      This game started as DLC for Valhalla, and it just has the same parkour system.

      • 8 months ago

        Origins and Odyssey had the same, even worse. Ancient times = bad parkour

        • 8 months ago

          Because those were barely ACs.
          Again, this isn't some kind of lore decision, it's just laziness, they didn't want to implement Unity's parkour into Valhalla's engine.

          • 8 months ago

            I didn't play much of Valhalla because I got bored of it quickly but I got the sense that even if they implemented better parkour it still would have sucked because the map for that was shit too

            • 8 months ago

              I'm talking about Mirage, which does have a parkour friendly map.
              The rest yeah, they were shit in level design to begin with,

              • 8 months ago

                oh, my bad.

                god damn though I'm playing through Revelations for the first time (played 2 and Brotherhood years ago) and going back to the early games, they really are so much fricking better than the RPG games, it's absurd. Revelations still looks really nice for its age, the parkour and quests are a million times better. The combat is easymode but I'd prefer easy mode over the dogshit spongy enemy shit in the later games.

              • 8 months ago

                Always found Revelations a bit boring due to most of the plot being just Ottoman politics, but the ending is pure kino.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah the story isn't gripping me as much as 2/BH did but I'm still having fun with it, especially after playing Valhalla and Odyssey

                I'm liking the setting though, Ottoman aesthetics are pretty cool

              • 8 months ago

                Brotherhood's narrative was garbage what are you on about, it's literally just "Cesare leaves the Castello 5 minutes too early so Ezio spends the next three years riding through empty fields and killing moustache twirling villains in Rome"

              • 8 months ago

                you think? I like the story in Revelations from start to finish. for one it's not another fricking rehash of 2, watching Ezio way out of his element and get played like a fiddle by everyone was great. characters aren't just "haha I am... le bad!!" like the saturday morning cartoons of the past two games.

              • 8 months ago

                Funny enough Mirage has gone back to easymode counter into instant kill combat. Only heavy enemies are spongey because they're armored.

              • 8 months ago

                That's because the dumbasses took the combat system of Valhalla, removed all RPG elements from it and called it a day, so all you have left is an almost brain dead system that just wasn't meant to be played that way.
                Not that it was too deep in Valhalla, but without the leveling and such there's just nothing left to the combat.

              • 8 months ago

                And somehow it's still a way better game than Valhalla lol

          • 8 months ago

            To be fair I can't think of many instances where such an intricate parkour system would even be fully utilized in the antiquity trilogy. Mirage has the densest setting since Syndicate, sure, so they probably could and should have used something more advanced, but outside of the occasional city, 95% of the maps of the other three games is flat space, so what would the point have been? Not saying I, personally, wouldn't have preferred it as well, because I would have, but I can also see the justification for not having it and it makes sense.

  3. 8 months ago

    are you fricking moronic?

    • 8 months ago

      You're playing video games in 2023
      You're brain rotted; completely braindead genetic trash that got vaccinated and wore a mask. You're the moron here

  4. 8 months ago

    ody > ori > val

  5. 8 months ago

    The only person I've known to give a frick about desmond was my roommate who just watched me play the games when he was around.

  6. 8 months ago

    >’We want to go back to our roots’
    >teleport instant kill that works like Splintercell Convictions
    >mark some enemies to instantly kill with no actual skill or enjoyment, press button to cool
    >except you’re teleporting between floors and walls
    >completely destroys any ability to think you’re way through a situation
    >annihilates the level design or any challenge that can be built around
    Honestly why would you do this to yourselves? A lot of games that have teleportation usually build their entire games around it but here it feels just plopped in last second

    • 8 months ago

      >Honestly why would you do this to yourselves?
      Wouldn't know. I don't use it.

    • 8 months ago

      It shows ubishart has 0 integrity and would rather casualize these games further for masses, they want to make as much money as possible, not make a coherent game

  7. 8 months ago

    I too have also stopped playing the asscreed games can someone give me a synopsis of the over arching plot of the "current timeline" like are the new main characters relatives of Desmond or something?

    • 8 months ago

      Desmond's dad is now basically the main modern assassin. The modern b***h was Layla something or other who worked for Abstergo in Origins, woke up to justice or whatever, and William recruited her. She's gone as of Valhalla because she met Desmond and that's a one-way trip.

      • 8 months ago

        His dad is more the main protagonist than anyone. Also a shame they’d ripped the the gray and gray morality of the assassins vs templars. Both groups are absolute shitters if not both extremist death cults

        Ah I see I might as well look up one of those complete story vids on youtube to catch up on what's going on

    • 8 months ago

      His dad is more the main protagonist than anyone. Also a shame they’d ripped the the gray and gray morality of the assassins vs templars. Both groups are absolute shitters if not both extremist death cults

  8. 8 months ago

    I played Odyssey and Valhalla (haven't finished either) and apparently there's another world ending event people in current day are trying to stop. Earth magnetic field shenanigans with earthquakes, satellites falling from sky and aurora borealis everywhere. They go back in the animus to find Isu artifacts to help stop it.

    • 8 months ago

      >They try to use ancient Norse artefacts to stop earthwuakes and shit

      This is some shit Himmler would have thought up

  9. 8 months ago

    I don't know ubishill, you tell me. Imagine your game flopping so hard that you have to resort to this.

    • 8 months ago

      It's actually selling pretty well.

  10. 8 months ago

    It's like the Assassins as an organization we're the main character or something

  11. 8 months ago

    >Mirage starts with a Modern Day intro but no ending
    >dataminers find an unfinished cutscene that was supposed to play after the end
    >Animus operators refer to William Miles in past tense, as "one of the last mentors before The Great Shift" and how the 21st century is "ancient history"

    • 8 months ago

      isn't ac infinity just sort of assassin's creed launcher?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah the main issue is all of AssCreed initial plot was building up to a confrontation between assassins and templars in a modern era.

      It's been building up for 15 years and we're still not coming close, but it's too late now, no one is interested.

  12. 8 months ago

    you're fricking gay if you actually like the modern day shit
    wiener sucking aids dick up the ass gay

    • 8 months ago

      You sure seem obsessed with sucking wieners, anon. Projecting?

      • 8 months ago

        there is no difference between sucking wiener and liking assassins creed modern day so you're also obsessed

        • 8 months ago

          Nobody likes it, because it's trash, people simply wish it was better because it's what the story was supposed to lead to, and it never happened.

          This post and gif sum it up pretty well

          Yeah the main issue is all of AssCreed initial plot was building up to a confrontation between assassins and templars in a modern era.

          It's been building up for 15 years and we're still not coming close, but it's too late now, no one is interested.

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