>at a barbecue. >topic turns to RPGs. >friend's-wife's-friend's husband chimes in

>at a barbecue
>topic turns to RPGs
>friend's-wife's-friend's husband chimes in
>"Man, I hate D&D."
>two friends in my RPG group start to argue with him
>their wives silently plead for me to step in before it escalates out of hand
>in the process of mediating the situation, end up inviting him to play with us at our next game

>we play a one-shot FUDGE adventure, he's fine
>next game is me running a D&D session, not sure about inviting him
>the group starts talking about it, and to be polite I do invite him
>he hems and haws and moans about D&D for about a minute, but gives in surprisingly easily when no one really challenges him and doesn't seem particularly moved to encourage him to play

>short D&D 5e adventure in one of my "way-too-many-google-docs" homebrew setting
>he's weirdly slow with the game, but everyone is just patient with him
>a fairly average game by my account, but he's over the moon
>tells me after the game that he realized that it wasn't D&D he hated, but his DM the few times when he played
>he's like half a step away from unironically being all "WTF?! I LOVE D&D NOW!?"

I almost feel bad, because he's borderline convinced 5e is ~actually~ the greatest RPG of all time, and I was mostly just running it because it's the system I had in mind back when I started that particular setting.

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  1. 12 months ago

    I'd like to unsubscribe from this blogpost.

    • 12 months ago


      What the frick are we invited to discuss?

      Jeez when did /tg/ get so soulless? it's all generals and whiny homosexuals now

      • 12 months ago

        >when did /tg/ get so soulless
        When most/all of the creatives left or driven into hiding.

        • 12 months ago

          Jeez when did /tg/ get so soulless? it's all generals and whiny homosexuals now

          I'm a creative individual and I was cast out of this pathetic place for being passionate. Now I don't share my creativity with anyone but my closest friends. I miss the threads of pure inspiration and wonder, where someone could roll up to any topic and be welcomed to join in the fun.

          • 12 months ago

            >I'm a creative individual and I was cast out of this pathetic place for being passionate.
            You're an autistic loser and you got ridiculed by everyone here because nobody is interested in your garbage

          • 12 months ago

            Maybe you should try Reddit then, sounds more like your speed since you apparently need validation from strangers

      • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          the funny thing about this image is that Tumblr is unironically carrying the last embers of ye olde internet, it's like a Ganker in reverse
          Tumblr started out by taking the internet way too seriusly, but after the Great Porn Ban they mellowed out and just accepted the inherent idiocy of the internet

          • 12 months ago

            yeah, tumblr really is one of the best places nowadays, I think mostly because most people don't remember it still exists

        • 12 months ago

          You kids have no idea how beautiful it was before this. I am actually jealous of you zoomies for never having experienced that internet and never seeing how horribly all those dreams and promises went to shit.

      • 12 months ago

        It's always really suspicious when an anon decides to start complaining about generals out of nowhere in the name of defending a low-quality thread. You guys always refuse to explain why threads like this are so much better than generals

      • 12 months ago

        Rabbi or Reddit ?

        • 12 months ago

          >t. Election Black person

          • 12 months ago

            2096 hombre

          • 12 months ago

            Sorry, dear projecting "anon," Reddit was hated well before 2016, and no amount of crytyping will change that.

      • 12 months ago

        >Jeez when did /tg/ get so soulless?
        Couple of years ago, I reckon. Literally half this board is posers who never play, now. All they know is that a post with an actual roleplaying experience is not the norm. Bait threads and thinly veiled fetish threads are the norm. Because they don't play, and lack even basic empathy, they can not tell the difference between these things. All they see is something that's different, and therefor a target.

        In turn more good people will leave, fed up with this place, or simply not seeing its erstwhile use anymore, and eventually all that will be left is anti-social manbabies pretending against each other that they are invested in a hobby they never actually touch.

        • 12 months ago

          I used to regularly post here back in college, and it was legit a fantastic place to either discuss new games or brainstorm ideas. One of my favorite homebrew settings to play in came about in a series of 3 or so threads that were basically created out of nowhere when someone posted an image and "man, floating islands, amirite?" There was a level of engagement that was just magical, and people actually had discussions.

          Now that same post would likely just end up with a bunch of homosexuals putting up a post about their OC donut steel shit that never comment on anyone else's contribution as they just shit into the void and call it a day.

      • 12 months ago

        About the time /qst/ was made

  2. 12 months ago


    What the frick are we invited to discuss?

    • 12 months ago

      ...Do you need me to give you prompts or something?
      Are you one of those guys addicted to youtube, who needs everything to end with "Hey, let me know in the comments how you feel about [Prompt I'm creating because youtube's algorithm rewards any form of engagement and encouraging you to make comments boosts my views]. And don't forget to like and subscribe!"

      Are you an adult?

    • 12 months ago

      This. Sharing stories is fine, but OP neither designated a topic nor asked a question.

  3. 12 months ago

    Cool man, good for you. I'll be going now

    • 12 months ago

      Rest of the group also probably thought it was an average game. Not great, not terrible, 3.6 Roetgen.

      He's the outlier who's going to start becoming a born-again-D&D-evangelical just because everyone was polite enough to match his pace as he got comfortable with the system.

  4. 12 months ago

    People shouldn't say a system is bad unless they back it up with references from the product itself; the product the company expects money for.
    Addressing things an individual DM does that isn't in the book is neither a credit nor a demerit to the system.

  5. 12 months ago

    >meet 1-in-a-million fudge enjoyer
    >convert him to d&d fan
    you're the villain of the story

    • 12 months ago

      Lots of people like FUDGE, and you can like more than one game.

      • 12 months ago

        Do they really?

  6. 12 months ago

    >WotC bootlicker tells an obviously bullshit story
    OP is a homosexual.

    • 12 months ago

      You seem oddly upset.

    • 12 months ago

      No one's licking WotC's boots, you weirdo. Have you just been drinking the troll kool-aid too long and forgotten that the bullshit you spam is just bullshit?

    • 12 months ago

      Go back, commie.

    • 12 months ago

      Have you tried not reading about d&d? I assure you there are other threads awaiting your talented posts, probably somewhere on /b/

    • 12 months ago

      Pretty much. It's funny that they made a whole thread about it, instead of just posting in their general.
      >What If I ran DnD, and a person actually liked it?

      • 12 months ago

        It's kind of intense how poisoned your soul is.

        • 12 months ago

          Die wotc Black person

  7. 12 months ago

    You ran a good game that resonated with a player's personal tastes. That is all. We all shit talk 5e here and it has its problems but really, systems matter less than fun

    • 12 months ago

      >We all
      It's actually a tiny minority. A loud and annoying tiny minority, but the same is true about every small group of contrarian trolls on every board.
      When you look at what numbers we got in our last census, 5e is by far the most popular role playing game on this board, to the point where its got more people playing it than all other games combined. Even though its been a fair minute since that census, even if 80% of 5e players stopped playing it or moved onto to other games in equal proportions, it would still be the most popular RPG.
      It's the sort of thing where it's actually kind embarrassing how popular it is, so no one really feels a need to promote it. On the contrarian side of things though, imagine the pressure they feel when despite anything WotC does or how shitty they themselves try and pretend the game is, it still remains the overwhelmingly most popular game.

      • 12 months ago

        >/tg/'s worst troll insists that popularity determines quality

        • 12 months ago

          >pointing out that a tiny minority is a tiny minority makes this guy seethe


          • 12 months ago

            The only curious thing here is how you feel about wiener, because despite how much of a hungry homosexual you are, you still can't get any.

        • 12 months ago

          He actually didn't say that at all, moron. What he said is that the seemingly prevailing notion that this board hates 5e is obvious bullshit. In actuality, it's the most popular game on the board. He didn't make any claims about quality at all.

          • 12 months ago

            So, what are the big, bad, mean "contrarian trolls" contradicting, if not the system's supposed quality?

            • 12 months ago

              You realize that is a completely irrelevant question, right? All he was arguing was that this statement:
              >We all shit talk 5e here
              Is false.

              • 12 months ago

                It isn't irrelevant, because the post in question whined about "contrarian trolls" being "loud and annoying". I'm addressing a prominent part of the post, and it's crazy how someone so eager to speak on his behalf has to deflect that so vehemently.

              • 12 months ago

                Wow, you're one loud and annoying contrarian troll.
                And, you're trying to dispute your own existence, by being loud and annoying while being both contrarian and a troll?

            • 12 months ago

              Contrarians go against popular opinion.
              As much as you hate it, you can't deny D&D is popular.

              You total idiot.

    • 12 months ago

      >systems matter less than fun
      That's fine as long as you remember that having fun with Calvinball or freeform doesn't mean you're actually playing a game.

      • 12 months ago

        ...you're aware that Freeform is a whole class of games, right?

        • 12 months ago

          Freeform has no consistent, enforceable structure.
          Because the tests are decided by faulty arbitration instead of clear lines and goals, human error leads to inconsistent rulings.
          They aren't games.

          • 12 months ago

            >Freeform has no consistent, enforceable structure.
            Freeform doesn't mean becoming lawless cannibals, you dullard. It just means that most of the rules are left unspoken and what few rules are used are loose and open to interpretation.

            >human error leads to inconsistent rulings.
            That happens in every game, even those with the strictest rules.

            >They aren't games.
            >a(1) : activity engaged in for diversion or amusement : play.
            And, you're demonstrably wrong.

            Also, you idiot, they're literally called "Freeform games".

            • 12 months ago

              >And, you're demonstrably wrong.
              RIP (You).
              "muh fun" ≠ games

              • 12 months ago

                >a form of play
                Way to frick yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                >immediately stopped reading as soon as he saw something tangentially convenient for his moronic non-argument instead of taking the entire definition into account
                Advertise your homosexualry some more.

              • 12 months ago

                The entire definition uses the word "especially" and not something like "exclusively".

                Do you understand the difference? You've shot yourself in the foot, and now you're taking aim at your other one, so answer carefully.

              • 12 months ago

                Explain how this proves your point. If you think it's because of the rules part, freeform games do have rules.

              • 12 months ago

                Refer to

                Freeform has no consistent, enforceable structure.
                Because the tests are decided by faulty arbitration instead of clear lines and goals, human error leads to inconsistent rulings.
                They aren't games.

                A clearly visible line is harder to misjudge, whether through ignorance or malice, than a vague description.
                Keep advertising your homosexualry.

    • 12 months ago

      >systems matter less than fun
      Eh, 5e is a fine system. I've played far worse published games, and there's no major issue that I've ever encountered despite having run it quite a lot in the past.

      Worst I can say about it is that it squandered a lot of potential and the quality of everything they've printed has steadily declined over the years, but it's not like my group is chasing max DPS builds or any of that nonsense, so 95-100% of their characters are taken just from the Player's Handbook.

      • 12 months ago

        I haven't played a single published system worse than 5E and I encountered issues within the first two sessions that killed my fun. What now?

        • 12 months ago

          Who cares about you?

          • 12 months ago

            Right back at you.

            • 12 months ago

              I'm not the one who felt a compelling need to express a counter opinion after reading my opinion. That was you. You cared about my opinion so much you leapt into a conversation you lack the basic requirements of entering.

        • 12 months ago

          You don't have enough experience to talk then.

          • 12 months ago


  8. 12 months ago

    Rorschach post. This post was made entirely as a blank slate to provoke sperging. Some might call it bait.

  9. 12 months ago

    Nogames, made up story. 5e blows wiener, nobody who has played other games would ever revise their opinion of it to be more positive than "yeah it's garbage but a good GM can run it well for a session or two".

  10. 12 months ago

    If your friends are old enough to be married, you are too old to be on Ganker.

    • 12 months ago

      See you in 20 years still here anon.

  11. 12 months ago

    >I almost feel bad, because he's borderline convinced 5e is ~actually~ the greatest RPG of all time
    If that's a problem then you can run other games or other versions of D&D, but I don't see how that's a problem, for a lot of people 5e really is the greatest RPG of all time. You might scold them about all the games they haven't tried, and you might insist that there must be SOMETHING out there that they'd like better, but you'd be wrong. 5e is very close to being the exact game that people want D&D to be, and the only way to get closer is to homebrew.

    • 12 months ago

      >5e really is the greatest RPG of all time
      Shut the frick up lol it's shit

  12. 12 months ago

    You're a moronic homosexual, and even in terms of the dogshit that is modern /tg/, it's embarrassing that you killed any other thread for this.

    • 12 months ago

      You are pure cancer.

  13. 12 months ago

    >at a barbecue
    >topic turns to RPGs
    >friend's-wife's-friend's husband chimes in
    >"Man, I hate D&D."
    >two friends in my RPG group beat him mercilessly with Nerf Marauders

    • 12 months ago

      As they should.

  14. 12 months ago

    Honestly the dude sounds like a bit of a moron.

    • 12 months ago

      he was probably a nogame redditoid who parrots meme "criticisms", similar to the infestation we got here in /tg/

      • 12 months ago

        I really wish they would spend less time here and more time trying to find a group.

        They're like the /LULZ/ guys who spend all their time complaining about women, instead of going out and discovering they're not as bad as they've convinced themselves they are.

  15. 12 months ago

    Most people that play tabletop games are too neurologically crippled or inept to truly analyze their own experiences or put aside their biases in order to actually look at a "system". 99.99% of the time what people actually dislike about D&D (Or any system, for that matter,) is either the experience they had, or a hypothetical experience they might have in their head.
    Right nowhere are people engaged in a heated debate over which method of rolling dice is best for combat scenarios, at the end of the day it doesn't fricking matter. That's shit that autistic, fat-necked morons care about. It's something that nobody that ever got any pussy cares about. It's something that limp-wristed theater homosexuals who want to outdo each other in their dice-assisted drama club do.
    Whenever you see someone say a system is shit, or "DID YOU TRY NOT PLAYING D&D?!?!?" Remember that this shit is all just simulate scenarios on a game board and give you something to do on a Saturday night, and that the bulk of how THAT experience goes is based on who shows up and how those people act, and the decisions they make.

    • 12 months ago

      Go back to the GURPS general, robot.

    • 12 months ago


  16. 12 months ago

    Yeah thanks Black person homosexual but please remove this blog and then yourself

  17. 12 months ago

    Most people who "hate" D&D have been turned off for various reasons. Shit DMs, friends' latent homosexualry manifesting, association with bad memories, etc.
    I dislike all the WotC-era D&D editions almost solely for how players treat those systems and the player culture those editions encourage
    >3e/3.5e encouraged power-gaming homosexuals and munchkins with main character syndrome. Everyone who played this as their first edition says it's their favorite one but none of them have played it in over a decade
    >4e encouraged rules lawyers who ground the already slow, combat-heavy sessions to a halt to argue with the DM over wording. Power-gaming got worse because there was frick-all incentive to role play
    >5e seems to encourage moronation in players. It might just be me reading into things that aren't there, but everyone seems 10 IQ points dumber when it comes to 5e. Recently, there have been more complaints about the system and the DM shortage is being treated as a crisis when it's mentioned, but everyone who plays 5e insists on sticking with it even when they prefer an older edition
    Frick knows what 6e/ONED&D/5e 2: Electric Boogaloo will encourage in its players.

    • 12 months ago

      I disagree, and could easily apply any of your perceived complaints about community onto just about any game.

      Hell, some of the worst power gaming-homosexuals I've ever played with were in a game of Fate, which is ironic because while it pretends to be a more narrative game that seems like it would dissuade people from attempting to game it, its mechanics really have no safeguards against rules lawyer power-gaming homosexuals and munchkins with main character syndrome to min-max the frick out of its mechanics in obnoxious ways.

      What you're doing now isn't fair criticism, it's basically low-level propaganda. Hell, its weird that you omitted older editions of D&D, when those games had an active tournament scene and even had modules specifically designed around players being the most power-gaming munchkins imaginable.

    • 12 months ago

      I don't think I ever have had someone argue wording when running or playing 4E, and I've definitely played more of it than 5E and probably as much if not more than 3.5. The game is very clearly worded in terms of what powers and feats do, and there's really no room to argue interpretation when the rules are written so cleanly.

      And there's also objectively more "incentive" to roleplay in it than 3.5 since the game explicitly rewarded experience for Skill Challenges.

      I agree with you about 3.5 and 5E, but your reading of 4E just makes you sound like one of the morons that spits out dumb shit about the game without having every played it.

  18. 12 months ago

    No one even clapped.

  19. 12 months ago

    What was on the menu at the BBQ?

  20. 12 months ago

    Next time, just tell the story to the bottles under your shower, not to /tg/

  21. 12 months ago

    >tells me after the game that he realized that it wasn't D&D he hated, but his DM the few times when he played
    >he's like half a step away from unironically being all "WTF?! I LOVE D&D NOW!?"
    I've seen this with a lot of games and people on /tg/.

    Spergs who base their whole personalities around hating D&D, Numenera, or CoC/SWN based on a combination of internet memes, skimming the book, and them being shit.

    Then they run one actual game where players choose to tolerate them and it's like they've lost their virginity.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm gonna start calling these nogame trolls gamevirgins.

    • 11 months ago

      The hobby makes more sense when you discover how few people are actually playing or running these games.

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