Augmentations and hygiene

After watching the armoring video for space marines and seeing how the muscle suit is plugged into the black carapace I'm more on board with the idea of something like that. Then it got me to wondering how you would maintain cleanliness and overall day to day living when you have these connections in your body. Especially if you have something like Elysium where it looks like the exo-skeleton is semi-permanently attached and requires tools and shit to disconnect them

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  1. 2 years ago

    Super-efficient thermal regulation and immune systems would probably be the in-universe answer, but really the answer is "don't think too hard about it".

    Or a wizard did it.

    • 2 years ago

      I get that. From a gameplay and story perspective it's entirely irrelevant. This is purely for the sake of my own autism because I want it to make sense to me. That, and get some more art for inspiration

  2. 2 years ago

    An army of serfs and servitors.

    • 2 years ago

      That goes without saying. Outside of high tech peg legs essentially, any sort of major augmentations would require a team of medical personnel and engineers to help maintain your body depending on how cracked out you are..

      A guy called Iron Hands with Iron Hands leading guys called Iron Hands who have iron hands. Stop trying to take 40k seriously

      The space marine angle was just to demonstrate the tech. I suppose a more poignent example would be the ports on the backs of people's necks in the GiTS universe.

      • 2 years ago

        I'd imagine that there are covers for those plugs that open and close, to prevent too much outside contamination, and that people with prosthetic bodies swab them down with cleaning fluid and brushes instead of brushing their teeth and flossing. Like, they put in the same level of time and care as an organic person puts into their hygeine, or at least the same order of magnitude of time/care. Their nightly routine just looks different.

      • 2 years ago

        GITS do use nanomachines as the solution to the issue of cybernetics and its implementation.

        • 2 years ago

          A great deal of how I view sci-fi tech is heavily influenced by GitS and Metal Gear so that goes without saying and the conception of the technology I have for my setting wouldn't be possible without it.

          • 2 years ago

            THS informs my perception of how Biotech and more grounded transhumanism might occur. GITS was excellently researched even if I doubt the practicality of full body cybernetics or cybernetic other than BCIs.

            • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >I suppose a more poignant example would be the ports on the backs of people's necks in the GiTS universe.
        More than a few of those people are using full shells, or presumably at least cyberbrain cases and partial shells.

  3. 2 years ago

    A guy called Iron Hands with Iron Hands leading guys called Iron Hands who have iron hands. Stop trying to take 40k seriously

  4. 2 years ago

    Kobayashi cyborg lubricant, of course.

  5. 2 years ago

    Space Marines have strong immune system so they don't care all that much.
    For common men maybe ozone and UV-C light.

  6. 2 years ago

    I've thought about this a lot. I think you'd get teams of hygienists who specialize in certain types of enhancement that posthumans go to fairly often.
    For military grade enhanced persons they'd have everything in house, but I think your average half-machine factory worker would just have health insurance to take care of it, and augmented hygiene offices would be about as common as dentist's offices.

    • 2 years ago

      That would make sense. If you have a factory worker who spends X amount of days plugged into his exo-skeleton then probably part of his medical check-ups would be cleaning and maintenance of the contacts and shit

  7. 2 years ago

    If you didn't sweat would you get nasty without bathing if you didn't get otherwise dirty?

    • 2 years ago

      Well dogs don’t start smelling unless they get covered by something, but they do smell weird if they get wet.

      • 2 years ago

        dogs ALWAYS reek, they smell so fricking bad, you're just noseblind. When I walk into someone's home who owns dogs it fricking stinks, and usually you can smell it on the person too. They're worse than smokers.

    • 2 years ago

      Depends on your environment I guess. Part of BO is the organic compounds in your sweat beginning to rot, but there are other oils out there aside from sweat, and you'll still have pores and hair follicle holes that can accumulate nastiness. You could still get zits and boils, for example.

  8. 2 years ago

    they just leak earwax from every crevice so all the pathogens are pushed out

  9. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      It's nice when settings acknowledge this.
      Rifts with its Cyborgs does a pretty decent job, where partial borgs can only get up to around human limits (usually a little less for safety concerns) but can have other utilities built into their cybernetics, meanwhile full conversion borgs can go so far beyond anything a normal human can achieve that they're more comparable to a monster.

  10. 2 years ago

    Either use an inorganic material flesh can bond to like titanium or some kind of special carbon coating, or wirelessly interface between the implant and external systems

  11. 2 years ago

    Well, in Elysium the guy got an extremely ghetto exosuit job done and it probably would lead to severe health complications in the long run, but unless he got into space to get one of those healing booths it wouldn't have mattered anyways because he got super irradiated and was basically already a dead man walking. For more long-term exoskeleton application you'd probably have titanium or some titanium alloy used to create permanent, sterile, and biocompatible interfaces that the exoskeleton can be affixed to without injuring you.
    Of course this still creates potential for complications, if you experience a major trauma that bends or warps the exoskeleton at the fixture points it could become very difficult to remove, and I'd imagine having some kind of cutting tool powerful enough to slice through so close to your skin would nearly guarantee further injuries.
    For 40k I think that's just accepted, SPES MEHRENS, while valuable, are still expendable, their flesh and blood, bone and armor and genes belong to the Imperium to be used up as needed, if a Marine's powered gauntlet is crushed in an explosion and it's connections are hopelessly mangled up with the flesh and bone of his arm underneath, the Chirurgen is just going to use a powersaw to cut the whole arm off, he'll be fitted for a prosthetic as soon as there's enough time, assuming he survives. For Space Marines this is acceptable, because they're superhumanly tolerant to pain, won't suffer a spontaneous heart-attack from shock, their blood clots instantly and unless the disease is supernaturally strong it's practically impossible for them to suffer infection or gangrene, so you can subject them to traumatic surgical procedures which would kill a normal human, and they'll bounce back given some time to heal.

    Shit Space Marine battlefield medicine is probably only a slight step down from actually just being stabbed by the enemy.

    • 2 years ago

      Depends on the Chapter.
      Some Apothecaries and Apothecarions are some of the most talented, trained and skilled in the medical arts. Doing two seperate surgeries at once, with either arm, in power armour tier skilled.
      Others are, just that. Brutal dudes with a rough grasp on how to go about shit. Hand is mangled? Saw it off. Something lodged in your gut that's causing issues to function beyond normal? Saw around it, and once he's out of his armour, he'll need some augmetic abdominals.
      The Gene-seed extraction is the one thing they're all trained in, but even then, some absolutely mangle their brothers in the process.
      And the other space marines consider such attention an honour. Because they've been psychologically and physically abused, conditioned, and tortured so much that the pain, nausea, and loss of masses of tissue doesn't even make them react.

      • 2 years ago

        The Apothocaries can't be cave man stupid seeing as how they are also involved with implanting the various organs and such during the initiation. You figure considering the sorts of injuries that Space Marines can survive that, more often than not, anything more substantial would automatically denote cutting it off and putting a prosthetic in its place like a hand being so mangled there is no way it could heal naturally or maybe it's just gone

  12. 2 years ago

    >Especially if you have something like Elysium where it looks like the exo-skeleton is semi-permanently attached and requires tools and shit to disconnect them
    In Elysium, wasn't it a plotpoint that the exoskeleton was going to eventually frick matt damon up, but in the meantime, he'd be superhuman?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, he got super irradiated in an industrial accident and was already dying from acute radiation sickness. He was taking drugs just to stave off the worst of the symptoms so he could still function.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think it was the exoskeleton hurting him, it was just it was like 2 cycles out of date compared to the new ones. So it was more of a heads up "your OP yeah as long as you don't get to wienery vs newer stuff."

      He should've also been recovering after the surgery instead of literally hopping into a heist straight from the operating table. But he had the super pain killers for the radiation.

      great movie but I haven't seen it in a while so I could be wrong.

  13. 2 years ago

    The crushing debt of forever taking pills so the augmented don't get life threatening infections or organ failure, Deus Ex explained it plausibly.

  14. 2 years ago

    I'm actually curious how modern medicine handles things like pacemakers and hip replacements, it was my understanding that basically anything inorganic that's permanently touching flesh will eventually become swamped with pus and start to cause necrosis, but then I remembered that pacemakers and hip implants are in there for years and years without any issues in that department. Do cyberpunk settings with immunosuppressant problems solved by drugs actually have it right?

    • 2 years ago

      Depends what the stuff is made from
      Old hip replacement tools often did cause LOADS of damage to the patient over the long term, and some companies even kept selling shit using old dangerous tech until relatively recently just because it was cheap. These days if everything is done right you don't even have to think about it ever again.
      But those devices also aren't constantly exposed to the outside world.

  15. 2 years ago

    The body will attack the implants which ironically will keep it relatively clean because an extra layer of tissue will envelope the object while inside the body. The much more serious form of cleaning would be all those plug holes because a short circuit will absolutely frick your ass.

  16. 2 years ago

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