Backwards Compatibility

For those who play with real hardware, do you ever take advantage of backwards compatibility Such as using a PS2 to play PS1 games, or a Wii to play GameCube games
I find it hard to resist ps1/gc games in component

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  1. 2 years ago

    Yeah I play all my PS1 games on PS2 through component. Looks amazing despite what people say about dithering or whatever. Same for Gamecube games on Wii.
    Gamecube is one of the most pointless consoles to use in 2022.
    >Wii backwards compatibility
    >Wii with GC loader
    >Dolphin to play games in HD
    All better than using an actual cube.

    • 2 years ago

      Also, cheaper component cables with the Wii.

    • 2 years ago

      I sold my PS1 ages ago and I've used my PS2 exclusively. Good decision, do not miss the PS1 nor do I miss its reliability issues.

      If you own a Gamecube from before, there is nothing wrong with using one. If you're getting into Gamecube, then yeah, you're far better off getting a Wii for $40 from Goodwill than you are paying some troony $160 for his Gamecube. The console is cheaper, it does 98% of what a Gamecube used to do, and you can theoretically get better video quality for much cheaper since the Wii component cables cost close to nothing, but people charge $200+ for the GC ones. I have a GC and I have no plans to sell it, but if I were looking to get into it for the first time, yeah the Wii is 100% the way to go.

      I use my Wii for pirated GC games because it works better (swiss is hacky as frick without a disk drive replacement) but I still play my real gamecube games on an actual gamecube. I like the aesthetic of the real console.

      Same goes for the PS1, literally the only reason I keep a PS1 on my TV stand is because I won't sacrifice that PS1 boot logo.

      The real console is quite nice, actually. I find it more aesthetically pleasing than the Wii.

      >all the convenience and benefits of emulation
      Such as errors and glitches? Lol
      If you need rewind and save states for a babby platform like gamecube then that's pathetic to be frank.

      How come? You have all the options, from 480i 1:1 (or 480p on VGA CRT) on the CRT TV and even real GameCube controllers with USB adapters. While getting all the convenience and benefits of emulation.

      Doesn't the Wii just use a faster version of the PowerPC 750 in the Gamecube? There's no emulation as far as I'm aware.

    • 2 years ago

      pretty much the only reason I can see to use a GameCube over a Wii* outside of "aesthetics" is if you wanted to use the Game Boy Player

      *obviously discarding the models without GameCube support or ports that is

      • 2 years ago

        This. GBC and GBA aren't supported by SGB so if you want to play real carts that you've owned for 20 years and not some soulless rom file you downloaded 12 hours ago you gotta get a cube.

        • 2 years ago

          The craziest thing is that there are cartridge adapters that let you play GBA games on a SNES, but they don't support GBC so there's no winning move.

          • 2 years ago

            And even just the GBP alone isn't enough since it removes all super Gameboy enhancements, if that matters to you. Most of my favorite games have SGB enhancements. So it's really lame that you need both devices for the full experience

  2. 2 years ago

    Yep, my PC is backwards compatible with pretty much every console in existence.

    • 2 years ago

      Can't beat a PC for compatibility. A modded Wii hooked up to a CRT over component is still a better experience

      • 2 years ago

        PC hooked up to a CRT TV is better than a Wii.

        • 2 years ago

          Not to play Gamecube games

          • 2 years ago

            How come? You have all the options, from 480i 1:1 (or 480p on VGA CRT) on the CRT TV and even real GameCube controllers with USB adapters. While getting all the convenience and benefits of emulation.

            • 2 years ago

              >all the convenience and benefits of emulation
              Such as errors and glitches? Lol
              If you need rewind and save states for a babby platform like gamecube then that's pathetic to be frank.

              • 2 years ago

                >Such as errors and glitches? Lol

                >If you need rewind and save states for a babby platform like gamecube then that's pathetic to be frank.
                I don't know why you'd need them but you have the option, sure
                Weird that that's the first thing you think of

              • 2 years ago

                I don't see what other benefit and convenience there is to emulating a gamecube (leaving room for errors) over playing a souped up gamecube with 100% compatibility and accuracy. I guess not having to deal with memory cards is a plus, unless you're like me and already have existing saves.

                Even dolphin glitches and crashes from time to time mate, I used it plenty before I hacked my Wii.

              • 2 years ago

                >Even dolphin glitches and crashes from time to time mate, I used it plenty before I hacked my Wii.
                Examples? When did you use it, sounds like years ago.

                >I don't see what other benefit and convenience there is to emulating a gamecube (leaving room for errors) over playing a souped up gamecube with 100% compatibility and accuracy. I guess not having to deal with memory cards is a plus, unless you're like me and already have existing saves.
                Wii is pretty much like using real hardware.

              • 2 years ago

                Is a Wiigay really gonna get on a high horse about glitches and errors in emulation? There's a pretty obvious reason why you had to immediately pivot to the Gamecube to have any ground to stand on

              • 2 years ago

                We've been talking about gamecube since the OP and the first post wtf are you on about kek
                No one's debating Neo Geo emulation vs. Wii's non-existent native support for Neo Geo games

              • 2 years ago

                OP is about backwards compatibility as a whole not just GCN

              • 2 years ago

                OP is about *hardware* backwards compatibility, actually. And we've been talking about Gamecube games on Wii hardware (objectively the best way to play them) the entire thread.
                Randoms just wanna come in here and talk about using their $1200 light up gamer PCs to emulate everything for an inferior experience kek

              • 2 years ago

                >OP is about *hardware* backwards compatibility, actually.
                Doesn't say that. Even mentions PS1 games on PS2, Slims use software emulation.

              • 2 years ago

                Only some slims, I thought? Pretty sure the early slim models had the psx chip onboard

              • 2 years ago

                All slims except for the earliest model (SCPH-7000x, the one with the unsoldered ATA port on the motherboard). SCPH-7500x and newer ones have DECKARD emulator for PS1 games.

                As for the topic, I play PSP (and sometimes PS1) games on my Vita.

              • 2 years ago

                >For those who play with real hardware
                PC emugays out out out!

                >Even dolphin glitches and crashes from time to time mate, I used it plenty before I hacked my Wii.
                Examples? When did you use it, sounds like years ago.

                >I don't see what other benefit and convenience there is to emulating a gamecube (leaving room for errors) over playing a souped up gamecube with 100% compatibility and accuracy. I guess not having to deal with memory cards is a plus, unless you're like me and already have existing saves.
                Wii is pretty much like using real hardware.

                I last used it in december 2021, and SoulCalibur II would chug from time to time, also graphical errors (I'll admit I don't have a gamer PC)
                When I went home for Christmas last year I grabbed the Wii from my old closet and have been using that ever since. It's definitely superior.

              • 2 years ago

                >PC emugays out out out!
                PC is still real hardware.

              • 2 years ago

                >I last used it in december 2021, and SoulCalibur II would chug from time to time, also graphical errors (I'll admit I don't have a gamer PC)
                >When I went home for Christmas last year I grabbed the Wii from my old closet and have been using that ever since. It's definitely superior.
                Nobody is shitting on you using a Wii for GameCube, it's not even emulation.
                I never had problems with Dolphin though, at least not in the last few years, I'd argue the opposite, it's superior since I can fix many games with it that otherwise would be a poor experience, thanks to low framerates, etc.

              • 2 years ago

                You probably traded accuracy for speed

                >Randoms just wanna come in here and talk about using their $1200 light up gamer PCs to emulate everything for an inferior experience kek
                Emulating /vr/ shit is not that expensive, do you know how old Dolphin is? Certainly older than you

                True even running at high accuracy, a mediocre computer from years ago could do that

              • 2 years ago

                >Randoms just wanna come in here and talk about using their $1200 light up gamer PCs to emulate everything for an inferior experience kek
                Emulating /vr/ shit is not that expensive, do you know how old Dolphin is? Certainly older than you

  3. 2 years ago

    I use my Wii for pirated GC games because it works better (swiss is hacky as frick without a disk drive replacement) but I still play my real gamecube games on an actual gamecube. I like the aesthetic of the real console.

    Same goes for the PS1, literally the only reason I keep a PS1 on my TV stand is because I won't sacrifice that PS1 boot logo.

    • 2 years ago

      >PS1 boot logo
      Sometimes I look it up on YouTube just because I miss the sounds. Best bios ever in my honest opinion, even beats Dreamcast and Mega CD.

    • 2 years ago

      this is basically the same for me
      I have my launch gamecube but I sold a bunch of my more expensive games over the years, so i hacked my wii and use that for everything i dont own

      i also use my gamecube for GBI

      Wish I could load PS1 games through OPL but you cant have everything, I might pony up for an XStation one of these days since they're not THAT expensive

  4. 2 years ago

    I use the standard Wii, PS2, GBA and 360 setups to play backwards compatible GC, PS1, GB/GBC and Xbox games. For the few games that actually need the original hardware I use the real deal though.

  5. 2 years ago

    I don't coomlect but I do use my Wii to play GC ISOs and my PS3 for PS2/PSX isos.
    Between the two of those you basically have most your bases covered minus the saturn, n64, and M$ consoles

  6. 2 years ago

    I used the wii for gc games but they're better emulated tbh

    • 2 years ago

      This is a emugay falseflag.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        I would say he's correct if you're using a modern display

      • 2 years ago

        -60 fps
        -widescreen hacks
        -graphical and performance mods
        -in some games you might get a texture flickering from time to time

  7. 2 years ago

    GameCube on Wii just doesn't feel right.

    • 2 years ago

      Then you must also agree the same for PS1 on a PS2 or GB/GBC on GBA or Master System on Mega Drive etc

      • 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    I always take advantage of it usually replacing the console if it’s good enough. The only console that has BC that I don’t bother with is 360’s OG XBOX BC since it’s ass.

  9. 2 years ago

    cue some moron "gamecube games on wii are soulless"

    • 2 years ago

      don't give them ideas

    • 2 years ago

      I will say that the wii is fricking ugly though and I would rather have the gamecube on my stand.

  10. 2 years ago

    I played PS1/PS2 games on my PS3. I've found emulation to be more convenient for my needs.

  11. 2 years ago

    Never had a GC but isn't it hard to 'region unlock'? Like if you have a PAL GC and want to play a Japanese game. I have a Wii and I just use wiimodlite or whatever it's called and change my region, language, video mode, etc and everything works. And I think you don't even need to do all of this if you are using USB Loader and not real discs

  12. 2 years ago

    I don't use it very much on my handhelds. They all just look wrong on the more modern system. I like it for consoles though.

  13. 2 years ago

    I hope no one on /vr/ hurts me for using a Wii U to play GameCube games.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean I guess it's an easy way of getting Wii and GC shit hooked up to an HDMI only tv. WiiU CFW always just seems like worse Wii CFW somehow.

      • 2 years ago

        People say that the Wii U looks worse than a Wii's output due to the gx1 GPU passing to the gx2 before being output over HDMI but I fail to notice and its not worth having a basically duplicate console just to fix it. Wii U CFW is fine and as of this year you don't even need to give nintendy 7 bucks for brain age for coldboot cfw.

        • 2 years ago

          Only issue with the wiiu as the ultimate BC machine is that Wii titles that utilize the GC controller cannot use the USB adapter without game specific patches. There's one for MKW but it is tightly integrated into ctgp and cannot be used with other mkw mods. There's also one for smash but was never completed and the universal brain slug module 1) doesn't work 2) required launching from disks. I cope on these instances with a mayflash GC to classic controller I plug into my wiimote

          • 2 years ago

            Pretty sure there's a universal USB controller wrapper for Wii U. I haven't used a Wii U in ages but even years ago I remember I could use any USB controller with Wii games.

            • 2 years ago

              I looked extensively so unless you have a link I doubt it works in Wii mode. Such a program does exist for Wii u mode though. From my understanding the Wii loads specific system modules to allow games to work e.g. IOS 58 for USB 2 support and whatever number for the basic game stuff. There is nothing running in the background. Which is why the implementations that do exist are game specific. Theoretically a USB loader *could* do it but then you're leveraging the hard drive aswell. It would be a complete reimplementation of the USB stack.

      • 2 years ago

        >WiiU CFW always just seems like worse Wii CFW somehow.
        Maybe 10 years ago, it's transparent now and permanent.

    • 2 years ago

      I own both a Wii U and a Wii and I play different games on each. I like using the gamepad for some Gamecube games, but others I prefer being able to natively use the GCN controllers.

  14. 2 years ago

    I'll ask this here. Out of complete sincerity, can anyone here provide legitimate pros and cons of emulation vs. native/original hardware?

    • 2 years ago

      -easy access to game data in ram good for developing mods/cheats
      -can be ran at higher internal resolutions, use custom higher res textures etc
      -always able to save the games state to resume later
      -allows more hardware than just the original to play games
      -Not 100% accurate can range from GPU effects you'd hardly notice not working right or being very obvious to slowdown from poor conversion to the system you are running on causing stutters/latency not present on real hardware to games outright breaking.
      -Always plays game perfectly
      -Old video outputs on older units
      -save states are system dependent

      You can list more but this is the general idea

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks. I never cared much for save states and mods so for me OG hardware would be the way to go. That said, the only thing is getting them to work on newer TVs that don't have the the AV ports for them (like SNES, SEGA Genesis, NES, N64, PS1, DC, etc).

      • 2 years ago

        You can hook up a CRT TV to a computer, why is this such a alien concept and so often overlooked? There's talk about doing it on this board constantly but nobody seems to know about it.

        • 2 years ago

          Because I don't want a crt in my living room 😉

          >-Not 100% accurate can range from GPU effects you'd hardly notice not working right or being very obvious to slowdown from poor conversion to the system you are running on causing stutters/latency not present on real hardware to games outright breaking.
          Reverse is true too.

          In many games you can fix very laggy sections (or whole games) and have a good experience instead.
          Even fix well known bugs in games.

          Any latency and stuttering on emulators is more a sign of slow hardware than the emulator itself, bug and glitches because emulation, sure but actual slowdowns or sutters mean your PC isn't up for the task, not the emulator.

          >-Always plays game perfectly
          As intended* by publisher
          Plenty are broken or have performance issues on real hardware

          The way it is meant to be played TM

          I know these I can only spend so long on a post of which the anon I am replying to may or may not actually care about

        • 2 years ago

          Most people don't want to go through that hassle, myself included. And at the end of the day it's still cope compared to using a console on a CRT

          • 2 years ago

            >cope as an argument
            So you have no argument outside of being lazy? Could have said you just preferer original consoles but apparently that's not true, since the only argument was "cope".

            • 2 years ago

              He is right that it is a hassle to get analog graphics cards and transcoders.

              • 2 years ago

                I just mentioned in the previous post that there's talk right now on /vr/ about this


                It's much simpler than that

              • 2 years ago

                Are DP to VGA adapters actually good? Can they handle the weird modelines necessary like 3840x240? How about interlaced?

              • 2 years ago

                Pretty sure that was already discussed in the CRT general I linked and another thread that was linked in the post I linked

            • 2 years ago

              You're right anon. I should move my PC from my home office to the basement and connect it to my tube TV so I can emulate retro games for systems I already own and have plugged in...
              Why would I do that? It's cope. Two of the benefits of emulation are convenience and HD upscaling, both of which I'd lose by plugging into a CRT TV or monitor.
              >Could have said you just prefer original consoles
              I do, hence why I said "it's still cope compared to using a console on a CRT".

              • 2 years ago

                Then just say you prefer original consoles, plenty of people have small PCs dedicated to emulation behind CRT TVs.

                >Two of the benefits of emulation are convenience and HD upscaling
                You're just shitposting if you think being able to play all consoles without having to use physical media with a small form factor device isn't a benefit to some people.

                >both of which I'd lose by plugging into a CRT TV or monitor.
                Why would you need more? If the consoles are made for 240p or 480i, you can play them like originan hardware.

                Don't like it? Don't have a use for that? Prefer original hardware for no other reason because you just like it? All valid arguments, cope isn't an argument though, it just makes you seem like you fricked up and are angry that you're stuck with original hardware instead of enjoying it.

              • 2 years ago

                Useless to argue, those people don't play games, they jerk off about their setups

              • 2 years ago

                True, people who just want to play games don't care as long as they have a good experience, be it emulation or real hardware, that's just a personal preference.

              • 2 years ago

                True, people who just want to play games don't care as long as they have a good experience, be it emulation or real hardware, that's just a personal preference.


              • 2 years ago

                Good argument. I'll just go, have fun.

              • 2 years ago

                I prefer og hardware because it's the best duh. I have all my consoles from childhood and my older cousins' too. I plug them into the TV and play them in the best way possible. I don't miss emulation.

        • 2 years ago

          crt is best for /vr/ but most people emulate on machines meant for both /vr/ and modern content, which a nice lcd/oled covers better
          groovymame crt setups are kino tho

          • 2 years ago

            not anon but you can have both hooked up to your pc at the same time, I do
            CRTs are cheap or free anyways so I don't see it as a better option even when having invested in a good modern monitor

            • 2 years ago

              oh for sure, the double monitor set up is ideal, i used to do it. i'm just too lazy to set it back up kek

      • 2 years ago

        >-Not 100% accurate can range from GPU effects you'd hardly notice not working right or being very obvious to slowdown from poor conversion to the system you are running on causing stutters/latency not present on real hardware to games outright breaking.
        Reverse is true too.

        In many games you can fix very laggy sections (or whole games) and have a good experience instead.
        Even fix well known bugs in games.

        Any latency and stuttering on emulators is more a sign of slow hardware than the emulator itself, bug and glitches because emulation, sure but actual slowdowns or sutters mean your PC isn't up for the task, not the emulator.

        • 2 years ago

          -easy access to game data in ram good for developing mods/cheats
          -can be ran at higher internal resolutions, use custom higher res textures etc
          -always able to save the games state to resume later
          -allows more hardware than just the original to play games
          -Not 100% accurate can range from GPU effects you'd hardly notice not working right or being very obvious to slowdown from poor conversion to the system you are running on causing stutters/latency not present on real hardware to games outright breaking.
          -Always plays game perfectly
          -Old video outputs on older units
          -save states are system dependent

          You can list more but this is the general idea

          >-Always plays game perfectly
          As intended* by publisher
          Plenty are broken or have performance issues on real hardware

  15. 2 years ago

    My GC stopped reading discs like a decade ago, so I've got no choice but to use the Wii. Serviced me well so far. Wish you could actually use the GC controller to navigate the Wii menus like the Classic controller. No reason why it shouldn't

    • 2 years ago

      Also I wished GC and Virtual Console games displayed in the correct aspect ratio when the system is in widescreen mode

  16. 2 years ago

    >thread about console/handheld backwards compatibility
    >over half the posts are talking about emulating on PC
    Can you poorgays just keep it in your pants?
    OP I agree about the Wii and PS2 but 360 backwards compatibility is ass, I'd rather use an actual Xbox.

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