baldurs gate 3 is a solid 4 out of 5 but is so incredibly overrated. combat gameplay overstays its welcome in act 2.

baldurs gate 3 is a solid 4 out of 5 but is so incredibly overrated. combat gameplay overstays its welcome in act 2. to me divinity 2 was better. dos2 act 1 and 3 are better and act 2 is about the same as bg3.

act 1 is good but overrated once you break it down to whats in it. act 2 and 3 are not good at all.
act 1: druid grove, auntie ethel, goblin camp, underdark, grymforge. its ok but once you realize it doesnt really lead to much in the later acts makes it worse.
act 2: terrible shadowlands that you just want to speed through. absolutely terrible temple of shar. terrible boss/tower. only positive is the bosses that you can defeat by dialogue
act 2: city does not live up to the hype. bug filled. randomly introduced to the girl boss and it doesnt feel significant at all. you meet the guy boss near the beginning and it also doesnt feel significant. there is no lead up to fighting them. its easy to go out of sequence and miss a bunch of content. combat is the worse here.

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  1. 5 months ago

    It's an incomplete game by hostile takenover Tencent-Larian. Act 3 sorely lacks in all content where the barebones RNGfest of a game never fulfills in the first place. They ran out of money botting, shilling, and bribing for awards and it shows.

    • 5 months ago

      >hostile takeover

      • 5 months ago

        >Act 3 sorely lacks in all content
        No, it lacks polish, but if anything it has way too much content.

        You are getting so desroyed in threads you have to delete them. Do you really want to repeat that within the same hour, every hour?

        I don't mind getting your proxies banned.

        • 5 months ago

          You're an unironic, actual turboschizo.

          • 5 months ago

            >muh archive hashes
            md5 is different every post because all of us hate you. the fact you cling to the archive hash is undeniable proof you are the only schizo in these threads

            • 5 months ago

              That is the same image with the same MD5. One of many. Your ways have been demonstrated to you. See


              That's the same image posted 500 times. Take your meds. Erictroony is not here.

              • 5 months ago

                >That is the same image with the same MD5
                It's literally not because I checked it.
                Either you're doctoring it or the obvious waiting for it to hit archive so you can search for what the archive hashes based on dimensions.

                You're an obsessed, paranoid schizo being taken advantage of by Ganker posters that want you gone. And they will get that wish because there's way more of us than you. Frick off back to /tg/. Stop shitting up the catalog or we WILL end you by your own hands.

              • 5 months ago

                It is the same MD5. That's how the archive categorizes and sorts images. You are deranged. This is your existence. This is what you spend all your time doing and will continue to spend all your time doing. Proceed, schizo. You have many years of life left and much mental illness to display.

              • 5 months ago

                You don't understand how the archive works. A poster can save the same image and archive will hash it as the same post because that's how the archive works. It does not parse unique md5s when dimensions are the same.
                You don't understand this because you're a literal mental patient. And if you keep pushing you will push yourself into your own grave.

              • 5 months ago

                Completely wrong. There are at least 10 instances of this same image with separate hashes. Go ahead, change the MD5 again and post it. It'll be separate. Just accept how mentally ill you are.

              • 5 months ago

                >10 instances of this same image with separate hashes
                That's 10 different images you fricking moron. You need to check yourself in somewhere. It's absolutely pathetic.

              • 5 months ago

                You don't understand how the archive works. A poster can save the same image and archive will hash it as the same post because that's how the archive works. It does not parse unique md5s when dimensions are the same.
                You don't understand this because you're a literal mental patient. And if you keep pushing you will push yourself into your own grave.

                Well that's not true and I can prove it.



                Exact same webm but with different hashes

              • 5 months ago

                different hashes means different images. that's the whole point of hashes.

                you lost. get over it.

              • 5 months ago

                Wrong. Go ahead. Resave the very same image in an image editor and upload it to this thread. It will have a separate entry in the archives. You cannot upload an image with the same MD5 to the same thread. It's a system that prevents flooding. How can a dedicated schizo also be a newbie? lmao

                what compels someone to sit on the internet late at night and yell about the ownership of vidya gaem companies?

                Unmitigated mental illness and the dopamine reward of (You)s. See the person above.

              • 5 months ago

                and no, posting on your phone doesn't change anything: YOU. LOST.

              • 5 months ago

                Well that's not true and I can prove it.



                Exact same webm but with different hashes

                How do you morons find new ways to be mental patients every fricking thread?
                Now you don't even understand how file hashes anymore?
                How has BG3 brain broken people THIS fricking hard.

              • 5 months ago

                You do not know how Ganker works. The image in question has the exact same MD5 hash. You cannot save that one and reupload it to the same thread. Attempting to do so will result in a notification about how the image has already been posted in this thread. However, if you resave it in an image editor and change the MD5 hash, you can post it again. That is how Ganker prevents flooding.

                Every single instance you see in the archives of this particular image is either the exact same one as seen here


                or it has been saved and uploaded unedited by someone else.

                Schizzy is tech illiterate and does not know how Ganker works despite being a schizo regular. Peculiar.

              • 5 months ago

                I think the moronation was too much for me and made me reply to the wrong two in the reply chain. Sorry, I'm very sick currently.
                You are correct, obviously. I don't know why you're even trying to prove that the BG Tencent spam schizo is one guy though, he openly admits it fairly frequently. I'm in one of these threads every couple of days and I feel like I've seen him openly brag about what *he's* done multiple times in the past week.

              • 5 months ago

                >The image in question has the exact same MD5 hash
                It literally does not. The md5 is different in every instance. I check it myself. You shills are are so desperate you have to keep spreading lies hoping someone believes you. Only the archive hashes based on dimensions because the archive is moronic.

                This can be verified by an md5 calculator from any site of choice.

        • 5 months ago

          i guess im using multiple IPs and doctoring these images too right brO?

    • 5 months ago

      >Act 3 sorely lacks in all content
      No, it lacks polish, but if anything it has way too much content.

    • 5 months ago

    • 5 months ago

      I wish you'd get banned because your schizo ramblings contribute nothing.

      but also, frick tencent.
      you should put your effort into shitting up LoL threads or every single epic games thread instead of being so butt blasted about Bg3.

      • 5 months ago

        you're the schizo that needs to be banned. evidence is evidence. facts are facts.
        you /tg/gays and belgians proud of your country being cucked by china are insufferable. A waste of space.

  2. 5 months ago

    So that's 1 overrated act and 2 that are "not good at all", for a total of 3 acts. 2/3 of this game is "not good at all" and this obtains a score of 4 out of 5 for you?
    I'd say you should write for one of those shitty gaming rags, anon, but they all got replaced by AI

    • 5 months ago

      it would be a 3/5 but i gave it an extra point for the overall engine of the game which is much better than dos2 and also for a first playthrough. i would give both act 2 and 3 2 /5 but act 3 has potential to be better. but yes the plot, settings and window dressing are mid/low tier. the characters are low tier but the abundance of choice and dialogue options lifts it up and also hides the deficiencies of the game that are more apparent on subsequent playthroughs. and i put more importance on the first playthrough even though the flaws of the game are more annoying now.

  3. 5 months ago

    sorry bro it's either a 5/5 or a demonic globohomosexual psyop, there's no in between, really I don't care for your wishy washy bullshit, I bet you're a "le based centrist"

  4. 5 months ago

    Nothing about the game is good. Only people who like it are incels and trannies who use it to pretend they are women and romance fictional female characters.

  5. 5 months ago

    >overstays its welcome
    what the frick does this even mean you fricking idiot lol
    these pseudos posting bullshit.

  6. 5 months ago

    There will never be a game more based than Baldur's Gate 3. It has absolutely mentally obliterated these schizos. It has caused actual harm to these people on a deep level and they will never recover.

  7. 5 months ago

    what compels someone to sit on the internet late at night and yell about the ownership of vidya gaem companies?

  8. 5 months ago

    No amount of shitposting will push this meme that the gameplay is actually the worst ever.
    All it takes is playing BG3 and something like Kingmaker back to back. Hell I LIKE Kingmaker, but nobody can genuinely tell me with a straight face they prefer Pwlcat or old Bioware combat (or even non-RTWP games) to fricking BG3. It's just not possible. Nobody is that bland and boring.
    Maybe there's some people that just hate turn based RPG gameplay overall but that isn't what most position themself as.

  9. 5 months ago

    Last thread got pruned while anons were talking about the paid shill from /tg/.

    • 5 months ago

      how much do you think /tg/ are paying him? those sneaky nerds!

      • 5 months ago

        0 dollars. Wotc pays people based on the contract signed.

    • 5 months ago

      You realize that you responded to yourself, validating the schizo samehomosexual claims, right? The absolute state, kek.

  10. 5 months ago

    Tencent will not continue to post in threads that point out the tencent stuff. That is why these threads die after 40 posts now.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        cool graffiti

        Tencent will not continue to post in threads that point out the tencent stuff. That is why these threads die after 40 posts now.

        They must have been told to bail if it gets posted. They just give up nowadays.

        • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Or people just see you, specifically, and don't bother, because you've been at it for literally six months straight and everyone knows the game?

      • 5 months ago

        I don't know what any of this is.

        • 5 months ago


          and/or look at literally any BG3 thread.
          One homosexual is a turbo moron and has set out to singlehandedly kill all discussion of this game, especially post game awards.
          Moderation does not exist on this website anymore so jannies just let it happen.

          • 5 months ago

            Is he the guy the farquaads were calling fabio and eric because they couldn't call him farquaad anymore?
            I think I saw those threads last week.

            • 5 months ago

              No, this is actually one guy with a distinct and observable pattern of behaviour not some bizarre schizo scapegoat for almost any post about any console based game that may or may not even exist.

              • 5 months ago

                What makes him so unique? Is it just posting the tencent image? I've got one of those saved.

              • 5 months ago

                Shows up, posts the same one or two tencent images, and then singlehandedly ravenously shitposts the thread to death by derailment. Literally incapable of understanding that anyone who is not as insane as him is anything but a literal state-issued CCP shill (despite the game being still majority owned by the west, and tencent not actually being a state-run company anyway.) Usually filled with other bizarre allegations that make no sense as well.

                Look at

                you're the schizo that needs to be banned. evidence is evidence. facts are facts.
                you /tg/gays and belgians proud of your country being cucked by china are insufferable. A waste of space.

                for the peak example

              • 5 months ago

                None of these threads are organic. It's a rng based single player crpg. Any actual conversation died months ago.

              • 5 months ago

                People are still playing as per steam stats.
                The player retention has been unprecedented, though likely fueled by coop more than anything.
                There's really no way around this without devolving into schizoid theories about botted playercounts that for some reason Valve doesn't detect and sue the frick out of them for.

              • 5 months ago

                >People are still playing
                Tencent account bots are still playing. They are DESPERATE to inflate the numbers after all the money they've lost botting and shilling. You included.

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                Again, why does Valve not do anything about this?
                They have a huge incentive to prevent a company from botting numbers.
                Furthermore, why is it only BG3 and not any other Tencent minorly backed game?

                What makes him so unique? Is it just posting the tencent image? I've got one of those saved.

                Oh yeah and the other major indicator that it's this one guy, because nobody else could be this moronic, is the insistence that BG3 isn't just completely chinese and shilled artificially, but that the game was actually a colossal failure and every single indicator that points to the contrary is fake. Via chinese magic or some shit that affects everything everywhere.
                Not just some trash game that won over normies or whatever like sane detractors would claim.
                He also focuses purely on screaming about chinese shills rather than calling the game bad.

                Sounds like an effective way to counter marketing.

                Or anyone daring to talk about a game on a videogame board.

              • 5 months ago

                >why does Valve not do anything about this?
                They make money off the 30% cut from the free copies Larian provides Tencent. Also why they rigged the vote for the Steam awards. This isn't rocket science.

              • 5 months ago

                Firstly, Valve they don't take any cut on free codes. this is common knowledge.
                Secondly, a company BUYING hundreds of thousands to millions of fake copies to inflate playercount is so blatantly moronic it's almost unfathomable.
                Thirdly, this doesn't address why this is only this game and not every other Tencent backed game.

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                only one of those could need a citation, this does not give you a free pass to ignore the multiple other problems with your ""theory""

                secondly, google it, ask any gamedev, whatever
                it's common knowledge and the whole reason key stores like GMG or Bundlestars exist.

              • 5 months ago

                All of them need a citation shill dipshit. The 30% cut is unanimous. And Steam would happily take it from Tencent.

              • 5 months ago

                >All of them need a citation shill dipshit.
                One of them was purely a logical argument, what do you mean?
                >The 30% cut is unanimous
                Not on generated keys, only on sales through the steam store.
                It's not even unanimously 30 on sales you moron, it drops for higher selling games.
                For someone terrified of Tencent you sure have swallowed Timmy's EGS propaganda.

              • 5 months ago

                You have no proof of any of that

              • 5 months ago

                The same way you don't have any proof that the sky is blue, sure.

              • 5 months ago

                >facts aren't proof
                again, you lost and will continue to lose. making gay threads and bumping them on alt devices won't change that.

              • 5 months ago

                >Or anyone daring to talk about a game on a videogame board.
                The people talking about the game won't get derailing into defending marketing tactics by the chinese. Only a shill would stop their day to naysay it because it labels them unkindly. If it isn't about me I'd just scroll past it. Just saying.

              • 5 months ago

                You really think of the average Ganker user of having the sense of mind to ignore posts they dislike?
                You haven't been on this board very long, have you?

              • 5 months ago

                No, but the average Ganker user also doesn't lose their shit at being called a wumao. Anons are anons. Wumaos respond like they do because they thought they were posing as anons well and get reminded they aren't.

              • 5 months ago

                Sounds like an effective way to counter marketing.

              • 5 months ago

                >tencent not actually being a state-run company anyway

              • 5 months ago

                I don't really care about whether some company is China is run by a bloodsucking billionaire psychopath or a government bloodsucking psychopath.

              • 5 months ago

                Because you're a CCP or Belt & Road cucked citizen. No one cares what you think

    • 5 months ago

      it's not dead yet buckeroo

      • 5 months ago

        It's essentially dead.
        I don't think they even tried making a bg3 thread over the weekend. Might have been on 3 days but it felt like they have been bullied into submission these threads feel very low energy now.

  11. 5 months ago

    Shit rnggame. I hope Tencent lost so much money the CCP ends up losing money on Alibaba and Tencent trying to cover the losses.

  12. 5 months ago

    I dropped Baldur's Gate 3 at the tutorial level.

  13. 5 months ago

    You all played Divinity 2: Ego Draconis? I'm honestly surprised at how many details and little things here and there they put in this game. I tried playing Divinity Original Sin but dropped after 30 hours, maybe I should give it another try

  14. 5 months ago

    Why exactly have the mods just let a random schizo spam for months? The tencent-schizo is almost at it 24/7 spamming his actual deluded shit and always spamming the same images back-to-back yet mods havent done shit.

    I feel like mods are partially responsible for allowing an actual mentally ill individual to roam freely across the site like this

    • 5 months ago

      Probably for the lulz. The NAP around here is you have to make your shilling look organic for plausible deniability. Tencent shills don't do this.

      • 5 months ago

        Anons even started with a lighter touch trying to tell the marketers how to slow their roll so they'd look more natural. They didn't want to take the advice and we end up here.

      • 5 months ago

        You realize im talking about you
        It's been several MONTHS and not ONCE have you even been able to provide any evidence of botting or that any posts here are part of any shilling campaign. Several threads across multiple months have already debunked your claims as baseless and fricking illogical yet you keep spamming them despite you KNOWING theyre lies.

    • 5 months ago

      I dont remember this place being that bad 10 years ago, was I not paying attention? we have schizos like these in every single board and mods do jackshit

    • 5 months ago

      What mods?
      Anon it's 2024.
      Moot left almost a decade ago. None of the mod team gives a shit about this husk of a website anymore.

  15. 5 months ago

    Something I just realized is do any of you gays even try to report this schizo? Or do you just not even try to do it because you think it isnt worth the time?
    After seeing him get corrected several times in threads throughout the days you kind of have to come to conclusion that this is an example of a real mental illness that genuinely cannot be reasoned with. He almost always gets close to outright admitting that he doesnt even care if what he's saying is true or not he said he'll just keep spamming it because he believes in HIS "truth"
    so there's really no use in continuing with him

    • 5 months ago

      They definitely do. That is why they seethe when he keeps posting.

    • 5 months ago

      Of course not.
      Who the frick even bothers to report shit these days?
      It literally never does anything.

  16. 5 months ago

    I've just started the game so my take is worthless but here's my expectations thus far:
    >shitty controls and average combat are offset by the solid characters/writing and endless choices in how you go through the branching content
    is that accurate or nah

    • 5 months ago

      somewhat. the combat is a little better than dos2 bc it doesnt use the armor system but becomes a slog liker dos2 when you have like 20 enemies. its no xcom. also the choices don't really matter like choosing mountain path vs underdark while some have callbacks in later acts. but overall payoff in choices is barely serviceable. its only the little choices that have flavor like convincing the ogres to fight for you, getting a dog, etc. there are choices like killing everybody but all it does is make the world more empty. also the map design is very scrunched and you basically find a new landmark every 5 steps

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