Baldur's Gate 3 is, in essence, the most resounding travesty in the history of CRPGs, and proof that redditors and twitter freaks will play anyth...

Baldur's Gate 3 is, in essence, the most resounding travesty in the history of CRPGs, and proof that redditors and twitter freaks will play anything if it panders to them enough. It is to videogames what Heroes is to US television, except that when Heroes became terrible midway through the viewers abandoned the series. This monstrosity only got more attention and hype in the same situation. It's truly baffling.

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  1. 10 months ago

    the divnity engine is fun and no other RPG can match it

    • 10 months ago

      Needs realtime combat. And yes, with what tards b***h about as "trash mobs".
      Also Dragon Disciple.

      • 10 months ago

        >it needs rtwp
        >it needs trash mobs
        rtwp fans have the worst taste in video games. good thing RTWP died

      • 9 months ago

        >Needs realtime combat.
        LOL no. Go frick yourself moron.

      • 9 months ago

        yes, it need pausable realtime combat like neverwinter nights 2

      • 9 months ago

        RTwP is a fricking meme. I have never gotten into it. Turn based is without a doubt the superior combat system.
        The issue this game has is that it's too faithful to 5E, which is why turn based is tiresome, in that you can't do anything cool, but you have to beat God.

        elves have the best models, though


        helf have one good one, the rest are quite bad, but I much prefer pre made faces, than approach where you can customise everything, and never end up with anything attractive

        and the one of the male half elves with muscular body.

        the only good looking characters out there.

        • 9 months ago

          >Turn based is without a doubt the superior combat system.


    • 10 months ago

      Clutter engine

    • 9 months ago

      Divinity is a trashbin engine.

      • 9 months ago

        It's a really good engine. It's why Larian ascended and Bethesda declined. Good engine vs bad engine

  2. 10 months ago

    You homosexuals are so ridiculously dramatic.

  3. 10 months ago

    I kept watching Heroes. Had to see just how far it was going to go.
    Something teleporting the entire human race several thousand years into the future to escape a solar flare, or teleporting to another planet or some shit. Then they stopped the solar flare or something because it was actually being caused by a person with superpowers?

  4. 10 months ago

    It's just the israelites flexing their freshly built propaganda instrument. They have a strong control over """gaming""" publications now to make sure they can herd the goycattle via repetition and plain folks propaganda style. They were testing the waters with 'Pentiment', BG3 is the first major op.

    • 10 months ago

      >they were testing the waters with Pentiment
      Even in shitpost threads for entirely different games, Sawyer manages to utterly mindbreak people like you.

      • 10 months ago

        10 years ago I would have disagreed with him, but it’s now clear that anon is correct.

    • 10 months ago

      lol this guy thinks the race of Adam Friedlands used psychic beams to trick people into playing a fun game

    • 9 months ago

      It works like a charm
      I've got people at work telling me how great BG3 is
      People who hated CRPGs and some haven't even played the game
      When I say I don't like it their argument is "But EVERYONE likes it"
      It's just herd mentality
      Little do they know its just bots leading the herd
      Real people get over herd mentality as teenagers
      NPCs never do
      They are just too scared to deviate from the norm, as if their lives depend on it
      That's the root of the problem
      They are literally scared of having an opinion

      • 9 months ago

        But of course not you. You were born different from everyone else. You’re special.

        • 9 months ago

          You judge me without having even tasted the place
          You are already convinced its good

        • 9 months ago

          This anon's framing is the closest normoids can get to understanding. They physically cannot comprehend liking or disliking something without reference to the in-group, their brains can't do it.
          But some of them can get a little closer by considering your different opinion as a way of leaving the in-group to join a different in-group that consists of one member (you).
          Whenever they screech at you about not liking eg. a popular movie, your understanding of them will improve if you remember that no matter what you said, what they heard is "I am leaving this tribe and founding my own tribe with exactly one person in it"

          • 9 months ago

            humanity wouldn't be alive if most people didn't behave this way, though. imagine there's a problem and every single person in the tribe starts a debate about how to handle it. dead tribe. so, it's kind dumb to complain about normalgay herd mentality. the problem right now is who is leading the herd.

            • 9 months ago

              I'm aware of this and didn't say anything to the contrary in my post, was just explaining the phenomenon for other anons.
              Social conformity has high value, but some degree of adaptability and deviation from norms is required for survival and innovation.
              Unfortunately social media has amplified the normie instinct for conformity (and the ecstatic thrills they get from punishing outsiders) a thousandfold, and made it easier for powerful individuals to shape their opinions. People interpret content from shills, bots, and biased algorithms as 'everyone else in the tribe thinks this.'
              The end result is cultural stagnation and religious obsession with mediocre shovelware like BG3

              • 9 months ago

                that's fine, i just see a lot of finger pointing about it usually, where people blame the herd types instead of blaming the shepherds. previous generations denigrating religion didn't help, since without some sort of standard, you can't recognize a good leader or good leadership. life is complicated.

              • 9 months ago

                It’s the ~~*shepherds*~~ fault.

          • 9 months ago

            Why do you talk like an alien

      • 9 months ago

        >They are just too scared to deviate from the norm, as if their lives depend on it
        Heidegger explained this behaviour in details. He concludes it's not possible to overcome, so either be pc or npc.

      • 9 months ago

        even trying it makes you a herd animal, anon

      • 9 months ago

        also, you can usually tell when someone's opinion is based on group membership vs. a truly held opinion. People focused on pleasing/belonging to the group are quicker to attack counter opinions, regardless of content, because they are an opportunity for them to demonstrate the highest group loyalty action possible: defending it.

        Probably harder to tell that these days, with bots deployed as counter-signallers pretty easily, I imagine.

    • 9 months ago

      It works like a charm
      I've got people at work telling me how great BG3 is
      People who hated CRPGs and some haven't even played the game
      When I say I don't like it their argument is "But EVERYONE likes it"
      It's just herd mentality
      Little do they know its just bots leading the herd
      Real people get over herd mentality as teenagers
      NPCs never do
      They are just too scared to deviate from the norm, as if their lives depend on it
      That's the root of the problem
      They are literally scared of having an opinion

      Similar situation
      There is a fast food pasta place that delivers to my place and also some coworkers place
      Now before I begin let me tell you I am the biggest pasta lover in the world
      I love spaghetti more than Italians
      Now this place is utter shit
      It is abominable
      You can't eat the food
      But it has 5 star reviews everywhere
      Obviously paid reviews/bots
      Everyone thinks its great
      People will eat literal shit and think its tasty just because the bots tell them too
      Again when I say its shit, they are like "bUt EvEryOne Likes iT!!!

    • 9 months ago

      Why is BG3 treated like peak wokeness? Didn't play it but aside from the bestiality scenes (which is admittedly a new high) what else is there?

      • 9 months ago

        The companions are playersexuals. As in, none of them are specifically gay or straight, they're all a big blob of horny bisexual degens who want to frick you in the first few hours of playing the game.

        Also, the story is heavily dependent on bossgirl characters. It doesn't really dawn on you until halfway through the game, when you realize like 90% of the important npcs are women.

        • 9 months ago

          >Also, the story is heavily dependent on bossgirl characters. It doesn't really dawn on you until halfway through the game, when you realize like 90% of the important NPCs are women.

          As soon as I got to Jaheiras introduction it clicked. The game is written by women, that’s why the writing sucks so bad

          • 9 months ago

            Jaheira is an obvious one yeah but it dawned on me when I was infiltrating Moonrise towers. Ketheric Thorm is literarily the only noteworthy male character in that place, maybe that trader at the entrance. The rest is all women, from the prison warden to Z'rell who basically ran the place to the various other traders and interactable characters.

          • 9 months ago

            >The game is written by women
            You didn't immediately notice with Astarion and his romance scenes?

            • 9 months ago

              I killed Astarion at the crash site just like all the other origin characters, so no

              • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Netflix tier race swapping. Half the humans are from Chult, surface dwarves and elves are randomly black or Asian
        Underdark races like drow, duergar, deep gnomes are of course racislly homogeneous, and not diversified to be white
        Every evil surfacer character I can think of in the plot is white, every black character is the noble savage type or heroic or, at worst, tragically fallen and a victim of circumstance
        Evil races are inconsistency portrayed as “people” and victims of prejudice even when they’re nothing but thieves and murderers. Gobbos, tieflings, etc. dindu nuffin. Races like the gith are half portrayed as traditional, half are tried to be made “cute” with pink pigtails and shit, or whiny teenagers that are utterly thematically inappropriate
        Rampant sexual degeneracy topic has already been beaten to death
        Multiple instances of “but I’m a GOOD mind flayer you can trust me!”
        There’s a drag queen character at a circus full of children. Of course, they’re a necromancer too, obviously.
        Modern political tropes like, despite the refugees being scumbags and murderers and thieves, a quest about a murdered priest isn’t framed as “solve the priests murder” it’s “clear the name of the innocent refugee who was blamed for it”
        Say to a deep gnome on the surface “you’re far from home aren’t you” and get an indignant “well I see ignorance is alive and well, I live in Baldurs gate and we are no longer restricted from living where we please”
        Typical israeli narratives of “oy vey goyim, side with these innocent repressed violent minorities, they’re justified in acts of terrorism and murder because they’re le heckin good rebels”

        I’m sure there’s more to add, that’s off the top of my head

        • 9 months ago

          I consider myself fairly progressive, but I'd say these are all pretty accurate complaints and is all actually in the game. The only thing that really bothered me was the "good" illithid story. I think they wanted a huge twist, but it becomes super obvious who he is before the reveal, and the game pushes really hard to treat siding with him as the moral ending, despite the fact that he is an evil brain-eater and you find out he mind-broke and murdered his best friends in life after becoming a mind flayer.

          The diversity junk is pretty benign. It's there, but you have every option to engage with it or not, and the refugee stuff is presented in a pretty balanced manner. There are shitty thief refugees and some who are nice. The druids and Baldurians disagree internally over how to deal with them, which is pretty true to life.

          • 9 months ago

            >The druids and Baldurians disagree internally over how to deal with them, which is pretty true to life.
            Is there anyone who suggests to make their shitholes habitable so they can frick back there forever?

            • 9 months ago

              No, of course not. Closest thing is you can be snarky to their leader in act 1 and say “your people should have stayed in Hell”, and the act 1 refugee crisis is framed as “if you go kill the goblins, the thieflings can stop begging from the druids and go beg from Baldurs gate instead”

              And in Baldurs gate, there’s ~~*NPCs*~~ gloating about how great the refugees are because they’re cheaper labor than the locals

            • 9 months ago

              That's theoretically what a lot of foreign aid money is, for people that want direct government efforts, and what foreign investing and charity work is for people that prefer individuals address the problem.

              In BG3, the parallel isn't quite 1:1 because it's a city-state and a fort rather than an actual nation, but Halsin is trying to root out the goblins so that the refugees can depart safely.

              The hard part about the concept IRL is that sometimes even our best efforts and intentions don't fix a problem.

          • 9 months ago

            >after becoming a mind flayer
            that's what ruins it for me
            up until now you didn't become a mind flayer, it ate your brain and used your body to create one of its own
            and then goes larian with
            >hi i'm balduran, the friendly neighbourhood mind flayer, wanna frick?

            • 9 months ago

              that's what makes me seethe eternally
              the fact that this shit got past wotc means it's canon too, which is stupid as hell.

              • 9 months ago

                >got past wotc
                Oh, I'm convinced WotC didn't give two shits about this game outside of the tone. I'm sure they wanted the game to feel inclusive and all that, but they know full well that casuals don't care about lore consistency or know the actual rules of D&D. So Larian changing established lore and homebrewing combat rules out the ass is fine to them because they know most sales will go to people that want a pretty-looking movie-game.

            • 9 months ago

              To be fair it's cheekily referenced how it could be the tadpole speaking when you're talking to jaheira so maybe not all is lost yet. But then the narrator talks as if you're still (You) after the transformation so you're probably right

        • 9 months ago

          They're outright mocking us at this point.
          Even if they refuse to admit it, the minorities themselves by now realize this shit is fricked and the endgame is "Europe/North America/Oceania/some parts of Asia becoming overpopulated, polluted, crime-infested dystopias, Africa/most of Asia shitholes and the elite get to live sheltered in their private inaccessible paradise".

        • 9 months ago

          Thats it. If I ever create anything it'll have animals/anthro as species. Monsters will include elves, dragons, giants, etc. Even if it has a stylized look, there will be NOTHING to attract certain demographics

        • 9 months ago

          >balanced difficulty
          You didn’t beat it. The game.

        • 9 months ago

          Wtf are you talking about? Duergar are all evil Black person dwarves. Gnomes and goblins are all shitheads. The drow are mostly scum. The tieflings are a mixed bag but if you don’t like some little Black person kid stealing from you the game gives you the opportunity to do something about it, including murdering the whole lot. Both savory and unsavory things appear in that world just like they do in ours. But this game gives you a freedom to progress the story exactly the way you want, in a way that no other game ever has.

    • 9 months ago

      ball dirt gay 3 wasn't israelites tho. larian is 62% swen, 8% valerie, and 30% chinese communist party.

      • 9 months ago

        I’d bet money they got some ESG money during development. The racial “diversity” and degenerate sexuality are absolutely out of character for Larian. Something changed.

        • 9 months ago

          >The racial “diversity” and degenerate sexuality are absolutely out of character for Larian. Something changed.
          Divinity: Dragon Commander came out in 2013 and it was so aggresively leftist it might as well have been hitting you on your head with The Erotic Drive to Cross-Dress stone tablet edition. Like out of 4 of your generals, you have to teach one not to be racist, another one is lesbian and bothers you with gay rights and second-to-last one is a feminist and has you institute affirmative action in your army and bullshit like that.

          • 9 months ago

            This is why you can't trust Belgians to make anything good. Western Europe is a brainwashing factory full of the most psychotic and delusional people who watch 18 gorrillion hours of MSM.

          • 9 months ago

            You can outlaw gay marriage and weed in Dragon Commander and make elves SEETHE. Underrated gem that deserved an enhanced edition where I can have a human wife, preferably that angry feminist you mentioned.

        • 9 months ago

          leaving aside how swen vincke is indeed a leftist cuckold, it's a licensed tabletop game. wotc would mandate diversity, no entertainment companies are more cucked than those in tabletop.

  5. 10 months ago

    what the frick are you even talking about you blithering moron

  6. 10 months ago

    I smell an AAA dev

    • 9 months ago

      No AAA dev gives a frick. AAA rpgs aren't made anymore.

      Not like they need to, since even games like Hades trample all over games like BG3 in terms of sheer quality.

  7. 10 months ago

    Stop hyperventilating, it's a typical mediocre Larian CRPG, just with a lot higher production values this time.

  8. 10 months ago

    >Baldur's Gate 3 is, in essence, the most resounding travesty in the history of CRPGs
    Why? What do you find wrong with it?

  9. 10 months ago

    >the horror
    >the horror

    • 10 months ago
      The Red Barron
      • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Her hymen also regenerates.

  10. 10 months ago

    >dramatic declaration of game bad
    >also related and not related: some tv show
    I'd like to see someone make a worse post than this

    • 9 months ago

      kek seriously. OP is a homosexual.
      Not surprised to see /vrpg/ losing their shit over this game. You motherfrickers have the absolute worst taste. Most of you probably didn't even play either of the BGs or shit like Wizardry, KoDP, etc, yet here you are acting like you know what the frick you're talking about because you heard that you can sodomize a homosexual party member if you want to. So now you're all freaking out and screaming into the void over...what exacty? The "slippery slope into degeneracy"? As though you homosexuals don't talk about modding in e-girls and bestiality into your RPGs in every thread?

      Suck my stinky, uncut dick.

  11. 10 months ago

    I found it pretty fun and memorable 🙂

  12. 10 months ago

    BG3 is, for me, just a lot of missed potential. It could have been a good sequel to BG1 and 2 by being RTwP. Or, it could have been a very faithful implementation of 5e like Solasta. Instead, Larian used the license as a chance too boost their sales for Divinity Original Sin 3. The OS combat design is way too swingy and relies on players treating combat as a puzzle, and I think that makes role playing suffer. If there weren't 60 hours of story to go through, that wouldn't matter so much, but I think it makes for a very frustrating experience unless you optimize builds, position the party well before every encounter, and savescum when you get the swingy unfavorable rolls that cause a story ally like Isobel or Jaheira to get nuked on turn 1 before you can act.

    • 10 months ago

      I agree with most of your post, but imo, dos2 was much more deterministic and less swingy and random than 5e combat, with the default accuracy being close
      to 100%, and armor protecting against status effects. 5e as a system is way more random and “lol get fricked” than other DnD editions because there’s less
      player control over the probabilities.

      • 10 months ago

        Best of both would be DOS2 ruleset with a class system/less modular overlapping of skills using the D&D license. RNG storyline rolls really don't belong in CRPG where everyone is just going to savescum anyway. They should be removed for some kind of incremental decisions at plot points. Or intel/wis/cha just providing way more feedback or control over the plot environment to the player than they would normally get. Same way that percentage based damage and armor is better since it takes the giant RNG out of rolls.

        A simple example: Cha could gate you from talking to NPCs at all. Why should some Noblestacy even talk to your 8 Cha gutter thiefling?

        • 10 months ago

          >RNG storyline rolls really don't belong in CRPG where everyone is just going to savescum anyway. They should be removed for some kind of incremental decisions at plot points.

          I agree with this. The constant random checks just feel bad, particularly without an option to say take 20 or even take 10 out of combat. Solasta for its faults had that, at least. You can use cheat engine and set minimum dice rolls but then that feels bad because they made 20 a critical success on skill checks so you pass things you shouldn’t.

          Gating things behind static checks would feel better. The rolls work in tabletop because the DM can adjust things on the fly to steer things along and keep the story going. Doesn’t work in a crpg

          • 10 months ago

            >The rolls work in tabletop because the DM can adjust things on the fly to steer things along and keep the story going.
            Partial successes and slight failures. You didn't quite the get the roll you needed to convince the judge of your innocence, but you were close enough that he'll just imprison you instead of execute.
            Or you get to take on a quest and have to forgo the reward.

          • 9 months ago

            disco elysium is a fantastic example of this. without save scumming you can miss massive parts of the game with a bad roll. you can fail rolls in your "special skill", even when its a 97% success chance, which means you either reload a save or replay the entire game with the exact same build just to see what it has to offer

            • 9 months ago

              Yup. I just savescummed it. It’s just added tedium. I don’t think it’s ever added anything to a game that featured it.

          • 9 months ago

            Skill checks are.much better when it's not told to the player, like in fallout 1. I fricking hate the meta gaming aspect of it lol

    • 10 months ago

      Eh, low levels were kinda swingy but I'm finding it fine now. I've played 5e though so I'm using somewhat optimized respecced builds.

    • 10 months ago

      >swingy unfavorable rolls that cause a story ally like Isobel or Jaheira to get nuked on turn 1 before you can act.
      At least they addressed this with Isobel. Gave her more hp so she's less likely to get murdered on turn 1 before you can act.

    • 9 months ago

      Never had an issue with protecting Isobel on Tactician.
      You should have alert on all party members except Rogues or Berserkers. Initiative is the single most important aspect of combat.
      You should have someone with Blood of Lathender that blinds the fiends.
      Lae'zel should have the Gith'yanki sword with the stun attack.
      Lae'zel and maybe one other kill Marcus before he can act.
      Shadowheart drops a max Aid to boost Isobel's HP or some form of AoE control i.e. Spirit Guardians.
      All you have to do is lockdown the pathways with the other 1-2 characters and you're golden.

      For Moonrise Towers, yes, it is kind of bullshit, but you can slaughter everyone there before the battle so...

    • 9 months ago

      Give your cleric some dex and use sanctuary

  13. 10 months ago

    I remember times when games weren't a battlefield for identity politics pandering.

    • 10 months ago

      right now, because I don't hang out with people who argue about this shit like it matters

  14. 10 months ago

    >Baldur's Gate 3 is, in essence, the most resounding travesty in the history of CRPGs, and proof that redditors and twitter freaks will play anything if it panders to them enough.
    Oh no, how dare people play what they want to play?

  15. 10 months ago

    >top 3 CRPGs on steam by users:
    Disco Elysium


  16. 10 months ago


  17. 10 months ago

    It's a good game, gay. Quit being a b***h.

  18. 10 months ago

    it's good but nothing special. Horrible lategame and mediocre writing

  19. 10 months ago

    I know this because I played DoS 2. Larian seems to think thats the pinnacle of game design and made BG3 exactly the same way. I know I'll hate it despite the 97 metacritic avg. It is a travesty. It's like Disney Star Wars or Netflix Witcher. It's like we split off from the NPCs and are the only humans remaining while only on Ganker is the truth heard

    • 10 months ago

      It's much better than DOS2.

      • 10 months ago

        Frick no. 5E ruins it.

        • 10 months ago

          Depends. It’s better in terms of graphics and production values and music. It’s better in terms of reactivity to character tags and there’s very wide free form options in how to engage enemies and environmental interactions.

          It’s worse in terms of UI and inventory management. It’s also somehow(!) even worse in terms of plot and dialogue and writing. It’s one thing when Larian is doing what they want with their own setting, it’s another when they’re shitting all over established settings characters and lore. The writing really is jarringly bad and I say that as someone who likes dos2.

          Also 5e sucks.

          You can find things to nitpick in every game. All that matters is that it's fun to play. It's more fun than DOS2, which was limited on skills and heavily emphasized barrel combat. There are so many more ways to approach an encounter here.

          • 10 months ago

            Dos2 feels like a parody of rpg, despite taking itself too seriously.

            • 9 months ago

              That's because the game is designed entirely around gimmicks, shit writing, and even worse map design.

              • 9 months ago

                >dos2: the game is designed entirely around gimmicks, shit writing, and even worse map design.
                >bg3: hold my beer

      • 10 months ago

        Depends. It’s better in terms of graphics and production values and music. It’s better in terms of reactivity to character tags and there’s very wide free form options in how to engage enemies and environmental interactions.

        It’s worse in terms of UI and inventory management. It’s also somehow(!) even worse in terms of plot and dialogue and writing. It’s one thing when Larian is doing what they want with their own setting, it’s another when they’re shitting all over established settings characters and lore. The writing really is jarringly bad and I say that as someone who likes dos2.

        Also 5e sucks.

        • 10 months ago

          Honestly, there's like two good battle themes in this game. Rest doesn't fit (down the river) or is completely unmemorable. Dos2 music was way better and more unique. Everything in bg3 feels like a trailer of a movie, not the movie itself. They copied much from witcher 3, but don't reach it's flavour.

      • 10 months ago

        Frick no. 5E ruins it.

        You can find things to nitpick in every game. All that matters is that it's fun to play. It's more fun than DOS2, which was limited on skills and heavily emphasized barrel combat. There are so many more ways to approach an encounter here.

        This is why games are subjective. I don't like 5e that much, but I enjoyed BG3 more then DOS2 because I found their armor system really annoying. Also I can do way more in BG3 then I can in DOS2. It's just a step up in almost every single way.

  20. 10 months ago

    Schizo meds, immediately. You're having an extended episode.

  21. 10 months ago

    The fact that this game is hailed as the "rpg savior" shows how low the bar is for gaming in 2023. It's a 7/10 at best, story starts ok but turns to shit in Act 3, also the overall pacing is terrible. The companions are ok but mostly forgettable. And "muh encounter design" is complete crap when everything melts after 2 turns, the game is way too easy to even bother planning anything.
    Gameplay is fun, I'll give Larian that, and they improved 5e itemization quite a bit.

    • 10 months ago

      The bar has been low forever, anon. It's video games.

    • 10 months ago

      I learned to stop expecting anything good after mass effect 2

      people are morons and want to have sex with fish, gay bears, squids. gaming is too mainstream now, and even before that I suspect most nerds are also too moronic to appreciate quality. I assume that nerds just happened to appreciate quality before because that's what the passion of the old game devs produced

      it's all ogre

      • 10 months ago

        it's "nerds" who have shit taste, anon, not nerds

    • 10 months ago

      Story doesn't even start ok. Shills have been wailing at me for months to wait until the game comes out before judgingm. I could tell with 100% certainty it was going to be total shit even not knowing anything about previous larian games.

      • 10 months ago

        The story is practically the previous game's start
        >tutorial vessel
        >tutorial beach and saved from death by mcguffin powers
        >tutorial village with quests
        >ambushed by character with knife who joins your party
        >gang of criminal children who have a lair in the tutorial village
        and so on.

        • 10 months ago

          The “game starts on a beach from a boat” is kinda a meme they have going for a while now, but the rest… yeah

        • 10 months ago

          I don't remember any of this in Baldur's Gate 2.
          Dealing with illithids from the start is pretty fricking cool.

          • 9 months ago

            I bet you loved that Deathclaw at the start of F4 didn't you?

          • 9 months ago

            BG3 is the sequel to DOS2. It is not a sequel to BG2.

            • 9 months ago

              The name proves you moronic

  22. 10 months ago

    Game is woke AF.

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >imagine going to the char creator and spending time into creating an ogre out of a half elf just to make a point, when there's half-orc race ingame
      >imagine not just making a hottie white blond human with a few clicks

      • 9 months ago

        hells, you can make a hotty out of a frog

        • 9 months ago

          elves have the best models, though

          • 9 months ago

            helf have one good one, the rest are quite bad, but I much prefer pre made faces, than approach where you can customise everything, and never end up with anything attractive

          • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        >imagine being able to make the vilest, wokest creatures
        >instead being so mundane to create a hottie you'll never get in real life

  23. 9 months ago

    >except that when Heroes became terrible midway through
    Heroes was always terrible to begin with. It just took a while for the most braindead of normies to get bored of its dogshit writing.

  24. 9 months ago

    Not a RPG.

  25. 9 months ago

    I like to think posts like this are made by Ignatius Rielly. Baldur's Gate 3 is an absolute ABORTION.

  26. 9 months ago

    >Didn't eat the bugs
    >Didn't romance anyone
    I'm just not gonna do it!

  27. 9 months ago

    Best RPG ever made. Frick off to whatver troony thread you came from.

  28. 9 months ago

    Playing this game made me gay and want to frick bears. I previously was straight and did not want to frick bears.

  29. 9 months ago

    Also only the 1st hour needs to be playable for idiots to give it a good review.

  30. 9 months ago

    Undoubtedly one of the funniest side effects of this game succeeding is all the "old-school" rpg fans making a full 180 on rtwp out of sheer contrarianism. Truly mindless hipsters.

    • 9 months ago

      I’ve seen the opposite, personally. I grew up playing both tb and RTWP (I prefer tb, personally) but I think it’s hilarious when people shit on a DnD game for being turn based and preferring RTWP, when RTWP was always a cludgy adaptation of a turn based system to begin with.

      There’s plenty of other great reasons to shit on bg3 in any case

  31. 9 months ago

    It's actually just that it has nice looking characters

  32. 9 months ago


    I’m soloing as a 2h paladin for my first game. I’m in act 3 now and the best 2h weapon I’ve been using for a while now is a blue greatsword you can get in the Underdark at the end of act 1. It had a nice AOE skill and I have a mod so I can use the once-per-short-rest weapon skills each once per turn because otherwise they’re pointless.

    Pick up the great weapon master feat to get some extra bonus action attacks. But do the math on the -5 to hit +10 dmg toggle, it rapidly becomes not worth it once you have additional damage dice involved.

    Next run id probably play with pole arm master feat instead. Sadly there’s no holy avenger in this game, what an oversight. I took the defense fighting style for higher AC, the great weapon fighting style sucks.

    • 9 months ago

      >it rapidly becomes not worth it once you have additional damage dice involved.
      +10 guaranteed damage is always worth it and should be toggled on permanently at some point. Nothing is hard to hit in BG3 and advantage is easy as frick to get.

      • 9 months ago

        It’s situational. Like I said, you have to do the math and see if it’ll improve your average damage per round. There’s always a break even point where it’s beneficial or not. Last time I bothered to calculate it, for my character it was only worth it with a chance to hit of 70% or above with it toggled on.

        If you’re using it early in the game it’s satisfying when it lands but quite frustrating to repeatedly spend turns whiffing and doing zero damage from misses. Actually, I ended up using mauls in the early game because that tenacity reaction is so sweet with high strength.

        • 9 months ago

          e.g. here was (I think) the situation last time I bothered to look at the probability.

          1. 2d6 +1 weapon, 20 str, +2 acid damage from ring, 1d8 radiant damage from pally ability: 2*(3.5) +1 +5 +2 +4.5 = 19.5 dmg, 95% hit rate = ~18.5 average damage per swing. Toggle on the ability and you're looking at 29.5 average damage and 70% hit rate = ~20.6 average damage per swing, net increase so worth using the toggle.

          2. Same situation but you're swinging at something with a 65% hit rate = ~12.7 avg dmg without, or ~11.8 average damage per round with it on, due to the -25% to hit. Net loss of damage per swing, on average.

    • 9 months ago

      >no holy avenger
      Lol frick larian
      >also no watchers paladin in a game about mindflayers and devils
      But seriously why are they so stupid

    • 9 months ago

      >the best 2h weapon I’ve been using for a while now is a blue greatsword you can get in the Underdark at the end of act 1
      How are people this bad at the game?

      • 9 months ago

        Could you suggest a better heavy 2h weapon that can be found between late act 1 and early act 3? It was all pretty boring and unimpressive. There was a pretty sweet halberd or something in act 2 that was tailor made for polearm master + sentinel, but that’s not the build I went with. Hell, I didn’t find a better maul for bludgeoning than a basic maul +1 until act 3.

        The itemization is pretty disappointing, it’s all memes and questionable sets. I still haven’t found a decent amulet for a martial type.

  33. 9 months ago


    Also pick up the “savage attacker” feat I think it is. The damage dice rerolls apply to everything including your smites

  34. 9 months ago


    I would definitely pick heavy. Your stats are spread thin and heavy lets you dump dex down to 10. Otherwise to maximize medium armor you’ll need 14 dex. I’d spend my points on 14 con and max str and cha.

  35. 9 months ago

    Just the fact theres gay sex in the game makes me throw it into trash tier without trying.
    USA needs to burn for making these monstrosities

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      how much of a seething loser can you be

  36. 9 months ago

    After playing the intro, you can tell they put a tremendous amount of resources into the party members' facial expressions to try and make them feel alive. That's where most of the appeal is, which makes sense, they are pandering to a known audience. The fact it's turn-based is good, the amount of depth is good, although the class options could be a lot better.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, I just finished the game on Balanced difficulty at around 60 hours on my save file (90 hours real time according to Steam). Every NPC in the game had mo-cap and is fully voiced, which I think is the main draw. It's one of the most visually impressive games I've ever played.

      But I find the combat system to be worse than normal D&D, and I've seen tons of people complaining online about how difficult certain parts are to back this up. Larian just likes to design encounters with tons of "player class" enemies, and so almost every fight becomes rocket tag between PC class abilities. In normal D&D, you are meant to fight monsters with more linited abilities. Humanoid enemies don't just have player character sheets; they have monster-style stat blocks. Just like in Div: OS, Larian went and gave the regular paladin abilities, spells, and other abilities like Sneak Attack to your enemies. Initiative order, positioning, environmental hazards, and pre-battle buffs matter way more than they should in this game because everything is designed to be explosively powerful compared to regular tabletop. Oh, and they just also gave enemies way more HP than they should normally have as well. I kinda understand why they do this, since you can quick save/load and they want the game to feel challenging despite that, but I think it makes the game feel like a bit of a grind because it encourages you to just reroll stuff. I had to replay roughly a third of the game, in terms of hours. It makes the game feel like my character abilities are less impactful than random luck is. If this were a game run by a real DM in tabletop, I would think they either hated my guts and wanted to kill us all with stupid bullshit, or assume they had never read the Dungeon Master's Guide.

  37. 9 months ago

    When every game on the market is resoundingly terrible the one that is just okay or even only sort of bad will become the popular one. Seethe about it all you want but Baldur's Gate 3 isn't Larian's success, it's every other studio's failure.

    Become a game dev if you want to see change.

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >When one game on the market (Baldur's Gate 3) is resoundingly terrible the ones that are just okay or even only sort of bad will still be better. Shill it all you want but Baldur's Gate 3 isn't Larian's success, it's their failure.
      Fixed your terrible, piece of shit shillpost for you.

    • 9 months ago

      >Become a game dev if you want to see change.
      people say things like this without thinking about why the industry is allowed to survive when all the products are garbage and the people making them are woke. obviously consumers don't fricking matter and something else is at work that actively tries to socioeconomically destroy or hostilely absorb high quality passion project games made by traditional white male developers.

      • 9 months ago

        Customers don’t matter now when the ((?banks*~~ can debase the currency infinitely (for a time, at least) to spend on social engineering

        • 9 months ago

          and of course when those banks fail they're just bailed out with taxpayer dollars.

  38. 9 months ago

    >STILL on the top games played on steam
    >one of the highest ratings ever
    >sold 5.2 million copies
    Baldurs Gate 3 is a massive success, cope.

    • 9 months ago

      >it’s popular so therefore it’s good
      This is the strangest cope. No one has argued it sold poorly or is unpopular with normies. Many anons bought the game and are playing and and are even enjoying it despite its many flaws. Saying that it’s not shitty because it sold well is just moronic.

      • 9 months ago

        I feel like this game is gonna be remembered not very fondly.

        • 9 months ago

          It's the new Cyberpunk, IMO. It's totally trashed my opinion of Larian, who I used to like and respect, albeit a bit janky. I'm halfway through act 3 and the further you get the shittier it is.

          • 9 months ago


            A review writtem by someone I trust.

            • 9 months ago

              Virus Alert!!!!!

        • 9 months ago

          Dude you are coping so hard. SKYRIM is remembered fondly. These people will gladly eat shit, work for minimum eage, and get murdered by violent criminal illegal immigrants released from prison, and they'll tell you its GOOD

          • 9 months ago

            People remember Skyrim fondly because the game is legitimately fun to play for people who like open world sandbox stuff. There is an actual audience for it in which the gameplay is genuinely appealing. Is the writing good? No and that's not really the point of the game since 90% of anything involving that is ignored because the world is so dense and it can be ignored. Baldur's Gate 3 will not be remembered fondly because the story is so unsalvageable and the characters are so unlikeable and you cannot avoid that because that is the game. What you are primarily engaging in by playing BG3 is an awful story and awful characters and it does an experience outside of that. So if you're not a Reddit user who's watched 14 hours of cuckolding porn a day then Baldur's Gate 3 will have zero appeal for you.

            • 9 months ago

              the combat in skyrim is an abortion. you just click on things until they die.

              people eat shit. and they like it. redditors that watch 14 hours of cuck porn a day still get some sort of mental dopamine hit from watching bg3 cuckolding because it's interactive.

              redditors are engaged in OCD repetetive behaviors like collecting funcopops, cutting their dick off, farming upvotes, giving a points system to their dick cutting or upping their cuck score incredmentally feeds this dopamine cycle. bg3 feeds into these pretty well.

              the modern redditor would have, in days past, done completionist runs of games, or created special challenges to the game that aren't actually hard, but merely allow them to continue their compulsive behaviors becaus ethey focus on the least fun part of any given activity. today we simple recognize them as redditors. in the before time, we didn't have a word for them, but we recognized them the same. they were always around and they've always liked terrible things. the new content is tailored to them

              • 9 months ago

                >the combat in skyrim is an abortion. you just click on things until they die.
                Anon, have you played any other TES game in existence? TES is known for its atrocious combat. Regardless people don't play those games for the combat, they play them to explore. That's the appeal.

              • 9 months ago

                >they play them to explore. That's the appeal.
                Going through copypasted draugr tomb #58 also counts as repetetive behavior.

              • 9 months ago

                Have you ever come to the realization that maybe, quite possibly, open world games are not made for you?

              • 9 months ago

                that's exactly what i'm saying. i'm not a redditor

              • 9 months ago

                I can tell. If you were a redditor you would be obsessed with how Obsidian should take over the Fallout IP and that New Vegas was the best gam ever and that Bethesda is the devil, I'm glad you see otherwise.

              • 9 months ago

                obsidiots and bethtards are both reddit as frick

          • 9 months ago

            I remember Skyrim as a game that is basically unplayable as vanilla and you need to mod it to even make it functional.
            I also remember Skyrim for being generic openworldslop.
            I can't quite remember anything about it that other games don't do better.

  39. 9 months ago

    i think it's pretty good 🙂

  40. 9 months ago

    >be me
    >lawful good paladin chad
    >been having fun soloing this moderately shitty game
    >act 3 fricking blows, everything is annoying and dumb and the game runs like shit, laggy. like literal latency, game has to think for a second before executing commands
    >anyway, 20 str and athlete feat to jumpmaxx
    >jumping becomes increasingly buggy, will often appear to be a clean jump but will actually hit some obstacle mid-jump and fall to the ground
    >just fought Ethel
    >after jumping to kill her three fricking shrooms, jump back to kill her
    >actually end up jumping on top of the roof of this underground dungeon, leading to an immediate game over due to being out-of-bounds


  41. 9 months ago

    You are correct. It will, however, continue to be milked as Hasbro and WotC try to translate its success into dnd and their future VTT.
    Anyone with taste can see this game is middle of the road at best but rpgs (both digital and traditional tabletop) are now open to the lowest common denominator and they're sadly more profitable than rpg nerds and autists.

  42. 9 months ago

    First maybe 10 or so hours were fun, got to save a druids Grove from immigrants, helped a gnome on a windmill, npcs were mildly interesting. Then everything went to shit roughly by the time finished setting up stakes with the demon guys introduction. The goblin area was fun for the 4 or so mandatory fights but having to slog through 40 or so Goblins just to return if you teleported out to buy shit was fricking gay, there was a single actually interesting npc in both underdark and grymforg while combat just became a slog, the quest where you have to find some dynamite presumably failed because of a time limit I didn't know about, and by the time I got to the cursed shadow lands and had to try and protect a moronic npc from 5 bat demons was when I realised I was lucky I pirated it rather than brought it. First 10 hours had promise, its all downhill from there

  43. 9 months ago

    Laugh if you dare. Recoil, if you must. A new age is dawning for CRPG atrust.

    • 9 months ago


  44. 9 months ago

    >be me
    >lawful good paladin chad soloing the game
    >get to house of grief in act 3
    >Viconia tells me I need to bring Shadowheart and to come back with her in my party
    >but I butchered her on the beach in act 1 and never recruited her

    Also last time I played BG1 and BG2 I killed Viconia on sight.

    • 9 months ago

      >I surve the Flaming Fiss'tuh!

    • 9 months ago

      I have no idea how you could even stomach making it all the way to Act 3 if you can't stand the companions. I dropped this game as soon as I finished Act 1 because the writing is so abysmal.

      • 9 months ago

        It's very bad. I'm stubborn and committed to finishing it, but it's very bad. I was planning on soloing it on balanced and then replaying with a full custom party on tactician but I'm going to shelve it after this run.

        Viconia fight was total fricking bullshit. I won by cheesing it but the game's just breaking its own rules. Sanctuary is broken when you attack or harm an enemy and Viconia can stay in sanctuary and spam harmful spells at you, and there's like four or five mages who spam darkness to blind you (every enemy is immune to it lolz) which is supposed to block ranged attacks into the darkness but they all just do it anyway.

  45. 9 months ago

    >his smile and optimism: gone

  46. 9 months ago

    BG3 is a solid RPG with plenty of dialogue checks, choices, etc.. I'm much happier about a game like this being hyped than some Bethesda shit or garbage like Mass Effect.

    • 9 months ago

      It's not an RPG. Take your AIDS meds homosexual.

      • 9 months ago

        It has stats, skills, mechanics to make the numbers go up, dialogue choices, dialogue checks as well as multiple solutions to quests with fitting outcomes. It very much is an RPG - and one of the better ones in terms of RP-related mechanics.

  47. 9 months ago

    > music is bland
    > voice acting is bland
    > characters are bland
    >story is ok act 1 then shit-tier
    > villains are bland
    > so much weird diversity in races they dont even feel like an actual race

    This is is extremely middle of the road RPG. Genuinely tell me one aspect of the game thats memorable and top-tier.

    • 9 months ago

      I like some of the music but everything else you said is accurate.

      The graphics are good and the game has high production values with a ton of money spent on shit like motion capture and full voice acting. But I’d have preferred they spent the money and time on making a good game, instead.

  48. 9 months ago

    Most of you are so geniunely buck-broken by your own insane delusions it's hearbroken to look at. A bunch of rambling lunatics with worthless opinions

    • 9 months ago

      you need to go back

    • 9 months ago

      Login to Reddit and cry there.

  49. 9 months ago

    Total Origin Character Death update:

    I have now killed Astarion three (3) times. Once on the beach at the beginning, and twice in Cazador's dungeon. Cazador greeted me as if I had Astarion in my party, but there's zombie Astarion behind him, somehow. Lae'zel's corpse also teleported from the crash site to the creche/monastery map.

    After killing Cazador, I killed zombie Astarion, reducing him to a pile of ashes from radiant damage. He fricking pops back up with one hp somehow even though Cazador and the whole rest of the fight were dead, so I have to kill him a third time.

  50. 9 months ago

    I just broke the oath of devotion by jumping into the steel watch foundry and killing one steel watch.

    This game is fricking dumb. At this point I'm just finishing it out of sheer stubbornness.

    • 9 months ago

      You can pretty much butcher anyone in the game and it's totally fine as long as you enter dialogue with them and click the "attack" button on the bottom left, regardless of who they are. But even if you're going in guns blazing and kicking down the door of an enemy stronghold, if they stop you and enter dialogue to say "You're not allowed to be here!" it breaks your oath. I ran into the same thing in Moonrise after butchering 95% of the place, there was a locked room with two guards on the upper floor and there was no way to attack them without them first saying the no-no words.

  51. 9 months ago

    Literally the only things I have seen about this game are insane and absurd sex scenes, and conversations where it seems like everyone is trying to jump the player's bones at any given time. Immature and ridiculous

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