Baldur's Gate

What's the consensus on this thing? As far as I'm aware, it's DOS2 if they gave it a shittier combat system and prettier graphics, but with a huge marketing campaign + a horde of shill DnD dickriders + a gorillion streamers trying to cash into the hype.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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  1. 5 months ago

    And also prestigious, top-quality MCU garbageslop dialogue in the already slop-y DnD setting.

    • 4 months ago

      >slop-y DnD setting.
      There are multiple different settings. Not just one.

      • 4 months ago

        The anon may be uninformed about D&D, but he does happen to be right about FR being a slop-tier setting.

  2. 5 months ago

    It has a high budget and good enough direction for the game to see the light of day. Can't say much more than that, story is quite bland, characters are mostly quite bland, gameplay had potential but the homebrew shortcuts ruined a lot of things for me, progression is shit (diablo colored itemization).

  3. 5 months ago

    the main marketing point of this game is that it has genitalia sliders and you can frick a bear, it's a game for people who watch Critical Role religiously and think jokes about bards seducing dragons and epic nat 20s are the peak of comedy

    • 4 months ago

      I universally hate bard players in any tabletop because they all pick the class hoping to make a Reddit post over any forced funny situation they beg the gm for

  4. 5 months ago

    >As far as I'm aware
    How about not making threads are games you didn't play moron

  5. 5 months ago

    It's impressive at first but a few hours in you start to realize that it feels like work. Too much inventory clutter, too many loading screens when you want to rest, too much reloading that you'll want to do because in 5e you have a ~50% chance to succeed at things your character is supposed to be good at. Everyone I know who finished it had to force himself to do so, because he's heard it was good so he thought it must be. But a game's purpose is to be fun and this one isn't.

    • 5 months ago

      It's not similar to DOS2 at all, way more dynamic combat and environments.

      >Too much inventory clutter
      Latest patch greatly improved this.
      >too many loading screens when you want to rest, too much reloading that you'll want to do because in 5e you have a ~50% chance to succeed at things your character is supposed to be good at
      Legit skill issue, your predilection for save scumming and constant rests is due to your own approach to the game.

      • 5 months ago

        >Legit skill issue, your predilection for save scumming and constant rests is due to your own approach to the game

        I was actually getting on to defend BG3 but then I saw this obvious fricking lie. It is not a ''skill issue'' if random rolls result in the child you are trying to save being murdered by harpies before you can even do anything. On another reload of this same fight my whole party is charmed due to bad R&G on turn one.
        This is only a skill issue if you are a fricking entropy wizard who has control over random number generators!


        This literally happens multiple times in this fricking game. You can not have this kind of design and then blame players for save scumming because you are literally emotionally blackmailing them into save scumming!

        All that being said, the game is undeniably good and way better than Pathfinder and its reddit 105 IQ big brain writing. It's raised the bar for what people expect from game design thus shifting the power dynamic in games industry away from corporate and toward the people actually responsible for the quality of games. Why else do you think all the corpoprostitutes came out of the woiodwork to label it anomalous and try to write it off as an outlier. This alone should make every gamer cheer for BG 3 even if the harpy fight is some unfair bullshit.

        • 5 months ago

          >It is not a ''skill issue'' if random rolls
          You realize the game has an ability which you can cast infinite times that lets you roll 2d20 for every check and you can reroll it multiple times with inspirations, right? Its not possible to fail a roll you have any business passing, its only possible to get lucky and succeed in a roll you otherwise might not have. So yes, not even that anon but moronation seems to be the issue here.

          • 5 months ago

            People like you who have zero imagination are incapable of understanding why others don't go around spam casting guidance and resistance on everyone because it breaks this weird little thing called immersion. It's kinda sad tbh. You can never actually feel like you're in the game world, you just play it the way a soulless computer would.

            • 5 months ago

              So many of you zero imagination people on here. If you are actually RPing then you do not know there are harpies until you encounter the kid. Casting sanctuary can only be done by save scumming and knowing what's coming. Otherwise it makes no sense in character because all you hear before the encounter is some weird singing. It's a good strat once the fight starts though I find it easier to just break the main harpies concentration. Still it does not help if the kid's dead at the start of turn one.

              >it breaks this weird little thing called immersion
              In DnD you trust in the ruleset and play your role. Characters using their abilities to fill their roles and help each other is role playing. It would be stupid for someone to endanger themselves and take unneccessary risks or use subpar equipment. Its not what you would do in a video game with some quirky persona you've adopted, its what your character would do as a logical person within their role. If you were playing on honor mode you would always have sanctuary, as its an incredibly useful spell when you aren't save scumming and trying to keep your party alive.

              • 5 months ago

                >It would be stupid for someone to endanger themselves and take unneccessary risks
                *laughs in lawful good paladin who dumped INT*

              • 5 months ago

                theres a reason everyone hates playing with paladin gays

              • 5 months ago

                >can only handle playing like a craven knave for whom honor and virtue are alien concepts
                Skill issue.

              • 5 months ago

                He's not saying that he didn't have Sanctuary prepared. The harpies won initiative and killed the child before any of his dudes could act.

            • 5 months ago

              How on earth does having your magic using characters use magic break immersion exactly?

        • 5 months ago

          In this specific example you could have just cast sanctuary on the child. BG3 has many useful spells and it's not the game's fault you do not use them.

          • 5 months ago

            So many of you zero imagination people on here. If you are actually RPing then you do not know there are harpies until you encounter the kid. Casting sanctuary can only be done by save scumming and knowing what's coming. Otherwise it makes no sense in character because all you hear before the encounter is some weird singing. It's a good strat once the fight starts though I find it easier to just break the main harpies concentration. Still it does not help if the kid's dead at the start of turn one.

            • 4 months ago

              >If you are actually RPing then you do not know there are harpies until you encounter the kid.
              The game gives you plenty of hints. You see a kid walking into the water, party members comment on hearing singing, the whole place is filled with picked bones. It's obvious something is profoundly wrong there and the kid is either a trap or in danger.

              Heck, the the game doesn't stop you from acting during dialogue, just have one guy talk to the kid while another casts Sanctuary the second you suspect a fight.

        • 5 months ago

          >you are literally emotionally blackmailing them into save scumming!
          Bad things happen in the world and you can't always stop them. You can either accept that fact, or save-scum autism every bad thing that happens.

        • 5 months ago

          BG3 is good but the RNG could definitely be less swingy, which is a 5e criticism much more than Larian.

          >entropy wizard who has control over random numbers
          Funny since it's literally in the game and called a divination school wizard. Halfling for the trve skill on top of that but calling only playing the game as one class 'skill' is a stretch.

          >It's raised the bar for what people expect from game design thus shifting the power dynamic in games industry away from corporate and toward the people actually responsible for the quality of games. Why else do you think all the corpoprostitutes came out of the woiodwork to label it anomalous and try to write it off as an outlier.

          Absolutely this. Also a lot of people don't see it because of screaming about wokeshit but you can find actual dykes sad that Karlach isn't fat or built like an actual man on the steam forums. Many, even most of the women in this game have banging bodies and skimpy outfits exist. That is anathema to the woke crowd since anything straight men can enjoy is. Point being is the game is a banger in spite of the actual political wokoid elements like refugees welcome. A lot of lgbtq types hate it because the females aren't ugly enough. A lot of wokoid virtue signal simping types hate it because of their brainwashing about women in outfits

          >even if the harpy fight is some unfair bullshit.
          I just jumped up there with 18 str laezel and beat the shit out of the singer, not exactly unfair since literally anyone that gets out of the song with save can probably hit it with something and drop its concentration. Or no more so unfair than the rest of swingy RNG D&D is anyway. Pretty sure there's also counterspell for it and other stuff I'm not thinking of such as hearing singing then seeing bones and nests and generally being knowledgeable about fantasy monsters like harpies and taking precautions. Which could be in character for a bard or ranger, or wizard, or survivalist background.

          • 5 months ago

            Just go 12 lvls of Rogue/subclass. RNG is not an issue for rogues.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, that's called RNG consequences. If you just reload whenever something goes wrong, then the dice rolls are meaningless anyway, so why are you whining? Frick you gamers are soft.

    • 4 months ago

      >inventory clutter
      You can sort by type and shift click to mark many things at once. Makes it super easy to sort inventory. Want to give all your scrolls to Durge? Easy.
      All arrows to Asstardion?Dome.

      What the game needs is a proper highlight all function and a larger pick up range. I really hate watching my halfling shemale climb on boxes to pick up an onion.

      • 4 months ago

        >You can sort by type
        The morons at Larian forgot to put this in the game at launch, despite it being in their previous game on the same engine. They added this in a patch somewhere along the way. Absolutely inexcusable oversight.

      • 4 months ago

        I’m sitting here remembering my inventory with like 800 items in it and I’m fathoming how you think clicking hundreds of times is somehow “super easy”, or anything other than a colossal and obnoxious pain in the ass. Everything about the inventory and the interface and the UI was terrible and I don’t see how they got away with it, unless it’s simply a CRPG for people who don’t play CRPGS.

        • 4 months ago

          This right here. I played DOS2 so I know what is up. That shit is ridiculous. Anyone still defending the tedium is suffering from mental illness. I wanted to like that game so bad, but there is just way too much shit to click. Really boils my blood, holy smokes.

          Add click & drag selection boxes and incorporate AI into inventory management if you're going to turn your "game" into a mess like that.

      • 4 months ago

        Hasn't someone made a auto-loot mod by now? It fixed Cyberpunk.

      • 4 months ago

        Sorting is not the point anon.

  6. 5 months ago

    Obviously it's very good and obviously nothing you've posted is true, but this is a schizo rant thread, not a game discussion thread. It's easily the best crpg of this gen and nothing else comes even remotely close.

  7. 5 months ago

    >What's the consensus on this thing?
    I genuinely believe you don't like real rpgs if you dislike bg3 and probably only play garbage.

  8. 5 months ago

    >What's the consensus on this thing?
    I really like it and it's basically what I dreamed crpgs would be like one day as a teen 20 years ago.

  9. 5 months ago

    Better than any jrpg I've ever played.

  10. 5 months ago

    I loved every minute of it, especially since it's the first AAA classic RPG since Dragon Age: Origins. Maybe not other studios will take more risks with the genre.

  11. 5 months ago

    10/10 masterpiece that is not an 11/10 only because there are way too many lesbians and gays(clearly the poisonous touch of WotC). Still the game is a masterpiece despite the woke characters.

  12. 5 months ago

    >What's the consensus on this thing? As far as I'm aware, it's DOS2 if they gave it a shittier combat system and prettier graphics, but with a huge marketing campaign + a horde of shill DnD dickriders + a gorillion streamers trying to cash into the hype.
    This is largely accurate.
    >t. played and finished bg3

    I see you’ve activated the Larian Internet Defense Force
    >you don’t like RPGs if you don’t like this one
    >you didn’t even play the game
    >that’s been patched
    >you didn’t play it right, it’s your fault for not liking it
    >greatest game of all time, a genre-defining masterpiece that raised the bar
    Lmao. All I need is “bg2 was worse” and I have a Bingo

    • 5 months ago

      What's the consensus on this thing? As far as I'm aware, it's DOS2 if they gave it a shittier combat system and prettier graphics, but with a huge marketing campaign + a horde of shill DnD dickriders + a gorillion streamers trying to cash into the hype.

      I feel like people praising this would also praise skyrim as some rpg masterpiece. I pirated it, saw a penis slider in character creation and just sighed then uninstalled the game. Fricking Belgians.

      • 5 months ago

        >I pirated it, saw a penis slider in character creation and just sighed then uninstalled the game. Fricking Belgians.
        I got bait and switched by the EA. I really liked the first version that came out three years ago and got hyped up for the game, then quit playing it for three years. Was very disappointed by the final version, it was like a completely different game.

        • 5 months ago

          >I really liked the first version that came out three years ago and got hyped up for the game, then quit playing it for three years.
          I felt the opposite, to be honest. I didn't like EA so much and bought the game only to have something to do while I'm waiting for some other games that interested me. Thank God I can afford buying shit, or else I would be really mad.

          >Go ahead and find these posts in the archive
          Dude how many times have you said this exact line
          >I got bait and switched by the EA. I really liked the first version that came out three years ago and got hyped up for the game, then quit playing it for three years

          You post the same shit every thread. It's EXTREMELY obvious and you're still going to be doing it 20 years from now. For someone that supposedly hates bg3 you sure do seem compelled to discuss it at every opportunity. Remember this next thread, which I'm sure you will be in and seething.

          >For someone that supposedly hates bg3 you sure do seem compelled to discuss it at every opportunity.
          The thread was started by a guy asking people for opinions on the game and you get mad some people have opinions that are negative. Go back to plebbit if you want a hugbox.

      • 5 months ago

        >triggered so much by penis slider as to not even play the game

        • 5 months ago

          I just accept that the game wasn't made for me and is instead troony bait

    • 5 months ago

      BG2 was worse.

      • 5 months ago

        I already got a bingo yesterday but thanks for your contribution, anon

  13. 5 months ago

    >pay pajeets to advertise and viral marketing
    >Make coobait game
    >zoomer cretins get hyped
    >Game bad
    >They try to apply mental gymnastics how game is actually best thing ever and its 60$ well spent
    Mamy such cases

  14. 5 months ago

    It's a great game, and unlike most games here people have actually played through it and explained why it's good as they did so. I'm generally dismissive of anyone who has some sort of weird hang up about bg3, because they are typically clueless and only play trash, if anything at all. The only positive about this is that bg3 has shifted the overton window to the point where they're pretending to play ToEE and KotC now to appear knowledgable, rather that just endlessly praising new vegas or bg2 like morons, so good job bg3.

    • 5 months ago

      3/10 bait, better than your usual

      • 5 months ago

        BG3 made this board go from a general for morrowind and new vegas to an actual rpg board. I watched the change occur in real time. It raised standards tremendously.

      • 5 months ago

        He's right, if you look even 2 years back /vrpg/ was a complete shithole and would not play anything like those games.

    • 5 months ago

      BG3 made this board go from a general for morrowind and new vegas to an actual rpg board. I watched the change occur in real time. It raised standards tremendously.

      It's also suppressed a good chunk of slavs and eurotrash that can only afford toasters agreeing with each other. I usually stay comfy on the ARPG side of the house to avoid such tedious people.

      • 5 months ago

        I saw a steam complaint about day of defeat (half-life 1 mod) not running well on someone’s computer after the 25th anniversary update.

  15. 5 months ago

    I enjoyed every second of the title. Thanks to the polished aesthetics, I could just soak in the atmosphere.

  16. 5 months ago

    BG3 and actual Baldur's Gate games are not the same thing, zoomie.

  17. 5 months ago

    It let me kill a bunch of ungrateful refugees and then murder a hot lesbian after finding out she's taken and not bi. Even with all their DEI stuff, the game's level of choice makes it more based than any other modern gane.

    • 5 months ago

      Your save data with all your "based" choices is linked to your steam account, which has your credit card info. WEF honeypot game, all your future employers will see what you are really like.

      • 5 months ago

        >all your future employers will see what you are really like.
        I'm israeli, this is a goyim problem.

    • 4 months ago

      You can kill refugees? Holy based.

      • 4 months ago

        Technically yes, but the game considers this to be the heinous evil path, and the developers will continually shame you for doing so, and you’ll miss out on many quests, and you’ll miss out on important mid game and end game vendors. The way they were handled was incredibly one-dimensional and hamfisted, your choices are either “omg I feel so sorry for these ungrateful infernal thieves and greedy bastards who contribute nothing, let me help them at the expense of the natives everywhere they go” or “I am le mustache twirling villain who will slaughter innocents for no reason” with nothing in between.

        The only refugee who wasn’t a piece of shit was the smith.

  18. 5 months ago

    BG3 shills will keep saying that game is without any flaws and will dismiss criticism as "you play shitty games" because those games didn't get straight tens throughout whole gaming media (which in post-Five Guys world should prove nothing). The underlying mechanics are great, but it has issues that are unfixable - 5e is awful system, plot has very chaotic dynamics and blasts you with high-level DnD encounters from the very beginning, writing makes you feel like you're playing an MCU tie-in video game, you are thrown into party composed of steel donuts, latter parts of game seem rushed and devoid of side content, there is no sense of space and time (very tightly packed world and passage of time tied directly to camp resting), generally game feels like there is no progression, because only thing that changes is numbers going up. Game designed around rule of cool, which in result makes the cool parts of the setting mundane. It can only be enjoyable to people loving capeshit and instant gratification. I had to force myself to play 30 hours in.

    • 5 months ago

      >turd world ESL pollock was the bg3 schizo
      OH NO NO NO NO

      • 5 months ago

        lmao ever notice how the worst posters are always slav rape babies, /vrpg/ would be fixed overnight if they added flags

        Any actual arguments, or /misc/-tier shitflinging is all you can muster?

        • 5 months ago

          Not them but my argument IS /misc/-tier shitflinging

          It let me kill a bunch of ungrateful refugees and then murder a hot lesbian after finding out she's taken and not bi. Even with all their DEI stuff, the game's level of choice makes it more based than any other modern gane.

          • 5 months ago

            I totally respect that. I should have killed Aylin when I had a chance, but I didn't know she was a fricking psycho, just thought she might be really fricking angry.

      • 5 months ago

        lmao ever notice how the worst posters are always slav rape babies, /vrpg/ would be fixed overnight if they added flags

        Of course it's a 30 IQ plumber that's been shitting up every thread

        he's not wrong, troony-kun

    • 5 months ago

      lmao ever notice how the worst posters are always slav rape babies, /vrpg/ would be fixed overnight if they added flags

    • 5 months ago

      Of course it's a 30 IQ plumber that's been shitting up every thread

    • 5 months ago

      Udawanie Polaka nic Ci nie da, głąbie. A zdania sklecę na taką metodę, że Twój zautomatyzowany tłumacz wyrzuci Ci wpół-zrozumiały bełkot, bęcwale.

      • 5 months ago

        Nic nie udaję, pacanie. Niby kim miałbym być, po prostu biedny gej trzy to ciota i chuj.

        • 5 months ago

          Mr. Google Translator, either you're an illiterate homosexual, and your Polish is that bad, or you're still LARPing.

          • 5 months ago

            A tak, zapomniałem, na szambie nie rozumieją czanmowy. No cóż.

        • 5 months ago

          >biedny gej trzy
          zoomerki to podludzie z dwucyfrowym iq

        • 4 months ago

          >fake polak
          Black person

    • 5 months ago

      Not op, but this is all i needed to know to not lose time on this

      >turd world ESL pollock was the bg3 schizo
      OH NO NO NO NO


  19. 5 months ago

    >you only disliked the game because of Black folk and trannies
    >you’re from Eastern Europe
    Lol, fricking bingo. Look at how they don’t even attempt to engage with that anons arguments, just immediately resort to ad hominems and seething. Absolutely pathetic showing by the irrevocably assblasted bg3 shills.

    • 5 months ago

      Bruh you are a literal subhuman. You do this in every thread. There's no point in arguing with you because you are of a lesser race and think discussion is a shouting match, or in digital format whoever can spam their side the most. I would not bother engaging you just as I would not bother engaging with a Black person. You are too dumb to be rational.

      • 5 months ago

        >seething shill thinks all of /vrpg/ is one poster

  20. 5 months ago

    tumblr garbage

  21. 5 months ago

    >goblin toe licking
    >troll nad bugbear sex
    >sex sex sex
    >every single companion is a sex pest
    Its a game for degenerates.

    • 5 months ago

      toe licking
      The only instance in which you do it is when you try to steal the ring from his toe without him noticing.

      nad bugbear sex
      Jokes offend you now? So you must've hated Fallout 2 and the gay Supermutant arm-wrestler; or the gay shotgun wedding; or being a fluffer in a porn studio.

      There is none. There's swinging/threesomes, all of which you yourself have to initiate, like in Jade Empire, Hordes of the Underdark, Dragon Age: Origins, Fable 2... Funnily enough, the only RPG that DOES contain outright cuckoldry is Ultima.

      >>sex sex sex

      single companion is a sex pest
      Blatantly untrue. Two of them had a bug where the romance flag would raise too soon, and it's been patched 4 months ago.

      Jesus your arguments are bad.

  22. 5 months ago

    Unironically why lariandrones are so cultish?

    • 5 months ago

      They’ve emotionally invested themselves in the game and internalized it, and therefore defend attacks on the game as if they were attacks on the self. I haven’t seen fanboys of any other game act quite this way on this board.

    • 4 months ago

      NPCs follow scripts.

    • 4 months ago

      Half the attacks on this game are from delusional Codex-tier pseuds who wouldn't know the word "subjective" if it was tattooed on their eyelids, and the other half are inarguably true critiques that are, because of how this genre works and has always worked, indistinguishable from delusional Codex-tier pseud rambling. Lariandrones don't realize they fit in the former party.

  23. 5 months ago

    It's a bit too obvious when you post like this.

  24. 5 months ago

    had to force myself to play it since act 2 but i managed to finish it
    the game is shit and I regret buying it

  25. 5 months ago

    it's a crpg. the genre isn't advanced. most of the hype comes from the storytelling and cinematic aspects of the game. i dropped it after 3 hours (tried to kill some kids who stole from me, couldn't kill them [they're invincible], and the guards came for me).

  26. 5 months ago

    It's leftist agitprop. The game was made solely to subvert traditional western fantasy ideals.

  27. 5 months ago

    Posted without comment.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Until somebody mentioned it in some thread before, I didn't make the connection. Icosahedron, or any regular polyhedron for that matter just makes for great mysterious artifact shit. If they really went with d20 rather than platonic solids being cool as frick it's lame.

      • 5 months ago

        >Until somebody mentioned it in some thread before, I didn't make the connection
        Probably me, I think I was on the first to pass the perception check on /vrpg/
        >Icosahedron, or any regular polyhedron for that matter just makes for great mysterious artifact shit
        If they really went with d20 rather than platonic solids being cool as frick it's lame
        I am 95% certain they just picked le d20, which I agree is lame. Last game I can think of with cool Platonic solids was LucasArts' "The Dig" from 1995.

      • 5 months ago

        >Until somebody mentioned it in some thread before
        he posts it in every thread, hes posted it at least 300 times and thats a conservative estimate

        • 5 months ago

          You should be ashamed of yourself for lying like a brazen strumpet.

          • 5 months ago

            you've been posting it for much longer than that image, you've been in every bg3 thread here since the game has come out. you are OBSESSED.

            • 5 months ago

              >you've been posting it for much longer than that image
              Go ahead and find these posts in the archive. You won't, because you are a shameless liar, and they don't exist.

              • 5 months ago

                >Go ahead and find these posts in the archive
                Dude how many times have you said this exact line

                >I pirated it, saw a penis slider in character creation and just sighed then uninstalled the game. Fricking Belgians.
                I got bait and switched by the EA. I really liked the first version that came out three years ago and got hyped up for the game, then quit playing it for three years. Was very disappointed by the final version, it was like a completely different game.

                >I got bait and switched by the EA. I really liked the first version that came out three years ago and got hyped up for the game, then quit playing it for three years

                You post the same shit every thread. It's EXTREMELY obvious and you're still going to be doing it 20 years from now. For someone that supposedly hates bg3 you sure do seem compelled to discuss it at every opportunity. Remember this next thread, which I'm sure you will be in and seething.

              • 5 months ago

                Why can't you just let people have a different opinion about some shit game without sperging like this? Almost none of us bg3 detractors have played it, either because of how horny and homosexual it is, the terrible ruleset and combat, the writing and the insufferable characters, and many other valid points raised on it. Just let it lie until another slop AAA game becomes your personality.

              • 5 months ago

                >Why can't you just let people have a different opinion about some shit game without sperging like this?
                Because you post the same shit in every thread and you concern troll and tell people not to play it. You've never made a valid point and you repeat yourself constantly. Its incredibly annoying. What do I get from your posts I've already seen hundreds of times? This offers no insight to me. You've already outted yourself as a dumbass third worlder, how much farther is this gunna go?

              • 5 months ago

                He samegays as well, you're not crazy and I've noticed it too, it's getting so out of control he's overshadowing any genuine criticism.

              • 5 months ago

                >You post the same shit every thread
                I've literally only posted that once, in this thread, when I just typed it out, schizo-kun.

                >Why can't you just let people have a different opinion about some shit game without sperging like this?
                Because you post the same shit in every thread and you concern troll and tell people not to play it. You've never made a valid point and you repeat yourself constantly. Its incredibly annoying. What do I get from your posts I've already seen hundreds of times? This offers no insight to me. You've already outted yourself as a dumbass third worlder, how much farther is this gunna go?

                >you concern troll and tell people not to play it
                Also not true. I recently suggested that an anon play BG3 when he asked for a game with similar combat to DOS2, and he didn't give a shit if the story and writing were bad, all he cared about was tactical combat. I told him BG3 was the closest fit to what he was asking for. Aside from that, for anons who are interested in the game but haven't bought it yet, I do consistently recommend that they wait another year or so for the "definitive edition" and then buy it on sale. Somehow, people like you interpret that as a conspiracy to stop people from playing BG3, as if people aren't allowed to not CONSOOM PRODUCT IMMEDIATELY AT FULL PRICE.
                >You've already outted yourself as a dumbass third worlder
                lol wut? I'm a burger, a mutt. Are you able to differentiate between multiple people posting using the name "Anonymous", anon?

                He samegays as well, you're not crazy and I've noticed it too, it's getting so out of control he's overshadowing any genuine criticism.

                He samegays as well, you're not crazy and I've noticed it too, it's getting so out of control he's overshadowing any genuine criticism.
                I don't samegay because I'm not a dishonest coward. Quit projecting.

  28. 5 months ago

    >What's the consensus on this thing?
    Good futa porn

    • 4 months ago

      Not inaccurate.

  29. 5 months ago

    Gameplay is way better than DOS2, imo, but maybe that's because I like the familiarity of the D&D ruleset more than the original jank of DOS2.
    The story is mediocre, but so is DOS2.
    About the only thing DOS2 does better is the characters. Most of the characters in BG3 are kind of lame.

    • 5 months ago

      Which doesn't sound like a high praise, because the story and companions in D:OS2 were total shit.

  30. 5 months ago

    What surprised me the most is that, within the game itself, I didn't find a single thing that's in conflict with either BG1 or BG2.

    • 5 months ago

      Because it barely references both games outside of shitting on Viconia and Sarevok?

      • 5 months ago

        >Shitting on
        They don't, thoughever. They merely accept their "non-redeemed" endings as canon. Which is much prefer, especially in Sarevok's case, since him going from Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Good in ToB was moronic.

        >barely references both games
        You haven't played, have you? The characters and notes in the game openly talk about:
        >Gorion's Ward, multiple times
        >Jan Jansen

        And others, not even mentioning characters from previous titles who are in the game, or gentle nods that only those who played will get, like Eldoth's grave in the cemetary.

        • 5 months ago

          I have played and finished the game and I found all of the references to bg1 and bg2 to be distasteful.

          >endorses “Abdel Adrian” cringe with the shield in act 3
          >Jaheira is a current year girlboss
          >Minsc is a criminal who lives in a sewer with zhents and Banites and robs banks after being tricked by a doppelgänger (after killing hundreds of them in bg1 and totsc)
          >Sarevok is a meme, sitting in a room underground waiting to tell you his life story
          >Melisandre and Sendai and what’s her face that starts with an I are ghosts sitting in bhaals temple for reasons
          >fricking Noober is a flimsy pretext for hiring some cringe critical role VA or YouTuber or whatever he was
          >remember muh faldorn?

          All of it was idiotic and insulting to the original games and it came across as “ready player one” tier references. Remember X? Remember Y? A line really stuck with me in the end credits, one devs thank you was “thanks to my friend so and so who told me more about the first games than I ever needed to know”. The games weren’t designed by fans of the original for fans of the original, they’re designed for Reddit zoomers/late millennials who play 5th ed and listen to critical role and know that Baldurs gate is supposed to be a respected clsssic but never played it.

          I would’ve disliked the game much less if it was just dos3: forgotten realms edition and didn’t try to be a soulless AAA corporate reboot goyslop necromancy of a series I like, a series that definitively ended a quarter century ago.

          • 5 months ago

            >endorses “Abdel Adrian” cringe with the shield in act 3
            Really? Because "Abdel Adrian" is nowhere mentioned there. Just "Abdel." Which is the name of the pre-generated fighter in BG1. It's an Easter Egg.

            is a current year girlboss
            She runs an orphanage, not a military unit. Being a 180-year-old archdruid lends one authority. Also, have you even played BG1 or BG2? Being a nagging boss-wife is her main schtick.

            is a criminal who lives in a sewer with zhents and Banites and robs banks after being tricked by a doppelgänger (after killing hundreds of them in bg1 and totsc)
            He wasn't "tricked". He was literally brainwashed after a tadpole was put into him.

            is a meme, sitting in a room underground waiting to tell you his life story
            He leads the entirety of the Church of Bhaal.

            You're just regurgitating things you read on Twitter and on other threads. Not only haven't you played BG3, I'm almost certain you haven't played the previous games.

            • 5 months ago

              >Really? Because "Abdel Adrian" is nowhere mentioned there. Just "Abdel." Which is the name of the pre-generated fighter in BG1. It's an Easter Egg.
              >he didn't find the shield in act 3
              OH NO NO NO NO. Or are you the "it's not a 'mention' or a 'reference', it's an 'Easter Egg', which is akshually not the same thing as a 'mention' or a 'reference'" guy?
              >She runs an orphanage, not a military unit. Being a 180-year-old archdruid lends one authority. Also, have you even played BG1 or BG2? Being a nagging boss-wife is her main schtick.
              The instant you meet her in BG3 and hits you with the entangle to interrogate you I knew that she was written by a woman. She has one or two snarky lines in BG1 (mostly when selected or ordered about) but her character in BG2 is significantly deeper. Like all returning characters in BG3, she's reduced to a one-dimensional caricature of herself, a meme version of the original.
              >He wasn't "tricked". He was literally brainwashed after a tadpole was put into him.
              Ah, yes, "muh tadpole" which was completely abandoned as the framing of the story after early act 1 and remains as simply an asspull by the DM to railroad the story to go exactly as he wants, or else you get a game over.
              >He leads the entirety of the Church of Bhaal.
              Why? How does this make any sense at all after the events of the original games? It doesn't.
              >You're just regurgitating things you read on Twitter and on other threads. Not only haven't you played BG3, I'm almost certain you haven't played the previous games.
              Why do you idiots say stuff like this? Why are you projecting so hard? Why can't you just accept that other people have different opinions than you do, or have a different interpretation of the same game than you do, it's always
              >you don't even play games
              >you didn't play the game
              >you're lying, you can't possibly have a different opinion than I do
              It's all so tiresome.

              • 5 months ago

                >OH NO NO NO NO. Or are you the "it's not a 'mention' or a 'reference', it's an 'Easter Egg', which is akshually not the same thing as a 'mention' or a 'reference'" guy?
                So - where's "Abdel Adrian" mentioned in here?

                >The instant you meet her in BG3 and hits you with the entangle to interrogate you I knew that she was written by a woman.
                Are you literally complaining that an archdruid with a 100+ years of combat experience more than the player gets the drop on him once?

                >She has one or two snarky lines in BG1
                OK, so you've never played the games.
                Have a sample. Also, she calls CHARNAME "child" for most of BG1 and BG2.

                >(insert your rant about Minsc)
                So I was right, and now you're butthurt.

                >Why? How does this make any sense at all after the events of the original games? It doesn't.
                Because his Bhaal heritage is literally the only thing he could cling onto after the events of BG1, when all his ambitions for godhood burned to the ground? If you haven't noticed, he never was a particularly nuanced character.

                Man, you are bad at this.

              • 5 months ago

                Y r u 1 stupid

              • 5 months ago

                >So - where's "Abdel Adrian" mentioned in here?
                >G, I've found the best defence against an arrow is to be the one behind the bow - but this shield also does the trick in a pinch. Yours, AA
                >Yours, AA
                >Abdel Adrian
                It's "Abdel's Shield" described with a personal note signed AA, I don't know what more you want. Did the note from Alvin in Witcher 3 go over your head, too?
                >Are you literally complaining that an archdruid with a 100+ years of combat experience more than the player gets the drop on him once?
                I am pointing out that her behavior and personality is incongruous with the original games (because they're written by completely different people) and that she's a flimsy caricature of a current year girlboss having a woman moment.
                >OK, so you've never played the games.
                You are stupid. I have played both games many, many times, and I first played BG1 when it came out in 1998. This
                >you don't even play games
                >you didn't even play the game
                shit is incredibly cringe, desist for your own sake. You're embarrassing yourself.
                >muh tadpoles
                is the dumbest cope for a nonsensical story and an abysmal rendition of existing characters. Stop mindlessly consooming goyslop that giant corporations throw at you and claim it's "canon".
                should be dead, he turned into a mortal in ToB. Regardless of the idiocy of Larian ignoring all character development that occurred in BG2 and ToB, there's zero reason why characters like Sarevok and Melissandre should be in Bhaal's good graces in BG3. It's completely imbecilic.

            • 5 months ago

              An Abdel Adrian is listed as a former duke of Baldurs Gate in a book in the bank vault.

              • 5 months ago

                I know, I was just fricking with the

                >So - where's "Abdel Adrian" mentioned in here?
                >G, I've found the best defence against an arrow is to be the one behind the bow - but this shield also does the trick in a pinch. Yours, AA
                >Yours, AA
                >Abdel Adrian
                It's "Abdel's Shield" described with a personal note signed AA, I don't know what more you want. Did the note from Alvin in Witcher 3 go over your head, too?
                >Are you literally complaining that an archdruid with a 100+ years of combat experience more than the player gets the drop on him once?
                I am pointing out that her behavior and personality is incongruous with the original games (because they're written by completely different people) and that she's a flimsy caricature of a current year girlboss having a woman moment.
                >OK, so you've never played the games.
                You are stupid. I have played both games many, many times, and I first played BG1 when it came out in 1998. This
                >you don't even play games
                >you didn't even play the game
                shit is incredibly cringe, desist for your own sake. You're embarrassing yourself.
                >muh tadpoles
                is the dumbest cope for a nonsensical story and an abysmal rendition of existing characters. Stop mindlessly consooming goyslop that giant corporations throw at you and claim it's "canon".
                should be dead, he turned into a mortal in ToB. Regardless of the idiocy of Larian ignoring all character development that occurred in BG2 and ToB, there's zero reason why characters like Sarevok and Melissandre should be in Bhaal's good graces in BG3. It's completely imbecilic.

                schizo because he clearly hadn't played the game, or any other in the series. Though ever actual speaking mention in the game calls him "Gorion's Ward", almost as if Larian is making them two different characters.

              • 5 months ago

                >everyone who disagrees with me about video games is schizophrenic and also hasn’t played any of the games they’re talking about in detail
                Everyone on /vrpg/ who accuses others of mental illness is mentally ill themselves, change my mind

              • 5 months ago

                No, I know he's a moronic schizo because he always, without fail, only brings up points that someone else has dug up either from Twitter, screenshots included, or from other people here. He never brings up something original.

              • 5 months ago

                Why do you think that everyone goes on Tw*tter like you do? Do you watch a lot of YouTube and then say “you only played that game because some YouTuber no one has heard of did a six gorillion hour video on it” too? You are projecting, hard. You’ve already been outed multiple times for missing Abdel Adrian references in the game. Did you even play the game, anon? Is that why you are so quick to accuse others of not playing games?

              • 5 months ago

                Nah, I just love watching you sperg out whilst pretending to have played the game.

    • 4 months ago

      >Shitting on
      They don't, thoughever. They merely accept their "non-redeemed" endings as canon. Which is much prefer, especially in Sarevok's case, since him going from Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Good in ToB was moronic.

      >barely references both games
      You haven't played, have you? The characters and notes in the game openly talk about:
      >Gorion's Ward, multiple times
      >Jan Jansen

      And others, not even mentioning characters from previous titles who are in the game, or gentle nods that only those who played will get, like Eldoth's grave in the cemetary.

      Viconia gets absolutely shit on.
      Her non-romanced ending is completely rewritten.
      Going from killing a Sharran cult branch and telling Shar to go frick herself after a betrayal, to being a obsessive Sharran devotee.
      That is an actual rewriting of her character. Whether it is Larian's fault for not understanding her, or WOTC's moronation is immaterial. It still is the game shitting on her.

      That is like in BG4, Karlach comes back as a Cleric of Zariel because after she went back to Avernus with Wyll she just signed back up with Zariel's forces and was brought back into being her enforcer.

  31. 5 months ago

    >the moronic pollock is still going

    • 5 months ago

      >everyone who doesn't like BG3 is one person

  32. 5 months ago

    Time for my daily routine of acting like a deranged lunatic in the bg3 and sawyer thread!

  33. 5 months ago

    >I was only acting like a moron and being wrong on purpose, to own the chuds

  34. 5 months ago

    Great combat, but quite easy if you are familiar with DnD and cRPGs.
    Great interactivity.
    Great reactivity and rping potential but ultimately most of your choices don't have any significant impacts beyond flavor other than the obvious THE BIG CHOICE at each act, or the choices of missing on content.
    Companions are painfully generic donut steels archetypes, but the high budget makes them come alive.
    Awful writing, awful world-building (fault of DnD in general tbh), and lackluster endings.
    Dogshit evil route, and can't even go full mindflayer.
    Good quest design and branching paths and methods to solve them, although nothing stands out really.
    Wonky pacing, and act 3 kinda is underwhelming even though the sheer amount of stuff to do is a lot.
    Decentish mod support.
    Itemization is good, but personally I wish we had more actually good unique.

    All in all, a 7.5/10 but it's insanely fun that makes it a 9.5/10.

    • 5 months ago

      A rare reasonable bg3 fan on this board. I dislike the game overall but you raise some fair points here.

    • 5 months ago

      A rare reasonable bg3 fan on this board. I dislike the game overall but you raise some fair points here.

      Buy an ad.

    • 5 months ago

      >and can't even go full mindflayer.

      You can, though?

      • 5 months ago

        It's just a druid form, I meant as a full on perma mindflayer

        • 5 months ago

          No, it's not a druid form. Yes, it's permanent.

          • 5 months ago

            I guess I wasn't clear, I meant leaning into your mindflayer powers and becoming a mindflayer and playing the game as such.
            There is a druid form you can unlock but beyond that you can't turn into one unless it's the final questline.

            • 5 months ago

              >There is a druid form you can unlock

              No there isn't. Where the frick do you get information like that from?

            • 4 months ago

              What are you talking about?
              You literally can become a mindflayer, permanently.

    • 5 months ago

      >Great combat
      5e is shit system and larians home rules are hit and miss, more so miss than hit. As shit as initial early access combat was it was more enjoyable than the release version.
      >Great interactivity
      Only if you consider being able to murderhobo entire map as one. The amount of interactable objects are staggering but at the end of the day they don't bring anything to either exploration or combat. I fricking loathed pixel hunting for every shelf and barrel on the screen because apparently highlight all interactables button is too hard to do for larian.
      >high budget makes them come alive
      It really doesn't, their engine is very shit at doing faces, especially in motion and expression, yet larian insists on doing extreme closeups in every dialogue whether it is needed or not.
      >Decentish mod support
      No steam worshop support on release when DivOS2 had it, not even eta on its integration or release of dedicated mod/campaign tools.

      • 5 months ago

        >As shit as initial early access combat was it was more enjoyable than the release version.
        Funny. 5e is sheer cancer, the home rules I can think of are better than 5e.i do admit that ea fighting past patch 2 was better, wonder why.

      • 5 months ago

        There is a wide area search on controller that is nearly as good as highlight all and more immersive since it is like actual searching.
        I think the UI guys still remember it took actual rounds to search in P&P and that's sort of their approximation of such olden rules.
        Regardless if you're playing in MKB you are wrong for this game, and it's also the UI guy's fault since they didn't even include wasd movement, which was in dos2 so wtf.

        They have other questionable design choices in UI like random ability distributions on their action wheels. It's not horrible but damn, wtf are you doing ui devs.

        >It really doesn't, their engine is very shit at doing faces, especially in motion and expression, y
        Eh bullshit, also they are extremely good at natural gestures. Conversations here look strikingly more natural than many I've seen even in like RE engine. I don't know if it's the engine or finally some non-autist direction or something in between but the end result is pretty nice. What engine do you consider so much better at motion and expression and you'd better not say a game weebier than latest RE engine.

        • 4 months ago

          >What engine do you consider so much better at motion and expression
          None of the modern ones honestly, they all look incredibly off. I honestly would prefer something like kotor 2, silent hill 3 or original re 4 fidelity over oily and overly realistic look every big budget game has currently.

  35. 5 months ago

    >What's the consensus on this thing?
    >precedes to say why he hates it
    I'd say next time just be straightforward and not be a homosexual about it, but then I remember you're OP.

  36. 5 months ago

    Like some anons have said, its like a theme-park and you're the npc in a woke DMs adventure and the story sucks and roleplaying is as usual, just a flavor instead of you actually being able to change things. This breaks the game for some, others won't care or will power through it and enjoy the gameplay. Its very clear its a Larian game.
    Otherwise its imo impressive and I'm glad there are still the capabilities to make games of this scope since it also gives hope it will spark others to get off their lazy asses and try to one-up it or atleast do something on the same level.

    • 5 months ago

      >just a flavor instead of you actually being able to change things.
      That's not really a good characterization because slaughtering the whole good tiefling and druid town, or having the druids banish the tiefs, or killing minthara, or recruiting her for a good playthrough, or getting absolute brand, or not, or many other permutations have actual game effects that are not just 'flavor'

      Flavor is like a dialogue line that doesn't matter at all. There are a lot of opportunity cost decisions that matter, like what you do with the necromancer book or the hag for example. They do impact gameplay, and often for the rest of the game. I guess you could say that is like getting a normal bonus treasure but there are more interactions than that to cut off whole npc storylines or not etc.

      Just calling all that 'flavor' is a flat out lie, or you are not paying attention at all therefore really bad at not only playing rpgs but critiquing them as well. Then you turn around and say the game is impressive so some of that must have impressed upon you and you are just trying to do the angsty teen thing here to fit in. I'm not sure why people are afraid to like things here.

      • 5 months ago

        There's basically a intended way to play. Any deviation from it, robs you massively of content, like killing minthara or getting rid of tieflings or god forbid killing the dame or snuffing out last light.

        • 4 months ago

          >robbed of content
          >everything is flavor
          You don't make any sense.
          There's not intended ways to play outside of 'hey maybe you might want all this content we put all this budget into so easier to stick to'
          I am 'robbed' of:
          Because I killed or didn't recruit those people and the playthrough is still pretty dense of content and works. Just more hyperbole.

          • 4 months ago

            I'm nta, that was my first post here.
            Listen, if you get rid of tieflings and last light and the dame, you are loosing like 20% of the content for nothing in return. It's like killing karlach. You don't even get xp. The only thing you get is a whiney Wyll, if he's alive, that is.
            Bg3 has fun moments, but isn't a good game.

          • 4 months ago

            >hey maybe you might want all this content we put all this budget into so easier to stick to
            That is intended way to play, because the moment you go murderhobo you get offered exactly nothing, you just effectively deleted most of the side content from your save file and that is it. For it to be alternative there should be something to replace content you lose with, instead you are effectively punished for playing the game wrong.

            • 4 months ago

              >if you kill people they die

              • 4 months ago

                >they didn't come back as a ghost to jerk me off the whole game, immersion ruined and I am punished anon

                Karlach didn't come back as a ghost to jerk me off the whole game, immersion wasn't ruined yet I am still punished anon.

      • 5 months ago

        You would have a point if there was replacement content for evil path, but there is literally none barring extremely underwhelming minthara for who you lose 2-4 companions alone. Nevermind that there is very little repercussions outside of missing said content, you can still play dumb with drider and pretend to be absolute chosen whether you sacked grove or not, you still can get into last light etc etc.

      • 4 months ago

        You understood what I was trying to convey well enough and you should know that there's basically no evil path and in "macro" terms your choices don't matter since Its larian game through and through.

        fricking autists man

        • 4 months ago

          No you are just making up things out of whole cloth because you argue with your feelings instead of your brain.
          Of course there's an evil path, you can slaughter every tief and druid with min in the lead and brand yourself with absolute shit, which gives you bonuses for their gear wtf are you even talking about. You can bite off gale's arm as durge.

          >macro choices
          You mean you decided the 30 minutes of cutscene at the end somehow made you a good guy after the whole other 80 hours of doing evil shit? Who even thinks like this? Are you sure I'm the autist here? I guess we've learned the Ganker true definition of autist then "being right all the time" if I am.

  37. 5 months ago

    the dark urge origins is fun

    • 5 months ago

      So are all the origins and even Tav.

  38. 5 months ago

    Every time someone buys bg3 the voices get louder.

    • 5 months ago

      >every time someone buys and plays bg3, the chorus of voices saying that bg3 is bad grow in strength

      • 5 months ago

        >someone buys and plays bg3
        >literally see this with mouse icon next to their name on steam forum when they say it is good
        >three voices then sail in to say it is bad
        >no mouse icon next to their name because they don't own the game

        This is actually what is happening, just so you know. You can go to steam forums and see it directly.

        • 5 months ago

          >let me tell you about what’s happening in other forums that aren’t here, which I’m totally not obsessively stalking while accusing others of doing precisely what I am doing
          Can we have a R*edit update next, moron-kun?

          • 5 months ago

            So you're wrong with your hyperbolic bullshit and you're mad that I used objectively verifiable outside information to prove that you are wrong. Got it autist-kun.

  39. 4 months ago


    You can burn a transgender demon alive

  40. 4 months ago

    I just finished the goblin camp and rescued Halsin. Here is my experience with the game so far.

    Gale, who is in love with Mystra, wants to frick my Ron perlman looking orc because he showed me how to make a swirly purple magic effect. Effectively, the romance with him is "You want me to show you how to hang dry wall?" Proceeded by two straight men fricking for some reason.

    Astarion wants me to let him bite my neck because after lying to me about who he is because, well, just trust me bro.

    I'm the chosen one who was saved by this guardian angel who, the first time I meet, is in the middle of the big fight in End Game. So, bro, just eat your brain slugs. Trust me.

    I could just walk around the goblins like it was nothing because, apparently, they can tell that I have a brain slug. Except none of them could tell that I was different? Why does the artifact protect me from the influence of the three "mysterious characters" but, if I'm near the goblins, they aren't protected too?

    Halsin, knowing that Khaga is a shadow druid, just lets her stay?

    Volo is still alive? Probably something moronic like "I was in a time crystal" or "Elminster cast a forever young spell on me". He didn't need to be in the game at all. Minor complaint.

    So far the plot sucks immensely and is absolutely uninteresting. It feels like the developers misread AD&D as ADHD. Somehow it is worse than the plot device of getting Imoen back in 2. At least 2 relieved you of the incessant "Heya" quickly. Here, I'm assaulted by a cosmic battle that involves brain slugs and demons and aliens and beings of light and gods. Meanwhile, the juxtaposition of this is that some refugees are getting kicked out of a grove? I literally have bigger things on my plate than this. Why do I care?

    For everything they do right in the game it's like they took all of the tabletop sessions where people make the dumbest fricking characters and made them all companions.

    Despite all of this I'm enjoying it.

    5E was a mistake.

    • 4 months ago

      >Why does the artifact protect me from the influence of the three "mysterious characters" but, if I'm near the goblins, they aren't protected too?
      Not going to spoil it but this plot line likely becomes far, far stupider than you can possibly imagine. After act 1, the tadpole plotline is mostly forgotten, except as a leash the DM can jerk if you stray from his railroaded plotline, and give you an instant game over as punishment.

    • 4 months ago

      Why are so many complaints about this game basically just, "it isn't boring enough"?
      Like its complaints that you're dealing with big and fantastical shit from the start, instead of the game making you fight rats and RNG bandits for 10 hours before it lets you have fun.

      • 4 months ago

        >Like its complaints that you're dealing with big and fantastical shit from the start
        Yes, because it's fricking stupid to start a level 1 adventure with mindflayers, spelljammers, and red dragons flying through Hell. I literally killed a mindflayer and three cambions before reaching level 2. It shows zero respect for pacing or the scaling of the world, which contributes to breaking the suspension of disbelief. Furthermore when every companion the game expects you to bring has some ridiculous donut steel backstory but then they're level 1 too and then you're all dumped on a beach to fight frickin' goblins together, anyway.
        >instead of the game making you fight rats
        In a disgusting inversion of BG1's rat fighting tutorial (which at least poked fun at itself for how cliche it was), BG3 has you fight a cellar full of 1 hp rats in act 3, when you're sitting at the XP cap.

        • 4 months ago

          If you managed to kill the 3 cambions in the tutorial you're a better player than 99% of anyone who has touched this game.
          Call yourself a prodigy, or stop exaggerating. Either, or.
          But meeting Cambions and Mindflayers from the start is a good thing. The game doesn't waste your time with the mundane. You're dealing with a supernatural cult led by a group of wannabe deities from the get-go and it never pretends to be something else. You're in the deep end of a fantasy story.
          The game even lets you pick between playing the reluctant hero in dialog, vs one that brags about how much they love being a part of all the action. So it knows what it is doing there.

          The companions being interesting people isn't a flaw. They're not generic mooks that exist to give flavor dialog. That is a good thing. They actually feel nice to keep around, rather than just being stat blocks you hire to deal with a quest and drop when you find a better one later.
          Some are weak from the start, Astarion, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel are entirely new to the idea of adventuring. Others are veterans but brought down by the tadpoles fricking up their systems, Karlach, Wyll, and Gale. It creates a nice balance.
          If there is a flaw to the companions, it is that they're too interesting. Where it can feel like you're missing out in not being able to use all of them at once.

          The game getting to the XP cap well before the end is a good feature.
          Being able to actually enjoy being at max power for a dozen hours is satisfying. I hate games that ration XP so you're only allowed to be max level before the final boss.

          • 4 months ago

            >But meeting Cambions and Mindflayers from the start is a good thing.
            >They're not generic mooks that exist to give flavor dialog. That is a good thing.
            >The game getting to the XP cap well before the end is a good feature.

            Is this written by an AI?

            • 4 months ago

              I'm not writing a creative piece for a competition.
              Those are 'good things', so I'm calling them 'good'.
              If you want purple prose for a forum post, you can blow me.

              • 4 months ago

                And it's a good thing.

            • 4 months ago

              More like by a BG3's writer, an AI would be less obvious lmao

          • 4 months ago

            The characterizations are great, I'll give you that, but they'd be even better in a non circus tented donut steelism setting.

          • 4 months ago

            Killing the cambions and the mindflayer on the tutorial ship isn't that hard if you cheese the shit out of it with all the explosive barrels laying about in true Larian fashion, it mostly just requires luck rather than skill. It can take some reloads if it doesn't go perfectly.
            >But meeting Cambions and Mindflayers from the start is a good thing
            I disagree, see previous post.
            >The game doesn't waste your time with the mundane
            The mundane is necessary for the world to feel grounded. If everything is epic, then nothing is epic. If you start at 100%, there's nowhere to go up and build to from there.
            >The companions being interesting people isn't a flaw [...] They actually feel nice to keep around
            I hated all of the origin characters and I killed every one of them. Couldn't stand any of them, and I refuse to play with them. I finished the game solo, and then had intended to replay it on the harder difficulty with a custom party of generics, but I was so disappointed by the game that I just uninstalled it instead.
            >The game getting to the XP cap well before the end is a good feature. Being able to actually enjoy being at max power for a dozen hours is satisfying. I hate games that ration XP so you're only allowed to be max level before the final boss.
            Fair enough, that's just a difference of opinion I suppose. I always enjoyed removing the XP cap in the original games.

            • 4 months ago

              If you're playing the equivalent to a psychic Batman that can see the future and prepare the ideal tools ahead of time for every conflict, sure you can kill anything at level 1. The game gives you the tools for doing that.
              But don't pretend that is either standard, or that you don't know what you're doing.
              You can't say, "the game is a power fantasy because you're killing cambions and mindflayers from level 1", and say, "I prepped ahead of time and savescummed using environmental damage to beat this fight".

              I don't agree that you need that contrast.
              We all are already familiar with the mundane. We're living it every day.
              A story doesn't have to spend hours building its baseline normal banality. Because we can assume (rightfully) that it will be analogous to ours the vast majority of the time.
              Then we take what we're presented as relative to our own experience and enjoy it that way. We inherently know that giant squidmen and devils are crazy and extremely fantastical, we don't need to follow along with some dirt farmers first to get that.
              The impact is already there because we're comparing it to our own lives.

              If you did a solo run, I'm going to assume you continued your psychic Batman strategy. Which, alright. Go for it. But you're just wiki reading and then savescumming all the fun out of the game.
              Apply that to literally any RPG ever, and you'd kill the fun in an identical way.

              • 4 months ago

                >The impact is already there because we're comparing it to our own lives.

                Speak for yourself. Most gamers aren't mentally ill and don't mix up or compare vidya with real life.

              • 4 months ago

                One of the most moronic posts I've read in a while.
                It is mental illness to use your standard life experience as measuring stick?
                How do you know that Solid Snake is doing anything interesting when the Metal Gear series doesn't start with the player as a random office worker?
                Because you know what normal is and you know what abnormal is.
                That applies to fantasy just the same.

              • 4 months ago

                Does Metal Gear Solid start with you fighting off multiple metal gears simultaneously, or do you start out fighting random mooks and then gradually build up from there?

              • 4 months ago

                It starts with you fighting a Metal Gear.

              • 4 months ago

                lol what? no, you start out dodging mooks with FAMASes. Fricking kids these days. I bet you thought BG3's intro was just amazing.

              • 4 months ago

                Missing the obvious joke, really?
                Regardless, how do you know getting into shootouts with people isn't normal for that world? We never experience the life of a normalgay, maybe it is simply standard to get into boss fights with robots.
                The standard of a game having to start you off at the most basic level before it can show you anything interesting, is essentially indefensible.

              • 4 months ago

                >The standard of a game having to start you off at the most basic level before it can show you anything interesting, is essentially indefensible.
                This exemplifies the fundamental creative bankruptcy of modern game designers. The beginning of the game doesn't have to be extravagant and over-the-top to be interesting, it simply needs to be well-made to be interesting. Frankly, BG3's moronic introduction made me less interested in the game, not more, and I have replayed BG1 "lol you're dumped in the woods hope you don't die to wolves and bandits" within the past year. BG3's developers have terminal Marvel brain rot, right down to the quippy dialogue. They think if there's no bombardment of shitty CGI that they can't hold the audience's attention because they fundamentally lack talent.

              • 4 months ago

                Well-made is a standard that is too mutable to be used as a measuring stick.
                I think the opening is well-made. It throws you into the deep-end of the setting as a small fry trying to survive within a conflict that is obviously much larger than you at that moment.
                If you aren't familiar with Faerun and the lore of the setting, you're a fish out of water trying to figure out the details of what is going on in a way that puts you in the shoes of a confused and scared protagonist. If you know what is going on, you instead can be an intrepid survivor. Dialog options and gameplay choices facilitate either.

              • 4 months ago

                Or maybe, just maybe, different groups of people find different things more or less interesting than others. Maybe some people find being a low level adventurer doing low level stuff more interesting and fun than fighting demons, illithids and saving worlds from the get go.
                Maybe you're just a legit low-iq egotistical moron who for some reason assumes all people find the same thing interesting as you do. Which would be ridiculous but your stupidity seems to lack limits so I might assume that's the case.

              • 4 months ago

                How is that connected to my post at all?
                Whether you prefer low fantasy or high fantasy is immaterial to how you know it is one or the other.
                This post reads like it is replying to a conversation that either hasn't happened yet, or happened in another dimension.
                Can you explain any of the rationale behind why you responded to that post in that way?

              • 4 months ago

                >How is that connected to my post at all?

                >The standard of a game having to start you off at the most basic level before it can show you anything interesting, is essentially indefensible.

                For plenty of people, that which you call "basic level" is interesting, while you're assuming those two are oxymorons. Pure egotism, simple as.

              • 4 months ago

                If the game is plans to showcase the higher level stuff, it doesn't have to spend time in the basics first.
                That is my point.

                You can enjoy a low level fantasy adventure that never scales up to the higher levels just fine. There is nothing wrong with that. There are a number of good RPGs that never get too 'extreme'.
                But you don't need to start off in the one to move on to something more fantastical.
                The idea that the latter has to include the former is my dispute.

              • 4 months ago

                And thus we end up with a product that sacrifices classical progression and buildup of the story in order to cater to the lowest common denominator AKA the soulless corporate-dick-sucking adhd marveldrones, a product that's widely hated among its genre fans and which happily shits on the previous entries in the series. But I forgot: "and that's a good thing".

              • 4 months ago

                But the game does have the classic progression, did you miss that you spend like the first 20 hours killing goblins, bandits and gnolls?

              • 4 months ago

                Why is classical progression a good thing?

              • 4 months ago

                >It is mental illness to use your standard life experience as measuring stick?

                100% yes. It's a fricking video game, why the frick are you comparing it to reality. You're supposed to compare it to other video games, not use your real life as a scale. You're just too far gone.

              • 4 months ago

                >You're supposed to compare it to other video games
                Then we know BG3 is about impressive things, because we all collectively remember the start of BG1 where the entire adventure was extremely basic.
                Glad we solved that problem together.

                You're one of the stupidest people I've had the displeasure of arguing with in a while.
                This is one of the dumbest stances I've heard.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't see anyone claiming BG3 isn't about le heckin epic stuff from the start so you're just strawmanning at this point, but yes if someone did, then that's exactly how you'd do it. Compare it to other BG games to know if it's epic regarding its setting, not your real life which has zero point of reference, moron. It's good that you finally understood it.

              • 4 months ago

                No, we compare it to our normal lives because in a world where there is only one game, we could only use our lives as the standard.
                When someone first played Space Invaders at an arcade in 1837, chances are they never played a video game before it. Therefore, their only measure of whether it was fun, cool, or epic, was their own life experience. But they still understood the epic fantasy of fighting unlimited alien invaders without having played Pong first.

                Using your own life as a base measure is completely normal.
                Writers are human too, and most people within the West are living fairly similar lives. So the standard by which everything is written relative to, is set.
                How do you think writers and designers even made the game? Do you think they weren't using their own understanding of what is cool or epic when they were writing in enemies or plotpoints? That they were just coming up with the idea fighting the avatar of a minor deity without thinking of how impressive that would be relative to being a normal person?
                That all elements of a game are created without comparison except to other games that already exist somewhere else?

              • 4 months ago

                >No, we compare it to our normal lives because in a world where there is only one game, we could only use our lives as the standard.

                No, in a setting with just one game, that setting's creator simply just tells you what's considered normal/mundane in it and what's not while flashing it out, you cretin.

              • 4 months ago

                No one tells you it is not mundane to blow up dinosaurs with an airgun in Dig-Dug.
                We know that is wacky and fantastical, inherently.

              • 4 months ago

                It absolutely could be considered mundane in the game, if the other parts of the setting pointed to it being mundane.
                Obviously the setting's creator won't list every single highly specific thing imaginable. This is when you use what you were told about the setting before to decide if that specific thing would be considered mundane in it or not. In a high fantasy setting you'd be a dumbass to use real life as reference, unless the author has already specified that this family of setting's features are the same as irl. Only a schizo off his meds would mix the two otherwise.

                Also wacky and fantastical doesn't have to mean interesting e.g. BG3 which is wacky but also boring as shit.

              • 4 months ago

                >BG3 which is wacky but also boring as shit.
                Nah, it is extremely fun. One of the best CRPGs in general, and definitely the best in a long time.

                All fantasy settings are written relative to what is standard in the social context they were created in.
                The real life world that the creator lived in and used as their basis for creating material relative to.
                You don't need to be informed about what else was done in the world of fantasy as a genre to know if any individual work is less fantastical or more-so.

                Hell, and if you need context clues that BG3's tutorial opens in a very fantastical place, just watch the opening cut scene that shows the alien squid ship flying through a city that otherwise looks extremely normal and along the lines of what we'd expect a real pseudo-medieval city of that sort to look like.
                That alone tells you what you need to know.

              • 4 months ago

                I agree it is one of the best in a long time.
                However I also believe you are using this social context BS rabbit hole you went down as a cope for your dopamine addiction, like a porn addict or heroin that needs harder and harder stuff to get off.

                BG3 is the RPG equivalent of gonzo porn from the start and it would have benefitted immensely from a slowed down and less clown approach.
                You can write a good sophistry post, but I can't help but feel at the core there is something not right about the way you're trying to justify all this ridiculous stuff non-stop on level 1 PCs and the litany of mary sue backstories here.

                And again, I really like the game, I just know it could have been done immensely better with more measured world building.

                >The standard of a game having to start you off at the most basic level before it can show you anything interesting, is essentially indefensible.
                This exemplifies the fundamental creative bankruptcy of modern game designers. The beginning of the game doesn't have to be extravagant and over-the-top to be interesting, it simply needs to be well-made to be interesting. Frankly, BG3's moronic introduction made me less interested in the game, not more, and I have replayed BG1 "lol you're dumped in the woods hope you don't die to wolves and bandits" within the past year. BG3's developers have terminal Marvel brain rot, right down to the quippy dialogue. They think if there's no bombardment of shitty CGI that they can't hold the audience's attention because they fundamentally lack talent.

                And thus we end up with a product that sacrifices classical progression and buildup of the story in order to cater to the lowest common denominator AKA the soulless corporate-dick-sucking adhd marveldrones, a product that's widely hated among its genre fans and which happily shits on the previous entries in the series. But I forgot: "and that's a good thing".

                The game is good, and most of the environments and mechanics, even the characterizations are really well done on the micro level, but the macro is exactly what this guy is saying. It did not have to be that way. "Less is more" is something Larian could be clubbed over the head with to their benefit. It's better by a lot once it settles into the mid game and the gonzo ness of the opening becomes less remembered as they get away from tadpole nonsense every five seconds with moonhaven, the shadowfell, and esp. shar's temple. Hag swamp is excellent. What those things mostly have in common is less circus-y npcs but even then they get obnoxious with the bugbear/ogre fricking scene etc.

                The tadpole mechanic itself is overkill and a literary copout to skip character development on a game already full of overkill stuff. It is breaking the number one rule of writing: "show don't tell" when two characters meet and the backstory is just transmitted by tadpole radio. That's actually a disgusting to me, skipping hours of character development so they can have more marvel quip time instead.

              • 4 months ago

                This is deranged psycho-analyzation to back up your unsupported stance that fantasy media can't just throw you into the deep end.
                Mary Sue backstories, for whom? The companions are interesting people who lived interesting lives separate from the player. That is not a bad thing for a game. Larian caring about its side cast, that the player will spend >100 hours playing with, is one of the better parts of the experience.
                Do you want them to just be "John Paladin", "Mary Wizard", etc.? The characters with an elaborate backstory in the older games, like Viconia (oh how they assassinated her), were fan favorites for a reason.

                The only thing wrong here, is your refusal to embrace a game that doesn't follow the classic 0->100 'level of fantastical elements' formula, and instead comes right out of the starting gate with the unique and interesting stuff about its world and setting.

              • 4 months ago

                >like Viconia (oh how they assassinated her)

                Pray tell, how did they "assassinate" her?

              • 4 months ago

                Viconia's non-romance ending, which for all companions is taken as 'canon' for the sake of this game, was rejecting Shar and slaughtering a Sharran cult branch because they betrayed her. Essentially a more hardcore version of Shadowheart's arc.
                And that followed with her backstory, she'd rejected Lolth before over being told to kill a child for her. And after turning to Shar out of resentment, she in turn rejects her over a betrayal of trust. Viconia is defined by her independence from all power structures and deities.
                Then she's said to become a more heroic adventurer, working with Drizzt (this was back when he was a thing, lol) and getting accolades.

                BG3, either because of Larian or because of WOTC, completely shits on that ending.
                Everything after, "Viconia kills a Sharran cult branch", is thrown out. Instead, she is retconned to have done that out of loyalty for Shar, and was just purging a disloyal branch.
                She spends all her time as a dedicated follower of Shar and leader of a coven.
                She then loses her mind over being replaced as "Shar's favorite" by Shadowheart, a Selunite child she kidnapped on orders from Shar. And whom she spent years sabotaging in petty ways.
                It is a complete character assassination, to be frank.

              • 4 months ago

                >was rejecting Shar
                This is never stated in her epilogue.

                >slaughtering a Sharran cult branch because they betrayed her
                Shar has nothing against inter-cult conflicts.

                >And whom she spent years sabotaging in petty ways
                She always was petty. She murdered one of her four husbands because he looked too much at her sister, I'd like to remind you.

              • 4 months ago

                Viconia is 'strongly admonished' but is unrepentant. Indicating she was absolutely not following Shar's orders.
                She then goes on to save cities and get blessed as a hero by other Good Aligned Gods.
                AKA, shit that Shar absolutely hates.
                The entire epilogue is laying out how she breaks away from Shar and goes her own way, doing what she wants on her own terms.

                Stuff she did before she followed CHARNAME on dealing with the Bhaalspawn struggle is different from what she did after it.
                Then either Larian or WOTC retconned it entirely.

              • 4 months ago

                Nowhere here is it stated that she "rejected Shar". You're making stuff up to fit your narrative.

                >Stuff she did before she followed CHARNAME on dealing with the Bhaalspawn struggle is different from what she did after it.
                >Then either Larian or WOTC retconned it entirely.

                No, no they didn't. You can find israeliteels she received from Ellesime as a reward for saving Suldanessalar in BG3.

                Once again - you're adding elements not stated to suit your narrative. "Admonished" and "being kicked out of the faith" are two different things.

              • 4 months ago

                >is chastized by her patron deity for killing a bunch of her followers
                >refuses to repent
                >goes on to do a ton of stuff that deity would absolutely hate
                That is what you call a rejection of the faith.
                By that measure you could say she was a secret follower of Lolth the entire run of BG1+2 because she wasn't explicitly said to have 100% stopped worshiping her, and Lolth followers are known for being sneaky.

                The obvious intention by the writers of BG2 was that Viconia rejected Shar and went her own more heroic path in life.
                You're not going to play the fricking lawyer role here where you use innuendo and try and go the direction of
                >ummm, ahckjuallyyy, they don't say that she pissed on Shar's idol which according to Supplementary Guide #7 is the only true way to break a pledge to Shar
                The intention was to show her going her own direction and rejecting the evil deities she was using as a shield against the world and to protect her heart. The text is extremely clear. They weren't being vague or sparing details.

                BG3's Viconia, your Viconia, must have been a busy woman.
                Finding time to adventure with Drizzt, save multiple cities, get blessed by another pantheon of gods, and come back home in the evening to 'accidentally' trip toddler Shadowheart down the stairs every day.
                A real working gal.

              • 4 months ago

                >because she wasn't explicitly said to have 100% stopped worshiping her

                Yes, yes she does, in Baldur's Gate 1, in fact. You're just a disingenuous c**t with nothing to back your claims. You make up facts, get proven to be incorrect, so just back into empty rhetoric.

                >Finding time to adventure with Drizzt, save multiple cities, get blessed by another pantheon of gods, and come back home in the evening to 'accidentally' trip toddler Shadowheart down the stairs every day.
                >A real working gal.

                137 years between the two games is a lot of time, yes. Good of you to notice that.

              • 4 months ago

                >yes, yes she does
                Quote the exact line.
                I can play lawyer with it and construct some scenario where she is still a dedicated follower of Lolth.
                Because anyone can pick apart the words of a text by ignoring the spirit of it.
                That is why you ignored the vast majority of my post and felt clever for not getting the point.
                Because your entire game is playing dumb and ignoring anything that is inconvenient to you about the epilogue, like the recounting of her actions or implications of her behavior, for the sake of defending a retcon.

              • 4 months ago

                You just make up information which aren't there. That's you're entire schtick. There is no retcon. You simply can't accept an L and frick off.

                >Quote the exact line.
                Her biography, you cretin.

                >She does claim to no longer worship the spider goddess Lolth, a change that even you know is often fatal. Her new faith is in the night goddess Shar, an appropriate choice for a drow, though this is not a firm indication that she has given up the brutal ways of her people.

              • 4 months ago

                >yes, yes she does
                Quote the exact line.
                I can play lawyer with it and construct some scenario where she is still a dedicated follower of Lolth.
                Because anyone can pick apart the words of a text by ignoring the spirit of it.
                That is why you ignored the vast majority of my post and felt clever for not getting the point.
                Because your entire game is playing dumb and ignoring anything that is inconvenient to you about the epilogue, like the recounting of her actions or implications of her behavior, for the sake of defending a retcon.

                You also forgot her banter in Baldur's Gate with Branwen in the party, where she says "she already abandoned one goddess, and will not tempt luck by doing it a second time" when asked about joining the god of war.

              • 4 months ago

                You mean the same campaign dialog that has Rasaad say she's actually a good person deep inside, and has her develop over the course of the campaign to be softer and start complimenting other party members and acting in a more Neutral/Good way?
                Is that what you're leaning on?

              • 4 months ago

                Nope, that's in the vanilla game.

                Turnabout is fair play.
                You're relying on the Epilogue not literally saying, "She stopped following Shar", to defend the retcon.
                I'm just applying the same 'following the words of a text but not the spirit' to your own quote.
                The obnoxious willful ignorance of doing that is something you should understand now.

                Sure, keep making up events in your head canon. Too bad they aren't true.

              • 4 months ago

                Nope, that's in the vanilla game.

                Sure, keep making up events in your head canon. Too bad they aren't true.

                There can’t be any dialogues in the vanilla game with Rasaad because Rasaad isn’t in the vanilla game, he’s added by a mod.

              • 4 months ago

                He's the one who brought up Rasaad,

                You mean the same campaign dialog that has Rasaad say she's actually a good person deep inside, and has her develop over the course of the campaign to be softer and start complimenting other party members and acting in a more Neutral/Good way?
                Is that what you're leaning on?

                the moron. I never mentioned him. It's in a conversation between Viconia and Branwen.

              • 4 months ago

                Don't expect morons to actually know anything about BG canon. 95% of the people on here don't even know there's an official adventure module, taking place between the first two games, written by James Ohlen, the Lead Writer for all original BG titles.


              • 4 months ago

                >James Ohlen, the Lead Writer
                Not just Lead Writer, also Lead Designer.

              • 4 months ago

                Let me fill you in on a little secret.
                Here’s what’s canon for Baldurs Gate:
                >Baldur’s Gate and TotSC
                >Baldur’s Gate 2 and ToB
                That’s it. Everything else is garbage fan fiction.

              • 4 months ago

                >Here's my headcanon.

                Yes, we get it, you already said as much. "Canon" is everything the IP owner decides.

              • 4 months ago

                >IP owner
                Lol, lmao. Enjoy your goyslop. Don’t forget to consoom every new product.
                >verification not required

              • 4 months ago

                >Proven wrong.
                >Starts throwing out verbal diarrhoea.

                You forgot to insert a "troony" or "Black person" in there.
                And yes, something being "canon" means it's considered to be "true" by the IP owner, not what's popular on Ganker and Reddit.

              • 4 months ago

                So the game is just subpar gay fanfic, huh?

              • 4 months ago

                Bro, the “IP owner” thinks DnD needs wheelchair-accessible dungeons, and that every race should have identical stats because muh racism, and all the monster races are just misunderstood and oppressed people. It’s time for you to accept that the clowns are in charge of the circus, now, and you don’t have to take them seriously anymore.

              • 4 months ago

                >claim....not firm indication that she has given up the brutal ways of her people
                AKA she could be lying.
                I win, I guess. She was just lying to the PC over not being a follower of Lolth still.

              • 4 months ago

                Man, you are stupid. You really just can't admit you were wrong. The only thing that was assassinated was your brain, I'm afraid.

              • 4 months ago

                Turnabout is fair play.
                You're relying on the Epilogue not literally saying, "She stopped following Shar", to defend the retcon.
                I'm just applying the same 'following the words of a text but not the spirit' to your own quote.
                The obnoxious willful ignorance of doing that is something you should understand now.

              • 4 months ago

                This whole image sounds like a perfect transition to bg3 viconia and it seems like you're doing mental gymnastics to be offended, ngl

              • 4 months ago

                Elaborate on the perfect transition for me.

              • 4 months ago

                She's a follower of Shar, that squabbles with underground political manipulators. Guess what she is in BG3?

              • 4 months ago

                >follower of shar
                >kills an entire branch cult because they pissed her off
                >this makes shar very angry but she doesn't care
                >goes out of her way to save lives in multiple different places while getting favor from other gods
                Yeah, she ended BG3 a devout follower of Shar.
                It is extremely believable that she'd go back to Shar, restart a new coven, and then get super jealous over a child because they could potentially become Shar's favorite.

                Shar was only fine with her working with CHARNAME because it was fricking over Bhaal, who potentially steals worshipers from Shar.
                Sharrans are not in the business of saving lives.

              • 4 months ago

                >>goes out of her way to save lives in multiple different places
                See. Here's where the mental gymnastics begin. She's undermining other subversive political groups for Shar.

              • 4 months ago

                Subversive groups like the Zhentarim? That are commonly followers of Shar or are friendly to Sharrans?

              • 4 months ago

                >Zhentarim are commonly followers of Shar
                Zhentarim worship Cyric and prior to that Bane. You're making shit up to be offended again.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah this is actually mind boggling now that you mention it because Viconia is undermining another Bane cult in BG3.

              • 4 months ago

                He's going to repeat the same shit tomorrow.

              • 4 months ago

                >was rejecting Shar
                This is never stated in her epilogue.

                >slaughtering a Sharran cult branch because they betrayed her
                Shar has nothing against inter-cult conflicts.

                >And whom she spent years sabotaging in petty ways
                She always was petty. She murdered one of her four husbands because he looked too much at her sister, I'd like to remind you.

                The only thing that's stated is that Shar "strongly admonished" Viconia. That's it.

              • 4 months ago

                >I'm not wrong, you're just a psycho!
                Read better books is all I can say to that.

              • 4 months ago

                >All fantasy settings are written relative to what is standard in the social context they were created in.
                I mean, this is part of the problem since the social context today seems to be infinite split screen tiktoks and twerking and flossing in palword. People seem to be deathly afraid of a sincere work or the kids might meme on them I guess.

              • 4 months ago

                >People seem to be deathly afraid of a sincere work or the kids might meme on them I guess.
                No, it's just the people doing the writing are terminally fricked in the head from post ironic deconstructionist irony or whatever moronic shit makes them incapable of being genuine and just telling a story.

                Fricking Whedon, man. That c**t tainted so many things, it's unreal.

              • 4 months ago

                >No, it's just the people doing the writing are terminally fricked in the head from post ironic deconstructionist irony
                >Fricking Whedon, man. That c**t tainted so many things, it's unreal.

              • 4 months ago

                >BG3 which is wacky but also boring as shit.
                Nah, it is extremely fun. One of the best CRPGs in general, and definitely the best in a long time.

                All fantasy settings are written relative to what is standard in the social context they were created in.
                The real life world that the creator lived in and used as their basis for creating material relative to.
                You don't need to be informed about what else was done in the world of fantasy as a genre to know if any individual work is less fantastical or more-so.

                Hell, and if you need context clues that BG3's tutorial opens in a very fantastical place, just watch the opening cut scene that shows the alien squid ship flying through a city that otherwise looks extremely normal and along the lines of what we'd expect a real pseudo-medieval city of that sort to look like.
                That alone tells you what you need to know.

                Beyond that, mundanity or lack thereof in a setting is irrelevant to how a player interprets what they themselves are doing.
                Star Wars is a setting where just about everything is mundane because everything is so Space Opera. But people still find everything about it fantastical because they use their own lives as a measuring stick.

                Arcanum is another comparison.
                A setting that treats extremely magical things as mundane, but is experienced as a fantastical world because of how it compares and contrasts to our own world.

              • 4 months ago

                Your opinion is garbage, as is Larian's presentation of Faerun. Play Planescape: Torment if you want to see a non-mundane freak fantasy presented in a believable consistent manner.

              • 4 months ago

                BG3 and P:T are entirely different games.
                P:T is most enjoyably played with the least amount of combat possible and a focus on dialog trees, essentially along the lines of a good visual novel. It is sparse and lacking in much that could be called 'epic' because it isn't an action title unless you're a moronic masochist.
                BG3 is an epic action-adventure.

                There is nothing more believable about P:T. It is just a lot more low-key about itself. Which is different from being more consistent or believable.

              • 4 months ago

                If you don't find Torment's characters and overall presentation more believable than BG3 then you're an absolute moron.

            • 4 months ago

              Quality post.

            • 4 months ago

              >Killing the cambions and the mindflayer on the tutorial ship isn't that hard
              Yes it is, there's not enough barrels to do it and the cambion have way too much HP on honor mode, so you need to do dumb shit like end every turn with a push so that the mindflayer and Lae'zel get AOOs, you also need to time killing the named cambion correctly so that the mind flayer aggros on the cambion rather than the player, not to mention that you're genuinely in danger of running out of time due to how damage spongey they are.

              • 4 months ago

                Back in early access i was able to kill all, now in honor mode i barely killed the captain and the ghaik literally to the last turn before the crash and had to block the reinforcements with fortified containers. People that say that it is easy are playing an older pirate version or are playing on Story Mode.

              • 4 months ago

                P.S. Honor Mode is especially hard because there is no savescumming so there is a lot of chance involved and my ghaik kept failing his attacks.

          • 4 months ago

            >The companions being interesting people
            "I used to be super fooper cool badass, but I'm back at level 1" is not "interesting".
            It's a thing you come up with as a kid while daydreaming about your self-insert character in Power Rangers.

          • 4 months ago

            >But meeting Cambions and Mindflayers from the start is a good thing. The game doesn't waste your time with the mundane.
            You won't see another cambion for like 30 hours, besides Raphael of course. But you won't fight one for a long time.

            • 4 months ago

              You should recruit Wyll in one of your playthroughs. It is absolutely hilarious how much of a cuck you can force him to be. Plus Mizora shows up in several places.

              • 4 months ago

                I know, I completed his character story in my first playthrough which I just finished

                I finally got around to beating it today, and I liked it enough but by the end of Act 3 I kinda just wanted to get it over with and I'm sure there were a bunch of questlines that I could've done in the city but didn't.
                In terms of act storylines
                2 > 3 > 1
                But in terms of Aesthetic
                3 > 1 > 2

                Act 2 really is the game's peak in writing, character moments, being just strong enough to handle complex fights without it devolving into spamming really high lvl spells, etc. But goddamn does the spooky forest and Shar temple get old fast in terms of aesthetics. Act 1 is...fine, but it has too much of a theme park feel. Act 3 unironically has too much content for what's basically just 4 areas.

                Even when you do everything right he comes across as pathetic and I don't know if that was intentional on the part of the writers or not.

      • 4 months ago

        It's ok in a video game sense to do that but good worldbuilding just doesn't work like that.
        A lot of RPG players are always trying to recreate that sense of wonder they first got from a tolkien novel, or other good setting.

        When you watched Star Wars OT it didn't lead off with a torpedo to blow up the Death Star and the final lightsaber battle. It started with three suns and fixing moisture vaporators on a farm.

        I hate to use this one but I have to because I know I'm talking to a millennial but when you started Harry Potter it didn't lead off with Avra Kedavra (lol) bullets into Voldemort's skull and the ghost of Dumbledore on his knees blowing Snape in the background. It started with Harry getting sniped at by his nasty adoptive family and being made to live under the stairs like a good cuck boy being trained for the modern world.

        You could even get away with the mindflayer ship and everything else BETTER if they just reigned in the pace and some of the more out there donut steelisms, and gave the players more time to get used to and immerse in the setting variations.

        • 4 months ago

          Meh, I get that I can never remake that first experience with a fantasy series.
          And in some ways I don't want to.
          I don't really enjoy that slow-burn heroes journey type story.
          I've grown to prefer series that don't play around or be coy about their big ideas and fantastical elements.

          Let me catch up with the story instead of drip feeding me the interesting parts at a slow pace. It is more immersive to do the former as I have to catch my balance and take in everything at the same pace as the game itself.

          • 4 months ago

            I think - and this is not an insult - you might have some brain damage caused by overstimulation with media and Monster Zero.

    • 4 months ago

      >Everything about this is awful
      >Despite all of this I'm enjoying it.
      Sums it up pretty nicely. BG3 is a director's mess and a fun game.

  41. 4 months ago

    outside Ganker it's viewed as the epic conclusion to a classic trilogy, the likes of which may never be surpassed

  42. 4 months ago

    >What's the consensus on this thing?

    Answer: One of the greatest games of all time

    Backing up the answer: Rated highly by the critics and the gamers + winning a ton of awards.

    >it's DOS2 if they gave it a shittier combat system

    Baldur's Gate 3 plays differently from DOS2, for starters it follows traditional Dungeons & Dragons combat system which is turnbased with dicerolls, it adapts the ruleset of the fifth edition which is considered one of the best and is currently the most popular and played one.

    Second DOS2 has different combat system, it ditches RNG in favor of planning and accurate system with the armor mechanics.

    Setting their differences aside, i would personally rate BG3 combat higher, both are fun, interactive and tactical but BG3 takes it to the next level with better enemy variety, better boss fights and more intricate design.

    >prettier graphics

    >huge marketing campaign
    the marketing was nothing special, it was even lesser than games like Zelda, Starfield and even Alan Wake 2, games that competed with it this year, but the reputation of it grew after its early access and its high quality, after its release its received a lot of praise and thats how it got popular.

    >gorillion streamers trying to cash into the hype.
    Correct but nothing wrong with that, its their job.

    • 4 months ago

      >Answer: One of the greatest games of all time
      >Rated highly by the critics
      >winning a ton of awards.
      >Baldur's Gate 3 plays differently from DOS2, for starters it follows traditional Dungeons & Dragons combat system which is turnbased with dicerolls
      Dos2 is turn based with dice rolls
      >it adapts the ruleset of the fifth edition which is considered one of the best

      • 4 months ago

        >i will just lol when i have no argument

        >Dos2 is turn based with dice rolls
        its not. DOS2 has a strict damage calculation formula and when you highlight the skill it gives you an exact number for your damage, then the system calculates absorption and works accordingly.

        • 4 months ago

          >its not. DOS2 has a strict damage calculation formula and when you highlight the skill it gives you an exact number for your damage, then the system calculates absorption and works accordingly.
          DOS2 weapons have a variable range of damage, weapons have a percentage chance of rolling a critical hit or not, and attacks have a percentage chance to hit (I'll grant you that the default is normally 95%, in a nod to DnD, and generally you only have a significant chance to miss if the enemy has some evasion going on, or you have a penalty to accuracy)

    • 4 months ago

      Remember this nonsense? That massive list of cut content? How everybody swallowed it up - here, on Reddit, on Steam, on YouTube - and made videos getting hundreds of thousands of views?

      Do you know why it died down to nothing very quickly? Because a few people, me included, actually READ through those files, by themselves, instead believing blindly. And guess what? 90% of what he wrote is either completely made up, or hugely over-exaggerated.

      Please tell your boss that the first Larian game I ever bought was “Divine Divinity” and the last Larian game I will ever buy is BG3.

      • 4 months ago

        You tagged two different posters, the dude with the steam link is not me.

        >Attention seeking post
        I dont care what games you buy, you are free to buy whatever you want, i dont know what you are trying to say with this post.

  43. 4 months ago

    Remember this nonsense? That massive list of cut content? How everybody swallowed it up - here, on Reddit, on Steam, on YouTube - and made videos getting hundreds of thousands of views?

    Do you know why it died down to nothing very quickly? Because a few people, me included, actually READ through those files, by themselves, instead believing blindly. And guess what? 90% of what he wrote is either completely made up, or hugely over-exaggerated.

    • 4 months ago

      >there’s no cut content
      >you don’t have any evidence of cut content
      >okay, there’s some cut content, but only a little
      >okay, there’s a lot of cut content, but here’s why that’s a good thing
      >plenty of games have cut content
      >bg2 had cut content
      >actually there wasn’t any cut content, chud (you are here)

      • 4 months ago

        No, I'm at this point:
        >morons fell for attention-whoring bait without verifying anything because they either:
        A. Were consoomers desperate for MOAR CONTENT.
        B. Butthurt schizos looking for any reason to hate the game.

        My favourite is that whole "Helia" debacle. Did any of you morons actually listened to the voice lines? Most of those are NARRATIONS.

    • 4 months ago

      To me it was obvious why "Daisy" was replaced with "The Guardian" - because everybody and their mother already knew that "Daisy" was the representation of the tadpole. There was nothing to discover there anymore.
      The only mistake Larian made is to announce the change. It would've made more impact if this was discovered, naturally, on release day.

    • 4 months ago

      There definitely was cut stuff.
      Karlach's storyline is clearly abbreviated artificially.
      But I think people way overestimate how much was removed.
      The Upper City is really the biggest question. It is obvious that was intended to be a part of the game, and was being baited in press-releases up to the launch.
      So its absence is absolutely conspicuous.

      The rest of that list is standard for any game. To drop large amounts of ideas and remove options as things narrow for release date.
      Look at any FromSoft game for how far that can go.

      • 4 months ago

        >and was being baited in press-releases up to the launch

        It was mentioned ONCE.

        • 4 months ago

          >It was mentioned ONCE.

          >there’s no cut content in bg3
          >you don’t have any evidence of cut content in bg3
          >you don’t have much evidence of cut content in bg3 (you are here)
          >okay, there was some cut content, but that’s a good thing
          >okay, there was a lot of cut content, but that’s a good thing
          >lots of games have cut content it’s very common in industry
          >bg2 had a lot of cut content
          >bg2 was worse

  44. 4 months ago

    Divinity: Original Sin + Dragon Age: Inquisiton + More LGBT And Politics + Worse Writing + Worse Game Systems = Baldur's Gate 3

  45. 4 months ago

    It's the best RPG I've ever played, man. Just finished my first run at about 160 hours, started it in August, so it's not release-hype talking - it kept me coming back for 5 months to see it through, and I'm still sad that it's over.

    • 4 months ago


  46. 4 months ago

    I liked it :). Act 3 is exhausting though

  47. 4 months ago

    It's pozzed. Already before the game was out I was character models that looked like troonys and I knew right then and there that it's going to be pozzed.

    • 4 months ago

      >It's pozzed. Already before the game was out I was character models that looked like troonys and I knew right then and there that it's going to be pozzed.
      Who’s got the comparison image showing how they changed Shadowhearts face from early access to make it more masculine with a bigger chin etc

  48. 4 months ago

    >"I am the Great Superwizard Archmage on par with Elminster! I banged Mystra for a while until I grew tired of her!"
    >"I am the champion of Blood War, I massacred Archdemons for breakfast!"
    >"I am the bla bla of bla bla, a great and legendary blargargle of dickweed, Ao himself is scared of me!"
    No, you homosexuals, you're Blorp the Farmer. You're common housecat-fodder. You're level one nobodies. Civilian NPCs can kick your ass, barring great luck with the dice.

    I mean I know there's some room for gameplay and story segregation in video games, but for the love of frick, have some fricking sense of scale there.

    • 4 months ago

      Baldur's Gate games NEVER had gameplay and story intergration.

      >Xzar and Montaron are supposed to be experienced Zhentarim agents, but are level 1.
      >Xan is supposed to be a respected wizard, powerful enough to garner the loyalty of a moonblade. He's also level 1.
      >Khalid and Jaheira are Harper agents with, at minimum, 20 years of experience, and are level 1.
      >Viconia is the most egregious example - she's centuries old, enough for her to have had four husbands and been a "faithul priest of Lolth for decades", and a key member of her household - she's level 1.

      And so on. Forgotten Realms games always had a very "gentle touch" approach to this.

      And so on.

      • 4 months ago

        >>Xzar and Montaron are supposed to be experienced Zhentarim agents?
        What? Sounds like your headcanon.

        Also, nothing you posted here comes even close to Karlach and Gayle.

    • 4 months ago

      >I banged Mystra for a while until I grew tired of her!"

      Mystra is the biggest bawd amongst the Forgotten Realms pantheon. Here's a list of people THAT WE KNOW OF she slept with:
      Alustriel Silverhand
      Alvaerele Tasundrym
      Amarune Whitewave
      Araundras Othaun (Chosen of Mystryl)
      Dove Falconhand
      Duethaea Lauraunfeir
      Elminster Aumar
      Embrae Aloevan of Ardeep
      Gale Dekarios
      Kaylaar Allun
      Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun
      Laeral Silverhand
      Larloch the Shadow King
      Qilué Veladorn
      Syluné Silverhand
      Symrustar Auglamyr
      Storm Silverhand
      Alassra Shentrantra Silverhand, "The Simbul"

      And that's not counting a few people who slept with her without being her "Chosen."

      • 4 months ago

        ... okay, yeah. Point taken, I stand corrected. I wonder what her body-count is vs Sharess?

        Baldur's Gate games NEVER had gameplay and story intergration.

        >Xzar and Montaron are supposed to be experienced Zhentarim agents, but are level 1.
        >Xan is supposed to be a respected wizard, powerful enough to garner the loyalty of a moonblade. He's also level 1.
        >Khalid and Jaheira are Harper agents with, at minimum, 20 years of experience, and are level 1.
        >Viconia is the most egregious example - she's centuries old, enough for her to have had four husbands and been a "faithul priest of Lolth for decades", and a key member of her household - she's level 1.

        And so on. Forgotten Realms games always had a very "gentle touch" approach to this.

        And so on.

        True, but the Zhents and Harpers are still implied to be relatively low-ranking, and sent to deal with a person of some, but not all that much interest at that point. <CHARNAME> is a Bhaalspawn, but if there's any prophecy that they in particular would go on to become the biggest, baddest motherfricker out of them all, then I have certainly forgotten about it (admittedly it has been ages since I played either 1 or 2).

        So, you're not wrong, but "has some experience as a Harper" isn't quite on the same level.

        Also ngl I forgot Xan exists.

        • 4 months ago

          They had enough experience to be dealing with Firkraag, together with Gorion, 20 years prior. I doubt you'd be sent against a Red Dragon if you're considered amateurs.

          Also, fun fact from outside-of-games material - Xzar is also a Bhaalspawn.

          • 4 months ago

            >Also, fun fact from outside-of-games material
            I’m sure you can point to some “source” that says this, but still, nope.

      • 4 months ago

        >the entire Silverhand family
        At the same time?

      • 4 months ago

        >Mystra is the biggest bawd amongst the Forgotten Realms pantheon. Here's a list of people THAT WE KNOW OF she slept with:
        >he actually posts the list
        God daaam, i knew that Mystra was a prostitute but i had no idea that it was expanded that much into the lore and that there were so many names to an actual list. I mean i was already feeling bad for Gale the moment he recieved the ''have a nice day for me'' message by Elminster's projection but god daam.

      • 4 months ago

        This shit convinced me FR is a turd and anyone who likes it is a cuck.

        • 4 months ago

          You just might be a moron if you were somehow able to like FR before this.

      • 4 months ago

        >Mystra is the biggest bawd amongst the Forgotten Realms pantheon.
        I was playing coop with my dad since he played BG1/2 when in his 20s, and when Gale got to the line of saying he managed to sleep with Mystra, he said "yeah that's like women saying they slept with JFK, the list is so big it stops being an accomplishment"

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Christ I hate how they make every companion over the top special snowflake.

      • 4 months ago

        Lae'zel, Karlach, and Wyll are relatively run-of-the-mill. There are thousands of mercenaries fighting in the Blood War (one of whom was The Nameless One, to give a contrast); Wyll is a regular Warlock, since literally every one of those has a special relationship with some supernatural patron, and Lae'zel is just a regular githyanki warrior.

        • 4 months ago

          Christ I hate how they make every companion over the top special snowflake.

          Even Astarion is nothing special - a minion of a Vampire. You've killed a dozen of those in Baldur's Gate II.

          • 4 months ago

            Minthare is nothing special either. A drow that was sent on a retaliatory mission to the surface and then gangpressed into service.

            Shadowheart also starts out as an expendable cleric sent on a mission.

            Gale and Halsin are the two biggest offenders. Super special arch mage and centuries old arch druid getting captured by goblins.

            • 4 months ago

              >Gale and Halsin are the two biggest offenders

              I can defend Halsin in that he was added as a companion during EA due to popular demand. He wasn't supposed to be joinable.

              Which leaves only Gale and Dark Urge as "snowflake" Origins.

              • 4 months ago

                Durge is cool. It's a super special background, but Larian does something interesting with it. It's more like a curse and has actual drawbacks to you.

                That leaves only Gale. He could have easily been okay. Just don't make him Mystras lover. Let his love and obsession be unrequited. He could have acquired the orb in a desperate attempt to get Mystras attention.

              • 4 months ago

                >Just don't make him Mystras lover. Let his love and obsession be unrequited.
                That would be even more OOC for Mystra

              • 4 months ago

                Frick it, make Mystra work at the brothel then.

              • 4 months ago

                >Just don't make him Mystras lover
                Mystra has an endless reverse harem of magic boys. The bullshit part of Gale's story is that he's Elminster-level, not that he fricked the canon bawd goddess.

              • 4 months ago

                >The bullshit part of Gale's story is that he's Elminster-level

                Isn't he basically a good-aligned play on Edwin?

        • 4 months ago

          Wyll is the worst:
          >le local legend BLAAAAADE OF THE FRONTIEEER
          >a stone eye!
          >boo hoo daddy issues
          >boo hoo gets cuckold horns from anime waifu patron i am so le evil and so le conflict le woe is me

          All this adds up in the setting with so much circus bullshit already to a top tier clown juggling in the big top.

          And I actually like BG3 and agree with you on Lae'zel and Karlach

          how does she keep getting away with it

          Funnier when you realize Lae'zels actual VA is devastatingly hot

          >"I am the Great Superwizard Archmage on par with Elminster! I banged Mystra for a while until I grew tired of her!"
          >"I am the champion of Blood War, I massacred Archdemons for breakfast!"
          >"I am the bla bla of bla bla, a great and legendary blargargle of dickweed, Ao himself is scared of me!"
          No, you homosexuals, you're Blorp the Farmer. You're common housecat-fodder. You're level one nobodies. Civilian NPCs can kick your ass, barring great luck with the dice.

          I mean I know there's some room for gameplay and story segregation in video games, but for the love of frick, have some fricking sense of scale there.

          Minus the mystara thing Gale is plenty ok. Like it could have just been Gale's thing and tone down the rest of them and it would have been fine.
          Karlach can massacre level 1 npcs if you put a coin in her slot (iykwim)
          Wyll is an unforgiveable pile of mary sueisms and donut steel as detailed above.

          • 4 months ago

            >Lae'zels actual VA is devastatingly hot
            Dude. That woman is barely passable after applying makeup with a trowel. Her beak like nose is the only reason her chin isn't the most forward part of her face.

            Shadowhearts VA is an actual attractive woman.

            Too bad Lae'zel apparently has a broader VA range.

            • 4 months ago

              You're just gay. Shadowhearts voice actress looks like she has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

            • 4 months ago

              I certainly wouldn't kick Shadowheart out of bed, but you need an eye exam, stat.
              >it's the manhands kramer, the manhands

              No Jerry, it's the too much anime and not enough fricking women IRL.

              • 4 months ago

                Passable as in passable attractive. Evict the troony that lives rent free in your head.

              • 4 months ago

                I was not thinking of trannies at all when I made the seinfeld joke about letting one flaw on a 10/10 woman rule your mind. The joke that came from the whole pre-troony nonsense era in the first place. You seem to be on a whole new level of projection however.

              • 4 months ago

                In response to somebody describing the features of a womans face you started ranting about manhands. Rent free.

              • 4 months ago

                In response to a seinfeld meme you started foaming at the mouth about trannies.

              • 4 months ago

                Gramps, that show ended 26 years ago. I don't even know which of the actors is Seinfeld.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm not responsible for your lack of depth.

          • 4 months ago

            Anon, every single Warlock in the Forgotten Realms will have an edgy/tragic personal story, because that's exactly how they come to be - signing a desperate pact with a supernatural, usually evil, entity in order to quickly gain power.

            • 4 months ago

              Nah, i'm pretty sure that there are a few warlocks that did it because they were just dumb enough to do it.

              • 4 months ago

                Can you name any? The only other one in FR games - Amon Jerro - is just as much an edgelord/special snowflake. He's in the FRICKING INTRO.

          • 4 months ago

            >boo hoo gets cuckold horns
            How come he didn't lose those horns when the contract wa broken anyway

      • 4 months ago

        >actually using the term snowflake properly
        holy shit it's been forever

    • 4 months ago

      That is why I use mods and hax to set all my stats to 40. It help me live out the isekai fantasies this game was obviously meant to capitalize on.

      • 4 months ago

        The game is ridiculously easy even on honor mode. You don't even need to cheese it. AOE spells + chokepoints will kill almost everything, and there are enough scrolls in the game (which every class can cast) that every character is an archmage. There's some build autism involved, but it's not even 10% of what you'd need to go through in WotR...
        I just beat honor mode and there were really no difficult fights. I even gimped myself by not using those damn tadpoles.

        The gameplay is total shit though. One auto attack and one bonus action for the first 40 hours, two auto attacks and one bonus action for the other 80, fricking wow, amazing. Cast three spells then go through four loading screens for a long rest, get back into a fight and miss all your spells anyway, just incredible. Encounter design is amazing? In what way, at all? The only encounter in this game that goes beyond trading auto attacks is the Gyrm fight where you can lure him on a piston to smash him, everything else is just 3-10 npc enemies with the same stock class abilities. There is ZERO depth in the combat or the character builds or even the way you interact with the environment. There's like five good environmental interactions in act 1 and then nothing else for the rest of the game. It's just a big wet boring shit.

        The loot in this game is also a total snoozefest. There are a few interesting interactions between items to squeeze out damage, but for the most part it's all boring marginal effects. You never get an item and suddenly feel like you hit a massive powerspike, it's all just so tame. That's 5e in a nutshell, just boring and tame.

        The presentation and production values are incredible; many of the enemy's visual designs are amazing, the spider drow in act 2 particularly stuck out to me. The environments themselves are also fantastic and the voice acting is the best I've seen in any game. Sometimes you get a glimpse of a former bioware employee's animation work, but it's rare.

        The companions minus jaheira and minsc (who are terrible) are unexpectedly decent to great, none of them are annoying which is a stark contrast to every other rpg ever. Didn't think I'd ever not hate a gay edgy vampire, but the actual dialogue and delivery make him quite likeable. Each of their back stories I find interesting.

        The main story line is indeed poorly written, poorly paced (act 3 lol), and poorly strung together while being wholly uninteresting.


        > You never get an item and suddenly feel like you hit a massive powerspike
        Weirdly, the best items are early-game weapons. Phalar aluve, the returning pike, and the invisible pike can trivialize a lot of encounters, and you can get them by the time you reach level 3. It's also possible to build a warrior around the club of giant strength, which is really fun. (Just respec and dump str as soon as you get it.)
        For armor, regular non-magical plate armor is almost as good as it gets, which reminded me of BG1. Medium armor is broken, though, as there are three sets in the game with the "exotic material" modifier that let you add your full dex bonus to AC.
        Most rings and accessories are trash, but there are a few really good ones. (Anything with +AC, the acid ring, the throwing ring+bracers, etc.)

  49. 4 months ago

    palworld is the new game to seethe over, it's time to move on schizo poster

  50. 4 months ago

    how does she keep getting away with it

    • 4 months ago

      Come to think about it, it IS weird she isn't in the game - she pops up in everything that has motion capture.

  51. 4 months ago

    >What's the consensus on this thing?
    If you can't form your own opinions then go back to preddit and stay there.

  52. 4 months ago

    Absolute fricking garbage that I wish I researched before buying it. Was recommended it from a friend after gushing to him about how morrowind is the greatest rpg ever made and yeah its bad. If I had just typed "baldurs gate 3 review" on youtube first and see all of the kinds of people that are praising it, then I would have known. Shitty coombait game with party based combat. I have a hard time even calling it an rpg, because you player character has VERY little impact on your experience since your party are all pre-baked npcs and the dialogue speech checks are laughably easy even when you arent skilled in it. F-tier rpg, even worse than oblivion which is saying something

    • 4 months ago

      Who the hell would respond to “I like Morrowind” with “you should play bg3”?

  53. 4 months ago

    >boring bisexual forest mage who thinks you want to have gay sex with him if you're friendly to him at the camp party
    >camp gay vampire who wants to have gay sex with you but is too useful not to have in your party for sneaky rogue shit, lockpicking, trap disarming
    >whiny mage who thinks you want to have gay sex with when you talk about magical abilities with him
    >some homie-demon mage who I don't roll with because he's boring
    >uppity orc female
    >amazonian demoness who's too moral and kinda bland
    >shadowheart who is alright as a waifu I guess

    Why couldn't larian give us at least 1 bro-tier male party member to roll with. This game needs someone like Garrus, Wrex, Zaeed, Canderous Ordo, or Raoul Tejada.

    • 4 months ago

      That's already Astarion thoughever

      • 4 months ago

        >fake and gay undead e*f pretentious fop who greets you by pulling a knife on you and tries to suck your blood in camp
        lmao, just lmao if you recruited him instead of killing him in the beach

        Look how badly CRPGs have fallen.

    • 4 months ago

      karlach is your bro

      • 4 months ago

        more like ''karlach is your whoe''

    • 4 months ago

      >boring bisexual forest mage who thinks you want to have gay sex with him if you're friendly to him at the camp party
      It's even worse. I didn't even rescue him. He just showed up for the party and decided to stick around I assume. Barely said hello to him. Always remained focused on Timmy or whoever and how to get to Moonrise.

      Halsin made not one, not two but three passes at me. All the while I was openly dating Karlach.

      That's the eggregious part of all these romances. The NPCs do not give a shit whether or not you are engaged. Makes them look like sex starved lunatics.

  54. 4 months ago

    I finished the game today.
    I enjoyed the first 30-ish hours or so a lot (Act I) but then the game slowly began to fall apart.

    > All companions are incredibly bland (I killed Frog Woman and staked Astarion when he attempted to suck me completly dry after offering some blood so i can't say anything about them)
    > Act 2 was too short and was too linear
    > The Big Bads in Act 3 felt like complete pushovers compared to Katheric.
    > Orin and her Changeling assassins could have been incredible but they weren't utilized properly
    > The entire "Balduran is The Emperor thing was moronic as frick"
    > The entire "The Emperor" thing was moronic as frick
    > Too much "rule of cool" (insert joke about rescuing a cat and end up killing god. But that way the exceptional stuff will feel...well...exceptional)

    The final nail in the coffin for me was the ending i got for Karlach. "Let me die surrounded by the things I love, not live surrounded by the things I hate". That line stuck with me. And when she finally started to burn up, I was prepared to let her go. I even felt bad for her. BUT THEN, Wyll offered her to come with her to Avernus. Not wanting to decide for her, i let her decide. She then proceeded to go to Avernus with Wyll, pulled out A FRICKING CIGAR and smoked it.
    Later, during Withers Party, she and Wyll returned, happily proclaiming they found a forge that can fix her for good.

    I felt like the game spat in my face. All the emotional tension was gone and retroactively destroyed all the wiriting that led up to this part.

    oh well, it was still worth a playthorugh, but I must say, this wasn't THE RPG i was hoping for.

    • 4 months ago

      >I finished the game today
      No you didn't. You just watched a youtube video or some homosexual streamer play it.

      • 4 months ago

        >No you didn't. You just watched a youtube video or some homosexual streamer play it.
        "you didn't even play the game" troglodytes are the lowest IQ detritus on this board

      • 4 months ago

        Sure buddy, whatever makes you sleep well at night 🙂

  55. 4 months ago

    Is there a fun build for Eldritch Knight that's viable in honor mode without resorting to frickery like spamming throw?

  56. 4 months ago

    It made me realize that there will never be "next Bioware". Nobody will ever deliver the quality of companions that BW at it's peak was capable of.

    The game has Marvel writing syndrome, nothing is taken seriously so ultimately the game is fun but emotionally shallow. The setting is too silly to feel immersive. And companions are merely mediocre.

    • 4 months ago

      Their writing style doesn't lend itself well to cRPGs, where the player is expected to invest heavily in characters. They would be better off moving to faster-paced action games.

      • 4 months ago

        I guess it's what younger players like nowadays.

  57. 4 months ago

    Its a faking masterpiece.
    best rpg of all time

  58. 4 months ago

    its a negative iteration on dos2, which itself was already a negative iteration on dos1
    great sandbox elements, entire fights could be decided by a single puddle of water
    massively reduced the amount of options you have with the armor system, massively reduced environmental effects, and added a moronic high ground mechanic which makes your archer oneshot everything without trying from africa
    gutting of the entire combat system, gear system, party system unless i'm misremembering (i remember being able to speech check skills with your entire party?), combat encounters are no longer interesting because they all rely on spamming shit load of enemies that you kill 1 by 1 because you want to save your spell slots, all the homebrew elements are crap like 10 turn haste, difficulty is a joke, i never broke a sweat playing the game with a "jack of all trades" party that had every speech check, speech skill, every gimmick like talk to animals, my party could simply do everything and as long as i cast haste on my fighter i would default win in 1-3 turns any fight.

    the only thing it does better than dos1-2 is having a story that doesn't make me want to skip every single text box, but it's still a story that feels unfinished despite the devs having 7 years or something to work on it

    • 4 months ago

      >combat encounters are no longer interesting because they all rely on spamming shit load of enemies that you kill 1 by 1 because you want to save your spell slots, all the homebrew elements are crap like 10 turn haste, difficulty is a joke, i never broke a sweat playing the game with a "jack of all trades" party that had every speech check, speech skill, every gimmick like talk to animals, my party could simply do everything and as long as i cast haste on my fighter i would default win in 1-3 turns any fight.
      That's an issue present in D:OS1 (and presumably 2, never played it) too.

  59. 4 months ago

    The Divinity games are very functional from a gameplay point of view, certainly better than BG3.
    But they are much worse in terms of atmosphere, literally nothing is ever taken seriously so we don't care about anything that happens.

  60. 4 months ago

    For me it's the gender swap mods for Astarion, Gale and Wyll

  61. 4 months ago

    >shittier combat system
    is this bait? yes, d&d 5e is shit, but so is the combat in dos 2.

  62. 4 months ago

    OK, I did something which I should've done from the start - I wrote both Larian with a few questions.
    I did something similar in the past, some two years back, asking WotC what are the "canon" events of the Bhaalspawn Crisis, and got the following replies within a few days:

    1. There are no canon events/resolutions of The Bhaalspawn Crisis.
    2. "A Murder in Baldur's Gate" is supposed to provide a "default canon" for people who haven't played the games, not a "definitive canon."

    This time the questions I posted are the following:
    1. Does Baldur's Gate III assume the events of "A Murder in Baldur's Gate" to be canon?
    2. Does the game assume that Abdel Adrian=Gorion's Ward?
    3. If "A Murder in Baldur's Gate" is considered canon for the purposes of the game's story, doesn't it contradict the fact that Abdel Adrian and Viekang were not the last two Bhaalspawn? 4. Does Larian consider the Viconia/Jaheira romances to be non-canon for the purposes of Baldur's Gate III?

    I'll let you know once they write back.

  63. 4 months ago

    >needs wheelchair-accessible dungeons
    Not part of Forgotten Realms canon

    >that every race should have identical stats because muh racism
    Not part of Forgotten Realms canon, nor D&D for that matter. It was never implemented. Case in point.

    >all the monster races are just misunderstood and oppressed people
    Not part of Forgotten Realms canon. For example:
    >Alignment: Lawful Evil

    See how easy it is? Just check, instead of regurgitating clickbait articles and shitpost threads.

    • 4 months ago

      Sorry, anon, but the IP owner has already decided those things, and, as you pointed out, is the ultimate authority. You’ve been hoist by your own petard.

      • 4 months ago

        >but the IP owner has already decided those things
        Point me to a source outside clickbait articles, please.

  64. 4 months ago

    i wonder if the schizo has ever considered that its not that people defend bg3 as flawless, but that all his own personal criticisms are simply moronic.

  65. 4 months ago

    >wheelchair-accessible dungeons
    "Candlekeep Mysteries" published by WotC in 2021
    >altering/removing racial stats
    Errata to "Volo's Guide to Monsters", published by WotC in 2021 (removed stat penalties for kobolds and orcs)
    "Tasha's Cauldron of Everything", published by WotC in 2020 (any race can pick any favored stats, like how BG3 changed from early access to release)

    • 4 months ago

      >muh diversity
      WotC's "diversity statement", published by WotC in 2020
      >One of the explicit design goals of 5th edition D&D is to depict humanity in all its beautiful diversity by depicting characters who represent an array of ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, and beliefs. We want everyone to feel at home around the game table and to see positive reflections of themselves within our products. “Human” in D&D means everyone, not just fantasy versions of northern Europeans, and the D&D community is now more diverse than it’s ever been.
      >Throughout the 50-year history of D&D, some of the peoples in the game—orcs and drow being two of the prime examples—have been characterized as monstrous and evil, using descriptions that are painfully reminiscent of how real-world ethnic groups have been and continue to be denigrated. That’s just not right, and it’s not something we believe in. Despite our conscious efforts to the contrary, we have allowed some of those old descriptions to reappear in the game. We recognize that to live our values, we have to do an even better job in handling these issues. If we make mistakes, our priority is to make things right.
      >Here’s what we’re doing to improve:
      >We present orcs and drow in a new light in two of our most recent books, Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. In those books, orcs and drow are just as morally and culturally complex as other peoples. We will continue that approach in future books, portraying all the peoples of D&D in relatable ways and making it clear that they are as free as humans to decide who they are and what they do.
      etc etc. I'm sorry, it's all canon, as decided by the IP owner, and so you must unquestioningly and unfailingly accept all of it, without thinking about whether if it's reasonable or appropriate, or not.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm long past the hot blooded anger phase, it's more of a below zero eternal boil, so this just makes me wonder what history would look like if every work of literature in it had instead been written by corporate committee review.

        • 4 months ago

          “The gnome always tells you what happened to him, but never tells you what he did to deserve it.”

    • 4 months ago

      >muh diversity
      WotC's "diversity statement", published by WotC in 2020
      >One of the explicit design goals of 5th edition D&D is to depict humanity in all its beautiful diversity by depicting characters who represent an array of ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, and beliefs. We want everyone to feel at home around the game table and to see positive reflections of themselves within our products. “Human” in D&D means everyone, not just fantasy versions of northern Europeans, and the D&D community is now more diverse than it’s ever been.
      >Throughout the 50-year history of D&D, some of the peoples in the game—orcs and drow being two of the prime examples—have been characterized as monstrous and evil, using descriptions that are painfully reminiscent of how real-world ethnic groups have been and continue to be denigrated. That’s just not right, and it’s not something we believe in. Despite our conscious efforts to the contrary, we have allowed some of those old descriptions to reappear in the game. We recognize that to live our values, we have to do an even better job in handling these issues. If we make mistakes, our priority is to make things right.
      >Here’s what we’re doing to improve:
      >We present orcs and drow in a new light in two of our most recent books, Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. In those books, orcs and drow are just as morally and culturally complex as other peoples. We will continue that approach in future books, portraying all the peoples of D&D in relatable ways and making it clear that they are as free as humans to decide who they are and what they do.
      etc etc. I'm sorry, it's all canon, as decided by the IP owner, and so you must unquestioningly and unfailingly accept all of it, without thinking about whether if it's reasonable or appropriate, or not.

      Did you even read the "errata" you posted?
      >The lore in this chapter
      represents the perspective of Volo and is mostly limited to the Forgotten Realms. Elsewhere in the D&D multiverse, reality is more varied than the idiosyncratic views presented here. DM, use the material that
      inspires you and leave the rest.

      It's literally just a statement that evil races are within the scope of Forgotten Realms, and you're free to decide by yourself outside that setting. That's it.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm sorry, anon. I tried to free you from the mental tyranny of blindly accepting whatever garbage WotC comes up with as canon, but you refused. You have made your bed, now lie in it.
        >Aasimar Traits (p. 105). The Alignment trait has been removed
        >Firbolg Traits (p. 107). The Alignment trait has been removed
        >Goliath Traits (p. 109). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Kenku Traits (p. 111). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Lizardfolk Traits (p. 113). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Tabaxi Traits (p. 115). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Triton Traits (p. 117). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Bugbear Traits (p. 119). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Goblin Traits (p. 119). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Hobgoblin Traits (p. 119). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Kobold Traits (p. 119). In the Ability Score Increase trait, the text has changed to read “Your Dexterity score increases by 2.” The adjustment to Strength has
        been removed.
        >Kobold Traits (p. 119). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Orc Traits (p. 120). In the Ability Score Increase trait, the text has changed to read “Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.” The adjustment to Intelligence has been removed.
        >Orc Traits (p. 120). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        >Orc Traits (p. 120). The Menacing trait has been replaced with the following trait: Primal Intuition. You have proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival.
        >Yuan-ti Pureblood Traits (p. 120). The Alignment trait has been removed.
        "Pureblood"? That seems problematic. And why hasn't Lizardfolk been changed to Lizardfolx? I'm sure they'll fix them eventually. WotC's lead designer, Jeremy Crawford, did say that it would take "several years" to remove the wrongthink.

        • 4 months ago

          >>Orc Traits (p. 120). In the Ability Score Increase trait, the text has changed to read “Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.” The adjustment to Intelligence has been removed.
          >Orc Traits (p. 121). In the Skills Increase trait, the text has changed to read "Your Jump score increases by 1 and your Sports skill increases by 1." The adjustment to Pickpocket has been removed.

          I don't understand why anyone would be so defensive about demonic beings patterned after the guy in Greek myth who ran pic related. Are they supposed to represent some type of people IRL or something?

          >From Orcus's association with death and the underworld, his name came to be used for demons and other underworld monsters, particularly in Italian where orco refers to a kind of monster found in fairy-tales that feeds on human flesh.
          >The French word ogre (appearing first in Charles Perrault's fairy-tales) may have come from variant forms of this word, orgo or ogro; in any case, the French ogre and the Italian orco are exactly the same sort of creature.

          • 4 months ago

            >>The French word ogre (appearing first in Charles Perrault's fairy-tales) may have come from variant forms of this word, orgo or ogro; in any case, the French ogre and the Italian orco are exactly the same sort of creature.
            Interesting, didn’t know this, thank you for sharing anon.
            at the risk of memeing, yes, they’re the real racists

            • 4 months ago

              >The Sackville-Bagginses inherited all the D&D in the end
              What can you do, they'll call the Shirriffs on you.

              • 4 months ago

                Reject modernity. Embrace tradition.

  66. 4 months ago

    >want to play bg3
    >dont feel like really lingering on the gameplay in 1 and 2 but would like to appreciate the story
    >play bg1 enhanced with story mode on
    >load up bg2 enhanced
    >no story mode
    Why are devs like this

    • 4 months ago

      BG3 has no relation to the story of the first two games, aside from crude references and retcons. It’s meant for people who didn’t play the first games, and the game it‘s most similar to us divinity original sin 2.

      I would still suggest playing them because they’re good games, but they’re not particularly hard, if you put them on “normal” you should be fine. Play bg1, do not play siege of Dragonspear, and then play bg2, is my advice. Then play bg3 if you want to. If you haven’t bought it already, I’d say wait a year for the “definitive edition” or whatever and snag it on sale.

      • 4 months ago


  67. 4 months ago

    >just had the scene where Wyll tries to seduce me with his dance move
    WTF does this game not have any straight characters? At this point every male party member has tried to have gay sex with me and I haven't even had any hanky panky from Karlach or Shadowheart.

    Upon further research after a failed captcha, apparently "all the characters in Baldur's Gate 3 are “playersexual,” meaning that they will be attracted to the player, regardless of their gender or sexuality.". So fricking lame and lazy lmao.

    • 4 months ago

      >So fricking lame and lazy lmao.

      Listen, dumbfrick.
      We already went down le hardwritten sexuality in DA2 and DAI.
      Since leftists are doing all the writing what you would end up with here on that scheme is wyll dancing at you and gale and the bear trying to pound your pale nerd ass and the women would all be stronk unromanceable by body type 1 dykes to teach you chuddies a lesson with tequila and skittles.

      That is exactly what they did in DAI and you should know that.
      In order for nature to heal there has to be intermediary steps where the suits see woke/DEI/ESG doesn't work, never did work, and they are dumb suits floated by lots of simp dollars until neets run out of other people's money so will have to see it again and again before it sticks. This is one of those steps. Leftists are also complaining about playersexual because they think games should just be purely gay to own the chuds, except for their moe pedo shit sublimated into false asexuality that they present on here like the world of manga filled shelves, dolls and dakkis four walls that they live in that have also never seen a bare vegana IRL. You won't get the whole win at once, so take a small win.

      Don't be those homosexuals, be your own man, homosexual.

      • 4 months ago

        >In order for nature to heal there has to be intermediary steps where the suits see woke/DEI/ESG doesn't work, never did work, and they are dumb suits floated by lots of simp dollars until neets run out of other people's money so will have to see it again and again before it sticks.
        The whole point of ESG dollars is that the “Federal” “Reserve” can infinitely inflate the fiat dollar and divert infinite amounts to Blackrock for social engineering projects. What customers want doesn’t matter anymore, it insulates companies from market forces and the financial consequences of making unpopular shit no one wants

      • 4 months ago

        >muh leftists
        Give it a rest lol, you have the political acumen of a 10 year old. No conservative could stand being around you for even 5 minutes.

      • 4 months ago

        At least we know what your debilitating schizophrenia is about now.

    • 4 months ago

      just make wyll a cutie with big breasts

      • 4 months ago

        I've seen 3D porn that looked better than this version of Astarion. She needs new hair and her old clothes from EA badly - this tomboy vibe is great, sure, but it's not exactly canon-compliant.

  68. 4 months ago

    Did they add extra stuff ontop of Tactician in Honor mode? I am playing it and it feels like the enemies are dealing more damage.

  69. 4 months ago

    >What's the consensus on this thing?
    Difficult to say.
    This game reaches the highest highs and the lowest lows.
    - Enounter design is AMAZING for the most part.
    - Combat system is... very good as long as you keep yourself from breaking it. I thought I don't care about in single players game... untill I met b*lgians who truly don't care about balance.
    - But the writing... it has to be one of the worst written cRPGs in recent memory. Presentation is good. Smaller stuff is mostly good. But everything related to the main storyline is horrible garbage. It's bad is new and surprising ways.
    - They even made the Nu FR realms even lamer. Somehow.

    I used to think I'm a "gameplay above all" type of guy.
    BG3 made me question this. Writing CAN ruin the overall experience.

    • 4 months ago

      *"I thought I don't care about BALANCE in single players games"

    • 4 months ago

      Agree with all these points
      The main plot clearly went through a lot of sloppy rewrites, and it feels like the writers couldn't commit to whether they wanted Mind Flayers or the Dead Three to carry the narrative and themes, and so just flipflopped and tried to justify everyone's actions through hidden documents.

      One of the things Larian really should have taken up for this game was Bioware's sense for expodumping. Major characters should exist both to add onto the narrative and also be available to explain things as objectively (or clearly but subjectively) as possible. Because they're chained to mocapped cutscenes and spirited, serious performances, they didn't have many (if any) opportunities for a character to go
      Which is a clumsy and shitty way to push a scene forward but absolutely vital to giving the player context and setting up a coherent timeline of events. The end result was the Absolute trainwreck of events that make up the core conflict of the game you can only understand by looting everyone's personal diaries and cross-referencing information from a handful of disparate dialogue options (between five characters across twenty hours of gameplay) that actually explain what is happening.

      • 4 months ago

        >The main plot clearly went through a lot of sloppy rewrites
        >The end result was the Absolute trainwreck of events
        I see what you did there.

    • 4 months ago

      The gameplay is total shit though. One auto attack and one bonus action for the first 40 hours, two auto attacks and one bonus action for the other 80, fricking wow, amazing. Cast three spells then go through four loading screens for a long rest, get back into a fight and miss all your spells anyway, just incredible. Encounter design is amazing? In what way, at all? The only encounter in this game that goes beyond trading auto attacks is the Gyrm fight where you can lure him on a piston to smash him, everything else is just 3-10 npc enemies with the same stock class abilities. There is ZERO depth in the combat or the character builds or even the way you interact with the environment. There's like five good environmental interactions in act 1 and then nothing else for the rest of the game. It's just a big wet boring shit.

      The loot in this game is also a total snoozefest. There are a few interesting interactions between items to squeeze out damage, but for the most part it's all boring marginal effects. You never get an item and suddenly feel like you hit a massive powerspike, it's all just so tame. That's 5e in a nutshell, just boring and tame.

      The presentation and production values are incredible; many of the enemy's visual designs are amazing, the spider drow in act 2 particularly stuck out to me. The environments themselves are also fantastic and the voice acting is the best I've seen in any game. Sometimes you get a glimpse of a former bioware employee's animation work, but it's rare.

      The companions minus jaheira and minsc (who are terrible) are unexpectedly decent to great, none of them are annoying which is a stark contrast to every other rpg ever. Didn't think I'd ever not hate a gay edgy vampire, but the actual dialogue and delivery make him quite likeable. Each of their back stories I find interesting.

      The main story line is indeed poorly written, poorly paced (act 3 lol), and poorly strung together while being wholly uninteresting.


      • 4 months ago

        >b-b-bu-but th-the j-journalists all s-said it w-was th-the g-ga-game of t-th y-y-year and it s-sold six g-g-go-gorrillion c-copies

    • 4 months ago

      Except it never reaches the highest highs. Nothing about the game is high quality. The best part about the game is probably the UI and even it has lazy overly simplistic skill icons.

      • 4 months ago

        Name a mainstream cRPG with better envounter design.
        I can only think of some smaller tactics focused games.

        • 4 months ago


          BG3 actually has awful encounter design. Everything is too easy. Fighting against the goblin camp is just an awful experience because of the time wasted. You can't design an encounter like that if the system is very slow.

          • 4 months ago

            I'm not going to argue here, because I remember almost nothing from D:OS2.
            Most memories were wiped by pure rage...
            Pure rage after I stumbled upon a woolen shirt with stats better than my legendary armor of gigahitler warlock.
            Itemization made me quit the game.

          • 4 months ago

            > Everything is too easy. Fighting against the goblin camp is just an awful experience because of the time wasted.
            One or two well-placed "clouds of daggers" and they all just kill themselves, on any difficulty level. Dumb berserker AI.

            • 4 months ago

              Now try this on Honor Mode.

              • 4 months ago

                I did, and in fact beat the game in honor mode.
                Enemies still just walk into AOE spells.
                In Moonrise Towers, one of the goons cast Hunger of Hadar on his own guys, right at that chokepoint at the base of the stairs. That moron made the fight easy.

              • 4 months ago

                I am playing Honor Mode right now and so far the enemies target and position correctly.

  70. 4 months ago
  71. 4 months ago

    The biggest problem I have with it is that they coomer bait and let you make a futa, but don't really let you make a futa. If you're going to bother with going /d/, fricking go /d/ you pansy homosexuals. Let me make a gigawienered amazonian futa dommy mommy who wins every social encounter by whipping out her monster wiener and either humiliating or dominating everyone in range of that b***h breaker.

  72. 4 months ago

    Not going to play memeshit. If it's not serious then it's shit, no matter other parts. Hard rule, applies to everything. Comedy is a low tier entertainment for plebs. Characters not taking the setting seriously is a dealbreaker. Setting not being serious is a dealbreaker. Everything about this game reeks of reddithomosexualry. I don't have to play it to know that it's objectively shit.

    • 4 months ago

      I've nothing against comedy but in BG3 all the jokes (like writing in general) are cringe, embarrassing garbage only an awkward nerd would find funny.

    • 4 months ago

      It's more serious than bg2

  73. 4 months ago

    >encounter design

  74. 4 months ago

    I am the only person in this thread that has actually played Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2 and Baldur's Gate 3.

    • 4 months ago

      I’ve (re)played all three within the last year. 1 and 2 are good, 3 is bad. Simple as.

      • 4 months ago

        You're full of shit. I've also replayed 1 and 2 before playing 3 and 3 blows the first two out of the water.

      • 4 months ago

        Same, except I replayed BG1 and BG2 within the last two years. BG3 is abysmal and doesn't even deserve to be called a Baldur's Gate game. A Dragon Age: Inquisition clone for the most moronic zoomers out there.

        • 4 months ago

          >A Dragon Age: Inquisition clone for the most moronic zoomers out there.
          Whenever people post webms and screenshots from those games I can't distinguish them.

          • 4 months ago

            The looks are a bit different, the looks are straight from D:OS. But the writing is similar, if you just added tons and tons of forced political and LGBT content to Inquisition. And replaced all the Bioware humor with Tumblr humor.

  75. 4 months ago

    >BG3 thread
    >filled with people spreading lies
    Is this salty devs seething at BG3 setting a new standart or just troons mad at the game because reasons?

  76. 4 months ago

    why would troons be mad at troon game?

    • 4 months ago

      >why was leftism invented
      Oh mah sweet summer chitlin

  77. 4 months ago

    I wish I could play bg1 but beamdog made that impossible

    • 4 months ago

      You can get it on GoG...
      If you pay for beamshit edition.
      Also, why the fook you don't have some physical copy. I have like 5 different bargain bin versions.

      • 4 months ago

        If you buy the games on GOG they include the classic versions with the Enchanced versions. Why people shop on Steam instead of GOG is beyond me.

        I'm not gonna pay money

    • 4 months ago

      If you buy the games on GOG they include the classic versions with the Enchanced versions. Why people shop on Steam instead of GOG is beyond me.

  78. 4 months ago

    Games are kinda shitty, though that's mostly cuz they're DnD.

  79. 4 months ago

    >I'm EVIL now
    I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this coming considering that she was a Lolth worshipper who moved on to being a Shar worshipper which is barely a step up, and she has been NE since BG1, but at the same time it feels like everyone that isn't your 2 party members from the old days just went back to what they were doing before after BG2 ended.

    • 4 months ago

      She's based on her epilogue... but with retconned details.
      Viconia has 2 endings:
      1. Romance ending where she dies. Optional alignment change doesn't matter.
      2. No romance (or leaving her for godhood) ending. Optional alignment change doesn't matter. People call it her "evil" ending because... I guess they don't use google.
      It is implied HEAVILY that she turns towards good-ish alignment.

      BG3 takes that epilogue and changes details of the temple massacre. In the original she was defending herself from a plot. The b*lgians changed it into order from Shar.

      • 4 months ago

        Canon Viconia ending in bg1 is chopping her up when the flaming fist is after her and then, apparently after some foul elven necromancer raised her, helping the mob burn her in bg2

        • 4 months ago

          Imagine recruiting a dr*w. By Helm!

      • 4 months ago

        Look the Spellplague may have change some things.

      • 4 months ago

        >I'm EVIL now
        I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this coming considering that she was a Lolth worshipper who moved on to being a Shar worshipper which is barely a step up, and she has been NE since BG1, but at the same time it feels like everyone that isn't your 2 party members from the old days just went back to what they were doing before after BG2 ended.

        You frickers don't really remember much of her from the games, do you?

        >Priestess of Lolth for decades, which means murder, torture... the works.
        >Active and ambitious member of her House, which means even more of the above.
        >Don't you remember what the Flaming Fist mercenary was chasing after her in BG1? Let me quote: "Our squads' mission is to hunt down a drow elf who killed a farmer, his wife and kids." So even child murder isn't something she recoils from - only infanticide, apparently.
        >Murdered her four husbands, three of which for no reason at all, just "for sport."

        If anything, she DID get softer by the time BG3 rolls around. Pushing a kid down the stairs... phi.

        • 4 months ago

          Also, this banter between her and Minsc in BG2 is canon, apparently.

          Viconia: Minsc, I am finding myself unable to deny your effectiveness in battle.
          Minsc: Eh... Boo, was that a compliment?
          Viconia: Oh, it was, and your response is the reason for my query. Just how old is Boo?
          Minsc: Boo? He is young by the standards of his miniature giant cohorts.
          Viconia: So he has exceeded the normal lifespan of a normal rodent of his type?
          Minsc: I believe he takes offense to the term "rodent."
          Viconia: Perhaps he bears examining. Some form of exploratory dissection. It was an art in my homeland.
          Minsc: You know, try as he might, Boo just doesn't get your kind of humor.

          Minsc reveals in BG3 she left the party between the events of BG2 and ToB after he caught her trying to dissect Boo.

          • 4 months ago

            BG3 is not canon, it's AAA garbage. Please don't imply it's related to BG2.

            • 4 months ago

              >BG3 is not canon

              Then so isn't BG2. Both were made under the WotC license. Only Bg1 was under TSR, and even that only nominally, since the transfer to WotC was finished in 1997, while the game was already in development.

              • 4 months ago

                BG2 is canon in BG2. BG3 might be canon in BG3 too but nobody cares about BG3 because it's an embarrassing shitfest and not even a real RPG to begin with.

                But please don't mention BG2 and BG3 in the same context, thanks.

              • 4 months ago

                >BG2 and BG3

                Published by Wizards of the Coast (TM).

              • 4 months ago

                But WotC was yet to go completely insane.

              • 4 months ago

                You should start every post you write with "moron ALERT!!" notification.
                If you can make it so that it appears in red color it would be even better.
                thank you.

    • 4 months ago

      She's based on her epilogue... but with retconned details.
      Viconia has 2 endings:
      1. Romance ending where she dies. Optional alignment change doesn't matter.
      2. No romance (or leaving her for godhood) ending. Optional alignment change doesn't matter. People call it her "evil" ending because... I guess they don't use google.
      It is implied HEAVILY that she turns towards good-ish alignment.

      BG3 takes that epilogue and changes details of the temple massacre. In the original she was defending herself from a plot. The b*lgians changed it into order from Shar.

      Why do people treat her as some complex character? From the very beginning she was a mixture of femme fatale and Saturday cartoon villain.
      I'd like to remind my dear Anons she had four husbands in total - three she murdered for sport, one because he looked at her sister too much.
      She was also a "faithful cleric of Lolth" for decades. Go look up her rituals. Murder and torture all around.
      The ONLY thing she ever had a moral quandary about was sacrificing an infant.
      She isn't even against child murder. Have her in the party when you talk to Neb, the serial child killer.

      • 4 months ago

        I think you should read epilogue again.

        • 4 months ago

          You're the guy who argued for dozens of posts she left Shar, even though there's no mention of that, and she's also a cleric of Shar in the Neverwinter MMO?

          • 4 months ago

            I have maybe 3 posts ITT.

    • 4 months ago

      The worst part of bringing these characters back is that it's completely unnecessary.
      Nothing about The Emperor changes if he's just some random dude, but they chose to make him Balduran anyway which makes the entire story worse.
      Viconia didn't have to be in this game, she could literally just be "Shar Mistress #8." But they chose to bring Viconia back and the entire story is worse-off because of it.

      It's especially hilarious because apparently there's a scrapped plotline where Lorroakan was supposed to be Edwin in disguise, which would have actually been the perfect storyline for him to make an appearance.

      • 4 months ago

        >there's a scrapped plotline where Lorroakan was supposed to be Edwin in disguise

        There isn't, and there wasn't. I'm one of the people who actually read through the data-mines. Most of the things regurgitated online about "cut content" are either grossly exaggerated, or outright false.

    • 4 months ago

      To the people complaining she "looks old". She's not young:
      >The game takes place in 1492.
      >Baldur's Gate II ends in 1369 - that's 123 years.
      >The fall of House DeVir took place in 1297 - that's another 72 years.
      >Viconia states in BG2 she a priestess of Lolth for "an age and a half" - so another 150 years.
      >Let's accept she became a priestess of Lolth at a relatively young age - drow hit adulthood at 80.

      So it's 80 + 150 + 72 + 123 = 425 years, and that's being conservative.

      Drow live around 800 years. And Underdark drow living for prolonged periods under the sun age more rapidly when it comes to appearance. She's been living under the sun for 200 years.

      • 4 months ago

        Does she look old? She looks pretty good for someone that's over 400 years old and is over halfway done with her lifespan for her species.

        • 4 months ago

          Some people b***hed and moaned she looked old. It's the same moronic behaviour as the people claiming she was character assassinated, as if she wasn't a cartoonish villain since the first game.

          • 4 months ago

            >Some people b***hed and moaned she looked old.
            It's mainly that one unfortunate camera angle in the conversation, you know the one.

  80. 4 months ago

    I finally got around to beating it today, and I liked it enough but by the end of Act 3 I kinda just wanted to get it over with and I'm sure there were a bunch of questlines that I could've done in the city but didn't.
    In terms of act storylines
    2 > 3 > 1
    But in terms of Aesthetic
    3 > 1 > 2

    Act 2 really is the game's peak in writing, character moments, being just strong enough to handle complex fights without it devolving into spamming really high lvl spells, etc. But goddamn does the spooky forest and Shar temple get old fast in terms of aesthetics. Act 1 is...fine, but it has too much of a theme park feel. Act 3 unironically has too much content for what's basically just 4 areas.

    • 4 months ago

      >Act 3 unironically has too much content for what's basically just 4 areas.
      I think you are supposed to only do the urgent quests that affect your party members and then face the brain. A good half of Act 3 is dealing with problems party members have that you do not intend to take with you all the way to the end. The game would flow a lot better if Larian had stuck with the DOS2 method of making you choose 3 party members and killing off the rest. It wouldn't suprise me if that was the plan and only changed later in development.

      Oh yeah and recruiting Minsc takes almost as much time as doing Astarions and Lae'zels quests combined. Fricking stupid so close to the end of the game.

  81. 4 months ago

    I can't believe the new DnD movie did well enough to get this game of the year award.

  82. 4 months ago

    Getting very anxious about all the different companions and when I should have them in my party. Any suggestions on how to handle them?

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, uninstall.

    • 4 months ago

      You should follow up on the story. That will generally tell you where what companions you would need.
      >take Shadowheart to the gauntlet of Shar
      >take Laezel to the gith creche
      >take Wyll to Moonrise

      • 4 months ago

        The game is a LOT better -- and its story is a lot easier to swallow -- if you let Laezel die in the cage. She's annoying, cringe, and her storyline is the most ridiculous special snowflake shit I've ever seen in any RPG.
        You can still genocide the Creche -- and, without Laezel, it feels a lot more natural.

        • 4 months ago

          >The game is a LOT better -- and its story is a lot easier to swallow -- if you let Laezel die in the cage.
          This has to be bait. Lae'zel is one of the best characters in the game.

          • 4 months ago

            >Lae'zel is one of the best characters in the game
            “Ugh, imagine, to be unable to enjoy the pleasures of sex without the impending threat of bearing disgusting CHILDREN”
            Larians writers are all onions millenial homosexuals who don’t understand anything. Just like the whiny gith in the crèche being a bratty teenager “I don’t WANT to learn to fight! This is STUPID! Killing mindflayers is BORING!” Holy shit

    • 4 months ago

      >Getting very anxious about all the different companions and when I should have them in my party. Any suggestions on how to handle them?
      1. Launch the game four times
      2. Host a multiplayer game, join the game with the other three instances
      3. Make your own party, start the game, save it, then reload that save as a single player game
      4. Kill all the origin characters
      You’re welcome
      >t. played and finished bg3

  83. 4 months ago

    Please stay on Ganker if you can't elevate your criticism beyond meaningless buzzwords.
    This board was made to get away from your kind.

  84. 4 months ago

    Is there a harder fight than Raphael? Because that was the one fight where I legitimately won by the skin of my teeth and 2 of my characters died in the process. Sure Withers brought them back but that usually doesn't happen.

    • 4 months ago

      Use Gale's invulnerability dome, it completely destroys Raphael's difficulty.

      • 4 months ago

        This goes for most unique encounter fights. Depending on your party composition certain fights can be easy or hard.

    • 4 months ago

      I completed the game before they gave raphael decent save throws.
      You could just take him out of the fight with any control spell, like he was a goblin or something.

    • 4 months ago

      Just burn Hopes once in a lifetime Divine Aid. Frick that dwarfen b***h. She was raped and hase BPD. Lost cause anyway.

    • 4 months ago

      Post-patch and if you don't convince his demon servant to join you? No, there is no fight harder than Raphael, it's legit the most difficult fight you will face the entire game and it's why you shouldn't do it before max level.

  85. 4 months ago

    BG seems impenetrable to me
    No.clue where to start and the arguments have soured me on the thing.
    I just like PST and fallout

    • 4 months ago

      >No clue where to start
      Start with 3. Then go back to 1 and then play 2.

      • 4 months ago

        >Start with 3. Then go back to 1 and then play 2.
        Start with 1. Then play 2 and its expansion. Then you’e done, that’s the entire series, and the Bhaalspawn saga is conclusively wrapped up and finished.

        • 4 months ago

          This but skip ToB because it's absolutely terrible.

          • 4 months ago

            >This but skip ToB because it's absolutely terrible.
            It's worth playing once just to see how it all ends, but I agree, it has close to zero replay value, and is the lowest part of the trilogy (BG1, BG2, ToB)

          • 4 months ago

            >This but skip ToB because it's absolutely terrible.
            It's worth playing once just to see how it all ends, but I agree, it has close to zero replay value, and is the lowest part of the trilogy (BG1, BG2, ToB)

            ToB is fantastic if you play the Sarelith mod.

    • 4 months ago

      Do as this anon says

      >Start with 3. Then go back to 1 and then play 2.
      Start with 1. Then play 2 and its expansion. Then you’e done, that’s the entire series, and the Bhaalspawn saga is conclusively wrapped up and finished.

      save the best for the last, play BG1 and BG2 with its expansion then wait a month or so and then play the best (BG3)

  86. 4 months ago

    >Either mogs every Pozzed Larian OC.
    Why are straight white male companions so powerful? Also, when is Korgan going to be added to the roster? I want to see an elderly dwarf bullying all these troony characters into trying to kill him and failing, or outright quitting.

    • 4 months ago

      Eder is bisexual and Durance is a literal cuck.

      • 4 months ago

        >Durance is a literal cuck
        Do you even remember what this word means, you moron?

        >Have a girlfriend.
        >Dump her, and go to war.
        >Come back a year later.
        >She had a child with someone else, who is now dead.
        >She also dies.
        >Adopt the child.

        In what fantasy of yours is this cuckoldry?

        • 4 months ago

          Imagine if this schizo was around when Baldur's Gate II was released:
          >Aerie - can dump you and romance Haer'Dalis; can dump you if you have sex with her too soon; will dump you if you have sex with Phaere
          >Jaheira - already had a husband, and reminisces about him constantly until the very end of the series
          >Viconia - had four prior husbands and multiple lovers, even after leaving the Underdark; prostituted herself; will actively try to seduce Sarevok in ToB
          >Keldorn - literally, in the actual definition of the word, a cuckold
          >Jan Jansen - pines after a woman in a abusive relationship, gets together with her in the epilogue
          >Cernd - deadbeat father, gets killed by his own son in the epilogue

          He would've screamed "cuckolds and simps game" on every thread until the end of time.

          • 4 months ago

            - can dump you if you have sex with her too soon; will dump you if you have sex with Phaere
            Extremely based.

            • 4 months ago

              Yeah, too bad if your character has Intelligence below 14 and romances Aearie, since you can't talk your way out of sex with Phaere then.

              • 4 months ago

                >too bad if your character has Intelligence below 14 and romances Aearie
                Choice and consequences.

              • 4 months ago

                Just go murderhobo in Ust'Natha to save your pure wholesome romance.
                PRetty much the whole underdark is skippable anyway.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, you can see the point where they were cobbling the game together:
                >Brynnlaw - fully modelled town, a single side quest
                >Sahuagin City - a fully modelled town, completely skippable, glorified battle arena
                >Underdark - almost fully skippable
                >Suldanessalar - fully modelled city, glorified battle arena
                >Post-Underdark - next to no new content

              • 4 months ago

                “Welp we are out of time and money, wrap it up”

              • 4 months ago

                Why are you suggesting that content being skippable is a bad thing, or a signs of cobbling the game together?

              • 4 months ago

                He’s saying the later portions of the game likely had significant amounts of cut content and were rushed to get it out the door, as opposed to earlier sections where more time and effort were put in.

              • 4 months ago

                He wrote
                - almost fully skippable
                Like it's a bad thing.

          • 4 months ago

            I forgot:
            >Coran - a deadbeat womanizer going around cucking other men, has at least two bastard children with married women, you kill one of the enraged husbands in BG1.

  87. 4 months ago

    I wish fighter battle Master had more stuff to buff others and take more of a tactician role. I wish there was a way to use int or cha or wis for melee martial without going eldritch knight

    • 4 months ago

      Fighter in general feels kinda half-baked, especially when Asterion respecced as a bard will do like triple a fighter's damage with twin hand crossbows

      • 4 months ago

        Action surge is absurdly good for a dip, like if I was going to play 3.5e I wouldn't want to play a pure fighter either. You can, but that would be boring.

    • 4 months ago

      You want 4E

      • 4 months ago

        Nobody wanted 4E.

        • 4 months ago

          I wanted 4E.

          • 4 months ago

            Just go play WoW

  88. 4 months ago

    Has one of the worst writing team ever assembled.

    • 4 months ago

      This just seems like post-hoc pseud bullshit. If it were actually meant to be a parallel, touching karlach would hurt her/make her uncomfortable, not the other way around. Also, karlach is thirsty and not at all avoidant to attachment or romance or physicality.

      • 4 months ago

        >touching karlach would hurt her/make her uncomfortable
        It does, because it hurts other people.
        >Also, karlach is thirsty and not at all avoidant to attachment or romance or physicality.
        Also not uncommon in people with a trauma response to physical touch, their disorder is compounded by the common human desire for physical touch and romance.

  89. 4 months ago

    Good rpg and fun BG game. They managed to pull it off. It does have some DOS2 game breaking stuff but in general its a good game.

  90. 4 months ago

    >be by far the most interesting of the Dead 3 Chosen
    >kill him off before act 3 with no way to avoid this
    Why is Gortash the one I have a choice to side with and not him? At least with Orin I get it, you should trust a Chosen of Bhaal not even as far as you can throw them since as a Barbarian I can toss her quite far, but was Ketheric truly so unreasonable? I'd rather trust someone that worships Myrkul over Bane.

    • 4 months ago

      Kethric had sold his soul too many times. He can't be reasoned with because in the end he becomes a literal Myrkul puppet. He can't be reasoned with because that would mean the death of his daughter. Remember that she lives only because of him dealing with the bonelord.

      • 4 months ago

        Also he's literally keeping an angel bound so that he can leech away her immortality. That is a ridiculously evil act by the setting's standard

        • 4 months ago

          Evil, yes. But what makes it ridiculously evil?

    • 4 months ago

      >most interesting of the Dead 3
      That's like saying the most virginal career prostitute.

  91. 4 months ago

    Ok, I'm doing a Durge run, can you kill off Isobel for Durge while still recruiting Jaheira and thus later on Minsc?

    • 4 months ago

      Slayer Form isn't really worth it, it's mainly there to cuck Orin out of being a decent challenge for you in your fight and make her mad because there can only be one living Slayer in the world at a time. You're actively weaker depending on your class when in Slayer form because you can't stack bonuses like you could before.

      • 4 months ago

        Also the answer is yes, you just need to gaslight Jaheira into thinking someone else killed her.

  92. 4 months ago

    BG3 isn't an RPG.

  93. 4 months ago

    >see a talking elephant that can fly
    >no dialogue options to go "yo what the frick a talking flying elephant!"
    tbh it's immersion breaking to have the game assume my character would would see that kinda shit and take it in stride

    • 4 months ago

      >tbh it's immersion breaking
      Same, for basically the whole game.

    • 4 months ago

      Well you see anon, no one wants to bring up the elephant in the room.

  94. 4 months ago

    >Send a ton of fricking hours on the game never even make it to act 3
    >get so used to the combat system I make a gnome to solo the game with as a rouge/ranger
    >wreck shit and the only companion i get is the drow
    >looking forward to the romance and having them take over the world together
    >get to the end of act 2 and start of act 3
    >the romance fricking glitches and never fixes no matter for high i get her affinity
    >i wait and wait for patches to finish the run so my character can have at least one connection with someone
    >act 3 starts throwing "tactician" enemys at me where are just dmg sponges so now some normal ass mobs are stronger than some bosses
    >lose interest and never beat the game
    I felt fricking punished for choosing the route that I did and the game would constantly glitch due to me playing with no party and turning invis every turn

    • 4 months ago

      I solo'd as a paladin and my favorite glitch was dying in the second Auntie Ethel fight by jumping "too high", glitching through the roof, then instantly dying. The hardest fight in the game was the three undead knights at the entrance to Bhaal's temple.

      • 4 months ago

        The hardest fight for me was in the dark temple against the spawning skeletons

        The skeletons couldn't target me so they began switching turns endlessly over and over and over with me unable to act. i had to keep saving and reloading and slapping my keyboard hoping i triggered something that stopped it. I got stuck in no less than like 5 endless loops that i could on reset on and hope that fixed it

        • 4 months ago

          Was that the one with the "lol I'm going to target you with an instakill spell in a few rounds and then teleport away, come find me" fight? That was so obnoxious and annoying.

  95. 4 months ago

    I enjoy it but there are some issues (inventory and party member switching are both very clunky). But I find it very comfy. Wish it had been Icewind Dale though, I think the gorgeous lush green fantasy setting has been done enough (and yes, I'm aware there's an underdark section)

    • 4 months ago

      After my first playthrough I just started modding the hell out of it and put in the party expansion mod. Which yes, does trivialize fights for no other reason than because you now have a much larger action economy, but at the same time the game FEELS like it was made for 6 party members at once sometimes, not 4

    • 4 months ago

      You can shift click to mark and shift-right click to move many items at once. That and sorting by type cuts down on inventory management massively. It's really pretty good now.

      >party members
      Yeah, that's still a mess.

  96. 4 months ago

    I played a bit of it, but dropped it for another game. Might go back and do a solo run.
    Just have to choose the right class that can handle fights by himself.

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