>Baldur's Gate III takes place 120 years after the Bhaalspawn Saga

>Baldur's Gate III takes place 120 years after the Bhaalspawn Saga
Do you think CHARNAME is still alive and kicking? Enjoying retirement as some semi-immortal Level 25+ deity?
>inb4 muh Abdel Adrian

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  1. 8 months ago

    WotC killed off charname after BGII. That's why Larian don't have him in the game. Larian brought back everyone they were allowed to bring back.

  2. 8 months ago

    CHARNAME dies in the "Murder in Baldur's Gate" module, which was a pre-5e/post-4e adventure. It was part of "The Sundering" stuff that heralds the end of the 4e lore nonsense and 5e bringing it back closer to what people liked in 3e and earlier. It's where Bhaal gets resurrected.

    CHARNAME becomes a Duke of Baldur's Gate and lives unnaturally long due to traces of his divine blood, which is why he was still alive (if human).

    • 8 months ago

      >Fight vs Viekang
      >Resurrected Bhaal

      Big Mistake !

    • 8 months ago

      ...How did CHARNAME die?

      • 8 months ago

        He had a faceoff with his final remaining sibling. One of them killed the other, then the other snapped and turned into the Slayer Avatar of Bhaal, and was killed by a party of adventurers and the city's guards. It's actually a pretty tragic ending since by this time, Charname was a beloved political and cultural figure, having saved Baldur's Gate, and Athkatla, and then Amn as a whole in the span of maybe two years. He was a Duke, and everyone thought he was pretty cool.

        Which makes it a bit egregious that none of what he did seems to have mattered. Fricking Sarevok is still around, seriously? Still around, and evil again? How could you go back that hard on the events of Throne of Bhaal, last indication we got of Sarevok was that he went off to try and find his dead girlfriend's grave (Tomiko, random npc chick you kill in BG1)

  3. 8 months ago

    whatever they would've done with CHARNAME in game would've sucked ass. bringing back the old characters was a mistake especially sarevok and viconia.

    • 8 months ago

      True. I made my character half-drow and imagined him as CHARNAME's and Viconia's son. Oh boy the disappointment when I came across "mom"

    • 8 months ago

      Indeed. You can tell the devs did strictly moralgay playthroughs and never recruited, much less gained any proper understanding of, Sarevok and Viconia. What they did to Sarevok in particular was indefensible garbage.

      • 8 months ago

        whatever they would've done with CHARNAME in game would've sucked ass. bringing back the old characters was a mistake especially sarevok and viconia.

        I feel they treated Minsc and Jaheira respectably (even though Jaheira is just as worthless as ever) but for some reason decided to take a dump on Sarevok and Viconia for reasons I cannot comprehend.

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            In BG3 she is. In BG2 I just gave her a stick and kept her in the back doing entangle and on occasion transforming into a bear

  4. 8 months ago

    No, he's dead.

  5. 8 months ago

    He died a few years ago at the hands of the other last Bhaalspawn. Ironically this accomplished what Bhaal had wanted all along and resurrected the Murder God. However, he was a huge badass and made it a long ass time.

    To be honest I kept expecting Edwin to show as a lich or something, but still talking like a fricking butthole with his thick accent.

    • 8 months ago

      >he doesn't know

      • 8 months ago

        >Since he doesn't respect the intelligence of anyone other than himself, he often finds himself engaged in conversation with his simulacrum.

      • 8 months ago

        Too bad it's not even acknowledged by Jaheira or Minsc if they encounter him. I wonder if it's due to it likely being cut somehow. It's weird considering Sarevok and Viconia are depicted much the same from recent D&D material.

  6. 8 months ago

    >hundreds of years pass
    >it's still medieval times

    this is always so stupid in fantasy settings

    • 8 months ago

      It's because magic exists.

    • 8 months ago

      Gods actively stifle technological progress

    • 8 months ago

      >has factories and shit

  7. 8 months ago

    I don't have much idea about the game's lore, since I started with III. Do you recommend a video so I can understand the basics?

    • 8 months ago

      BG1 and BG2 are 75% off on GoG, if you don't wanna play EE you can also just pirate the originals and play through the games yourself.

      As for the Murder in Baldur's gate module all you need to know from it is that the protagonist of the previous two games died, Bhaal ressurected and Ulder Raveguard took his place as Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate

    • 8 months ago

      Okay hold on a second.

      A long long time ago the gods were made mortal because Capital G God (actually capital A since it was Ao) decided they needed to be taught a lesson. So all of the gods were sent down to live as mortals for a time. It was at this time that a fellow by the name of Cyric pulled a pro-gamer move and murdered Bhaal with a magic sword.

      Bhaal however despite being a complete butthole had foresight so he went around sexing up as many women as he could to produce a horde of bastards, the idea being that when he died, his soul would live on in them, and then when THEY eventually all died, he would be resurrecting him.

      Enter Charname, an orphan along with his cute orphan-sister Imoen who live in Candlekeep, a monastary/library where powerful important wizards hang out. One of these was Gorion, a sort of discount Elminster who raised Charname.

      Saravok, the son of an important iron merchant (jk Bhaal cucked his dad he's also a Bhaalspawn) has a cunning plan to seize control of Baldur's Gate by paying Zhentarim and Kobolds to mix shit into the iron that fuels the local economy. He does this to cripple all of the armed groups except for his own. HOWEVER he intends to do this because he wants to start a huge war and kill a trillion people, believing that he will be able to steal Bhaal's essence for himself and ascend to godhood. Gorion is killed, but Charname survives, meets Jaheira and her husband Khalid, Imoen, Mingsc and a few others.

      Together, they whack Sarevok and save the day. This is the plot of Baldur's Gate.

      • 8 months ago

        now sum up 2 and that fricker Irenicus

      • 8 months ago

        So, cut to the opening of BG 2.

        Charname wakes up in a sex dungeon below Athkatla where he and his friends have been kidnapped by the voice of Nurgal from Billy & Mandy, Jon Irenicus. By the time the game starts he has already tortured Khalid to death, tortured Dynaheir (Mingsc's witch he was sworn to protect) to death, and probably also killed the other party members who don't appear in the sequels.

        You see it turns out Irenicus wants to be God, and he got pretty close by trying to hijack the Na'Vi Tree from Avatar but ended up getting banished and having his soul ripped out as punishment along with the walking cluster B personality disorder that is his sister Bodhi. So now he's going to rib Charname's soul out and use it to make himself immortal.

        Charname breaks out with his friends, to find Irenicus standing in broad daylight in the middle of Athkatla personally killing the entire Wizard CIA that runs Amn, the Cowled Wizards, who are trying to arrest him for using magic. He uses magic to vaporize several of them before grabbing cute sister Imoen and "surrendering" to them, which causes them to take him and Imoen to Wizard Alcatraz. Charname has to pursue them raising money to go save his childhood friend.

        Unfortunately in the time it takes to save 15k gold Irenicus has already taken over Spellhold, killed the entire staff, summoned an army of demons and possibly raped Imoen. By the time you get there he is the Warden and sticks you in prison. This is also where we find out that Imoen is also a Bhaalspawn.

        Eventually however Charname & friends track down and kill Bodhi who is a vampire, and then after going through the Underdark they get to elf-land, find Irenicus trying the thing with the tree again, and kill him.

        This is the plot of Baldur's Gate 2.

        • 8 months ago

          Now, things start getting weird. Baldur's Gate II: The Throne of Bhaal.

          So Irenicus is dead, meaning in game terms that you have smoked a 30th level wizard and his entire crew, presumably nobody's going to frick with you, right?

          Wrong. Irenicus is dead but apparently he had a backup list of Bhaalspawn he intended to use if he needed to. A gang of half a dozen Bhaalspawn are now working together to kill as many people as they can before killing each other, sort of like Highlander. They come after you, a lot of wild shit happens but eventually you kill all of the Bhaalspawn (including a really funny one who is a LG Monk, who is a Bhaalspawn but actually a cool guy, who just intends to kill all the other Bhaalspawn and then himself to be rid of the problem for good) and go to Double Hell.

          In the process of all of this some weird stuff happens. For one thing you can bring Sarevok back, mortal but not a Bhaalspawn, and you can persuade him to the path of light again and then he'll be your BFF. Eventually you polish off the Bhaalspawn and can choose to either ascend and become Murder King or give it up and live a normal life.

          This was 120 years ago, which brings us to the current game. A lot of this is obliquely referenced but very little of it is just outright stated to have happened.

    • 8 months ago

      If you haven't had any interest in BG until BG3, now is not the time to start.

  8. 8 months ago

    Abdel Adrian

  9. 8 months ago

    So do you really attack someone and the game is like “you missed” or “you hit”? And you just walk around pretending to be something?

  10. 8 months ago

    When did Myrkul come back, last I saw of him he was in shit shape?

    • 8 months ago

      which game?

      • 8 months ago

        NWN2 mask of the betrayer

  11. 8 months ago

    honestly good looking armor.

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