Banjo Kazooie

I tried the N64 version and I don't like it. Is the HD version an actual improvement?

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    It makes collecting notes easier.

    • 6 months ago

      Having notes reset when you die does suck.
      However the camera also sucks and so does swimming. Does the HD version fix this?
      I don't expect it to change the butthole level design towards the end.

      • 6 months ago

        >the camera also sucks
        Don't play Donkey Kong 64

        • 6 months ago

          I forgot how bad the camera in this game was. Dear lord.

      • 6 months ago

        >Having notes reset when you die does suck.
        So, you are a Gankergay asking for casualizations and just want to turn your brain off collecting shit without any consequences. Stay away from Banjo, please


        • 6 months ago

          >Stay away from Banjo
          Doesn't Banjo-Tooie do what anon is talking about though?

        • 6 months ago

          Yup OP, just follow this advice and stay away from the dogshit that's banjo. The first game is mediocre at best so go play spyro instead.

          • 6 months ago

            >Keeping jiggies after you die is fine
            >Keeping notes is too casual
            That's bullshit. I'd rather have all or nothing.

            Fricking this.

            Banjoke Kapoopie is by far the most overrated game on the system. At least OoT and SM64 are actually still somewhat decent games after taking off the nostalgia goggles. Theres nothing redeeming about this Eurotrash.

            • 6 months ago

              sir please quiet down you'll upset the tendies, they're very sensitive you know

    • 6 months ago

      HD version ruins it

      That there are some stakes to Banjo's progress and that you have to be careful and trying to 100% levels on your first go is where its only difficulty comes from and what sets it apart from other collectathons

      Amazing game and the best collectathon anyway. Stop making special snowflake seethe threads just because your mother doesn't hug you

      • 6 months ago

        >Having notes reset when you die does suck.
        So, you are a Gankergay asking for casualizations and just want to turn your brain off collecting shit without any consequences. Stay away from Banjo, please


        >Keeping jiggies after you die is fine
        >Keeping notes is too casual
        That's bullshit. I'd rather have all or nothing.

      • 6 months ago

        Depends if your autistic about the notes saving or not like

        Other than that it's a straight improvement being a very simple visual upgrade with better performance.

  2. 6 months ago

    Filtered (I was filtered at first, too)

  3. 6 months ago

    What's the HD version? The one on Xbox 360? Also, didn't it come out on WiiU?

  4. 6 months ago

    "I don't like it" is zoomerspeak for "it gave me a modest challenge"

    • 6 months ago

      Zoomer doesn't mean anything anymore on this board. At this point people just call literally anyone they disagree with a zoomer. I'm 32 and if I say Donkey Kong 64 is a shit game someone who likes the game is just going to call me a zoomer

      • 6 months ago

        Dk64 is a good game thouh so I don't know why you would say that unless you were some kind of a, some kind of a...

        • 6 months ago

          The cusp of your childhood was in the 00s, you ARE a zoomer.

    • 6 months ago

      You can hold R/the bumper buttons to turn sharply while swimming and flying.

      >Having notes reset when you die does suck.
      So, you are a Gankergay asking for casualizations and just want to turn your brain off collecting shit without any consequences. Stay away from Banjo, please


      Sad but true. Best level by the way, stay mad zoomy woomies

  5. 6 months ago

    Game sucks don't bother, SM64 with shit platforming and fisher price minigames

  6. 6 months ago

    No. It's still the same shitty game, just in widescreen.

  7. 6 months ago

    I thought the 64 version was way better.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, better controls.

  8. 6 months ago

    Honestly both versions are completely fine, you're not missing much by playing one over the other.

    >Notes reset when you leave a world. This was very likely a memory limitation thing and the idea that it introduces some extra level of challenge is beyond moronic, even for N64 diehards. Everyone just does each world in one go anyway, and the game is trivially easy, so at best it means you'll just have to collect the notes in Rusty Bucket Bay again if you die in the engine room.
    >Nintendo/N64 references
    >HUD image of Banjo and Kazooie looks subjectively better
    >Some people prefer the N64 controls
    >Framerate can tank sometimes, but never as bad as Tooie.

    >1080p with 2x MSAA, 4K on Series X. Game honestly holds up very well and looks great in high rest.
    >Native widescreen
    >Extended draw distance
    >Note scores are permanent, which like I said earlier, has a trivial impact on an already braindead easy game.
    >Improved texture res
    >Intro cutscene can be skipped
    >Some might prefer the controls on a more modern pad.

    If you didn't like it on N64, you won't like it on XBLA. Its a good remaster, very faithful. Don't let the screeching N64 tendies act like its some abomination, they're still mad about Banjo decades later.

    • 6 months ago

      >This was very likely a memory limitation thing

      It's not and you people need to stop assuming this. It's extremely easy to keep track of which collectable has or hasn't been picked up, even with 100 Notes. The game tracks the 115/117 Mumbo Tokens you collect just fine and there is no reason why all 100 Music Notes being on the same map would change this

      Music Notes are not supposed to save, it's intentional game design. They are your incentive to keep practicing a state and keep getting better and memorizing more about the stage each tir. People in 1998 were not utterly terrified of the slightest fricking hint of difficulty

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