based Climb Mount Narodnaya

Wasn't a big fan of Red Dragon compared to Airland Battle, but this campaign was a trve 9/10 RTS experience. Pure fun

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  1. 8 months ago

    does the latest game have campaigns like this? loved this campaign

    • 8 months ago

      The ditched the risk-style map to have a sort of total war/graviteam lite frontline, it can still be fun, plus the AI in steel division is much better so sp is more enjoyable overall.

  2. 8 months ago

    The RedDragon campaigns felt really restrictive compared to ALB, overly so.
    >Mhhm, The PLA is pounding my defences, but if I sneakily do a naval landing behind them, I'll take the heat off my left flank"
    >get some reserve troops on boats
    >get the naval forces to the coastal tile
    >attempt to land
    "oh you can't do that"
    "you just can't."

    I much prefered ALBs campaigns where you can go nuts and just send paratroopers on stockholm to open up the road to Gothenburg

    • 8 months ago

      That's why Narodnaya stands out among the RD campaigns
      >gonna need you to capture some Nippon airports comrade
      >oh, and remember; the true airports are the occupying half of Japan you make along the way

  3. 8 months ago

    Those campaigns were the coolest shit and it's really sad they were treated like such an afterthought.
    Like the AI is bad anyway but imposing limitations on what's actually available in the field right now made it kinda cool because you had to think wether you can hold the line with weird shitty units and special ones felt really important and losing even a single one could hurt you in long run, ESPECIALLY airplanes.
    The fact veterancy also stuck with units for entire lenght of the campaign also helped and earning said veterancy which is mostly ignored or at best considered a nice bonus in normal play became very important as the difference between couple of low tier ATGM planes with low veterancy and same planes with top veterancy was huge.

    • 8 months ago

      See, I have always favored the campaigns in these games because I feel like the campaign ads a background story which makes each battle more important and also I enjoy the odd decks it forces you into.

  4. 8 months ago

    Is it possible to ironman Second Korean War? I tried it and it was pretty easy until they threw that one army with 50 T-62's and Chon ma Ho's at me

    • 8 months ago

      From what I recall on that one you can obliterate that force with helis

      Worst case, snipe their CVs

  5. 8 months ago

    The presentation of the campaign is shockingly good for how horrific the actual gameplay against the campaign AI is
    'What unit will the AI lemming into me down which road this time"

  6. 8 months ago

    I like Warge EE campaigns more.
    The ai is still dumb, but handmade maps with some scripting and an actual story is way better then the skirmish map №X.

    For me its Dambrowskiy's Mazurka > Fatal Error>Wastelands
    > ABle archer

    t.replayed EE campaigns recently

    • 8 months ago

      Just tried out European Escalation today... holy shit, how did anyone enjoy this game enough for them to make a sequel

      EE is based, some things are a little outdated with the improvements made in RD but it still holds up

      >Spot enemy tanks, tell my own tanks to engage
      >My shots keep missing, their shots keep missing, this goes on ad nauseam
      >Eventually decide to send some other tanks over there to support, but it takes forever because every unit in the game moves like molasses
      >Check back on the tanks in combat, I can't tell which bar is health because they never explained what represents what and I just assume I'm winning
      >Their morale drops regardless of whether they've taken hits or not, so both me and the enemy become even less accurate as the battle goes on
      >I manage to kill a single T-55 after two minutes
      >Alt F4
      Granted, I only played the first three campaign missions, and the scripted campaign is neat, but the gameplay is so slow and grating that I'd rather just play ALB and RD. I seriously do not see the appeal of the game

      Wargame EE's campaigns are absolutely awful lmao, they are incredibly terminally slow, boring as hell, and so many of the mechanics that we came to know and love are either missing or half baked. WGEE's campaigns do NOT hold up at all.
      ALB and RD on the other hand hold up well and each has a lot of charm, even if the AI is as we all know terrible

      • 8 months ago

        I feel robbed that campaign start at Osaka-to-Kyushu instead of Hokkaido-down to-Kyushu


  7. 8 months ago

    Just tried out European Escalation today... holy shit, how did anyone enjoy this game enough for them to make a sequel

    • 8 months ago

      EE is based, some things are a little outdated with the improvements made in RD but it still holds up

      • 8 months ago

        >Spot enemy tanks, tell my own tanks to engage
        >My shots keep missing, their shots keep missing, this goes on ad nauseam
        >Eventually decide to send some other tanks over there to support, but it takes forever because every unit in the game moves like molasses
        >Check back on the tanks in combat, I can't tell which bar is health because they never explained what represents what and I just assume I'm winning
        >Their morale drops regardless of whether they've taken hits or not, so both me and the enemy become even less accurate as the battle goes on
        >I manage to kill a single T-55 after two minutes
        >Alt F4
        Granted, I only played the first three campaign missions, and the scripted campaign is neat, but the gameplay is so slow and grating that I'd rather just play ALB and RD. I seriously do not see the appeal of the game

        • 8 months ago

          Skill issue

        • 8 months ago

          You are somehow not smart enough to play a videogame

  8. 8 months ago

    They always sabotage their campaigns with the pitiful map variety.

  9. 8 months ago

    Maybe I'm moronic but I fricking hated how confusing some aspects of WGRD's campaigns.
    >you need to take this province in 10 turns
    >attack and seize a province
    >okay I'm one step closer!
    >enemy counterattacks to take the province back
    >kill maybe 33% of them in the process
    >okay now it's my tu--wait I'm not able to attack because my forces are exhausted? what the frick
    >enemy attacks again on next turn
    >keep holding them back but strategically stunlocked into defending this fricking province
    >already turn 8
    That always happens in some way or form every time I try a campaign. For whatever reason, I can only progress to a certain point before the enemy is given infinite futile counterattacks. I hope I haven't just been moronic since 2014

    • 8 months ago

      Mentally deficient
      No wonder strategy games keep getting casualized

      • 8 months ago

        Then explain my misunderstanding, because the game is offering no feedback. I have the willingness, but I can't get better if I don't even know what the problem is.

        • 8 months ago

          I have no idea I haven't played that broken campaign in years I just wanted to insult you because you're having different issues with it than I did

        • 8 months ago

          Even in this blurry-ass photo you can clearly see both the health bar and the chance to hit, it's not rocket science

          • 8 months ago

            What are you on about? I'm fine at battles. The strategic map is the issue I'm complaining about.

            I have no idea I haven't played that broken campaign in years I just wanted to insult you because you're having different issues with it than I did

            Lmao fair enough

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah I'm an idiot and meant to reply to

              >Spot enemy tanks, tell my own tanks to engage
              >My shots keep missing, their shots keep missing, this goes on ad nauseam
              >Eventually decide to send some other tanks over there to support, but it takes forever because every unit in the game moves like molasses
              >Check back on the tanks in combat, I can't tell which bar is health because they never explained what represents what and I just assume I'm winning
              >Their morale drops regardless of whether they've taken hits or not, so both me and the enemy become even less accurate as the battle goes on
              >I manage to kill a single T-55 after two minutes
              >Alt F4
              Granted, I only played the first three campaign missions, and the scripted campaign is neat, but the gameplay is so slow and grating that I'd rather just play ALB and RD. I seriously do not see the appeal of the game

    • 8 months ago

      Units consume action points when in combat or when moving. You need to cycle units off the front line. The enemy isn’t attacking with all of his forces so he has some recuperating to be fresh for the next turn.

  10. 8 months ago

    I wish the wargame campaigns were good and not limited by the lack of maps and moronic AI. Any of them with a presentation like world in conflict would have been awesome

  11. 8 months ago

    Should have allowed multiplayer/co-op campaigns like in ALB

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