>batshit insane evil character is the protagonist and the face of TEKKEN (literal devil)

>batshit insane evil character is the protagonist and the face of TEKKEN (literal devil)
how did they get away with this?

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  1. 2 years ago
  2. 2 years ago

    because Jin shit the bed in 4

    • 2 years ago

      It wasn't jin in 4, people loved his arc in 3-5. The real problem was Lars, who flopped hard as a member of mishima drama.

  3. 2 years ago

    In the first it was simply a revenge story and he wins

  4. 2 years ago

    his character was barely developed in the first one, the protag of T2 was Heihachi and from then on Jin until Kazuya again in 7

  5. 2 years ago

    Heihachi is the face of TEKKEN.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        is not dead

      • 2 years ago

        Is. He was even the one put in soul cal 2. All the plot revolves around him. Easily the most recognizable of the franchise. Harada pushed for this like crazy

    • 2 years ago

      >Heihachi is the face of TEKKEN.
      Heihachi Mishima...is dead.

      • 2 years ago

        I wonder if not-blade was sued for that botched job

  6. 2 years ago

    He was actually the good guy until Harada took the reins from Seichi Ishii. It was only until Tekken 3 that Heihachi (Harada's husbando) suddenly becomes center stage until fans demand Kazuya returned. And so Harada begrudgingly put him back in with Tekken 4. Also notice how Tekken's writing takes an absolute nosedive from Tekken 3 onwards

    • 2 years ago

      >Tekken's writing takes an absolute nosedive from Tekken 3 onwards

      • 2 years ago

        No, writing wise it goes to shit after 5.
        T3 to T5 was its peak.

      • 2 years ago

        Tekken 2 and 3 are serious. 5,6 are 7 are cringe anime weeb.

    • 2 years ago

      Kazuya isn't where the story went to shit though, it was Jin. Jin shit the bed harder than any Namco protagonist has ever done and they still think he's fricking cool over there in Japan. He's just a stupid joke of a character.

      • 2 years ago

        It's still Harada's doing though. Jin, Heihachi, all of that. Tekken 3 is when Seichi dipped and Harada took over. If you want a natural, more cohesive progression to Kazuya's character, look to the anime movie (not the CG abortion). Ideally, Tekken 3, 4, and so on should have taken a page from that shit. But instead, we get retcons, whitewashing, Harada sucking the dick of Heihachi nonstop, etc.

      • 2 years ago

        with how ridiculous the storyline gets from 5 onwards, i think him answering to the mishima family dick-waving contest on who's the bigger butthole by starting a massive global conflict to summon a demon to kill is the most hilarious shit ever
        he's a massive moron but a really fricking brave one at that

        • 2 years ago

          Well, it would have destroyed the Devil Gene in theory

          • 2 years ago

            yeah but he killed MILLIONS to save BILLIONS?

            • 2 years ago

              Considering 7 sets up the final war being him vs Kazuya the final showdown, he can create world peace. Hoefully he smashes Xiaoyu and Asuka before death.

              • 2 years ago

                can't wait for the next installment of Mr. Harada's Wild Ride
                >Hopefully he smashes Xiaoyu and Asuka before death
                if this post ends with 5 it's confirmed but he'll get murked by CHADguel

  7. 2 years ago

    this game has lore?

    • 2 years ago

      yeah, it's basically about this batshit insane rich family that constantly tries to one up each other and everyone else gets wrapped up in their bullshit.
      Also the mom of the insane family met Akuma from Street Fighter at one point and she made him promise he'll kill her batshit insane family if she dies, so he goes and attempts just that. IOt is considered canon within the Tekken series.

    • 2 years ago

      >rich guy marries hot woman
      >uh oh, she's a demon
      >he kills her, Son devastated
      >Uh oh, Son is demon
      >tosses him off of cliff
      >guy starts tournament
      >son enters, wins, tosses him off the cliff, fricks hot pacifist martial artist
      >Guy comes back, his son's demon powers have awakened, guy beats son, tosses him into a volcano this time
      >grnadson is born, Aztec homie pulls up and kills mom
      >Guy raises grandson, who is not demon, with goal of capturing Aztec homie,
      >Plan works too well, grandson kills Aztec homie
      >guy tries to kill grandson, to keep him from becoming demon
      >this makes grandson become Demon
      That's the first three games, with a lot of worldbuilding shit left out.

  8. 2 years ago

    because Kazuya is the most Badass Tekken Character.
    Thats why.
    Some Developers have/still have taste.

  9. 2 years ago

    Heihachi dropped him off the cliff first

  10. 2 years ago

    I know he was involved in Eddy Gordo's dad getting murdered. But has he honestly done anything even remotely evil yet?

    Even throwing Heihachi in the volcano was only ever motivated by Heihachi murdered his mother, abused him as a child and then thrown him into the volcano first starting the entire chain.

    • 2 years ago

      >I know he was involved in Eddy Gordo's dad getting murdered.
      >But has he honestly done anything even remotely evil yet?

    • 2 years ago

      >But has he honestly done anything even remotely evil yet?

      > His crimes included kidnapping, extorting money from several businesses and many organizations, and smuggling endangered animal species. He even seized control of nearly all of Japan's northernmost and second-largest island, Hokkaido, and planned to build his own independent nation and a strong military force there. As part of realizing this dream, he attempted to genetically engineer animal soldiers (Roger) and even genetically engineered a dinosaur from fossils and kangaroo DNA (Alex).

      Don't forget that Kazuya is even more of a dead bead dad than his own father. He also fully embraces the Devil gene and his main goal is world domination. Also, Kazuya only sees Jin as a tool. At least Heihachi knew the devil was in his son and tried some late-term abortions.

      • 2 years ago

        >devil gene was in his son
        a retcon by Harada to white wash Heihachi because again, Heihachi is to Harada as Scorpion is to Ed Boon

        • 2 years ago

          I wonder who's yu suzuki's pet character? is it akira due to akira-rpg ie shenmue? if so, he made him lost quite a few tournaments, and kage maru still puts him in his place from time to time. he got lucky lau got sick.

          I know itagaki's favs are ayame and kasumi, due to his daughters, hence why story being mostly around them and that cancelled vidya about their upbringing.

      • 2 years ago

        >and tried some late-term abortions.
        he's just a clump of devil cells

    • 2 years ago

      Literally every problem in the series from four onwards is a result of Kazuya being revived by/taking over g-corp.

    • 2 years ago

      Didn't he caused a fricking colony drop in 7 or was just a satelite?

  11. 2 years ago

    Hey look it's that Smash Bros character

  12. 2 years ago

    It was a good move on Namco's part. Street Fighter and Virtua Fighter both focused heavily on the aesthetic and myths around martial arts. Most other games that did the same failed to get much interest. Tekken's weird near-future world and soap opera for men main story helped it stand out.

    • 2 years ago

      helped it stand out against the
      >aesthetic and myths around martial arts
      of bloody roar, powerstone, rival schools, toshinden...

      • 2 years ago

        All of these games besides Toshinden came out after Tekken. You're purposefully ignoring the glut of games released between Street Fighter and Tekken like Fighter's History, Art of Fighting, Martial Champion, etc. Mortal Kombat and Darkstalkers would have been better examples for your argument.

        • 2 years ago

          it wasnt
          >Tekken's weird near-future world and soap opera
          during the seichi ishii era. and family issues with dying moms plus revenge were common a thing eg Lau and Pai chan

  13. 2 years ago

    The Tekken 4 intro is fricking cool
    >They all thought I was out of the game...
    >But I'm holding all the cards now...
    >get everything back!

  14. 2 years ago

    these are practically ganryu after T3

  15. 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    heihachi is way cooler than jin or kazuya how is this even a debate

  17. 2 years ago

    Tekken 7 is a predictable follow-up to a series that's never aimed particularly high, it may please casual gamers for a day or two but the stagnant ongoing series is definitely in the second tier of fighters way below Capcom or NetherRealm Studios games, and it's seriously getting old and tired. The lack of depth and subtlety and the emphasis on the offensive, rather than the defensive, puts this squarely two notches below the best in the genre, the shallow gameplay leaves much to be desired from a serious fighting game player. Like the prequels, Tekken 7 is geared towards casual gamers and anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, DoA and MK games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their super move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

    If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.

  18. 2 years ago

    it was the right decision to make imo, every other MC with the exception of terry and sol (whos a terry clone) gets compared to ryu, the fact that the mishimas are all buttholes helps them stand out.

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