Battle Brothers

I am so atrociously shit at this game how the frick do I survive and make money
I don't think I've ever reached an endgame crisis

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago

    Kill bandits

    • 6 months ago

      but what if im a bandit myself
      robbing peasants is so easy and rewarding

      • 6 months ago

        How does one even do that? I don't get a prompt when pointing at peasants or caravans

        • 6 months ago

          Hold Ctrl

  2. 7 months ago

    Use cheat engine for money to kit out your guys up to a standard so they don't get curbstomped by midweight enemies and then really only struggle to fight enemies that actually require a proper strategy to beat like lydwurms

    • 7 months ago

      >how the frick do I survive and make money
      Very good input for that anon. I mean honestly though, just play more and you'll start to realise strategies that work for you. Things like making sure everyone has a dagger so you can shank heavily armed guys and take their armour.

      • 7 months ago

        >Very good input for that anon
        This, but unironically

  3. 7 months ago

    start on beginner

  4. 7 months ago

    Mostly recruit farmhands because their generally good base stamina. Kit them with spear because it's way more accurate at the start and start upgrading to other weapons after they level up their Melee Skill. Never cheapen up on armor especially helmets. To make money carefully pick and choose contracts that you know your party can handle and also buy and sell trade goods, i recommend buying raw goods in village and selling them to cities, especially to southern desert Cities-States.

    • 7 months ago

      >buy trade goods

  5. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >how the frick do I survive and make money
      dont fight anything that isnt humans, dont take any contracts that arent about killing humans
      only take caravan or courrier contracts if they ask you to go to a close by settlement that you were gonna go to anyways to check if they have contracts about killing humans
      also this

      Repair anything that's military tier and higher, like Bandit raider gear. They can generally be sold for a profit when you sell them at a city with Ambushed Trade Routes.

      Prices have a range and small villages have cheaper prices than cities for buying and selling. Citadel and castle have shit buying and selling price but offer higher tier weapons, armor and recruits so forget about them when trying to earn money. Lastly, the extra shops like Armorer and weaponsmith sells at higher prices, always check the market place for discounts on damaged gear first

    • 7 months ago

      Good bros are more valuable than buying good gear. Plan out your formation as best you can (e.g. 7 front, 5 back; 2 shields, 5 two-handers, 2 billmen, 2 marskmen etc). Pay attention to the stars and base stats and try to get bros to fill those aforementioned positions (Melee Defence for shield bros, Ranged Attack for marksmen).

      Nets really do help a lot for the first 40ish days.

  6. 7 months ago

    Repair anything that's military tier and higher, like Bandit raider gear. They can generally be sold for a profit when you sell them at a city with Ambushed Trade Routes.

    Prices have a range and small villages have cheaper prices than cities for buying and selling. Citadel and castle have shit buying and selling price but offer higher tier weapons, armor and recruits so forget about them when trying to earn money. Lastly, the extra shops like Armorer and weaponsmith sells at higher prices, always check the market place for discounts on damaged gear first

  7. 7 months ago

    >making sure everyone has a dagger so you can shank heavily armed guys and take their armour.
    This is a great idea that had not occured to me. Thanks Brother, this ought to up my game a bit.

    • 7 months ago

      Make sure these highly armored guys are netted and preferably panicking before you try to shank them, or your Bros heads *will* roll.

  8. 7 months ago

    I'm the same but I've gotten a little bit further each time. Gone from getting wiped by bandits to getting wiped by alps to wiped by hexen with unholds.
    My last relatively solid run was ended by a barbarian chosen that I gave a good fight.

  9. 7 months ago

    There is a mod that lets you see stats and it is pretty gamebreaking. It taught me some good lessons though on which brothers should be kept and which ones are sent on suicide runs.
    I play without it now because once you can see who has 2 or 3 stars you just recruit them.
    >how the frick do I survive and make money
    Always pick the trait that gets you a free level up at level 3.
    Also frick those ghost things that teleport when you hit them.

    • 7 months ago

      The ghost teleporting hounds are from Legends, regular ghosts die in 1hit in Vanilla

      • 7 months ago

        hes probably thinking of the Alps

    • 7 months ago

      Hell yeah battle brothers thread, only reason to still come to this site for me

      alps are really really easy once you learn how to behave
      dont run around, try to stay together
      teleport isnt random, they can only come to the outer part of your circle, so people in the very middle are generally safe
      rally will wake up everyone a few tiles around the bannerman
      wait and pick when you'll attack so you can control when they teleport as theyre still approaching
      stuns are really good here

      >See which bros are disposable and which are not. Disposables SHOULD risk their lives to save those who are valuable.
      >Beasts aren't that hard, most have a glaring weakness. Ex: alps/necrosavants can teleport when netted/stunned.
      >See which enemies you want the armor from in a fight. They should be daggered while others can be killed haphazardly.
      >Have a good village rotation. Small distances, good village variety, and luxury resources are ideal. I would prioritize distance above anything else.
      >Have enough villages in rotation. Not enough and you will be starved of quests and forced to take quests that will rape you.
      >Repair T2 weapons and sell them in cities not shit villages. They will give you at least 100g for each.
      >Use your tanks AOC to lock in enemies from hitting your more valuable guys.
      >Frick caravan quests. They always take roads and might have you get attacked by mobs way above what you can handle.
      >Take delivery quests if you are heading that direction.
      >Fight, fight, fight. Try to fight as much as you can to level as much as you can.
      >Throwing weapons can absolutely destroy enemies. Take some if you can.
      >It's ok to completely avoid certain mobs if they are just a massive headache. I fricking hate hexes, for example. I don't want to deal with their shit so I don't take quests with it.
      >If you aren't playing ironman, just save a shitton. Nothing wrong with savescumming you are learning.
      >Stockpile if there are discounts. If the tool is below 200, stockpile that shit if you can.
      Don't fricking buy trade items if you are low on cash. Prioritize on meds/tools first before you invest in the dye stocks. I can't tell you how many times I fricked myself over on my runs by buying trade items, be low on cash, panic because I'm low on tools, then panic accept a quest that just absolutely assblasts me.
      Most importantly, don't be sad if you lose a guy, even a valuable guy. One thing I learned in ironman is that dudes die and you just have to deal with it.

      completed caravan contracts can force spawn named items, though thats only going to be useful later when you have the money
      if you do end up doing a caravn job early, be sure to use your hands as cannon fodder and have them take the first hits by moving behind them so theyre the frontline, you dont get punished if they die. only the donkeys

      • 7 months ago

        >alps are really really easy once you learn how to behave
        >dont run around, try to stay together
        >teleport isnt random, they can only come to the outer part of your circle, so people in the very middle are generally safe
        >rally will wake up everyone a few tiles around the bannerman
        >wait and pick when you'll attack so you can control when they teleport as theyre still approaching
        >stuns are really good here
        Some nice advice thank you.
        It's not fair that they can put you to sleep and nuke you in the same turn. Maybe I can mitigate this by following your advice however.

  10. 7 months ago

    >See which bros are disposable and which are not. Disposables SHOULD risk their lives to save those who are valuable.
    >Beasts aren't that hard, most have a glaring weakness. Ex: alps/necrosavants can teleport when netted/stunned.
    >See which enemies you want the armor from in a fight. They should be daggered while others can be killed haphazardly.
    >Have a good village rotation. Small distances, good village variety, and luxury resources are ideal. I would prioritize distance above anything else.
    >Have enough villages in rotation. Not enough and you will be starved of quests and forced to take quests that will rape you.
    >Repair T2 weapons and sell them in cities not shit villages. They will give you at least 100g for each.
    >Use your tanks AOC to lock in enemies from hitting your more valuable guys.
    >Frick caravan quests. They always take roads and might have you get attacked by mobs way above what you can handle.
    >Take delivery quests if you are heading that direction.
    >Fight, fight, fight. Try to fight as much as you can to level as much as you can.
    >Throwing weapons can absolutely destroy enemies. Take some if you can.
    >It's ok to completely avoid certain mobs if they are just a massive headache. I fricking hate hexes, for example. I don't want to deal with their shit so I don't take quests with it.
    >If you aren't playing ironman, just save a shitton. Nothing wrong with savescumming you are learning.
    >Stockpile if there are discounts. If the tool is below 200, stockpile that shit if you can.
    Don't fricking buy trade items if you are low on cash. Prioritize on meds/tools first before you invest in the dye stocks. I can't tell you how many times I fricked myself over on my runs by buying trade items, be low on cash, panic because I'm low on tools, then panic accept a quest that just absolutely assblasts me.
    Most importantly, don't be sad if you lose a guy, even a valuable guy. One thing I learned in ironman is that dudes die and you just have to deal with it.

    • 7 months ago

      I am so atrociously shit at this game how the frick do I survive and make money
      I don't think I've ever reached an endgame crisis

      If you wanna fight a group, but you don't think you can handle them, certain enemies will fight each other if they are close enough to you when a fight starts.

      E.g. Have a high-level Bandit camp you want to deal with for a quest/valuable loot, but Swordmasters and other buttholes hicking your ass? Recruit a marauding party of orcs to help you out.
      attract the attention of some roaming greenskins or monster party on the world map and kite them all the way back to the bandit camp. Then, when the party is right above the camp, engage the camp in combat, and the orcs/monsters will join in.
      The battle will become into a 1v1v1 Free-For-All where you can target the strongest troops of each party with ranged weapons while the bandits and orcs kill each other, then you can eliminate the stragglers and earn far more loot at a much lower risk than if you'd tried it any other way.

      Just make sure that the two parties will actually fight each other, or else you'll be fighting them both at the same time. Some enemies that will seem to fight each other at first glance will actually work together to take you down because they're tagged as being part of the same faction. For example, Direwolves, Nachrzehrers, and Lindwurms all belong to the 'Beasts' faction.

  11. 7 months ago

    Carry around an item that you never sell and use it to gauge prices at each market. Something that sells for 100 at average makes it really easy to tell.

  12. 7 months ago

    Play Iron Oath instead

    • 7 months ago

      Is it any good? I was wondering about pirating it.
      Can i make all male all white party in that game? From screenshot it looked like your party will need to be a diverse bunch of adventurers

      • 7 months ago

        Not him but I didn't like it. Excessive dungeon-crawling with its limited ability usage and roster limitations felt like ass. Devs also touted the game as a world simulation (e.g. houses rising and falling, mercs getting old and retiring, world situation changing etc.) back in the day but seem to have gone off that idea now and it's more a local story driven thing. They probably realized it'd be way too much work for just two devs and scrapped it.

        • 7 months ago

          >roster limitations
          so you're forced to have Black folk and stronk womyn?

          • 7 months ago

            It's been a long time since I played, but there was a lot of stronk womyn and such from memory but that's not what I meant. When you go into dungeons (which you have to do a lot), you can only take a certain number from your roster inside and that's who you're stuck with until you finish the dungeon. You also have limits on your abilities, like you only get three usages of this ability, or four usages of that ability for the entire dungeon, so if you use them up in one battle you're fricked. You can get some usages back by resting but I still hate having to micromanage that shit, makes battles a lot more tedious. Think of it like a shittier version of Darkest Dungeon. I assume they did it this way because they couldn't think of a way to balance out healing abilities without artificially restricting the usage of everything.

  13. 7 months ago

    Use swords and spears for bros with sub 60 melee attack and shields
    Buy cheap recruits
    Don't be afraid when they die
    And most important, choose contracts carefully, the best ones for beginners are the ones where you fight raiders

  14. 7 months ago

    people have already given you a lot of good advices but i want to add something important
    flails are very useful and powerful in early to mid game
    usually some raiders spawn without helmets and you can easily farm them for body armor with second skill
    i wouldnt recommend taking flail mastery though, flails arent that great after mid game

    • 7 months ago

      >i wouldnt recommend taking flail mastery though, flails arent that great after mid game
      I do not take mastery for anything except bow and shield for a tank. I like to be able to use different tools for different enemies.

      • 7 months ago

        They are useful, and enable some unique interactions that aren’t possible without them.
        Here are the ones I know:
        >Sword Mastery makes an Iron Lung character be able to hit twice per turn even at full fatigue.
        >Dagger Mastery enables 3 hits per turn
        >Polearm Mastery enables taking two steps and a hit each turn, instead of just one, useful for dedicated backliners
        >Mace Mastery enables the stun bot build
        >Cleaver Mastery makes whipbros melt Unholds and Lindworms
        I’m sure there are more, they are pretty good. I use Polearm Mastery a lot on my backliners, PM+Pathfinder enables the 2step attack on all terrain types except swamp, I use that a lot.

    • 7 months ago

      This used to be true for a long time but after the 2h flail buff flail mastery bro does not become dead weight later because twohanded flails are generally good when the one handed (or three headed) are going to underperform horribly

      >alps are really really easy once you learn how to behave
      >dont run around, try to stay together
      >teleport isnt random, they can only come to the outer part of your circle, so people in the very middle are generally safe
      >rally will wake up everyone a few tiles around the bannerman
      >wait and pick when you'll attack so you can control when they teleport as theyre still approaching
      >stuns are really good here
      Some nice advice thank you.
      It's not fair that they can put you to sleep and nuke you in the same turn. Maybe I can mitigate this by following your advice however.

      You're more than welcome, some things i forgot:
      Both the chance to fall asleep and how much damage you take scale off resolve, so any bannerman at all is of huge help due to the passive bonus in addition to rallying to wake up
      Some may tell you to strip naked because all of these attacks are mental anyhow and armor is irrelevant, but dont do that. In contracts they can spawn 2-3 direwolves who will absolutely make you regret it
      Do double grip on everyone though
      Mass double grip is also a good choice vs spiders, they can only really kill people if the target is webbed and if you have a lot of 1h swords of any kind theyre gonna slice through them like theyre nothing

      They are useful, and enable some unique interactions that aren’t possible without them.
      Here are the ones I know:
      >Sword Mastery makes an Iron Lung character be able to hit twice per turn even at full fatigue.
      >Dagger Mastery enables 3 hits per turn
      >Polearm Mastery enables taking two steps and a hit each turn, instead of just one, useful for dedicated backliners
      >Mace Mastery enables the stun bot build
      >Cleaver Mastery makes whipbros melt Unholds and Lindworms
      I’m sure there are more, they are pretty good. I use Polearm Mastery a lot on my backliners, PM+Pathfinder enables the 2step attack on all terrain types except swamp, I use that a lot.

      non orc 1h cleavers can also be swung twice forever with lungs and mastery, same with spears but thats not nearly as useful because spears are poo poo
      if you have a -3 fatigue to skill use named handed weapon, you will effectively never be stammed out, but ofc thats gonna be really rare to find both a decent piece of gear and a good lunged brother to use it
      theres some more shit but idk if i should just make a video on it
      cleaver mastery is also good because deacpitate can be brutal

  15. 7 months ago

    god the endgame crisis just comes and goes out of nowhere for me
    i fight a bunch of orcs and undead and then suddenly the game congratulates me
    very anticlimactic

    • 7 months ago

      I had the Undead Crisis happen for me and having bandits and nomads reanimate made me fume, now I set to Nobles at War every match.

  16. 7 months ago

    Don't fall for the wienersucker that defends beasts on every thread, they are not worth the trouble.

    • 7 months ago

      Scout is best retinue so your loss anon

    • 7 months ago

      if you have trouble with beast contracts you don't have enough spearwall.

  17. 7 months ago

    Throwing weapons are crazy good early game, just one brother with a javelin and ~37 ranged skill can slaughter thugs.
    Pitchforks let you control the flow of battle with pushing and staggering.
    Never give the enemy soldiers a fair fight, gang up on them one at a time while the rest fight defensively.

  18. 7 months ago

    I unironically think that BB would be more fun if there was no level scalling, just more and less dangerous parts of the map and world that is more alive (i.e. bandit camp growing in size, if left alone on the world map spawning more powerful enemies)

    Right now BB always feels like racing with time to outpace level scaling to me, and the world is very static aside from end game crisises permanently fricking you over by destroying towns

    • 7 months ago

      nomads getting dodge at day 35 always felt very anoying

      • 7 months ago

        Its 40 and basically the biggest scaling thing in the game

        • 7 months ago

          cutthroats get it at 35

          • 7 months ago

            True, but even with it they are still barely above thug-tier and are total pushovers. The real threat in early game nomad camps are outlaws who get it at 40.

    • 7 months ago

      Day 40 nomads is the only real major time scaling thing. Camp difficulty slightly goes up by day count, but small and midsize ones are pretty much always doable. Contracts always scale based on your party which gives you a guaranteed way to get money and loot even if you fall behind massively. People really overstate the time based scaling.

  19. 7 months ago

    I'm the same as op. Awful, but losing is still very fun in this game. It's all fun.
    Are the dlc worth it, Bros?

    • 7 months ago

      cremapi them

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, the DLC are well worth it and they integrate themselves very well into the core game

  20. 7 months ago


  21. 7 months ago

    RNG slop

  22. 7 months ago

    RNG kino

  23. 7 months ago

    Some homosexual banned me from Legends discord, anyone has a update of Legends Perk Tree Rework?
    These fricking clowns dont upload to Nexus and discord version is the onloy one workin now..

    • 7 months ago

      PTR has its own Discord separate from the Legends one where the latest version of PTR is hosted. Did you get banned from that one too?

    • 6 months ago

      Make an alt discord acc that you never post with so it.never gets banned

  24. 7 months ago

    I really wish the overworld was more than an afterthought, even though I enjoyed the combat and tactics the map mechanics feel so empty and devoid of life that eventually I drop out.

    • 7 months ago

      The fact that events do not even change the perspective of what's written (third person to second or first person) whenever a Bro with the Avatar/Player Character trait is involved shows you how much of an afterthought the overworld is to the game.

    • 7 months ago

      it was kind of going in that direction in early game version but later they just discarded it and replaced with static world and modifiers

  25. 7 months ago

    I swear to christ the first battle in Peasant Militia start is a set up..
    I ALWAYS lose one bro, no matter how optimal i roll my first bros, how good i play, how weak is the enemy - they are always hyper efficient for one two turns, kill one of my bros and then lose all their luck and proficiency and just die to normal tactics..

  26. 7 months ago

    >enemies scale up with you
    Into the trash

    • 6 months ago

      They only scale with time, and they stop scaling at some point.

  27. 7 months ago

    >mostly 1st level militia gets jumped by 5 hyenas
    I got lucky...

    • 7 months ago

      are legends hyenas different than vanilla

      • 7 months ago

        No idea. Hyenas are fricking hardcore tho especially for a weak company like mine.

        • 7 months ago

          in vanilla you solve direwolves and hyenas with swords and shields since riposte is actually really good against both due to their high attack density
          (besides not having shitty armor)
          hyenas will also spend their first turn usually waiting or trying to see where they should engage instead of jumping right on top of you like wovles do

          • 7 months ago

            Bruh im a level 1 peasant militia - most of my guys could barely hit a wall even with a spear.

            • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              If youre pm where are your 12-16 men

              • 7 months ago

                Started with 12, sacked one useless c**t and lost one in a first fight.

              • 7 months ago

                Youll get the hang of it i believe in you anon

              • 7 months ago

                Already got 16, altough two of them are very badly equipped and armoured fresh 1lvl recruits.
                Next batch will be beggars and cripples specifically for "hidden potential" perk

      • 7 months ago

        Legend Hyenas are the same as vanilla, they only get new perks on Legends difficulty where every tom dick gets nimble/overwhelm/etc.

  28. 7 months ago

    people haven't actually answered this question yet for you ill give you a rundown sorry for being a schiso in advance.
    1. snowball you need to start hard and either get rolling or die, being careful at first means spending a load of time to lose later.
    2. cheese right at the start of the game the scaling is very low, a dude with a sling(infinite ammo) can take a undead encamptment thru attacking and kiting the zombies and then retreating and re attacking, this can propel you to midgame in one encampment.
    3. raiding, carvans/mercs dont scale that means they are easy pickings when your strong and sources of top tier gear early, if you can quickly get to full party with nets and daggers you can take a small strong caravan, with loses but getting gear worth many times what you have earned the whole game before that, one raiding action wont turn a whole faction agansit you but you should do many just pick a side thats smaller.
    4. understand the ai, the ai knows when it can do more damage so dont stick shields on your worst units that are trying to be bait unless they are tanking for a polearm bro, you can surrond a scary enemy and not be scared of losing your good units if a low def bad unit can also get in their.
    5. dont hurt, route the dude with the best gear and surrond them, they wont fight back and you can take your time killing them
    6. find routes for trade goods that let you rotate while taking missions
    7 go for camps
    8 you can bait millita from the faction whos caravans you raided into third parties letting your enemies weaken eachother, bait a millita into a camp and clean up and collect the spoils.

    • 7 months ago

      >snowball you need to start hard and either get rolling or die
      Yeah this is my major issue with the game. People like to market it is a "roll with the punches" game but a bad loss early on means you are pretty much fricked for later on and you might as well restart.

      • 6 months ago

        >loss early on means you are pretty much fricked
        no. hell no. you can recover from anything in this game.

    • 7 months ago

      >8 you can bait millita from the faction whos caravans you raided into third parties letting your enemies weaken eachother, bait a millita into a camp and clean up and collect the spoils.
      Bullshit advice, i really enjoyed baiting patrols and third parties into enemies or bandits into wolves etc to have 3 way battles
      You dont get any equipment from enemies killed by other enemies so thats just one big waste of time

      • 6 months ago

        1 is not true at all especially on veteran difficulfy you can just pick what you fight important bit is to not battle brigands for 100 days. The hardcore snowball strategies result in people getting op in like 30 days but the main thing you must be with that is capable on the tactical map beyond anything else
        2 idk how 1 zombie camp will give you such good gear considering youll break all the armor and all of their gear is shit beyond some possible fallen hero drops, and those you arent likely to see without a necromancer in the first days

        camps have these things called "named gear" & "valuables" you can get a strong named weapon day 1 off a zombie camp with a sling, you will tank your morale retreating but worth it, same with a third party camp clear you have to be the won to win the battle at the camp, or use nets and daggers on the last stragglers of the militta for gear

        • 6 months ago

          Yes you COULD. COULD and WILL are 2 different things becase the chances when close to civilization are lesser. There is a small renown penalty with each retreat which is going to add up to a lot here
          I saw people advocating for militiabully tactics, you keep the company at 10 men because if you have full 12 they wont come out to meet you and farm militia. This can net huge fight density since their groups come in large numbers, the captian and militia veterans can give good weapon drops, and they arent that hard since the normal militia are sub thug tieir
          I can see the merit in powerleveling 10 men rapidly but its so seed dependant...i like clearing nomads and whatever else i run into within reason more from the get go...

          the map move speed bonus on the poachers makes them top tier in my mind, a wary player can pick their engagments, and having at least one good ranged unit you dont have to roll for is worth thousands of gold.

          Yes, this is the same reason scout is so good and why you should learn to fight early beasts instead of coping so you can unlock him faster. He's the best retinue by far
          In general 90% of your time on the world map is going to be spent going from point a to point b and its possible to minimize injury and damage from battle by switching around armor and people in and out the reserve, thats why that feature exists. Add to this that someone who knows what he's doing will be able to recognize when you can field someone with a temp injury vs when it'll get him killed and injuries getting more rare the sooner you reach level 7, the main question once you have played for a while is "how fast can i get into as many encounters as possible and accumulate the most loot and xp"
          So poachers are going to be strong due to inherent higher tempo because theres less time wasted. I was strictly speaking about how strong in a fight they'd be.
          If we are looknig at worldmap benefit, caravan is up there also

          • 6 months ago

            I never considered the Scout so good, I should keep him longer maybe.

            Favourite retinue followers for me are:
            I figure the less time repairing and healing the quicker contracts can be done and camps cleared one-after-the-other.

            • 6 months ago

              Its up to you, really. I think scout is obligatory but after watching one russian hyperautist on youtube i saw that his first pick would most of the time seemingly be either recruiter or drill sarge

    • 7 months ago

      1 is not true at all especially on veteran difficulfy you can just pick what you fight important bit is to not battle brigands for 100 days. The hardcore snowball strategies result in people getting op in like 30 days but the main thing you must be with that is capable on the tactical map beyond anything else
      2 idk how 1 zombie camp will give you such good gear considering youll break all the armor and all of their gear is shit beyond some possible fallen hero drops, and those you arent likely to see without a necromancer in the first days

  29. 7 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      what mod?

  30. 7 months ago

    the kraken fight wouldn't be so bullshit if the tentacles dragged you at the end of your turn instead of at the start.

  31. 7 months ago

    Be better stevo. That's right, come fight me brah

  32. 6 months ago

    day 24 off to a good start
    i love fighting nomads

  33. 6 months ago

    Holy frick why am I getting bodied by serpents? 12 battle bros slamdunking human enemies left and right, but big snakes are fricking me

    • 6 months ago

      snakes: do you have a high level two handed axe dude?
      Y: spin to win
      N: get the frick outta there.

      • 6 months ago

        That's so specific. Only one of my twelve boys has that.

        • 6 months ago

          its really about how you engage them and who you let them grab. I still dont frick with them at low level anyway.

  34. 6 months ago

    I have 400 hours in this game and im still horrible at it. I refuse to play anything besides all expert difficulty iron mode, i usually wipe around first endgame crises.

    >mfw I will never get to try the assasin or gladiator backrounds because i refuse to have a filthy muslim in my party.

    • 5 months ago

      >he doesn't immediately head down to the sourthern cities to buy a bunch of slaves

  35. 6 months ago

    What are some small QoL changes that you would like to see in the game? for me it would be
    >changed damage taken by ancient dead from sling stone to 100% up from 33%
    >changed huge trait damage increase to 15% up from 10%, now matches tiny damage reduction
    >named shields can now appear for purchase in the armorer
    >reduced chance from named shields to appear in locations by 50%
    >removed shield damage from named item roll table
    >the shield companion from rebuild company, southern company and new company origin now has 2 stars in mdef instead of 2 stars in hp

    • 6 months ago

      >changed damage taken by ancient dead from sling stone to 100% up from 33%

      • 6 months ago

        It's blunt damage, they should take 100% damage like they do with throwing axes

    • 6 months ago

      Make slings get increased headshot chance after mastery and increased headshot ignore like a 2h flail so you could do a funny hh build with them and have it be stronger
      Make huge give an hp bonus of like 5 or 10 like drunkard gives a resolve bonus
      Rebalance barbarians, give them alt compositions where reavers can still show up later in big numbers instead of all fights being chosen blob
      Make the arena actually ironman friendly
      Make new champions
      Buff noble houses somehow
      Make different merc types so youd get more specialists or like company origins represented in the world such as npc peasant militia (wouldnt be actual militia) or cult, poachers, beast slayers etc. Game only sorta does this with lone wolf unintentionally since you can find groups of mercs even early that have an attached hedgie
      Make the companions on the vanilla origins have better rolls and or make them start level 2 3
      Tweak some recipies
      Make poison not useless trash garbage
      Nerf throwers slightly somehow
      Buff greatswords
      Nerf 2h mace and 2h hammer very lightly in some manner maybe
      Introduce another zombie type perhaps
      Theres more im forgetting probably

      • 6 months ago

        Oh yeah
        Tweak some backgrounds around and their pricing
        Make bullseyes effect integrated by default to buff the player long range since almost every single ranged enemy has the perk, then make bullseye do something else
        Figure out how to make two handed spears not worthless beyond belief since their only use now is as discount marketplace weapons
        Make brute better
        Make the traits that do nothing or close to nothing like bloodthirsty or eagle eye have a real effect

  36. 6 months ago

    Why do the devs hate modders?

    • 6 months ago

      They seethe at the idea of my company consisting of a chad (me) and several amazon orcesses (my captured harem).

      • 6 months ago

        Any mod for this feel?

        • 6 months ago

          No Orcs but you can get female wild woman, shield maidens and hedgeknights in Legends Mod and then clad them in Orc armor.

          • 6 months ago

            Ty anon, you are cool.

    • 6 months ago

      they are mixed germ and turks
      so obviously tardiness + autism

  37. 6 months ago

    Worth 45 canuckbucks?

    • 6 months ago

      I would say so, yes. Although the base game already has a lot of content so the DLC aren't really necessary to enjoy game. So you could always buy them at a later date, after having played the base game for a quite while.

    • 6 months ago

      First two dlc are most necessary. Third is worthwhile if you enjoy thr game and want more different stuff.

  38. 6 months ago

    how do you know if a bro is good or not and what role he should be

    • 6 months ago

      Throw him into a fight. Does he survive? He's good.

    • 6 months ago

      What stats have stars by them

      • 6 months ago

        a combination of starting rolls, stars and potentially traits

        what if he has shit rolls and good stars?
        what if he has good rolls but shit stars?
        what if he has good rolls and stars but shit traits?
        what if he has shit rolls and stars but good traits?
        what if he has good stats and stars/traits in different areas that are important for different roles? which role should he be?
        what if he has good stats in some areas but bad stats in others?
        what bad stat makes him trash?
        how much money is worth spending to get a little more stats in a new bro?
        what if he has good trait and some stats for a particular role but is bad in one of the other stats for that role? is he trash?
        what if none of his stats are bad but none of them are super great either? is he trash

        • 6 months ago

          This is a mouthbreather post but I will briefly indulge you.
          Want a guy who's good at hitting with melee (which automatically means his melee rolls will be good)?
          Then get a guy with as many stars as possible next to his melee attack stat (one star means he's got some talent, three means he's a fricking NATURAL).
          Want a guy who can block/dodge melee hits? Same thing but he'll have stars by his melee defense stat.
          An ideal fighter imo would have stars with his melee attack, melee defense, and fatigue. However, if he only has stars in attack and fatigue, I offset his weak defense by either giving him a shield or heavy armor or both. If a dude is fresh in your company, have him sideline fights as often as possible and only engage in the final stages of a fight when the enemy is crippled and fleeing.

          Make sense?

        • 6 months ago

          how about: try playing the game

        • 6 months ago

          First off stars represent your talent, the first star will increase your possible minroll by 1. The second will increase it again, meaning that the amount the stat will be able to be increased will be static. The third star raises the maximum possible
          So, for example, melee attack without stars is 1-3. One star is 2-3. Two stars is always 3. Three stars is 3-4
          Even without stars it is possible to be good or passable with levels if your starting roll is fine since you're going to often roll 2 or 3
          >shit rolls and good stars?
          depends on how shit we are talking, if you have a peddler with 39 matk and 3 stars thats going to take a long time till he's actually able to be useful at hitting people. a militiaman with starting 60 and 1 star would be way better right away and probably have more melee attack at level 11 anyway
          it also depends on where the rolls are, having like 20 resolve and being up front will end in disaster sooner or later so you gotta fix that
          >good rolls but shit stars?
          depends on how good rolls, its going to be more of a gamble but there are exceptions
          for example if you get a thief who has good melee attack potential but no mdef stars and yet rolled good (10 starting or so) you can make him a real damage dealer frontliner for sure
          dodge also aids in patching this up if your bro doesnt have dogshit ini

          • 6 months ago

            How heavy your equipment will be and fatigue built up also determines how good dodge is...which actually makes it synergize quite well with two handed weapons funnily enough since they only burn stamina if theyre berserking or using aoe. Just dont expect to gain nearly as much if you equip an orc weapon
            >good rolls and stars but shit traits?
            Entierly depends on you and said trait, insecure is probably the worst but it can be cured now through an event if you have a level 6 and above eunuch in the company. if you play anatomist, everyone is insecure by default.
            The traits that dump one stat but raise another or give an effect range from being quite bad such as wienery to being very worth it like drunk or huge, huge is harder to handle for frontliners but drunk has bad events attached to it
            >shit rolls and stars but good traits?
            If you mean "unexceptional", a good trait will make him slightly better. Determined or fearless etc.
            Iron lungs opens up a few things that even shitter bros can do but thats kind of an advanced topic
            Truly dumpster tier people cannot be saved by having lungs, and a trait thats good in other cases such as drunk can make them worse
            >good stats and stars/traits in different areast hat are important for different roles? which role should he be?
            Well, where are those, they might determine what he will end up doing or they might determine his weapon
            For example if a brother has good resolve and is melee, you might wanna take fearsome on him and go qatal dagger or two handed axe since those weapons can break people hard. If he's ranged, you might wanna try to make a gunner
            Here's an example of a backliner hybrid you could do, a poacher who had an ok starting matk roll and 3 stars. He's also got good ini potential so i leveled that occasionaly and took overwhelm. If it was resolve i could have gone fearsome
            Disregard everyone being beaten to shit, i stopped this save after we did black mono at day 140 and it was my first time doing it

            • 6 months ago

              >good stats in some areas but bad stats in others?
              Might make his position in the lineup different, if someone has no matk but good def make him a shieldbro with a spear or a sword and then perk him so he's a wall you put down somewhere. Try out taunt too if you havent
              >what bad stat makes him trash?
              Depends what his role should be, too little health or resolve could be a big problem but are sorta fixable
              True garbage is going to have a lot of dumped stats and nothing to go off of. They can be more of a hinderence than a benefit if they dont get killed fast enough due to healing injury costs
              >how much money is worth spending to get a little more stats in a new bro?
              Its hard to say, people like to gamble on expensive recruits a lot as a money sink. Combat backgrounds can have way more stats in various areas compared to most others and you are going to be limited by roster size sooner or later
              That said, replacing shitters with maxroll triple star gods of war even on expert ironman isnt necessary, even if you intend to clear everything. You'll probably still try to fish for better recruits since what are you gonna do with all your money at that point
              >what if he has good trait and some stats for a particular role but is bad in one of the other stats for that role? is he trash?
              He might need to pick another role or you might need to consider ways to counteract him being less than ideal and what you need or want at that point, thats part of the game
              >what if none of his stats are bad but none of them are super great either? is he trash
              He's what people would term "fodder", but there are builds for average brothers as well. A daytaler with 1 star in melee attack can become a mediocre stunbot/tank with backstabber-taunt-nimble-indom being key perks and thats a lot of value you're getting out of that man
              Having someone whom youre not too sad if they die is also not bad. Takes time until your more capable brothers reach the state where they can rip people apart

              • 6 months ago

                very good post, atleast someone knows what they are talking about

    • 6 months ago

      a combination of starting rolls, stars and potentially traits

    • 5 months ago

      all bros are useful, shitters get spears/sticks and shields and sit in spots that will have to handle many enemies. non-shitters get less dangerous spots or backline. what determines a shitter is stat placement and stars, a three star mattack beggar with 45 starting mattack is still a shitter

  39. 6 months ago

    Put stilletos on everyone's pockets. End fights by ganging up on the strongest/best enemy and using the stilleto special attack to kill em without damaging their armor.

    Sell the expensive armor.
    Most consistent way I break the campaign economy

  40. 6 months ago

    Holy frick Legends is so bullshit.
    >good armour on bros with shields
    >some named homosexual jumps in, activates some skill and just kills three guys with one shot
    >meanwhile my best guy cant oneshot fricking bandit trash on 11 level with 2handed sword
    Fricking horseshit.

    • 6 months ago

      neither of those things are because of legends. how did you even get that far in the first place if you don't understand the game you are playing to this extent.

      • 6 months ago

        b***h please.
        Up until now i faced like rabble that was more or less doable and here comes this homosexual that oneshots multiple bros wearing 150 armour with shields at once with a list of perks longer than the list of horses that fricked your mom.
        Its bullshit.

    • 6 months ago

      The thing that pisses me off about legends is that it just makes finding a good bro that much harder. Not only do they need to be the right background, not only do they need to roll their base stats well, not only do they need to have the right number of stars in the right places and not only do they need to avoid the worst traits(this isn't usually too bad) but they ALSO need to roll well on their randomized perks.

      • 6 months ago

        That's why Legends comes with tryout mod integrated, you'll do the same shit in Vanilla to gamble on recruits anyway.

        Also, Legends some of the perktrees have synergy with dogshit stats, helps you make your shitty recruits last longer before you transition to actual good ones.

        >fighting Champion Swordmasters without nets
        What were they thinking when they created this enemy

        Just shoot them or throw a javelin.

  41. 6 months ago

    I make sure at least 8 out fo the 12 guys i have a contact melee guys and at least 6 of them have shield... also get the exchange skill to cycle full hp and low hp to avoid dead peoples.
    pump melee defence every level for those 8 guys the best way to avoid payign is to avoid taking damages and losing guys.

  42. 6 months ago

    Randomly got Battle Brothers in some autoplay youtube rec and thought it looked cool about a week ago.
    Now since the sale started yesterday I've played 6 hours and gotten about 45 days. Obviously on baby beginner mode. But with no reloading bad fights.
    Pretty fricking cool. Definitely going to play either until I lose or the sale is close to ending then buying at least the first two DLCs.
    More origins seem really neat.

    I do wonder one thing. Should I be levelling fatigue basically every level? Weapons and armor are getting so heavy. My dudes are actually tiring out before the fight is over.

    • 6 months ago


      depends on your role
      around 60 fatigue after armor/weapons is enough for berserking to be worth it
      brawny exists and named gear tends to be lighter than the usual stuff
      if you're using shields a lot of your penalty will also come from there
      nimble is also good

    • 6 months ago

      Update on my first campaign which lasted 50ish days.
      I met my first two orc berserkers and they shat all over my dozen men. Very cool.

      • 6 months ago

        Sounds fun
        Do another run

        • 6 months ago

          I did. Got the first 2 DLCs and played peasant. Already lost 2 runs in under an hour. Frick the peasants suck ass. Do they also meet higher level enemies from the get go? I don't remember seeing a single bandit marksman(?) in the entire first run. Here I got one in the very first contract.

          • 6 months ago

            Playing peasants meaning you are willing to sacrifice your bros like fodders, only to keep a few core members

            • 6 months ago

              Oh yes of course. I was already only recruiting lowlifes in my first run. But starting with low morale and 100% shitters. Just led to cascading retreats and low morale. Currently playing Oathsword and the two fat knights are just way better than the dozen peasants.

            • 6 months ago

              When I got this game I thought it would be cool to hire a bunch of cheap fodder and only the strongest would survive to become turbo-spartan warlords. Then I found out the game scales enemies with your party size, so it's actually a disadvantage to hire a lot of men and you actually need to be picky.
              I was kind of disappointed about that, since putting my men through a trial by fire is a big part of the enjoyment for me in games like this (M&B, xcom, dwarf fortress, etc)

              • 6 months ago

                You should be slightly picky but that you cant win with a bunch of rather mundane dudes is not true at all. Getting to a full company is way better for your overal progress since most of the scaling based on you is going to be in contracts and the arena, and said scaling is based not just on your number of men but the average level. Theres a reason why its an early ambition
                The world itself mostly scales by time but it does not stop spawning basic camps. Itll primarily just change the composition of more dangerous locations

              • 6 months ago

                is really not the bogeyman people think it is.

          • 6 months ago

            Yes PM has slightly higher scaling starting since theres 12 men, you might fight raiders day 1 which may or may not be bad depending on your perspective
            Peasant militia are actually the strongest origin without doubt because yeah half of your starters are most likely going to be shitty but 12 men starting is 12 men even if you cannot equip everyone with a weapon and a hat on the hardest possible difficulty for that first fight, and the cap of 16 fieldable results that even though you cannot have super combat backgrounds, it does not mean at all that your sellswords are gonna be shitters
            A good militiaman/manhunter/brawler/thief/etc can still hold his own weight in a normal 12 man company forever basically. Hell, even a really good daytaler can be worth it for a long while
            Some backgrounds become better in with pm since you lack some other options
            16 men also means that once you reach a very late stage of the run where you have heaps of named items, you can actually feasibly use more of them which is another power multiplier since those can be really op
            2nd strongest is probably oathtakers or cult, anatomist is somewhere in there too but if there was pvp my money is on the first 3

            Two hands first row or polearm second row?
            I used to play safe before and have a line of shieldbros and like 4 polearm bros behind poking, you know, kinda like formation irl, but really struggle to win fight
            Now i add 3 bros with 2hands sword cleaver and mace instead and damn they cutting through enemies like butter
            So i suppose more damage >>> defense
            Also I found range attack are pretty shit, very rng depended, sometime bro barely hit anyone other time they delete enemies with one lucky shot

            Use both, pole mastery is great since you move attack move or move 2 tiles and attack. Just need to get the good polearms (billhook/skeleton pike/swordlance)
            2h weapons are really strong yeah, but no shieldbros can bite you in the ass in some battles hard since a dedicated damage/attack sponge can make everyone else live longer in a way
            Take FA if you wanna use ranged. I try to make (cross)bow users also polearm hybrids
            Throwers are pretty broken but have the issue that they only really come online in full force after you have both mastery and duelist. Handgonne is also quite beastly if you field more than 1 gunner

            fighting other mercenaries is so rewarding but at times its so hard to find them, would be cool if taverns had a chance to give your rumors about mercenary companies that are close by

            Isnt this already a thing
            Or are those rumors about "company x passed through on way to town y" just supposed to show you the way to a contract

            • 6 months ago

              yea thats a contract rumor
              would be cool if there were rumors that tell you the actual general location of a mercenary company if its somewhere near, something like find location contract directions

            • 6 months ago

              the map move speed bonus on the poachers makes them top tier in my mind, a wary player can pick their engagments, and having at least one good ranged unit you dont have to roll for is worth thousands of gold.

          • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago

              Great image. We're doing pretty well now at day 45. Not all polearms, but still doing fine.

              • 6 months ago

                who's that hero with the great axe

              • 6 months ago

                That's Rudolf. He's been with the company since day 2. He's always been the two handed man. Goedendach at first, and now the greataxe is definitely his best weapon. 11 kills and still going strong.

                I somehow managed to frick up the build and the end result has no pathfinder which is not good, should have dropped underdog for it like usual but oh well this is a silly run in general

                Switch those helmets around that guy with the greataxe and a bunch of other frontliners have worse headgear than the people in the back

                Oh shit I didn't even realize. Now he has the better armor.

              • 6 months ago

                Fought my first couple of lindwurms. It was definitely not worth the 300ish crowns.

              • 6 months ago

                There's ways to cheese them but honestly, lindwurms like pretty much every dangerous beast are not remotely worth the headache of fighting them

                FRICK hags

                FRICK schratts

                FRICK lindwurms

                Unholds are cool I guess, but only because their armor attachment is basically the best in the game

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                That's a dumb comic. I'm fairly certain reanimated skeletons tend to have shitty weapons and armor, because they're basically just using what they had on them when they died, which is likely to have rusted or rotted away over the years. It's not like they can think or reason, unless they were specifically equipped by a necromancer who's building a personal army.

              • 6 months ago

                it's a joke

              • 6 months ago

                It was kind of what I expected knowing of lindwurms before this game. But still, I was hoping I would lose shitters instead of my veterans.
                I mean look at those numbers. Rudolf took over 300 damage and I swear it was in one turn

              • 6 months ago

                >It was definitely not worth the 300ish crowns.
                that is said for the most monster faction enemies
                just not worth teh bother
                payout is low, loot is shit and risk is great
                its much more profitable fight human enemies - they not only fairly easier but you can also reuse weapons and armors from them

              • 6 months ago

                >I can't monsters
                are easy. SPEARWALL. nets
                >payout is low
                >loot is shit
                nachs: theres a ton for good exp and resolve necklaces. defend and then push out against them for a morale break. most important enemy for spear wall.
                spiders: drops suck but aren't hard just annoying
                hyenas: they like flanking, best armor addon
                sleepy guys: NETS, stay grouped up, no shields, let them move first in round 1. exp necklaces.
                wolves: easy and great for early armor addons. the best encounter early on is when you get that merc group disguised as wolves and can get a ton of already made mantles.
                unhold. nets and a measure of how much damage you can output. great drops. mid game opponent though, not that easy.
                >trees and wurms
                yeah frick that. for trees you need good axes and even better tanks. even then theres gonna be a bunch of injuries.
                As for wurms by the time I feel like I can take on 1 or 2 of them they're running around in groups of 5+

              • 6 months ago

                its steal not worth
                especially early as wolves,nachs, hyenas or snakes can frick your fresh meat easily and for what?
                spiders are easy tho unless you get thrown around in the forest

              • 6 months ago

                Okay, you seem to have not even read the post for not wanting to even consider the possibility of playing outside what you don't know.
                so I guess just keep ignoring part of the game if thats what you want to do.

              • 6 months ago

                go teach your father how to have sex

              • 6 months ago

                this autist is in every single thread parroting the same dogshit opinions on repeat

              • 6 months ago

                No, that's me, and the post you are quoting was by another anon
                He's correct though

              • 6 months ago

                >Craft the addon first time after getting the DLC
                >Put it on my armor, instantly followed by dragging some store bought addon onto my helmet
                >It actually applies to the chest armor instead and deletes the dog padding
                Come on bro. Couldn't it at least not do anything when I aimed at the wrong piece of gear. Or tell me I'm about to be stupid?

              • 6 months ago

                I somehow managed to frick up the build and the end result has no pathfinder which is not good, should have dropped underdog for it like usual but oh well this is a silly run in general

                Switch those helmets around that guy with the greataxe and a bunch of other frontliners have worse headgear than the people in the back

              • 6 months ago

                There's a save editor that will let you change your perks if you frick up.

              • 6 months ago

                Nah its fine, its not like he is ruined

                An absolutely worthless enemy, didn't even get anything useful from this fight.

                You got +10k from that contract alone plus who knows how much more money from selling the gained loot. Goblin cities like this have the highest amount of named item chance to get named items alongside i think sunken castle and orc sea of tents
                Their named items are gonna be shitty almost always, yeah. A jagged pike like this with the bonus head hit chance can be really really good for a 2h flail user though in order to have headhunter stacked prepared

          • 6 months ago

            The peasants are really strong.
            If you are dying to 2 orc berserkers that means you still have much, much to learn.
            I have btfo orc camps with over 35 orcs (most of them warriors, which are much, much more dangerous than berserkers) using peasants.

  43. 6 months ago

    depends on your role
    around 60 fatigue after armor/weapons is enough for berserking to be worth it
    brawny exists and named gear tends to be lighter than the usual stuff
    if you're using shields a lot of your penalty will also come from there
    nimble is also good

  44. 6 months ago

    Ok so what BB scales to and how do i stop it?

  45. 6 months ago

    Post your Lone Wolf, Legend or not.

    • 6 months ago

      >called Lone Wolf
      >has a group of people with him

      • 6 months ago

        Those aren't real persons
        Those are pigments of his imaginations, which is why he doesn't pay them
        I'm only half-joking, Lone Wolf start makes your bro do it for free for some reason

    • 6 months ago

      Who's the bawd with the tent icon?

      • 6 months ago

        You don't have a camp femboy?

    • 6 months ago

      I'd love to play lone wolf but the start seems like I have to cheese harder than... chhurpi, the worlds hardest cheese(thanks google)

      • 6 months ago

        its not so tough until you get to 12 men
        then it gets kind of annoying

    • 6 months ago

      whats that weapon on the rightmost guy

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          thats not a vanilla khopesh

          • 6 months ago

            Brass Khopesh from Legends

    • 5 months ago

      The biggest problem with the legends mod is the legends mod. That Black person who codes it allows the Lone Wolf to spawn as a Black person. I got tired of rerolling to get a Lone Wolf of the correct race so I had to edit the file so that I could remove the Black folk. Also the new random recruitment is moronic. It was better in the older versions because of that.

  46. 6 months ago

    Two hands first row or polearm second row?
    I used to play safe before and have a line of shieldbros and like 4 polearm bros behind poking, you know, kinda like formation irl, but really struggle to win fight
    Now i add 3 bros with 2hands sword cleaver and mace instead and damn they cutting through enemies like butter
    So i suppose more damage >>> defense
    Also I found range attack are pretty shit, very rng depended, sometime bro barely hit anyone other time they delete enemies with one lucky shot

  47. 6 months ago

    Is legends supposed to be easier than vanilla? It feels like I am advancing way faster than how it is in vanilla.

    • 6 months ago

      Generally starts off easier I find but the late game can get pretty disgusting with the various super monsters and shit. I don't think any amount of cheese can allow you to take a couple Stollwurms

  48. 6 months ago

    fighting other mercenaries is so rewarding but at times its so hard to find them, would be cool if taverns had a chance to give your rumors about mercenary companies that are close by

  49. 6 months ago

    >fighting Champion Swordmasters without nets
    What were they thinking when they created this enemy

    • 6 months ago

      just bring some nets

    • 6 months ago

      >without nets
      what were you thinking?

    • 6 months ago

      >What were they thinking when they created this enemy
      they were making enemies just to shit on players meta
      that started with goblins and continued to this day

      • 6 months ago

        The one enemy I refuse to fight no matter what just to avoid the tedium.

        • 6 months ago

          An absolutely worthless enemy, didn't even get anything useful from this fight.

          • 6 months ago

            if only human champions spawned as often as goblins do

            • 6 months ago

              its all about mass, every gobbo skirmisher and ambusher can be a champ so you're often going to see them when theres a bunch because some will just get lucky
              Fallen heroes and Chosen are your best bet. Always take 3 star contract in general

          • 6 months ago

            gonna make name mod that changes naming for goblins into semitic one

  50. 6 months ago

    >overworld barely has any events or shit to do
    >additional content is locked behind overpriced DLC

    • 6 months ago

      it has a ton of events but the system to trigger them is frickin weird

      • 6 months ago

        The system is fine, vanilla just make them fire once every 3 days. Get mods to up it to a daily occurance and it will add up quickly.

  51. 6 months ago

    Ooba booba

    • 6 months ago

      its just 2 enemies thought he
      what could possibly go wrong

      • 6 months ago

        what day is this that you got a schrat to spawn with a hexe in contract

        • 6 months ago

          i understood like half of these words buts its day 38

    • 6 months ago

      its just 2 enemies thought he
      what could possibly go wrong

    • 6 months ago

      What mod?

      • 6 months ago

        Beasts & Exploration dlc

  52. 6 months ago

    sick seed

  53. 6 months ago

    Huh oathbringer event can fire off as early as day 60something if the game determines you strong enough (high tempo)

  54. 6 months ago

    Should I get this game if I like nu-xcom?

  55. 6 months ago

    Still don't know if I enjoy this game at all, I tried playing it a number of times over the years but the excessive RNG always turnt me off. Now I'm finally giving it a proper go, only engaging battles and taking contracts I'm absolutely sure I can win with no losses.
    I'm making good money but it feels a bit boring, I guess the idea is you do this enough until everyone is leveled and properly kited out then you go deal with the more end-game stuff.

    • 6 months ago

      >I guess the idea is you do this enough until everyone is leveled and properly kited out then you go deal with the more end-game stuff.
      Its dependant on how good you are at the tactical map and recognizing what you can take and what you cant
      If you grind brigands for 80 days you're going to be way way less powerful than someone who battled various opponents on top of it being boring as shit

  56. 6 months ago

    scaling beggar is absolutely moronic and i love it
    ultimate rags to b***hes story on legend/legend difficulty

    • 6 months ago

      what the frick is that perk screen

      • 6 months ago

        Special origin where you start with a bigger but he has the chance to steal a perk from anyone he kills. Obviously becomes OP quickly.

      • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      The Sun fallen to earth

  57. 6 months ago

    What equipment is a waste to buy or not? I've been mostly trying to buy not-too-expensive armor for maximum survivability, since decent weapons drop from enemies pretty often. But I've gotten almost no good 2-handed stuff and I'm not sure if it's worth it to spend 1000s on a mid-tier polearm or greatsword, or just save up for the best ones available.

    • 6 months ago

      Unless you're starting off with the noble crisis you pretty much have to buy tier 3 2 handers. The barbarian reaver 2 handers are actually pretty god damned good because of their high armor pen so you can sit on those as tier 2 weapons so I wouldn't biu them. That being said, A pike is pretty cheap and not a bad purchase if you just can't find them off bandit raiders or other merc companies. I think tier 3 weapons are one of the only things I consistently purchase in my playthroughs. I do tend to save up and buy a reinforced mail hauberk to get some battleforged meat on the field because it's at a really good price point I find. It's cheap enough to make it feasible/economical to purchase and heavier than everything you can stab off dudes unless you roll lucky on a brigand or nomad leader

    • 6 months ago

      If something you have in mind for a brother does not drop and you have the money just bite the bullet and get it
      Some high tier equipment can show up discounted in a city marketplace at a lower durability, like a billhook for around 600 in a citadel. Buying a swordlance early on can be a huge boon if you have a brother for it, overwhelming majority of players would rather not mess around with a southern force before theyre well decked out which puts it out of reach of earlygame looting for most

      Unless you're starting off with the noble crisis you pretty much have to buy tier 3 2 handers. The barbarian reaver 2 handers are actually pretty god damned good because of their high armor pen so you can sit on those as tier 2 weapons so I wouldn't biu them. That being said, A pike is pretty cheap and not a bad purchase if you just can't find them off bandit raiders or other merc companies. I think tier 3 weapons are one of the only things I consistently purchase in my playthroughs. I do tend to save up and buy a reinforced mail hauberk to get some battleforged meat on the field because it's at a really good price point I find. It's cheap enough to make it feasible/economical to purchase and heavier than everything you can stab off dudes unless you roll lucky on a brigand or nomad leader

      If you buy or loot a rmh be sure to give it a +40 attachment. 250 armor vs 210 is going to make a difference and armor attachments can sometimes drop from camps

  58. 6 months ago

    i just dont like the turn base
    if this game was a RTS I would like it more

    • 6 months ago

      Go play Northgard

  59. 6 months ago

    I loved War Tales, and everyone kept telling me Battle Brothers was better. But holy shit I cant get over the how much worse the graphics and UI are.

    • 6 months ago

      you think wartales graphics are good?

    • 6 months ago

      Weird, I like War Tales but BB is the clear winner graphics wise. Art direction, clarity, etc. it really captures that ugly low fantasy germanic vibe.

      Are you sure you don't mean you don't like the stylized boardgame depiction?

    • 6 months ago

      Wartales is legitimately frick ugly and I cannot believe you're comparing the 'graphics' of 3d slop to 2d artwork

    • 6 months ago

      Call me moronic but Battle brothers won the graphics and animation department. Wartales is unreadable. I cannot tell what weapon a unit has. This is important between 2-h axemen and spearmen (same stance but different weapon) and among daggers (too small to differentiate). I want to know which dude has the poison dagger from the cinqueda. The animation takes a long time to complete and adds up massively in 15+ unit battles. The fatalities are nice but gets repetitive.
      >skill issue
      It think its more of a leg issue.

      • 6 months ago

        Battle Brothers genuinely looks great. Speeding up animations is a huge plus too. Frick strategy games with slow animations. I just want the stuff to happen.

      • 6 months ago

        are there no speedup mods

      • 6 months ago

        you are right moron
        why you want to be called like that? some kind of fetish?

        • 6 months ago

          I have a mommy-loving-a-lovable-moron fetish.

    • 6 months ago

      >I cant get over the how much worse the graphics and UI are.
      play some time and get used to it
      BB is better game than WT

  60. 6 months ago

    Is there anything as good as or better than Battle Brothers?

  61. 6 months ago

    you are the classic apologistic moron that always defaults to "it's not a problem" when anyone points out anything about the game, your signature is throwing adivce that nobody asked for on every single reply

  62. 6 months ago

    Dont think the game is flawless at all but this fear of beasts that stretches down to the most basic types is stupid since all you need to do to win vs spiders for example is double grip and have a hat and more than 60 armor
    If someone enters the thread and says they think alps are op that means they probably dont know how the fight works and id try to help them so they have more fun with the game because alp contracts are almost by defintion free money and xp, and alps bits actually do sell for a decent amount on top of the contract itself having high payout
    You're just angry for no discernable reason

    • 6 months ago

      > think alps are op that means they probably dont know how the fight work
      No shit. I bought the game this sale and have fought them twice. One a horrible loss for the company. The second a great success from my first lesson.
      I'm not here for tips and tricks. I want to die miserably on my own

  63. 6 months ago

    not reading any of that, get a life and stop being on this thread 24/7 writing walls of text you autistic frick

    • 6 months ago

      started another game as Cultists. I still don't quite know what the frick am I even doing so I take only low-risk contracts and fight bandits and wolves

      don't be a bitter dick, anon

      • 6 months ago

        go to /vg/ if you want to smell your own farts in a general 24/7

  64. 6 months ago

    you are on /vst/

  65. 6 months ago

    go to /vg/ if you want to smell your own farts in a general 24/7

  66. 6 months ago

    Does this game actually have enough loot/enemies to keep you entertained for a while or does it get old fast? Whenever I watch gameplay it just seems like you're fighting the same enemies over and over and looting the same old weapons and armor.

    • 6 months ago

      You are correct. BB doesn't have a lot of replayability aside from different Origins (some of which aren't that different from one another) and End Game Crisis. All bros have 'optimal' ways they can be built, and all battles have optimal ways to be fought and won.

      Anons sometimes give a lot of shit to Legends Mod, but it at least brings some variety to Bro builds, enemies, fought, and potential combinations of equipment.

      • 6 months ago

        >BB doesn't have a lot of replayability

        • 6 months ago

          Probably meant that after 8 years of release, all the builds have been solved now with all the optimum builds for all backgrounds solved. You should be able to finish all legendary locations + crisis within 3 playthroughs max.

          It takes some serious isolation from the internet and boomer level tech savy to keep playing vanilla again and again.

          • 6 months ago

            bullshit, this game does something really well and that's the thrill and satisfaction of getting a campaign going amidst the dificulty of ironman, it just doesn't get old, is something that keeps people coming back to the game even to this day

          • 6 months ago

            >all the builds have been solved now
            Imagine being a guide reading zoomer.

          • 6 months ago

            80% of players are sleeping on dodgeforged

            what is a good seed

            its not so important but:
            not incredibly rough terrain everywhere
            compact settlments
            spread out south for sniffing for nomad named items early
            maybe a noble house you can bully that has towns scattered about but does not actually have too many settlments so you don't block yourself out of too much of the map if you decide to raid them

            Is anything new since I played this 3 years ago?

            oathtakers and anatomists origins with some new gear and backgrounds, both are pretty unique but the former is way way more fun and better designed than the latter imo
            shit ton of new events
            some balance changes, 2h flails arent dogshit anymore

            • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                Dodge is very good. you combine that with wearing strong armor to have someone with a ton of defences who acts fast in the turnorder and still kills
                Compared to a normal forged brother or a fatigue n*utral you need to level initiative, be more mindful of gear and perks but i think its the best build in the game since he also helps others through applying stagger or daze early (stagger pushes people the the end of the turnorder so that combined with the high armor removal means its much more likely to kill the target with someone else before he even gets to act)
                its somewhat of an oathtaker special because they start with everything we want but many other backgrounds can do it if you have the appropriate stat distribution. dont need super high ini after armor to outspeed enemies. If you float somewhere around 95-105 you're gonna go head of almost anything
                initiative is reduced by your accumulate fatigue and the weight of what you carry, brawny reduces the weight of your armor which affects ini in addition to fatigue
                named armor also helps since it will almost always be lighter than the normal armors, its not necessary but as an example see this piece
                27-30%=18.9 which the game rounds up to 19 (brawny never rounds down in your favor with body armor and always does with helmets). add Hyena pelt to this and our brother is only being weighted down for 4 points of ini from his body armor, he still has much to overcome on his helmet and weapons but this is still light years ahead compared to no pelt or no brawny

                I somehow managed to frick up the build and the end result has no pathfinder which is not good, should have dropped underdog for it like usual but oh well this is a silly run in general

                Switch those helmets around that guy with the greataxe and a bunch of other frontliners have worse headgear than the people in the back

                another example here with the dodge bonus visible

              • 6 months ago

                ok thx. I just bought it during the sale and I got owned by zomboids when I attacked a graveyard. I was doing fine against bandits and highwaymen up until this point. I picked colossus for all my men in the first perk tier because it seemed like the only good one.
                Playing on all hardest settings (is that too hard for a new player? seems like that's what everyone plays on here)

              • 6 months ago

                There is a lot of great perks in the first 3 lines which are all power spikes, but colossus first i think is also the best 1st choice for a frontliner because you'll not only die less due to more health but also wont get a heavy injury so often
                Dont play on expert expert if you're starting out, do veteran/veteran. you will get your ass destroyed, the game is hard enough on vet until you've blasted through everything
                One thing i can see is that some of your frontliners are wearing just shirts (20 armor), try not to do that because they'll die very badly and various weapon skills do different amounts of damage against and through armor. zombie bites for example will not amount to almost anything until its been stripped
                helmer also entered the fight half dead and with 2 injuties (1 minor and 1 very bad)

              • 6 months ago

                Starting funds and economy difficulty are strictly set to what you enjoy. I prefer medium/veteran just because it forces some choice and management without turning the game into a grindfest. Combat difficulty should be expert though otherwise you pick up bad habits from fighting undertuned enemies. Doing well on expert will also accelerate your growth more quickly because enemies are better equipped.

            • 5 months ago

              Dodge is very good. you combine that with wearing strong armor to have someone with a ton of defences who acts fast in the turnorder and still kills
              Compared to a normal forged brother or a fatigue n*utral you need to level initiative, be more mindful of gear and perks but i think its the best build in the game since he also helps others through applying stagger or daze early (stagger pushes people the the end of the turnorder so that combined with the high armor removal means its much more likely to kill the target with someone else before he even gets to act)
              its somewhat of an oathtaker special because they start with everything we want but many other backgrounds can do it if you have the appropriate stat distribution. dont need super high ini after armor to outspeed enemies. If you float somewhere around 95-105 you're gonna go head of almost anything
              initiative is reduced by your accumulate fatigue and the weight of what you carry, brawny reduces the weight of your armor which affects ini in addition to fatigue
              named armor also helps since it will almost always be lighter than the normal armors, its not necessary but as an example see this piece
              27-30%=18.9 which the game rounds up to 19 (brawny never rounds down in your favor with body armor and always does with helmets). add Hyena pelt to this and our brother is only being weighted down for 4 points of ini from his body armor, he still has much to overcome on his helmet and weapons but this is still light years ahead compared to no pelt or no brawny
              another example here with the dodge bonus visible

              I am just not convinced of dodge being more valuable than Reach Advantage (except on Mace where clearly Dodge is better). Additionally, if we want survivability why not Indomitable instead? Heck, I think Overwhelm might be better for 2H than Dodge after the first three rounds. I am not saying that you're wrong but I find it hard to believe. Finally, would you add Executioner, Berserker, or Killing Frenzy to the bro that you screenshot?

              • 5 months ago

                I just like twohander users who tap into ini for some added power. Nimble dodge relentless fast 2h mace/hammer is superb and this is the same general idea except forged so he doesnt get shat on by anti nimble enemies and puts named gear and ini stars to use
                Dodge is +15-10 mdef on these brothers with the full setup. It can go lower if you get staggered or some bad injury but thats still massive value
                reach advantage doesnt give anything unless you hit whilst this works all the time
                Relentless removes the issue of fatigue buildup whilst also helping with staying ahead in turnorder and twohander isnt going to be very tired up regardless since your fat pool on dodgeforged is gonna be around 50something to 60 after armor most of the time
                Indom doesnt work well with 6 ap weapons for the last 3 years or so, theres 2 types of survivability you can think about but that deserves its own post
                Most enemies float around 70-75 matk so one overwhelm stack is roughly 7 or 8 less hitchance against one opponent whilst dodge works vs all enemies and helps you not get hit right away which saves health and tools
                Overwhelm does get more powerful if you have people with over 50 mdef since it circumvents the diminishing returns on the stat due to reducing enemy skills, but thats neither here nor there
                Bro would get the standard zerk frenzy treatment but thats mainly since my lizard brain dislikes fat neutrals. Dodgeforged fat neutral is easier to make and probably the ''intended'' way to go about this but in reality the main consideration is in those 2 perk points and how much starting fatigue the guy has. He sure is more interesting regardless than the normal fat neutral and probably stronger too since 10 more mdef and goes fast

              • 5 months ago

                I think that you've pretty much sold me on the concept. Screenshot is what I would probably run, I am debating between Reach Advantage or Executioner though - depends on weapon I guess.

              • 5 months ago

                >no gifted
                >no quickhands
                >no steelbrow
                >no underdog
                Dodgeforged is a meme build btw

              • 5 months ago

                Read the thoughtful exchange of posts throughout the "dodgeforged" discussion. Your low-effort flaming is moronic.

              • 5 months ago

                Id take neither and go for qh or underdog since those are the standard, its less of a lost opportunity here to skip qh i guess since you can stack turns together more easily
                RA is going to amount to as much as underdog often, and a lot of the time itll do less
                Executioner is better than many give it credit for but i havent played around with it much with twohanders. Its really good with any sort of cleaver and immensly useful with qatal since one thing hard hitting weapons with high armor ignore (two handed maces, for example) do a lot of is injure people, so the dazed target is likely going to have something for the dagger to exploit. And if you're just stabbing people with the basic one with no setup against shitty chaff humans it still does something to get a better kill time, most duelists like executioner it just has to be weighted against other choicse
                One suggestion is that if you do try this, play oathtakers since the young one is pretty fitting for this role. Don't level ini every time, weigh between it, health and some fatigue, but do level it

                If I shoot at an enemy blocked by another enemy, I understand that lowers my chance of hitting the targetted enemy, but does it raise the change of getting a hit? Asking cause the game doesn't tell me the chance of hitting the "obstacle"

                Im talking from memory and dont understand it perfectly myself but the way it works is that the shown percentage to hit adds the scatter penalty to your actual hitchance for that target
                Ranged hitchance is ratk+weapon skill (aimed shot or jav throw etc)-distance falloff-enemy rdef, if you cant make a clear shot you have to pass another check first to hit the target. Said check is 75% without bullseye and 50% with, if you fail the check the shot has a chance to scatter to one tile in front or in the back of the target, and scattered shots have penalties to hitchance and damage
                Handgonne does not scatter and will always hit regardless of cover

  67. 6 months ago

    I like this game but I can't stop thinking how a skyrim or warband mod with a similar promise be insanely fun

    • 6 months ago

      Mount & Blade is already basically 3D real-time battle bros without the fantasy

      • 6 months ago

        I tried some pure mercenary playthroughs of warband where I never became a lord and just kept switching factions every month, but it gets old because it becomes too repetitive. Beat a lord there, loot a village then uhh..repeat

        • 6 months ago

          What more gameplay would you want as a mercenary? The game is about working your way up in feudal society. You are already allowed to take a castle as an independent faction and start your own kingdom that way.
          The only reason you stay as a mercenary in BB is because there are no mechanics to become a lord and have fiefs, participate in diplomacy, etc.

    • 6 months ago


      Mount & Blade is already basically 3D real-time battle bros without the fantasy

      and to tell you the truth every time I get into a battle in this game it just makes me wish I was playing mountainblade
      There's a number of fantasy mods but I don't recall any of them being very good

      • 6 months ago

        I haven’t played battle bros but I’m very interested and I was just waiting to pick it up on the next sale. But I’ve been watching streamers play it and it looks quite repetitive and lacking in loot and enemy variety. So I’m thinking maybe I should just wait for bannerlord 1.2 instead as that game seems to scratch my itch of having a mercenary band in a much more immersive way (better overworld, more realistic battles, diplomacy, etc).

        • 6 months ago

          There isn't great variety like someone said before, but there's still plenty to keep you entertained for a handful of playthroughs while you try out the more interesting origins and crisises. It is a little expensive so I understand waiting for a sale, specially as you definitely want the DLC too.
          And there's always the possibility you'll end up really liking the mechanics and playing for 1000s of hour like a minority of people do.

        • 6 months ago

          enemy variety is one of the things this game actually gets right because the different factions fight drastically differently
          its a combat game

  68. 6 months ago

    what is a good seed

    • 6 months ago

  69. 6 months ago

    Is anything new since I played this 3 years ago?

  70. 6 months ago

    noob here playing on the hardest battle difficulty, starting funds high, and economy difficulty easy, I watched a few guides and finally started having fun this game, first time i raided noble houses like ever, and had better equipment than what raider shits dropped, way earlier than my before runs

    blog time

    >make all my ranged dudes into throwers
    >they carry me hard
    >everyone else is trash or mid
    >try to raid noble house like day 25 or so
    >eh 8 footmen and two bill men i am probably dead
    >javelins destroy them
    >i mean really fricking destroy them
    >suddenly good loot lmao
    >infinite money from selling weapons i do not need (for what I am used to anyway)
    >continue to do contracts, trying to sort my trash guys out and train up better men (no melee 3 stars in sight, huh)
    >day 58, feel sort of invincible
    >have a few decent men by now
    >lets get some better equipment and raid that noble house again
    >19 units, 5 arbalesters, hedge knight, lots of footmen, a few pikemen
    >never actually fought a force like this
    >expect bad things to happen
    >first two shots instantly wound my front guys through their armor
    >"oh no"
    >survival mode engaged, frick daggering, I am going to kill whoever I can kill and go down swinging
    >almost get wiped (lose 2 guys with really good potential)
    >throwers carry AGAIN harder than an african mom carrying water to her family
    >hedge knight arrives at the front line, eats javelins like a motherfricker, but his morale goes down
    >gigachad hedge knight b***hslaps my last shield holder to the side to get some juice javelinthrowerpussy
    >one guy can still throw
    >two more javelins in his face
    >he fricking routs
    >armor of everyone is held together by duct-tape by now
    >somehow pull through
    >i probably didnt even get any nice armor or weapons because everything is fricked
    >get pic related

    i finally got why this game is fun

  71. 6 months ago

    new gaem when

  72. 6 months ago

    >people still dont understand how BB scaling works
    Contracts scale with party level
    Random enemies scale with time
    Enemy camps scale with both but party level is much more important
    Legendary locations dont scale.

    IE if you "fall behind" literally just do contracts until you are back on your feet again.
    What typically happens is that people build their brothers like shit, they level up but dont actually get that much stronger, and when a contract comes up and they get btfo they assume that difficulty scales with time and they "fell behind". No homie, you can take the game at your own pace, you can be as slow as you want and play for over 500 days just doing contracts. What the game punishes is bad strategy and bad tactics, not slowness.

    • 6 months ago

      >you can take the game at your own pace just don't fall behind
      cool logic

      • 6 months ago

        >moron with 0 reading comprehension

        • 6 months ago

          >falling behind doesn't exist if i just deny it
          cool logic

          • 5 months ago

            you still cant read

            • 5 months ago

              Ignore the moron he is clearly having a hard time.
              Do you know if the Legends mod changes the scaling or maybe that isn't moddable

              • 5 months ago

                Theres mods that alter it already so yeah
                If they couldnt change the scaling itd be impossible to add new enemies

            • 5 months ago

              time scaling is the diference betwen going against 3 marksmen with wonky bows instead of 3 marksmen with crossbows, going against brigand raiders instead of lesser brigand raiders, entire nomad camps having dodge
              >i'm so good scaling doesn't affect me ence it doesn't exist
              denying it does not make it not exists you moron

              • 5 months ago

                >continues to be unable to read

              • 5 months ago

                >bro just do contracts!

              • 5 months ago

                Ignore the moron he is clearly having a hard time.
                Do you know if the Legends mod changes the scaling or maybe that isn't moddable

                Not that anon, but time scaling is generally limited to single time upgrades, which, with a few notable exceptions, are pretty unexceptionable.
                It does make it harder when you fall behind, (or get too far ahead) but since it's only a one time upgrade, you can pretty well expect the same difficulty past day ~40 (assuming you're fighting the usual bandit chaff).
                That's why people generally say you can take the game at your own pace. Part of making sure you don't fall behind is sacrificing your higher level shitter bros in exchange for better low level bros.
                >legends mod scaling
                Fairly sure legends does change it rather significantly. If I remember, vanilla enemy spawns are based on the combined level of your 12 highest level bros, meaning that it's easy to fall behind if you're not hitting the usual milestones in terms of collecting equipment. Difficulty is also fairly simple, adding a flat value, meaning the changes are only really notable early on.
                Comparatively, legends uses a value based on both level and price of equipment, being based on your whole roster, rather than the highest 12. Additionally, there's a bunch of other elements legends introduces: distance scaling(pumping up enemy spawns the further you get from civilization, certain perks eliminate bros from the level scaling formula. Difficulty for legends also changes how scaling works way differently, since higher difficulties tend to have exponential scaling.

    • 6 months ago

      What is the upper limit of time scaling (assuming it actually exists)?
      Ex. do random encounters stop getting stronger at 1000 days or something?

      • 6 months ago

        If you survive the first crisis you've effectively peaked. Nothing will be a challenge after that until the next crisis because even if you lose half of your company you still have a strong core to rebuild with.

      • 6 months ago

        I never saw anybody actually checking out the code to find that so I'm not sure.
        I have seen multiple people claim that it maxes out somewhere around day 260 to day 280 but I'm not sure how reliable that is.

    • 5 months ago

      >Enemy camps scale with both but party level is much more important

  73. 6 months ago

    This is my best company so far (veteran/veteran/medium/ironman). Just fought some orcs for the first time which was scary. Managed to beat them but still lost a couple of good bros despite outnumbering them 2:1.
    Just got my first standard as well. I've been doing a lot of long-term caravan guard missions because they usually have good payouts and give my men a chance to heal and repair after a battle. When should I start exploring sites? I keep getting these scouting missions but when I tried to explore them early on in my campaigns I would get my ass kicked by ancient legionaries and other horrors.
    Any save-wrecking surprises I should watch out for?
    So far it feels like I'm just getting lucky in fights and not actually using any worthwhile strategy. I don't know how to use nets strategically, I just throw them to delay enemies so I can try to focus down less of them at once. So far my strategy has been to just concentrate my dps on one flank and my tanks on the other, try to tie up most enemies with a shield wall as I focus down one the other flank with my dps. I don't do much weapon swapping as I see the more experienced players do.

    • 6 months ago

      Well I got ahead of myself and explored some ruins and got wiped. I thought I was doing alright in this fight and it was looking like an easy win but then my guys just started fricking missing easy shots and zombies started spawning every turn.
      F to the Onions Boys.

      • 5 months ago

        >muslim flag

        • 5 months ago

          It was just the one selected by default when I started the game. Thought it was an oriental symbol

    • 6 months ago

      Well I got ahead of myself and explored some ruins and got wiped. I thought I was doing alright in this fight and it was looking like an easy win but then my guys just started fricking missing easy shots and zombies started spawning every turn.
      F to the Onions Boys.

      Nets serve two puposes. They neutralize a threatening opponent so you can position more aggressively to wipe out the fodder quickly. Or they immobilize an opponent with valuable equipment so you can position to puncture him down. The game rewards smart aggression. Against humans being tactfully aggressive helps swing the morale game in your favor and denies the enemy momentum. Against undead you need to be aggressive because you need to whittle down their respawns before your guys get fatigued and the fight gets harder. Big straight shield walls are advantageous to the undead because in any even fight they'll outlast you. And there's usually more of them, so if you don't kill quick enough they'll surround your guys.

  74. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      The rapist becomes the rapee

  75. 5 months ago

    Legends mod is shit

    • 5 months ago

      Legends mod is THE shit

  76. 5 months ago

    new game fricking when

  77. 5 months ago

    Can I deduce anything about the difficulty of a contract based on the pay? Sometimes I the same kind of contract and star level but with different pay. If this is the case I might take lower pay contracts in order to minimize the risk to my bros, but if not then I should just take the highest paying contracts possible.

    • 5 months ago

      Not really, sometimes the skull count will even not be a good indicator.

    • 5 months ago

      Not really. Pay increases with renown, but has nothing to do with difficulty.
      Contract difficulty is affected by number of skulls, party level and obviously there's a factor of rng.

  78. 5 months ago

    Crippling strikes on throwers yea or nah?

    • 5 months ago

      Crippling strikes on E V E R Y B O D Y

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, but I think its one of those skills that work better on everyone if you are going to use it.

    • 5 months ago

      no they already injure people
      rather take executioner so they do more damage on follow up hits and on injuries caused by your mace boys

  79. 5 months ago

    If soldiers catch you on the delivery quest and ask to take your cargo just let them. If you choose to fight they throw high tier armored juggernauts at you and expect you to survive somehow.

  80. 5 months ago

    FUARK this game is addictive. I'm on my 3rd company of the day already after losing 2. First one I had raider gear but got attacked by hedge knights for refusing to give up the package during a courier mission.
    Second one didn't last as long, I was still thug-tier when I took a spider mission. They spawned all around me, hit pretty hard and just kept spawning.

    • 5 months ago

      Remember you can always just run away from a battle.
      Certain weapons are better in certain situations. Swords and Spears are easy for unskilled bros to use with few misses. and some enemies are very hard to hit if you're too slow.

      You should be able to choose your deployment on the map when attacking an enemy site. I'm sick of arriving at a bandit fort and being positioned at the bottom of a huge hill while archers rain down fire on us. I've started just retreating whenever the enemy whenever the enemy is on a hill and has archers.

      It just makes strategic sense to put a fort on a hill. This is why I always carry a Falcon for scouting, not to mention I use Prepare Carefully and Prepare for Battle mods.

      • 5 months ago

        >Remember you can always just run away from a battle.
        not against spiders

    • 5 months ago

      Get some javelins and stuff

      • 5 months ago

        am I underutilizing throwing weapons? I don't use them that often, really, using the first couple turns to try to optimize my positioning. Throwing weapons just seem to miss a lot

        • 5 months ago

          He probably thought of thrower meta build
          Throwing weapons have a hitchance bonus with a big accuracy falloff per tile. and after mastery you get a damage boost that puts barbarian heavy javs within the same ballpark as roughly a double gripped winged mace at 2 tiles throwing distance, and throwers benefit from duelist. so thrower is basically a backline duelist option with an accuracy bonus assuming its attacking just behind the frontline
          early on you can get quickhands and keep your javs in bag, use a bow or crossbow at a distance and then switch to them once the enemy is very close. even later you should probably have a longer distance weapon in hand for the first few rounds since you probably want to be able to shoot berzerkers and have a fallback option if the battle drags out and the javelins run out

  81. 5 months ago

    You should be able to choose your deployment on the map when attacking an enemy site. I'm sick of arriving at a bandit fort and being positioned at the bottom of a huge hill while archers rain down fire on us. I've started just retreating whenever the enemy whenever the enemy is on a hill and has archers.

  82. 5 months ago

    How come I've never seen anyone recommending swordlances? I'm still new but in all the companies I played the guy with a sword lance would get most of the kills.everytime... against raiders or nomads I could easily get 4 or 5 kills in every fight

    • 5 months ago

      >How come I've never seen anyone recommending swordlances?
      because swordlance requires a premium bro that will be (a lot) more useful doing something else
      >the guy with a sword lance would get most of the kills.everytime
      are your frontliners all using shields? put some maces and axes and qatal daggers on them and watch how quickly the situation changes

    • 5 months ago

      Swordlances are generally considered the best polearm and are recommended amongst more casual players.
      Very experiences playerd eschew polearms all together as primary weapons due to low damage.

    • 5 months ago

      Swordlance is good yes, nomad hunting early means lots of money, mail for everyone and possibly named items
      Take fearsome later and qh a 2h mace or hammer in bag and a whip, this build is still very good

      >How come I've never seen anyone recommending swordlances?
      because swordlance requires a premium bro that will be (a lot) more useful doing something else
      >the guy with a sword lance would get most of the kills.everytime
      are your frontliners all using shields? put some maces and axes and qatal daggers on them and watch how quickly the situation changes

      You just need melee attack and not 80 fatigue

      Swordlances are generally considered the best polearm and are recommended amongst more casual players.
      Very experiences playerd eschew polearms all together as primary weapons due to low damage.

      Best weapon vs lindwurms alongside gun
      Its only bad vs warriors and chosen to an extent so its really good tempo
      Unlike thrower swordlance comes online level 5 whilst thrower honestly sucks massive dick until duelist assuming no barb javs

  83. 5 months ago


  84. 5 months ago

    >caravan ambushed
    >turn 2 and they've already killed 2 donkeys and teleported to surround the last one
    Out-skilled once again

    • 5 months ago

      Turned out losing the donkeys was the least of my worries.

    • 5 months ago

      Circle the wagons not get encircled!

    • 5 months ago

      >tfw running into these guys unprepared in snow

  85. 5 months ago

    fricking black monolith. The last achviement to fully unlock this game.

    >823 day and still only manage to kill like 17-20 enemies at max.

    I recruited monk to produce frickton of blessed water and then try.

    • 5 months ago

      There are two groups of enemies. Fighting both at the same time is suicide. Try to move back if necessary, deal with the necrosavants quickly and/or send a guy up to delay the ebemies there.

      • 5 months ago

        thanks for advice. Separating them helped a lot. Still farming blessed water is the easiest way to no man die in this hell.

  86. 5 months ago


  87. 5 months ago

    Executioner Thrower build for extreme high damage

    • 5 months ago

      Is Recover necessary? I suppose it is with, the additional Action Points from Berserker.

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I like dropping CS for FA and bags and belts for gifted and giving them a 1 hander

    • 5 months ago

      Is Recover necessary? I suppose it is with, the additional Action Points from Berserker.

      I don't like recover, usually I drop it for pathfinder, which saves you more fat in the important part of the fight (first few turns). Yes you'll fat out eventually, but by then you've won the fight, recover feels good because you can keep double and triple throwing, but really the fight is already over, your frontline can clean up just fine. The problem is recover wastes a turn, the best thing you can do is delay the first time you fat out.

  88. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Where do I loot best cleavers?

      • 5 months ago

        Camps far away from civilization have the highest chance of dropping named equipment

        You also get one named cleaver guaranteed from the Barbarian madman

  89. 5 months ago

    Favorite day 40 shitter build?

    • 5 months ago

      you forgot to take colossus here, it's specially important for early game bros

      • 5 months ago

        I've been taking FA, dodge, 9lives over colossus on 130gp daytalers with 54 no star matk, some starting mdef and good ini. He job is holding a knife and shield and getting lucky on punctures and dying. If he refuses to die he gets a mace until he loses his starting spot. Having one or two of these guys has made those first days much easier for me.

        • 5 months ago

          >He job

    • 5 months ago

      I've been taking FA, dodge, 9lives over colossus on 130gp daytalers with 54 no star matk, some starting mdef and good ini. He job is holding a knife and shield and getting lucky on punctures and dying. If he refuses to die he gets a mace until he loses his starting spot. Having one or two of these guys has made those first days much easier for me.

      kek, so funny reading about people who have purposeful bait bros.

      I don't like recover, usually I drop it for pathfinder, which saves you more fat in the important part of the fight (first few turns). Yes you'll fat out eventually, but by then you've won the fight, recover feels good because you can keep double and triple throwing, but really the fight is already over, your frontline can clean up just fine. The problem is recover wastes a turn, the best thing you can do is delay the first time you fat out.

      I have also come to this conclusion but I keep recover for my designated tanks and duelists for the 4AP weapon kill and berserk synergy.

      • 5 months ago

        No baits only punctures and stuns

  90. 5 months ago

    I knifed a fallen champion to death, his armor and helmet were almost full durability but I only got the armor. Does the helmet not drop?

    • 5 months ago

      helmets have a chance to not drop even if full dura

  91. 5 months ago

    No I haven't updated modern hooks how could you tell?

  92. 5 months ago

    Lonewolf tank build

    • 5 months ago

      >shield mastery
      absolutely heretical

      • 5 months ago

        It's a tank build

  93. 5 months ago

    At what point am I ready to fight the orc warlord? I can handle orc young and a couple of warriors no problem but once I got attacked by a marauding party of 10 orc warriors and got absolutely stomped.
    Same question about lindwurms.

    • 5 months ago

      Once you have anti-armor weapons such as the 2h hammer and 2h mace
      Having whip disarm also helps tremendously

    • 5 months ago

      you can fight lindwurms pretty early, my latest run i had two cities that kept giving me lindwurm contracts, i probably did three of them between days 40 and 100
      what you need:
      1 or 2 nimble tanks, 1 of which you are willing to lose or take permanent injury, because you can and will eat a few 5%s if you fight enough lindwurms
      bunch of reach weapons for the rest of the squad
      what you do:
      take ranged bro, strip him naked, give him bow <-- lindwurms hate this homie and will chase him around all the time
      engage 1 worm at a time having your 1 tank lock the tail
      if you have indom, do NOT use indom, the worm will step away and engage your other dudes and you will lose someone
      have the rest of your dudes smack down and kill the lone worm while your naked archer drags the other around the map
      rinse and repeat

  94. 5 months ago

    If I shoot at an enemy blocked by another enemy, I understand that lowers my chance of hitting the targetted enemy, but does it raise the change of getting a hit? Asking cause the game doesn't tell me the chance of hitting the "obstacle"

  95. 5 months ago

    I am so glad I pirated a gog copy instead of buying this game. Sure, it's a little addictive at times, because you are always thinking about ways to outplay the game, to figure out some surefire way to tackle certain encounters, but in the end you are never having fun. This game is clinically anti fun, at least to me.

    • 5 months ago

      >"I am installing and playing a game that is not fun for meeee! How could this happen?!"

    • 5 months ago

      Try playing with bbeditor and make all your bros level 30 gods.

    • 5 months ago

      Agreed. Seeing and figuring out all the content could be described as entertaining, I don't regret having played through (most of) it, but it's hard to muster up the desire to do it again
      Anti-fun is a good way to describe it

    • 5 months ago

      Try playing with bbeditor and make all your bros level 30 gods.

      Agreed. Seeing and figuring out all the content could be described as entertaining, I don't regret having played through (most of) it, but it's hard to muster up the desire to do it again
      Anti-fun is a good way to describe it

      Play on beginner, if you feel like it just savescum - honestly! I play on beginner a lot of the time and it is a blast.

  96. 5 months ago

    Noob here, day 49, how does my setup look like for that day? I tried fighting noble houses earlier than usual, like suggested, but I have yet to find a good two-handed weapon - should I just go for duelists then? Also what's next, I haven't found any named items yet (could have bought some, but they seemed meh for the price), how do I get those reliably?

    Also bought a few expensive backgrounds like an oathkeeper because he had nice equipment, but he was not that good statwise (still a better replacement for another garbage brother who accidently got his wig split by an axe next fight, whoops). I'm trying slowly to get really good brothers, had luck with shittier backgrounds but all my more expensive backgrounds had 1-0 stars in the relevant attributes

    • 5 months ago

      You have too many shieldbros and no two-handers
      It also looks like you decided to make every character battleforged which is a bad decision

      >Also what's next, I haven't found any named items yet (could have bought some, but they seemed meh for the price), how do I get those reliably?
      Bursting camps, the further away from civilization the better

      • 5 months ago

        >You have too many shieldbros and no two-handers
        Yeah I know, still trying to fix that, have a dedicated two handed hammerguy now

        >It also looks like you decided to make every character battleforged which is a bad decision
        have a few nimble guys now, (but I am a little over the cap for them), I only have like 5-6 guys at that level though

        >Bursting camps, the further away from civilization the better
        I found this gobbo camp pretty far out (pic related), and hoped I get a named item, because it had a unique unit (overseer), but his heavy crossbow was not. Is it random chance, if the item is named? That fight was pretty hard and I even lost a guy

        • 5 months ago

          Only champion enemies will carry named items into battle to be dropped, then the camp itself might drop up to 2 named items after the battle is over

          • 5 months ago

            >You have too many shieldbros and no two-handers
            Yeah I know, still trying to fix that, have a dedicated two handed hammerguy now

            >It also looks like you decided to make every character battleforged which is a bad decision
            have a few nimble guys now, (but I am a little over the cap for them), I only have like 5-6 guys at that level though

            >Bursting camps, the further away from civilization the better
            I found this gobbo camp pretty far out (pic related), and hoped I get a named item, because it had a unique unit (overseer), but his heavy crossbow was not. Is it random chance, if the item is named? That fight was pretty hard and I even lost a guy

            You have too many shieldbros and no two-handers
            It also looks like you decided to make every character battleforged which is a bad decision

            >Also what's next, I haven't found any named items yet (could have bought some, but they seemed meh for the price), how do I get those reliably?
            Bursting camps, the further away from civilization the better

            Noob here, day 49, how does my setup look like for that day? I tried fighting noble houses earlier than usual, like suggested, but I have yet to find a good two-handed weapon - should I just go for duelists then? Also what's next, I haven't found any named items yet (could have bought some, but they seemed meh for the price), how do I get those reliably?

            Also bought a few expensive backgrounds like an oathkeeper because he had nice equipment, but he was not that good statwise (still a better replacement for another garbage brother who accidently got his wig split by an axe next fight, whoops). I'm trying slowly to get really good brothers, had luck with shittier backgrounds but all my more expensive backgrounds had 1-0 stars in the relevant attributes

            Update, new campaign, northern raiders, day 39 still have my 3 starting bros which are carrying hard, and 1 middling potential backline and one potential fatigue neutral dodgeforged brother, one fodder, and one middling low level brother remaining

            I probably (?) got the hang of getting famed items, because I have found 3 so far (2 armors, 1 helmet all pretty good battleforged stuff)

            First tried orc camps (bad idea), then did some more research and undead camps apparantly are the "easiest", still taking heavy losses, is this normal? Or am I playing bad doing this? (see pic, reminder this is day 39)

            • 5 months ago

              Legionaries are easy because they are a gear check. Everyone in raider armor double gripping flails, hammers and maces with pocket shields for low mdef guys and two tanks/baits who move up one tile to hold 3 in place. I don't think they're the easiest since breaking resolve is the easiest way to kill things in the early game but they are the most consistent camps when you can clear them.

            • 5 months ago

              Easiest camps are zombie camps, Legionaries are tough

              I think I would rank them in order of difficulty:


  97. 5 months ago

    I wish there was a variation of the gladiator origin that didn't force you to play as sandBlack folk. I don't even particularly hate them, I just don't want to play as sandBlack folk, that's all.

    • 5 months ago

      Hedge Knight origin

      First crisis just ended and the game gives me a popup telling me I should retire my company because I've become too powerful and will break the game if I continue. Yet I thought I was just getting started: I still see better armor and weapons in the shops and I still struggle with orc warriors, lindwurms, necrosavants, etc. I don't feel overpowered at all and none of my guys are higher than level 8. I mostly just chugged along doing 1-2 star contracts. Thought there would be a lot more content than this.

      You can keep playing after the first crisis
      Goal of the game is to defeat the Black Monolith legendary location. There are also other challenge fights such as the Sunken Library, and you will eventually get other crises

      • 5 months ago

        Lonewolf is not as strong as gladiators if you want to play fast, I have already done an autistic solo lone wolf god run

  98. 5 months ago

    First crisis just ended and the game gives me a popup telling me I should retire my company because I've become too powerful and will break the game if I continue. Yet I thought I was just getting started: I still see better armor and weapons in the shops and I still struggle with orc warriors, lindwurms, necrosavants, etc. I don't feel overpowered at all and none of my guys are higher than level 8. I mostly just chugged along doing 1-2 star contracts. Thought there would be a lot more content than this.

    • 5 months ago

      there is more content: the legendary locations
      and they pretty much require you to play past the first crisis and unless you really know what you're doing, probably past the second crisis too

  99. 5 months ago

    What's the best way to start off an Oathtakers run? SInce we already start off with a heater shield, is it economical to just invest in a single competent shield-bro instead of going for a 5-stack?

    • 5 months ago

      What's a 5-stack? Honestly drop that shield early, guy never has enough fatigue to utilize it before a few more levels, and double grip is good against the thugs. I once looted the goddendag for him early and it worked really well. Hire the cheapest backgrounds early, make one of them carry that board. Positioning is everything, like in the LW run.

    • 5 months ago

      I play E/E/L so first things first, hire a beggar or something to hold the shield, give it to him
      Redistribute armor so sword guy has as much fatigue as possible, then I leave him in the middle and old guy + beggar on the flanks, use beggar for main tanking and old guy for off tanking, try to be intelligently aggressive and break thug morale
      As soon as you have a third good hire and a few levels, going to the arena for easy money and XP is solid, but it's easy to frick up and throw because you took a bad arena fight so dont get addicted. As soon as you get two or three fights done its basically regular run mode

      • 5 months ago

        Should add by redistribute armor I mean sword guy gets best possible fatigue while still armored, beggar gets nothing but the shield

      • 5 months ago

        >I play E/E/L
        with or without Ironman?

        • 5 months ago

          Ironman, usually random seed but sometimes I like to try the same seed if I want to do something specific like oathbringer fencer
          I used to do farmed seeds, and used a farmed seed for my autistic lonewolf run, but I have more fun playing fast on random now. Would still recommend farmed seeds for anyone learning the game, the campaign I probably learned the most on was a farmed seed barbarian run that got into extra late game
          Sneed and seed

  100. 5 months ago

    Today i will play Manhunters

  101. 5 months ago

    I play with mods that make the gameplay and economy more convenient, and I'm not afraid to say I have more fun this way.

  102. 5 months ago

    Why are the monsters so hard in this game? Schrats are bullshit, lindwurms are bullshit, necrosavants are bullshit, alps are bullshit. The diffuculty spikes in this game are not even fun.

    • 5 months ago

      Only Lindwurms here are really dangerous , the others can be consistently beaten easily once you learn the correct strategy

  103. 5 months ago

    The funniest time I had with the game is when I went for a solo playthrough - started with Lone Wolf and never used any other bros in combat, except him. I managed to advance surprisingly far, with the highlight being a fight against 40 undead and necromancer, which was atrociously long - none of the bastards could inflict much damage on my dude, but beheading them all took time, and there was no way to reach the necromancer until every zombie was properly headless.

  104. 5 months ago

    just had a really cool fight with the barbarian king against the untoward or whatever

    >necrosavant shits zip around
    >obviously my 60%+ hitchance always miss on them when they are down to the last hp
    >first unhold dies in the first 1-2 turns
    >barbarian reaver drop like flies
    >barbarian king casually taking a stroll around the battlefield without engaging
    >I do pretty well in terms of damage received, but also not much damage dealt (afraid of leaving my men exposed to the savant shits)
    >kill a few undeads
    >bottom flank seems to be crumbling (defended only by a few reavers and the second unhold)
    >undead priest joins the fight and spreads AIDS
    >honorguards start attacking me, making mincemeat of one of my guys
    >"okay, lets try to get the priest with two of these guys, maybe in 2-3 turns i can wittl-"
    >jumps in, adrenalines, onehits the priest
    >unholds giving the performance of a life time by dodging like a motherfricker and regenerating back up against 4 skeletons and 2 remaining necrosavants leeching of him
    >kills one of the savants solo
    >one man has no armor left, standing next to honorguards with a undead pike behind and bleeding
    >"guess he's dead"
    >barbarian king AGAIN
    >jumps on a hill, adrenaline
    >fricking ROUNDSSWINGs killing both the pike and the honor guard while missing my guy
    >eventually clean up the fight without loosing a man
    >king gets the last hit on the last well fed savant
    >greedily stuff in all the items
    >forget to make space for my reward (looked it up its a pretty good helmet i think, oh well)

  105. 5 months ago

    How much do you level resolve and ranged defence? I try to get resolve to 50~60 on frontliners and 15-ish rdef, if I'm getting max rolls.

    • 5 months ago

      resolve up to 50, no leveling ranged defense ever.

    • 5 months ago

      50 resolve since it's easy to do on most bros. 20 rdef with anticipation on the banner, handful on ranged bros depending on how many bad rolls in other stats, nothing on everyone else.

    • 5 months ago

      50-70 resolve depending on which guys, a dedicated shield bro gets 70. This gives a great chance to resist Hexe and others. I only get Ranged Defence on my marksmen/arbalester/gonners. I recommend dodge for some frontlines because you can get melee and ranged defence via base initiative.

    • 5 months ago

      resolve up to 50, no leveling ranged defense ever.

      50 resolve since it's easy to do on most bros. 20 rdef with anticipation on the banner, handful on ranged bros depending on how many bad rolls in other stats, nothing on everyone else.

      50-70 resolve depending on which guys, a dedicated shield bro gets 70. This gives a great chance to resist Hexe and others. I only get Ranged Defence on my marksmen/arbalester/gonners. I recommend dodge for some frontlines because you can get melee and ranged defence via base initiative.

      Need to factor in the +10 from Arena too if you are willing to grind with the DLC.

  106. 5 months ago

    Are the stat increases the same for each level or do they change. For example if health has a (+3) button will it also be +3 on the next level up?
    Also, what do stars mean? I read the wiki page but I still don’t understand.

    • 5 months ago

      stat gain per level can vary depending on how many stars the bro has.
      more stars = more of that stat per level

    • 5 months ago

      No star means no bonus, you roll between 1-3 or 2-4 depending on the stat
      The first star will increase your minimum possible roll by one
      The second star will increase your minimum possible roll by one again meaning that it will always be the same number (+3, +4)
      The third star increases the maximum roll so now you're gonna roll between 3 and 4 or 4 and 5
      Your starting roll is also immensly important on "does it actually make sense to do this" since if you get a triple star and lowroll terribly because of your background, it will take a lot of levels for the guy to be useable or good. For example, if you buy a peddlar who gets like 37 melee attack (which is amongst the worst possible) but has triple stars, on level 11 he will have, what, 67-77 melee skill. That is not good at all for level 11.
      Compare this to say buying a butcher who rolls 59 and has 1 star. His projected melee skill is going to be 79-89 which is very respectable, and also critically he will be able to hit people way earlier than the peddlar. These high potential brothers will preferably be able to do something in a battle before they get to a high level where they dont contribute all that much
      This is most of the time a bigger thing to think about when it comes to ranged brothers because a baseline civvie needs to maxroll or nearly maxroll and have 2-3 stars in order to hope to compete with a dedicated ranged background at high levels in skill, but i tend to mostly build backline hyrbids where melee attack is also a consideration. btw anatomists (the background) is really good when it comes to hybrids, you just need to fix the fatigue a bit but they can roll almost professional level on both melee and ranged
      worth noting that the xp cost for levelling increases significantly after some time, so whilst you can get to like level 3 or 4 or 5 very fast, getting to level 7 takes significantly more effort and goign to 11 will take the longest, there are a few ways to powerlevel though

  107. 5 months ago
  108. 5 months ago

    >play tutorial campaign
    >every setting on easiest
    >constantly get my ass kicked
    >review what happened, reform strategy, reload, try again
    >yay i won without losing most of my men and thrasing my gear!
    >1-2h spent doing a single battle
    >it keeps happening

  109. 5 months ago

    I always get screwed over by the level scaling in BB. Like by midgame the more difficult enemy mobs are always too deadly to readily beat. That means i never manage to farm the fun unique gear to give my dudes a real advantage, which in turn means im never strong enough for endgame locations. Its quite disheartening.
    Feels like its geared towards metagaming and high risk mob farming strats where you only keep ahead if you're picking fights constantly.
    I just wanna play at a natural pace, but without needing to gimp down the difficulty settings.

    • 5 months ago

      >I want to play on the hardest difficulty
      >but I want it to be easy

      • 5 months ago

        Its hard for the wrong reasons. I like the challenge but I dont like being made to power game instead of being a normal mercenary band that can roam freely without needing to squeeze out max XP and resources out of every day.

        • 5 months ago

          You only need to metagame if economy difficulty is on expert. Battle difficulty on expert just lets you ramp faster because enemy groups will have slightly better stuff. Only masochists play on expert economy.

          • 5 months ago

            >the game is easier if there are more enemies every encounter

            • 5 months ago

              Unironically yes.
              Expert scaling means you're more likely to run into higher tier enemies, which means higher tier gear, which means you spend less time in the early game meatgrinder. The strategy for (as an example) 6 thugs vs 4 thugs and 2 raiders doesn't really change.
              Even better is early t3 enemies, i.e. leaders, chosen, etc.

              • 5 months ago

                I’d be more likely to get loot from 4 thugs and 4 raiders than 0 thugs and 8 raiders because I won’t be fighting for my life

              • 5 months ago

                By the time you fight 8 raiders you should have been farming 1-2raider + thug groups. I only play on expert and I never have to fight big full raider groups before I've done some farming on mixed groups.

              • 5 months ago

                Bandit patrols from camps can definitely spawn full raiders day 1 expert

              • 5 months ago

                It still means that the actual difficult battles will be significantly harder. On veteran for example the biggest barb camps will linger in a thrall unhold comp which lets you grab named items from them almost effortlesslhy whilst on expert they transition to good numbers of chosen on like day 30 40

    • 5 months ago

      >I always get screwed over by the level scaling in BB.
      This cope again, someone change the channel.

      • 5 months ago

        I honestly wish the people repeating this cope would actually post their bands and how they approach a battle.

    • 5 months ago

      Level 5 and 6 is the hardest point in the game imo. Your bros are lacking nimble/battle forged while most enemies have gotten an upgrade. Consider taking easier fights at this point.

    • 5 months ago

      just buy nets and force yourself to use one per battle. they naturally train you to focus one target at a time (the netted one) while fighting defensively with the rest of your men

  110. 5 months ago

    I really like the game, but I feel like, outside of combat, it is just very shallow. If the world itself was more reactive with more content and more options, it would unironically be one of my favourite games. It also sucks that the modding is so limited, a warhammer overhaul would be kino.

    • 5 months ago

      You say that like the factions in the game aren't already 1:1

      You've got reiksland for the main towns, norsca in the north, araby in the south and greenskins and tomb kings out in the wilds.

    • 5 months ago

      >a warhammer overhaul would be kino.
      Entire post discarded
      Tasteless homosexual

  111. 5 months ago

    This game pisses me to no end. What do you mean I can see footprints farther away than I can an enemy group right next to me?

    • 5 months ago

      beast slayers aer all schizophrenic

  112. 5 months ago

    >30 days in to campaign
    >Going well
    >Crashes to desktop
    >Can't load back in to this campaign
    >Other campaigns load properly
    Save file is corrupted
    RNG'd my fricking campaign. Uninstalling this fricking shit game

    • 5 months ago

      >much RNG
      skill issue
      I'm sorry

    • 5 months ago

      Multiple Saves

  113. 5 months ago

    i hope all of you are playing with autopause and speedup mods

    • 5 months ago

      ok casual

    • 5 months ago


  114. 5 months ago

    >Favourite banner
    >Can't see shit behind it

    • 5 months ago

      >dead taxidermied crow
      Worst banner by far

  115. 5 months ago

    First time getting the pimp and he fricks

    • 5 months ago

      That's neat, you just require a monk and to be near a large settlement - correct? Can you mouse over his background icon (I'd like to read his flavour text if possible)?

      The Pimp stats are peculiar I would think backline billman or duelist thrower maybe? Fatigue doesn't seem high enough for an assassin-style dodge/dagger/overwhelm build.

      • 5 months ago

        No can do (already dead)
        Used him as backline polearm, I try save higher fatigue for the frontline
        This time the company got wiped by essentially a fricking swordmaster during a simple delivery quest.
        The other 10 mercs melted like butter but this fricker went through everyone with even my lone wolf only having a 10% hit chance at best
        I usually carry nets for this sort of shit but didn't get any ranged brothers until too late

        • 5 months ago

          Its skill issue, you could have netted him then focused him down with the melees

          • 5 months ago

            >Not range blasting swordmasters
            Do you even Gonne bro?

            • 5 months ago

              He didn't have any ranged

              • 5 months ago

                He did, what he didn't have were nets

              • 5 months ago

                he literally said that the didn't

              • 5 months ago

                >but didn't get any ranged brothers until too late
                Meaning he had them but they were fresh recruits

  116. 5 months ago

    >Rolls 88 87 80 78

  117. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      To continue
      >rolled 99
      >rolled 86
      >rolled 95

    • 5 months ago

      To continue
      >rolled 99
      >rolled 86
      >rolled 95

      And now the absolute pinnacle
      3 fricking turns of barbarians fricks with 30-50% hit chance landing every single shot while my rolls miss being 98 and 81

      J U S T

      • 5 months ago


  118. 5 months ago

    >we're here to frick shit up

    • 5 months ago

      Polearm legionaries are devastating to my bros until day ~80.

  119. 5 months ago

    How the FRICK do people do legendary locations? These fights are fricking insane, my best run so far ended on day 149 with all level 11+ bros and I could still barely scratch any of them at my peak.

    • 5 months ago

      You need to learn the camp first before going in blind if you don't want to get wrecked

  120. 5 months ago

    I don't enjoy permanent injuries as a mechanic.

    • 5 months ago

      last time i complained about it somebody mentioned its possible to heal them, im yet to find out how

      • 5 months ago

        there's a one use item that will clear all permanent injuries on one bro waterskin found in the guro tree

    • 5 months ago

      Stop letting your men die

  121. 5 months ago

    >early game 7 brothers
    >vs 4 raiders a brigand leader and marksman
    >9 militia from a nearby town join too
    >Marksman and leader go down in a heartbeat
    >Spend the next 6 turns watching 2 two handed mace brigands one shot every fricking person and avoid every hit
    >Everyone starts running
    >Even more people start dying
    >Lone Wolf finally comes out of getting stun locked and starts killing them
    >Ended up with lone wolf a single living brother and 2 militia archers
    >All my experience and armour down the drain
    >Wasn't even for a mission, just looked like an easy target for brigand leader loot

    • 5 months ago

      >Spend the next 6 turns watching 2 two handed mace brigands one shot every fricking person and avoid every hit
      Brutal that sucks.
      >Wasn't even for a mission, just looked like an easy target for brigand leader loot
      I know that feel.

  122. 5 months ago

    Has anyone tried this?
    I can't imagine there wouldn't be some moronic interactions lategame that end up being even more broken than vanilla hit chances, but it looks interesting.

    • 5 months ago

      it looks moronic and makes the game way easier. For example, fighting lindwurms is now trivial because they'll never injure your tank. In fact, most enemies won't injure you anymore. It pretends to be balanced by being ""consistent"" but it fricks with both resolve checks and injuries.
      And even if it balanced those aspects it would still be moronic. For example, my bannerman might normally die to 4 crossbow hits with 25% chance, so putting him out in the open even for one turn is risky. But with this mod I can safely put him out in the open for 2 or 3 turns because I know he won't die. That kills the whole risk management aspect of combat.

    • 5 months ago

      it looks moronic and makes the game way easier. For example, fighting lindwurms is now trivial because they'll never injure your tank. In fact, most enemies won't injure you anymore. It pretends to be balanced by being ""consistent"" but it fricks with both resolve checks and injuries.
      And even if it balanced those aspects it would still be moronic. For example, my bannerman might normally die to 4 crossbow hits with 25% chance, so putting him out in the open even for one turn is risky. But with this mod I can safely put him out in the open for 2 or 3 turns because I know he won't die. That kills the whole risk management aspect of combat.

      also for high matk dudes the mod is just a straight up increase in damage, because missing 1/20 hits usually has more than a 1/20 effect on your damage output

  123. 5 months ago

    >Attacked by brigand thugs on a caravan mission day ~120
    >slaughter them
    >suddenly the leader pops out of the fog of war
    >has a zweihander and a flat top helm with mail
    >I killed his men too quickly and he runs away before getting close enough to engage

  124. 5 months ago

    the fat neutral dodge forged build is insane you were right guys

    • 5 months ago

      Then why did he get so badly damaged in this fight?

      • 5 months ago

        because you touch yourself at night

      • 5 months ago

        I think I had to fight luke 3 noble armies in a row as part of a contract and he held a flank on his own, dont have a dedicated supertank yet

    • 5 months ago

      >an oathtaker bro level 12 with named armour and a greataxe is good
      yeah no shit

      • 5 months ago

        dumb frick

  125. 5 months ago

    What's the point of that t3 perk with the broom helmet icon? I forgot what it's called but the description makes it seem pretty useless.

    • 5 months ago

      Why dont you read the description anon? Anyway its good in combination with dodge and overwhelm bros

    • 5 months ago

      its there in order to make you stay ahead in initiative
      also removing the wait penalty opens up some abuse where a higher ini character can ignore 1 turn status effects, making him basically stun/nomad sand immune

  126. 5 months ago

    The uphill bonus is so insane
    >3 star contract during holy war
    >first fight against 25 noble army I take tons of damage
    >even lose my last "shit" bro from the early days
    >second fight uphill for the enemy army
    >it's a breeze

    • 5 months ago

      I'm afraid of nobles

    • 5 months ago

      its a +10 -10 bonus which would already be huge, but due to how its applied its even better since it circumvents the diminishing returns on mdef after 50. makes enemies swinging at you with 5% hitchance way more likely to happen

  127. 5 months ago

    >spend most of earlygame in northern/middle states
    >get well estabilished
    >hmm i think i'll go farm pit fighter for some extra resolve

    • 5 months ago

      That's always the case

  128. 5 months ago

    Legendsbros it seems development has slowed to a crawl

    • 5 months ago

      how's the state of the mod nowadays anyhow
      every time i try it its so weirdly buggy, maybe its just my luck though

  129. 5 months ago

    >Character gains brain damage
    >Is immediately useful
    God bless morons

  130. 5 months ago

    Direwolf mantle is a good attachment

    • 5 months ago

      Speaking of, did they change wolf bandits armour to just be worn mail with a direwolf mantle added on? Because that's what I got after killing them/
      I could have sworn it was it's own item beforehand.

      • 5 months ago

        Yep, its because of the monster DLC. if you turned it off, direwolf bandits would spawn with the old direwolf chainmail again

    • 5 months ago

      Direwolf mantle and fearsome perks for your guys is quite potent against everything except undead. Highly recommend an Anatomist playthorugh like this especially with the cursed crystal skull

  131. 5 months ago

    Davkul you fricking homosexual
    good archers don't grow on trees and now he left us you greedy son of a b***h

  132. 5 months ago

    >150 hours of playtime
    >New ironman playthrough
    >This is the best I can do after 47 days on beginner
    It's not over, it never even begun.

    • 5 months ago

      Please sell some of your inventory

    • 5 months ago

      if you have a 55 atk bro give him a spear so he actually hits something every now and then. And drop most of the shields so when your shitters finally hit something it does more than 2 damage. Double gripped swords and spears are the bread and butter of early game

  133. 5 months ago

    I think it's best to have one handed weapons and shields in the beginning until you get more bros. Two handed weapons are great for they just don't compete early on until you get your skills up. I've still barely seen shit in the game but play on the max difficulty settings and iron man mode.

    • 5 months ago

      Having a two handed bro or a whip bro or an archer bro can be really useful early on tho if you can afford it. Also try to maneuver so a bunch of your bros are beating up a single bad guy at a time if you can.

    • 5 months ago

      I thing two handers early on have to have at least 70+ mattack for them to work, but double gripping swords or spears isnt bad either especially with mail on them

  134. 5 months ago

    Got the seed with 6 ports nice.

  135. 5 months ago

    question: does named item drop chance depend on difficulty?

    • 5 months ago

      it has something to do with camp size + distance from civilization

      • 5 months ago

        thanks anon

  136. 5 months ago

    HOW do I fight higher leveled enemies and win and get ahead of the curve? I only know how to fight bandits

    • 5 months ago

      You might be past this stage already but:
      Use turn passing strategically to maximize hit chance. If you have two bros that can attack one enemy on a turn, move bro 1, pass, move bro 2, attack, bro1 turn again, attack.
      Also, position your men in a way so that the enemy can’t move and hit you on their next turn, but you can move and hit them on your following turn.

    • 5 months ago

      Fighting bandits to get better loot is how you get ahead of the curve.
      And how you do that wildly varies based on who you start with
      >t. almost exclusively lone wolf starts since that option came out

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Show company also this is quite basic but also key

      You might be past this stage already but:
      Use turn passing strategically to maximize hit chance. If you have two bros that can attack one enemy on a turn, move bro 1, pass, move bro 2, attack, bro1 turn again, attack.
      Also, position your men in a way so that the enemy can’t move and hit you on their next turn, but you can move and hit them on your following turn.

  137. 5 months ago

    1st game, beginner difficulty, day 11 and I get raped by bunch of skeletons in a graveyard with only 4 out of 12 mercs surviving. My 3 archers had 0 impact; are they supposed to be weak early or was I having bad rolls. Had a crossbowman too who hit most of the time but damage was minimal.
    Fun game nonetheless. I'll probably just suicide charge if I end up in another frickup.

    • 5 months ago

      Skeletons are resistant to piercing attacks; spears, arrows, bolts etc
      They have unlimited fatigue, never rout and constantly spam shield wall which increases their defence even further if there's another skeleton next to them also doing shield wall.
      Break their formation using terrain and if it was from a fetch quest for an artefact, you technically have it once the battle starts so you can still complete the mission by retreating from the battle and not fighting any of them.
      Also wait till you get ancient legionnaires lol lmao

    • 5 months ago

      flails are okay against them because first skill negates their shield bonus, also during the first two rounds they sometimes move in and dont use shield wall if they arent in melee yet, you can then close in and get one hit in and hopefully damage them or even outright kill them before their bonuses apply, they are difficult early if you have really shit armor (30-40 durability), then they get easier once you hit mails because their damage output sucks until legionnaries with a second battle line appear like

      Skeletons are resistant to piercing attacks; spears, arrows, bolts etc
      They have unlimited fatigue, never rout and constantly spam shield wall which increases their defence even further if there's another skeleton next to them also doing shield wall.
      Break their formation using terrain and if it was from a fetch quest for an artefact, you technically have it once the battle starts so you can still complete the mission by retreating from the battle and not fighting any of them.
      Also wait till you get ancient legionnaires lol lmao


    • 5 months ago

      A lot of times in those "recover item from site" you don't actually need to fight, you can just retreat and you still get the item and can complete the quest. Ten you can come back later when you're stronger to clear the site if you want

    • 5 months ago

      Well, what I thought would be a suicide charge against 12 brigands was somehow a success. Even though they were crappy with no shields at a 2 skull contract.

      Skeletons are resistant to piercing attacks; spears, arrows, bolts etc
      They have unlimited fatigue, never rout and constantly spam shield wall which increases their defence even further if there's another skeleton next to them also doing shield wall.
      Break their formation using terrain and if it was from a fetch quest for an artefact, you technically have it once the battle starts so you can still complete the mission by retreating from the battle and not fighting any of them.
      Also wait till you get ancient legionnaires lol lmao

      flails are okay against them because first skill negates their shield bonus, also during the first two rounds they sometimes move in and dont use shield wall if they arent in melee yet, you can then close in and get one hit in and hopefully damage them or even outright kill them before their bonuses apply, they are difficult early if you have really shit armor (30-40 durability), then they get easier once you hit mails because their damage output sucks until legionnaries with a second battle line appear like [...] said

      It started to fall apart when my my bros were running low and fatigue and surrounded, so at that point it was either poke or skip a turn.

      A lot of times in those "recover item from site" you don't actually need to fight, you can just retreat and you still get the item and can complete the quest. Ten you can come back later when you're stronger to clear the site if you want

      Didn't have any contract at the time. stumbled on the site randomly while walking through the wild. But I'll take that in mind.

      • 5 months ago

        Day 42, feel like I'm able to grasp the game decently by now apart from proper company composition. I guess I should gain some money now and completely fill the company.
        If I lose bros by this point, should I only recruit already experienced ones? Also is it worth keeping a 2-hander if melee defense is not even 20? I gave him a greataxe that has 2 tile range so he often hits from the back. Though my other 2-hander with a greatsword doesn't have great melee defense either and I send him in after my shield bros are engaged.

  138. 5 months ago

    >New company day 13

    Is it just me, or are nomads just really good bang for their buck? I started with southeners this time and decided to get one early for like 1.000 brother bucks, and his stats are nice despite his stars being really meh

    • 5 months ago

      Yes nomads are a budget full blood combat background of sorts

    • 5 months ago

      They're alright. Melee nomads are literally just reskinned raiders, so same downsides apply. Plus, unless you're using the tryout mod, you're just as likely to get a ranged nomad, which is essentially a less useful beast slayer for double the cost.
      Plus, 28 crowns at lvl 1 does make it a bit harder to support early on. Disowned nobles, Bastards, Oathtakers, are all generally just as good or better for a lower upkeep (assuming you can find them for a good price).

      • 5 months ago

        Nomad with bow or sling is actually a different background compared to melee nomad, theyre second only to hunters in raw ranged skill but cost more. Use case is looking for a premium hybrid or when the map has no woodland towns
        Other backgrounds that are mixed you cant tell if he'll actually be a ranged character based on their weapon, but here you can

  139. 5 months ago

    Any other good games where I can crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentation of their women? Bannerlord is the only other one I know of but early game is too boring.

  140. 5 months ago

    this game is desperately lacking the ability to save/load loadouts

  141. 5 months ago

    do all the legendary locations always spawn in every map?

    • 5 months ago


  142. 5 months ago

    Do you guys ever use orc weapons?

    • 5 months ago

      Only named ones

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, if you have a guy with a damage multiplier trait you obviously want the biggest number. You can just 1-shot people with the berserk chain for example.

    • 5 months ago

      mansplitters are really good for big fights where your axe bro doesn't have to move

    • 5 months ago

      If I happen to recruit a stamina god, yes

    • 5 months ago

      give your axe guy the orc twohander. also give him the 2 range axe and fasthands+berserk/frenzy
      >kill a nearby young orc
      >swap and cut a orc warrior right in half
      makes me smile every time

    • 5 months ago

      Give your bro axe mastery and he can swing mansplitter fat neutral and outright slay everything. 2h axes are OP and mansplitter is the best.

      • 5 months ago

        >can swing mansplitter fat neutral
        Incorrect. Fat neutral means being able to always walk 1 tile and hit your 2H. You can accomplish this with Pathfinder and Weapon Mastery, because then the tile move always costs 2 fatigue + 12 fatigue from weapon swing and your character regenerates 15 per turn. Mansplitter costs 15 to swing after mastery, so you would need Iron Lungs to fat neutral it.

        • 5 months ago

          Or athletic, though that doesnt always work
          Depends on terrain

  143. 5 months ago

    I'm at day 230, easy econ difficulty, normal combat difficulty
    The game is just getting annoying at this point. Had a 2 skull contract to fight 10 honor guards + 1 necrosavant with pretty ok bros, not like 100% minmaxed but i have some good tanks, berserkers, duellist throwers, archers and backline with overwhelm etc.
    It's just a crapshoot even while wearing heavy armour and using the appropriate weapons (maces for stun, and some other stuff with high armour ignore)
    The combat just comes down to rng if the pikemen manage to hit and frick up my guys and give them injuries or not. I redid the combat like 4 times until the dice rolled in my favour and idk how i could have done it better other than going south and stocking up on even more drugs (put 2nd wind on 2 of my zerkers to let them roll the dice on stunning the guards more...)

    It's just frustrating honestly. I'll keep playing to like 3rd crisis so i can do legendary locations and after that ill probably uninstall the game.
    Not sure what else should I do. I only got 1 named item so far, and it was in the beginning of the game. Should I recruit some "premium" backgrounds for better stats? I mostly have my starting bros since i try to keep everyone alive (I only have like 5 people in my graveyard)

    • 5 months ago

      Could you post a picture of your roster and tell each of your bros' background? Can't really give much advice otherwise

      • 5 months ago

        here i guess
        slayer, deserter, bowyer, slave, anathomist, companion
        mason, slave, witch hunter, brawler, companion, militia
        tailor, companion, eunuch, hunter brawler

        • 5 months ago

          Okay, just by looking at the picture:
          Your bro is simply not good
          70 at level 12 for a 2-Hander is bad. Like, really bad. Ideally, you want between 90-100 mAtk for these guys, at worse between 85 and 90. It may seem a lot, but 2-handers can only swing their weapon once, twice if you use berserker and don't move, so you really, really have make it count. Mdef is rather low too,but his heavy armour should make him to tank stuff a bit.
          Your perks choices aren't great either. Pathfinder would have worked if you went for a fat-neutral, but considering you have Berserker, you probably didn't.
          Resilient is bad. It honestly doesn't do much.
          Dodge and Resilient on a Battle-forged brother is a meme. Dodge gives def according to your current initiative. Your bro has a max of 76 initiative(which is quite low), and initiative gets lowered by your current fatigue. Knowing this, this means that your bro gains 11Mdef and Rdef at best, which pretty much never happens because you're rarely, if ever, at 0 fatigue, so in practice, you're getting less than 11.

          • 5 months ago

            I guess? Honestly i put dodge on my starting bros to not have them die since it just gives you a lot at the start. Also I usually run a cleaver on him so he can attack multiple times, but i used the axe for the legion fight. Didn't have much problems with him hitting.

            • 5 months ago

              > i put dodge on my starting bros to not have them die since it just gives you a lot at the start
              you could just give them a shield

        • 5 months ago

          Somewhat jack-off-all trades, with a higher emphasis on melee, they have decent resolve too. Not much defense however.They're good but I find them to be a bit expensive for what they are.
          They have good combat stats and surpsingly good defense too but, they horrible resolve and they will break just by having an enemy breathe too close to them, or worse, they'll get charmed ALL THE TIME against a Hexen. I personally never recruit them, their low resolve is huge problem.
          A really meh ranged background. Poachers will perfom just as good as them and even better sometimes, and they are much less expensive. They do have an event where they can craft a masterwork bow though, so mayeb have one just for that.
          Bad. Just don't.
          Good mAtk, decent rAtk, but rather squishy. They make great backliners and they have a few good events too.
          They are generally pretty good, but it looks like your melee companion is shit, I'm sorry for your loss.
          Meh. Not much going with them, they're cheap but that's about it. Get a better brother.
          >Witch Hunter
          Very similar to Slayer, but with a ranged focus instead.
          Goof stats all around except def, those guys are keepers. They are kinda expansive though.
          Those guys are great. Just never hire those that cost more than a 1000 gold.
          A worse Mason
          A sliglty less worse Mason but with resolve problems.
          In conclusion, your backgrounds aren't great

          • 5 months ago

            how is brawler expensive they are literally around 150 crowns almost always

            • 5 months ago

              Expensive in wages, not upfront cost

              • 5 months ago

                Wages are an utter meme besides sellswords. Its also a strike against farmhands because they can be really shitty but even a bad brawler is at least ok

              • 5 months ago

                200-300 crowns (mid game party wages) per day doesn’t seem like a meme to me.

          • 5 months ago

            how is brawler expensive they are literally around 150 crowns almost always

            here i guess
            slayer, deserter, bowyer, slave, anathomist, companion
            mason, slave, witch hunter, brawler, companion, militia
            tailor, companion, eunuch, hunter brawler

            Consult the chart for good background picks.
            Brawlers are amazing. As a peasant militia fan myself, brawlers are part of the holy trinity of lumberjacks, farmers, militia, brawlers and thiefs.

        • 5 months ago

          This brother is astonishingly shit as others have mentioned, but one thing i'll point out is that even 230 days into the game and you still haven't managed to get a good Battleforged armor for him (300+)
          If you are a new player you will have a much easier time if you just make every character Nimble, they're very tanky and it's far easier to get appropriate armor for them. You aren't good enough to grab the good high end armors needed for Battleforged, and by the time you get to that point you will have given up and failed many runs already.
          Just start the game with Nimbles AND THEN switch into battleforgeds later into the game with high quality recruits

          I guess? Honestly i put dodge on my starting bros to not have them die since it just gives you a lot at the start. Also I usually run a cleaver on him so he can attack multiple times, but i used the axe for the legion fight. Didn't have much problems with him hitting.

          You are supposed to go Nimble with Dodge not Battleforged so as to not have their Initiative tanked by the heavy armor
          >starting bros
          you can switch your early game bros for good characters with late game potential during the game. With 70 melee attack at level 12 this brother should have been retired a long time ago. With this little mattack and with the brother being the companion, i believe you skipped leveling the skill many times which is a very bad decision

          • 5 months ago

            idk i could go and buy a 280/300 armour, i have like 10k gold now

            • 5 months ago

              230 days later?

        • 5 months ago

          That one bro doesn't look particularly bad. I would have taken gifted instead of resilient and as other anon said, the dodge + relentless in forged bros is a meme build. Melee defense is too low though. Mdef is probably the most important stat in the game.
          The other bros worry me a bit more looking at them. You got a bunch of one-handers, including spears, which aren't really doing much damage in the lategame.
          Polemaces don't do that much damage either.
          Archers are useless against ancient undead and armoured enemies in general.
          Looking at your weapon loadouts I just imagine that you weren't doing a lot of damage aside from the bro with the barb axe and the guy with the 2h flanged mace.
          It also seems like you build most of your bros as forged, with heavy armour. That's a sensible choice and pros at the game do favour forged over nimble for late-game, but that's assuming famed equipment. Non-famed heavy armour is pretty sucky and from the looks of it a bunch of your bros don't even have particularly heavy armour either. IIRC forged only really turns on at around the 300/300 armour mark. If you don't have good armour seriously consider going nimble, it's a deceptively amazing perk.

          Obviously tactics will play a role too, but my best advice is to pay attention in battles and try to see which bros are pulling their weight and which ones simply aren't. Find out what works and what doesn't. Your next campaign will have you starting out with that knowledge.

        • 5 months ago

          mmm, ogey

          video? are you a youtuber or something

          nvm you already saved past the honorguard fight
          i actually like dodge-relentless-brawny but you dont take that one everyone, its the oathtaker (and some other specific statline) bro special, do not take brawny on people in mail in general because its a waste of a perk point
          take nimble on everyone who is not going to be wearing armor in the 250-300 range, take it on backliners because that is going to save them from injury and make it so that after lvl 7 they cannot die to marksman crossbows and overall bump up survivability by a ton. only time you wouldnt take nimble or bf is some dumb greed build. the anatomist is currently built like a typical nimble frontliner
          you probably want more berserk
          as for what i would do if you want to keep playing this, sell all of the mountains of loot you have (repair the higher tier weapons beforehand as usual) inculding all those beast parts if you dont intend to make something out of them right now and hire the recruiter. he is the go to guy when you feel like your current lineup does not measure up after you have the money
          look for oathtakers, melee nomads, gladitors, adv nobles, assassins, etc, paymaster has synergy with sellswords because he prevents their worst events, so buy them too
          regarding named items you've barely went out into the wild, after you get some better brothers go into the unexplored areas and kill everything you feel you can take. idk how much you foght orcs thus far
          if you want to build someone a certain way, buy them the equipment (weapon), top of the line 2h maces and hammers in particular are almost impossible to loot. when you play next time try to prioritize investing into direct power of the company through brothers and equipment before blowing crowns on multiple retinue members and the massive money sink that is the cart. you dont even need to spend it all on elites, just fish for decent militiamen/manhunters/thieves/etc until you have multiple brothers who are capable

    • 5 months ago

      Upload the savefile somewhere and ill give it a go

      • 5 months ago

        it's modded tho
        mostly minor tweaks but still

        • 5 months ago

          just do it, ill be better able to explain everything that way
          maybe upload the mod folder alongside it so i am guaranteed able to load in

          • 5 months ago

            mmm, ogey

            • 5 months ago

              i will check on it and do a video in a few hours, thanks anon

              • 5 months ago

                video? are you a youtuber or something

              • 5 months ago

                No but i dont have the patience to go through everything in text. And youll do better if i show
                I did wanna start making bb videos on builds and obscure mechanics but the motivation is gone for now

                Okay, just by looking at the picture:
                Your bro is simply not good
                70 at level 12 for a 2-Hander is bad. Like, really bad. Ideally, you want between 90-100 mAtk for these guys, at worse between 85 and 90. It may seem a lot, but 2-handers can only swing their weapon once, twice if you use berserker and don't move, so you really, really have make it count. Mdef is rather low too,but his heavy armour should make him to tank stuff a bit.
                Your perks choices aren't great either. Pathfinder would have worked if you went for a fat-neutral, but considering you have Berserker, you probably didn't.
                Resilient is bad. It honestly doesn't do much.
                Dodge and Resilient on a Battle-forged brother is a meme. Dodge gives def according to your current initiative. Your bro has a max of 76 initiative(which is quite low), and initiative gets lowered by your current fatigue. Knowing this, this means that your bro gains 11Mdef and Rdef at best, which pretty much never happens because you're rarely, if ever, at 0 fatigue, so in practice, you're getting less than 11.

                >90-100 minimum
                Do you play with tryout mod
                Pathfinder is for every 6 ap twohander if you actually want to be able to move and attack when stammed out
                It is not a meme, but this brother is misbuilt and not for dodgeforhed

                I guess? Honestly i put dodge on my starting bros to not have them die since it just gives you a lot at the start. Also I usually run a cleaver on him so he can attack multiple times, but i used the axe for the legion fight. Didn't have much problems with him hitting.

                Mass dodge is one of the ''meta'' options for high tempo so good job for figuring that out

                > i put dodge on my starting bros to not have them die since it just gives you a lot at the start
                you could just give them a shield

                And not do nearly as much damage as if you were double gripping or using a twohander
                Double gripped arming sword or scimitar clears house early

    • 5 months ago

      10 honorguards should be easy on that point... I was in your position though and still learning the game. Are you playing on hardest battle difficulty? You are probably not snowballing enough, if you can motivate yourself for another playthrough try to get to 12 men and 8-12 mails before day 20, start doublegripping more with at least 3 backliners (ranged or poles), and 4 shields MAX, then look on the map and start raiding the weakest noble house (whatever that means to you, no access to habours, not close to wilderness, etc.), by raiding i mean attacking their supply caravans at first and later weak patrol units (~8 units mostly footmen) for their 130+ armours and especially billhooks and over good weapons

      Then go for the wilderness, and hunt for famed items, you probably cannot do the hardest camps, but the further you are out the better the chances even with smaller camps (check out the bb wiki for named items there's a list and fomular for chances per location)

      You will loose men during this, but thats good, sell superfluous weapons from your raids and you will swim in gold, start getting expensive backgrounds like hedgies and oathtakers, even with no stars in MAtt they will probably end up way stronger than most of your starter bros (90+MAtt is not everything)

      Get 90 health on everyone, nimble can go higher

      I'd suggest playing ironman also, makes you get used to losing brothers

      • 5 months ago

        Oh and all that before the first crisis hits, also the arena can boost your retinue and experience gain for your best bros if the city is somewhat accessible

  144. 5 months ago

    alright, that's it
    I don't like reading wikis and guides and prefer to learn my games myself because it's part of the fun, but here I played the game for almost 200 hours and still feel clueless, I keep doing dumb shit again and again
    t. 80IQ but absolutely love the game

  145. 5 months ago

    The second top Black Monolyth speedrun was done with a party fully equipped with mansplitters

  146. 5 months ago

    >playing legends mod
    >run into a stolwurm
    >huh, i wonder if those are more or less cancerous than lindwurms
    >in the first turn it teleports behind my backline and chomps two guys dead
    >the tail teleports with it and kills another guy

  147. 5 months ago

    Armor piercing is bad on >100% armor damage attacks, right? Any damage that bypasses armor is wasting the bonus dmg VS armor or am I getting that wrong? Found a named hammer with +armor pierce and +armor damage and I'm guessing thats a bad roll.

    • 5 months ago

      no, it's not bad

    • 5 months ago

      >Any damage that bypasses armor is wasting the bonus dmg VS armor
      a 100 damage hit at 200% armor damage and 50% penetration will deal 200 damage to the armor + 50 damage to health

      • 5 months ago

        Why would it be bad? The armor-piercing damage gets applied straight to health. Nothing is "wasted."

        Oh, I thought armor piercing damage wasn't a -separate- roll, but subtracted from armor damage.

        • 5 months ago

          Wait so armor piercing damage gets apply to both armor and health? that makes no sense to me

          • 5 months ago

            the way the damage calculation works is thus
            first the damage to armor is mathed up and applied (a roll on base damage multiplied by the weapon's armor effectiveness)
            then, the armor ignore is rolled and applied to the healthpoints (roll base damage * ign %)
            this value is reduced by 10% of the CURRENT armor durability
            if there is no armor at all the weapon does its base damage
            if there is some armor in the way, the weapon is always guaranteed to do at least its full armor ignore % if the strike removes all armor, with the rest of the damage being subtracted by the amount protecting it (a weapon does 100 damage with 50% ignore and 200% effectiveness, theres 40 leftover armor in the way, it will do 50+10)
            so the system lets you have attacks that value armor less or more, weapons that can kill enemies through their protection but aren't so good team players that remove armor for teammates, etc
            armor ignore is valued more than armor damage on named items and in general because targets where the amount of armor is so massive that you have to break through to do anything meaningful to their (equally huge) health pool are rare, its more or less only orc warlord, armored white unhold and lindwurm. human enemies do not like getting hit by anything duelist or a 2h flail headshot

            Whats the difference between Named enemies and Champions? Besides champs having a skull marking.

            champions are guaranteed to spawn with a named item, brig/nomad leaders and orc warlords can come with names regardless of if theyre champs
            if you see skull, then its champ

            200-300 crowns (mid game party wages) per day doesn’t seem like a meme to me.

            if you are doing any fighting/contracts with any real regularity its not an issue, average lower cost lowborn background is gonna be around 20 or 18 i think

    • 5 months ago

      Why would it be bad? The armor-piercing damage gets applied straight to health. Nothing is "wasted."

  148. 5 months ago

    Whats the difference between Named enemies and Champions? Besides champs having a skull marking.

  149. 5 months ago

    How do I stop myself from only hiring the cheapest bros possible regardless of stats, traits, or talents? Is it actually worth it to shell out thousands of crowns on a bro?

    • 5 months ago

      Cheap doesn't equal bad. There are good cheap backgrounds (farmhand, brawler, thief) and bad cheap backgrounds (servant, historian, slave).
      Once you got good money then a big part of roster building is sifting through a lot of bros trying to find a good one. Check the background and the trait to discard the shitters, hire the ones that are promising and then check stats to see who do you keep. Recruiter is a good retinue for this.
      >Is it actually worth it to shell out thousands of crowns on a bro?
      Yeah, what are you going to spend your crowns on otherwise?

    • 5 months ago

      Why would you stop being based?
      >When you hire a 3 star MA cripple with survivor for 30 Euros and he gets brain damage

  150. 5 months ago

    Do you guys ever accept 3 star contracts?

    • 5 months ago


  151. 5 months ago

    >prepare my company carefully for an early noble raid
    >fight mercenaries of a house (had also an ambition for this), pretty easy fight
    >run into noble army
    >14 units on day ~40ish
    >many footman, some arbalesters, some pikemen
    >one dog making running difficult
    >guess i have to fight
    >somewhat scared but already have nimble and dodge on most guys and even a decent battleforged guy
    >manage to pull through, but one guy dies
    >get 3 bill hooks, one heavy crossbow, some high tier single hand weapons and a few medium armors + nice helmets
    >"neat, who died though"
    >it's my triple melee iron lunged daytaler I had carefully put in the backrow and only recently upgraded to front row because i wanted to have 4 throwers/crossbows
    >planned to make him fatigue neutral with a mansplitter, which i already have
    >he survived with missing nose (-10% fatigue)
    >hes level 8 with over 80 matt already
    >mfw i dont know what to do with him now

    • 5 months ago

      Just give him lighter armour or weapon. Really depends on his perks and stats, but he's far from useless.

    • 5 months ago

      Fatigue neutral with iron lungs does not give a slightest shit about missing nose
      You will never spend more fatigue than you recover if youre just moving and attacking that way
      Almost no build cares greatly about missing nose compared to the absolute disaster permanent injuries that exist in the game where you either shelf the brother or drink the legendary location water

    • 5 months ago

      Just give him lighter armour or weapon. Really depends on his perks and stats, but he's far from useless.

      Fatigue neutral with iron lungs does not give a slightest shit about missing nose
      You will never spend more fatigue than you recover if youre just moving and attacking that way
      Almost no build cares greatly about missing nose compared to the absolute disaster permanent injuries that exist in the game where you either shelf the brother or drink the legendary location water

      Brehs,... I kept him, fought a few orcs, he did great, was tempted to try sea of tents, but gladly decided against it, felt invincible again and fought a battle against fewhonorguards, a ancient priest, and a plethora of legionnaries, day 70..., got frustrated because while I got some named items it was mostly shields..., one fight against 10 honorguards went great, so what could happen right? apparantly a lot... lost my iron lungs guy now forever and another pretty good guy (from the early days anyway), only to get pic related, i guess its pretty ok, right?

      felt so ahead of the curve and now i am going home battered and bruised, feels almost like continuing to raid the noble house instead of searching for named items would have been better, make a shitton of cash and just buy 300/300 armor

      • 5 months ago

        Anything with aoe thats named is disprolortionately desirable
        And stop crying you are still doing good
        Not often do you see someone fielding that many greatswords

        • 5 months ago

          >Not often do you see someone fielding that many greatswords
          Because greatswords suck.

          • 5 months ago

            >Because greatswords suck.
            You talk mad shit for someone in Splitting range

            • 5 months ago

              Good luck dealing with orc warriors.

              • 5 months ago

                Go play with a calculator homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                This is what the game boils down to. This is how people defeat the black monolith in 19 days.

              • 5 months ago

                It's also how people become speed running trannies that hate playing games

              • 5 months ago

                Speedrunning is the only measure of how effective something is in this game, considering that with enough time almost every company should be capable of defeating every challenge.
                The people who do this are the ones who have been playing this game for hundreds of hours.

              • 5 months ago

                >Speedrunning is the only measure of how effective something is in this game
                Fricking KEK
                Don't transition bro, it's not worth it

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                Speedrunning is the only measure of how effective something is in this game, considering that with enough time almost every company should be capable of defeating every challenge.
                The people who do this are the ones who have been playing this game for hundreds of hours.

                lol the people who are most anal about spreadsheets think the swordlance is a bad weapon because they compare it to throwers, who are useless until levl 8 vs a weapon that works from the get go
                >how will i get it i dont want to buy anything
                learn to fight southerners

  152. 5 months ago

    >several hundred days into a campaign
    >multiple legendary locations didn't spawn or spawned inside a mountain or inacessible island or they're buried in a forest tile you barely grazed during a fine sweep
    >exhaust tavern tips in every town and never get hints
    Fricking hell Legends, people have been complaining about this for like six years.

    • 5 months ago

      >several hundred days into a campaign
      There's your problem

  153. 5 months ago

    can handgonnes be famed? hoping for a champion gunner or one on a shop seems like a miserable endeavor

    • 5 months ago

      >or one on a shop seems like a miserable endeavor
      I saw a legendary one in a shop during day 15ish on my last playthrough.
      Although it's probably gonne by now

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, but theres no gunner champion. Buy or find it in shop
      Escort caravan greatly increases famed chance spawning in town

      • 5 months ago

        Find in location*

  154. 5 months ago

    How much health do you guys usually go for?

    • 5 months ago

      70 for battleforged, 110+ for nimbles

    • 5 months ago

      80 +Colossus for 100

  155. 5 months ago

    >fat neutral

    • 5 months ago

      fat neutral gladiator

  156. 5 months ago

    I used to dislike "patrol" contracts, until I realized that they're actually "loot a location and get paid for it" contracts.

    • 5 months ago

      Same, ideally I already scouted some locations prior to the contract in mid-game.

      Do you hire expensive mercs to replace fallen bros later in the game
      Feels like a gamble to hire someone expensive only for them to have crappy stats, even if they start 2-3 levels higher

      Good bros are more important than pretty much anything else. Hedge Knights, Gladiators, and Oathtakers are very much worth is for example.

      What was my fricking problem?


  157. 5 months ago

    Do you hire expensive mercs to replace fallen bros later in the game
    Feels like a gamble to hire someone expensive only for them to have crappy stats, even if they start 2-3 levels higher

    • 5 months ago

      Late in the game you should have more money than you can spend. Hiring brothers should be the main focus of whatever money you have.
      Getting better backgrounds to replace losses is the main way to make your company fundamentally better, alongside getting more named items.

  158. 5 months ago

    What was my fricking problem?

  159. 5 months ago

    >more than half the champions this campaign dropped polearms
    >most of them don't even have +damage
    >not a single famed shield or armor

  160. 5 months ago

    How far behind I am ?
    It's day 70, i've raided some camps but no famed items yet. Most of my brothers are nimble dodgers though.

    • 5 months ago

      >far behind
      Far behind what?

      • 5 months ago

        I feel like I should be stronger by day 70. Usually I have 1-2 forged brothers at this point. But I played around with Sins excel table and i saw that he recommends forged for brothers with really good statline.

      • 5 months ago

        Behind you!

        • 5 months ago

          >nets you

      • 5 months ago

        the "not getting assfricked by time scaling" curve

        How far behind I am ?
        It's day 70, i've raided some camps but no famed items yet. Most of my brothers are nimble dodgers though.

        if you're past day 40 and you're not getting raped by bandits you basically don't have to worry about time anymore

    • 5 months ago

      I feel like I should be stronger by day 70. Usually I have 1-2 forged brothers at this point. But I played around with Sins excel table and i saw that he recommends forged for brothers with really good statline.

      the "not getting assfricked by time scaling" curve

      if you're past day 40 and you're not getting raped by bandits you basically don't have to worry about time anymore

      you have a level 8 nimble 2h mace frontliner, you are fine
      stop pretending like the scaling is this bad, even on expert you will not get stomped by random bands if you dont have 2-3 battles every day
      if that happens then its a skill issue
      >farming tool
      go kill some ancient dead for pikes

    • 5 months ago

      With that setup you could start raiding a noble house for medium armor and better weaponry. You throwers should destroy footmen and your frontline can quickhand to two tile weapons to counter their billmen. Just go for the smaller patrols and supply caravans and run from everything that has seargents, zweihanders or more than a few arbalesters

  161. 5 months ago

    Oh look
    it's a shield


    • 5 months ago

      >this loot table

      RNGesus is punishing you for inciting Ancient undead on orc violence

  162. 5 months ago

    Would it be fun if this was an eroge?
    Like you would have all girl cast of fantasy races,normal races and occupations,ero status page for them in the inventory screen and you fight perverted monsters, bandits and the like
    You can get captured(raped) and forced into slavery as failstates you can get out of instead of reloading your save or restarting for getting fricked by nomads for the crime of selling wine to notarabs, you could even do sidejobs like a brothel or courtesanship and marry off nembers of your company to local nobles for a perma relations&intel boost since you have one of your (wo)men in a high position

    • 5 months ago

      is rally a meme skill? literally does nothing whenever i desperately need a morale boost (i know its just 4 tiles)

      please never post again

      • 5 months ago

        My rally with a lower bonus than yours consistently brings a few bros out of fleeing/wavering on every cast. Not everyone everytime, but enough to make a difference.
        You understand the distance malus for waverings and that it still uses each character's resolve, right? Do you have a lot of bros with dumpster tier resolve and/or negative resolve traits?

        • 5 months ago

          yeah all have at least 40 resolve some even 50 or sixty, maybe i just got unlucky

          also how are you supposed to do pic related? I know there are legendary locations which are meant for maxxed out squads as a late game challenge, but this is just a regular camp, and still seems impossible for me, all other enemies, seem more or less doable

          • 5 months ago

            different camps have different levels just like any world party
            if you have nothing better to do just stay near it until a patrol spawns which lowers camp strenght until it comes back

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah i managed some sea of tents but onve orcs reach a certain mass i cant handle that shit

              >also how are you supposed to do pic related?
              Just bring a bunch of anti-armor to deal with the warriors, not much else to say other than get good

              >git gud
              Looks like it

              so i have been playing this game mostly the normal way by doing contracts, and some of you are saying just hire lots of cheap bros, work on attacking caravans and then fight a well-armored militia being sent in response to your raiding to get their armor?

              >hire a lot of cheap bros
              Yeah getting to 12 men makes the game easier, part of the world scales with company size but other dont. In the early early days (like 0-5) you want to take those 30 gold beggars that are nothing but distraction for the thugs you are killing and hopefully split them up so you can beat one half into a pulp while the others chase one naked guy. After that you should try getting atleast daytalers or better cheap backgrounds, and hope for some good statrolls, stars and traits

              >attack caravans and fight militia
              I dont know about militia, but you should look for supply caravans, small patrols and small mercenary groups. You want their weapons and ideally some midtier armor. But first get raider mail atleast on your frontline and some decent weapons, if you have a few nimble bros already (lvl7) it makes it all the easier. You can obviously raid caravans as well, but they are just good for a small cash boost if anything, you want the equipment of the noble house. Especially those juicy billhooks are a big powerboost.

              >this loot table

              RNGesus is punishing you for inciting Ancient undead on orc violence

              Kek, no that was me throwing my car batteries into the ocean, but than I realized I wanted to share this find with my favorite board within a japanese basket weaving forum

          • 5 months ago

            >also how are you supposed to do pic related?
            Just bring a bunch of anti-armor to deal with the warriors, not much else to say other than get good

  163. 5 months ago

    im reading through the thread and started a few playthroughs but i just have difficulty recovering good armor. people keep saying just use daggers but i cant do that if i have to fight for my life to not lose

    • 5 months ago

      You are not supposed to try to kill every heavy armored enemy with daggers, leave 1 or 2 alive then surrond him with daggers, daggers have more hit aganist tired enemies and max hit aganist fleeing.

    • 5 months ago

      you can also use flails and kill them by hitting them in the head

    • 5 months ago

      Sounds like skill issue to me

  164. 5 months ago

    my 175 day black monolith kill

  165. 5 months ago

    so i have been playing this game mostly the normal way by doing contracts, and some of you are saying just hire lots of cheap bros, work on attacking caravans and then fight a well-armored militia being sent in response to your raiding to get their armor?

    • 5 months ago

      it works but then you need to do a bunch of contracts to get towns to neutral so their patrols stop harrassing you after you're geared
      if you're stupid you'll just get yourself cornered

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