Battle brothers thread

Summer has begun, remember to take it easy

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    its winter though

    • 2 years ago

      Did red riding hood get what was coming to her for ratting out those nice teutons?

      • 2 years ago

        I think she's bait

        • 2 years ago

          She's intended as the bait, but she's ratting them out for some reason; at least that's how I see it.

        • 2 years ago

          She's intended as the bait, but she's ratting them out for some reason; at least that's how I see it.

          It's pretty clearly a little pagan girl informing the wild beastman of where the israelitestain invaders are hiding.

      • 2 years ago

        If we apply bb logic thats a size 2 nachzherer, so they'll wipe the floor with it

    • 2 years ago

      I'm honestly surprised that with all the updates, this game doesn't have werewolves / beastmen of any sort. Then again, between the orcs and the barbarians they probably wouldn't stand out enough to justify it.

      • 2 years ago

        there are nachos

        • 2 years ago

          Aren't nachos just relatively intelligent animals? Basically dark fantasy chimpanzees

          • 2 years ago

            some lore that isnt in the game (the writer is very smart) says how the popular belief/explenation for nachzherers from a religious or cultural standpoint is that they're people who've commited suicide, but that probably isnt true from an "objective" standpoint
            nachzherers have some sort of davkul affinity but lesser than alps and whilst they're undead aligned sometimes you'll never see them together with a necromancer meaning that they're uncontrollable unlike weidergangers or geists who exist both in a subservient and semi feral state, they just follow zombies along waiting for them to drop so they can get a piece

        • 2 years ago

          The Nachs are pretty much ghouls though. At least, they're a general approximation of all those eating dead myths (wendigos etc.).

          direwolves were originaly werevoles but they changed it when they did the visual rework

          That makes sense. I prefer the idea of Direwolves compared to the idea of mindless Werewolves with the same AI as the current Direwolves.

      • 2 years ago

        direwolves were originaly werevoles but they changed it when they did the visual rework

  2. 2 years ago

    sorry for autistic layout only have photoshop on my laptop; new gay here first run on the middle difficulty. I'm in day 53 so far got 10k saved up just tying to farm better armor against nomads atm. here are my bros any tips?

    • 2 years ago

      >day 53
      >any tips?
      start over, your campaign is fricked

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah it’s pretty ass buy I’ll keep playing till I lose my main dudes, this was always gonna be a learning run I guess

        • 2 years ago

          aight ill give you a tip. with that 10k buy some awesome heavy armor and put it on your best bro without a shield, keep him in the center of your line. most enemies should avoid him but if they dont they're already in your main kill zone. also give him berserk and recover. for a weapon at this point in the game flail spec is pretty good imo, go one-handed

      • 2 years ago

        Just bought the game yesterday. Why do people say you have to restart if you make poor decisions early on? Does the world get harder as time passes or is there some time limit?

        • 2 years ago

          It does but people overblow the scaling way too much, that anon in particular
          What is more likely is that you'll savescum yourself into building a shit company and then possibly hit a wall later, but this isnt a real problem either

        • 2 years ago

          i might have exaggerated a little but my point was to motivate him to just restart, cause its what i do all the time. its part of the fun for me, you learn something new every playthrough

          • 2 years ago

            But why restart rather than just replace the shitters on your roster with better guys?

            flails are strong against brigands, imo, but swords do the job as well. fighting raiders with shields is generally safer because they dont have double grip, pretty sure the damage outvalues the 15 def from shields. its even better if they shield block cause then they waste fatigue and you can focus on quickly killing off the rest of the team, then dagger the shield bearer down at the end of the fight.

            I'm watching the tutorial videos now and he said it's a good idea to buy shields early on. Just learned there are some weapons that can attack from behind the first row so that's a game-changer for me as well.

            • 2 years ago

              yes very early on you buy spears, daggers, shields and polearms. nets are very important as well, you get very high value from recruiting virtually anyone if they have a net, early on. dont buy a flail, use it when you find it. i dont know exactly how new you are but the most important thing to know is that the likelihood for an item to drop is reduced dramatically by the damage inflicted to it. so if you want mail gear you have to puncture down raiders with daggers, or use flails to bust their faces. armor is very expensive

    • 2 years ago

      southern leathers are expensive and ugly, go support the local city, buy used red leather.
      shortsword and falchion are memes, slightly higher flesh damage, equal armor damage and slash(kill skeletons) in exchange for -10 hitchance is not worth it, only use arming sword and above.
      you need to get into more fights, enough to put 1-2 of your best guys (most kills) to level 7 (nimble/bf power spike), those guys will be the core upon which the cpny is built upon, the shitters may die but your core must survive. level 5 is too low for being 60% of the timeline to the first crisis.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the good tips anon

    • 2 years ago

      Get to 12 men theres no real reason to run 9
      Get a bannerman going
      Switch those woodcutters axes for something else
      Is that Weiderkind's starting melee attack roll?
      Not sure how id spend that money maybe look for an oathtaker or buy a cheap squire and then some gear since everyone is operating on looted shit, discounted citadel equipment is still a significant upgrade over what you're currently wearing

      >day 53
      >any tips?
      start over, your campaign is fricked

      southern leathers are expensive and ugly, go support the local city, buy used red leather.
      shortsword and falchion are memes, slightly higher flesh damage, equal armor damage and slash(kill skeletons) in exchange for -10 hitchance is not worth it, only use arming sword and above.
      you need to get into more fights, enough to put 1-2 of your best guys (most kills) to level 7 (nimble/bf power spike), those guys will be the core upon which the cpny is built upon, the shitters may die but your core must survive. level 5 is too low for being 60% of the timeline to the first crisis.

      Its perfectly fine for a first time, itd be bad if it was day 100 and this is what they looked like

      • 2 years ago

        12 can spread out xp distribution, costs 3 additional heads, gear, wage and food, if you can manage with 9 you can come ahead on crowns and buy expensive gear/bg to make up compared to hiring 3 shitters and have them soak up xp, also the 12 heads ambition is easy reputation and mood bonus but disabled if you ever hit 12 heads before the ambition.

        • 2 years ago

          Anon you just ousted yourself as never playing pm

          • 2 years ago

            I have played dozens of PM campaign to the end, but recently I have taken to beast slayers and raiders, it's fun to have a small elite unit to concentrate investment onto, powerlevel them to 7 in 30 days then train hopefuls with them as the core, like lonewolf but you dont have to deal with crippling poverty or play jungle dweller depending on wether you want to build your company early or not.

            • 2 years ago

              Thats nice
              however in my eyes those things listed still arent real concerns for an advanced player compared to 3 more warm bodies to use
              i dont know about new players but they should do that ambition
              >xp distribution
              put the morons you dont need in reserve when they arent necessary for easier fights and pull them out for harder ones, and you are presumably taking more fights because you have more people
              the basic setup is free because you usually dont hire more than you can equip
              minor concerns unless you're going far into the wild this early with expensive backgrounds, which you might if you're gladiators
              fair enough

    • 2 years ago

      look for suits of basic mail and lamellar. After that armor starts getting really expensive so always buy upgraded armor for your best guys and let the rest trickle down.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm on day 63, iron man, not my best run but doing okay. I've got my best men carrying looted bardiches i got from a very lucky mercenary fight who came for my package.

        My armor feels sort of meh, good all around coverage but pretty poor quality. I'm broke and all my guys are angry cause they hadn't eaten in five minutes.

        • 2 years ago

          >day 87
          >18 gobbos vs. 12 dudes, 3 guards and 2 donkeys
          holy balls that was a tough fight. we fought a shitload of thralls previous but they died like dogs.
          the guards weren't completely useless since they soaked up a lot of arrow fire, 3 of my dudes went down but they all survived due to having a surgeon. Unfortunately, 2 got tennis elbow, ones useless but the other is still functional as a backliner, last dude got brain damage so good for him.

          Sucks that my second best dude is now a second stringer, but thems the breaks, at least me and the donkeys survived and we got a phat caravan payout.

          • 2 years ago

            terrain was also terrable, we had to fight uphill a couple times, couldn't get good elevation with my backliners and whiffed quite a few shots that would have probably hit if we didn't get ambushed from above.

          • 2 years ago

            Wilderich wouldnt have been downed if he had nimble, what did he take on level 7 that wasnt it or BF?

            I found out that goblin bows have INSANE armor penetration and now I thinking. What is better, better dmg or even more armor penetration.

            Goblin named items have boosted stats on the baseline compared to the normal version so you're actually inclined to use em on occasion if they roll well
            Equip, mouse over the numbers and see for yourself, this is good practice in general when evaluating weapons

        • 2 years ago

          >Start a new company
          >All three companions have bloodthirsty

          >Not feeding your guys constantly

          • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    >computer crash on BB boot
    >fine with everything else
    what could this possibly mean?

    • 2 years ago

      You are the False Kingn

  4. 2 years ago

    "Yep, that's me"

  5. 2 years ago

    I fricking hate these fricking deadeaters

    • 2 years ago

      Dont start killing them before most of them have engaged with your line and be careful who goes to the flanks + how you distribute damage
      Fish for a rout

      • 2 years ago

        good advice
        >25 nachos
        >15 big nachos
        still hate them

    • 2 years ago

      Same. Game spawns a trillion of them and they're all fat fricks.
      The more I fight them the more I think one of the devs is a vore weirdo.

  6. 2 years ago

    >its another 4 marksmen on the hill sniping your promising 4980xp bro in the head at night episode
    i hate pushing bandit camps at day 40 why could they not have hit my shitters with a club and busted knee,

    • 2 years ago

      this is the allure of nomads early on, outlaws may be harder than raiders but at least they're honest once you understand that the fight is all about backstabber and positioning
      no "every raider pulls a throwing weapon out of his ass and starts firing" either

  7. 2 years ago

    >~26 provisions on an escort contract
    >Ratcatcher makes us mystery meat and makes my guys sick
    This fricking game

    • 2 years ago

      Did yuo know that if you carvan with 0 food because the contract explicitly states that "supplies are provided" - and they are - the game will still tard out and say "BUY FOOD BUY FOOD THE MEN WILL STARVE" even though nobody's mood will dip?
      Its not a real problem. But it bothers me.

  8. 2 years ago

    Is this bro can become nice dagger brother?

    • 2 years ago

      Thats a very nice oathtaker, dagger (qatal), fencer, just very strong ini build twohander, he can do it all

  9. 2 years ago

    >whiff (x10)
    yeah. Also, bucklers feel like a part of the game that was planned to be updated but just plain forgotten about. Now they're just a part of the trash-loot pile.

    • 2 years ago

      all shields that aren't the southern metal shield I trash now. durability is the most important

      • 2 years ago

        sipars are indeed the best all-round shield (heh) because you get a bit more defences and waste more time when enemies try to break em
        shits heavy though

    • 2 years ago

      The only thing they're good for is as a price check lmao. <7 is shit. 8 is okay. If >9 sell everything possible.

  10. 2 years ago

    How does this game compare to Mount & Blade?

    • 2 years ago

      If you like the battle aspect more than the overworld aspect, you'd like it

  11. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Take a few rotates on people here and there

    • 2 years ago

      have you heard the word of our lord and saviour, pathfinder?

      • 2 years ago

        It's not the AP cost per tile that's the problem. It's two things:
        1. Despite the fact that I could see the enemy coming towards me and they weren't lying in wait, they come at me from all directions of the tactical map.
        2. Despite marching in formation, my company is randomly spawned in a manner that makes no sense (e.g. my high level archer is off on his own etc.)

        I would be fine with a scenario in which either:
        -I'm surrounded but my units are information
        -They approach me from one direction but my units are in disarray
        but having both is extremely aggravating, especially since a game like this doesn't have stealth mechanics so it's not like the enemy can lose track of your position.

        After playing some CDDA I wonder how much fun if 90% of the game's enemies just fixed spawn upon world gen. That way it actually feels like you're cleaning up the world.

        >Enjoys both CDDA and BB
        Truly patrician taste. It wouldn't work though given the map size and low density. Also, you couldn't facilitate the crises without spawning in more of the undead / orcs etc.

  12. 2 years ago

    >enemies hit their bullshit 5%
    >i miss my 90%
    >load ironman save, and play the battle again

    expert difficulty btw

    • 2 years ago

      careful anon. If you alt f4 ironman too much without the save getting updated it corrupts it.

  13. 2 years ago

    >just retired my company thinking it would take me back to the main menu
    fricking lol

    • 2 years ago

      Well it sort of did, didnt it

  14. 2 years ago

    How do I deal with many enemies having shields? Is it a requirement to have a ton of axemen on my roster to cleave shields?

    • 2 years ago

      To which enemy type are you referring to exactly, the answer depends on that
      And no, going full axes aint obligatory at all

      • 2 years ago

        Just started a campaign so I'm referring to brigands. Seems like every brigand party has 2-3 shield users.

        • 2 years ago

          flails are strong against brigands, imo, but swords do the job as well. fighting raiders with shields is generally safer because they dont have double grip, pretty sure the damage outvalues the 15 def from shields. its even better if they shield block cause then they waste fatigue and you can focus on quickly killing off the rest of the team, then dagger the shield bearer down at the end of the fight.

        • 2 years ago

          With almost all living opponents you can win by rout rather than by trading blows with every last one on the field, try to target the non shielded ones because double grippers tend to be more dangerous like the other anon said because bigger dmg and always dedicating their whole ap pool to making attacks instead of shieldwalling
          Every time an entity gets hit for equal or over 15 hitpoint damage/when one of its friends dies/etc it makes a resolve check, when morale drops so do your skills and when its all the way down the troop tries to leg it. Inversly when the fight is going well and enemies are dropping dead, the side making kills gets positive checks to go up in morale, confident is a solid boost and when combined it can create a huge stat disparity
          Also every hostile after the second adjacent to the defender incurs surround bonuses to the attackers, so if you have like 3 brothers around a guy shieldwalling its like its getting negated in a sense
          This doenst mean shields are bad or that shieldwall is bad either, its just easy to exploit when theres only a few users scattered about sporadicaly. The factions that make proper shieldlines require a bit of a different approach because they also have actual backlines

  15. 2 years ago

    >Deserter origin
    > go to the unexplored area for reaching the safest city
    >Golden goose on day 3

  16. 2 years ago

    what the frick am i supposed to do with this?

    • 2 years ago

      Just got my first ever 3x3 star; gravedigger with MAttack, Mdef and Fat. Unfortunately, it's right at the start so the chances of him eating shit are still really high. Considering getting nine lives; would that help his survivability?

      I use those sort of stats as a polearm tank that stands at the back corners to protect the rear but that's only useful before you start getting footwork and such. Pump ranged, get QH&BAB and get throwing weapons.

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe after colossus, as usual the best actual way to ensure survival is to put him in a backline and dont do anything stupid

    • 2 years ago

      Nimble thrower who is not afraid to tank for your bros

      • 2 years ago

        i got another bro here, here is how i built him. so far i have just been using him as a regular thrower, without a shield. how do i go from here? do i pick duelist or keep a shield on him to actually hold the line? i'm past the first crisis

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            take smaller pictures
            use .jpg

            • 2 years ago

              buy bigger servers asiaticmoot

            • 2 years ago

              kys phonegay

              • 2 years ago

                i'm on a PC
                my internet is just crap so it took a while to open it up :[

  17. 2 years ago

    hello anons, do you have any formation you like to share, and any tips you have for barb+unhold and big orc camps?

    • 2 years ago

      "Formations" can mean both lineup/setup of weapons and builds or how you actually handle the fight with the enemy by forming up
      Here's an old post i ran into whilst looking through the archives that gives a some rough starter ideas of superior positioning and good concepts that many never really catch on with -> run at chosen to statcheck them -> get mad
      If you have the ranged advantage (the enemy will come to you instead of sitting there and waiting for you to come to them) there is no reason to not try to put them at a bad disadvantage through pic related + height advantage or terrain. Solo Lone wolf in the forest is like a very basic example of this idea but its also applicable in a lot of undead fights due to all the ruins
      As for both
      >Barbarian camps
      Get good at the above and know how to handle armored unholds
      >Sea of Tents
      Bring enough armor damage in order to account for the number of warriors you'll encounter, but dont overdo it since mopping up young for big morale drops in order to snowball the fight is often how these camps get cleared, so some swordlances arent actually bad
      As usual dont lose sight of berserkers and try to minimize the time they actually spend making attacks/kill them quickly since their damage is only second to the warlord. If you need practice with handling berserkers safely and getting a feeling for how they think theres always a bunch of caves where some of them hang around and shroommaxx together in small groups

    • 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    Tips on not losing men? Seems like every enemy encounter ends up with 3-4 casualties which costs more than the contract reward.

    • 2 years ago

      play better

    • 2 years ago

      you are doing some or all of the following, fix it and you will stop losing men every fight
      >bad positioning(positioning your men in disadvantaged positions for no reason)
      dont engage enemies on high terrain wherever posible and avoid letting enemies surround your guys
      >chosing your targets wrong
      basic priority for brigands goes like this(highest dmg 2h >highest dmg 1h with no shield >highest 1h with shield > daggers) priorizing killing high threat target before even engaging into melee or as you engage giving it 0 oportunities to swing at your men, what is priority to kill changes depending on the enemy and the fight itself but the first thing you should do is recognize the highest threats on the fight and get rid of them
      >poor weapons choice
      big impact early, dont put a cleaver on a 50atk bro, stick to +hitchance weapons
      >not taking advanteage of terrain/enemy positioning
      go for choke points, force the enemy to engage you in high terrain wherever posible

      • 2 years ago

        your actually better off targeting lightly armored foes because the faster they go down the more likely it is to affect the morale of the people around them, giving you a bonus and them a malus to hit and defend.

        • 2 years ago

          2 handers make better targets because they have no shield and go down quicker, being the bigger threat is also a bonus but I'd rather put down two scrubs and force morale checks than one zwiehander who can only move one hex if it wants to attack and can easily be avoided.

    • 2 years ago

      The first days are always going to be more lethal because you have almost no gear but after a couple of fights it should stabilize and shedding brothers will only occur during harder battles/due to bad play. So just think harder, use reach weapons and things with hitchance bonus, fight enemies that have ranged superiority at night so they have more trouble hitting you

      Is battleforged + nimble actually better at tanking than just pure nimble?
      This is assuming you have perfect named gear for both and same hp of course. Pure nimble easily wins with normal gear I think.
      I know that getting the right gear for a hybrid would be a complete meme, but it's just something I've been thinking about.

      Yes because you're taking advantage both of high durability armor and of an innate DR to hp dmg, even though both of these are a bit worse than on a "pure" bro (flawed concept for nimble, you shouldnt default to max efficiency every time) they're still helping eachother at the same time
      I ran a theoretical nimbleforged bro through one of those dubious damage calculators some time ago and got that they live a lot better through just about anything except two handed axes
      You're right its not something to expect or count for unless you're drowning in named armor but that can happen
      >nimble easily wins with normal gear I think
      Damage in bb isnt as simple, a bf bro is not at all threatened by a three headed flail nomad whilst a nimble one is and inversly ifrits arent nearly as frightening for the latter as for the former

  19. 2 years ago

    Is battleforged + nimble actually better at tanking than just pure nimble?
    This is assuming you have perfect named gear for both and same hp of course. Pure nimble easily wins with normal gear I think.
    I know that getting the right gear for a hybrid would be a complete meme, but it's just something I've been thinking about.

    • 2 years ago

      its better, yeah, but thats to be expected since you take two perks instead of just the one.

      hello anons, do you have any formation you like to share, and any tips you have for barb+unhold and big orc camps?

      i just dragged unholds or lindwurms into them and let the two fight it out. its also good to bring lots of nets and fire pots if possible to control the movements of the most dangerous enemies. as long as you can keep on dropping a few of them every turn, you should be able to get the whole line down to fleeing.

  20. 2 years ago

    This was easily my best run. I had raider gear on my first day and had a full raider set on ~day 20. Then an random event had me fight a raider party in the middle of a dense forest and I got rolled to the point where the party couldn't recover afterwards. I am so mad that I'm practically shaking.

  21. 2 years ago

    thank god the vizier actually send some help to the abandonded fortress this time around

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago


        they're walling, five dozens southern soldiers are attempting a pincer maneuver and they're standing still and shieldwalling

        good lord, what kind of fricking autist has time for this shit?

  22. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      they're walling, five dozens southern soldiers are attempting a pincer maneuver and they're standing still and shieldwalling

      Is there is some mod which adds more brothers and enemies. (bigger battles)?

      • 2 years ago

        Play with one that increases the man cap to 18, the game will naturally scale up harder
        Theres also a few mods that create harsher scaling

  23. 2 years ago

    they're walling, five dozens southern soldiers are attempting a pincer maneuver and they're standing still and shieldwalling

    • 2 years ago

      Oh no no no

  24. 2 years ago

    6 fricking linduwrms. There should be a limit of 3 on these things. Why do I keep fighting these things when even a victory feels like a defeat?
    I hate lindwurms so goddamn much.

  25. 2 years ago

    After playing some CDDA I wonder how much fun if 90% of the game's enemies just fixed spawn upon world gen. That way it actually feels like you're cleaning up the world.

  26. 2 years ago

    What's the best way to deal with long range threats? As I'm getting better at the game (I only play on the highest difficulty settings), I'm staying alive longer into the campaign and I'm reaching the point where I have actual ranged threats to deal with (marksmen, gobbo ambushers and necromancers with guards). There must be better ways than just using my archers to counter-snipe.

    • 2 years ago

      kill their frontline faster

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      kite shields are underrated. also positioning is important. what works for me is having one nimble tank with high ini and send 2 tils forward at the very start of the game, the likelihood is that they will all shoot at him. taking random shots from archers on your backline is something you have to live with, if one guy gets particularly low just move him all the way to the back, out of range.
      >necromancer with guards
      what i do to deal with this is pick the weakest flank in the enemy line, then push through it with big damage and rush the necromancer. zombies coming back to life and putting you into zone of control is an issue but the only way to deal with that is positioning, something you learn by just playing the game

    • 2 years ago

      It's counterintuitive, but the best counter to goblins is having a very strong backline of archers. They're actually very difficult to hit in melee and they have a lot of cheap bullshit that will keep melee bros from getting close enough to swat them. Once you reach a certain level of ranged attack and have the right skills, one archer with a warbow can pop three goblin ambushers in a single turn.

    • 2 years ago

      get a nimble tank head out the first thing, they'll concentrate crossbow fire on him, bow literally doesnt matter to anyone with leather armor and above, if they're in a fortress, have 2 or 3 sweepers or gunners with high INI and relentless or andrenaline run out, at the end of the turn, aiming for the spots where the marksmen are and are not connected to the entrance, ideally have some melee bros plug up the door while you mop, if they move away from cover they're free game for archers or xbow users
      >no nimble
      you should learn to get level 7 before day 40, bring kite shields, dodge, attack at night, avoid hill camps
      superarcher or zerg rush your frontline right in front of their face and out gunners right behind them, have 2 or 3 guys flank around to thin their frontline ZoC net, concentrate where their frontline is weakest to make a gap while your gunners work on the closer ones, they're the hardest the first 3 turns when they have range advantage can can peel off armor with balls and nets but rapidly lose steam right after since their morale sucks
      you just send one ranged bros to circle the area towards the necro to assasinate him while the rest of your company beat a retreat, stand still the first turn so the zombies aggro the frontline and not your flanking boy, the second and third turn you back off, a possessed zombie will probably catch up to a bro by now so spearwall delay the edge while your bros engage the center, if there are geist bring your bannerman with him and have 2-3 whips ready at the frontline, will take 8-9 turns total. if you have gobbo xbow you can peel off the escorts with it and lay on him with more xbows. more fun that way but you need to have a nice angle for that.

      • 2 years ago

        >you should learn to get level 7
        modders piss me off so much, your all such braggarts

        • 2 years ago

          >getting into fights and surviving until your third powerspike is modding

  27. 2 years ago

    Any guides/tricks on killing barbarian camps? I can't seem to grok what needs to be done. Should I take the throwing weapons pill?

    • 2 years ago

      "Formations" can mean both lineup/setup of weapons and builds or how you actually handle the fight with the enemy by forming up
      Here's an old post i ran into whilst looking through the archives that gives a some rough starter ideas of superior positioning and good concepts that many never really catch on with -> run at chosen to statcheck them -> get mad
      If you have the ranged advantage (the enemy will come to you instead of sitting there and waiting for you to come to them) there is no reason to not try to put them at a bad disadvantage through pic related + height advantage or terrain. Solo Lone wolf in the forest is like a very basic example of this idea but its also applicable in a lot of undead fights due to all the ruins
      As for both
      >Barbarian camps
      Get good at the above and know how to handle armored unholds
      >Sea of Tents
      Bring enough armor damage in order to account for the number of warriors you'll encounter, but dont overdo it since mopping up young for big morale drops in order to snowball the fight is often how these camps get cleared, so some swordlances arent actually bad
      As usual dont lose sight of berserkers and try to minimize the time they actually spend making attacks/kill them quickly since their damage is only second to the warlord. If you need practice with handling berserkers safely and getting a feeling for how they think theres always a bunch of caves where some of them hang around and shroommaxx together in small groups

    • 2 years ago

      you need to realize that you're not going to kill the unholds or get to the whipper in any reasonable amount of time, so you should instead ignore them and focus on killing the barbs, assign 2-3 bros with shield and hammers to soften and lock down the unhold and any accompanying barbs, the rest of your bros go to town at wherever the unhold arent at, generally near the edges with terrain blocks that funnel barbs around, be careful not to park your backline anywhere near the shieldbros, nets and dogs only work on barbs and blue unholds, not the white one, can be counterprductive since dog kills can raise morale, use them to plug up holes in the frontline to prevent barbs from getting to your backline.

  28. 2 years ago

    How important are the dlcs?

    • 2 years ago

      They really flesh the game out. I'd say that they're mandatory but they do bump the price up.

  29. 2 years ago

    I'm pirating this game to see if I like it I might buy it next sale if it's good

    What do I need to know before I go in?

  30. 2 years ago

    So what do we think of the Iron Oath so far? Cheap clone or maybe a decent successor?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm still getting used to being able to tell what bros would make for what roles. Sometimes I come across stat distributions like pic related where their stars are resolve, Mattack and HP. What would you build someone who has high HP, resolve and Mattack but no fat, ini or mdef? In a hypothetical sense, that is; This guy here is going to be fodder to protect the better recruits.

      It's aesthetics are comparatively awful. I can't speak for the gameplay though.

      • 2 years ago

        >melee attack
        Bannerman. Most of the time i loathe to replace my bannerbro unless he was very makeshift (though makeshift bannermen work and you want one quickly) and i get some monstrous triple star adv noble or somethin
        Anyone with high melee attack and not too dumped fatigue can go and be good backline material as some form of dedicated polearm, who as a build have a few things they could specialize in depending on what you like or want
        Hp and resolve are always appreciated

      • 2 years ago

        >someone who has high HP, resolve and Mattack but no fat, ini or mdef?
        in the abstract, disposable flankman, probably with a 2h weapon
        if he lives long enough he can take nimble and half his resolve ups can be spent on getting his fat somewhat decent, but realistically I'm just looking to recoup my investment so he's just getting crippling strikes, adrenaline, dodge, backstabber, rotate - anything to squeeze immediate utility before he dies saving someone more valuable
        high resolve and mAtt can make for a good fearsome cleaver/whip boy too but you'll really be hurting for fat and it takes frickin forever to come online

        • 2 years ago

          nimble isn't as good as you seem to think it is. do you even play iron man? your kind of rigid 'build' planning wouldn't survive if you couldn't save scum every battle.

          • 2 years ago

            >nimble isn't as good as you seem to think it is
            oh boy I can't wait to hear what schizo shit you're reading into my complete lack of gushing praise for nimble
            I said he would take it if he lived long enough, unfrick yourself for ten goddamn seconds and realise that that's not me falling on my knees and praising it to high heaven
            the rest of your post is just as incoherent tilting at an imaginary enemy you babbling homosexual, I hope you choke in your fricking sleep

          • 2 years ago

            >nimble isn't as good as you seem to think it is
            oh boy I can't wait to hear what schizo shit you're reading into my complete lack of gushing praise for nimble
            I said he would take it if he lived long enough, unfrick yourself for ten goddamn seconds and realise that that's not me falling on my knees and praising it to high heaven
            the rest of your post is just as incoherent tilting at an imaginary enemy you babbling homosexual, I hope you choke in your fricking sleep

            >not appreciating nimble

    • 2 years ago

      >mercs with legs

  31. 2 years ago

    they should increase the minimum roll for mdef from 1 to 2
    its so shit to have a decent recruit just for him to roll 4 1s in a row

  32. 2 years ago

    Should you make all your indebted battleforged nofat builds? Assuming of course you find enough fallen heroes to loot somehow

  33. 2 years ago

    Some sort of positioning system like in homm would be really nice.
    My archer started in a pit while a melee guy was up a hill and they were right next to each other.
    In tough fights this extra wasted positioning time really matters a lot.
    I don't like savescumming until rng blesses me with decent terrain.

    • 2 years ago

      something like this perhaps

      • 2 years ago

        what should be the downside

  34. 2 years ago

    >no nimble on day 40?
    >its over time to restart
    Come on

  35. 2 years ago

    >Fight complex turn-based tactical battles with historical equipment
    >have nets 100% guaranteed to hit and entangle
    What did the devs mean by this? Whose historical equipment were nets? That one gladiator guy that was an entertainer?

    • 2 years ago

      they were developed in the early 8th century by the green midgets that also shoot crossbows with enough power to pushback a full grown men despite having no recoil that would make the shooter travel on the oposite direction an equal or greater distance

      • 2 years ago

        I assume spiked impalers are pintle-mounted, like a mini-ballista.

    • 2 years ago

      Never understood how one can throw a net and reliably entangle someone. The mock gladiator fights I have seen just lob a bundle of rope which is far from entangling. You could throw it like a fishing net but that would require a lot of space and two hands.

      • 2 years ago

        That guy throws the net at him rather than on top of him. I would imagine that there would be more of a "spin it in from the side then let go so it fully extends in the air" quality to the throw. Also, I couldn't imagine that actual historical nets would look like that; They would probably have been thick ropes with weights at the end on the circumference.

        • 2 years ago

          Something similar to fishing nets?


          • 2 years ago

            Yeah. Thinner inner rope with a heavy rope around the circumference. I don't know if they would have had that long pulling rope in the middle attached though.

            Iron lungs is the mansplitter/berserk chain trait

            Iron lungs seems to be the general orc-weapon build keystone. I see people talking about using it to build an orc-cleaver / whip hybrid.

            • 2 years ago

              Lungs is a bit of a rabbit hole of a trait that depending on use can be either very minor or borderline cheating
              >game breaking combinations with second wind potion
              >eternal 0 fatigue sword duelist and named item combos
              >comfortable mansplitter/berserk chain
              You dont NEED it for an ork weapon duelist though, they want as deep of a fatigue pool as possible more than that. Maybe lungs actually works better on low fat duelist weapons because itll greatly delay the time it takes for you to start losing damage due to the blue bar being full - in theory at least since you also build fatigue up when you get hit. In case of swords it does make it impossible to stam out though
              I like it on spearwallers actually

              you can and should use mansplitter/berserker chain, using them only every blue moon when you come across an iron lungs brothers is a huge waste.
              they have damage on par with a named weapon but they are ready available and their respective weapon mastery completly negates the skill fatigue penalty putting the normal atk at 15fat

              However, the reason why you dont see everyone running those 2 all the time is ergonomics which is one of the advantages of 6 ap 2handers
              >massive equip fatigue
              >worse fatigue buildup
              Mastery makes them both useable, but not nearly as comfortable to handle as the human ones that go from 15 to 12 meaning that with the baseline 15 fat you recover enough with each turn that even if stammed out you can always move and attack once. Mansplitter/berserk chain cant, leading to these wasted turns where the brother is unable to keep up pressure or do anything, which means you might as well give him Recover to flush more fat out as he sits there (which people dont do much on 6 ap frontliners nowadays) or maybe even not take berserk so that point is reached slower at the cost of losing additional attacks which i dont like
              Lungs helps out since you've got plus 3 fat to use to move 1 tile. You still arent able to berserk as much but are never forced to sit and pass a turn when you'd really want to go and make an attack

              • 2 years ago

                mansplitter not being able to move 1 and attack when fatigued can come as a big disadvantage in a number of situations but that disadvantage is mitigated by carryng a poleaxe+quickhand allowing you to always move 1 and attack
                berserkchain is more of a real problem because there is no poleweapon in the flail category and taking another wep mastery is not really a good option, so when fatigued you are stuck with either moving one and not attacking or quickhand to a polearm to attack but not move and be out of reach of your orc weapon on the next turn

              • 2 years ago

                Loss of damage still sort of there but guess that does mean you can cheese it a bit
                Berserkchain could qh into a (hopefuly named) jagged pike but id honestly just take Recover and accept im gonna sit there for 1 turn to flush fat, moving up to a target does nothing except give surround bonus and expose yourself to getting hit (both of which could be desirable or not depending on the situation) and if you have a prepped HH stack the God awful gobbo weapon shouldnt even be pulled out

                Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but 90% of my fights are positioning.
                >outnumber enemy
                >line up just outside their range
                >they spend a couple moves trying to flank
                >I reposition
                >they reposition
                >I get bored and start the fighting with no advantage/a disadvantage

                Are you shooting them? You want to engage when its to their detrement

                Brigand AI won't charge you if they still have ranged units available. Either take out their ranged fighters or move towards them.

                If they had the ranged advantage they wouldnt be moving towards anons company

              • 2 years ago

                >If they had the ranged advantage they wouldnt be moving towards anons company
                That's what I meant. Anon can't expect them to rush him if they've still got enough ranged output. It sucks but sometimes you need to be the one to initiate the fight.

                >day 29
                >deliver item contract
                >get attacked by mercenaries event
                >6 of them
                >rekt them
                >get pic related as loot
                yep, its a good run

                The novelty letter opener is the best 2H to start on. +10% accuracy but still capable of actual damage unlike the lower tiers.

  36. 2 years ago

    >Black Monolith
    >Witch Hut
    These are the only 2 legendary locations which I haven't been able to clear yet, any advice or tricks for them?

    • 2 years ago

      what am I in for?
      where's the manual?

      A skirmish simulator and that is a good thing

    • 2 years ago

      Black monolith basically requires a "suicide tank" to walk north and distract tons of the enemies. Saving the holy water you get from the crypt legendary location also makes black monolith much easier.

  37. 2 years ago

    what am I in for?
    where's the manual?

    • 2 years ago

      Run E/E/L ironman difficulty. You'll eat shit and have to restart constantly but it makes progression that much more satisfying.

  38. 2 years ago

    Holy shit a goblin champion almost one shot my guy with a bow.
    If I didn't take colossus he'd be dead. Fugg

  39. 2 years ago

    Welp, I found my first fallen hero. And I proceeded to bully him within an inch of his unlife for his heavy armour set. This thing shits on the raider armour I was rocking so far and now I can properly consider fielding a 2H bro.

    • 2 years ago

      they have one of the coolest sets of armor in the game

  40. 2 years ago

    How fight against barbarians? Unhold completely demolish my frontline.

    • 2 years ago

      you need to realize that you're not going to kill the unholds or get to the whipper in any reasonable amount of time, so you should instead ignore them and focus on killing the barbs, assign 2-3 bros with shield and hammers to soften and lock down the unhold and any accompanying barbs, the rest of your bros go to town at wherever the unhold arent at, generally near the edges with terrain blocks that funnel barbs around, be careful not to park your backline anywhere near the shieldbros, nets and dogs only work on barbs and blue unholds, not the white one, can be counterprductive since dog kills can raise morale, use them to plug up holes in the frontline to prevent barbs from getting to your backline.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks bro.

  41. 2 years ago

    I found out that goblin bows have INSANE armor penetration and now I thinking. What is better, better dmg or even more armor penetration.

    • 2 years ago

      Wilderich wouldnt have been downed if he had nimble, what did he take on level 7 that wasnt it or BF?

      Goblin named items have boosted stats on the baseline compared to the normal version so you're actually inclined to use em on occasion if they roll well
      Equip, mouse over the numbers and see for yourself, this is good practice in general when evaluating weapons

      i have found that damage-rolling goblin bows can act as a good stopgap if you cant get a named warbow. Statwise however, they are straight up inferior to a named warbow that rolled on any of the damage stats. Take the left bow in your pic for example, 60% armor ignore may seem a lot but you deal less raw damage than a hunting bow, which means that well-armored enemies will just shrug off your hits while less-armored enemies are going to get their armor and health ripped faster by a normal warbow anyway. the other one is pretty decent as it can actually strip armor and deal appreciable damage to softer targets.

  42. 2 years ago

    So apperently flesh and faith added some new events people mostly missed
    >eunuch can cure insecure of another brother by getting mocked
    >witch hunter can get you a named crossbow
    >disowned noble can get a huge upgrade
    >disowned noble and deserter have some event where they can pump eachother up
    >brawler can participate in a local tourney in a fixed fight where you can risk a broken knee for more stats

  43. 2 years ago

    Has Legends mod updated yet or do you have to use they gay discord builds still?

    • 2 years ago

      >Has Legends mod updated yet or do you have to use they gay discord builds still?
      For the latest BB update? Yes.
      Does that mean there are updates on the discord for the current Legends build? Yes.
      If you want the latest update and don't want to use the discord just ask. I'm already in way too many botnets to give a frick.

      • 2 years ago

        its ok, I'll just wait for it to come back up on nexus or something, I don't care about some pre-release crap. Just want a full stable release I don't need to use d*scord to get.
        Thanks for the answer though

      • 2 years ago

        its ok, I'll just wait for it to come back up on nexus or something, I don't care about some pre-release crap. Just want a full stable release I don't need to use d*scord to get.
        Thanks for the answer though

        for what it's worth, legends is on github, no discord required. That said, it's still buggy as shit. Only thing you'd need the discord for would be legends compatible mods.

        • 2 years ago

          neat thanks

  44. 2 years ago

    When i get a new computer ill start making actual good educational bb content

  45. 2 years ago

    guys i have a confession to make
    i played legends and i loved it

    • 2 years ago
  46. 2 years ago

    Iron lungs is the mansplitter/berserk chain trait

    • 2 years ago

      you can and should use mansplitter/berserker chain, using them only every blue moon when you come across an iron lungs brothers is a huge waste.
      they have damage on par with a named weapon but they are ready available and their respective weapon mastery completly negates the skill fatigue penalty putting the normal atk at 15fat

  47. 2 years ago

    I think I'm gunna play again.

    I lost like 3/4 of my bros in a battle. They were good geared guys too. Like mid-game ya know.

    • 2 years ago

      Try an origin you havent before

  48. 2 years ago

    New-ish player got around 20 hours in so far: I really struggle getting past the 110 armour mark (costs coupled with quickly becoming outclassed by mobs at around day 70-ish). Once I unlock taking contracts for towns should I solely focus on taking those over regular contracts for the dosh? Also, is it worth me turning off dlc like lindwurms whilst I git gud?

    • 2 years ago

      By towns you mean noble houses right? They tend to pay more but will pit you up against harder opponents
      Contract payout in general is dependant on renown which is awarded in greatest amounts by ambitions which is why you should try to do them at a decent pace
      Dont focus soley on contracts, fix higher tiers of weapons (alt and click in inventory to mark for repair) and sell them in towns that have favourable conditions for dumping your loot like ambushed trade routes or burned warehouse or just good relations. Same applies for trade goods and treasure
      Village weapon and armorsmiths can give better prices than others since its easier to pump relations with the town but the selection of the latter is more limited
      The +40 armor attachments can help you tier up in body protection at a discount because gear in the low 200s is still reasonably priced, when you get close to 300 body armor is when the price really skyrockets
      Brothers that take Nimble instead of BF at level 7 also dont need heavy armor to be bought for them

      • 2 years ago

        Always keep an eye out for discovered locations (or whatever they're called). Armoured Weidergangers are a good source of amour. So long as there are no geists or necromancers, you should be hiting these places for the armour drops. Just make sure you have enough daggers.

        Cheers for the tips. I've been tending to travel around the map quite a lot as well but think it might be better to base myself in one or two towns with a lot of amenities, is that right?

        • 2 years ago

          You should roam around since camps in an area can sort of dry up for a time as you clear everything but having 1 or 2 places where the company is quite liked is beneficial

    • 2 years ago

      Always keep an eye out for discovered locations (or whatever they're called). Armoured Weidergangers are a good source of amour. So long as there are no geists or necromancers, you should be hiting these places for the armour drops. Just make sure you have enough daggers.

      • 2 years ago

        Armored weidergangers only really wear discounted marketplace gear

        Just found the golden goose for the first time. I don't want to check on the wiki in case I run into any spoilers, but is there any reason to not sell it? Will I run into something else if I keep it?

        No, find a good ambushed trade routes/burned warehouse city and sell the b***h. Buy better weapons or armor with the money

    • 2 years ago

      >Also, is it worth me turning off dlc like lindwurms whilst I git gud?
      no, just ignore enemies you are incapable of handling

  49. 2 years ago

    Just found the golden goose for the first time. I don't want to check on the wiki in case I run into any spoilers, but is there any reason to not sell it? Will I run into something else if I keep it?

    • 2 years ago

      You'll run into superior profits after a couple hundred days

    • 2 years ago

      No, just sell it

  50. 2 years ago

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but 90% of my fights are positioning.
    >outnumber enemy
    >line up just outside their range
    >they spend a couple moves trying to flank
    >I reposition
    >they reposition
    >I get bored and start the fighting with no advantage/a disadvantage

    • 2 years ago

      Brigand AI won't charge you if they still have ranged units available. Either take out their ranged fighters or move towards them.

    • 2 years ago

      if you don't have ranged superiority most enemies will kite you endlessly
      even orcs can be pretty cagey sometimes

  51. 2 years ago

    >day 29
    >deliver item contract
    >get attacked by mercenaries event
    >6 of them
    >rekt them
    >get pic related as loot
    yep, its a good run

    • 2 years ago


      Me and the boys after murdering 6 random Tabletop RPG murderhobos that came after us

  52. 2 years ago


  53. 2 years ago

    It is the year of our lord 2022 and two handed spears still remain worthless beyond the early game

  54. 2 years ago

    How's my setup, its day 108 and I have about 13k saved now

    • 2 years ago

      forgot image

      • 2 years ago

        You're severely underequipped and, if your current bro is about average level, underleveled.
        Spears are good early game, but you should be moving away from them as you level up. Your armor is shit, 95/95 might work for a nimble bro, but that requires you to get your bros to 7.
        Axes on corner bros is... interesting, but if you're low enough that you're using spears, then you're probably going to want 2h swords. Also, this is more opinion, but when you get to the larger battles, you're not going to want 2handers to be on the edges, but I might be wrong about that. Your men have 2 bag slots, you should generally have something in them, if at least a net and a dagger, to puncture down fleeing enemies. The fact that you don't means you're probably not doing so, which explains the state of your armor.
        2 billmen is good, but why'd you stop there?
        My recommendation from here would be: Refit two of your spearbros, some with middling matk, as billmen. Carry more daggers. If you have some 70-75 range matk bros, switch them out for maces, axes, cleavers, depending on what you're fighting. If you're only fighting bandits, either pick the weakest noble house, and start bullying them for their armor, or start looking for bandit leaders and dagger them down. Also get rid of the 2h axes.

        • 2 years ago

          My current strat is to mass deploy spearmen and isolate then surround enemies while using my axemen and billhooks as the damage

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah that'll run into the wall of scaling. Only need shieldbros on the edges, to protect your backline.
            Spears are for early game bros and late game defense
            Also switch those axes out for bardiches or longaxes or anything that isn't a fricking woodcutters axe

      • 2 years ago

        Hopefully at least one of those spearmen have decent stars couse that extreme chaff heavy band
        You don't need that many red shirts
        Greenskins need anti armor weapons, half the undead roster doesn't care about spear damage and the human enemies cheat you will never be able to match their chaff. The only thing you can reliably take on right now is brigands. Invest more in two-handers, preferably stuff that can deal with armored oponents or stuff that hits an enemy and the enemy behind him that would be bardiche and two handed swords but long axes an long hammers and mames are also good. Two handed axes are decent especially when you get that raw damage boosted but they are not really great with the way you have them deployed. That swing-everywhere-around me move is not really practical. Shield bearers are only good for tanks/chaff - the guys who are unlikely to hit anything so their main use is to hold shield, rotate to take in hits and taunt to open the shieldwall. Then again I'm not expert and prefer to play the game modded so...

        • 2 years ago

          What anti-armor weapon would you recommend that i can mass deploy

          • 2 years ago

            Choose hammers, 1h, 2h, polehammers.

      • 2 years ago

        What were you fighting all this time to get that much money but found nothing better to use than woodcutters axes? What are you sitting on all those crowns for?

        Hopefully at least one of those spearmen have decent stars couse that extreme chaff heavy band
        You don't need that many red shirts
        Greenskins need anti armor weapons, half the undead roster doesn't care about spear damage and the human enemies cheat you will never be able to match their chaff. The only thing you can reliably take on right now is brigands. Invest more in two-handers, preferably stuff that can deal with armored oponents or stuff that hits an enemy and the enemy behind him that would be bardiche and two handed swords but long axes an long hammers and mames are also good. Two handed axes are decent especially when you get that raw damage boosted but they are not really great with the way you have them deployed. That swing-everywhere-around me move is not really practical. Shield bearers are only good for tanks/chaff - the guys who are unlikely to hit anything so their main use is to hold shield, rotate to take in hits and taunt to open the shieldwall. Then again I'm not expert and prefer to play the game modded so...

        >and the human enemies cheat you will never be able to match their chaff
        Not really true, level 7 trash brother is like a conscript on super steroids. Problem is numbers

        My current strat is to mass deploy spearmen and isolate then surround enemies while using my axemen and billhooks as the damage

        This works very well with peasant militia but you dont want to have 2 bills, you want like a 50:50 ratio of front and back line

  55. 2 years ago

    >Stuck in A southern city with a company that are all serously pissed of and about to quit
    >Southern city has fricking nothing to alleviate morale and is at least a day away form a tavern.
    I fricking hate the south. "Every run I think it won't be so bad this time" and then they annoy me again.

    • 2 years ago

      Your mood shouldnt be going into the red unless you're cultists, what are you doing for it to happen?

      should I remedy his atrocious RDEF? pump stat? anticipation? or just live with it

      >122 starting initiative
      No, Dodge
      This is a tricky oathtaker indeed...he has Huge, which is generally seen as a good trait on a high end background. But that rdef means he'll be shot by everyone and they will hit. With Dodge and maybe 1 or 2 rolls put into rdef he should be able to overcome that i think. Not sure what weapon to go for since that mdef even post dodge will only be "useable" and he doesnt have enough fatigue to reapspam unless you get good rolls and drop levels there

      • 2 years ago

        i'll go for overwhelm reach sword build since guy comes with a zwei

  56. 2 years ago

    should I remedy his atrocious RDEF? pump stat? anticipation? or just live with it

  57. 2 years ago

    How do handgonnes interact with the bullseye perk? Is it actually worth taking to hit more backrow dudes with gonnes?

    • 2 years ago

      Bullseye does nothing with guns because they ignore all cover by default

      • 2 years ago

        Ok thanks, glad I didn't waste the point yet

  58. 2 years ago

    how do you allocate front/backline? it's 6/6 (8/8) for me and my frontliners get pushed in all the time from having to cover the back against flank, but great backliner bros are just so much easier to find and build since they can dump MDEF and still work

    • 2 years ago

      generally I skew one way or the other by 2-4 guys depending on what sort of dudes I get
      either relying on a strong defensive frontline with lots of points of contact and good area denial to allow my backliners to run up and down the line focusing on weak points, it's a slow methodical grind that drops off lategame but I enjoy it more
      or I have a slightly weak frontline that's biting off more than it can chew in the hopes that the high damage output of the beefed up backline can keep the pressure off them, and a dip into footwork for the guys on the corners in case they need to bail out

    • 2 years ago

      i always go 7/5 (10/6) early on before transitioning to 5/7 (6/10) in the midgame. i prefer putting some of my squishier nimble frontline bros in the back and gradually commit them since i never take footwork and only have rotate on my tanks.
      unrelated but do you guys have any suggestions on what perk to take on this guy here. ive considered brow but i may get some named headgear later.

      • 2 years ago

        underdog or overwhelm

      • 2 years ago


        underdog or overwhelm

        bros I killed hoggart and then I killed 3 direwolves and then I rooted some bandits what do I do now

        kill more bandits until you can take on something scarier
        at what point that feels doable is up to you

        • 2 years ago

          I was playing on beginner, should I start again at a higher difficulty right away?

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            IIRC the enemy scaling curve is steeper on higher difficulties. Although I've not played below expert (I'm still shit though), it means that risking it all and successfully punching above your weight results in better gear quicker, harder enemies quicker etc. etc.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes. Beginner combat difficulty fudges rolls in your favour and kneecaps enemy scaling super hard both of which furthers the "savescummed into a shit company" issue newbies run into. Don't bother with the economy settings though, those just start you off worse (except the "deserters take their gear with them" thing but if you're getting desertions outside cultists you're probably fricked anyway)

            • 2 years ago

              >"savescummed into a shit company"
              won't happen I'm at ironman

              but I'd rather suicide by enemy, what's a good way to run into too much danger too early?

              • 2 years ago

                just jump into some random unmarked ruins, geists and necro will eat you alive while their 18 weider hold you down

          • 2 years ago

            Yes. Beginner combat difficulty fudges rolls in your favour and kneecaps enemy scaling super hard both of which furthers the "savescummed into a shit company" issue newbies run into. Don't bother with the economy settings though, those just start you off worse (except the "deserters take their gear with them" thing but if you're getting desertions outside cultists you're probably fricked anyway)

            Beginner combat difficulty also adds a flat 10% bonus XP gain to all your brothers

    • 2 years ago

      Dont understand the problem you are describing
      One piece of advice, put the backliners with higher mdef (or any mdef/who took dodge) on the flanks or between holes in formation if you have those and the ones that dont go elsewhere where they'll be safer
      Have no real rule on how many front or backline bros i bring, depends on cricumstance and state of the game

      i always go 7/5 (10/6) early on before transitioning to 5/7 (6/10) in the midgame. i prefer putting some of my squishier nimble frontline bros in the back and gradually commit them since i never take footwork and only have rotate on my tanks.
      unrelated but do you guys have any suggestions on what perk to take on this guy here. ive considered brow but i may get some named headgear later.

      Underdog would as usual be the safe pic but tell me, whats the fatigue of that armor he's wearing and on the named steppe helm on the swordlancer on the left? You might be able to go nimbleforged

      • 2 years ago

        his armor is genuinely the best nimble armor i have ever seen at 258/16. the steppe helm is also great at 230/8 but i also have a 168/4 wolf crown on the bill guy. i dont have much experience with nimbleforged so that hasnt cross my mind. in fact, this is the first run where the game really clicks for me and i was able to survive this long (currently on day 270.) i really want to get to tackling some of the legendary locations (i already beat the ijirok, fricker almost sniped my bowbro) so thats why im asking. also i feel as if rngesus has been smiling on me throughout the whole thing, i got pic related before the first crisis even fired.

        • 2 years ago

          NTA but for me I'd want at least 450+ durability with total fatigue of no more than 35, so yours stuff are okay. You can always find better stuff later. 500+ with less than 30 fatigue is not uncommon, at day 270 you should be full on clearing camps and hunting champs.

          • 2 years ago

            i have been bonking champs a lot but for some reason they mostly spawn with poor named armor and sometimes named shields (lol.) thanks a lot for your advice on nimbleforged btw, i probably will pick it then.

            Now thats a nice bardiche, id honestly say that if you get a really good named one its better than a similar named greataxe unless you intend to be doing some funny spinny build (which i never experimented with enough)
            Even if you dont take battleforged you should probably consider giving him that wolf helm

            yes indeed i put it on my lone wolf and he could thin both the frontline and backline at the same time with frightening efficiency. the utility is definitely better than a named greataxe but from my personal experience without buffs the reduced damage sometimes leave the target right on death's door which is extremely annoying. i put that headwrap on the macebro cause it goes splendidly with his armor so excuse me for my Gankerggotry.

            • 2 years ago

              >excuse me for my Gankerggotry
              If you dont dress your men for fashion then you are probably not a good player

            • 2 years ago

              >they mostly spawn with poor named armor
              The usual suspects for me are champ chosens. You should be swimming in skull and chain armors and skull/horned helmets if you focus on clearing barb camps, which are generally pretty good for nimbleforged. A max rolled golden scale would be the perfect nimbleforged body armor as it's 300/16 with LPR. You can also do a combination of a heavier 350+ body armor and a light norse helmet, but Brow and at least 80hp is required unless you don't mind the occasional oneshot headshot on your bro.
              Dunno if mods are your thing but there's a mod exactly for that. Look up Armorsmith mod on Nexus.

              • 2 years ago

                Trash aesthetic, built for big wolf pelts
                >Hardened Leather

                Good if paired with bvll helmet

                >Studded Mail
                >Named SS
                >Golden Scale/Lam
                God tier
                >Named Noble Mail

                All helmets are shit except for Feathered,Heraldinc and Bull.

              • 2 years ago

                BlacknGold and Leopard look good, you are a homo

              • 2 years ago

                >gay e-girlpop heraldic
                >twinkish looking armor in the game
                >god tier
                >makes anyone that wears it look huge, manliest armor in the game
                >not its own tier above god tier
                big homo
                >Hardened Leather/Black&Gold/Leopard
                >not god tier

              • 2 years ago

                i hate the one on the left with the lifted visor so much, ruined completely

              • 2 years ago

                yea its suposed to look bad, thats why i put them together for comparison

              • 2 years ago

                Barbs named stuff are the best looking armors in the game. This anon has it right, alloy is the shit. Plated fur and skullnchain with horned halmet are also pretty fricking dope.

                the ugliest shit in this game are the decorated greathelms, god i fricking hate those

              • 2 years ago

                >gay e-girlpop heraldic
                >twinkish looking armor in the game
                >god tier
                >makes anyone that wears it look huge, manliest armor in the game
                >not its own tier above god tier
                big homo
                >Hardened Leather/Black&Gold/Leopard
                >not god tier

                Barbs named stuff are the best looking armors in the game. This anon has it right, alloy is the shit. Plated fur and skullnchain with horned halmet are also pretty fricking dope.

              • 2 years ago

                >studded mail
                shit looks like some grandmas pajama

              • 2 years ago

                can you give me the file for it? the mod seems to have been set to hidden. heres hoping its not over some bullshit drama.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago


                Just realized since you can't see the descriptions of the mod on nexus anymore, this is how you do it: After installing the mod, a button will show up here next to the sort buttons, click on it then just follow the instructions.
                Not sure if it was drama but from the modding communities I've known I wouldn't be surprised.

              • 2 years ago

                Lindwurm cloak on a lighter armor (preferably noble mail) can also make it function since its 60 dur for 3 fat penalty. Not that you even need bf to make this sort of setup worth it on a nimble bro
                Think ive realized after all this time what the ideal ultimate destroyer of worlds rapebeast cheat brother possible is. One who is not only milking nimbleforged, but is also taking advantage of high ini and dodge on top of high base to shoot defences into the stratosphere to get it to tank like levels + be effectively status effect immune + is able to attack twice with a two handed weapon indefinetly meaning fatigue's irrelevant since he can get always get berserk off. 2 origins start with a guaranteed suitable candidate if you look up a seed for the trait that makes this possible, then its just finding the right equipment

                I really need some beginner's tips cause i'm really getting fricked in the ass everything and i don't like it.
                Things go well but after some time i always get hordes of people dressed like fricking space marines and even if i always try to get the best equip for my soldiers the difference is like playing AoE against someone who is using cheats.
                If it's not that i travel around and find 3-4 cities where there is absolultey fricking nothing to do, not even a single mission and my troops suffers from attrition and starvation. I mean i litterally traveled around 4 cities and found NOTHING to do.
                Since is not even a rogue-likelite that gives you advantages if you die a lot like highfleet (well at least now i have more money or a better starting position) i can't understand what the frick im doing wrong.
                Cause if it's only rng shit then frick this game.

                What does it mean look like space marines
                Something is most certainly wrong since going hungry should not commonly occur even on expert economic
                Post an image of a company and maybe we can figure out whats fricked

        • 2 years ago

          Now thats a nice bardiche, id honestly say that if you get a really good named one its better than a similar named greataxe unless you intend to be doing some funny spinny build (which i never experimented with enough)
          Even if you dont take battleforged you should probably consider giving him that wolf helm

    • 2 years ago

      usually go betwen 7/5 9/3 depending on what i get
      early game i just have sargent and a thrower, later on i might get another range and 1 or 2 backliners if i find brothers with good atk but lacking in stam/mdef
      i dont use too many backliners because all my frontline have quickhands and a polearm so they become backline or frontline as the fight goes on, if someone becomes too damaged to frontline safely it just switches to polearm and become backline, if the fight is too cramped, the tankiest frontliners go in and the rest pulls polearms, if someone needs to pitch in they just swap

  59. 2 years ago

    bros I killed hoggart and then I killed 3 direwolves and then I rooted some bandits what do I do now

  60. 2 years ago

    >tfw spent two hours on learning how to mod just to remove belly homosexual event

    • 2 years ago
  61. 2 years ago

    Are all named things late-game weapons / items?

    • 2 years ago

      What does that mean?
      Named items use the highest tier of normal weapon avaliable as a chassis. So a named human spear is using a fighting spear as a basis
      Nonstandard named weapons inherit the stats of their base, so ancient dead ones have lower durability and higher armor damage by default. Goblin named items tend to have higher base stats so that you might actually use them on occasion.
      Barbarian named hammers and maces actually need to roll very well in order to be competitive with a two handed flanged mace or a two handed hammer you'll get from an armorsmith since their base stats are derived from weapons that are a lower tier
      Sometimes a named weapon is so marginally better than a normal version that its almost unnoticable but youll still probably use it because its a (sort of) free max tier weapon with the exception of those goblin and barb ones. Sometimes you find something run defining like that anon bellow your post

  62. 2 years ago

    yep i think hammer duelists are underrated

  63. 2 years ago

    EELI is for cbt lovers, real patricians play EVHI

    • 2 years ago

      For me? It's BB

  64. 2 years ago

    conscripts are the biggest bros, love their ai so much its unreal
    one was with 2hp and bleeding, last thing he does is step in and rotate my backliner out of danger before dying

  65. 2 years ago

    sell me on bowbros, xbow gets pen and hybrids, guns have overwhelm and fearsome, both remains effective way into the lategame, what does bow has to offer, given that it really only become viable in late game?

    • 2 years ago

      sniping roleplay

    • 2 years ago

      You can delete 3 goblins a round starting from the first.

      is this game any good? can you make up your own strats because its fun or do you need to follow meta for every single thing like many other "strategy" games? it looks cool tho i like realistic medieval stuff

      Most things are viable.
      Late game hardest difficulty pushes you to big unga bunga damage because there are just so many enemies you quickly need to kill.

  66. 2 years ago

    >wienery manhunter
    >wienery squire
    >huge and wienery wildman (-15mdef with 0matk star lmao)
    >dastard miller
    >wienery militia
    >wienery oathtaker
    >gets filtered by 3 nachos surrounding them

  67. 2 years ago

    Im learning the game, have question about party size does enemy dificulty/ number increase with more brothers? atm im playing with 7 and am happy with it (perfect number of micro management for now), am i making game harder for myself by doing it?

  68. 2 years ago

    Holy Moley, my dudes are looking like burger. I have so many permanent injuries my entire backline is basically staffed with cripples.

    • 2 years ago

      iron man is.. hard.

    • 2 years ago

      Of course, without a surgeon, they'd all be dead.

  69. 2 years ago

    Finally got a campaign to the point where I can stomp most fights without losing anyone. This game is insanely addicting once you get out of early game. Now I just need to start working the camps and get some legendary gear

    • 2 years ago

      Congratulations, you have passed the great filter
      The more you play and the better you get the faster will the "early game troubles" pass on future runs, to the point where you keep accelerating the rate of which you're able to snowball due to both greater understanding of the game and greater tactical competence to a level that seemed unimaginable before

  70. 2 years ago

    Was thinking of reinstalling with the flesh and faith update. Are there any major reworks to perks or balance changes or new high tier gear? Like are there any new challenges or new builds outside the unique potions from the new origin?

    • 2 years ago

      2h flails are now usable and a real build together with new buffed headhunter, footwork down to 20fat now usable as well
      rest are just some buffs and nerf together with the 2 new recruitable backgrounds

    • 2 years ago

      Two handed flails are now very good if you build for them
      HH doesnt lose a gained stack if you miss, it remains until and is consumed by the next hit that lands
      Theres various new events sprinkled in
      Dont neglect Oathtakers origin, theyre probably more unique in how they play than Anatomists (or anyone else) due to the oath dynamic

  71. 2 years ago

    is this game any good? can you make up your own strats because its fun or do you need to follow meta for every single thing like many other "strategy" games? it looks cool tho i like realistic medieval stuff

    • 2 years ago

      its good game its hard game
      this anon pretty much sums it up

      You can delete 3 goblins a round starting from the first.
      Most things are viable.
      Late game hardest difficulty pushes you to big unga bunga damage because there are just so many enemies you quickly need to kill.

  72. 2 years ago

    last perk?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Bags and belts (if you mean to carry multiple shields since the perk negates their weight penalty)

    • 2 years ago

      Is that a dedicated shieldsplitter?

      • 2 years ago

        he's supposed to be a shieldsplitter/shieldbearerfor south/notrth but accidentally got good since he popped like 3 flaggelant specific events, went with path

  73. 2 years ago

    I'm here because I like the OP Image

    • 2 years ago

      Enjoy your stay

      ayo this lil' battle n*gga be bussin fr SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH

      Whered you get this? Are there bb threads elsewhere on the site or something

  74. 2 years ago

    ayo this lil' battle n*gga be bussin fr SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH

    • 2 years ago

      >bussin bretheren

  75. 2 years ago

    I really need some beginner's tips cause i'm really getting fricked in the ass everything and i don't like it.
    Things go well but after some time i always get hordes of people dressed like fricking space marines and even if i always try to get the best equip for my soldiers the difference is like playing AoE against someone who is using cheats.
    If it's not that i travel around and find 3-4 cities where there is absolultey fricking nothing to do, not even a single mission and my troops suffers from attrition and starvation. I mean i litterally traveled around 4 cities and found NOTHING to do.
    Since is not even a rogue-likelite that gives you advantages if you die a lot like highfleet (well at least now i have more money or a better starting position) i can't understand what the frick im doing wrong.
    Cause if it's only rng shit then frick this game.

    • 2 years ago

      >space marines
      take the browpill, go dodge/overwhelm/nimble and put mai lhauberk on all of your men, they even come with tabards to color code them
      >cities with nothing to do
      nonsense, cities always have work to do, if its castles, did you finish the noble ambition? are you just being choosy with contracts?
      >no advantage if you die a lot
      you get to get a deeper understanding of the tactical/strategic level of the game and learn from your experiences so you don't die next time

  76. 2 years ago

    >First mission after tutorial
    >Look of what is causing the disappearance of peasants
    >6 men armed with shields and weapons
    >Encounter 3 wolves
    >Only 1 men surived.

    Cool game, very strategic and insightful.

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot pic.
      All mine attacks went dud, theirs oneshots at every turn.

      • 2 years ago

        >bros but naked on 20dur armor
        >fighting separately
        >against direwolves
        >with no +hitchance weapons on crappy peasents and expecting them to hit anything
        seems like a skill issue to me

        • 2 years ago

          I mean he got a guy double-gripping a spear, with some decent rolls maybe 2 out of 3 wolves will literally kill themselves on spearwall before any real fighting start. From the looks of it he just took all them 20% hits with his overwhelmed bros and got shredded without even trying to shieldwall and surround.

      • 2 years ago

        its just simple math honestly, direwolves get to attack 3 times as opposed to your 2. not only that you're using weapons with normal hit chance in the early game so its a definitive loss, dire wolves are not to be underestimated. its kind of common sense if you think about it, imagine a dude with no armor irl fighting a fricking fantastical werewolf, odds are he's gonna get shredded

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot pic.
      All mine attacks went dud, theirs oneshots at every turn.

      (I was playing at easy, all beginner suggested btw).
      Picreleated is the layers of "strategy" of this game.

      • 2 years ago

        Forgot pic.
        All mine attacks went dud, theirs oneshots at every turn.

        lol, lmao

      • 2 years ago

        Local anon plays game where knowing is three quarters of the battle, storms off after single important lesson - many such cases.

        In all seriousness if you're still here and not shitposting for (you)s, Direwolves are some of the most dangerous things you can face right out the gate, and "find what's terrorizing the town" is one of the more dangerous early contracts, since it's usually a beast fight. Learning what you can and can't comfortably fight with your current outfit is the most important skill for breaking through the early game meatgrinder (And for excelling, period), and what contracts lead to what fights is a big chunk of that.

        Early on you want to take on low tier humanoids - brigand thugs and poachers, barbarian thralls, and unsupported Wiedergangers - to supply relatively easy exp and some low tier gear.
        Once everyone has at least a shirt, a hat, and a weapon you can probably start taking on small groups of intermediate humanoids - brigand raiders and sharpshooters, barbarian reavers, nomads, and maybe even armored Wiedergangers - to get some proper gear. Beginner enemies backed by one or two intermediates is great for this. Once you're kitted in full raider gear or its analogues (100+ durability armour and helmet, tier 2 weapons) and your men are nearing level 7 you're officially out of early game.

      • 2 years ago

        Local anon plays game where knowing is three quarters of the battle, storms off after single important lesson - many such cases.

        In all seriousness if you're still here and not shitposting for (you)s, Direwolves are some of the most dangerous things you can face right out the gate, and "find what's terrorizing the town" is one of the more dangerous early contracts, since it's usually a beast fight. Learning what you can and can't comfortably fight with your current outfit is the most important skill for breaking through the early game meatgrinder (And for excelling, period), and what contracts lead to what fights is a big chunk of that.

        Early on you want to take on low tier humanoids - brigand thugs and poachers, barbarian thralls, and unsupported Wiedergangers - to supply relatively easy exp and some low tier gear.
        Once everyone has at least a shirt, a hat, and a weapon you can probably start taking on small groups of intermediate humanoids - brigand raiders and sharpshooters, barbarian reavers, nomads, and maybe even armored Wiedergangers - to get some proper gear. Beginner enemies backed by one or two intermediates is great for this. Once you're kitted in full raider gear or its analogues (100+ durability armour and helmet, tier 2 weapons) and your men are nearing level 7 you're officially out of early game.

        For some general tips uhhh
        -Read tooltips carefully, a lot of stuff is easily overlooked otherwise like spears massive accuracy bonus, extra defence from adjacent shieldwalls, or what various injuries do to your stats, all of which is very important for survival
        - The AI plays differently depending on who has Ranged Superiority, which is decided by which side has the most ranged weapons wielded by skilled archers. If you don't have Ranged Superiority, the AI will try to kite you until you charge into their line, or they run out of projectiles entirely. Consider keeping throwing weapons in the packs of your frontline if you don't run (m)any ranged backliners
        -Gear drop rate is based on current durability, capping around 70% at perfect condition for weapons and armour alike. Flails can target heads to ignore body armour and knives can take very inaccurate stabs to completely bypass armour - This is how you should get most of your gear, bullying people better armed and armored than you with numbers
        -As a follow-up to the above, thrown nets cannot miss, cause a massive debuff to both accuracy and defence of netted units, and usually cost less than 150 gold at seaside settlements, wooden sticks can use the stunning bash of a mace while dealing almost no damage to armour, and dogs provide the same surround bonus accuracy as a brother would in melee combat

        • 2 years ago

          Good advice but small correction, nets are way cheaper than that but only decrease initiative and defences whilst the target is rooted in place

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot pic.
      All mine attacks went dud, theirs oneshots at every turn.

      Should've brought some wolfsbane eh

    • 2 years ago

      those are direwolves tho, not wolves

  77. 2 years ago

    I have a castle on my head, your argument is invalid

  78. 2 years ago

    I survived my first caravan escort mission, it was an endurance run we fought like 3 battles in a row and I'm amazed only one guy died in total, everyone wounded
    At least the gear I got from the fight was better than mine, will stuff like winged spears start spawning at merchants eventually?

    Also is there a way to stop in town while guarding a caravan? my boys could have used a quick trip to the temple after the first fight

    • 2 years ago

      caravan hands is what you usually get on those contracts, they are shit and dont get any better over time, caravan guards are a bit better but you rarely get them
      the southern caravan contracts always give you conscripts as escort and they are really good
      you can click on a town and enter normallyl if you are in range while scorting the caravan

      • 2 years ago

        >you can click on a town and enter normallyl if you are in range while scorting the caravan
        I thought I did that but maybe I'm wrong, thanks for the info

        • 2 years ago

          only if the road leads directly to the town, if the road graphic does not physically overlap with the town you can't reach it

  79. 2 years ago

    >go clear the cemetery bro it's just grave robbers I swear haha
    >expect shitty ass unarmoured ghouls like last time
    >Fricking undead legion raises from the graves and fight my guys
    >I got spears on everyone and they're resistant
    >"Might as well deploy that one dog I got at the market maybe he'll buy me a turn"
    >the pooch fricking takes gigantic chunks of health off the skellies with each bite
    I lost 2 people at the end but God damn, good boy

    really liking BB so far, I'm playing it 100% blind and idk what I'm doing half of the time but I'm having a blast

    • 2 years ago

      >100% blind
      that's the way to go with this game, the fun is figuring out the mechanics slowly but surely. most of the mechanics aren't actually mentioned in any tooltips, you just figure it out by looking at the visuals and flow of combat

  80. 2 years ago

    Do you do themed companies?
    For example:
    Band of Poachers - Hybrid focused army.

    • 2 years ago

      I tried to run merchant caravan origin and employ only caravan hands and peddlers, with mixed results. I like trading in BB, though I wish long distance trading was more rewarding. When I played Lone Wolf, I only employed squires, knights, nobles and retired soliders.

      • 2 years ago

        when I was new I thought if I bought cheese in the south I can then travel to the north and get money for it, turns out that was not the case

        • 2 years ago

          Everyone keeps goats
          only food that really can be sort of used as a trade good is wine

    • 2 years ago

      Sometimes. Sometimes i just figure out what ill do as i go along

  81. 2 years ago

    >at wooden caste near desert
    >get patrol quest
    >forgot said castle was taken by the northern house by my own company
    >undead crisis, undead parties everywhere
    >at least 5 undead camps on the way
    >bannerman just died, company filtered by geists
    >i have 5 days to pass through this shit hole and back

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like a nice adventure.

      • 2 years ago

        I find these extremely cute.

  82. 2 years ago

    moron here
    is the map randomly generated?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago



      Maps are based on a seed. A seed is randomly generated when you begin the run. Or, you can also enter in a seed. Like say you found one you really like you can reuse it. Plenty of map seed threads in the steam forums and such too.

  83. 2 years ago

    imagine a cat of 9 tails
    three headed flail whip triple bleed per attack

  84. 2 years ago

    9 lives is not a bad perk

    • 2 years ago

      fer sure my man hunnerd percent agree but i disagree

      • 2 years ago

        good on day 5 foder and thats about it

        My reasoning is that how much good is +1 guaranteed hit depends on enemy attack rate and to some extent on a brothers mdef. It doesnt mean a lot vs ancient dead but is a big deal against barbarians, two hander users in general, lindwurms and other large beasts. Vs orks its still sort of good value and isnt useless in general
        Heres a build i like to run
        The last perk point usually goes to Brow to not have the brother melt to berserker headshots and the like but after some thinking theres other options with allure thatd usually get called awful perks
        if theres some funny Executioner thrown around on other brothers since 2hhammer is gonna eat their armor anyhow so others on the team can kill the enemy unopposed + everyone loves to see a concussioned chosen sometimes
        if theres more initiative on the brother. Combined with relentless wait abuse this is basicaly a cheat against hexen since the man can be fielded with his normal weapon and not care since when/if he gets charmed he wont actually be able to do anything before it wears off, making him effectively immune as long as you permanently outspeed the witch (and thats not that hard). Likewise makes stagger, daze, goblin poison and bleeds into a complete non issue (most important for those first 2 since stagger can frick you bad on a ini build)
        >9 lives
        if theres more base mdef than usual

        • 2 years ago

          >nine lives
          awful perk for anything that isn't foder, if your core brothers are trigering it you are doing something horrible wrong
          awful perk that's only good on 1 enemy and that enemy can always target someone else
          >Steel brow
          not needed on nimble

          • 2 years ago

            Did you even read my frickin post
            >not needed on nimble
            Enjoy getting headshot raped

            • 2 years ago

              ah yes the perk point just to not get headshoted by 1 specific enemy spawning with 1 specific weapon, when said enemy has no armor, charges head in and dies by turn 3, not to mention you can just not engage a nimble frontline on him if you so much fear getting headshot

              • 2 years ago

                headshot dont happen every hit, the attack needs to actually hit and have to go trough 105 or more head armor first and the dmg that passes trough gets a 60% reduction, i dont know in what world you are getting your nimble frontlines threatened by headshots so much that you need to invest a whole perk for that

                >not to mention you can just not engage a nimble frontline on him if you so much fear getting headshot
                I fear them out of experience, but yes, you should try to "match brothers up" with enemies regardless if its an option
                >headshot dont happen every hit, the attack needs to actually hit
                Yes and yes, doesnt remove the possibility of getting doubletapped so you will have it happen sooner or later which scars you for life
                >and have to go trough 105 or more head armor first and the dmg that passes trough gets a 60% reduction
                It simply depends on the attack, a lot of enemies do need time to work on the helmet and some dont
                >i dont know in what world you are getting your nimble frontlines threatened by headshots so much that you need to invest a whole perk for that
                Think of it like this. Headshots on a nimble brother are a damage spike for the enemy as long as theyre hitting hard enough to get through the helm and still have enough force to hurt you/it has already been removed
                Brow in general makes getting critted beneficial instead of being either not bad or very bad because now you're always just distributing enemy damage between your body and head armor

                if you cant mow those factions like they are nothing by the time you have lvl 11s then there is something wrong in your comp
                >6+ nomad archers
                problem against nimble in general, steel brow doesnt fix it, going at night/staying behind BF and in extreme cases going anticipation fixes it
                >nomad flails
                raider levels of not even a thing

                Savants have headhunter and bladed pikes (being pikes) have a bonus to head hit chance
                >raider levels of not even a thing
                100 hp standard mail and nasal helm nimble bro dies in 2 or 3 good double gripped Hails that fully connect

            • 2 years ago

              headshot dont happen every hit, the attack needs to actually hit and have to go trough 105 or more head armor first and the dmg that passes trough gets a 60% reduction, i dont know in what world you are getting your nimble frontlines threatened by headshots so much that you need to invest a whole perk for that

              • 2 years ago

                you get fights against noble armies or ancient legionaries that just stacks 3/4 polearms against your bro every turn which gets bad very quickly, nomad archers are also uncannily accurate following up on their flail guys

              • 2 years ago

                if you cant mow those factions like they are nothing by the time you have lvl 11s then there is something wrong in your comp
                >6+ nomad archers
                problem against nimble in general, steel brow doesnt fix it, going at night/staying behind BF and in extreme cases going anticipation fixes it
                >nomad flails
                raider levels of not even a thing

              • 2 years ago

                not saying I can't, I wipe companies for breakfast, but sometimes you gets too complacent, too greedy chasing that bannerman kill through that freshly opened hole in the shieldwall, and your man just eats 6 billhooks in the face the next turn, I dont do that because I have guns and BFs, but that can happen.

                >nomad equals raider
                they're deceptively tough with their dodge and shield, and can stall for a half dozen turn, throwing sands all the while, which gets annoying since archers get to fire scot free all the while, at least 2h/1handers are easy enough to kill.

              • 2 years ago

                >staying behind BF
                95% of the time i out my squishy guys behind battleforged the get hit anyways, its like the ranged obstruction mechanic doesn't even exist for the AI i fricking hate that shit

              • 2 years ago

                Thats because enemies have bullseye up the ass
                Ranged combat badly needs a rework that itll probably never get

                How do you know when to go 2H and when to go double grip? Is it just a matter of stamina?

                Also, it's fricking hot today. Thanks for reading my blog.

                Preference and circumstance
                Think of one handed weapons and two handed weapons of the same type as being of different class - because they are other than exceptions like cleavers and warbrands
                For example both one and two handed flails bypass shield mdef and are swingy in their damage but the 1h ones can guarantee headshots whilst 2h ones ignore armor a lot better on one

                should I make all people with a single ranged talent ranged users?

                Hell no unless he has a good roll and melee stars so you want to make him a hybrid
                Ranged backgrounds get so much better base rolls than non ranged ones on rattak that on a civvie you need a maxroll and multiple stars to get a gunner thats in any way comparable to a straless minroll hunter

              • 2 years ago

                How do I know what stats each backgrounds get?

              • 2 years ago

                From wiki or better use the Backgrounds and Attribute Ranges mod (

              • 2 years ago

                Wiki and their descriptions give hints for what theyre good at, mouse over icon before hiring

              • 2 years ago

                don't worry about it, it's mostly intuitive

              • 2 years ago

                >nomad with flail
                its a real threat early but thats in general, weak enemy that dies fast lategame, only has 65atk and needs to spawn with that specific weapon, not a real threat to a lvl 11 nimble
                same as raiders with flails

              • 2 years ago

                wrong (you)
                mean for for

                >not to mention you can just not engage a nimble frontline on him if you so much fear getting headshot
                I fear them out of experience, but yes, you should try to "match brothers up" with enemies regardless if its an option
                >headshot dont happen every hit, the attack needs to actually hit
                Yes and yes, doesnt remove the possibility of getting doubletapped so you will have it happen sooner or later which scars you for life
                >and have to go trough 105 or more head armor first and the dmg that passes trough gets a 60% reduction
                It simply depends on the attack, a lot of enemies do need time to work on the helmet and some dont
                >i dont know in what world you are getting your nimble frontlines threatened by headshots so much that you need to invest a whole perk for that
                Think of it like this. Headshots on a nimble brother are a damage spike for the enemy as long as theyre hitting hard enough to get through the helm and still have enough force to hurt you/it has already been removed
                Brow in general makes getting critted beneficial instead of being either not bad or very bad because now you're always just distributing enemy damage between your body and head armor

                Savants have headhunter and bladed pikes (being pikes) have a bonus to head hit chance
                >raider levels of not even a thing
                100 hp standard mail and nasal helm nimble bro dies in 2 or 3 good double gripped Hails that fully connect

              • 2 years ago

                How do damage bonuses stack exactly?

                Its 70 post day 40 + they have massed Backstabber
                Yeah they wont brain you often especially since its 6 checks to hit against a brothers mdef but its good to remember that it can happen

    • 2 years ago

      good on day 5 foder and thats about it

  85. 2 years ago

    112 bros hired and it was a manhunter chad who gets it, 9 stars MATK(60),RATK(38),INI(110), everything else is average, recommend build, also completion screen for posterity

    • 2 years ago

      pic related, got this assassin right after

      Post the rest of the lineup so we can see what we're working with

  86. 2 years ago

    pic related, got this assassin right after

  87. 2 years ago

    The kraken fight sucks ass and is a dumb chore that you do once to get the magic sword and that's it.
    Everything else about the game is kino.

  88. 2 years ago

    got raped by orcs during caravan duty how do I deal with orcs next time lads they're buttholes

    • 2 years ago

      Do you mean early on or in general

      • 2 years ago

        early it was like day 25

        • 2 years ago

          bring hammers, two shields each, orcs have shit morale so just bash them until they run

        • 2 years ago

          At that point the random patrols or contract spawned groups will be
          >young blob
          >young + 1 berserker
          >young + 1 warrior
          Young will jump on spearwalls but otherwise arent as stupid as one would think and can catch you offguard with a clever charge stun from time to time. Prioritize the ones with their racial cleavers and axes particularly if theyre double gripping since those can kill people even much later let alone at this point. Pull out the caravan hands for this fight aka deploy behind them for meatshield use
          If its a solo berserker+young look if he's going to go directly up front or flank, if he's not flanking then dont use hands as meatshields since they'll just feed him kills and then its over. Berserkers can be handled very cleanly but you need some experience with how their ai thinks by clearing their caves, but since its just one try to burst and focus fire him down
          Solo warrior is the trickiest unless theres some mallets or barb 2hhammers around. He might spawn without a helmet this early though

  89. 2 years ago

    >Escort caravan mission day four hundred something
    >Meh, whatever I was heading that way anyways
    >Caravan ambushed by Necrosavants
    My poor fricking donkeys

    • 2 years ago

      did you got the skull?

  90. 2 years ago

    How do you know when to go 2H and when to go double grip? Is it just a matter of stamina?

    Also, it's fricking hot today. Thanks for reading my blog.

    • 2 years ago

      normal scenarios require level 7 bros with at least 30 base MDEF or 25 for reach users
      early game, you put goedendag and 2h spear on every shitters with andrenaline, or the rest of the company runs normally but you put 1-2 shitters with 2h weapons as a filterong mechanic, if they manage to live and hit, good, if they dont and die, you lose nothing.

      • 2 years ago

        What about base with dodge
        By reach user do you mean backliner or what

        • 2 years ago

          >base with dodge
          assume the worst, you may get dazed, stumbled, pocket sanded, tired, i'd say add 5 if you use dodge, anything else is a bonus
          >reach users
          are greatsword/bardiche/hammer/cleaver users who uses reach advantage to get multiple stacks of MDEF from multiple target attacks, applicable to backliners or frontliners using warscythe or swordlances

          • 2 years ago

            Fair enough
            >pocket sanded
            Not if you have higher ini than the nomads and know the trick
            Same with being stunproof trough relentless
            This is also why i was saying that resilient isnt so shit/only good for hexen on this sort of build, he can be fully dazeproof and mostly staggerproof too if he has resilient and goes first which he should barring chosen adrenaline

            • 2 years ago

              your guy will still be exposed to the other 2-3 nomad who goes after the first sand thrower, avoiding sand with relentless is only effective for damage and ini reduction, mdef not so much

  91. 2 years ago

    Is there any "social" aspect of your guys or are they all just faceless mooks?

    • 2 years ago

      After a while of so many runs you have to start doing something. I recently did a playthrough as Oathtakers and took all of them that I could find them filled in with monks, squires and apprentices as needed

    • 2 years ago

      Game has events that fire off based on your bro's backgrounds.
      Like a Hedge Knight and Raider will bond over being psychos, while having 2 Hedge Knights can cause them to kill each other.
      Even a mix of southerners and northerners can cause them to fight each other.
      It doesn't go any deeper than that though. The grandest background event I got was when a random assassin tried to kill a bastard.

  92. 2 years ago

    any mods to remove the fantasy bullshit elements?

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think there is.

      • 2 years ago


  93. 2 years ago

    should I make all people with a single ranged talent ranged users?

  94. 2 years ago

    I had a campaign that got to like day 40 but now I can't get a campaign past day 15 help

    • 2 years ago

      Try different origins, some have a lot rougher starts than others or might suit you more

      How does % of max HP injuries work in Battle Brothers?

      The ones that reduce a targets max hp?
      Someone correct me if im wrong, but iirc it was proven in one of the older threads that the effect doesnt cut it down immedietly if the current hitpoints are still higher afterwards, it just makes them a lot easier to get further injuries. Only really a factor vs Unholds since the one thing that can temp injure them trivially (or at all) is a shamshir's Gash and some of the cutting ones have this effect
      HOWEVER, since unholds do regenerate a percentage of their max hp if you make it lower their survivability is still hampered because their turn to turn sustain is lowered. And you're still enabling executioner against an enemy where squeezing value out of KF is sort of difficult
      Other cutting injuries are also easily some of the best in the whole game which is some of the appeal of a shamshir user

      your guy will still be exposed to the other 2-3 nomad who goes after the first sand thrower, avoiding sand with relentless is only effective for damage and ini reduction, mdef not so much

      Huh. Good point. Though youre still probably looking at around 7-10 mdef
      Interesting dynamic between nomads and ini bros in general. Nomads can be very good at countering nimble due to 3 headed flails and whips if you forget and let them hit the man if his armor's stripped, ini bros beat the nomads on their own dirty relentless abuse game and can attack with impunity because they're not hampered by the huge dmg debuff of the thrown sand + are unbothered by stuns whom nomads love to go for. I really like nomads in general

  95. 2 years ago

    How does % of max HP injuries work in Battle Brothers?

    • 2 years ago

      They don't actually do anything in combat beyond reducing current hitpoints to the indicated value
      So if your dude has 100/100 and the injury has a 0.7* mult it's now 70/100
      Max HP is only reduced afterwards, outside of combat

      • 2 years ago

        Wait, so cutting injuries on unholds decrease hp instantly if he was over as they should?
        Well that changes things

        • 2 years ago


          I thought they fixed this in the middle east expansion

          No, it's intended too, idk why

      • 2 years ago

        I thought they fixed this in the middle east expansion

  96. 2 years ago

    >The ranged guy has bloodthirsty.

  97. 2 years ago

    One of these days I'll figure out how to not be shit at this game and actually get to something other than murdering bandits.

    • 2 years ago

      You can do it anon i believe in you

    • 2 years ago

      honestly bandits are my favourite part of the game

  98. 2 years ago

    >nomad executioner just rolled bellow 5 and oneshoted my full hp tank through 300/300 armor

    • 2 years ago

      >One wrong roll either wipes your campaign or sets into motion a downward spiral from which you can't recover
      At least your heavy armour should be recoverable.

      What are some good early game items to buy and sell for profit?

      If you're talking trade goods, all of them are supposed to be supplementary so there's no real answer. Your main source of income should revolve around fighting. If you only trade, you're liable to have a bunch of under-levelled shitters. Trade goods are more of a "well I was heading that way anyway so I'll pick something up for the next time I'm in a City".

      • 2 years ago

        >Trade goods are more of a "well I was heading that way anyway so I'll pick something up for the next time I'm in a City".
        Do things sell at a higher price in cities?

        • 2 years ago

          Buy and sell yes
          Size 1 : 0.95
          Size 2 : 1.02
          Size 3 : 1.1
          Added to this is (Number of attached locations * 0.03), bigger towns have more of them

        • 2 years ago

          Buying prices are lower in villages and selling prices are higher in cities. Those benefits increase as your relationship with said place increases. I'm not sure how it works for keeps / citadels etc. though.

          Although, prices are also affected by supply.
          >General price increase: ambushed trade routes etc.
          >Specific price increase: Incense event, reconstructing effects lumber prices etc.
          >General price decrease: well supplied etc.
          >Specific price decrease: fish haul etc.

          Lastly, prices are affected by whether or not the city produces the resource itself. No point trying to sell furs in a city that produces them.

    • 2 years ago

      >Haha nine lives is a bad skill
      Who is laughing now

      • 2 years ago

        nine lives? more like nine wieners (in ur mouth lol)
        gedda frick outta here with your lame ass perks b***hass nigguhr

    • 2 years ago
  99. 2 years ago

    What are some good early game items to buy and sell for profit?

  100. 2 years ago

    game badly needs more content for mid-post humanoid armor/weapon progression, once you have you comp together it just become a camp busting famed item gacha and it gets boring so fast because getting uprages is so rare, game would benefit so much from semi scripted enemy storylines that garantees you named items in exchange for fighting special enemy camp encounters or harder enemies, kinda like how you can always fight the ice cave guy and get a named cleaver
    something like a splice betwen hoggart and ice cave, you could get some enemy faction characters spawn on world gen that would essentially be stronger champions and would carry specific gear, maybe max roll named or just always carry the same named type weapon
    with special location encounter that would culminate in you fighting them and getting the gear
    >brothers bandit leaders
    >first contract spawns in a town with ambushed roads and its like a normal ambushed road quest but tells you that x brigand leader, brother of x is leading the attacks
    >you go and do the fight that has a special champion in it
    >you get paid and get told an approximate location of were the other brother is
    >you can go find it or if you wait long enough an event might pop up were the other brothers attacks you with a bigger force that otherwise would had if you would have go and found his camp
    end result you get to fight 2 stronger than normal champion enemies and get 2 named items as reward, this would be one per campaign contract for every special enemy faction character, lets say 3 special characters per faction, that would curb up the boring named farm so much and add more smooth progression into the game, they could even make some encounters really challenging to add an in betwen for normal camps and legendary locations

    • 2 years ago

      >you know what the game needs? to be even more formulaic

      • 2 years ago

        why would that be a bad thing?
        its better than being at day 200 with 5 named shields 2named weapon that are unusable and the only prospect being grind more camps and get lucky with gacha rolls, its a state were the game falls apart and there is barely any fun left, specially if you are having shit luck
        its a big waste because good named weapons are really rewarding to get and extremly fun to use and build arround
        the only other option that i see is to increase the base spawn chance for human/undead champions, being that even with bounty hunter they are rare because those aforementioned faction can only spawn elite enemies as champs(leaders,fallen heroes and so on) so a 4% for a champ is even lower when that units only spawn in small numbers. the only exeption being chosen/Aguards that are fielded in bigger numbers and as such are more commonly seen as champions albeit still rarerely(orcs/goblins are the best example, because their basic units can become a champ it makes it extremly common to see them with champs)
        this game has a huge gap between first crisis/day100 and clearing legendary locations, and the only thing between that gap is grinding camps mindlesly wich gets really boring if you spend enough hours into the game
        i can see why devs neglected that part so much being that most player never get past the getting good/mastering the game and if they do usually just play for the first hundred days to try and clear first crisis, but that is barely a challenge once you get used to the game

        • 2 years ago

          just stack blocks in descending order of size or something dude, give in to your hidden desires and quit fricking up perfectly good games

          • 2 years ago

            >perfectly good games
            anything but, all that i said in my last post about passing past day 100 is a big example, if anything its a great game with great potential, that was left badly unfinished and in dire need of more content on 1.0, luckly the DLCs filled in some of this aspects but is still has room for improvements and further content
            >just stack blocks in descending order of size or something dude, give in to your hidden desires
            if youd rather make one sentence ironic remarks posts instead of discussing about the game you can go to Ganker

            Dont think that we need more fixed fights since they somewhat go against the spirit of the game. Instead they need to make a pass over several things, mainly contract (forks) and events to make this portion of the game more interesting. Theres a lot that arent seen often so you might not even know they're there
            >clear graveyard contract (triple skull and on like day 200)
            >find something afterwards
            >the guy tells me theres been a necromancer of whom theyre scared shitless and that he's been harassing them, option to accept to go after him
            >do so and a new camp spawns with like 3 necromancers and an entire army of fallen heroes (cant remember if there were champions or geists)
            It was really memorable but you just dont see it. Same how there actually is a system for controlling friendly npcs, one contract fork of village defence will give you militia under direct command, but its never used otherwise. Or how you never defend a location outside of holy war
            Also the northernmost noble house has something cool for you to do that only they can provide (barbarian king contract) whilst the middle and southern really dont. Same in the city states you just hunt ifrits and take triple skull nomad jobs for the crazy fights those can bring
            You're 100% right about champion frequency since i dont think ive seen a single brigand leader champ in my entire life, why they correctly assigned a higher value to warlords and barb kings but not to the rest of the rares is a mystery

            >Dont think that we need more fixed fights
            the whole more fixed fights, is more of an idea that i threw around on how to fill the gaps between when you finish equipping your squad with what normal enemies can drop and start getting named items, initially thats why they added champions but it still feels lacking, i can see why too many scripted events can be detrimental to this game, that aside i think both icecave and oathtaker skull events are done well enough and dont take away from the game so 2 or 3 scripted location events for guaranted named weapons wouldnt hurt
            >expand contracts forks
            yes, lots of cool stuff can happen in contract forks that remains wildly unused and relegated to a cool rare interaction
            that and adding late game forks like the necromancer follow up contract with guaranteed/increased spawn % champions would be really good and give you a reason to still do some contracts past mid game
            >barbarian king contract
            thats also one big thing that they could do, barbarian king contracts are cool and have a big chance of having a champ but they are somewhat rare and are only given in the north, having it be aviable in regional variants would be a good improvement

            • 2 years ago

              Problem is sort of figuring out what sort of contract each other house could give that'd fit in this "regional unique" category
              Maybe they could get assigned based on noble house personality? You know, the randomized description thing that may or may not already have some influence on the game but its not noticable beyond how much of a c**t some lords are
              Speaking of i threw around the idea of faction modifiers based on these that'd tweak their army in some way before and ill say it again

              southern and nobles crisis are pretty kino if you can manage to bait multiple parties into unconventional terrain like hills or mountains, I once played the king of the hills against 60 troops of two hostile houses, it was fricking great raining bolts down the hill while my guys smashed whoever approaches, unfortunately the opposite happens frequently (what did 5 marksmen say to the face?) so I tend to avoid these places unless Im looking for a challenge


              What are considered musts for the retinue? Is the bounty hunter worth it?

              Scout is the only one who'd i deem universally accepted as essential
              I really like lookout and cook too though many look down on latter
              Bounty hunter is hard to measure since you'll never know if a champion spanwed by him or naturally unless you get him before day 100, but its more named items so yes

            • 2 years ago

              >perfectly good games
              you're either ESL or the biggest sperg in the anglosphere if you have a problem with my use of perfectly there
              this is why you're getting flippant oneliners as your main source of engagement, because you're too autistic to be worth engaging with on a serious level
              wind your neck in, dickhead

              • 2 years ago

                what are you even on about, if anything you are the one sperging out right now

    • 2 years ago

      why would that be a bad thing?
      its better than being at day 200 with 5 named shields 2named weapon that are unusable and the only prospect being grind more camps and get lucky with gacha rolls, its a state were the game falls apart and there is barely any fun left, specially if you are having shit luck
      its a big waste because good named weapons are really rewarding to get and extremly fun to use and build arround
      the only other option that i see is to increase the base spawn chance for human/undead champions, being that even with bounty hunter they are rare because those aforementioned faction can only spawn elite enemies as champs(leaders,fallen heroes and so on) so a 4% for a champ is even lower when that units only spawn in small numbers. the only exeption being chosen/Aguards that are fielded in bigger numbers and as such are more commonly seen as champions albeit still rarerely(orcs/goblins are the best example, because their basic units can become a champ it makes it extremly common to see them with champs)
      this game has a huge gap between first crisis/day100 and clearing legendary locations, and the only thing between that gap is grinding camps mindlesly wich gets really boring if you spend enough hours into the game
      i can see why devs neglected that part so much being that most player never get past the getting good/mastering the game and if they do usually just play for the first hundred days to try and clear first crisis, but that is barely a challenge once you get used to the game

      Dont think that we need more fixed fights since they somewhat go against the spirit of the game. Instead they need to make a pass over several things, mainly contract (forks) and events to make this portion of the game more interesting. Theres a lot that arent seen often so you might not even know they're there
      >clear graveyard contract (triple skull and on like day 200)
      >find something afterwards
      >the guy tells me theres been a necromancer of whom theyre scared shitless and that he's been harassing them, option to accept to go after him
      >do so and a new camp spawns with like 3 necromancers and an entire army of fallen heroes (cant remember if there were champions or geists)
      It was really memorable but you just dont see it. Same how there actually is a system for controlling friendly npcs, one contract fork of village defence will give you militia under direct command, but its never used otherwise. Or how you never defend a location outside of holy war
      Also the northernmost noble house has something cool for you to do that only they can provide (barbarian king contract) whilst the middle and southern really dont. Same in the city states you just hunt ifrits and take triple skull nomad jobs for the crazy fights those can bring
      You're 100% right about champion frequency since i dont think ive seen a single brigand leader champ in my entire life, why they correctly assigned a higher value to warlords and barb kings but not to the rest of the rares is a mystery

      • 2 years ago

        southern and nobles crisis are pretty kino if you can manage to bait multiple parties into unconventional terrain like hills or mountains, I once played the king of the hills against 60 troops of two hostile houses, it was fricking great raining bolts down the hill while my guys smashed whoever approaches, unfortunately the opposite happens frequently (what did 5 marksmen say to the face?) so I tend to avoid these places unless Im looking for a challenge

    • 2 years ago

      >what we need is for every seed to have a large number of pre generated fights that are always the same and with the same loot drops
      >this will make the game more fresh and less repetitive.
      Sounds good chief. When is your game coming out so I know not to play it.

      • 2 years ago


        >perfectly good games
        anything but, all that i said in my last post about passing past day 100 is a big example, if anything its a great game with great potential, that was left badly unfinished and in dire need of more content on 1.0, luckly the DLCs filled in some of this aspects but is still has room for improvements and further content
        >just stack blocks in descending order of size or something dude, give in to your hidden desires
        if youd rather make one sentence ironic remarks posts instead of discussing about the game you can go to Ganker
        >Dont think that we need more fixed fights
        the whole more fixed fights, is more of an idea that i threw around on how to fill the gaps between when you finish equipping your squad with what normal enemies can drop and start getting named items, initially thats why they added champions but it still feels lacking, i can see why too many scripted events can be detrimental to this game, that aside i think both icecave and oathtaker skull events are done well enough and dont take away from the game so 2 or 3 scripted location events for guaranted named weapons wouldnt hurt
        >expand contracts forks
        yes, lots of cool stuff can happen in contract forks that remains wildly unused and relegated to a cool rare interaction
        that and adding late game forks like the necromancer follow up contract with guaranteed/increased spawn % champions would be really good and give you a reason to still do some contracts past mid game
        >barbarian king contract
        thats also one big thing that they could do, barbarian king contracts are cool and have a big chance of having a champ but they are somewhat rare and are only given in the north, having it be aviable in regional variants would be a good improvement

  101. 2 years ago

    Pathfinder? lmao find a path to gtfo of here with that shit perk

    • 2 years ago

      I take it on my ranged guys because I thought it'd help with getting them on a good highground, am I doing it wrong?

  102. 2 years ago

    >Your newly-hired recruit gets bopped and develops a permanent injury which destroys your plans for him but you keep him around as fodder anyway which leads to a situation in which every time you look at him you feel nothing but disgust but you need to be strong for the company's sake.

    • 2 years ago


  103. 2 years ago

    vanilla perk tree is so dull and cringe compared to the ptr-legends one its unreal

    • 2 years ago

      isnt ptr broken as frick

      • 2 years ago

        it is but its fun to build uberbros that can oneshot unholds or tear apart a lindwurm in a single turn

        • 2 years ago

          Thats fair
          I wonder if its compatible with the hexen origin mod, i played that when it also supported vanilla

        • 2 years ago

          vanilla perk tree is so dull and cringe compared to the ptr-legends one its unreal

          Unlimited perks/levels or did Legends change something?

          • 2 years ago

            you get 1 perk every 4 lvls past lvl 11 i think and you can also gain 1 perk from camp trainings

  104. 2 years ago

    What are considered musts for the retinue? Is the bounty hunter worth it?

    • 2 years ago

      Only retinue I'd consider must have is paymaster, purely to prevent the bullshit wage increase event.

      • 2 years ago

        Just dont hire sellswords lol

        • 2 years ago

          I'm talking about the 30k wage increase, you're forced into either an extra 2-3 crowns per bro, or half your guys become greedy.
          Also sellswords make good hybrid bros.

          • 2 years ago

            Ive never had that fire off and even if it did how much of an impact will it have really
            The sellsword one that paymaster also prevents is where he gets a better offer and has you either increase his wage, let him go, or try to talk him out of it which has a chance to work or to fail depending on his level (100% succ on 10) which sort of means that if you powerlevel a guy quickly (which you should be able to do at that point) he might be guaranteed to accept to stay by the time the event happens
            Suppose paymaster is sort of an enabler for hiring more sellswords than usual sort of how blacksmith is an enabler for using named shields every fight since it doesnt matter if they break

            • 2 years ago

              >Ive never had that fire off and even if it did how much of an impact will it have really
              It's 4 extra gold per bro, so about 10 extra gold after 10 levels. It more or less works out to you paying for one or two extra bros. Since its chance to fire is directly based on how much gold you have, it's possible to avoid it by staying under 30k when possible. Course, that prevents some stuff, like the 50k ambition, buying more than one or two famed items at a time.
              It's just personally annoying to deal with, fricks you over if you're doing well.

    • 2 years ago

      Trader has great synergy with merchant caravan origin. I like Negotiator, you can make nice money from even the shittiest contracts.

    • 2 years ago

      Scout. Gotta go fast.
      Everyone else is optional.
      I am running cook + surgeon and every injury just quickly disappears. Great if you're limited to 12 bros. I'd definitely go for the paymaster if I was running a bigger origin.

  105. 2 years ago

    everyone is playing cultists wrong

    • 2 years ago

      no idea what you mean but i disagree

      • 2 years ago

        consider the additional fatigue recovery
        now ponder on it further

        • 2 years ago

          >cultist stamina + iron lungs + optionaI potion
          I actually cheated to get a guy all this and it is godly.
          Don't know how viable it is in a legit playthrough especially with how much Davkul likes to troll you with sacrifices.

          • 2 years ago

            Even the plus 2 aint useless since it gives mastery 1hswords fatigue neutrality which is a big big deal. Can also function as a shitty version of lungs for mansplitter and zerk chain on non rough terrain with pathfinder sort of like Athletic but you need to be careful and switch gear around on that setup whilst lungs just uses em no hassle
            Real shit starts when combining lungs and that plus 2 since with mastery it makes a whole bunch of duelist weapons fat neutral, think all of em except 1hhammers and the ork ones. You can also shieldwall forever because its 20 fatigue which can turn anyone into a competent tank as long as you give him shield expert and bags with spares so cultists never wanna throw away a lunged bro
            Combining lungs and the potion lets you attack twice with a normal 12 fatigue post mastery twohander which is only otherwise in the realm of named gear
            What you cant do is indom forever. Oathtakers, on the other hand, with that one oath that increases recovery by 3 as opposed to the Davkulite 2, when combined with lungs...

  106. 2 years ago

    >finally get the hang of the game
    >just got my first famed item
    >not a single bro is level 11
    >do like 2 quests for a noble house, both raiding their opposing faction
    >suddenly get the "you've won, do you wish to retire" event
    fug, that's kind of boring. do no other big events like that happen after winning a crisis?

    • 2 years ago

      A new crisis randomly picked emerges after like 60 to 80 days

      • 2 years ago

        ah cool. was kind of hoping the nobles at war thing would be more involved though. two measly raid missions kinda sucks

        • 2 years ago

          Usually you get at least a grand battle or three

          • 2 years ago

            Oh weird. I guess its because I started as raiders and only one of the factions were friendly towards me, or maybe just rng. oh well

    • 2 years ago

      did you play on beginner or something? every crisis I played usually last for at least 6-7 big contracts before winding down, did you just ignore the crisis and let it cool down?

  107. 2 years ago

    Is there a Legends fork without the cringe magic in it?

    • 2 years ago

      There's an option for that.
      But if that's not enough even vanilla has magical/supernatural stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      There's an option for that.
      But if that's not enough even vanilla has magical/supernatural stuff.

      i think they removed all magic stuff outside of 1 or 2 origins

  108. 2 years ago

    can you get the goblin ghillie suit?
    It looks very cool

  109. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      a.k.a. the "I'm having fun and I dare you to stop me" build.

      • 2 years ago

        not that anon but thats a solid build after the buffs

  110. 2 years ago

    Has anyone ran a battleforged qatal user
    Do you find yourself needing Recover

  111. 2 years ago

    is there a button to jump to my objective? It always takes me 2 minutes to find the town I gotta reach

    • 2 years ago

      How hard is it to zoom out and look for a big, spinning circle?

    • 2 years ago

      How hard is it to zoom out and look for a big, spinning circle?

      • 2 years ago

        >so many cheat mods

        • 2 years ago

          what the frick are you talking about

          • 2 years ago

            >"named item chance"
            >can see the entire map real time

            • 2 years ago

              Ok yeah that first one is a cheat mod of sorts but i think the latter is just the game marking down the location for him like it normally does, plus you can see some fog that he didnt explore so theres no infinite vision
              Anyone who uses that show named items percent is probably also using the other cournocopia of trash that f*ilthy r*bot recommends though and most of those are real cheat mods

              • 2 years ago

                Then let's agree to disagree to a certain level and accept it at that

            • 2 years ago

              >named item chance is cheat
              ther other one is the undead crisis contract showing the location

            • 2 years ago

              named item chance is not a random stat
              all camps have a base chance based on what type they are and an added chance based on how far away from the closest settlement they are
              if im about to clear the 5th warlord camp in a row i rather go for the one that has 68% chance to have a named than the one with 53% chance(warlord camps have a base 33% chance to have a named), i can alredy speculate wich one of the two has the higher chance based how far away they are from the closest settlement, the mod only quanitifies that speculation
              you are not gonna see a bandit camp at the side of the road and its gonna say 100% named chance because it spawned with a named item in it, base chance on bandit camps is -1%, its gonna say something like 2-4% named chance, if it actually rolled on the chance to spawn with a named item thats a diferent thing completly.
              the second one is not a mod, the contract is revelaing the camp

              • 2 years ago

                >named item chance is cheat
                ther other one is the undead crisis contract showing the location

                You're cheating.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Glad you admit to it.

              • 2 years ago

                how so?

              • 2 years ago

                Installing cheat mods

              • 2 years ago

                how so?

              • 2 years ago

                where would someone even find these cheat mods? I need to know so I can block that website

              • 2 years ago

                haha no worries my friends I will spare you from ever finding it by not mentioning it. For you, habibi.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                thank you brother, I will definitely african americanlist this website

              • 2 years ago

                Show named item chance is just kind of stupid since thats one of the things that the game shouldnt demystify for the player because all it leads to is you getting annoyed if theres no named item inside and the tooltip gave you a good percentage. You should try to fight everything anyhow

              • 2 years ago

                its easy to have a rough idea of the named chance of a camp if you read the wiki, very little mystery there, the mod doesnt affect how you play early to mid game, you still clear stuff and play as one normally would, seing the chance doesnt make you picky about what you fight, mid camps that everyone normally clear always have arround 10-20 chance for named
                once you can clear everything and dont need anything off normal enemies there is little reason to not choose what to clear, thats were the mod really shines, fighting every camp you see at that point makes the game an unbearable boring grind, with the mod its still a boring grind but it becomes more managable

              • 2 years ago

                >all it leads to is you getting annoyed if theres no named item inside and the tooltip gave you a good percentage
                >he doesn't just laugh at bad RNG

  112. 2 years ago

    >How hard is it to zoom out and look for a big, spinning circle?

    • 2 years ago

      >>How hard is it to zoom out and look for a big, spinning circle?

  113. 2 years ago

    AHEM, *clink clink clink* *CLANK* *glass breaks*
    Nimble is way better than battle forged. Battle forged is only worth it if you have named/unique armour, otherwise it's bad because regular heavy armour sucks.

  114. 2 years ago

    >Random event involving a spider on a guy's shoe kills one of my bros and tanks the entire party's morale
    what is this horseshit.

    • 2 years ago

      its all a dream

      • 2 years ago

        Well, I guess that I've made an ass out of myself.

        Any beginner guides / tips / common mistakes for this game?

        While it's easier to give advice in response to specific scenarios, off the top of my head:

        1. You should split your focus between three things: your renown, your bros' level and your gear. If you're under-levelled in any of these, you're going to eventually spin out.

        2. Ma <60? Spear. Ma 60-~70? Sword. Above 70 you could consider other weapons. Same as Ra; Low Ra gets crossbows while high Ra gets bows.

        3.Shields are essential early game.

        4. If you're near a fishing town, Nets can help with
        both crowd control and making an enemy easier to hit.

    • 2 years ago
  115. 2 years ago

    Any beginner guides / tips / common mistakes for this game?

    • 2 years ago

      play, wipe, rinse and repeat
      early game, 2hand spear/flail with FA and andrenaline can enable your shitters to punch way above their weight and make room for potential prospects when they die.
      swords are not worth using until arming sword.
      early game bandits may not wear helmets or some shitty head wrap, flail can put them down with ease.
      surround bonuses are no joke, if you have range advantage, enemies will get right up into your face, 2 tiles away, pick an isolated guy, you can get up to 4 guys into his face, he will suffer 3 morale checks, and 3 stacks of surround bonus for 15%, combined with above strategy can net you some clean kills before the enemies have a chance to react.
      otherwise you can also walk back your men to more favorable terrains (chokepoints, high ground), once you settle in, use spearwall to delay enemy approach and funnel them into killzones, each turn they spend moving is a turn they are exosed to range weapons, you can easily wipe half the enemy party and collapse your fresh frontliners into a battered and scattered enemy composition.
      human enemies may bring polearms, prioritize the polearm enemies first.
      they may also bring throwing weapons which can mean a bad time for your bros, send someone to engage with them to stop that.
      >common mistake
      liabilities should die and mistake should be punished, if you savescum you may end up with half your company being sub-par shitters that will collapse sooner than later under more serious threats, leaving no time or oppoturnity for better prospects, and you may get the impression that certain dumb ideas are infact viable when because you savescummed when you got punished for it.
      dont engage hillside bandit/gob camps unless you know what you're doing.

  116. 2 years ago

    Ok bros, I trying now fire superiority company.
    8 brothers shooting
    4 tank bros.
    I plan 2 crossbown bros, 4 archers and 2 throwers. It sounds good or bad?
    ALL my bros will have pathfinder perk to outrun enemies and to use terrain to my advantage.
    And of course I took the Noble War crisis.

    • 2 years ago

      Also you'd probably want footwork and to go peasant militia with this since then the ratio of frontline to backline is a lot better even id its harder to find great shooters due to no hunters
      Id make the bowmen into polearm hybrids

      • 2 years ago

        4 is not nearly enough, enemy will filter through the gap, you had better bring a lot of dogs if you decide to go with that comp, also prepare to get filtered by orcs and barb camps, 2 throwers are reduntdant when you have 4 archers for hard targets, it's better to build 4 fearsome overwhelming gunners for soft targets. drop pathfinder, bring footwork and dogs
        poacher can work if you take FA

        militia and 16 archers(or gunners)

        I will see, I must first get enough money to get guns

    • 2 years ago

      4 is not nearly enough, enemy will filter through the gap, you had better bring a lot of dogs if you decide to go with that comp, also prepare to get filtered by orcs and barb camps, 2 throwers are reduntdant when you have 4 archers for hard targets, it's better to build 4 fearsome overwhelming gunners for soft targets. drop pathfinder, bring footwork and dogs

      Also you'd probably want footwork and to go peasant militia with this since then the ratio of frontline to backline is a lot better even id its harder to find great shooters due to no hunters
      Id make the bowmen into polearm hybrids

      poacher can work if you take FA

    • 2 years ago

      militia and 16 archers(or gunners)

  117. 2 years ago

    Wtf ive come across a letsplay by some russian autismo trying to play the game without ever entering a town with manhunters

  118. 2 years ago

    >archers always have shit chance to hit
    this is lame

  119. 2 years ago

    is this worth spending 9k and being broke for a while

    • 2 years ago

      >Named long axe
      Yes, yes it is

    • 2 years ago

      no lmao named longaxe are a very niche buy, only when they roll on head and damage, otherwise save your money

    • 2 years ago

      not really, that extra chance to hit head makes it so you split your damage more wich sucks on high armor enemies making it so it takes longer to kill them, the -fat wep skill is nice but its a 2h 6ap wep so the impact is not that big
      its sligthly better/worst than a regular one depending on the enemy

      >day 15
      >3 skull contract
      >6 cutthroats
      >3 outlaws
      >gets pic related

      big, getting a named early from a small camp is one of the best feelings in the game
      how did the hammer roll?

      • 2 years ago

        rolled on damage and ignore, too bad all my guys suck shit, maybe ill find a cheap hedgie for it

        • 2 years ago

          >playing the hedge knight lottery before you have nothing better to spend money on

          • 2 years ago

            >hiring good recruits bad
            only thing worth spending your big money on, everything else you get off enemies

            • 2 years ago

              This greatly depends on context and state of the company, really often in these threads people seem to sit on 15k and then arent sure what to spend it on when their equipment is badly in need of an immediete upgrade if they'd want to keep snowballing
              Also it sounds like he's gonna hold off on getting a decicated user of such a good weapon until he rolls well on the greediest most expensive background which is an awful idea since its hampering how much faster it could be put to use

    • 2 years ago

      Hell no
      Bonus to hit head is much better nowadays than before
      Fatigue reduction is possibly interesting if its at minus 3 but worthless without a certain degree of game knowledge
      Both would like to be combined with higher base damage which this doesnt have so its just a base longaxe with two supportive traits
      Consider that a top of the line standard weapon costs like 2000-3000 crowns tops (and you want to be using store bought 2h hammers and 2h maces) or that for the same money you could buy some actual good armor and then have everyone else get an upgrade too through hand me downs

  120. 2 years ago

    >day 15
    >3 skull contract
    >6 cutthroats
    >3 outlaws
    >gets pic related

    • 2 years ago

      I haven't gotten anything good from camps yet even ones with brigand leaders

  121. 2 years ago

    battle brothers website

  122. 2 years ago

    It always hurts to lose one of your OG guys

  123. 2 years ago

    >20+ webknechts
    No thank you.

    • 2 years ago

      Just use dogs

    • 2 years ago

      >double grip falchions/arming swords/anything no shields on anyone full offense
      its that easy

  124. 2 years ago

    Seriously dont be afraid of spiders if its not literaly day 3 they cant do anything unless they gangrape 1 webbed man
    And if its day 3 there'll be like 5 of them and no egg

  125. 2 years ago

    I'm currently in the middle of the greenskin crisis and it's been my first crisis so far. I've got the greenskin ambition and it says that I'm winning. Do I just need to wait it out while continuing to complete crisis-related contracts? Is there something that I'm supposed to do or somewhere I'm supposed to go? Some of the contracts have involved Orc Warlords but I've not taken them because I was healing & repairing at the time.

    • 2 years ago

      Just keep doing contracts yeah

  126. 2 years ago

    Snakes are much worse than spiders tbh

    • 2 years ago

      Serpents are supposed to be mid tier beasts like unholds
      Ill say that ifrits are probably the most managable of the top tier monsters though

    • 2 years ago

      annoying fricks love to grapple that one weak guy and rape it to death in the back with their moisty cloacas

  127. 2 years ago

    >kicking enemy's ass
    >they're near death
    >suddenly become unhittable and have perfect accuracy
    every time

  128. 2 years ago

    Algorithm showed me this, bretty funny

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Very nice gif, anon. Hope you don't mind if I save it.

  129. 2 years ago

    >Lure ifrits to a roaming party, making it a 41 vs 12 fight.
    >Mortar Ai is fricked up, game hangs on the mortar's turn on turn 1.
    >Retreating instantly is the only workaround to avoid softlocking the game
    Thanks devs, very cool.

  130. 2 years ago

    I'm new to this game but I just want to say one thing
    Frick these guys.

    • 2 years ago

      nets turn their fight into the easiest one in the game

    • 2 years ago

      Skill issue, as you'll realize when you fight them more and figure out their dynamic

      • 2 years ago

        I know it's a skill issue, I just needed to vent.

        nets turn their fight into the easiest one in the game

        I figured they'd just teleport through them, good to know for the future though

    • 2 years ago

      one of the easiest fights in the game
      form a tight circle, pull polearms on all your men and they become a wackamole carrousel that just keeps teleporting on hitting range arround your men

  131. 2 years ago


  132. 2 years ago

    hate the 1 chip dmg to shields, love dem schrat indestructible shield
    just wish it had more durability

  133. 2 years ago

    *sniff**sniff* That wouldn't happen to be a front line you've got there, would it anon?

    • 2 years ago

      >*sniff**sniff* That wouldn't happen to be a-ACK!

  134. 2 years ago

    What are the stats a gunner bro should excel in? Ratk, ini, and resolve?

    • 2 years ago

      Though Fearsome's good even without too much investment on a weapon that has such potential to +is ass on getting through armor (the chip damage trigger can happen on every attack of an aoe)
      Some might tell you overwhelm is not good but they are very wrong

  135. 2 years ago

    should I bother hanging onto him in case I get one of those things that can cure permanent injuries
    feels bad man

    • 2 years ago

      No, you should bother hanging onto him because you don't have a high-level replacement and purposefully handicapping yourself is stupid. So what if he has a broken knee? Slap shield mastery onto him and make him a disposable meat shield or stick him in the back row. Also, why give him backstab with such a high MA not to mention the +10% sword bonus?

    • 2 years ago

      What was his base mdef before
      But yes theres no reason to not use the water skin unless you intend to get a swordmaster, more so if you just wanna beat crisis

      No, you should bother hanging onto him because you don't have a high-level replacement and purposefully handicapping yourself is stupid. So what if he has a broken knee? Slap shield mastery onto him and make him a disposable meat shield or stick him in the back row. Also, why give him backstab with such a high MA not to mention the +10% sword bonus?

      Its a plus 5 on greatswords

      • 2 years ago

        >unless you intend to get a swordmaster
        funny you said that, was just looking at one and its stats are insane but I'll have to give up someone for him since I went with the lame LW origin
        guess the cripple will have to go. Even at level 1 this swordmaster has better stats

      • 2 years ago

        It's +10% on 1h swords. Why would you NOT put a shield on him with such a massive debuff?

    • 2 years ago

      no waterskin, your guy is now a fearsome reapspammer

  136. 2 years ago

    Are 2H Swords just better overall than Sword and Board (with proper stats)?

    • 2 years ago

      One is a big damage dealer build and the other is more of a tank

      It's +10% on 1h swords. Why would you NOT put a shield on him with such a massive debuff?

      The penalty is applied after the shield bonus so you're still getting a bad deal on any frontline duty with broken knee no matter what

    • 2 years ago

      2h is dps while sword and board is for tanking.
      It would be better to compare 2h and 1h double grip for damage.
      I'd still say 2h is better. Riposting with a named sword or jumping around with a rapier is really fun. Especially rapier as AI is just not built to position against it, but 1h falls off hard against very heavy things like unholds.

      • 2 years ago

        shamshir 1h sword bro can be useful against unholds because with cs mastery and gash you temp injure them every time for executioner and bonus damage for hp recution from some cutting injuries, but yea normal 1h sword duelist badly wants a named sword to be really good unless you're making one because theres a semi decent early lunged bro who needs the bonus to hit and you dont want him to go spear or something (1h spears swords and non ork cleavers are fat neutral with lungs)
        on that note named greatswords are beautiful to behold in action but good luck finding any

  137. 2 years ago

    >Savescum throughout my first campaign
    >Finally reach day 800
    Its fun cleaving through crowds of bozos with terminator bros but its time to start a serious campaign

  138. 2 years ago

    nimble duelist bro? he came with a fencing sword and man it is pretty fun

    • 2 years ago

      And no, you have fatigue stars so going battleforged of some kind isnt actually out of the question
      Swordmasters actually tend to make poor fencers because a fencer really wants to pump the hell out of his initiative because lunge does more dmg scaling off of it, so best fencers tend to be Oathtakers or Assassins
      You could go puncturespammer daggerbro since his obscene melee attack means he easily overcomes the inbuilt to-hit penalty. That builds a bit of an oddity though

      >throwing nets
      >never miss
      >50% roll to free yourself out of it and AP + fatigue consumption on every try
      Literally why?

      Its not 50% but a roll against your melee attack, and with each failed attempt you get a bonus of i think 15 for the next one
      Nets have to be good due to the nature of being a consumable, they can be really easy to buy in bulk if the seed has a lot of coastal towns but even then you cant just throw them around as much as you'd like. Sometimes theres not too many (or any) places to buy more than 1 or 2 because all settlments are not touching water
      If you made it go off ranged attack/ranged defence, they'd be shit since if you missed you'd lose a net
      If you made them weaker in debuffs, that'd nerf goblins and make swordmasters-bladedancers-assassins much more powerful unless you also nerfed them too

      • 2 years ago

        built for BGP Bottles of Goblin Poison

        • 2 years ago

          Current iteration of poison is roughly as gay as the meme you just used, its such a rare drop anyhow that i have no idea why they dont make it better for the player. Would incentivize people to go out and fight them more

          • 2 years ago

            would be nice to be able to apply it before battles or QH giving free aplication, nevertheless it's useful to have on a xbow/hybrid bro for a rainy day, every other elite enemies' got resilience anyway so it's not like there's a lot of opportunity to use it. shame it gets filtered so hard by resilient though, basically fricking useless.

            • 2 years ago

              Resilient makes it still minus 1 ap which can frick over warriors in theory since they have 8 ap instead of 9, i never tried it but on paper thats """"useful"""" on a puncturespammer
              Id be ok with it starting less intense but getting more charges and only losing charge when you actually proc the frickin thing instead of you losing them when whiffing too

    • 2 years ago

      >50 resolve
      >fat star
      >90 matk at lvl4
      >25 mdef
      fearsome reach hammer, cleaver&whip duelist, you can also do reach swordlance/warscythe to fricking annihilate enemy backliners and goblins, your cpny lacks delibitating damage dealers for heavy targets like unholds or orc warlords, so perhaps qh, bags duelist relentless qatal? your shield bros can net VIPs and tank while swordmaster work them one at a time, and duelist deathblow really is nothing to scoff at, will kill a fricking champion in like 2 hits after a little softening

  139. 2 years ago

    >throwing nets
    >never miss
    >50% roll to free yourself out of it and AP + fatigue consumption on every try
    Literally why?

    • 2 years ago

      A generous interpretation is that devs gave players nets to abuse against the enemy. Unfortunately, nets are the devs way of ignoring any balance issues. 1-2 bros with bags and belts will lock down any individual enemy, with the exception of like schrats, lindwurms, and unique bosses. Therefore, they can stack up as many stats and shit as they want, cause you can just net them and frick them up with polearms.

    • 2 years ago

      cost 4 ap use and they do no damage, you still need to kill whatever you neeted and the enemie will remove it in 1 or 2 turns, all other enemies are still arround you and if you dont make use of that window you just wasted time and resources to do nothing
      helps you take down specific enemies, helps dagger down armor, really strong early to mid game, in arenas and against singular strong enemies like sword masters, gets less relevant as the game goes on
      good item overall, not overpowered

      And no, you have fatigue stars so going battleforged of some kind isnt actually out of the question
      Swordmasters actually tend to make poor fencers because a fencer really wants to pump the hell out of his initiative because lunge does more dmg scaling off of it, so best fencers tend to be Oathtakers or Assassins
      You could go puncturespammer daggerbro since his obscene melee attack means he easily overcomes the inbuilt to-hit penalty. That builds a bit of an oddity though

      Its not 50% but a roll against your melee attack, and with each failed attempt you get a bonus of i think 15 for the next one
      Nets have to be good due to the nature of being a consumable, they can be really easy to buy in bulk if the seed has a lot of coastal towns but even then you cant just throw them around as much as you'd like. Sometimes theres not too many (or any) places to buy more than 1 or 2 because all settlments are not touching water
      If you made it go off ranged attack/ranged defence, they'd be shit since if you missed you'd lose a net
      If you made them weaker in debuffs, that'd nerf goblins and make swordmasters-bladedancers-assassins much more powerful unless you also nerfed them too

      +10% per failed atem

  140. 2 years ago

    the teleporting undead guys are Black folk

    • 2 years ago


  141. 2 years ago

    When are they gonna fix poison

  142. 2 years ago

    >Any fight can be won with the right tactics
    >Here's you 5 necrosavant ambush bro

    • 2 years ago

      >>Any fight can be won with the right tactics
      who are you quoting

      • 2 years ago

        Loading tip. I'm quoting it from memory, but that's the idea.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >that's a nice backline you have there, anon
      >would be a shame if something were to happen to it...
      >*teleports behind and one shots your entire backline*
      >*dodges almost every attack*
      >*has nine lives to survive the one time you hit them*
      heh, nuthin personnel, battle brother..

    • 2 years ago

      >abandon contract
      nothing personnel merchants

      • 2 years ago

        It wasn't a contract. It was a random ambush in the wild.

  143. 2 years ago

    >Have a ton of extra money
    >No named items in the shops
    >Broke as frick
    >Glowing orange items galore
    I think this game is doing this on purpose

  144. 2 years ago

    Is unarmed ever viable or is it a full meme

    • 2 years ago

      >damage 5-10 (10-20 for brawler)
      >-10 to hit
      >50% effectiveness against armor and 10% ignore
      Now consider the stats of the basic knife
      Only good thing you can say about punching is that its fatigue light

      • 2 years ago

        I thought maybe there was some named item that boosted unarmed damage that I hadn't found yet

  145. 2 years ago

    new DLC WHEN, I want muh asians and mongol themed bandits

    • 2 years ago

      announcement in 2 weeks

    • 2 years ago

      I think if they ever make 1 more dlc itll be some sort of byzantine-italian empire remnant thing that uses nimbleforged+some sort of mechanical tweak to make those 2 interact better with mundane armor
      Barbutes are described as being an uncommon design in this part of the world implying that it had to come from somehwere, same as how that wording was used for the shamshir. Golden scales and other eastern rome styled gear likewise says it comes from some far of region

      • 2 years ago

        >living remnants of the undead empire
        noice would buy

      • 2 years ago

        sounds cool, if they werent doing a new game id say they might even do a DLC like that if they read your idea
        the base of WoTN DLC is based on some guy suggestion

  146. 2 years ago

    I've been playing this game for two years, and I can say with full responsibility, that it's stupid, the curve goes to the moon and if you uffer any setback on the way there, you've lost, and dice are stacked stupidly high against you.

  147. 2 years ago

    is 5 nimble bros too many in a LW party (limited to 12 total)?
    Somehow ended up like that. Have yet to take on any legendary locations or even particularly hard locations so I'm a little worried they might be holding me back

    • 2 years ago

      not really, depends on how you use them, its fine for monolith and sunken library, goblin city is a bit more anoying for nimble and they tend to eat shit there

      • 2 years ago

        also ill add that its not inherently bad as much as BF just being better, specially in drawn out fights wich all legendary locations are

        • 2 years ago

          Bf brothers feel more durable because high armor is good, as for the perk itself it gives you way less value than nimble which is an enabler for hp tanking to work in the first place
          This is a whole topic onto itself that gets more complicated when indom, initiative, fatigue, named armors of all sorts and enemy attacks start to get considered

          • 2 years ago

            bf feels more durable because its inherently more durable, there is no high armor whitout bf, the perk works in conjunction with armor and at its best is better than nimble
            nimble is a frontloaded perk, it gives all its value as soon as you take and it doesnt need any gear to work, that alone makes it one of the stronger perks in the game even if it gets outperfomed by bf late

            • 2 years ago

              We are getting into pedantic autism when we arent even strictly disagreeing but that suits me just fine
              >bf feels more durable because its inherently more durable
              No, bf isnt "inherently" more durable because inherently (without proper equipment) its effect is negligable
              >there is no high armor whitout bf
              Ork warriors exist, whilst its not recommended you can also skip bf if you have a reason to
              Its not like brawny where skipping it might be a reasonable thing to do, but its there. You can just wear good armor and get less but still probably adequate protection though itd drain tools a lot quicker which isnt good
              >the perk works in conjunction with armor
              As does nimble assuming armor ignoring damage is happening
              >and at its best is better than nimble
              Yes and it better be all things considered
              Doesnt mean that nimble (or nimble frontliners) dont work or even "fall off" all that hard when we consider named armor exists, its just important to say so new people dont start to think that

              >Key to funneling experience is putting people in reserve
              Just feed them potions and dump them in reserve?

              The potion doesnt give them xp it works like the training ground buff in that it increases experience gained for x battles, think its like doubled for 3
              Whenever an enemy gets killed by a brother the one who landed the final blow will get a portion of its xp value and the rest gets redistributed amonst the rest of the company
              So if you win a fight with less people fielded more of the experience will go to those you want it to

              worth or no
              my best armor rn is the one the LW starts with only with an armor add on that bumps it up to 290 dura or something like that

              Its a good armor because its a very light coat of plates
              Would be it be good use of your money is another question entierly because for 30k you can get 3 of those, and they are by far the most expensive and overpriced piece of normal armor around
              Lone wolf also wants a better helmet quite badly since his starter is sort of shit on top of being hideous unlike the sellsword armor which can be solid throughout when given that sort of durability bump with an attachment, and helmets are generally cheaper so you have no excuse

              • 2 years ago

                >isnt inherently more durable
                at the basis of how it works its inherently more durable, one gives all its benefits right away and the other one is a scaling perk
                >as does nimble
                nimble doesnt need anything special to start taking full effect, it gives you 100% of its benefits regardless of what you have as soon as you get it, bf only gives returns as you add more armor and as such it works in conjunction with gear

    • 2 years ago

      >Have yet to take on any legendary locations or even particularly hard locations
      Yeah thats why you think nimble bad
      Its fiiiine

  148. 2 years ago

    I wish respeccing wasn't so difficult in this game. I finished the first crisis for the first time so my bros are fine but their perks are all fricked up and it's giving me an easy out to restart. It'll suck giving up all these great two handed weapons and go back to using trash though.

    • 2 years ago

      You can powerlevel to 7 quite quickly because the amount of xp to reach the next one increases exponentialy, and when you have the money it goes quicker because of southern xp potion
      Key to funneling experience is putting people in reserve

      • 2 years ago

        >Key to funneling experience is putting people in reserve
        Just feed them potions and dump them in reserve?

  149. 2 years ago

    worth or no
    my best armor rn is the one the LW starts with only with an armor add on that bumps it up to 290 dura or something like that

    • 2 years ago

      not really, you get more value out of buying regular 300 armor, named armor over 300 gets really expensive and tends to not be worth buying as you usually get them for free off camps and regular 300-320 armor with +40 atachment is a way cheaper option in the meanwhile

    • 2 years ago

      >24 fat cop
      nimbleforged time

      • 2 years ago

        Not at 30k crowns

  150. 2 years ago

    >can't find a single person with decent ranged skills

    • 2 years ago

      if you have 0 forest on a map ranged nomads can still fill in since i think only hunters have more rattak starting than them
      then again all ranged backgrounds can sort of do it, non ranged need a good roll and stars to be able to keep up

  151. 2 years ago

    im rich for the first time. do you guys ever get rich?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      eh, from time to time

  152. 2 years ago

    >founding member of the company gets two permanent injuries
    >don't have the heart to kick him out

    • 2 years ago

      >Not kicking then hiring the drill sergeant

    • 2 years ago

      go for the 3 injury chevo

  153. 2 years ago

    ive never gotten any retinue members before and now i have 3 of them in my current game. im gonna play until the paymaster pays for itself!

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