battle brothers thread

get in here crownlings, discuss the game as ususal

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  1. 2 years ago

    Ok, I got to ask:
    Are kophesh good, bad or just a gimmick? They are this awkward weapon that has no clear-cut position in the gear progression and thus is super-frustrating to decide if it's even worth keeping.

    • 2 years ago

      Kophesh are fricking good anon, and since its a cleaver, it is the best duelist weapon on the game. They have high attack, high armor penetration, and high armor destruction on top of decapiation which is an incredible skill. They are also light on fatigue. They are also very easy to find since. Sure orc cleavers(named) may be superior but regular khopesh are better than regular orc cleavers.

      • 2 years ago

        There are named orc cleavers?

        • 2 years ago


          Kophesh are fricking good anon, and since its a cleaver, it is the best duelist weapon on the game. They have high attack, high armor penetration, and high armor destruction on top of decapiation which is an incredible skill. They are also light on fatigue. They are also very easy to find since. Sure orc cleavers(named) may be superior but regular khopesh are better than regular orc cleavers.

          Decapitation is VERY good on high HP enemies.

    • 2 years ago

      A khopesh is a military cleaver that loses a tiny bit of base damage in order to get better effectiveness against armor (and has dumped durability which may or may not be relevant), so the answer for both is the same
      From memory a military cleaver double gripped has roughly similar damage as a two handed shamshir. Like the other anon said the appeal of 1h cleavers is taking advantage of duelist and the fact that they're lighter, which is quite nice since Decapitate is indeed very very good.
      Appeal of 2h cleavers is the greater base stats and that they have 1 more perk to spend since they're not inclined to take duelist, which is also good because cleaverbros have a few options for luxury points to spend like qh for easy whipping or reach advantage or headhunter if you wanna try to get some abnormaly strong decapitates when you get a stack of HH.
      Orc cleavers might seem the best of both worlds since they get comparable damage to 2h when gripped and can go duelist but also take the worst traits of both as well since you need a perk and are the heaviest of them all to equip and use, you wont be able to decap nearly as much or even make basic swings before needing to recover. If thats worth it, up to you, same as which one of these to go for

  2. 2 years ago

    i think i am finally getting good. they key is not to rage quit when you lose someone

    • 2 years ago

      how to not rage quit when you play correctly but then your second best bro gets hit 4 times in a row on 30% rolls and dies? this is especially frustrating when its early game and over half my bros are shit

  3. 2 years ago

    man serpents dragged and struck down my battle forge guy with 333/240 helmet and armor. they are no joke.

  4. 2 years ago

    So it's just me being burned out by games like this, or the entire gimmick and difficulty of BB comes from how obtuse everything is and how little of the mechanics (since gameplay is covered pretty well) are explained in the tutorial? And on top of that, heavy RNG, of course.
    Feels like I have to sit down with the wikia and the non-existing manual to play it, but in the same time, the gameplay feels like "oh, you know, none of this matters, because once you have decent armour and shields, frick everything and everyone" and the second you get your hands on those, it really drops the ball with difficulty

    • 2 years ago

      No, you just faced the appeal of 9 out of 10 games like that: it's the combination of sunk-cost fallacy and the "mystique" of figuring out unexplained gameplay mechanics.
      In reality, Battle Brothers is a game about surviving long enough so your remaining band of mercs is kitted with gear that allows them to just shrug enemies off and then got murdered by some fantasy creatures anyway, because frick you, you diededed, try again ad nauseam.

      tl;dr if it didn't click for you after 15 minutes, it won't after 15 hours or even days.

    • 2 years ago

      >once you have decent armour and shields, frick everything and everyone
      nah then you go pick fights which require that gear *and* tactics to beat

      • 2 years ago

        Don't forget RNG!

      • 2 years ago

        >N-no, y-you just need t-to cripple yourself t-to have fun!
        I bet you not only consider CK series to be strategy games, but deliberately play as inbred morons for "challenge"

        • 2 years ago

          when did I say that
          I said pick fights that are tough enough to require it
          I never said you should gimp yourself

          • 2 years ago

            >I never said you should gimp yourself
            >I said you should look for artificial challenge
            Nta, but this is the definition of a cuck mentality: instead of getting good and reliably win, searching for made-up challenges.

            • 2 years ago

              sounds like you're settling

        • 2 years ago

          >I never said you should gimp yourself
          >I said you should look for artificial challenge
          Nta, but this is the definition of a cuck mentality: instead of getting good and reliably win, searching for made-up challenges.

          What the frick are either of you on
          Once you get good enough to beat crisis you go out and start taking camps earlier and earlier in order to spiral into higher power. Or do you think the player is never meant to fight a sunken castle or sea of tents

    • 2 years ago

      BB is just gacha game for beer and pretzel crowd
      >roll for recruits
      >roll for items
      >roll for events
      >roll for combat
      >roll for loot
      just grind for more gold that allow for more rolling

      • 2 years ago

        how do people get nimble by day 40 then thoughever?

        • 2 years ago

          you can speedrun some parts but you still roll

        • 2 years ago

          Obviously they rolled good and played enough to not pick crossbows

    • 2 years ago

      >because once you have decent armour and shields, frick everything and everyone
      the game doesn't work like that, except maybe if you're playing on the lower difficulty. you always have to take harder fights in order to get better gear, otherwise the game will outpace you. unless you played exceptionally well during the first hundred days you might snowball from that point, and obviously 200+ days is late game and then it does become easy but the point is to re-roll eventually anyways

      • 2 years ago

        >you always have to take harder fights in order to get better gear, otherwise the game will outpace you
        Except you don't. The trick is understanding how level scaling works. Eventually you have massive fodder fights providing you with loads of low-grade, but not exactly cheap gear, and then you snowball.

  5. 2 years ago

    first time playing. I took a gander at mods before quickly closing it, I've been spoiled by mods before playing the basegame before. Are there any that are first-time appropriate or should I just enjoy vanilla before taking a look?

    • 2 years ago

      I recommend Backgrounds and Attribute Ranges. Doesn't give you any edge, just saves a bit of time you would lose to alt-tab to wiki.

  6. 2 years ago

    Why isn't there any sort of win condition or at least some more flavor in the game? There's virtually nothing that gives your company any sort of longterm flavor or choices- everything is dictated purely by your roster.

    You should be able to develop a military tradition, group culture, and even weld yourself permanently to a particular noble house or city-state.

    • 2 years ago

      The original win condition was completing a crisis. That's why you get a retire option there. Everything beyond that is just the devs stacking more shit just because.

  7. 2 years ago

    >visit remote castle built on swamp
    >see shitty pole hammer for sale in the shop
    >see the man himself begging to try out for my company

    i wonder what the story here is

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >Season 3 never ever, despite Season 2 bringing just as big numbers as the first one
        I fricking hate modern anime.
        It's like pic related is the last remnant of old-school at this point

        • 2 years ago

          anon. 5 days ago.

        • 2 years ago

          I like Dorohedoro, it reminds me a lot of the goofier Nagai works.

        • 2 years ago

          homie, they literally announced season 3 few days ago.

  8. 2 years ago

    whats the threshhold for injuries? i am building a huge dagger man and i gave him crippling strikes and executioner but i dont think puncture deals enough damage

    • 2 years ago

      Do you mean puncturespammer? With a rondel his damage range with huge is 22-44 since puncture cant hit head or get bonuses from double grip
      To cause a light injury you need to do 25% of an enemy's max hp, which crippling strikes lowers to 17%. An orc warrior has 200 health, 17% of which is 34. So its possible but you need to roll quite high or be under killing frenzy
      For all humans he should have no trouble at all getting injury on the first hit. Think he's guaranteed to do so on chosen even on a minroll but i sure hope he has really high melee attack or something else to help counteract the to hit penalty if he's gonna be out there doing that

      • 2 years ago

        I might be wrong but if you're trying to solely cause injuries with a huge bro isn't a shamshir better? Shamshir + sword mastery + CS + duelist that is. A well-rolled named shamshir on a huge bro might injure a warlord or an unhold within 2 hits as well.

        hes a wild man with 3 stars in melee attack. i just wanted to try out a puncture bro. maybe i'll give him sword mastery too and duelist. its day 60 now and i honestly dont use him very much to steal armor.

        • 2 years ago

          What's his fatigue? I guess since he's a wildman it shouldn't be bad. The only thing you need to mind about puncture is the massive -15% to hit and 45 fat/turn. The other anon already gave you the injury threshold so if your huge bro can handle the matk and fat requirement then by all means.

    • 2 years ago

      I might be wrong but if you're trying to solely cause injuries with a huge bro isn't a shamshir better? Shamshir + sword mastery + CS + duelist that is. A well-rolled named shamshir on a huge bro might injure a warlord or an unhold within 2 hits as well.

      • 2 years ago

        New update, doesnt seem like it did much but they did include a frick ton of hidden changes in "minor fixes" before, what do the dataminers say, mod anons?

        >named shamshir
        >huge bro
        Nah, you don't need to go that far unless you want to injure a lindwurm (which is possible, but only in such conditions). Shamshir Gash with CS and mastery consistently injures both normal and white unholds, i dont know if you even need to be double gripping for it to occur
        Injuring a warlord through his armor might be a bit of a pipe dream unless it got worn down hard. Should be trivial if removed with hammer since he doesn't have nearly as much hp as even a normal unhold
        Dagger is better for injuring warriors because it does it through their protection which is the main thing keeping them alive beyond just having hp, they're so fat and stupid that their mdef is negative and the shield only somewhat helps

  9. 2 years ago

    I use the smart recruiter mod (the alternative version) and I'm not ashamed of it. Vanilla tryouts are dogshit

  10. 2 years ago

    Do you guys take fast adapt even on 90+ ratk archers? Pretty much every enemy worth sniping has anticipation.

    • 2 years ago

      i'm going to start taking fast adaptation on everyone, its too good. even if you think you have enough you'll fight nomads with dodge and still miss half the time. also fast adaptation makes it so even misses are productive, like if your guy is stuck on a sheild wall raider and has 40$ chance to hit, you might not want to waste the fatigue because you'll miss but with fast adaptation you can "charge" up your bro to guarantee a hit later

      • 2 years ago

        I mean fast adaptation is kinda weird in the sense that it's good early, bad from mid to late, but then super late game it's really fricking good again. I used to think fast adaptation and 9l are bandaid perks you slap on mediocre bros who'll eventually get replaced until I see them champion swordgays or dancers rifling through my shit.

    • 2 years ago

      i'm going to start taking fast adaptation on everyone, its too good. even if you think you have enough you'll fight nomads with dodge and still miss half the time. also fast adaptation makes it so even misses are productive, like if your guy is stuck on a sheild wall raider and has 40$ chance to hit, you might not want to waste the fatigue because you'll miss but with fast adaptation you can "charge" up your bro to guarantee a hit later

      I mean fast adaptation is kinda weird in the sense that it's good early, bad from mid to late, but then super late game it's really fricking good again. I used to think fast adaptation and 9l are bandaid perks you slap on mediocre bros who'll eventually get replaced until I see them champion swordgays or dancers rifling through my shit.

      T1 perk chads ww@

  11. 2 years ago

    how tough is a defeat barbarian king contract? i am liking my run so i dont want to lose. its 2 skulls and pays 3k and its day 60

    • 2 years ago

      post company
      it depends on what he spawns with it can be
      >lots of thralls + armored unholds (maybe just thralls at that point if you're playing veteran)
      >fewer number of chosen

      • 2 years ago

        everyones got nimble or battle forge. i have one good tank, 2 crossbowmen, two archers, two spear mastery guys. my team is mostly low born with fast adaptation and like 70 attack

        • 2 years ago

          id reconfigure weapons on everyone depending on what he spawns with, a barbarian king is immensly strong on his own, like a super chosen, but if its just thralls then you'll win easy. if you have no experience with chosen blobs and he comes with a group of them they could absolutely wipe you
          get billhooks or bladed pikes if you've fought ancient dead, that goblin and regular one wont cut it anymore

  12. 2 years ago

    also nobody is wearing anythign battleforged worthy except the bannerman and the guy in fallen hero gear, latter which is like the bare minimum for the perk to work

    • 2 years ago

      those are the only battleforged guys

  13. 2 years ago

    Any good map seeds?

    • 2 years ago
      We should organize an event once where we all come together and play on the same seed with different origins

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >We should organize an event once where we all come together and play on the same seed with different origins
        That sounds great, if that ever happens I think Lone Wolf sounds fun

      • 2 years ago

        i think seeds are unique to origins. if yo use your beasthunter seed to do a lone wolf start it will generate a different map. unless i made a typo when i tried it

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            no i believe he's right
            try it yourself

    • 2 years ago

      The real question is:
      Organic maps WHEN?!
      I'm so fricking sick and tired of static world where things can at best only get worse with perma destruction

      • 2 years ago

        Never anon, I think the company is moving to a new project. Which is a shame, this game needs its map and end game scenerio redone. Map should be on a huge island and the end game scenerio needs to be redone. More mission for endgame scenrion, new enemies, and a story to go with them. As much as I love fighitng orcs, i hate going around destroying camps only for the warlord to spawn on the other side of the map and getting wreck by some nobodies without even seeing them.

  14. 2 years ago

    wait, so the key to early game was nets and throwing weapons?

    as soon as I started using them regularly the early game became a fricking breeze even when I'm badly under equipped

    • 2 years ago

      there's like a dozen keys to that door

    • 2 years ago

      Exactly because of that early game poachers are secretly super op.

    • 2 years ago

      the key to early game is accuracy. spears throwing weapons, nets, dogs for surround bonus all help

    • 2 years ago

      Early game is giving everyone a spear, a shield and a dog. And mostly just spamming the shit out of dogs, shield wall, spearwall and waiting

  15. 2 years ago

    Be real with me, what are the worst parts of Lone Wolf? I never keep more than 1-2 men in reserve even late game, why should I care?

    • 2 years ago

      >what are the worst parts of Lone Wolf
      Playing it.
      It's a terrible preset. Not due to "difficulty", but due to the abundant ways to cheese the shit out of it into negative difficulty

      • 2 years ago

        What do you mean? Isn't it just about starting with a strong brother?

        • 2 years ago

          That's part of the cheese. Generally speaking, the whole "if this guy dies, the game is over" is the definition of fake difficulty

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not sure what you mean by cheese because the guy is literally just a hedgeknight with good talents, which you can 100% roll randomly. Cheese implies to me it makes things unreasonably easy.

  16. 2 years ago

    just slaughtered an enemy merc company. they wanted my box. i have a pikeman with rotation and indom. hes really good. i am stacking health, fatigue, and attack on him

    • 2 years ago


      >what do i do with this boy
      Not buy copper from him.


      Just wanted to do some cute oc


      i havent played this cursed game in ages, but my wife keeps playing it and it keeps making her fricking angry cuz of random shit and ruining both our days, and for this i wish the devs a very slow death


  17. 2 years ago

    what do i do with this boy, most of my frontline are shield shitters so i'm looking for a front damage dealer

    • 2 years ago

      >what do i do with this boy
      Not buy copper from him.

      • 2 years ago

        underrated post

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks anon, a few days ago I was wondering what was that guy's name.

  18. 2 years ago

    Just wanted to do some cute oc

    • 2 years ago

      Very noice OC anon.
      I'm surprised nobody made an Imperial origin yet. A golden empire being slowly corrupted by the necrosavant cult sounds kino to me. We could play as an inquisitor band futilely trying to stop it.

  19. 2 years ago

    i havent played this cursed game in ages, but my wife keeps playing it and it keeps making her fricking angry cuz of random shit and ruining both our days, and for this i wish the devs a very slow death

  20. 2 years ago

    So I've tried this game the previous weekend, got filtered hard. I've sit to the wikia and few online tutorials then, to figure out what I was doing wrong (apparently: everything). Now let's see if I got things right:
    >Sword and shield combo is actually shit and sword is better for one-hand dueling or maybe combined with a dagger
    >If your 2H weapon doesn't have extra reach or at least stun, it sucks
    >2H swords are some of the shittiest weapons, despite on paper looking great
    >So are crossbows
    >Early game is just spear-and-shield wall combo, killing anything that gets into your face (the remaining problem being - where the hell early game even ends)
    >Get dog to everyone and just swarm your enemies with dogs early on
    >Never get attached to any single guy and overhire whenever possible, then discard the ones with useless talents
    >Always snipe for specific armour, which has better stats than their contemporaries (like noble's armour, which has higher defense than anything at that fatigue range)
    >Same goes with helmets
    >Grand majority of perks are trap options (like utility perks), you have to plan ahead each and every guy
    >Ranged combat eventually loses utility, and then damage output, when compared with melee, and shouldn't be really the main "sell" of your guys
    >HP above 70 is pointless for shield guys, but 2H guys should get it as high as feasible
    >As unreliable as it is, decapitation is king of the "special" attacks
    >Poachers are some of the best starting pre-sets for your merc band
    >Hunters and Hedge Knights are some of the better classes, followed by Sellswords
    >You should hire and drag around at least 1 witch hunter, apprentice and bowyer for variety of special events, out of the three only witch hunter is even remotely good by itself

    Pls no bully a newbie, just correct me or explain why I'm wrong

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, and
      >Unless it's a 2H guy, don't bother with increasing defense stats, especially the melee one, since armour and shield will work far better

    • 2 years ago

      are better early on with their accuracy bonus
      you only need a few tanks. youll have better survivability by off having bros who can actually kill things.
      >trap perks
      all perks are good. they just dont all fit together or with specific builds.

      Oh, and
      >Unless it's a 2H guy, don't bother with increasing defense stats, especially the melee one, since armour and shield will work far better

      mdef is always good. not getting hit is better than getting hit.

      • 2 years ago

        ... so does it mean the rest is correct?

        • 2 years ago

          its I could be bothered replying to. also you're missing NETS ALWAYS NETS

    • 2 years ago

      >>2H swords are some of the shittiest weapons, despite on paper looking great
      2H swords are mook deleters, especially if you have high melee skill and def but are lacking when duelling against stronger enemies. It isn't a bad idea to have a greatsword in your inventory for instance when you have to fight two dozens of snakes or spiders.

    • 2 years ago

      and shield
      S&S is anti hyena/direwolf since they kill themselves on riposte
      >>2H weapon
      No, all twohanders are good in some way and nobody uses 2h mace stun unless its a specific situation
      >>2H swords are some of the shittiest weapons, despite on paper looking great
      2h swords have best aoe options, hitchance bonus and good base damage. Its just they dont brute force through armor. Only genuinly shit weapon for use beyond early game where you buy em cheap is two handed spears

      75% armor ignore + you can get tier 3 crossbows easy from arbelasters if you war with a noble house early or from overseers (though gobbo crossbows have bad accuracy)
      game is just spear-and-shield wall combo
      Its one of the ways to do it
      >>Get dog
      You can do that
      get attached to any single guy and overhire
      You can do that
      snipe for specific armour

      You should do that if the enemy cant rape you like a barb king
      majority of perks are trap options (like utility perks)
      Utterly false, and all you need to plan is if you'll go bf or nimble. No idea where you got that Pathfinder or rotate or footwork could be bad but thats very bad advice

      True unless you are a thrower abuser (throwers are horribly op) or plan to excessively abuse nomads or goblins. Guns good too
      >>HP above 70 is pointless
      No, tanks want HP so they dont get eaten by lindwurms or chosen. Breakpoint would be like 80 or 90. Nimble wants as much as you can give em

      It scales off the damage dealt so its not really unreliable, it is very good but aoe tends to be better

      They're good
      and Hedge Knights are some of the better classes, followed by Sellswords
      There's others who are top of the line. A very good squire can compare to a hedge knight for example. Nomads, adventurous nobles, raiders, Oathtakers, assassins...
      >>You should hire and drag around
      You can do that but its not necessary, only get a monk if you wanna buy more hedgies

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, and
      >Unless it's a 2H guy, don't bother with increasing defense stats, especially the melee one, since armour and shield will work far better

      Dunno where you're getting your tips from, but there's some real garbage there.
      Sword and Shield can be good
      your idea of what makes a 2h weapon bad is odd. 2h hammers and swords are good, you're probably just not using them right.
      crossbows are okay, and the fact that crossbows and firearms share a mastery makes it easier to shift from crossbow to handgonne later on.
      I'm not seeing anything about daggering enemies, which is vital for getting out of early game.
      dogs are good for extra bodies yes, just use them carefully. Also remains good for chasing down enemies.
      if by discard, you mean giving them a shield and throwing them into the meatgrinder, then yes.
      going for specific armor isn't necessarily wrong, but the best armor is what you can get your hands on.
      if you think a perk is bad, it's not, you're just not using it properly.
      of the three backgrounds you list, only one of them is actually used for events. Apprentices events are focused around making the apprentice a better bro, and the bowyer only has one unique event, that's making the mastercraft bow, which is pretty much just a named bow. Don't bother dragging around useless bros, except for maybe a monk, also, a caravanhand is needed to get the storage increase event, which is nice, but not essential.

      where do hyenas spawn? i've looking for them so i can craft the init mantel but its day 80 and im walking around bleeding money

      just find your city-states and walk between them, you'll get missions and spawns eventually.

      • 2 years ago

        >if by discard, you mean giving them a shield and throwing them into the meatgrinder, then yes.
        my homie

    • 2 years ago

      >Sword and shield combo bad
      Nope. As long as you are using northern swords, a combo of riposte and shield wall cause hilarious results, since enemies can't hit you for shit and you get free attacks
      >If your 2H weapon doesn't have extra reach or at least stun, it sucks
      Wrong. 2H weapons, depending on class, have variety of utilities
      >2H swords bad
      Wrong, they are chaff destroyers. Find me a weapon that can reliably behead 3 enemies in a single strike. Get a brother with 80+ melee skill and give him a 2H sword
      >Crossbows bad
      Crossbows are a straight upgrade of bows in every single field and their +15% to hit is indispensable
      >Early game is spear-and-shield wall combo
      It's decent, but nothing special and has variety of weaknesses. The main goal of stick-and-board combo is to survive early with prospecting, but under-leveled bros, not tactic to win all
      >Dog swarm
      This is a great way to frick yourself over with swarm of dogs blocking paths in 4 out of 5 cases. Don't get me wrong, dogs are useful power multiplier, but you need to know what you are even doing
      >overhire whenever possible, then discard the ones with useless talents
      Or, you know, just save-scum through this
      >Always snipe for specific armour
      Good armour now > better armour (maybe) tomorrow. Buy whatever you can get your hands on and isn't shit
      >Same goes with helmets
      If fatigue is your main issue, then commonplace mail coifs and sallets are all you will ever need
      >majority of perks are trap options
      Wrong. There are no bad or even weak perks in the game, which is a godsend, given rest of its design
      >you have to plan ahead each and every guy
      Duh. The real trick is to account for starting skills, traits, class and talents of a bro, then see what you can do with them. If a hedge knight has 48 ranged and 3-star talent in it, re-spec him for ranger, rather than pursuit a talentless melee of 50 he has.


    • 2 years ago

      >Ranged combat eventually loses utility
      Wrong. Utility remains always part of it
      >and then damage output when compared with melee
      True. The trick is knowing where ranged is viable, rather than discrediting it entirely
      >and shouldn't be really the main "sell" of your guys
      2-3 good hunters are perfectly capable of clearing half of enemy stack either by direct kills or inciting rout
      >HP above 70 is pointless
      80 HP is perfectly good number for anyone, and if someone has good talent for it, go for it. Dangerous enemies deal 70+ damage, you want to survive those more than one of such blows after armour is accounted
      >2H guys should get it as high as feasible
      True, but you are even better with high melee defense - not being hit easily wins over tanking hits and paying for gear repair
      >decapitation is king of the "special" attacks
      As already mentioned, aoe is even better. Decapitation is great as morale destroyer on Duelists, thou
      >Poachers are some of the best starting pre-sets
      Which is funny, since you shit on ranged combat
      >Hunters and Hedge Knights are some of the better classes, followed by Sellswords
      Early game, sure. However, all sort of nobles and paladins are even better.
      >Dragging useless bros for gimmick events
      Now THAT is a trap option. Especially the bowyer (again, decide yourself - either you shit on ranged combat, or want specialists in it?). Always hire people for their combat prospects, because that's what the game is about.


  21. 2 years ago

    Should I buy legendary armor? I have around 32000 crowns

    • 2 years ago

      (forgot pic)

      • 2 years ago

        Horribly overpriced for what it is, you can buy like 6 fullhelms for 20k

        Affordable but only marginally better than assassin mail which can be bought by hiring an assassin bro for roughly the same cost

      • 2 years ago

        I'd buy the helmet but I'd think twice on the body armor. It might be light but 133 armor is kinda too low for a nimble bro for me. Get 5% once and his ass is getting pounded raw. for only 25k combined, you might as well buy both.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        I'd buy the helmet but I'd think twice on the body armor. It might be light but 133 armor is kinda too low for a nimble bro for me. Get 5% once and his ass is getting pounded raw. for only 25k combined, you might as well buy both.

        >133 armor is kinda too low for a nimble bro for me
        But isn't this the best endgame armor for nimble if you want sub 50%? Get this and slap lindwurm scales on it. Or get those 200ish -15-18 named armors and slap LPR on. Either way you'll end up with around 200 body armor and maybe 47% nimble with a -5 sallet or -7 wolf hat.

        • 2 years ago

          Named armor with nimble if you aren't autistic about dr efficency is indeed the way to go in my mind as well especially against ancient dead, but hardened leather isn't very good. See the table.

          • 2 years ago

            You're right it isn't the best. The other anon should still buy it though. Not often can you find a max rolled named noble mail, right? A bird in the hand etc etc.

            • 2 years ago

              Fair enough, its still just 5k after all.
              Im much more skeptical on the helmet however since its so overpriced for what it is, a marginally better fullhelm. 10 more durability and some less fatigue is nice, but is it additional 16 000 crowns nice? Anon could genuinly buy a brand new CoP+2 fullhelms for 20k + have some money left over, and thats on expert economic. We dont know what day it is and what's his lineup, if he's been saving up and isnt already sitting on a bunch of top tier normal gear then he's getting ripped off by this price even harder than usual
              I do think you should be picky when purchasing named items from any shop since if you get like a named 2h hammer from a random camp that rolls on equip weight and has a small reduction to fat on skill use...hey, its still a free two handed hammer thats better than a normal one, if only in some minor way. You arent gonna drop like 9000 or 12000 crowns on that thing if it shows up somewhere for sale, nobody would ever buy this junk for example

              >visit remote castle built on swamp
              >see shitty pole hammer for sale in the shop
              >see the man himself begging to try out for my company

              i wonder what the story here is

              when you can get a near identical thing for 1/9th the cost by getting it discounted on citadel market.

  22. 2 years ago

    where do hyenas spawn? i've looking for them so i can craft the init mantel but its day 80 and im walking around bleeding money

    • 2 years ago

      South, mostly. There is an off-chance a stack will be wandering on a "border" between deserts and grassland, but mostly search just desert. Also, the easier way is to just take jobs in south, which often involve slaying hyenas

      • 2 years ago

        Dunno where you're getting your tips from, but there's some real garbage there.
        Sword and Shield can be good
        your idea of what makes a 2h weapon bad is odd. 2h hammers and swords are good, you're probably just not using them right.
        crossbows are okay, and the fact that crossbows and firearms share a mastery makes it easier to shift from crossbow to handgonne later on.
        I'm not seeing anything about daggering enemies, which is vital for getting out of early game.
        dogs are good for extra bodies yes, just use them carefully. Also remains good for chasing down enemies.
        if by discard, you mean giving them a shield and throwing them into the meatgrinder, then yes.
        going for specific armor isn't necessarily wrong, but the best armor is what you can get your hands on.
        if you think a perk is bad, it's not, you're just not using it properly.
        of the three backgrounds you list, only one of them is actually used for events. Apprentices events are focused around making the apprentice a better bro, and the bowyer only has one unique event, that's making the mastercraft bow, which is pretty much just a named bow. Don't bother dragging around useless bros, except for maybe a monk, also, a caravanhand is needed to get the storage increase event, which is nice, but not essential.

        just find your city-states and walk between them, you'll get missions and spawns eventually.

        the result of a city state asking me to hunt down 14 hyenas.

        • 2 years ago
  23. 2 years ago

    I WILL say this just once
    I don't care about initial stats or backgrounds, if they want to fight I WILL make a tailor or an historian into a skilled fighter
    I WILL not name my brothers "cannon fodder" and send them to a certain death
    My boys place their trust in me and I'm obligated to provide the most efficient tactical decisions I can make with the resources I have

    • 2 years ago

      now that i've played late game more i see you dont need to min max at all. you can take care of your bros and wear fashionable armor

    • 2 years ago

      >picked up a refugee that I caught stealing food from me
      >expected him to die 1-2 fights in
      >actually became decent enough to hold his own

  24. 2 years ago

    >day 106
    >fat bowyer still has not attempted his masterwork bow

    hes one of my favourite bros though. super reliable and versatile.

    • 2 years ago

      >fat frick hasn't got around to finishing his magnum opus
      should rename him to George

    • 2 years ago

      >he pumped RDEF on a stat starved hybrid build on a low tier background with only 1 relevant star

    • 2 years ago

      >he pumped RDEF on a stat starved hybrid build on a low tier background with only 1 relevant star

      What I find more hilarious is that he's trying to get a meme bow so hard, clearly missing the memo it's just regular war bow with a funny name and meager 5% increase against armour as its entire gimmick.

  25. 2 years ago

    I don't know what to choose, Battleforged or Nimble. I can afford good armor btw.

    • 2 years ago

      Post him naked first, cant tell how much base fatigue he has

      • 2 years ago

        119 fatigue, maceman (

        I also have this guy. He is good but I don't know if I should go mace or hammer on him. (or both? [polemace without perk]). Battleforged or Nimble?

        ) has 120

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe go Battleforged for both, im a big fan of two handed maces or hammers on initiative builds but it doesnt seem that farmhand will be able to pull it off. Take Adrenaline since you already went Recover (and neither of those weapons are fatigue intensive unless you decide to do a lot of AoE). Maybe skip brawny on the farmhand but definetly dont do that with the cleaver bro
          Try to fish for an easy chosen fight if you want to get Alvin a better 2h cleaver. There's also the mad barbarian if you find the cave

          • 2 years ago

            (by neither of these weapons i meant hammer or mace, cleaver obviously eats fatigue since its 4 ap)

    • 2 years ago

      I also have this guy. He is good but I don't know if I should go mace or hammer on him. (or both? [polemace without perk]). Battleforged or Nimble?

  26. 2 years ago

    Southerngays I swear

    • 2 years ago

      how much fearsome do you have?

      • 2 years ago

        Have it on 2 gunners, reaper and big axe bro. Both of the latter have wolf pelt too. Still the chain rout for this particular fight was crazy.

  27. 2 years ago

    this game rolls are rigged by mental wavelenghts affecting the machine ability to generate random numbers
    you can see this in effect if you leave the rolls for the ai with autopilotmod and your brothers sudenly start landing average rolls and actually dodging low/medium rolls like its nothing

    • 2 years ago

      A thug is a thug but when you play solo lone wolf every single one of them with a stick will gain blessings from some higher power. They WILL stun you

  28. 2 years ago

    man chosen are rough

    • 2 years ago

      dont play fair

    • 2 years ago

      net them.

  29. 2 years ago

    have they fixed the moronic need to stab people with knives to get their armor?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, enemies now drop ~~*(damaged*~~) versions of their armours which you can repair at a blacksmith for a price

  30. 2 years ago

    I sure hope everyone itt is fighting ancient dead properly

  31. 2 years ago

    Is dying horribly to them the correct way of fighting ancient dead?

    • 2 years ago

      no you have to recruit hedge knights, oathbrearers, adventureous nobles, and sellswords with at least two starts in attack and defense then you level them all to level 20 then when you fight the ancient undead you take one step back to the ai advances forward then you get two rounds of free attacks before they sheild wall thats how the game is suppose to be played idiot

      • 2 years ago

        Why would the devs design such a nightmarish thing?

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      no you have to recruit hedge knights, oathbrearers, adventureous nobles, and sellswords with at least two starts in attack and defense then you level them all to level 20 then when you fight the ancient undead you take one step back to the ai advances forward then you get two rounds of free attacks before they sheild wall thats how the game is suppose to be played idiot

      Here is a hint

    • 2 years ago

      you just need the right kind of weapons. hint: its sure not fricking arrows.

    • 2 years ago

      no you have to recruit hedge knights, oathbrearers, adventureous nobles, and sellswords with at least two starts in attack and defense then you level them all to level 20 then when you fight the ancient undead you take one step back to the ai advances forward then you get two rounds of free attacks before they sheild wall thats how the game is suppose to be played idiot

      Axes and flails you fools

    • 2 years ago

      Just flank their spear dudes

  32. 2 years ago

    >Install on Friday evening
    >Play some during rainy Saturday
    >Not even feeling like launching the game today
    The game severely lacks any sort of goal or purpose. It's the epitome of "play until you get bored" design, except there is literally nothing to do except roaming the map in search for next battle, facing the same enemies as previously.
    ... why bother?
    I mean I get the autistic appeal of managing a battlefield with (ugly) minis on it without having to set actual minis on a real table, but I'd rather just meet with friends to do that, than face idiotic AI

    • 2 years ago

      >The game severely lacks any sort of goal or purpose. It's the epitome of "play until you get bored" design, except there is literally nothing to do except roaming the map in search for next battle, facing the same enemies as previously.
      Thats a thing with this whole subgenre (using that word in the loosest sense possible) that BB, M&B, Starsector, etc are. If you like it you like it and will play for 1000 hours and if you dont you dont
      Starsector in particular might give you this illusion that there is "more to do" on its world map, but that in fact ends up detracting from the actual point of the whole game (spaceship combat) because the dev is trying to please everyone even though he simply cant since there's like 3 or 4 camps of people who will tell you what the end result is supposed to be like
      In comparison Overhype are much lazier since Battle Brothers has a shit ton of half baked mechanics or features that they could quite easily go back to fix/expand on but just dont, and insist on keeping things unnecesarily obtuse or annoying for the stupidest reasons imaginable. However, they (or their inner group of testers) understand what makes the game crack for some of us
      >but I'd rather just meet with friends to do that
      Why play videogames at all then? You can cover a lot of genres with some real life activity instead. Rpgs and traditional roguelikes in particular never should have been a thing if we follow this logic

      • 2 years ago

        To play devil's advocate: M&B at least has a loosely framed "main quest". It still reinforces the main gameplay loop (go around and murder stacks of enemy units with your own stack), but at least it's not aimless.
        >Why play videogames at all then
        Way to miss the point I'm making.

        • 2 years ago

          >M&B at least has a loosely framed "main quest"
          Maybe bannerlord does, but 1 and Warband certainly dont. If painting Calradia the colour of your own/chosen kingdom counts as one, you get more a ""main quest"" in bb when the crisis eventually rolls up, which happens quicker if the game deems your company strong
          >Way to miss the point I'm making
          Could you reiterate on it then? Not trying to be an ass, just not sure what exactly you mean if i missed it

          • 2 years ago

            >Not trying to be an ass

            • 2 years ago

              Im waiting for a real reply

              im not sure if there are restrictions on the two weapon settlement attachments, but i think the way it works is they have different pools of weapons they make available. like surface iron vein makes pikes available while ore smelters make billhooks available, i dont think they stack to guarantee a greataxe or something

              It seems to have more of an effect on armor than weapons when it comes to what can be bought. Village/town weaponsmiths always seem to be capable of spawning top of the line gear (flanged maces, billhooks, bardiches, etc), its just that a castle will have a larger selection and will dump discount gear on the marketplace. Armor higher than something like 260 durability on the other hand does not seem to appear in a mining village at all. Maybe if you escort a caravan into it there'll be some. Still a good idea to do 2 or 3 contracts for them to get to friendly if you mean to purchase some from there

              • 2 years ago

                And I'm not even that anon, just pointing out the sheer fricking irony of frogposting when claiming non-combative attitude.

              • 2 years ago

                >not that anon

              • 2 years ago

                >the combative attitude of Apu

                1, 3, 7, are good
                2, 4, 8-14, 16, 17, 19 and 20 are passable, but nothing special
                5, 6, 15 and 18 are to be dismissed

                Why wienery is bad? Is there something that I'm missing beyond the -5 def?
                Why 8 is shit? He has 3 stars in fat and ini
                12 looked to me like pretty solid (great mobility, 2 stars in melee), what's wrong with him then?
                What's fatigue neutral build?

                Also, are those traits worth fishing for, or I shouldn't bother:
                Dexterous, Quick, Iron Lungs, Night Owl (especially on rangers), Eagle Eyes, Strong, Sure Footing, Swift, Brave
                Each of them seems like a great thing, especially when they get combined.

                I'm playing as poachers, btw

                wienery bad because +5 res is not good trade for -5 in both defenses esp for a frontliner
                Huge is situationally an extremely good trait because bonus damage is hard to come by
                8 has nothing else going for him other than those 2
                12 could indeed go polearm bro who would do you good. You can use him if you want and he'll be decent
                Regarding traits you're mostly correct
                Extremely good on anyone melee, its like +1 star but you get the payoff immedietly
                Very good if you care about ini or want to do a build that uses it
                When combined with the second wind potion allows you to do some slightly game breaking things on certain builds
                Does not actually mean anything most of the time sadly
                Same case as Dexterous/Surefooted but even better because the gain is greater
                People tend to think of rdef as a dump stat but this isnt a bad trait
                Same as Dex or Strong

                Nta but:
                >Why 8 is shit? He has 3 stars in fat and ini
                8 is shit because either the ini stars or the fat stars are going to get wasted, cause nimble doesn't need more fat, and BF doesn't need any ini. So all you're left with is an overpriced bro with mediocre attack and below average defence.
                >12 looked to me like pretty solid (great mobility, 2 stars in melee), what's wrong with him then?
                12 isn't trash per say, but 0 starting mdef+52** starting matk means youll have 20mdef and 82matk by level 11. If you build him for BF, his ini won't matter, and if you build him as nimble, then he's going to feel like he's lacking in health. 82 matk means either generic chaff shieldbro, 2h swordsman, or maybe billman.
                >What's fatigue neutral build?
                Fat neutral build means taking 2h weapon mastery + pathfinder, so you can move once and attack for 15 fatigue, which means you don't have to worry about leveling fat.
                Try using bbplanner to get an idea of what bros will look like at lvl 11 and use that decide what to keep. Also you're overvaluing stars, notably ini stars.

                12 has 65 starting hp, you take colossus and dump a few more levelups into health and you're good with nimble

                But WHY.
                I can read the description of the perk and figure out that they are respectively "no armour = good" and "loads of armour = good". Thing is, I don't understand how or why exactly.

                Nah, you just repeated yourself "louder" this time around. The description might be in Greek:
                "Hitpoint damage taken is reduced by up to 60%, but lowered exponentially by the total penalty to Maximum Fatigue from body and head armor above 15."
                Is 60% a lot? How does it scale if you exceed 15? How fast it gets useless? Do I need to stick to that magic barrier? Etc
                Battle Forged meanwhile looks like a shit-tier perk, since it's 5% of total, while super-heavy, super-shit armour will clock it at what? 450? 470? Oh wow, I just got 22-23% damage reduction, oh wow, I'm gonna cum over it I guess!

                Those values mean nothing to me, because I didn't spend past 5 years memorizing mechanics of this game.

                Up to 60% damage shaving to hp damage recieved is massive, if you've ever seen southern conscripts due to escorting a caravan from there you'll note how after their armor gets stripped they can generally take far more hits than your brothers. Conscripts have very bad nimble setup with low hp but the value of the perk is so huge that it still gives good value
                Nimble still wants armor, its just that you need to decide how much you'll want to weight yourself down depending on enemy and brother + other considerations. Every point over 15 combined is -1%, you can see when mousing over the tooltip when you take the perk. Do you stick to 60% or go over is up to you and isnt that important really as long as you wear something fatigue efficient
                BF is indeed utter ass until you get to very durable protection (think mid to high 200s in durability)

            • 2 years ago

              Excellent sealioning comrade.

          • 2 years ago

            not him but BB is just skirmish simulator and that is all
            nothing really change in the world, world is practically static with minor changes

            • 2 years ago

              And that is just fine
              I know you have some history with the devs, anon, but even though ill admit to bb not being perfect at all or any stretch of the imagination its still a game i love
              I love the skirmish simulator

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                Please tell me he also has a Tiny trait

            • 2 years ago

              what's that orc in red armor called?

              • 2 years ago

                considering the mansplitter its probably a warlord

          • 2 years ago

            Im waiting for a real reply

            It seems to have more of an effect on armor than weapons when it comes to what can be bought. Village/town weaponsmiths always seem to be capable of spawning top of the line gear (flanged maces, billhooks, bardiches, etc), its just that a castle will have a larger selection and will dump discount gear on the marketplace. Armor higher than something like 260 durability on the other hand does not seem to appear in a mining village at all. Maybe if you escort a caravan into it there'll be some. Still a good idea to do 2 or 3 contracts for them to get to friendly if you mean to purchase some from there

            Ok, I will grab what I still consider to be bait:
            The main difference is that you can have that goal at all in M&B: paint the map your colour and keep it under your colour. BB doesn't even offer that. And you are perpetually an outsider to hire, on top of RNG deciding who goes where at map generation, meaning it gets further disjoined from anything else.
            Like someone else pointed out, this game is a pure skirmish simulator. That part of it works pretty well, if nothing special. The problem is: there is no goal to it, beyond just roaming the map in search for new skirmish, which, again, is purely random.
            As a result, the game gets stale really fricking fast. I wouldn't really mind if it was just pure skirmish simulator, a la Hellish Quarter, which is pure fighting game. Instead, it still gives you an open world to roam... and nothing to do with it.

            tl;dr it has the standard problem of any given open world game: there is no actual point to having it.

            • 2 years ago

              Not that anon, so just to be clear I'm only replying to your post and don't care about the preceding discussion
              You're making it sound like BB has a shit open world because you can't do anything but Mountain Blade has an amazing open world because there is exactly one additional thing you can do (conquer towns)
              That's pretty reductive and I think you're muddling up different concepts of open world anyway. BB isn't a "go explore and do whatever" open world, it's a contract-based game where the layout just happens to be an open world because that's how they wanna portray the work of a mercenary company
              Whether you can conquer parts for yourself is a gameplay feature (I would personally like that but it does smell like scope creep), it's not a characteristic of the world design.
              Battle Bros is simply more like, say, Freelancer, than Mountain Blade. Or hell, it's basically HoMM or King's Bounty
              The open worlds that you're complaining about being pointless are of a different caliber. Far Cry or Witcher 3 simply have an entirely self-contained game that you play in the main and side quests and then ALSO a superfluous open world that is nothing but a bunch of copypasted points of interest you can clear. That's the kind of open world you can just throw away without losing anything. BB's world wasn't intended for deep exploring or anything so it doesn't really fit in the same category
              If you want a counter-example, look at Legends of Eisenwald where you paint the map but the world is designed in a chapter system. Great game

              • 2 years ago

                >I am bad at reading comprehension, plz no bully
                Ok, won't bully you, will just point out you managed to miss the entire point, and assuming you didn't read prior discussion, also the subject we were talking about

              • 2 years ago

                So you weren't interested in any discussion, got it. Sorry, I'll adjust my posting
                lmao you lost fricking moronic homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                >Jumps in to discussion without following it prior
                >Spazzes out when pointed out he completely missed the subject
                Explain me - why did you even barged into this?

              • 2 years ago

                >so just to be clear I'm only replying to your post

              • 2 years ago

                Again, why? You joined the discussion, missed its point completely and then had a seizure when this got pointed out. What was the grand idea of writing nearly 2k signs, when you didn't even write on the same subject as the post you are replying to?

              • 2 years ago

                I opened a new discussion which picked up on you being wrong about open worlds
                But carry on, you don't wanna discuss. Last (you)

              • 2 years ago

                >I made a separate discussion
                >But I linked it to other discussion
                Mate, seek help.

              • 2 years ago

                >please answer my question, I'm not trolling I swear
                >gets a long, solid answer
                >why are you talking to me moron?
                Go bother some other general.

            • 2 years ago

              >Ok, I will grab what I still consider to be bait:
              Dont know why you think that to be the case but am glad that theres enough good faith to continue the discussion
              >Instead, it still gives you an open world to roam... and nothing to do with it.
              >tl;dr it has the standard problem of any given open world game: there is no actual point to having it.
              You're operating on a flawed assumption that the combat exists for the strategic overlay and not in reverse
              The point of the world map in Mount and Blade, Battle brothers, Starsector, Total War and many others is to give you a context for the fights, all of these are at their core about their combat and thats what the actual game is. However, it is much more fun when you have encounters tied together by some sort of sandboxish thing instead of a fixed story campaign. Strategy games are not a genre where the gameplay bows down to the plot and thats why tactics games are by default far superior to any standard c or jrpg, because in those the dev blows most of their effort on things that are not core gameplay and then you spend 70% of your hours playing in the worst lamest combat imaginable.
              The point of the world map is to be your loading screen into the skirmish, to make it feel yours instead of someone elses story and to make these skirmishes - even if they are randomly generated - as or more interesting than premade missions. How well the world does this is a measurment of if it did its job, not all other bells and whistles attached. The bells and whistles can be nice, but only if they dont detract from this job of the world map. BB has a bare world map for no good reason because as i said Overhype a fricking lazy but at the same time it does its job of providing you interesting fights competently most of the time. If you want an example of a failed world map, again, look at starsector. Thats the worst example of it i know of, and it also has a grand nothing to do
              I guess XCOM and JA have the best of both worlds

              • 2 years ago

                But unlike every other game you've listed (well, maybe Starsector, too), the context really doesn't matter in BB. Unless by "context" you mean "terrain type", that is.
                My point is simple: you could just have it like, say, battle mode from Shogun 2. And it would be a fine game, really, with all its strengths and none of its weaknesses.
                Instead, you've got an empty sandbox, with nothing to do with it but actively search for fight, and doing so at agonizing pace. The closest thing to it is a very poorly run sandbox TTRPG, where sure, there is this huge world to roam, except it is empty and the only activity is fighting random encounters. And it gets stale just as quickly.
                From the top of my head:
                - what's the point of having factions, if they don't really do anything, unless a specific crisis triggers (and then they proceed to do nothing anyway)
                - what's the point of the whole trade gimmick, selling scrap weapons included (the game would be certainly far more challenging if your source of income were just your contracts)
                - what's the point of different movement speed on map terrain, if ultimately this is neither exploration game, resource management game nor anything else than battle skirmish game; other than, of course, pretending to have content it doesn't really have

                Sometimes less really is better, and this game has bunch of features that seem openly tucked in for the sake of having them, rather than adding to the gameplay.
                Let's do another from-the-top-of-my-head on spicing the slog the game is outside the skirmishes:
                - there is a fixed amount of time, the end game crisis really is an end game, so rather than endless aimless roaming, you have clock ticking on your back
                - the factions actually do something on their own outside specific crisis, rather than being just different boss to please for better pay
                - if you have a fricking world map in a sandbox game, DO NOT make it static, that's literally counter-productive to sandbox open world

              • 2 years ago

                A mercenary company happened to be walking by while I was attacking a camp.
                This got me thinking how nice it would be to be able to hire these guys to actually follow you around.
                Maybe even having you become a mercenary king or something where you're able to command multiple bands. More interactions and rivalries with other merc groups would also be really nice. Like having other captains underbid you for contracts, or just generally fricking you up. Same thing you could do to them. Would really make the world feel way more alive.

                Devs clearly wanted to make something more in the beginning with all these mechanics that don't really do anything, but realised they were too ambitious so they toned it down to just battles. This is not an entirely bad thing as way too many devs just want to make everything, but end up making nothing.

              • 2 years ago

                I guess that's a fair point: better deliver something, than nothing. And given the trap that early access is, you can't then just easily cut content, because "pre-existing" players will throw a tantrum about removing "essential" parts of the game.

                >If the crisises were as fierce as they should be new people would get btfo
                Different anon here but this is the one thing that bothers me the most. Crisises are such a disappointment. They're just so limpdicked they might as well not exist at all. A few extra spawns and some speshul contracts and here and there and that's it. The game advertises itself as the sweaty hardcore u got btfo son type, but they wouldn't actually dare to make crisises hard?

                I think that they simply made their money at certain point and any further monetisation was made through DLCs, rather than tweaking the base. I mean if you approach it as a purely business endeavour, then there is no real point of expanding on anything or providing "serious" challenge, because hey, the game works, let's sell new weapons to it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Unless by "context" you mean "terrain type", that is.
                Enemy composition, terrain, locale (camp features), time of day, state of your company when it comes to both mood and how worn down everyone is (or how beat up is their gear), weapons and consumables in company inventory that could be put to good use against this specific setup, reserve, ambitions/oaths. All of these are part of the world map feeding into encounters and how you'll handle them
                >My point is simple: you could just have it like, say, battle mode from Shogun 2.
                I dont know what that is, historical battles? The mp mode? That latter one does look cool but i never tried it
                >and doing so at agonizing pace
                This isnt true, the agonizing pace of this game is that the dumb devs refuse to add greater speed options and that you have to go to mods for that. How much you fight is determined by player experience and with enough of that you can spiral out of control at incredible speed
                You can go hostile to them even out of crisis, there's tradeoffs for doing it. I wish they had differences in doctrine but thats outside of the scope of this post
                >trade/weapon sale
                Trade is tacked on yes, same as mount and blade
                Latter is to give some purpose to playing high tempo. Whilst the economy in bb is grossly fricked i will point to starsector as to what happens if you dont actually gain most of your money through killing enemies
                Curious how the game would be like if the contract suggestion was real
                >movement speed on terrain
                tradeoff of speed to vision. If mountains and hills didnt take so long to move through youd be inclined to be on them whenever exploring
                Your last 3 suggestions are all solid and i agree wholeheartedly. Dont have anything to say against them and dont think anyone will

              • 2 years ago

                One reason why i THINK the things are the way they are is Overhype having complaints from the crowd who wants to play for a very long time and grind broken overpowered people. Thats why veteran levels are a thing and why we have a more limp wristed crisis system that cycles through them until you get bored and leave, and why we have legendary locations who are imo mostly bad content. If the crisises were as fierce as they should be new people would get btfo
                Obviously the answer to all of this is just to make it so theres more settings to tweak on worldgen. But they wont do it

                A mercenary company happened to be walking by while I was attacking a camp.
                This got me thinking how nice it would be to be able to hire these guys to actually follow you around.
                Maybe even having you become a mercenary king or something where you're able to command multiple bands. More interactions and rivalries with other merc groups would also be really nice. Like having other captains underbid you for contracts, or just generally fricking you up. Same thing you could do to them. Would really make the world feel way more alive.

                Devs clearly wanted to make something more in the beginning with all these mechanics that don't really do anything, but realised they were too ambitious so they toned it down to just battles. This is not an entirely bad thing as way too many devs just want to make everything, but end up making nothing.

                Npc mercs can take your contracts and may or may not sometimes get ""hired"" to chase you down by an enemy noble house but im not sure if the latter is actually a real thing
                Originally the idea of the game was that its gonna be medieval xcom where your alien enemies are rationalized by the humans in universe as monsters from myth. There's still some scraps of that dna
                Did you know that there actually is a town prosperity system? What it gets used for, though, is to determine the strenght of the town garrison. A more prosperous town will have a militia captian. If you have never fought a group of npc militia, they are utterly dreadful at fighting and said cap is more like a potential loot provider of an early billhook or military cleaver that commands a group of humans who make brigands look like a professional army
                At some point the plan was to make it so you'd actually be incentivized to care about a town for whatever reason, maybe they'd possibly get ravaged out of crisis. But now it doesnt matter and the mechanic is there in vestigal form. Same as reputation or individual characters from each noble house/city state/town

                Y-you too, anon

                i was really drunk when writing that post but it was sincere, this board still feels like a good place to post at

              • 2 years ago

                >mercs can take your contracts and may or may not sometimes get ""hired"" to chase you down by an enemy noble house but im not sure if the latter is actually a real thing
                tangentially related but I know that if you attack a merc band while they're doing a contract you lose rep with the faction that put out the contract. put me to hostile one time.

              • 2 years ago

                Important note is that if theyre doing work with a civvie town you will take a relations hit with noble house, but they wont actually go hostile outright. The town will, greater faction wont
                If theyre under contract of a house or city state directly then they WILL instantly go hostile. Important if you sniff out an early hedge knight

              • 2 years ago

                that's good to know. i'll probably use them more often for early gear now

              • 2 years ago

                >If the crisises were as fierce as they should be new people would get btfo
                Different anon here but this is the one thing that bothers me the most. Crisises are such a disappointment. They're just so limpdicked they might as well not exist at all. A few extra spawns and some speshul contracts and here and there and that's it. The game advertises itself as the sweaty hardcore u got btfo son type, but they wouldn't actually dare to make crisises hard?

              • 2 years ago

                >Npc mercs can take your contracts
                I didn't know this. I always had a few contracts in every town I visited so I just assumed I was the only one who did them. The medieval xcom idea actually sounds like it could be good. I knew about town prosperity, but didn't know it actually affected anything lol
                Also this is a pretty good board despite everything

              • 2 years ago

                >Npc mercs can take your contracts and may or may not sometimes get ""hired"" to chase you down by an enemy noble house but im not sure if the latter is actually a real thing
                they don't
                they may be 'hired' by noble faction or indie town but that only mean that they affiliated with them(so you get attacked if you are hostile with that faction or you lose rep if you fight them as they are considered as faction unit), they don't do contracts, they just walk around(patrol/travel) and fight enemy bands and that is all

              • 2 years ago

                >and this game has bunch of features that seem openly tucked in for the sake of having them, rather than adding to the gameplay.
                because it was exactly what happened
                >devs promised stuff
                >couldn't fullfill it
                >make a TODO list and then made minimal effort job so they put mark Done on the list
                >some are remnants of the old design or just time waster to make gameplay feel longer

              • 2 years ago

                't fullfill it
                more like realized its pointless
                making camps grow based on some parties doing stuff is trivial to do compared to other code in the game

              • 2 years ago

                I wouldn't be mad if there was actual some difference we could make because towns will get raided 24/7 regardless or something other to invest in besides food and gear. Level scaling and randomly spawning enemies is trash.

              • 2 years ago

                >try to be a nice person and do contracts for peasantry
                >my fame causes the world to generate more and more enemy stacks that shitty militia can't keep up with
                >i make loadsa money but the world becomes much more militarized and worse regardless of what I do

              • 2 years ago

                dude i love level scaling it's so PERFECT

              • 2 years ago

                >However, it is much more fun when you have encounters tied together by some sort of sandboxish thing instead of a fixed story campaign.
                sure but you don't need open free roam world map for that

              • 2 years ago

                >Strategy games are not a genre where the gameplay bows down to the plot and thats why tactics games are by default far superior to any standard c or jrpg, because in those the dev blows most of their effort on things that are not core gameplay and then you spend 70% of your hours playing in the worst lamest combat imaginable.

                The complete opposite is actually the case. What separates the average tactics game from a boring and conventional board game are all the things you think devs waste money on.

            • 2 years ago

              >this game is a pure skirmish simulator.
              >That part of it works pretty well, if nothing special
              nah bro it's unironically unchallenged

              • 2 years ago
  33. 2 years ago

    Question regarding map seeds: is it possible for the same settlement to have blast furnace and iron mine, or they are considered the same "branch" and just straight upgrades? I've seen already settlements with shallow and regular iron mine (but in a city without armourer or weaponsmith, because frick me, right?), so having one with blast furnace and mine would be even better for potential gear

    • 2 years ago

      im not sure if there are restrictions on the two weapon settlement attachments, but i think the way it works is they have different pools of weapons they make available. like surface iron vein makes pikes available while ore smelters make billhooks available, i dont think they stack to guarantee a greataxe or something

  34. 2 years ago

    I've never seen end game. I just wipe on iron man over and over.

  35. 2 years ago

    bros... why did we get "strange" meat from fighting ancient dead and savants? where could the captain have found it?

    • 2 years ago

      Only enemies there who have some flesh on them are necrosavants, so...
      guess its not that unreasonable to resort to some casual cannibalism if you're fine with snorting them powdered anyhow

    • 2 years ago

      Obviously it's ancient jerky that the ancient soldiers had in their ancient backpacks.

  36. 2 years ago

    one thing i cant reconcile is how do you fit a giant two handed weapon in your pocket? swapping between your great axe and long axe just breaks the immersion for me even though it is very powerful

    • 2 years ago

      Back straps

    • 2 years ago
  37. 2 years ago

    Help a newbie!
    Since I run out of space for hiring what I, the total moron, consider in any way good prospects (and drag-arounds from the start of the game), I need now someone to eye-ball my brothers and tell me which ones:
    - are actually worth anything at all and why
    - are actually shit-tier and why
    All lads are without a single level increase (despite some managing to level-up or starting with higher level), so those are their default stats. I'm just trying to figure out what to even look for.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Also, taking screens in this game is pain, no idea why

        • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        1 is utility melee
        2 is so-so duelist material
        3 is 2h swordman
        4 is utility melee

        7 is potential ranger
        8 is utility melee
        9 is 2h polearm

        12 is a duelist material
        14 is utility melee

        16 is 2h or utility melee
        17 is a potential ranger

        Everything else is different flavour of trash. And keep in mind that "utility melee" just means "half-decent, but nothing special shield carrier".
        3, 7 and 9 are the only truly good ones.

        Sorry, missed the 10 guy - also good 2h user

    • 2 years ago

      1 is utility melee
      2 is so-so duelist material
      3 is 2h swordman
      4 is utility melee

      7 is potential ranger
      8 is utility melee
      9 is 2h polearm

      Also, taking screens in this game is pain, no idea why

      12 is a duelist material
      14 is utility melee

      16 is 2h or utility melee
      17 is a potential ranger

      Everything else is different flavour of trash. And keep in mind that "utility melee" just means "half-decent, but nothing special shield carrier".
      3, 7 and 9 are the only truly good ones.

    • 2 years ago

      Also, taking screens in this game is pain, no idea why

      They are all shit from min-maxing point of view, meaning it doesn't really matter. However, 11, 15, 18 and 20 are just plain bad, with nothing to redeem them.

    • 2 years ago

      Also, taking screens in this game is pain, no idea why

      Middling squire. Would be a lot better if his ini stars would be moved to mdef or mattak but as is id still try something with him
      Bad squire, just straight up worse than the other guy even if you want to go for an initiative build
      Servicable hedge knight
      Middling farmhand (i would use this guy if playing PM but most likely not get too attached otherwise)
      Quite shit even though he has fatigue & hp stars + lungs because starting rolls bad
      Shitty hedge knight, ruined by wienery and wouldn't be too good even without it
      A fine witch hunter, could go for a gunner due to that nice resolve. Polearm hybrid not possible since its just 1 star
      Shit bastard
      Brute is good with two handed flail but im not too sold on him
      Well its 3 stars of melee attack, bad starting roll for what he could get however
      He's okay
      Another brother who would maybe be interesting on peasant militia and only somewhat useable otherwise
      If you want to go fatigue neutral build these guys can work
      Bad/meh brawler
      He's ok
      Could make another gunner though a hunter would be better
      Actual utter shit
      Very unimpressive butcher
      Not too good considering messangers can get more mdef than default civvie

      • 2 years ago

        1, 3, 7, are good
        2, 4, 8-14, 16, 17, 19 and 20 are passable, but nothing special
        5, 6, 15 and 18 are to be dismissed

        Why wienery is bad? Is there something that I'm missing beyond the -5 def?
        Why 8 is shit? He has 3 stars in fat and ini
        12 looked to me like pretty solid (great mobility, 2 stars in melee), what's wrong with him then?
        What's fatigue neutral build?

        Also, are those traits worth fishing for, or I shouldn't bother:
        Dexterous, Quick, Iron Lungs, Night Owl (especially on rangers), Eagle Eyes, Strong, Sure Footing, Swift, Brave
        Each of them seems like a great thing, especially when they get combined.

        I'm playing as poachers, btw

        • 2 years ago

          Nta but:
          >Why 8 is shit? He has 3 stars in fat and ini
          8 is shit because either the ini stars or the fat stars are going to get wasted, cause nimble doesn't need more fat, and BF doesn't need any ini. So all you're left with is an overpriced bro with mediocre attack and below average defence.
          >12 looked to me like pretty solid (great mobility, 2 stars in melee), what's wrong with him then?
          12 isn't trash per say, but 0 starting mdef+52** starting matk means youll have 20mdef and 82matk by level 11. If you build him for BF, his ini won't matter, and if you build him as nimble, then he's going to feel like he's lacking in health. 82 matk means either generic chaff shieldbro, 2h swordsman, or maybe billman.
          >What's fatigue neutral build?
          Fat neutral build means taking 2h weapon mastery + pathfinder, so you can move once and attack for 15 fatigue, which means you don't have to worry about leveling fat.
          Try using bbplanner to get an idea of what bros will look like at lvl 11 and use that decide what to keep. Also you're overvaluing stars, notably ini stars.

          • 2 years ago

            Just to clarify: Athletic trait is essentially free Pathfinder? And technically a bro with both moves at zero fatigue cost?

            >mfw everyone talks about BF and Nimble and I have no fricking clue how those perks even work or why they are such a big deal

            • 2 years ago

              Battle Forged means the more armor the better.
              Nimble means the less total armor the better.

              In vanilla BB, bros generally have to be either BF or Nimble, so you ALWAYS have to plan around what your bro will pick at level 6. As it will affect the armor he will wear.
              For more autistic info check

              • 2 years ago

                But WHY.
                I can read the description of the perk and figure out that they are respectively "no armour = good" and "loads of armour = good". Thing is, I don't understand how or why exactly.

              • 2 years ago

                >Thing is, I don't understand how or why exactly.
                Read the description to how it works.
                Because they are two incredibly frick huge important perks, specially for noobs and shitters like myself. They directly affect the survivability of all your bros, the gear(what weapons, shields, utilities) you equip your bros with, the strategy of your formation and the tactics you use in combat.

                I'm a bit sleep deprived but I think I may myself clear this time.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, you just repeated yourself "louder" this time around. The description might be in Greek:
                "Hitpoint damage taken is reduced by up to 60%, but lowered exponentially by the total penalty to Maximum Fatigue from body and head armor above 15."
                Is 60% a lot? How does it scale if you exceed 15? How fast it gets useless? Do I need to stick to that magic barrier? Etc
                Battle Forged meanwhile looks like a shit-tier perk, since it's 5% of total, while super-heavy, super-shit armour will clock it at what? 450? 470? Oh wow, I just got 22-23% damage reduction, oh wow, I'm gonna cum over it I guess!

                Those values mean nothing to me, because I didn't spend past 5 years memorizing mechanics of this game.

              • 2 years ago

                >Is 60% a lot? How does it scale if you exceed 15? How fast it gets useless? Do I need to stick to that magic barrier? Etc
                All those answers are in here
                >Battle Forged meanwhile looks like a shit-tier perk, since it's 5% of total, while super-heavy, super-shit armour will clock it at what? 450? 470? Oh wow, I just got 22-23% damage reduction, oh wow, I'm gonna cum over it I guess!
                Again all those answers are
                >Those values mean nothing to me, because I didn't spend past 5 years memorizing mechanics of this game.
                That's why there are guides in which people with more than 2 braincells, put together all the mechanics of the game and explain them in detail in the context of those two perks.

                Read homie, read.

              • 2 years ago

                If a game needs a third-party guide to explain its basic mechanics, then it's either needlessly complicated or outright depending on RNG.
                And the more I dig through guides, the less I feel like playing it, because ultimately turns out every single option short for perfect set of randomised conditions will breed shit and more of shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >wants in depth min-max understanding of game mechanics
                >complains when he gets it
                Never, ever try playing chess or bridge if a few paragraphs on Battle Brothers breaks your brain.

              • 2 years ago

                Still not that anon, but that's horrible comparison. Both chess and bridge are significantly easier and more straightforward, since their rules are build around the fact the players have to remember all of them, and do all the predictions in their heads, too. Anyone who claims any given computer game with dozens of math equations involved is easier than chess misses the memo that said equations are only simple and fast, because PC is doing them, but their formula is still complex.

                t. bridge league player

              • 2 years ago

                It's not the rules that are difficult is my point. Battle brothers is simple, and not really any more complex than chess to understand. The difficulty being addressed here comes from achieving professional tier understanding of it. That guide, which goes incredibly in depth of the games mechanics and breaks down much of the math, is a few dozen pages. I can find books on chess that are hundreds of pages long.

                You don't need to read that all to be able to play and enjoy chess and the same is true for BB, but if you want to truly understand every single aspect and make use of it as a only a true min maxer can, then you can't very well complain that it takes a bit of work on your part.

                I don't even care about bridge as I've never played it due to the amount of fricking rules I had to learn the one time I tried to play, and used it as an example for that very reason. If it seems too much to learn, than you're probably not actually interested in it in the first place.

              • 2 years ago

                And my entire point is that the comparison in question is faulty, rather than having any sort of beef with BB. People routinely bring up chess and/or bridge as some sort of big brain games, while they are pretty fricking simple - just have an established aura of being "brainy".

              • 2 years ago

                Are we implying that BB is some big brain game? My comparison is not faulty simply because you fail to understand the point I'm making.

              • 2 years ago

                >to explain its basic mechanics
                the basic mechanic is more armour = good or bad
                once you start getting into the math of it, you've officially entered the advanced mechanics and lost all right to complain

              • 2 years ago

                Besides, by this very guide, both of those perks are kind of shit and underwhelming. On top of that, turns out armour is kind of shit and useless in general, because after certain threshold, it only slows you down.
                Battle Forged is shit, Nimble meanwhile is a gambit when not fishing out specific armour for specific character, meaning it's shit for different reasons.
                Wow, turns out none of it mattered and both of those perks hinge on set of variables almost entirely out of your control. FUN!

                Sometimes I think the world would be a better place without the whole git gud memery. You couldn't get away with convoluted game design, for example.

              • 2 years ago

                If a game needs a third-party guide to explain its basic mechanics, then it's either needlessly complicated or outright depending on RNG.
                And the more I dig through guides, the less I feel like playing it, because ultimately turns out every single option short for perfect set of randomised conditions will breed shit and more of shit.


                Just ignore it unless you want to min-max. Even in veteran/veteran you can go pretty far with average recruits. The important thing is knowing which fights to pick.

                and chill.

              • 2 years ago

                Different anon, but this guide doesn't answer the original question:
                How do you even know which bro should go for Nimble and which for BF. What's the deciding factor here?

              • 2 years ago

                >but this guide doesn't answer the original question:
                The original question I was answering was

                Just to clarify: Athletic trait is essentially free Pathfinder? And technically a bro with both moves at zero fatigue cost?

                >mfw everyone talks about BF and Nimble and I have no fricking clue how those perks even work or why they are such a big deal

                >mfw everyone talks about BF and Nimble and I have no fricking clue how those perks even work or why they are such a big deal

              • 2 years ago

                The original question was why specific bro was shit, then it jumped into discussing perks, without covering the middle ground of how one connects to other, just doing the good old "because" and moving on.
                As far as I can tell - but don't quote me - stats don't matter one bit for either of those perks, but it would be nice if your BF bro was still able to still move under that armor, so some fat is recomended.

              • 2 years ago

                if you are a poorgay (light armour are cheap, 150c for a used 80d leather armour, loot the helmet from bandits, less armor - less tools, health heals for free, faster than armor gets repaired)
                your man comes from a poorgay background (less beneficial stat spread, leading to compromises in stat leveling like pushing MDEF, MATK, and HP, INI and RES as needed, at the expense of FAT, a base 100 FAT guy will have 15-18 fat armour and 10-26 fat weapon/s, leaving him at 76-56 FAT, usable for nimble but will eat shit in any BF tier armor, does not apply to farmers).
                your man is a backliner/ranged (backliners tend to use more FAT(reapspam, pole/xbow, bowspam, rally, whip disarms, throws, berserks, footworks...), utilize overwhelm to help out, and tend not to be in danger, which favors nimble since they can put on a light, INI friendly leather armor and blast away)
                nimbles fear the whip and cleaver headshots, read carefully around barb and nomads
                you are rich, your bro is truly valuable (hedgie,s.masters,9stars toproll recruits who can expect to be put in the thick of shit to lay waste) or bad in RDEF department and cant be assed to pump up (a.nobles,s.masters, oaths, bannermen gets shot at a lot...)

              • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              >Athletic trait is essentially free Pathfinder?
              no the main reason to take pathfinder is to get free height changes (sprint up a hill with pathfinder then do it without and you'll see how good this is) and also mitigate the AP penalty for terrain, which lets you pick fights in forests and snow without really suffering for it
              athletic is nice to have for fat purposes but it's not the total gamechanger PF is, it maybe translates to a couple extra swings or abilities per battle on someone who's riding the end of their fat bar

      • 2 years ago

        You guys make me not want to play this game

        • 2 years ago

          Just ignore it unless you want to min-max. Even in veteran/veteran you can go pretty far with average recruits. The important thing is knowing which fights to pick.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm pretty sure that people who play the game hate if with the fiercest passion.

        • 2 years ago

          Dont take any post here too seriously we all have bias and a different perspective depending on how long we've played this damn thing
          Same goes for almost all guides and tutorials online when it comes to bb

  38. 2 years ago

    I know settlements can be destroyed in late game crisis' I know they can't be rebuilt but does the map evolve overtime? Aka new settlements?

    • 2 years ago

      No. Which is why permanent destruction is essentially an end-game option: you eventually run out of places to visit, and before that happens, the whole economy collapses.

  39. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      cranky cause you're squishy aintcher

  40. 2 years ago

    is there any point in doing contracts when you are strong enough to clear locations? i just want named items, contracts will never give me items right? except for caravan spawning something overpriced in the shop

    • 2 years ago

      you have to spend some time in civilization to restock and look for hires, at that point when you are going out and clearing orc camps etc you should consider which contracts to accept. you're still looking to get into as many fights as you can in a short time period, so if a contract creates that or just makes hard battles then you should definetly take em
      >contracts will never give me items right
      they can tell you locations of them, most commonly that indebted uprising contract fork
      triple skull contracts also have an increased chance to spawn a champion, and a champ will always come with 1 named item

  41. 2 years ago

    so is peasant militia super easy? extra 4 men seems nice

    • 2 years ago

      Except say good bye to third of recruit classes - the actually good ones.

  42. 2 years ago

    >wild man event gives my fricking archer with 80 ranged skill missing eye
    thanks game

    • 2 years ago

      Just walk away bro

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >80 ranged
      and nothing of value was lost, just dump him and get another one

      • 2 years ago

        he wasn't maxed level yet, he would've been 93 if he was maxed

        • 2 years ago

          If he wasn't maxed, then all the better. It won't take too long to get another bro up to scratch.

    • 2 years ago

      Put the wildman and the ranger as lindwurm bait, get new bros.

  43. 2 years ago

    What is the most vanilla start for a new player?

    • 2 years ago

      Rebuilding the company, at least for the first 30 days. After that, you might try out a different origin or continue to play the first game. And play without ironman, it is an option for very experienced players, partially because it stumps your growth.

      • 2 years ago


  44. 2 years ago

    check out my bro, he really kicks ass. cant wait to find a named greatsword for him. even a named warbrand would be decent then i could slash kill for a recover

    • 2 years ago

      This game can't make up if it wants to be accurate to the early middle ages or 16th century in terms of weaponry and armor. It's all over the place.

      • 2 years ago

        >The game that is an off-brand Warhammer Fantasy does Warhammer Fantasy perfectly
        Ftfy, you dumb homosexual

        • 2 years ago

          has nothing to do with warhammer and i've never played warhammer. What I see is dark age armor and weaponry along side 16th century armor and weapons.

          • 2 years ago

            >has nothing to do with warhammer
            Are you moronic?
            >and i've never played warhammer
            Which means you are double moronic, for you insist it has nothing to do with it, while not even being familiar with the thing.
            Here is a breaking news for you: Warhammer is a brand of battle minis for longer than you are alive. In fact, it's almost as old as I am. If your only familiarity with it is through TW games - lad, you have no right to even speak.

            I don't think any WHF factions use early medieval armor

            Literally Bretonnia and Norsica

            Bretonnia obviously
            This isnt really a topic worth going over since it just devolves into shitflinging for some reason but barbarians are def. somewhat Norscan inspired since some of their gear is straight up copied from chaos champion artwork (the one named helm with the huge frontal blade horn). Thralls also have Conan bodypaint
            Whole game is all over the place, they just did what they'd think would look cool

            Except the devs are WF fanboys and pretty open about it. You are essentially roaming not!BPC

            • 2 years ago

              >Warhammer is almost as old as I am
              Goodness grandpa.

        • 2 years ago

          has nothing to do with warhammer and i've never played warhammer. What I see is dark age armor and weaponry along side 16th century armor and weapons.

          He's saying that's by design, which it is. It's a game with a magical undead not!roman legions, meme northern berserkers, greenskins, and vaguely arabian ancap states.
          If you're going to take issue at anachronistic armor, just use one of these as an excuse.

      • 2 years ago

        It cant decide where it wants to be either. And thats just fine

        • 2 years ago

          developed in the 13th century, I'm fine with these. I like most the weaponry and armor, it's just that this game sells itself as being historically authentic in terms of weaponry. I get that they never said it would be period specific, but i'm just banting really.

          • 2 years ago

            >sells itself as being historically authentic in terms of weaponry
            I don't remember that being a selling point

          • 2 years ago

            > it's just that this game sells itself as being historically authentic
            it is authentic, just not to a specific period. its a fricking fantasy game with orcs and undead. the point of the game is to make it as believable as possible within the fantasy setting it self, its not supposed to immerse you into the middle ages cause its not a fricking historical game. i like to nitpick historical details as much as the next guy but you're making a point for no reason

      • 2 years ago

        Equipment similar to Early Middle Ages in everything but specific elements of aesthetic design was in production in poor-ass and underdeveloped-ass places all the way to the XX century.

        • 2 years ago

          >XX century
          Paweł, don't confuse the Ameritard, he has no idea what that means

  45. 2 years ago

    I don't think any WHF factions use early medieval armor

    • 2 years ago

      Bretonnia obviously
      This isnt really a topic worth going over since it just devolves into shitflinging for some reason but barbarians are def. somewhat Norscan inspired since some of their gear is straight up copied from chaos champion artwork (the one named helm with the huge frontal blade horn). Thralls also have Conan bodypaint
      Whole game is all over the place, they just did what they'd think would look cool

      • 2 years ago

        >Bretonnia obviously
        Dude. knights in plate armor is the definition of Late Medieval

        • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        yeah barbarians are norscan, nomads feel like fremen from dune. orcs and gobbos are warhammer fantasy orcs and goblins. the ancient dead are cool, i dont think they are stolen from anything they are just suppose to be ancient romans and celtic auxilia.

        • 2 years ago

          >i dont think they are stolen from anything
          Tomb Kings, except Egypt switched for Rome. And it's not even subtle in their related crisis and other events

  46. 2 years ago

    man hunting for named items is a real drag. i havnt participated in the end game crisis holy war because i wanted to go treasure hunting, but everything i find is crap

    • 2 years ago

      If you don't have a decent map seed (close-by cities, abundant armourers and weaponsmiths, along with blast furnaces and iron foundries), you are wasting your time. The goal is to drive caravan into a city with such preset and get the named item. Otherwise, it's just pure RNG and quite shit one.

    • 2 years ago

      do you have bounty hunter man
      there is 1 named item thats guaranteed carried by our good boy the ijirok when he is possessing some poor chosen

    • 2 years ago

      You can reroll map seeds and pray to RNG to find one, or you can get the bro editor and just give yourself one. All stats for everything are available online.
      Bonus points if you're autistic enough to rp your own quests and events with it.

  47. 2 years ago

    i love battle brothers and my battle bros and hope all vst posters have a good life

    • 2 years ago

      Y-you too, anon

  48. 2 years ago

    battle brothers website

  49. 2 years ago

    im getting wienery
    6 frost unholds almost killed one of my guys

    • 2 years ago

      white unholds are damn strange on paper they're not much more scary than normal unholds but in practice they sure as hell are

  50. 2 years ago

    Noob here. How do I figure out which weapon types are good?

    • 2 years ago

      by playing the game! haha!

      • 2 years ago

        rofl epic!
        I just noticed while helping an AI band fight some brigands that spears and polearms can attack from the back line which seems OP as frick

        • 2 years ago

          not all of them can, only long reach weapons can, they also get a penalty to hitting near them unless you take a perk for them
          that said, almost every weapon is good for a certain situation

    • 2 years ago

      you pretty much need what ever is most accurate, then move on to high damage since it doesnt matter if you hit everytime if you cant kill anything, then move onto aoe or debuffing weapons like the two handed mace can daze targets

      • 2 years ago

        Can I theoretically keep doing level 1 contracts and fighting small shit bandits forever? It's hilarious to me that the guy who started with a twohanded axe just keeps decapitating enemies in one hit

        • 2 years ago

          yeah they keep spawning. even at day 100 i have run into bands of 12-16 brigand thugs. when you get max level bros raiders will get bullied like thugs

        • 2 years ago

          well yes you can but itll leave you in a shitty spot if you just fight brigands for too long

          is it just me or does armor pen do jackshit against orcs

          duelist (most of the time, named items are an exception) just underperforms against warriors because they're a combination of having high armor and high hitpoints. so unlike with a human or a skeleton you can't really kill them through the armor in a reasonable amount of time with your boosted ignore since theres just too much hp. not that hammerbros of any sort are bad against warriors however since they just beat through so much armor that it still works quite well
          two handed flails still rough them up quite badly on a head hit though you probably need brute and a berserk chain/named to score a potential two hit kill

          • 2 years ago

            What do you think of axe duelists? It might just be me but with the new headhunter I find them pretty insane. Especially if you have brute.

            • 2 years ago

              Did not try but believe you since it has to be quite powerful. New HH just feels good on any weapon that has high armor penetration+higher attack rate than 1 per turn but has to be second best on axe bros after 2h flail
              Dont tell this to thrower users but they should likely be taking it too since everyone except skeletons has no brow and im certain honorguard have worse helms than body gear
              Something else is that im not sure how it interacts with aoe

              does duelist subtract the amount of armor damage you deal? like if i hit an orc with a 1h hammer it may do 100 armor damage and 10 hp damage, but if i have duelist does it onyl do 75 armor damage and 10 hp damage since an extra 25% of the armor damage is trying to go to hp damage?

              No armor ignore % is the amount of the weapons base damage that will be able to go through. Ignore and armor damage interact by having armor damage reduce durability first which lets ignore more comfortably damage health since it will be hampered less by the passive dr armor provides but most of the time being able to kill someone without destroying their armor mostly just rests on ignore and base damage

              • 2 years ago

                To me HH seems good on almost anybody. Having a guaranteed headshot lined up can remove enemy turns all over the place.

              • 2 years ago

                Head hits are even better if you're under kf so when you randomly get a stack as you kill a guy with a two handed weapon and proc berserk you will be quite happy because the following hit is going to be very hard to survive. Its just that on non 2h flails you dont get stacks as often, 4 apers of all kinds can sort of just attack a lot and since they're rolling more the chance of more benefit is greater
                One counterargument is that if you get a stack at a bad time it could bite you in the ass a bit since you cant "turn it off" or store for later. Like say you're focusing down a warlord, have stripped his body armor and now one of your cleaverbros has hit his head with the helm thats been unscathed thus far but this sort of thing happens all the time already. 2h flails and 1h axes dont really have such problems

                >However, it is much more fun when you have encounters tied together by some sort of sandboxish thing instead of a fixed story campaign.
                sure but you don't need open free roam world map for that

                What sort of system is better then
                I did propose xcom/JA but its sort of a different type of game

                >Strategy games are not a genre where the gameplay bows down to the plot and thats why tactics games are by default far superior to any standard c or jrpg, because in those the dev blows most of their effort on things that are not core gameplay and then you spend 70% of your hours playing in the worst lamest combat imaginable.

                The complete opposite is actually the case. What separates the average tactics game from a boring and conventional board game are all the things you think devs waste money on.

                No, i specificaly noted c or j rpgs. Both tend to have the lamest filler combat because so much of dev time went on things that can barely qualify as gameplay
                In comparison srpgs and tactics games usually dont have the luxury of being liked or defended for things that are entierly secondary to what youll be spending most of the time doing

              • 2 years ago

                I'd rather get rid of the whole open world aspect and have contracts sorted by regions instead. Travel is shitty and sorta pointless since lots of spawns are teleporting and beeline straight towards you. For progression, Jagged Alliance had a fixed overworld map with a enemies tied to sectors while XCOM has a research/production aspect to it. Starsector and Mount&Blade is more about inter-faction relations with the player but that doesn't really exist in BB. BB's progression is tied to fame, which feels kind of anemic in comparison since you don't really get any stronger or have any real permanent effects on the game world.

              • 2 years ago

                >lots of spawns are teleporting and beeline straight towards you
                Actually most of them seem to originate out of a camp when spawned by contract. Like with a barbarian king contract he physically pops out of one of them and then waits a bit before starting to randomly roam. Same with most random groups. Not all of them but the majority
                Only teleporting is that weird frickin bug when a group gets spawned very near and the game for some reason catapults them towards you
                >Starsector and Mount&Blade is more about inter-faction relations with the player but that doesn't really exist in BB
                M&B yeah but Starsector id argue matters barely more than here unless you're using nex. A commission just determines who you'll periodically war with (if you even decide to take one, which isnt necessary or a good idea at all) and once you start making colonies get ready to get attacked by everyone anyhow
                >BB's progression is tied to fame, which feels kind of anemic in comparison since you don't really get any stronger or have any real permanent effects on the game world
                No effect on the world sure, but how do you not get stronger?

              • 2 years ago

                >No effect on the world sure, but how do you not get stronger?
                Well literally the only difference is 'you can fight harder enemies and potentially get more money'. I GUESS there's a very mild sort of overall non-Brother upgrade system with camp followers but that's literally the only other thing you can spend your money on.

              • 2 years ago

                >What sort of system is better then
                You've been told time and again than skirmishes in style of Shogun 2 battles would be fine. Why are you deliberately keep ignoring that info?

              • 2 years ago

                >you've been told multiple times what my opinion is
                >why don't you blindly accept it as fact

              • 2 years ago

                >What sort of system is better then
                instead of current free roam where nothing really matter you get provincial and mission system
                kind of like FFT/TO one
                you get mission/s and send your troops on one, it take some time, may have some random events etc, various troops capacity

    • 2 years ago

      by playing the game! haha!

      he's right. it's a sandbox game, so all the fun basically comes from figuring out how the game works in the long term by yourself. watching guides kinda kills the fun

      • 2 years ago

        Well, I specifically asked how to evaluate my weapons, not which specific ones are the best

        • 2 years ago

          they all have their uses. it depends on what enemies you're fighting, how much fatigues your bros have, whether its early or midgame, etc etc. the meta keeps changing during the game so its best to just get a feel for it. however, spears and swords are undoubtedly the best weapons in early game, you can hardly go wrong with them. spears are king against animals and zombies cause they will just keep running into spear wall. maces and axes get stronger the further you get into the game, when you can start farming brigand raiders and have higher hit chance

        • 2 years ago

          also polearm spec is the highest impact weapon spec to choose from early on. so if you're a beginner and dont know what you're doing, put spears on everyone, have one or two guys double gripping a sword for high damage if and when you need it, and put polearms in the back. if you wanna try to make pro plays, trying getting throwing weapons on some of your melee dudes with quick hands as well

        • 2 years ago

          read the skill descriptions when you equip em

  51. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Crownling name
      Guy must have a little nice bio to him

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw an eunuch gets more pussy than you

  52. 2 years ago

    >named warhammer
    >65% armor pen
    >90% armor pen
    >crippling strikes
    It almost always injured every strike, this is ridiculous

    • 2 years ago

      very nice. one run my first named item was a max armor pen roll crossbow. i rage quit the run some time later for some reason

    • 2 years ago

      is it just me or does armor pen do jackshit against orcs

      • 2 years ago

        yes. the way dmg is calculated is first it take away any armor then it calculate hp damage and any hp damage is reduced by the amount of armor remaining. except for puncture, that will always do full damage.

      • 2 years ago

        yeah you need armour shred

  53. 2 years ago

    i did it!

    • 2 years ago

      Good job captain

    • 2 years ago

      I can run CE, too, you know

  54. 2 years ago

    why is this game so fricking hard ive played for about 5h and i could win 4 out of fricking 30 battles ive fought
    im just moronic or is this game just unfair

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      game is unfair, and you are moronic for not being able to fight equally unfair.

    • 2 years ago

      Both. The game is unfair to a degree, but if your win ratio is so low, it means you are doing a whole lot of things wrong.
      From the top of my head:
      - keep your bros close together
      - don't blindly charge into enemies
      - wear the best armour you can get (it doesn't matter what it is early on, you are unlikely to exceed 130 durability anyway, and that's fine)
      - shields early on are a fricking must, unless you have some really good recruit (hedgie, nobleman etc with good stats) that can handle 2H weapons
      - don't spam abilities randomly, fricking read what each of them is actually doing
      Also, consult

      Middling squire. Would be a lot better if his ini stars would be moved to mdef or mattak but as is id still try something with him
      Bad squire, just straight up worse than the other guy even if you want to go for an initiative build
      Servicable hedge knight
      Middling farmhand (i would use this guy if playing PM but most likely not get too attached otherwise)
      Quite shit even though he has fatigue & hp stars + lungs because starting rolls bad
      Shitty hedge knight, ruined by wienery and wouldn't be too good even without it
      A fine witch hunter, could go for a gunner due to that nice resolve. Polearm hybrid not possible since its just 1 star
      Shit bastard
      Brute is good with two handed flail but im not too sold on him
      Well its 3 stars of melee attack, bad starting roll for what he could get however
      He's okay
      Another brother who would maybe be interesting on peasant militia and only somewhat useable otherwise
      If you want to go fatigue neutral build these guys can work
      Bad/meh brawler
      He's ok
      Could make another gunner though a hunter would be better
      Actual utter shit
      Very unimpressive butcher
      Not too good considering messangers can get more mdef than default civvie

      , since it's a nice look through recruits. There is a good chance you have simply terrible bros. Not in terms of "they aren't miin-maxed", but "they are actively shit"

  55. 2 years ago

    i ignored the holy war for 100 days and it still hasnt ended

  56. 2 years ago

    holy shit i watched a group of orc warriors and young absolutely demolish a noble house army. orc warriors dont seem that tough though

    • 2 years ago

      it's a combo of the high armour, stun immunity, and being able to disrupt formations

  57. 2 years ago

    when are they going to add the pole flail?

    • 2 years ago

      where is our reach weapon cleaver?

      • 2 years ago

        I want a sling staff that can be used to throw grenades at high range.

        • 2 years ago

          that would be so impractical and dubiously useful but i sort of want it now

      • 2 years ago

        when are they going to add the pole flail?


  58. 2 years ago

    does duelist subtract the amount of armor damage you deal? like if i hit an orc with a 1h hammer it may do 100 armor damage and 10 hp damage, but if i have duelist does it onyl do 75 armor damage and 10 hp damage since an extra 25% of the armor damage is trying to go to hp damage?

  59. 2 years ago

    kek the ESL homosexual is still mad when people point out his post is moronic, because reeeeeee that's not the discussion!

    • 2 years ago

      And apparently, Ganker is just one person, you fricking schizo.

    • 2 years ago

      your point is moronic you ESL homosexual

  60. 2 years ago

    Weird how many people miss the point when talking to you. Guess it must be everyone else's fault!

    • 2 years ago

      Frick me he really likes posting that jiff lmao. At this point I'm convinced the dude just wants to start shit so he can tell people they're missing his point.

      • 2 years ago

        It's always funny to me when some moron is absolutely unable to compartmentalize discussions

    • 2 years ago

      world is full of morons like you

    • 2 years ago

      Frick me he really likes posting that jiff lmao. At this point I'm convinced the dude just wants to start shit so he can tell people they're missing his point.

      Maybe he just enters thread, sees debate of some kind and posts it to get (You)s

  61. 2 years ago
  62. 2 years ago

    I guess the main thing is that there's no real sense you're progressing in the world besides getting better gear.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      level scaling sucks, i agree and most people agree
      can we drop the damn topic now

      • 2 years ago

        newbie question:
        Is level scaling tied to level of your brothers, or it is tied also with the gear they have?
        In other words: does it mean sticking to low-level bros, but with good gear prevents level scaling?

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Yes gear doesnt matter but you shouldnt be too scared of scaling anyhow

          >What sort of system is better then
          You've been told time and again than skirmishes in style of Shogun 2 battles would be fine. Why are you deliberately keep ignoring that info?

          No I have been told this exactly once and you did not elaborate on what you meant by that so there was no way for me to know
          If by battles you mean like a set of missions completed in a certain order with no meta layer that would be "fine" but worse since like with a story campaign you are less engaged. There's knockoff xcoms and total wars that did this exact thing and as a consequence are only known by 10 people on this board total whilst both of the first two series are renowned by everyone

          • 2 years ago

            >I never played Shogun 2, for I need basic feature of it explained
            Get the frick out

            • 2 years ago

              Ive beaten it 2 or 3 times on hard
              Captxha NANYY

              • 2 years ago

                >I totally played that game!
                >I just don't know its basic features

              • 2 years ago

                Not him but I don't understand what you mean either and you sound like a moronic baiter. 'Shogun 2 skirmish battles' is pretty much what's already in battle brothers, no? You step on an enemy stack and the battle starts. Are you trying to say that you want the map to be turn based? I've read the thread and you don't elaborate in any meaningful way.

              • 2 years ago

                >N-not him
                >I-I swear

                I played plenty of S2 and never used the (presumably online) skirmish feature
                Unless you mean playing a custom battle which doesn't explain how the campaign would fit together

                Then you've missed the best part of the whole game.

              • 2 years ago

                I doubt it, since it had underaged morons like you in it

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm a total Shogun master
                >I beat the AI!
                How do you know who was playing it, if you never touched?
                Like seriously, what sort of mental cope is this even supposed to be? Being so fricking new that you play trash indie skirmish game, literally WF without a license, but being unfamiliar with Shogun 2?

              • 2 years ago

                >How do you know who was playing it
                Are you seriously fricking asking me how I know you were playing it?

              • 2 years ago

                you are fricking sperg
                you can take s2 and shove it deep into your sorry weeb ass
                shogun 2 wasn't even best Shogun

              • 2 years ago

                >shogun 2 wasn't even best Shogun
                Based and Sengoku Jidai pilled

              • 2 years ago

                >well memed
                i was more about Shogun 1 but your point still stand

              • 2 years ago

                I played plenty of S2 and never used the (presumably online) skirmish feature
                Unless you mean playing a custom battle which doesn't explain how the campaign would fit together

  63. 2 years ago

    My first, 11 level brother, yay! What perks I should unlock for him?

    • 2 years ago

      underdog and pathfinder or brawny

    • 2 years ago

      Id definetly go underdog first, it can save just a ton of mdef
      Other pick can be any of the following
      >possibly Adrenaline or Headhunter
      Hell even 9 lives would give good value since his mdef is nice
      Company's lookin good just try to get him and the hammer guy some better body armor, im assuming cleaver and mace bro are nimble

      • 2 years ago

        underdog and pathfinder or brawny

        pathfinder, fast adaptation. his resolve is pathetic you might even want fortified mind, if you put him in a situation where underdog would be useful he'll just route anyways

        Thanks bros.

        Is this a motherfrickin' Flail Duelist I see in the middle of a first row?

        Yea... but I am looking for some fame gear for him.

        • 2 years ago

          Why give him a three headed flail? The normal flails are better at punching through armor.

          • 2 years ago

            Starting rolls
            A star is roughly equivalent to +5 in a given stat at level 11 so whilst its not exactly right to think like this if you have a thief who has 10 mdef and a daytaler who has 0 but 2 stars they're roughly on par with eachother

            Maybe anons just fighting a lot people with bad headgear, double gripped three headed has great dps (or would it be damage per turn?) if you dont start missing

            There was many enemies with shields + 3 headed flail seems to be more usefull than normal flail.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean 2-handed flail

    • 2 years ago

      Is this a motherfrickin' Flail Duelist I see in the middle of a first row?

    • 2 years ago

      pathfinder, fast adaptation. his resolve is pathetic you might even want fortified mind, if you put him in a situation where underdog would be useful he'll just route anyways

      • 2 years ago

        resolve is alright nothing a few amulet or colosseum can't fix. With his low attack I would say he should take fast adaptation and adrenaline, and if he could redo it i would say not to take long reach perk or executioner and go instead with pathfinder and brawny.

  64. 2 years ago

    legends mod worth it over vanilla?

    • 2 years ago

      Only if you are bored of vanilla already.

  65. 2 years ago

    Shit game and you know it, just like in case of every single post-DD "le ebic hardcore RNG" video game

  66. 2 years ago

    Literally no idea what is going on in this thread anymore its like 10 people leaping into eachothers posts

    • 2 years ago

      Welcome to BB threads

    • 2 years ago

      What's your favorite Slitherine game, then?

      • 2 years ago

        think i only played Legion Arena that's published by them and that one is so forgotten that there hasnt been a thread on it even on this board

  67. 2 years ago

    how do you tell if a bro is good or not

    • 2 years ago

      Starting rolls
      A star is roughly equivalent to +5 in a given stat at level 11 so whilst its not exactly right to think like this if you have a thief who has 10 mdef and a daytaler who has 0 but 2 stars they're roughly on par with eachother

      Why give him a three headed flail? The normal flails are better at punching through armor.

      Maybe anons just fighting a lot people with bad headgear, double gripped three headed has great dps (or would it be damage per turn?) if you dont start missing

    • 2 years ago

      Was the roll at least average and not tanked for his default skills?
      Does he has 2 or 3 stars in melee?
      Does he at least has 3 start in ranged, then?
      Does he have some useful trait?
      Am I playing as militia (because this turns a whole lot of meager bros into solid options)?

      But really, if you have a bro with shitty melee and/or low stars in it, he's worthless.

  68. 2 years ago

    Is there any reason to not give javelins or throwing axes to every melee bro in the early game? Even if their hit chance is low, it's still one or two "free" hits, maybe more.

    • 2 years ago

      swapping away when the enemy is close costs you an attack if you don't have quick games
      it comes down to whether you want the extra hit roll/s from throwing while they're closing in, or to get two swings the turn they hit your lines
      ofc you can micro so that you swap the turn before they make contact but ime it's a pretty marginal benefit early game unless you're also spamming qh which I usually am

  69. 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago

      thank you king i shall test this over the weekend

  70. 2 years ago

    I want to get this game, but I've watched a gameplay and Idk guys, I like to focus on strategy and the amount of items available to buy seems to be overwhelming, the guy spend a ton of time deciding to buy knives and stuff like that it put me off, can someone redpill me on this?

    • 2 years ago

      It's just a facade. In reality the game is extremely simple, but bombards you with a tonne of useless informations first.

    • 2 years ago

      Its as autistic as you want it to be
      Just pirate and see for yourself

    • 2 years ago

      Except it is very straighforward. Consider this: there is an entire hit and wound system that doesn't fricking matter once your bros will get a half-decent light armour and helmets. You literally remove it from the picture within first 20-30 minutes of playing. Gear variety? Meaningless, outside item class if you need specific type of weapon. Dozen of different stats? Who cares, all that's important are the two combat skills and in certain builds, fatigue. And the whole game is like this: appearance of deep complexity, just to gaslight you into thinking it is hard. What it really is is obtuse. And don't get me wrong, it is a fun skirmish game to play. It's just nowhere near as tough or autistic as it pretends to be.

      • 2 years ago

        I think the other mechanics matter more if you don't savescum and try to play out "bad" positions or "bad" rng

        • 2 years ago

          You don't need savescumming for anything in this game, for everything is already in the map seed. And if you are savescumming battles, then you are doing something horribly wrong in the first place that you lose them

          • 2 years ago

            Scumming map seeds too. If you "play the hand you are dealt" the game is pretty neat. If you play like a Russian it is not that fun

    • 2 years ago

      if a moron like me can figure it out and do ok at it consistently at normal difficulty, then it's not that complicated. you can do it anon, i believe in you.

  71. 2 years ago

    >Barbarian Raider Start
    >Only hire combat backgrounds
    >Saddled with the shitter monk
    >Shitter monk died
    >Still feel bad

  72. 2 years ago

    >starts new game
    >ends up with 6 reapspammers
    every single time

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      6 reapspammers

      • 2 years ago

        Not him however consider this
        A swordlance has roughly the same damage as a pike. Pikes fall off quite badly but when reaping its like your brother is 3 pikes thrusting at 3 seperate targets. There is no hitchance bonus, but the main stat for a reapspammer is melee attack to overcome that
        Whilst fatigue intensive all aoe is fatigue efficient, with reap in particular you pay for 2 and get 3 with the last one essentialy being free compared to making seperate attacks
        If you kill 1 guy you're going to be able to reap again under KF as long as you arent stammed out. 3 seperate pikemen would not all be able to do that
        Whilst the damage is worse than other aoes you are a polearm which means that your flexibility is already greater than any other two handed weapon, and you have reach too
        Its very alluring to run swordlances once you get hooked and unlike guns you dont need at least 2 to get real big payoff, just 1 reapspammer can do you good but multiple swordlances also have some synergy when they overarc attacks
        Theres also ways to build this depending on preference since you can take Fearsome or Overwhelm if you have spare points to add more utility

        • 2 years ago

          It sounds cool! Can you do swordlanceXwhip?
          Also, what is better? Range bros or melee weapon bros.

          Are bows good? I found that they can kill from a long distance. Frick, even someone on /bbt/ posted video where guy used 2 archers to kill goblin camps.

          • 2 years ago

            >Can you do swordlanceXwhip?
            Polearm-Whip is a build that works perfectly well though its usually more of a billhookXwhip in my mind because billhooks aren't hungry for fatigue, assuming you want the whip to disarm on occasion. At that point might as well put a 2h cleaver into your other bag slot to pull out if needed
            >Also, what is better? Range bros or melee weapon bros.
            For general use Melee though throwers and gunners are extremely powerful
            Crossbows are good
            Bows ill get to in a bit
            >Are bows good? I found that they can kill from a long distance.
            People dislike them because armor ignore is very poor meaning they get stopped hard by well geared enemies but i think that when you make ranged-melee hybrids (bow/crossbow - polearm) both options have their advantages, mostly because polearm hybrid bros tend to shoot at things that are naked or near naked anyhow
            >someone on /bbt/ posted video where guy used 2 archers to kill goblin camps
            Whats /bbt/
            But yeah Pyatkov started that. I didnt try it yet but it clearly works well since he can clear camp after camp after camp after camp relatively early with near 0 attrition in armor damage or wounds and bigger goblin locations have good named item chance

            • 2 years ago

              By /bbt/ I mean battle brothers thread.
              Last question, how effective is crossbowXbillhook?
              Thanks for answers. I want be better and better in this game.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, thought there was a secret general someplace else
                You can do any combination of bow/crossbow-bladed pike (the skeleton one)/billhook/swordlance depending on preference/circumstance
                >I want be better and better in this game.
                Just keep posting itt theres a few of us who have been playing for a good while
                Suggest adding mods that speed up animations and autopause if you havent yet

                Once your company is around average level of 7 or so, bows are completely obsolete. Crossbows hold out until the late game, but suffer from the standard "hurr long reload durr" idiocy, so there is that.

                Are you moronic or just ESL?
                The seed affects outcome of your actions and gear distribution. You can't scum against it, unless you reload an entire new map. It's all predetermined the moment you start the map.
                And the maps themselves are nearly identically balanced, so you are still going to get at least one good town for buying gear and at least one good desert city-state, too.

                Anon probably means various forms of seed cheese you can do, though how much of those are cheating is up to your own interpretation other than mapping named items beforehand which definetly is cheating

          • 2 years ago

            Once your company is around average level of 7 or so, bows are completely obsolete. Crossbows hold out until the late game, but suffer from the standard "hurr long reload durr" idiocy, so there is that.

            Scumming map seeds too. If you "play the hand you are dealt" the game is pretty neat. If you play like a Russian it is not that fun

            Are you moronic or just ESL?
            The seed affects outcome of your actions and gear distribution. You can't scum against it, unless you reload an entire new map. It's all predetermined the moment you start the map.
            And the maps themselves are nearly identically balanced, so you are still going to get at least one good town for buying gear and at least one good desert city-state, too.

            • 2 years ago

              >bows become completely obsolete
              Please don't give advice

              • 2 years ago

                >t. bowgay that gets raped by just about everyone in late game
                Enjoy your Robin Hood larp while it lasts.

              • 2 years ago

                >crossbows are more of an endgame weapon than bows
                I don't use either but in no way is the crossbow a superior weapon lategame

              • 2 years ago

                >Better penetration
                >Not better endgame
                So you get slaughtered so hard with your merry band that you never tried alternatives?

              • 2 years ago

                >armor pen is the only thing
                Your entire team using nothing but hammers?

              • 2 years ago

                >Sliding this badly
                Crossbows are a better ranged weapon, because they don't end up with their damage output negated by armour. By late game, the difference is significant enough to make bows obsolete. And there is no downside to using crossbow on unarmoured targets, either.
                But hey, let's try a disingenuous change of subject, that totally gonna work.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's obsolete because armour pen
                >there's other things but I won't list them
                Learn to debate dipshit

                Final bow and final crossbow deal same damage, have same range and are identical in every possible aspect. Their difference? Crossbow ignores far more armor and a bonus to hit. Why would you then use bow, when it is literally inferior crossbow at that point?

                >bow and crossbow are identical
                Learn what that word means

  73. 2 years ago

    >Baiter tries to refuel his argument from few days ago
    Why are BB threads like this?

  74. 2 years ago

    i got bored of my day 150 run and i forgot how brutal early game is. 9/10 mercenary companies fail

  75. 2 years ago

    >Early game caravan which spawned a orc warrior
    >"Frick I only got sticks to fight with... BUT I GOT NETS"
    >Surround him
    >Throw a net
    >"Nothing personal"
    >He just beheads 2 of my lads in a turn through the net
    >Hover over net debuff in disbelief
    >It actually only influences mdef and rdef
    Over 200 hours btw

    • 2 years ago

      doesn't it also reduce dmg by half?

      >crossbows are more of an endgame weapon than bows
      I don't use either but in no way is the crossbow a superior weapon lategame

      they're certainly more versatile
      >pure ranged
      xbow users can pivot to guns, surely you have leveled INI and RES, yes?
      a bro with potential can be built as hybrid, mitigating the low flesh and armor dmg disadvantage of xbows with billhooks and mitigate the lack of RATK associated by melee users with +hitchance.
      bow users live and die by their 2 shots a turn + overwhelm, berserk, kf, maybe CS and EX to impact the battle, its good for sniping VIPs and gobs but that's about it, kneels against orcs, chosens, big beasts, skeletons...

      • 2 years ago

        What I'm saying is that if i need to kill ancient dead/orcs/big boys I have no intention of using either really. But this idea that bows simply become obsolete a few levels in is moronic and mainly being screeched about by the same moron whos been shitting up this thread nonstop.

        • 2 years ago

          >and mainly being screeched about by the same moron whos been shitting up this thread nonstop
          Dont think so since its a really common to hear that in general

          • 2 years ago

            Aside from this thread I've never heard anyone refer to bows as completely obsolete and I've never been in a situation where I think "wow I wish i was using a crossbow instead of a bow" except for maybe fighting orcs and those are one of the easier enemies. Generally I'm far more likely to think "wow why am I using some shitty ranged weapon when I could be using a polearm".

        • 2 years ago

          guy had it backward - bows become viable too late into the game, by the time archers get 11 you will encounter foes that shrug off arrows.

        • 2 years ago

          Final bow and final crossbow deal same damage, have same range and are identical in every possible aspect. Their difference? Crossbow ignores far more armor and a bonus to hit. Why would you then use bow, when it is literally inferior crossbow at that point?

      • 2 years ago

        No nets debuff mdef rdef ini by 30% and make target unable to move till broken + enable deathblow. The immobilization is often the most important since when combined with the guarantee to land means that you can use your ap and fatigue to make an enemy waste at least 1 of his turns (possibly multiple because its not guaranteed he'll break out) sitting there like an idiot and not contributing whilst his friends run forward to die because you're able to focus fire better. Same reason why deploying dogs as bait can work but its higher risk high reward in a sense since enemies might beat him up in 1 turn and then he's acted as a morale buff for them or the dog can hold the line for a couple
        Doing anything to control the rate of which the enemy comes to you through utilizing terrain or formation or consumables is immensly good

  76. 2 years ago

    >underdog, shield expert, surefooted, paranoid thief
    >50 idle MDEF
    >4 raiders
    >0 hits
    >turns on riposte
    >eats 6 hits to the head, dies to bleed
    very nice game

    • 2 years ago

      >no steel brow

    • 2 years ago

      skill issue

    • 2 years ago

      >he doesn't alt+f4 from stupid RNG rolls like that

  77. 2 years ago

    I leveled up my flail bro and I thinking what build should I do on him?
    Should I wait for legendary weapon or do it now? (140 fatigue)
    I was thinking about
    >Crippling Strikes
    >Quick Hands
    Duelist and Crippling Strikes could be good for both normal and 3h flail. Adrenaline for 2 handed flail. Quick hands for potential Axe + flail and fearsome if I wanted to.

    • 2 years ago

      ehh 70 is not that much health tbh so i would recommend you drop fearsome for colossus since 40 resolve isnt that much. underdog is also a nice perk for frontliners who would most likely be surrounded most of the time so maybe swap one of the others for that too

      • 2 years ago

        What if i took the risk and made duelist/cripple strike? (and just give him heavy armor?)

        • 2 years ago

          it depends on how long you think someone facing him will last. crippling strike is only really worth it on ranged bros imo as they can spread out injuries at the start of battle for my executioner bros to take advantage of later. if the enemy have already engaged your frontline then ideally they wont last more than a turn or two with or without injuries, not to mention your cs guy will have a much more limited pool of targets. also putting your bros in heavy armor wont make him invincible, bf only affects armor damage so he can still be killed by high armor ignore weapons like maces and hammers.

  78. 2 years ago

    Im new to the game and I gotta ask:
    What's the most viable way to make money? I kinda suck at it. Do I just have to keep searching for missions or is there a way to make money through trade?

    • 2 years ago

      do boring missions over and over to fund that one fun fight and then back to the gold grind

    • 2 years ago

      Combination of ways
      You see those ambitions the game gives out? Complete them and your renown will increase, which will make people pay you actual money for work
      In addition you should repair higher tiers of weapons before sale
      Trade works, but is mainly supplemental income
      The more you fight and the better you get at fighting the more money you make

      • 2 years ago

        Guess I have to get bud then and fight more

  79. 2 years ago

    Who's the biggest chad in your company right now?

    • 2 years ago

      obviously me since im the one controlling everyone

      • 2 years ago

        >resolve = broken

  80. 2 years ago

    How do I maximize overwhelm and fearsome with AOE? I have seen gunners and throwers overwhelm 2-3 bros with a single attack.

    • 2 years ago

      >maximize overwhelm
      pump ini or use adrenaline
      >and fearsome
      pump resolve

    • 2 years ago

      Gunners (and other aoe) overwhelm everyone in their cone of fire always assuming they are faster, so just go faster by having more initiative, the thrower thing is present in all ranged weapons where if you whiff a shot or hit the guy behind you'll still overwhelm both of them
      Fearsome is a bit more complicated since i think that the first part of the perk (you get guaranteed morale check on 1 damage) only occurs on the first thing you hit. However, the second part (all morale checks get a penalty based on % of your resolve) still works

  81. 2 years ago

    Finally! My first crisis and I get Holy War. Now, there is a question.
    -Should I join north or southern factions?
    -Will I get back my relations with factions after war?
    -Some of my brothers are below 11 level. Is it still winnable?
    -Do I need do this crisis now or I can wait few days?

    • 2 years ago

      Holy War without your personal involvement can literally go forever. Especially if there is more than a day distance between southern city states and northern settlements, then it's eternal stalemate

  82. 2 years ago

    haha wouldn't it be funny to have a 0-depth gaps in hills adjacent that run through camps and if you bashed someone into they'd instantly die haha

    • 2 years ago

      t. Urtuk the Desolation dev

      • 2 years ago

        Is that game good

        • 2 years ago

          It has the feature anon proposed but is a very different game than either of the two ones that people will say its a mashup of (battle brothers + darkest dungeon). Compared to bb it has much better qol on the battlefield since the grid is visible, a lot more information is up there for the player to just read and theres like a x10 speed inbuilt
          I cant put my finger on whats wrong with it. Its not a bad game however

  83. 2 years ago

    I've been thinking that a hunter bro with a named warbow would be king for dealing with every other ranged unit.
    Though good luck getting a good legit named warbow without cheats lol

    • 2 years ago

      Update on this.
      >can duel other archers
      >can pick off stragglers
      >can soften up enemies
      >annoying shits like necromancers goodbye
      This is definitely peak ranged of what our side can field. Only problem is it's unreliable to get it unlike guns and throwers.

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          what a weird image
          also that bladed pike looks like it got edited over in paint

          • 2 years ago

            it was edited in gimp

        • 2 years ago

          why the fricking shields

          • 2 years ago

            im less confused by shields than by hybridizing with that low mattak on everyone except the guy on the right
            longaxe can sort of be used with low melee attack since you always hit on break shield if thats what you intend it for though

            >play cultist
            >day 31
            >everything is all good, lucky camp nets me a named 2h hammer
            >1st sacrifice
            >half the cpn throws a fit and leaves
            >includes a 8 star hunter and 7 star oathtaker i just hired for 10k total
            >ambushed by 3 raider groups
            okay dakvul, using only cultist or packing cocaine in exchange for +5 resolve for your shitty fodders, very nice perks

            and yes cultists are cbt

          • 2 years ago

            not him but I ran something similar for a while
            my thinking at the time was if something real scary gets in on em, the best play might be to shieldwall and wait for rescue
            ime it's fine as long as the rest of your backline isn't similarly tied up by scary shit and you have the fatigue to keep it going

          • 2 years ago

            for chaotic fights with formation breaking enemies or unfortunate positioning, unhold just knocks them away so its fine, they dont have FW so every combat engagements end up with them having to be bailed out by other bros and in fights againts orcs or chosen, you dont want to be next to the guy with the big ass machete. shieldwall can buy an extra 1-2 turn while the rest of your bros mop up

  84. 2 years ago

    What build needs lots of fatigue?
    Could he have Battleforged?

    • 2 years ago

      Puncturespammer daggerbro (though he also needs sky high melee attack)
      Swordlancer (reap spam)
      Anyone using a 4 ap weapon usually
      Orc weapons users
      He could easily go BF since the barrier of entry for that fatigue wise isnt as high as people thing even if you skip brawny (which you can and on occasion should do) but id rather make him a reapspammer since he has no mdef at all

      • 2 years ago

        Another swordlancer could be usefull, but should I invest points into inititative to use overwhelm? (Puncture bro could be usefull but as you said before, his melee def sucks)

        looks born to be a BF bannerman to me

        I already have gunnerbanner

        • 2 years ago

          101 ini is not a good starting number but you could do it, getting an initiative build that actually works needs somewhere over 120, 'round 130-140 base to be reached+pelt if you want and then you're comfortably above everyone else. Without stars the roll for ini is still 3-5. Its just that backgrounds that start with more can reach it easier
          The tradeoff withi ini builds on nimble brothers is less in stats (since thats most of the time easy, this guy is just slow) and more in perks since you're suddenly allured by dodge-relentless-(overwhelm), and taking dodge-relentless on a swordlancer is something you can definetly do if you want. I sometimes go for it and you do appreciate how he's consistently able to go before the enemy even when waiting but you'll be giving something up elsewhere
          His resolve is very nice so fearsome is an option too

          • 2 years ago

            Fearsome sounds good on him, yea.
            I get an idea, what if I go adrenaline + overwhelm.
            But if yes, than where I should put 3 roll on. Range def?

            • 2 years ago

              You'd save 1 perk point (assuming you go dodge and relentless both) but you'd get a far worse deal in regards to fatigue burning because 1 adrenaline is roughly 1 lost reap
              3rd could go initiative (if you decide to go for an ini build), resolve, defences, hp...anything that rolls well, bit here bit there

    • 2 years ago

      looks born to be a BF bannerman to me

  85. 2 years ago

    lads, i finally figured out why i'm so annoyed by necrosavants
    i don't mind fighting them and i don't think they are that hard to deal with. what i dislike about them is their stupid design and set of skills.
    They can turn into swarms of bats and drink your blood (through their weapons) but instead of looking like vampires they look like mummies? that's fricking moronic
    It would be way more logical if they could teleport by transforming into sand and spread monkepox aids around them upon receiving damage instead of having a lifesteal

    • 2 years ago

      >and spread monkepox aids around them upon receiving damage instead of having a lifesteal
      would be interesting since theres no enemy that has anything similar other than i guess lindwurm acid

      I've heard that contracts (or at least, the enemies that you fight during) are scaled to the number of bros in your party. If that's true, is it only the number of men that you're fielding (i.e. max of 12) or the total men that you have (i.e. max of 20)? I don't want to get extra men to sub for the injured if it's going to bump up the difficutly (since I already play on hard).

      no, it only counts to your max fieldable. it also takes your average level into account but to what extent im not sure. Do know that if you are lone wolf and go to the arena the scaling goes insane if you didnt hire anyone else yet, throws like 7 serpents at you

    • 2 years ago

      >They can turn into swarms of bats and drink your blood (through their weapons) but instead of looking like vampires they look like mummies?
      lmao I'm guessing you missed out on the 90s craze of egyptian vamps

      • 2 years ago

        That was the 80s, anon

        • 2 years ago

          it extended well into the 90s thanks to Anne Rice, Warhammer Fantasy, and to a lesser extent World of Darkness
          growing up in the 90s I remember seeing dozens of shitty romance novels and even a few kid's books which all followed in those footsteps

          • 2 years ago

            >it extended well into the 90s thanks to Anne Rice
            That's the 80s
            >Warhammer Fantasy
            That's also the 80s
            >and to a lesser extent World of Darkness
            Mummy: The Resurrection was the swan song of the whole thing and even among oWoD fandom is considered to be low-brow trash.
            I suggest checking out the date of production and publication of various things you attribute to the 90s, because unless you are a Slav from former Eastern Block suddenly exposed to Western media, you have no excuse.

            t. way too old to be still here, but we are all here forever

            • 2 years ago

              mate I attributed none of those things to the 90s
              what I said was it extended well into the 90s thanks to them, and mentioned shitty romance novels as the medium it survived in
              you have no right calling someone else a slav when you have the reading comprehension of one
              Rice continued to publish through and beyond the 90s, even if none of it was good or particularly Egypt-focused it meant that her early work which was stayed relevant and influential
              in addition I'm unwilling to concede that WHFB is the 80s, given it was a living game that continued to flesh itself out far beyond the 80s. I don't have old vamp army books though (and am out of town for another fortnight so I have access to none of my hard copies of things) so I'm willing to be proven wrong on when exactly they introduced the egyptian backstory for the vamps. the first place I encountered it was from a mid-90s WD though.
              I also wasn't referring to mummy when I was talking about WoD, I was referencing the surviving myths and legends from the old clanbooks, which from memory tend to place Cain's curse somewhere before the Bronze Age and the height of his flock at around the end of it, though on reflection I'm willing to admit this was a pretty tenuous link to Egypt and mostly comes from "well this 3rd/4th/5th gen has been kicking around since Rome's heyday" so their forebears had to have come before that, and IIRC the Nosferatu at least say that the embrace was pretty heavily restricted while Cain was still kicking.
              >I suggest checking out the date of production and publication of various things
              if I weren't on holiday I'd be more inclined, but as it stands ya got two chances, and one's Buckley's

            • 2 years ago

              mate I attributed none of those things to the 90s
              what I said was it extended well into the 90s thanks to them, and mentioned shitty romance novels as the medium it survived in
              you have no right calling someone else a slav when you have the reading comprehension of one
              Rice continued to publish through and beyond the 90s, even if none of it was good or particularly Egypt-focused it meant that her early work which was stayed relevant and influential
              in addition I'm unwilling to concede that WHFB is the 80s, given it was a living game that continued to flesh itself out far beyond the 80s. I don't have old vamp army books though (and am out of town for another fortnight so I have access to none of my hard copies of things) so I'm willing to be proven wrong on when exactly they introduced the egyptian backstory for the vamps. the first place I encountered it was from a mid-90s WD though.
              I also wasn't referring to mummy when I was talking about WoD, I was referencing the surviving myths and legends from the old clanbooks, which from memory tend to place Cain's curse somewhere before the Bronze Age and the height of his flock at around the end of it, though on reflection I'm willing to admit this was a pretty tenuous link to Egypt and mostly comes from "well this 3rd/4th/5th gen has been kicking around since Rome's heyday" so their forebears had to have come before that, and IIRC the Nosferatu at least say that the embrace was pretty heavily restricted while Cain was still kicking.
              >I suggest checking out the date of production and publication of various things
              if I weren't on holiday I'd be more inclined, but as it stands ya got two chances, and one's Buckley's

              didnt even know there were non eastern euros posting on this board

    • 2 years ago

      preach brother

  86. 2 years ago

    I've heard that contracts (or at least, the enemies that you fight during) are scaled to the number of bros in your party. If that's true, is it only the number of men that you're fielding (i.e. max of 12) or the total men that you have (i.e. max of 20)? I don't want to get extra men to sub for the injured if it's going to bump up the difficutly (since I already play on hard).

  87. 2 years ago

    >Starter town has ambushed trade routes

    • 2 years ago

      >starter town has disappearing+scared villagers

    • 2 years ago

      >you started with merchant caravan origin

  88. 2 years ago

    What's the specifics of the "Find & destroy a ruin / hostile camp" ambition? I get that I need to destroy it outside of a contract but do I need to discover it on my own as well? Can I just abandon a contract to clear out a camp and then clear it out?

    • 2 years ago

      It cant be a location autorevealead by a contract - if the game marks it upon accepting its not valid
      Im fairly certain it can be if the job was one of those heres a vague direction and distance to location go find it for me
      Any random camp works, i usually clear a southern nomad site since you can run into a fair number of those smallest tent groups that have just some cutthroats

  89. 2 years ago

    bros I just had a dream about 2h flail, I keep see a CoP-FH-2hFlail bro with active HH walk up to a shieldwalling enemy with shredded helmet and fricking nailed them, first it was a bandits, then nomad, footman, finally he went and pounded a netted swordmaster to dead, what does it means bros

    • 2 years ago

      It means its time to run a company with this flag and have 4 2h flail bros minimum
      with kf you oneshot all of those regardless of helm btw except maybe swordmaster

      Jebus my starting crew of 12 is a dungheap. I think I have 3-4 guys with mattack under 50. I've had to take adaptation on a bunch of them because their advancement has been so terrible. I can't wait to ditch these losers but they are already going to cost a fortune to get rid of.

      Thats quite possible for peasant militia since they're all random, just put the bad people up front and let nature take its course over time

      one of my 2-3 decent guys is a dastard, he has good stats but he sucks cause he starts at wavering, pretty damn useless even with a polearm.

      any events to get rid of dastard?

      Think that there is one that requires a brave or fearless man, but dont count on events firing ever
      Bannerman can toot the horn to make him go up to steady but its god damn annoying to do every fight so id only bother with dastards if they were really good

  90. 2 years ago

    am i still banned?

    • 2 years ago


  91. 2 years ago

    Jebus my starting crew of 12 is a dungheap. I think I have 3-4 guys with mattack under 50. I've had to take adaptation on a bunch of them because their advancement has been so terrible. I can't wait to ditch these losers but they are already going to cost a fortune to get rid of.

    • 2 years ago

      one of my 2-3 decent guys is a dastard, he has good stats but he sucks cause he starts at wavering, pretty damn useless even with a polearm.

      any events to get rid of dastard?

  92. 2 years ago

    >doesn't restrain or trip target
    >throwing spear and axes
    >cant use them for melee
    >get ambushed
    >cant ambush enemies
    >fights on land
    What were they thinking?

    • 2 years ago

      >My new recruit started crying after his first proper fight
      >He's a fricking flagellant

      I don't know about the spears but aren't throwing axes terrible hand weapons due to being designed for throwing?

      • 2 years ago

        Except they are no different than using a hatchet on someone's face, so go fricking figure.

  93. 2 years ago

    >Funds are empty
    >Need to quickly find a new contract
    >Finish a fight / contract
    >Funds barely cover enough food / armour / wages
    >Funds are empty
    Is there any way to escape this circle? I've lost a few runs where losing some good Bros leads to this "circling the drain" state and there's only so long you can struggle to stay afloat before I inevitably make a mistake / get unlucky.

    • 2 years ago

      are you buying armor or weapons? if so, dont. if not, you might be selling/buying stuff for below average prices, make sure you get good prices before vendoring half your inventory, try to find dedicated settlements for buying tools and food. don't take really hard fights that you're confident you can win with losses cause the repair bill and buying new bros will drain you. part of the early game is struggling for funds and being a cheap ass, which is fun

  94. 2 years ago

    How do you deal with tournaments? Do you go all the way?
    I've fought only a few and never actually won one. 2 fights is the most I can do before someone is too beaten for it to be really worth it.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah same, i can never pull all 3 though i seldomly even try these days. hate the idea of being thrust into random high difficulty fights

      • 2 years ago

        How do you deal with tournaments? Do you go all the way?
        I've fought only a few and never actually won one. 2 fights is the most I can do before someone is too beaten for it to be really worth it.

        The only way to beat 3 fight is luck (rolling easy enemies) and good builds/eq on bros.

  95. 2 years ago

    >No hard limit on how many times a Necromancer can resurrect a Wiederganger
    You can't have a "remove the head to keep them down" rule and then pull this bullshit. At some point you're reanimating a pile of human soup you c**t.

    • 2 years ago

      They get up with half health, destroyed armor and after like 2 resurrections no weapon because it rolls to get destroyed every time a model dies

    • 2 years ago

      even better, fallen heroes can stand up with no head on their own

  96. 2 years ago

    Post your best famed weapons. I bought dagger with max rolled dmg and -3 fatigue for all weapon actions.

    • 2 years ago

      Dont have an image but an all time favorite was a named crossbow even though there's better chassis around

      My cleaver guy get 11 level now now i wonder, should I do duelist cleaver guy or 2H cleaver bro.

      No real good answer other than up to you
      See here

      A khopesh is a military cleaver that loses a tiny bit of base damage in order to get better effectiveness against armor (and has dumped durability which may or may not be relevant), so the answer for both is the same
      From memory a military cleaver double gripped has roughly similar damage as a two handed shamshir. Like the other anon said the appeal of 1h cleavers is taking advantage of duelist and the fact that they're lighter, which is quite nice since Decapitate is indeed very very good.
      Appeal of 2h cleavers is the greater base stats and that they have 1 more perk to spend since they're not inclined to take duelist, which is also good because cleaverbros have a few options for luxury points to spend like qh for easy whipping or reach advantage or headhunter if you wanna try to get some abnormaly strong decapitates when you get a stack of HH.
      Orc cleavers might seem the best of both worlds since they get comparable damage to 2h when gripped and can go duelist but also take the worst traits of both as well since you need a perk and are the heaviest of them all to equip and use, you wont be able to decap nearly as much or even make basic swings before needing to recover. If thats worth it, up to you, same as which one of these to go for

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks bro but still, it leaves a question. Even if I invest point into duelist, I don't know how spend this last perk. Headhunter? Steel Brow? Maybe Bags and Belts? (This guy)

        I don't know what to choose, Battleforged or Nimble. I can afford good armor btw.

        Hanke (

        I also have this guy. He is good but I don't know if I should go mace or hammer on him. (or both? [polemace without perk]). Battleforged or Nimble?

        ) is question too because I don't know what perks are good on maceman. (headhunter?) Maybe I should go hammer?

        Underdog for both?

        • 2 years ago

          Are they nimble or forged? What perks does Hanke have?
          Underdog is generally a safe pick for any front liner but that could be just me being a bit of a pussy/set in my ways, i take colossus on everyone always even though theres justification to occasionaly not do that if your recruit already has very high starting health and will go bf (though its still reasonable to take even then)

          • 2 years ago

            Both Battleforged
            Hanke perks
            Colossus, Recover, Student, Quickhands, Brawny, Battleforged, Berserk, Killing Frenzy

            • 2 years ago

              So 3 more at lvl 11, hm
              2hHammer and 2hMace are quite similar, hammer works better at removing armor so its nicer (though mace is still nice because it has the same ignore so vs humans it just kills through armor) against warriors and the like but Daze is arguably better for general use unless you're able to burst down a target before he can act when Stagger pushes him to the end of the initiative line. Hammer has aoe but you'd need to buy one and a polehammer presumably since you went qh
              Get Hanke a better helmet
              If you go Mastery+Underdog the last perk can be adrenaline, pf, maybe 9 lives. CS if you just want to see more concussions on head strike
              Regarding cleaver bags seems like a waste to me since i cant think of what you'd be planning, brow has its upsides but id do HH for fun

  97. 2 years ago

    My cleaver guy get 11 level now now i wonder, should I do duelist cleaver guy or 2H cleaver bro.

  98. 2 years ago

    Met Necrosavants for the first time. They Assraped my band with no lube. 10/10 would recommend.

  99. 2 years ago

    Planning on getting the game, do you need the DLCs or can I play the base game first and get the DLCs later?

    • 2 years ago

      The DLCs are definitely worth getting IMO, but they're not essential. They mostly just add more stuff. Just get the base game first and if you enjoy the core gameplay loop get the DLCs.

  100. 2 years ago

    When is the fricking Legends mod getting updated already

    • 2 years ago

      2 more weeks

    • 2 years ago

      For new dlc? A while ago, just check their discord

  101. 2 years ago

    i will never fight for northern dogs alhamdulillah

    • 2 years ago

      gilder bless

  102. 2 years ago

    I hate goblins, they killed my bannerbro someone give me an archer build, im gonna smash a few dozen goblin camps

    • 2 years ago

  103. 2 years ago

    you know I always thought that armors were generally matte colored, like galvanized metal and quite thick, so after seeing a suit of plate IRL i was kinda disappointed, it's all shiny and thin looking, like an actual tin can, so thats why they call those tin cans.

    • 2 years ago

      nobody wears plate outside a cuirass and by then we had muskets, chain is what real soldiers wore. plate mail is 90% cermonial.

      • 2 years ago

        bullshit, by early 14th century, plate armor creation was advanced enough for manufacturers to focus on producing individual parts in bulk. Then it would be a matter of the state to source said parts to form a full harness. There are actual merchant numbers stating the sales of thousands of helmets, mail shirts, gorgets, and coats of plates (and sales of gauntlets in the hundreds). Also ceremonial and jousting armor was still armor. It wasn't until 16th century that soldiers would start dropping the armor they wore.
        Also, armor was a layered affair, something like gambeson, then mail for weaker areas, and plates.

  104. 2 years ago

    I need a new strategy for early to mid game, i'm getting bored.

    >5 in the front, 7 in the back
    >first perk is always colossus or crippling strikes
    >second is always inconsistent, taking colossus, crippling strikes, or pathfinder, with quick hands for ranged peltasts and fortified mind for low resolve
    >third is generally rotation but been trying backstab
    >fourth is where i get lost, is generally weapon mastery of some sort but always seems to be the wrong one / random because of how i am constantly rotating my lineup, generally take rally on the bannerman.
    >5th is usually footwork, but sometimes brawny. sometimes wind up taking an extra weapons mastery or some perk i missed.
    >6th is berserk
    >7th+ is free for all, game just turns into a clusterfrick at that point.

    I only play on iron man, so learning to rotate your casualties and injured out in favor of fresh dudes and taking casualties is part of the game.

    I stick with spears until they are at 60 m attack then switch to swords or flails, no clubs, hammers or cleavers till 65-70, at which point i usually graduate whatever two hander is available, with a preference for swords and flails until they hit 70-75.

    Backline is generally polearms with 2 peltasts with 2 sets of javelins each and a backup spear or sword. I put spears if i have them and slightly heavier armor on the ends to shore up my flanks.

    My tactics are just getting really stale, they work but are getting dull, and I tend to get one or two guys picked off from the flanks.

    I usually end up doing something really stupid around day 60-80, biting off more than I can chew and ending my game. My last game was going really well but I got completely fricked by RNG and terrain, the game just fed my dudes into a meatgrinder inside a forest where I couldn't maneuver.

    If I don't have peltasts or have to rotate them out or to the front, sometimes I'll just arm the entire back row with polearms. which is even more boring.

    • 2 years ago

      I generally keep 2-3 shield bros up front with 2-3 zweihanders of various sorts, i don't use bows and only use crossbows in the early game until i can afford javelins. I don't generally use nets and tend to forget band aids which sometimes bites me in the ass.

      Maybe I can equip my frontlines with those shield killer javelins? 100 bucks a pop is expensive. Sometimes I move 7 up front cause i'm tired of my backline getting picked off at the flanks, but then the frontline just tends to get picked off on the flanks instead.

      I'm thinking of doing something crazy like all ranged backline with all shield frontline, or splitting the troupe into left and right flanks.

    • 2 years ago

      I generally keep 2-3 shield bros up front with 2-3 zweihanders of various sorts, i don't use bows and only use crossbows in the early game until i can afford javelins. I don't generally use nets and tend to forget band aids which sometimes bites me in the ass.

      Maybe I can equip my frontlines with those shield killer javelins? 100 bucks a pop is expensive. Sometimes I move 7 up front cause i'm tired of my backline getting picked off at the flanks, but then the frontline just tends to get picked off on the flanks instead.

      I'm thinking of doing something crazy like all ranged backline with all shield frontline, or splitting the troupe into left and right flanks.

      Do mass guns/a southern only playthrough/every frontline brother takes 1 perk like adrenaline
      play origins you havent before and use weapon classes you didnt touch

  105. 2 years ago

    Does anyone else get a bloodthirsty thrill when you hear your opponents get hurt or die? Those sound effects give me a vile hate boner and make me heart shrivel into a blackened lump of coal.

    • 2 years ago

      Not in general, but yes against nachzherers and orcs
      Cleavers in general are a rush because of the sounds they make when they bare flesh. Guns 2hflails and swordlances too

    • 2 years ago

      When I score a one shot decapitation with a 2 hander I do get a chub

  106. 2 years ago

    I've not been playing that long but is there any point to cripples? I couldn't imagine rolling a lucky 9-star demigod with their default stat ranges and using them to pad out your lineup seems like a bad idea since their easy death will make everyone else more likely to break.

    Also, the south is shit. Even with the DLC included, Middle-belt > North



    • 2 years ago

      point is being cheap cheap cheap cheap but yes you'd need maxroll and stars and only then you'd only be able to get something of the same quality in ranged attack as other civlian backgrounds. You can get ok archers at triple star 42 rattak bros
      Whats wrong with the south

  107. 2 years ago

    >it's the "random goblin skirmisher punctures down a 300/300 30mdef bro" episode again

    • 2 years ago

      Adrenaline my man. I never park anything other than 60+mdef shieldbros or nimble bros in front of them gobbo skulkers. If I have to put a forged bro in, I sit 1 tile away and wait then walk in at the very end of the round and pop adrenaline. Anyhow at least 80hp on forged with colossus and AFP help.

  108. 2 years ago

    any tips on how to start with the deserter background? i don't get it, feels impossible with shit bros and low funds to get anything going

    • 2 years ago

      You're meant to bully the hostile noble house after going to a friendly town and getting more recruits since theres sort of an alternate progression in enemies that becomes avaliable. Raid civilian (and a bit later supply) caravans when you see them, fight militia and eventually go for mercs and patrols
      Starting gear is sort of like the default but with better armor across the board and a heater shield instead of a big axe
      Everyone acting first means that nobody can catch you except if its a forest ambush or the like, move all the brothers back as far as possible and hit retreat on the last man who gets to take his turn and enemies should never ever give chase even if theres dogs or savants. Description doesnt say but the penalties for retreating also dont affect this origin
      Really its just that the starting brothers are indeed a problem because deserter resolve is always gonna suck up some of your levelups or something else to try and fix and if they roll low it feels almost unusable

      • 2 years ago

        >Description doesnt say but the penalties for retreating also dont affect this origin
        hmmm that's interesting, i'll give it another shot and play like an absolute coward.

  109. 2 years ago

    >in dire need of a tank for monolith
    >only have a tank with wack resolve that is gonna break from getting surrounded
    >not 5min after thinking what im gonna do i find a mdef maxroll 3stars surefoot ironlungs cultist
    >powerlevel him to 12
    >mofo tanks the entire north side of monolith and ends with some armor left to spare after the battle
    literally the perfect recruit

    • 2 years ago

      jesus fricking christ

    • 2 years ago

      That's a big un

    • 2 years ago

      What is his naked mdef?

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      If it was my bro, he'd just drop dead after getting several 5% hits for couple of turns in a row.
      Because that's literally what happens all the time to my bros with godlike mdef on monolith or library if I leave them to tank solo.

      • 2 years ago

        they should honestly just make it possible for the 5% to go down to zero, but with extremely strong diminishing returns. like you would need a 105 roll to get it down to 4%, and a 120 to get to 3%. then at something like a 160roll you get 0, which should be almost impossible

  110. 2 years ago

    I can't play urtuk with all those same weapon sounds I heard from 1k hours of playing battle brother, every time I hear that 2h hammer sound I feel like my character got its arms broken

  111. 2 years ago

    Did they ever fix the enemy archers having infinite arrows?

    • 2 years ago

      no and it has turned against them considering you can clear goblins and nomads near lossless with dedicated superarchers

      • 2 years ago

        (by lossless i mean with almost no armor damage or anything)

    • 2 years ago

      No, they didn't.
      >Day 37 fight against a bandit outpost.
      >The sort of fight where to win you'd need to be on your A-game strategy-wise.
      >Stuck getting plinked by a bandit marksman who doesn't run out of arrows.
      Just wiped because I didn't have any wardogs / spare men to break off and go after him.

  112. 2 years ago

    I'm interested in Battle Brothers, shill me on it.
    Are there any mods for it? Any pike & shot era mods or is it strictly mild fantasy medieval?

    • 2 years ago

      Think warband with a focus on the mercenary segment, no owning of territory or much higher gameplay beyond the combat. If you like the fights then you'll play for +1000 hours and love it forever and if you dont you'll sort of end up disappointed, approach the game with a more strategy/tactics mindset instead of rpg. Maybe try before you buy (
      Theres no pike and shot mods though the game does flirt with landsknecht aesthetics and there are early firearms though they function like blunderbusses/shotguns instead of muskets

  113. 2 years ago

    >play cultist
    >day 31
    >everything is all good, lucky camp nets me a named 2h hammer
    >1st sacrifice
    >half the cpn throws a fit and leaves
    >includes a 8 star hunter and 7 star oathtaker i just hired for 10k total
    >ambushed by 3 raider groups
    okay dakvul, using only cultist or packing cocaine in exchange for +5 resolve for your shitty fodders, very nice perks

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