>BBEG is a qt waifu. >the players simp and want to redeem her

>BBEG is a qt waifu
>the players simp and want to redeem her

Has this story ever actually happened to any one of you?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Yes, just have her keep escaping from them when they capture her. It can actually be good since you now have a recurring enemy

  2. 4 months ago

    Only the dumbest and gayest homosexuals say "BBEG."

    • 4 months ago

      Point prove. You just said it.

      • 4 months ago

        Only the dumbest and gayest homosexuals say "BBEG."

        you all wrote it, dumbasses, nobody said it

        • 4 months ago

          Then none of them are gay? I'm confused now because I was hoping one of them would be now.

          • 4 months ago

            if you hope someone is gay that makes you gay so you get your wish

            • 4 months ago

              I actually hope you'd stop being gay.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm going to tickle your ass
      With my tongue
      As you know
      I'm well hung
      Gonna make you laugh
      Wiggle and squirt
      With just one push you'll scream "ooh that hurt"

      • 3 months ago

        no way gay

    • 4 months ago

      BBEG has been common /tg/ parlance since fricking 2009. You have to let this go. At this point its just getting pathetic.
      You might as well be arguing about people talking about Netflix as a streaming service rather than dvds you get in the mail.

      • 4 months ago

        No, only the worst gays on the board use it, such as yourself. It's one of the easiesf ways to tell if someone is a dumb homosexual.

        • 3 months ago

          I disagree. Only the worst gays on the board get their panties in a bunch about people using the term.

        • 3 months ago

          Holy shit you're fricking pathetic.

    • 4 months ago



      >BBEG is a qt waifu
      >the players simp and want to redeem her

      Has this story ever actually happened to any one of you?

      I don't play with simps, so no, this has never happened.

    • 4 months ago

      Only the dumbest and gayest homosexuals respond to obvious bait threads and yet here you are.

    • 4 months ago

      Its literally been a thing since /tg/ became a board, it probably dates back to forums.
      The real autism is when people say BBEG IRL.

    • 4 months ago

      you couldve just typed
      like your forefathers

  3. 4 months ago

    No. It's a nogame coomer delusion.

  4. 4 months ago

    My players must have been burned by a previous DM, because they NEVER seem to trust female characters in my games, even completely benign ones. Forget redemption, if a woman is more attractive than a comely farm girl, they instantly assume she's a succubus, sorceress, or a spy for a dickass noble.

    • 4 months ago

      Sure sure they were burned by "a previous DM"

    • 3 months ago

      There are no women in DND, just creatures disguised as women.
      Dragons, yochlol, hags, succubi, changelings, have yet to meet a woman without it becoming an encounter.

      • 3 months ago

        >have yet to meet a woman without it becoming an encounter.

        t. Registered Sex Offender

      • 3 months ago

        >creatures disguised as women
        Women are already creatures disguised as humans

  5. 4 months ago

    Never had a "bbeg" in any of my games. There are only characters with their own motivations, the PCs are the same. The vast majority of people my PCs end up in conflict with, it's due to PCs wanting to stop being exploited or in order to exploit others. I do not use alignment even in the rare occasion I run DnD, though for ACKS I am fine with Law/Chaos alignments as they're purely about your relation to a cosmic war, and have nothing to do with morality.

  6. 4 months ago

    She wasn't a bbeg, just an occurring minor antagonist, but the players never really got homicidal over being repeatedly double crossed by a thief and charlatan who was indeed notable for her looks. It probably helped that SHE usually helped, at least somewhat.

    • 4 months ago

      >being repeatedly double crossed by a thief and charlatan who was indeed notable for her looks
      It's a classic.

  7. 4 months ago

    "I can fix her" is too strong of a power for straight male lonely nerds anon. Difficult to be resisted.

    • 4 months ago

      The solution is simple: every PC starts out married to their perfect waifu.

      • 3 months ago

        i like you

        • 3 months ago

          That is literally my fetish.

      • 3 months ago

        What if my waifu is an evil Drow witch?

    • 4 months ago

      >"I can fix her" is too strong of a power for straight male lonely nerds
      Bro noone rides that line harder than women of any kind. I had a slow build up of the BBEG being a legit sociopath, a masked elf boomer that had done some shady shit with a high bodycount. Literal "I make wine with orphan's blood" kind of guy. Extremely sexist too, sees women as literal dogs so either be blindly loyal to him or be put down (he's on his 4th wife in 50 years).

      But alas, the day I have a face reveal for him, the actual face to face confrontation, I used a pick of Lucius Malfoy to showcase his high class and butthole stare and it was my biggest mistake. The girls though he was hot as frick and "One night wouldn't hurt". One's a radical dangerhair feminist, the others had partner or even married.

      Seems the only think women agree on is how hot the abuse they recieve is.

      • 4 months ago

        No, it's the complete inverse. The one female player we have has terrible taste in men and keeps simping for every charming sociopath the GM throws at the party. Especially if they're not really sociopathic and just act that way due to circumstances. She mostly had it under control for much of the campaign, as for the most part she was just more willing to cut deals with criminals than she should have been, but she'd still kill them if they didn't cooperate. The only one she seriously tried to redeem was the one in charge of a megacorp's illegal money laundering operation: He hated his patrons and felt trapped in his position, since he'd been born into a family of company men and spent his whole life being expected to do evil shit to keep his livelihood. Still, it's a Dark Heresy game and she's playing a Sororitas Sister Famula, she's supposed to only simp for the Emperor, and only try to redeem the truly repentant, not a charming pretty-boy criminal with a sob story.

        Then we crossed paths, and swords, with a Word Bearers Dark Apostle. The guy is like peak her type: arrogant, manipulative, monstrous, yet charismatic, personable, and still capable of compassion. Since then her primary driving concern is getting to talk to him, or trying to convince the party of how vitally important it is that she talk to him. She comes up with all sorts of excuses: first it was gathering mission intel, then getting insight into the nature of the enemy, then it was a test of her faith. Now the God-Emperor himself has personally come to her in a vision to rebuke her for letting one of his enemies live to satisfy her own curiosity. Naturally, she now must contact the Dark Apostle so she can use herself as bait to lure him to a position wherein we might kill him, that she may be redeemed in the eyes of the Emperor. Somehow, no matter what happens, the plan remains that she risk her immortal soul in order to flirt with the most dangerous man in the sector.

        Stop making your villains hot! You can only blame yourselves!

        • 4 months ago

          If someone is both evil and hot then they are M O R A L L Y G R E Y

          • 4 months ago

            >'You meet a villain!'
            >'We need to stop him!'
            >'he is also very hot'
            >'No, don't kill him guys, we can change him- with the power of love!'

        • 4 months ago

          Villains being hot is realistic, though.

          • 4 months ago

            But is that actually him or carefully chosen propaganda impersonator?

          • 4 months ago

            How can a man who lifted tens of millions of people out of poverty be a villain?

            • 4 months ago

              He lifted them out of poverty straight into Heaven.

    • 4 months ago

      >"I can fix her" is too strong of a power for straight male lonely nerds
      Bro noone rides that line harder than women of any kind. I had a slow build up of the BBEG being a legit sociopath, a masked elf boomer that had done some shady shit with a high bodycount. Literal "I make wine with orphan's blood" kind of guy. Extremely sexist too, sees women as literal dogs so either be blindly loyal to him or be put down (he's on his 4th wife in 50 years).

      But alas, the day I have a face reveal for him, the actual face to face confrontation, I used a pick of Lucius Malfoy to showcase his high class and butthole stare and it was my biggest mistake. The girls though he was hot as frick and "One night wouldn't hurt". One's a radical dangerhair feminist, the others had partner or even married.

      Seems the only think women agree on is how hot the abuse they recieve is.

      No I disagree. The sentiment is similar but the execution is different. When women see a bad boy, they hope he stays a bad boy. When men (actual men with some test left, not the porn-warped sois) want to redeem the vampire witch who bathes in blood, they want her to reveal she was actually a shy virgin who simply made a few bad choices, and thanks to his valiant pure heart and charm she is saved JUST on time, and cleansed of all nastiness (which will be partially restored and channeled into intense marital sex, thus completing the madonna-prostitute fantasy). Women don't want that kind of reboot thing, they just want the killer psycho to rape other men in the ass and eat their pulsating hearts while they watch and clap their hands and get wet while they take a bite themselves.
      Women all know this difference, so they cheat the less intelligent men into making them think they're not that nasty, while most men are stupid and take the act at face value. So the absolute conundrum of this life is that in order to truly get your madonna-prostitute is to be a psychopath yourself, and possibly groom her into the very bad path you are aiming to save her from. This means that a good man can never get a good girl, because good girls go bad and bad girls stay bad, unless you're a villain who wants her to be good. And women possibly know this so they will always want the bad boy even if they want to be redeemed.
      God devised such a wicked scheme, I don't know why, but things are like this, possibly for his amusement, possibly as torture for humanity. Really makes you think

      • 4 months ago

        >When women see a bad boy, they hope he stays a bad boy.
        Lmao nope, they want to be the one that tames him

      • 4 months ago

        >they hope he stays a bad boy.
        No, they hope they somehow stay a bad boy but only in the exact way they find erotic and engaging and never cross the line.

      • 3 months ago

        Sorry that happened to you anon.
        Or grats, whatever, cant be fricked to read.

        Back on topic, OP thats exactly why corrective rape exists and wasnt a crime for the bulk of history, villain girl just needs a good set of chains and dog house in the yard for later.

  8. 4 months ago


    >t. fedora tipping, ackshully-far-more-intelligent-than-you ass clown married to a 4/10 goblina

  9. 4 months ago


    >t. grew up in a trailer park and assumes all people are like that

  10. 4 months ago

    Does it count if my character was being groomed by her while he was trying to make her a better person?

    • 4 months ago

      only if it was a double knockout and you both became neutral

      • 4 months ago

        Well, they just started living in her castle with their eight children and she stopped trying to destroy the world so kinda.

  11. 4 months ago


    And it's a good thing because redemption is my fetish.

  12. 4 months ago

    yeah in the end they realized she didn't want to be fixed

  13. 4 months ago

    No. We have had female villains but non of them have been hot or sexual.

  14. 4 months ago

    >make BBEG a qt waifu
    >make it clear that she's irredeemable and any qt waifu acts she may try to pull is just smoke and mirrors
    >players try to redeem her anyway and fall for her trap hook line and sinker
    Actual quote from one of my players: "If you didn't want us to save her, why did you make her a woman?"

    • 4 months ago

      >If you didn't want us to save her, why did you make her a woman?
      "To teach you a lesson"

    • 4 months ago

      Players: "If you didn't want us to save her, why did you make her a woman?"

    • 3 months ago

      >"If you didn't want us to save her, why did you make her a woman?"
      "I'm trying to cure your chronic simp delusions. You CAN'T fix her!!!"

  15. 4 months ago


    You're mom's affair really hit you hard, huh?

  16. 4 months ago

    I mean dark elf women are literally made to be taken as prizes by surface men and turned into obedient tradwives

    • 4 months ago

      That child should be at least light grey or blue, Drow genetics are dominant

      • 4 months ago

        conclusion: it's not her child

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not sure if its better or worse that her hands look like they're fricked up

  17. 4 months ago

    Yeah, I even still have the slop art.
    > Vaesen campaign
    > Umma Noitson is a previous cult member and a traitor who alligned with vaesen. Based on the Alfa from Men in Black.
    > The witch caused half of her party members dead. She magically aged her named sister, making herself looks younger in the process.
    > Want to snowball the world into trauma and horror, so vaesen could regain their power and share one world with the people.
    > Killed one, and nearly killed 3/5 players in a course of the campaign. Burning alive, dropping from the window, poison in tea, death curse, drowning.
    > Kidnepped a pet of one player
    > Killed the other not-so-bad-girl
    > Caused fire and mayhem in the city of Upsala
    The party: I CAN FIX HER

  18. 4 months ago

    My games usually have more than one antagonistic force, and are usually a collective, as opposed to a singular entity.
    >the players simp and want to redeem her
    Antagonistic forces may be made to stop fighting or run away instead of being killed, but can't be turned to the heroes' side.
    >Has this story ever actually happened to any one of you
    I play games when I want a game, and save stories for when I want to write.

    • 4 months ago

      > I play games when I want a game, and save stories for when I want to write.
      > the word "story" has been detected in a series of words
      > execute self-patting

  19. 4 months ago


    >t. butthurt little baby screaming into the void because someone just meets better people

  20. 4 months ago

    Redemption quests are great, but never for the main villain.

  21. 4 months ago

    Our planned response is to have the villain to capture/seduce the player in question and try to turn them against the party. We might even get to kill the character.

    So far, we haven't had anybody try to seduce their way out of a final battle.

  22. 4 months ago

    Nah though I don't really do BBEGs, my endgame threats are forces of nature like world-ending monsters or natural disasters.

    As for minor villains, they don't simp for the bad guys, there was a harpy bard who was also a thief and they just knocked her out and took her to the cops

  23. 4 months ago

    No, we've only had
    >BBEG is a qt waifu
    >One of the players decides to rape her

    We've had a fair number of sub-bosses/lieutenants that were qt waifus and got simped for.
    Comes with having a female GM I guess.

    • 4 months ago

      >Female GM
      >Player suggests rape

      Did the GM seethe or seem turned on?

      • 4 months ago

        >Did the GM seethe or seem turned on?

        >>BBEG is a qt waifu
        >One of the players decides to rape her
        And your GM allowed that?

        >And your GM allowed that?
        Yeah, well, the two of them are married and she's often sporting some fairly obvious bruises so I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a problem with that sort of thing. They faded to black in the session but I wouldn't be surprised if they went back to that scene for a bit of ERP when we all cleared out.

    • 4 months ago

      >>BBEG is a qt waifu
      >One of the players decides to rape her
      And your GM allowed that?

  24. 4 months ago

    Not just "would," absolutely "will."

  25. 4 months ago

    Nope! The only M'lady that b***h got was De Winter'd.

  26. 4 months ago

    Not BBEG, but I usually include redeemed succubus bait and frick over any player that actually falls for it. If I'm running Pathfinder, I'll straight-up make an Arue expy. It's gotten to the point where my regular group goes full murderhobo the instant they see a succubus.

  27. 4 months ago


    >real wife
    I love a good Freudian slip. Tell me about your love life, anon.

  28. 4 months ago

    Yes. Obnoxiously frequently.

    Playing online and mostly via text seems to kill whatever inhibitions some nerds might have about being blatantly horny all the time.

  29. 4 months ago

    The players definitely simped for the evil life-stealing woman, insane from too much smoke inhalation and cave fumes.
    Obviously, she escaped and vowed to get worse to defeat them.

    Only a minor antagonist in this case, though.

  30. 4 months ago

    Yes, I was the player and she (demon) got bound to my priest's holy symbol (reluctantly on both our parts).

    We went on adventures and eventually he married her to make an honest woman of her and now he's probably burning in hell with her nagging him for all the things he did wrong on top of it. All in all pretty fun, I was kind of hard on the GM at the time for it but looking back I could've done a lot more.

  31. 4 months ago

    Anyone got any stories about their PCs just going stone cold and taking the EVil qt Waifu out?

  32. 4 months ago

    No because my players have sex

  33. 4 months ago

    I once had an evil woman with no subtlety about her. Even had other npcs talk about how much they distrusted her. Most of the PCs just instantly avoided dealing with her.

    The one that didn't did not try to fix her but he did sleep with her repeatedly, trying to damage control her evil while enabling it so he could keep sleeping with her. It pissed off the other PCs constantly who kept angling to have her killed. Eventually he did put her down himself at least when she finally betrayed the party instead of just being generally evil but not directly harming them, but man, her kill count got pretty high before then.

    Player wasn't some permavirgin either. Pretty popular guy actually, but I wonder if that just made it more natural.

  34. 4 months ago

    Yes, but in as much as that, as the early BBEG she was relatively powerful but rather incompetent and a bit of an idiot. And she was terribly insecure about it compared against the more successful/dreaded villains in the land. We felt bad for her after whooping her ass, so ended up becoming her "henchmen" to help her prove the superior BBEG in the land over those others.

    Less that we redeemed her and more, she and we met halfway, acting kind of neutral for the partnership. And then at the end of things when she was the supreme BBEG of the land and our partnership was dissolved, though she remained evil she was now the only notable villain in the land and still an incompetent idiot. So overall we really improved things.

  35. 4 months ago

    It entirely depends on what they did and what they can do. For example, I fought hard with the party for "redeeming" the local lord's daughter who killed him and tried to run things on her own and kept failing to take into account real world logistics like how to keep politicians in line, who to bribe, how to weaponize corruption etc. because literally her only crime so far was patricide and even then the dude was a shit noble. She was an idealist who only had "I can rule better" and no plan beyond that. If someone did something truly irredeemable and they show no inclination to be anything but a cartoon villain she's going straight to the guillotine.

  36. 4 months ago

    Yes I instantly fall in love every time and I lowkey establish that my LG character will try to romance her even though I'd never reveal my powerlevel like that. Thankfully my campaigns always go to shit before we get to actually face the psychotic dragonborn assassin I've been fantasizing about since her introduction. I secretly draw these villains naked and a little bashful.

  37. 4 months ago

    Here's your solution:

    • 4 months ago

      Mrrrshans have regular vahina's, but spiky penises.

  38. 4 months ago


    Damn, I hate the
    >her poor back
    shit, because that among other moronic takes are just thinly veiled excuses to shit on female characters "not being realistic" because they are attractive in any way beyond the made-up pseudo-morality standard, by the same loud social media people who will tell you it's fine if a character is forced and out of place in terms of a setting's internal logic because the setting also has dragons. But a fictional 9f tall immortal monster vampire lady who is strong enough to slam a guy through several floors and almost literally turns into a dragon would hurt her back by having huge breasts, sure.

  39. 4 months ago

    As the main villain for a big S&S campaign I'm planning is an attractive drow witch, I've been thinking of ways to frick over anyone dumb enough to think that simping for a ultra-intelligent sadist who thinks humans are cattle at best, vermin at worst is a good idea. I also thought up of a minor villain who is foolish enough to simp for the main antagonist and who meets a gruesome fate at her hand.

  40. 4 months ago

    >one of the villains is a literal demon
    >she cute tho
    >tricks a player into selling her memories of her loved ones for a bunch of skill buffs
    >PC forgets their soon-to-be wife
    >soon to be not-to-be wife moralgays about the players immortal soul
    >next time tricks the same player to promise her to "use their body" once
    >player agrees thinking she'd frick em
    >she fricks off laughing maniacally
    >a nature spirit tells the player of taint on their soul
    >next time the same player gives up more seemingly irrelevant memories for her help
    >one of the memories is a true name of the bad guy
    >a seer is horrified when he takes a peek at the players soul
    >says it's corrupted and disgusting
    >she shows up again
    >fricks with all the NPCs the players know
    >same player makes a deal to get the demon past the barrier of a sacred place in exchange for the demon not hurting their loved once

    At this point, it does not matter how the game ends, that player is getting dragged to hell at the end of the campaign

  41. 4 months ago

    No, it's the complete inverse. The one female player we have has terrible taste in men and keeps simping for every charming sociopath the GM throws at the party. Especially if they're not really sociopathic and just act that way due to circumstances. She mostly had it under control for much of the campaign, as for the most part she was just more willing to cut deals with criminals than she should have been, but she'd still kill them if they didn't cooperate. The only one she seriously tried to redeem was the one in charge of a megacorp's illegal money laundering operation: He hated his patrons and felt trapped in his position, since he'd been born into a family of company men and spent his whole life being expected to do evil shit to keep his livelihood. Still, it's a Dark Heresy game and she's playing a Sororitas Sister Famula, she's supposed to only simp for the Emperor, and only try to redeem the truly repentant, not a charming pretty-boy criminal with a sob story.

    Then we crossed paths, and swords, with a Word Bearers Dark Apostle. The guy is like peak her type: arrogant, manipulative, monstrous, yet charismatic, personable, and still capable of compassion. Since then her primary driving concern is getting to talk to him, or trying to convince the party of how vitally important it is that she talk to him. She comes up with all sorts of excuses: first it was gathering mission intel, then getting insight into the nature of the enemy, then it was a test of her faith. Now the God-Emperor himself has personally come to her in a vision to rebuke her for letting one of his enemies live to satisfy her own curiosity. Naturally, she now must contact the Dark Apostle so she can use herself as bait to lure him to a position wherein we might kill him, that she may be redeemed in the eyes of the Emperor. Somehow, no matter what happens, the plan remains that she risk her immortal soul in order to flirt with the most dangerous man in the sector.

    • 4 months ago

      Sounds like peak qt waifuism to me, he's playing hard to get, he's violent, moody, edgy. Every fujoshi's wet dream, seems like you'd GM for 4 middle aged glasses wearing frumpy ladies really well!

      • 4 months ago

        I'm not the GM, I'm a player. Also it's the Sororita who is playing hard to get, as the Dark Apostle made it clear that he wants her to be his servant. That's why she thinks she can use herself as bait if she keeps conversing with him. On our first encounter with him, the Dark Apostle was raising a regiment of Traitor Guard on an Imperial world, so he had no other Astartes with him, just his helots and a sorcerer. The team called in a friendly force for support and did a decapitation strike against the regimental HQ, capturing the Dark Apostle alive. We interrogated him a couple of times, then the enemy force attacked our position with demons, and the Sororita was asked if we should pre-emptively execute the prisoner but she refused, so he escaped while we were fighting a bloodthirster. After that the Sororitas's prophetic powers started being subverted by visions of Chaos. Eventually she decided to call out into the Warp demanding to know who was interfering with her attempts to commune with the God-Emperor, and the Dark Apostle appeared in her dreams in person. Rather than try to drive him out, she sat down with him in that dreamscape, and they talked history, cosmology, and theology.

        They talked two more times after that, and while the Dark Apostle has tried to convince her to surrender to him, she has so far refused. She confessed to the team what she had done, as the planet was being invaded by a Word Bearer force, and they reacted extremely negatively, nearly killing her for willingly inviting a priest of the Dark Gods into her mind to consort with him. They stayed their hands because they are not certain they can survive to report back to the Inquisition without her, but they stopped her from doing it again, and have threatened to kill her if she does. She believes it is critical that she contact that Dark Apostle again as soon as possible to bait him, but she cannot convince her team to support her, so she plans to do so in secret.

        • 3 months ago

          Y'all should have killed her. No fanfare, just a las-pistol to the back of her head. She's clearly an agent of the Ruinous Powers.

          • 3 months ago

            It's not so clear when the Sororita has divine powers given to her by the God-Emperor of Man. Also, when she confessed what she had done, she did actually say she was willing to die for her actions. There's this strange tension in that everyone believes that her actions are heretical, but we also need her to continue being team leader in order to get out of the mess we're in. At first she tried to force everyone into choosing between killing her or supporting her, because she refused to back down, but one of the psykers successfully got her to doubt her own self-righteousness enough that she agreed to delay any further contact with the Dark Apostle for the time being.

            Since then we evacuated the world we were on with the help of some Harlequins, and wound up on a rock inhabited by a small outpost of outlaws. Away from Word Bearer interference, she got in contact with the God-Emperor again, and was chastised for not killing His enemies when she had the chance. So now the Sororita insists that she must reach out to the Dark Apostle again in order to lay the groundwork to bait and kill him later. Once again, nobody agrees, so she dropped it. Only the Tech-Priest realizes that the Sororita wasn't asking for permission, but had already made her decision and was was merely asking if the others would help, so he secretly agreed to help her, because even though he thinks it's a bad idea, it's a worse idea for her to do it alone. Also, he used to be a secret psyker, and was sanctioned rather than shot in part due to the Sororita arguing on his behalf, so he knows what it's like to have power you can't use openly, and he feels he owes her.

            It's just a matter of time now until she finds an opportunity to try it, but it's a question whether she will even succeed. We know the Sororita could talk with the Dark Apostle while they were on the same world, but across the stars from different worlds? We shall see, I suppose.

        • 3 months ago

          >Rather than try to drive him out, she sat down with him in that dreamscape, and they talked history, cosmology, and theology.
          Bro, this is some massively cringe bullshit, even the most radical of radical inquisitors would take pause to talking to a Dark Apostle, let a lone a Battle Sister.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not the GM, I'm a player. Also it's the Sororita who is playing hard to get, as the Dark Apostle made it clear that he wants her to be his servant. That's why she thinks she can use herself as bait if she keeps conversing with him. On our first encounter with him, the Dark Apostle was raising a regiment of Traitor Guard on an Imperial world, so he had no other Astartes with him, just his helots and a sorcerer. The team called in a friendly force for support and did a decapitation strike against the regimental HQ, capturing the Dark Apostle alive. We interrogated him a couple of times, then the enemy force attacked our position with demons, and the Sororita was asked if we should pre-emptively execute the prisoner but she refused, so he escaped while we were fighting a bloodthirster. After that the Sororitas's prophetic powers started being subverted by visions of Chaos. Eventually she decided to call out into the Warp demanding to know who was interfering with her attempts to commune with the God-Emperor, and the Dark Apostle appeared in her dreams in person. Rather than try to drive him out, she sat down with him in that dreamscape, and they talked history, cosmology, and theology.

      They talked two more times after that, and while the Dark Apostle has tried to convince her to surrender to him, she has so far refused. She confessed to the team what she had done, as the planet was being invaded by a Word Bearer force, and they reacted extremely negatively, nearly killing her for willingly inviting a priest of the Dark Gods into her mind to consort with him. They stayed their hands because they are not certain they can survive to report back to the Inquisition without her, but they stopped her from doing it again, and have threatened to kill her if she does. She believes it is critical that she contact that Dark Apostle again as soon as possible to bait him, but she cannot convince her team to support her, so she plans to do so in secret.

      Huh, you know the Word Bearer Dark Apostle from the two posts above did promise to come for the Sororita. The line was something like, "Know that I will come for you, and I will come with overwhelming force. When that happens, when you have run out of ammunition and out of options, when you have no other choices but death or surrender. Please, choose surrender. You are something truly special, and the universe would be a lesser place if I had to destroy you." He also later on compared her to a pretty flower he wished to pluck and take for his collection, to which she retorted that he should be careful, some flowers have thorns. So yeah, I guess girls do like those kidnapping threats.

      she sounds based as frick

    • 3 months ago

      >Word Bearers Dark Apostle
      >still capable of compassion
      I'm thinking the DM is a far bigger problem than her. She (rightfully) recognized that she was dealing with lore breaking bullshit and decided to play along. World Bearers are really, really, REALLY evil. Cartoonishly so. They view betrayal as one of the highest forms of sacrifice to the chaos gods and routinely backstab each other. For this dude to be a Dark Apostle he must have made a mountain of his own comrades' corpses and routinely survives betrayal attempts from his own. And compassion would be viewed both as an affront to their religion which glorifies torture and sacrifice and weakness to be readily exploited. Like, I would sooner buy an Iron Warrior showing compassion than a Word Bearer.
      >rebuke her for letting one of his enemies live
      She let him live and wasn't instantly executed by the rest of the party? Like I said, she's just having fun because it's not serious.

      • 3 months ago

        To be clear, the man in question is an unrepentant monster. I don't have the space to get into details, but his entire operation runs on betrayal, plunder, slavery, torture, and blood sacrifice, we have seen all of it first hand. We have seen the despairing miserable wretches kept in his dungeons before we captured him, and we have fought daemonhosts and demons summoned with the blood of those innocents. We have seen the results of his cruelties great and small, and we have evidence that he delights in them. Hell, we got front row seats to his Chapter raiding the planet we were on! We witnessed casual brutality, massacres of the sick and the elderly, cities laid to waste, countrysides burned, vast columns of men, women, and children being lead away to slavery. Not to mention foul sorcery and demons. You know, the usual when Chaos invades.

        When I say the Dark Apostle is capable of compassion I mean in the sense that Lorgar is. He is fundamentally a compassionate man who knows that the Chaos Gods are utter horrors, but genuinely believes that accepting and embracing them is the only way for humanity to survive. He wishes it were otherwise, that humanity lived in a kinder universe, but it isn't and we don't. That belief has made a monster of him in spite of his capacity for compassion, because he's fully committed to the bit, but he still has the capacity. Indeed he still uses it, as he does treat his most valuable retainers with something approaching decency, which together with his charm and charisma means his best mortal thralls are quite skilled, dangerous, and fanatically devoted to him. Nonetheless, the he is still an evil monster on account of all the monstrous evil he perpetrates.

        I believe this is in line with how Word Bearers are depicted, particularly in the Horus Heresy novels since our Dark Apostle is a Colchis-born pre-Heresy OG, so I don't think it's lore-breaking bullshit.

        • 3 months ago

          Oh, it's my favourite take on Word Bearers. Clinically delusional, absolutely fanatical and nauseatingly self-righteous about it, which is exactly why everyone keep falling for it.
          But I honestly don't see why wouldn't they just kill the bastard with extreme, soul-obliterating prejudice for his trouble.
          If you read this, be sure to remind them and her that letting him live caused an additional, entirely avoidable invasions and millions of casualties for trying to cash in on his secrets. True servants of the Emperor need not to bargain for secrets and power, zeal and conviction should suffice. And if she had prophetic visions... That's downright inexcusable. Rub it in.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah it's my favorite take too, and makes it believable that our Sororita would be so taken by one of them. I'm enjoying the game considerably!

            The Inquisitorial team didn't kill the Dark Apostle outright because they were investigating Word Bearer activity on the planet, and since he was the guy obviously in charge of that activity, he was a rather high value target for interrogation. Also, the Sororita – who again is an Interrogator and the team leader – has been planning on discussing theology with a high-ranking Word Bearer since we learned they were active in the sector, so she had preemptively convinced everyone of the importance of taking one alive. She was working on the problem of how to talk to him alone when he escaped and started subverting her prophetic visions, which rather neatly solved the problem for her.

            Again, I am not the GM so I am not in a position to rub anything in. That said, while the Dark Apostle is the Master of the Chapter that invaded the world we were on, killing him would not have altered anything in the short term. Cadia fell while we were on that world, the Cicatrix Maledictum opened up, and ensuing warp storms cut us off from the Imperium. We captured the Dark Apostle the following day, but the Golden Hells were already on their way, and invaded two weeks later. Killing him would have only slowed them down while they sorted out who the new Chapter Master would be, but that would have bought a few days at most for the next world they hit, nothing more. That's reason enough to kill him of course, but we must realistic about what would have changed if we had. We were never in a position to save that world, it was doomed before we even got there. We may yet, however, save the sector.

          • 3 months ago

            My GM had some comments to offer:
            >They don't get that the problem doesn't vanish if you neck him. Do you think the next in line of the Golden Hells is going to be a week willed softy who will instantly give up? Or is a veteran with unthinkable amounts of combat and command experience who has seen his dreams be burned to ash with a heart of jagged edge flint come closer to the mark?
            >Nothing changes. Its not a spoiler. Someone had to run the invasion fleet.
            >You don't go "I'm going to leave my army that is the core of my important mission to do some hands on stuff that is important and I do best," without having a good right hand man to run the army. Not and live that long.

      • 3 months ago

        >She let him live and wasn't instantly executed by the rest of the party?
        We had the Dark Apostle naked and minus one arm, with his Betcher's Gland removed, chained up in a Mechanicus Forge-Temple. Our trench lines outside the city were attacked by the enemy. The team's second in command asked the Sororita if they should execute the prisoner and she said no because she thought the attack wouldn't penetrate to the to the Forge-Temple, which it didn't. She then proceeded to land her shuttle in the middle of the battlefield to join everyone in fighting a proper bloodthirster, which she helped banish by chanting holy invocations at it (two PCs burned Fate Points). We won the day, and came back to find that the prisoner had escaped during the fighting. Security footage showed that he retained the ability to spit acid despite the removed Betcher's Gland. We assumed he had some kind of mutation. Later it turned out he could regenerate. Not exactly treason here.

        >Rather than try to drive him out, she sat down with him in that dreamscape, and they talked history, cosmology, and theology.
        Bro, this is some massively cringe bullshit, even the most radical of radical inquisitors would take pause to talking to a Dark Apostle, let a lone a Battle Sister.

        Okay, first off, the most radical of radical Inquisitors will talk to literal demons. Secondly, she's Sister Famula not a Sister Militant, and her problem is that she knows too much. The Sororita knows about Lorgar Aurelian, she knows he created the Imperial Cult, and she knows he was once a good man. So she is desperate to figure out what exactly happened that caused the man who invented her religion, one of the Emperor's own sons, to abandon it in favour of worshiping the worst things imaginable. She has yet to get that answer, but she has gotten closer from talking to the Dark Apostle. Now she knows about Monarchia, for example. Of course, she knows that he's trying to manipulate her into defecting, just as she's trying to manipulate him into giving up his secrets. That's the game, it's what she trained for, to manipulate manipulators and come out on top. Unfortunately for her, she really does have terrible taste in men.

  42. 4 months ago

    No, closest I have is a guy that always plays the closest he can to monster races and if the villainess is hot he wants to chain her in a dungeon for daily corrective dickings.

  43. 4 months ago


    >Oh so you can KILL them for Drama?!
    That's old and busted. Keeping them alive and happy is the new hotness.

  44. 4 months ago

    Sort of? We had a mastermind-type character with an army the GM was clearly building up to be an eventual antagonist. But one of the players thought it would be funny to sell his services to her, and the rest of us followed suit. The GM scrambled to tone down her sinister-ness. My fail-druid ended up a mascot for her faceless minions

  45. 4 months ago


    >>The solution is simple: every PC starts out married to their perfect waifu.
    >Oh so you can KILL them for Drama?!
    No, so you can reveal them to be the true villains of the campaign. Yes, all of them, collectively.

  46. 4 months ago

    wtf does that even mean?

    • 4 months ago

      >players encounter villain
      >villain is female and attractive
      >players refuse to kill them
      >players choose to attempt to convince villain to stop being villain and become good
      >presumably so they can then frick them in good conscience

  47. 4 months ago

    Not so far as simping for redemption, but having a villain be female has a strong tendency to make my table try to talk things out instead of opening with a declaration that the evil will stop, banter, and murder. They've basically bent themselves backwards to try to stay on a Vampire's good side without ruining a very tenuous political balance in the Underdark, despite the fact that her justice policy is a two-strike system.
    >First strike:
    You become vampire spawn under her direct control, and as such cannot cause any more trouble. For the next month, you are put through extensive physical training to be part of her territory's guard, upon the completion of which they are released so they can be actually useful soldiers that don't need to be ordered around directly.
    >Second strike:
    Those that abuse their position as a vampire spawn, notably those that cave to the temptation of gorging themselves on the normals, are staked and locked in a coffin to starve. Just to be sure no one takes pity on them, those coffins are mixed into the coffins with the actual corpses and shipped off to the necromancer with which she has a tenuous defense agreement, where any and all cries for help falling on the deaf ears of the necromancer's apathetic minions.
    The citizens, of course, know exactly what kind of fate befalls first-offenders, and only have inkling suspicions on what happens to second offenders that are neither seen nor heard from ever again.
    Compare that to a hunting band of goblins that the party literally crucified in the middle of the woods for shooting a fox. Or the sorcerer elf whose only crime was mindbreaking an evil dragon, that also saved the party from another dragon, having to actively convince them to at least prove to the townspeople he supposedly wronged that killing him is the right move. Players are nuts, man.

  48. 4 months ago


    Cause it's an indeterminate plural and a common feature of english

    • 4 months ago

      ... plural. Yes.

      • 4 months ago

        The operative word is indeterminate. (Singular) They're talking about a whole category of example characters. Even if (plural) they're all female and all use normal woman pronouns, (plural) they're still possible to call (indeterminately singular or plural) they. Because this is English, not French, we use words how we want and if we do it enough (as (plural) they have done for centuries in this case) then it's correct until enough people do it differently.
        Stop being a coward who lets trannies dictate your speech. When you scream "That's (indeterminate) their word! Only (indeterminate) they get to use it!", it just makes you look like a fool who simps for (indeterminate) them.

        • 4 months ago

          NTA, I unironically use "they" or "them" when referring to my characters when the sex doesn't matter to what I'm trying to say, which is incredibly often because having gash or nuts doesn't automatically make a character better or worse. No one gives a shit that my necromancer trying to properly revive their dad in an attempt to recover their childhood is a guy, the story doesn't gain depth when I say my caster that got themselves trapped in a devil-pact has booba, it only matters to people with porn addictions.
          Even when coming up with characters, I don't set a sex until I'm basically done, where I then figure out if the character I've made makes more sense as a man or a woman. Orphan that becomes a medicine shaman for barbarians? Woman. Pirate following a personal code of justice? Man. Pirate that does menial ship work and leads singing shanties? Woman. Child of adventurers that struck out independently to figure out how to be self-sufficient instead of having their parents be a crutch? Man. Foster kid that goes on the run with their birth-parent's spellbook to try to right the world's evils so no one has to share their fate? Woman. All of them can work in the opposite sense, but it's the easier route with the tropes involved, and what's in their pants doesn't much play into their motivation. You probably didn't even catch onto the fact I lied about my necromancer earlier, she was the foster kid, it matters that little.

        • 4 months ago

          This anon is right.

          NTA, I unironically use "they" or "them" when referring to my characters when the sex doesn't matter to what I'm trying to say, which is incredibly often because having gash or nuts doesn't automatically make a character better or worse. No one gives a shit that my necromancer trying to properly revive their dad in an attempt to recover their childhood is a guy, the story doesn't gain depth when I say my caster that got themselves trapped in a devil-pact has booba, it only matters to people with porn addictions.
          Even when coming up with characters, I don't set a sex until I'm basically done, where I then figure out if the character I've made makes more sense as a man or a woman. Orphan that becomes a medicine shaman for barbarians? Woman. Pirate following a personal code of justice? Man. Pirate that does menial ship work and leads singing shanties? Woman. Child of adventurers that struck out independently to figure out how to be self-sufficient instead of having their parents be a crutch? Man. Foster kid that goes on the run with their birth-parent's spellbook to try to right the world's evils so no one has to share their fate? Woman. All of them can work in the opposite sense, but it's the easier route with the tropes involved, and what's in their pants doesn't much play into their motivation. You probably didn't even catch onto the fact I lied about my necromancer earlier, she was the foster kid, it matters that little.

          This anon is wrong and moronic and I did notice him lying.

          There's times when you can use them when talking about a singular (like when that singular person is either the theoretical "anybody" or "someone") and none of them are when discussing a real person whose sex you know. It muddles the sentence and makes it sound robotic, or obtuse for the sake of it.

          • 4 months ago

            Whoops, didn't notice the homosexual above was a descriptivist tosspot. He's moronic too.

            It doesn't matter what's correct in English, everybody knows there's no such thing, and it being the lingua franca of the world has basically destroyed the idea that one must speak "proper" English.

            It's just a fricking dumb use of they, it makes the sentence harder to read and characters harder to relate to. And yes, being able to relate to the characters is important, even when telling a joke.

            It doesn't matter if it's correct or not, it's more importantly a bad manner of speech.

            • 4 months ago

              Descriptivism is the only way to handle living languages that aren't controlled by a central authority.

  49. 4 months ago

    >finally confront the BBEG
    >it's a girl
    >she's hot
    >big tiddy
    >big booty
    >cute feet

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I know that feel

  50. 4 months ago

    No, because she still had kinda my voice and beard.

  51. 4 months ago

    Last major lady BBEG was a goddess who was trying to save her demigod son by birthing/summoning him in the world which would require an untold amount of death in the process.

    She was banished by the cleric while in the middle of desperately pleading for her son's life while the party began the process of permanently erasing his essence from existence AFTER she shittalked said cleric's god (a primordial god of the hunt/hunger), and threatened the lives of their children. The cleric made damn sure to know she will spend entirety knowing she outlived her own child, and said primordial god will cause problems if she ever tried to reenter the world again. So while we didn't kill her, we did give her a fate worse then death.

  52. 4 months ago

    More on topic, a girl archvillain who was hot.

  53. 4 months ago

    There is no better feeling than blocking some gay who wants to spare a villain because they're hot than beheading the villain

    • 4 months ago

      Vigilantism is no better than sparing

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah it is. If they're dead they will (usually) bring the recidivism rate to zero. If you got the wrong guy? Sucks to suck; he shouldn't have been there and behaving in a manner that leads me to believe he's up to no good. If you spare the butthole, the recidivism rate still potentially remains above zero.
        >but whaddabout my IRL examples
        IRL examples are correct or incorrect depending on whether or not I personally agree with the vigilantes in question. Simple as.

  54. 4 months ago


    >objectively wrong
    >in english
    El Em Ay Oh, fampai.

  55. 4 months ago

    If the whole party is too horny to think straight, time to start the villain arc.

    • 4 months ago

      Does bottom left actually do anything bad, or is she just a dumb moeblob?

  56. 4 months ago


    The plurality actually is. And because the plurality is, they and them are the most appropriate words.
    Sheses and herses aren't words.

  57. 4 months ago


    Thou is still used in the West Country in its local form "ee".

  58. 4 months ago

    It doesn't even have to be a waifu, I threw an Aboleth into my campaign. One of my player's was foolhardy enough to chase it's Chuul down a sluice; and was confronted with the ancient mind controlling monstrosity from beyond the depths. I played it off like his character died for that session, then threw him back into the story the next. Between sessions I roleplayed the telepathic negotiation with the player; and it seems like he's completely forgotten it's a monster. I worry I've wandered into a player's magical realm. He's actively offering to poison other party members with Slaad Tadpoles, he's using magic items the Aboleth's provided to isolate and Mind control plot relevant NPC's. I haven't even really had to do much manipulating.

    I've had similar experiences with female player's growing attached to morally gray Bandit types; and pretty much anyone willing to kidnap them. I think it really speaks to a crucial psychological mechanism, feeling valued.

    • 4 months ago

      Huh, you know the Word Bearer Dark Apostle from the two posts above did promise to come for the Sororita. The line was something like, "Know that I will come for you, and I will come with overwhelming force. When that happens, when you have run out of ammunition and out of options, when you have no other choices but death or surrender. Please, choose surrender. You are something truly special, and the universe would be a lesser place if I had to destroy you." He also later on compared her to a pretty flower he wished to pluck and take for his collection, to which she retorted that he should be careful, some flowers have thorns. So yeah, I guess girls do like those kidnapping threats.

    • 3 months ago

      its probably also a safety thing. you know -- the PLAYERS know that they themselves will not be harmed, so, they can act out these suicidal fantasies.

      plus, its the story -- the player is curious. They want to see what you've got planned. In a sense, they're just being cooperative.

    • 3 months ago

      This post made me really think.

      My players have very predictable responses to situations like interacting with waifu npcs and stuff like you posted, and I think you nailed it.

      I have two players who INSTANTLY simp for any cute anime girl portrait or deals with a devil. Both are practically NEETs without meaningful relationships and no significant others.

      On the other end of the spectrum I have a married guy with a good career (to the point that he regularly gets brown-nosed) whose reaction to waifus makes me check if I mixed up the character portraits with an excel sheet. I don't even bother sending devil offers at him because the messager can't even finish a pitch without getting a shotgun mouthwash.

      They are all also genuinely blind to this and seem to genuinely think their reactions as the only reasonable choice. Even when they might play characters with the exact opposite premise.

      I always thought it was my GMing that caused this (all three were in only one campaign rogether) but it makes lot more sense if it's more about their need of acknowledgement being either under- or oversated.

  59. 3 months ago

    Yes. Multiple times, in fact. Not just waifus too, I had players simp for charismatic bandit leaders/godfathers and bigoted priests too.
    I consider it a feature, not a flaw. Players doing stupid shit on their own volition is great, because bad shit happening because of bad choices is much better for immersion than always being the result of "failure".
    And sometimes they succeed too to be fair. Both in "I can fix her" and "I want her to ruin me".

  60. 3 months ago

    One time I was running D&D for a group of five girls. I threw a medusa at them as just a random filler thing and the party liked her, adopted her, and decided to keep her because she was lonely and sad.

    • 3 months ago

      so am I, can they adopt me too?

      • 3 months ago

        Best I can offer you is to be the gimp of your local game store, like the one in pulp fiction.

  61. 3 months ago

    >evil party's nemesis is a qt waifu
    >she simps and tries to redeem them

  62. 3 months ago

    No, but I feel like if she's leaned into the "qt waifu" archetype enough that the entire party is champing at the bit for the chance to bone her back to the side of good, then it's probably intentional on her part and her secondary plan of not being killed by murdehobos is working to a tee.

    Clearly she needs to spin up a story about how she never wanted this but is being forced to by her evil boyfriend in the next kingdom over, no you wouldn't have heard of him; he goes to a different school, and she just needs some brave men to bring her the seven power crystals so she can cast the "Mega Break-Up" ritual that will let her dump him and is totally *not* meant to destroy the seal preventing the Dark Gods of the Innumerable Squirming Flesh from invading the planet in force, and once she was officially broken up she'd be ready for some good hard redemption. Oh, hey, *you* guys look like brave men who could collect power crystals...

  63. 3 months ago

    Early PF and it's eclectic bevy of villainous vixens served as catnip for my group, and on the occasions I weren't the campaign GM (very rare even now) there'd be at least an attempt.

    Nualia in Rise had a character arc centred around rejecting Lamashtu, which looking back I suppose was allegorical to postpartum psychosis. Nearly a decade later I brought her back into a very changed PF setting as a NPC for Wrath.

    Doppelosa from Crimson Throne was an another attempt at subversion. The party realised that maybe deposing a monarch out the blue may not be the best thing for the kingdom at large. Doppelosa became a real girl due to a Wish scroll. A botched assassination attempt in a later campaign lead to her and the Crimson Throne party effectively declaring war on the other major powers of Varisia.

    These were the two major cases. A lesser case was Chammady Drovenge from the "Whoops, all Tieflings!" party of Council of Thieves. Who were all actually playing against one another, and the campaign resulted in Westcrown... winding up being ruled over by an agent of Ereshkigal.

  64. 3 months ago

    This has happened literally every single time I had a mildly attractive female antagonist in my games. Honestly like 20 fricking times at this point.

    Rival petty criminal? More like pretty criminal let's scam her into joining us for the rest of the game.
    Evil noblewoman 1, 2, 3, 4, 5? Surely there's good inside her, or at least I'll be the good inside her lmao.
    The Dark Lord's right hand? Nah, a replacement for my right hand.
    Female Julian Assange in a three letter agency game? High treason is fine, actually.
    CEO of fantasy Blackrock? More like begging for my Blackwiener.
    Witch spreading a magical plague? That's like, the cutest war crime guys!
    An Archdemon of Rage? As a matter of fact, I think she'd make for a great Paladin Grandmaster.
    Literal fricking dragon mega-Satan that can instantly kill everyone in the world and has been sealed away by the gods at the climax of an ancient war, who's using her massive psychic powers to influence the world behind the scenes? Eh...but what if we actually just release her? I've got some garlic bread as a peace offering (An actual statement from the player in question).

    • 3 months ago

      have you considered consequences

      • 3 months ago

        Almost none of them worked out well for the party but they still keep doing it.
        The criminal betrayed them like 3 times afterwards, they lost their jobs for aiding a traitor, Blackrock CEO completely fricked them over with the contract, and the Archdemon Paladin Grandmaster turned into a problem for each subsequent campaign.

        The only things that sort of worked were the witch whom they got out of a deal with her hag and a few noblewomen who they got to switch sides to support their candidate for the throne.

        • 3 months ago

          Oh and they didn't even manage to redeem the right hand, she remained loyal to the Dark Lord until the end and was too strong to try and take down nonlethally.
          As for Dragon Satan, that's TBD.

  65. 3 months ago

    >BBEG is a female martial.

    >Players intentionally lose to her in combat so they can be taken prisoner.

  66. 3 months ago

    Yes, we had one NPC who was like that. Our PC cleric simped for her hard, and she eventually fell in love with and married a handsome nobleman who regularly visited the church she was staying at.
    He sulked for entire sessions, and never spoke to her again. I made sure to rub it in by being as oblivously happy for her as as possible, calling the romance "Moving", and forcing everyone to chip in to buy a gift for the couple (and wished them good fortune and many, many children).

  67. 3 months ago

    Not really, the closest thing to that was a deliberate decision for a lighthearted game where the PC was a himbo knight who had stumbled onto a swanmay bathing and immediately assumed she was some sort of divine lady of lake sort, and she kept sending him on increasingly dangerous quests to try and get him killed so he'd stop bothering her, since she wasn't really powerful enough to just kill him herself.

  68. 3 months ago

    Yes. Exactly this happened with Nualia from Rise of the Runelords when we played it

    • 3 months ago

      How did this go exactly? In the book she's pretty much just a soulless automaton that attacks on sight without a word.

      • 3 months ago

        It's been a while but from What i remember:
        We discovered a bunch of her diaries and backstory and most of our party felt kinda sorry for her never having real friends and support and figuring she just needed a good hug. I think when we had the bossfight with her in that wierd temple ( i think the one below the goblin fort) we managed to actually rush her before she could cast much and got her into a grapple. We pinned and tied her up, but didn't kill her. Our DM usually likes giving NPCs more depth than just a 2 dimensional badguy and taking liberties. We locked her up in Sandpoint Jail and had to argue with the authorities to not just hang her. Then we had to go to the bigger city (forgot the name) and basically get permission from a higher authority to keep her as prisoner under our direct watch. When we returned from that trip she had obviously been starving in jail and was quite mad at us. She broke out of jail to murder us in our sleep but we caught her and finally managed to have a nice sitdown with her. We explained we don't want to torture and kill her, but offer a chance for redemption and maybe even an actually enjoyable life. She wasn't really on board in the beginning but figured it gave her a chance to escape (rather than dangling from the gallows), but it also seemed like lamashtu had forsaken her after her failure, as many people in her life did before. She started travelling with us and while still antagonistic and mad at us you could slowly begin to see her develop a bit for the better after having some heart to hearts with her and tryingto integrate her. We even removed her demonic arm and pooled our resources for a nice restoration spell to let her regrow a normal one. She showed some nice and believable slow character growth after that and i felt like we were slowly getting somewhere but the campaign unceremoniously got cancelled not that long afterwards and we never got to see how that arc would have turned out on the long run.

        • 3 months ago

          Basically we figured she just wanted to be accepted by those around her, but they were massive dickheads instead. So lamashtu swept in to take advantage of her. We figured if we showed her some actual acceptance and friendship we could show her that lamashtu doesnt actually care about her, but that she could rely on us, it wasn't easy but i think we were getting somewhere. The campaign ended not that long after because we were pretty sick of Pathfinder at that point and decided to switch systems. Still would have loved to keep playing. I finally got to play a shark themed sea-elf shifter which was pretty neat.

      • 3 months ago

        The moment people stumble upon Nualia's backstory, they tend to follow the breadcrumb trail and before you know it you've got people

        It's been a while but from What i remember:
        We discovered a bunch of her diaries and backstory and most of our party felt kinda sorry for her never having real friends and support and figuring she just needed a good hug. I think when we had the bossfight with her in that wierd temple ( i think the one below the goblin fort) we managed to actually rush her before she could cast much and got her into a grapple. We pinned and tied her up, but didn't kill her. Our DM usually likes giving NPCs more depth than just a 2 dimensional badguy and taking liberties. We locked her up in Sandpoint Jail and had to argue with the authorities to not just hang her. Then we had to go to the bigger city (forgot the name) and basically get permission from a higher authority to keep her as prisoner under our direct watch. When we returned from that trip she had obviously been starving in jail and was quite mad at us. She broke out of jail to murder us in our sleep but we caught her and finally managed to have a nice sitdown with her. We explained we don't want to torture and kill her, but offer a chance for redemption and maybe even an actually enjoyable life. She wasn't really on board in the beginning but figured it gave her a chance to escape (rather than dangling from the gallows), but it also seemed like lamashtu had forsaken her after her failure, as many people in her life did before. She started travelling with us and while still antagonistic and mad at us you could slowly begin to see her develop a bit for the better after having some heart to hearts with her and tryingto integrate her. We even removed her demonic arm and pooled our resources for a nice restoration spell to let her regrow a normal one. She showed some nice and believable slow character growth after that and i felt like we were slowly getting somewhere but the campaign unceremoniously got cancelled not that long afterwards and we never got to see how that arc would have turned out on the long run.


        Early PF and it's eclectic bevy of villainous vixens served as catnip for my group, and on the occasions I weren't the campaign GM (very rare even now) there'd be at least an attempt.

        Nualia in Rise had a character arc centred around rejecting Lamashtu, which looking back I suppose was allegorical to postpartum psychosis. Nearly a decade later I brought her back into a very changed PF setting as a NPC for Wrath.

        Doppelosa from Crimson Throne was an another attempt at subversion. The party realised that maybe deposing a monarch out the blue may not be the best thing for the kingdom at large. Doppelosa became a real girl due to a Wish scroll. A botched assassination attempt in a later campaign lead to her and the Crimson Throne party effectively declaring war on the other major powers of Varisia.

        These were the two major cases. A lesser case was Chammady Drovenge from the "Whoops, all Tieflings!" party of Council of Thieves. Who were all actually playing against one another, and the campaign resulted in Westcrown... winding up being ruled over by an agent of Ereshkigal.

        and also the Paizo forums which had a fair number of "Nualia Redemption Wat Do???" threads back in the day.

        • 3 months ago

          I guess there is a couple of factors that make nualia a good candidate for this. She is rather low level which in the minds of players makes her less evil (or committed to evil) than for example a lvl 15 cleric of lamashtu. And you can prevent a bunch of her evil schemes so that mostly the people who probably deserved it get hit by her revenge The sort of loner outcast thematic (with problems with overbearing parents) is also something that has a higher chance of resonating with a nerdy ttrpg crowd. Additionally you can tell from her backstory that she used to be a nice person that just has been through a lot of shit not necessarily something inherently evil like a demon. All of these are angles that make her a good target for a redemption arc. Like is said, most of this could have been prevented if she just had some good friends and maybe a friendly hug and shoulder to cry on instead of a trauma congaline.

  69. 3 months ago

    BBEG uses them and then party wipes when convenient.

  70. 3 months ago

    >always play freakshit monster characters
    >not a fetish though, I just like monsters
    >playing a lizardman rune knight fighter in current game, rest of the party is all gay casters+ rogue
    >dm introduces elf hot girl npc
    >everyone loves her
    >party starts to be obsessed with this npc and waifus the frick out of her despite the visible "this was a huge mistake" look on dm
    >she gets fatally wounded during boss battle, obvious attempt of dm to get her out of the way
    >"waaah we have to save elf chan tbh" says the party, "even if she dies we can res her until the body is intact" says the party
    >get tasked with protecting her while she's unconscious
    >fall low on hp
    >while the boss is distracted by spanking the others
    >give dm a secret note
    >he starts laughing and nods
    >eat elf chan in a couple bites like a chicken wing
    >gain a handful of temp hp, go to the boss and grapple him so they can shoot him to death
    >"anon where is elf chan?"
    >"she sacrificed her life to save you"
    >party gets mad as frick
    >dm have tears in his eyes and can't stop grinning
    >campaign ends there, dm calls me a week later to join another group
    Frick your waifus

    • 3 months ago

      Was the second game his secret furry vore realm? Because "I play freakshit, t-totally not as a fetish though, I only ate the cutie elf waifu as a joke!" is pretty magical realm.

      • 3 months ago

        >e-everything is sexual guys! everyone is a d-disgusting p-pervert! y-you can't can't just like dinosaurs! I'm not projecting my s-sexual frustrations i swear!
        Second game was a slasher movie first edition warhammer where me and two other guys got hunted and disemboweled one by one by a single rat ogre in an abandoned slaughterhouse. No I couldn't play a freakshit there, sadly.
        Yes, you should go touch some of the proverbial grass. It's for your own good mate

        • 3 months ago

          When you intentionally eat the hot elf gf just to spite your party it's pretty sexual and you know it. But I guess your gm and you are both shitters like that. I hope the party at least killed you for that.

  71. 3 months ago

    My players are kinda okay with evil NPCs in general, but they will kill on sight anyone who cross them, hot or not

  72. 3 months ago

    I tried to throw a curveball at my players when I ran a modified Curse of Strahd game in which it was revealed that Strahd and Tatyana's roles were reversed (Ireena is a vampire lord, Strahd is reincarned continuously to be tormented by Ireena for eternity, this time as Izek Kolyana).

    I had to cancel the game because the group started killing each other over who would be Ireena's biggest simp, and it took a few months before some of them were talking to each other again to get another game going.

    I learned a lot about my players that session.

  73. 3 months ago

    Imagine this trope is worse right now, since more people can simp for cute males.

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