>Be Giovanni. >Be a world famous former mafia leader, terrorist, fugitive

>Be Giovanni
>Be a world famous former mafia leader, terrorist, fugitive
>Probably have one of the largest bounties on your head of any criminal on the planet with all the former members of your group having been hunted down and locked away
>Despite this you somhow take the time to travel to Unova, enter in the PWT and battle trainers from all across the world for fun

How did he get away with it /vp/?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Not wanted in AMERICA, I guess.

    • 10 months ago

      Clearly he was smuggled into Unova with help from his Unovian friend Surge

    • 10 months ago

      Based Americans putting competitive integrity over petty crimes

  2. 10 months ago

    unova isn't canon. the story ends at gen 2 and the extended universe ends at gen 4.

  3. 10 months ago

    Bribed the organisers

  4. 10 months ago

    >Probably have one of the largest bounties on your head of any criminal on the planet with all the former members of your group having been hunted down and locked away
    TR was never actually shown to have a massive response from the police who mostly didn't bother to do anything about them (hell one of em actively LEAVES Kanto despite looking for them). There's also the one foreign TR grunt who settled down in Unova so if anything they probably got off scot free.
    Giovanni also seems pretty unknown, I'd imagine besides the player and the Silph Co. President no one actually knows who he is, especially considering he could operate as a gym leader with no suspicion raised.
    TR is disbanded but I'd imagine they've all just fricked off to do their own think, Giovanni included. If anything I'd imagine he's probably laying low so he doesn't have to pay Silver's mum childsupport, probably the closest thing to a breach of legality the man has committed in the eyes of the Kantonian law.
    Archer seemed to be able to disband things pretty easily in Johto without much issue.
    I feel like the public regards TR as more of a nuisance than a threat, despite their crimes.

    • 10 months ago

      Given Giovanni was clearly meant to be a parody of Japanese mafia bosses would not surprise if just like in real life most of Kantos police were on his pay role

      • 10 months ago

        You might be right there.
        >Police officer leaving Kanto on the SS Anne
        >Police officer "investigating" a house in Cerulean City despite the Rocket grunt literally just being in the backyard and another up north trying to recruit people from the Nugget Bridge
        >That one police woman in Yellow/Let's Go who spends more time with an unruly Squirtle than enforcing the law
        >That additional police woman who hands out a uniform to the player for taking Team Rocket down and does frick all herself despite Saffron being taken over
        >The complete LACK of police presence in Lavender despite them killing Cubones to sell their skulls for profit
        Either the Kantonian police are on their payroll or they're a joke as law enforcement.
        Looker is carrying the entirety of the industry on his weary back.

        • 10 months ago

          Looker isn’t much better when he needs to rely on a 11-16 year old for his every assignment

        • 10 months ago

          The gate guards are clearly working for Team Rocket too. All roads to Saffron are conveniently closed while TR executes their takeover of Silph Co. The only reason the player can get into Saffron is because we bribe the guards with drinks, which is more proof that they are corrupt.

    • 10 months ago

      Team Rocket were on the rise and only just getting into the swing of things, in that transitional period from petty gang to evil superpower, when Red stomped them all into the dirt. They were briefly a news headline in the Kanto region but ultimately passed unnoticed since their most noteworthy time period probably only lasted a couple months before ending abruptly.

  5. 10 months ago

    Woahhh you mean to tell me the PWT was just a lazy nostalgia pandering tool that made no sense to distract from the fact that it’s drastically worse than the BF? No way….

    • 10 months ago

      >um, the boss rush arcade mode didn't make sense canonically
      play another game

    • 10 months ago

      Being able to battle past leaders is like 100 times more based and satisfying than battling the literal whos of the Sinnoh frontier

      • 10 months ago

        0 times 100 is still 0.

    • 10 months ago

      Congratulations, this is the dumbest take I've ever read on /vp/.

      • 10 months ago

        >soulless pandering in place of content is ok when it's referencing games I like

  6. 10 months ago

    Gen 5 is a shitty gen anyways, and Giovanni can do anything and never be wrong

  7. 10 months ago

    All the characters in the PWT are actually holograms. This explains how none of the characters aged despite 13 years passing in-universe from the Gen 1/3 character's debuts.

  8. 10 months ago

    Clearly Unova has no extradition pact with Kanto.

  9. 10 months ago

    Criminals can have fun, too.

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