Be honest?

Be honest /tg/

Have you ever cheated? Or have you ever caught someone cheating?

If you're a GM, how did you handle it? If a player, why did you do it?

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  1. 3 months ago

    I fingered a girl while my partner was sleeping in the same exact bed we were sharing for a night.
    Otoh she knew and was okay with it but yknow to normies it'd probably count.

    • 3 months ago

      Cucking is disgusting even when the genders are reversed.

      • 3 months ago

        Free love man

  2. 3 months ago

    >Have you ever cheated
    Yes. That combat encounter was about to go into the third hour. I had an attack roll that the GM missed and asked me what it was. I made it good so I would do a lot of damage and it killed the necromancer. I just wanted it to end and move on.

  3. 3 months ago

    I can't remember a specific instance, but I know that I've had my GM's make mistakes that gave me advantages, and then didn't correct them even though I know it was an error.
    When I was a kid I also had one of those rubber pop up toys that had the picture/text on one side wear off because it was printed on cheap, and rather than live with that I tried to look nonchalant holding my hand over the box of rubber pop toys at the school book fair, and dropped it in among them. I then loudly declared I "accidentally" dropped it and had to pick it out of the box, where I then just picked out a new one.
    The lady running the book fair probably thought I was just moronic and was stealing one, but who gave a shit about like a 25 cent piece of rubber.

    • 3 months ago

      My attitude is that if the GM would take advantage of my mistakes, it works both ways.

  4. 3 months ago

    I have been in situations where I essentially argue and nag with my GM to have things go my way.
    I have since then tried to stop using complaining as a tool to manipulate people. I still do complain aimlessly without noticing sometimes though.

  5. 3 months ago

    No. I am here to play, not to feed my ego. I once saw that another player was cheating but she was the GM's girlfriend and already getting preferential treatment so I didn't make a deal out of it.

    • 3 months ago

      >They brought the hoe to the table
      I'm so sorry Anon

    • 3 months ago

      >GM's girlfriend
      biggest red flag

  6. 3 months ago

    What do you mean by cheating?
    Lied about the dice rolls?

    As the GM I did it all the time, almost always in the player's favour.

    • 3 months ago

      Lying about dice rolls, lying about money amounts, your health, mana/slots/exhaustion/prepared spells if you're playing with magic, what items you have, what conditions or bonuses or whatever you have, skills, other such things. Also metagaming.

      >As the GM I did it all the time, almost always in the player's favour.
      Nah, fudging dice rolls to help players isn't cheating, at least I don't consider it to be. However, it's a twat with a GM vs. Player mindset and they're fudging rolls or any of the above just to "win" or something then I absolutely consider cheating.

      • 3 months ago

        *consider it cheating
        I'd never cheat if I thought a GM was being a homosexual, I'd just leave.

  7. 3 months ago

    been playing ttrpgs for a decade and I think as a player I've fudged dice like, three times
    Consequences are fun too

  8. 3 months ago

    i cheated a few times when i started out, it's pretty pathetic in hindsight. nudge a die in character creation a little for a higher stat, i know i did that once or twice. stopped pretty quickly
    i fudged as a gm when i started out too, but realized how the dice tell a better story if you let them. nowadays, player or gm, i let the dice do their thing and i can have a lot of fun, failure or success

  9. 3 months ago

    There have been times playing Frosthaven or Gloomhaven when I've:
    >mistakenly started the game with too many cards in my hand, noticed, and didn't say anything
    >put a card in my discard instead of my lost pile by mistake, noticed, and didn't say anything
    >brought an extra item by mistake, noticed, and didn't say anything
    I feel bad about doing it when it happens, but it's not like I can go "oh my bad dudes we need to start this four hour long mission over again haha." And I also don't really enjoy these games enough to care.

  10. 3 months ago

    I am ashamed to admit that there has been at least one occasion I can remember where the GM misunderstood a rule in a way that would go in my favor and I did not correct them. I'm sorry /tg/ I should be better than this.

  11. 3 months ago

    I often look up the stats of the monster we're currently fighting. Then I can imagine how it would trigger its abilities, or exact probabilities to hit, or how badly it could end, or how easily we could win with this info.
    It doesn't usually change my strategy. Sometimes I'll trigger its reactions on purpose, just so we get to witness them before the creature gets ground into pulp.

    • 3 months ago

      Players do this constantly in online games so you should either homebrew everything or have a transparent philosophy. For me, I go the homebrew route but one of my friends just openly gives the stats for every enemy combatant for everyone to view publicly.

      It definitely makes the experience more gamey but also more tactical I guess. It has a separate kind of appeal.

  12. 3 months ago

    sadly I have cheated
    but so is the gm and much more blatantly
    I am pretty sure one other player knows about both of us
    we are both at this point playing out of spite cuz the gm is bigger dick year by year while being youngest of us

  13. 3 months ago

    I have cheated in the past, somethimes I'm tempted to do it today too

    I played with a really competitive group (borderline toxic, I realized it late) and cheating a bit become a mechanism to avoid pressure/aggression/reprival for a "bad roll/bad play/etc

    Nowaday I play with another group, much better and not toxic. I still found myself tempted to cheat a number or two on a roll, bt I'm trying to correct myself

    With my old group there was a player who cheathed a lot, much more than me or everybody else, even in dumb ways. We all realized it, almost never pointed it out.
    When we started playing with the new group he keep doing it, was immediately spotted and people begin avoiding him or not calling him to play

  14. 3 months ago

    On my wife
    With the table femboy

    • 3 months ago

      Masturbation isn't cheating, anon.

  15. 3 months ago

    Probably a bunch of unintentional times. Most recent we were in a fight, I go to attack the big bad with a weapon that says it ignores armor. After my turn I look at the rules of it and it mentions the armor the guy was wearing is an exception that doesn't get ignored. I may or may not have failed to mention that on my next turn though.

  16. 3 months ago

    Our DM was being a total piece of shit and getting aggressive with the players, so I read ahead for Tomb of Annihilation and dodged every trap.

    Which was not crazy or unexpected because I'm typically the party face, the party tactician, and the party puzzle solver.

  17. 3 months ago

    Yes to both. What a stupid question. Cheating is part of TTRPGs same as bambozleing your opponent regarding the rules is part of 40k.

  18. 3 months ago

    Opened the fricking module online while we were playing. Didn't use it to make any game winning decisions, but I was fricking sick of the way the DM was running things and wanted to be sure we weren't getting fricked.

    Sure enough, the DM was making enemies too strong, bringing in encounters that weren't supposed to be there, ignoring conditions under which we wouldn't have to fight, and on at least 3 occasions, triggering fights that we had successfully circumvented. Straight up, the book said if we didn't do certain things, like looking in certain boxes or trying to force certain doors open, we wouldn't be attacked. He surprise attacked us with them anyways and nearly TPK'd us every time, because suddenly having a dozen zombies surround you and then get off two attacks each is a great way to murder a party.

    We stopped playing shortly a few sessions later.

    • 3 months ago

      You're a huge homosexual.

  19. 3 months ago

    Someone in our tabletop club was caught cheating several times, literally 'Oh the dice rolled off the table but it's a six guys' kinda cheating along with altering his roll results 'discretely' when I asked for group rolls. He also apparently cheated at Magic the gathering by 'forgetting' to tap his mana or not reading his cards all the way through, but I know less about that part.

    He committed enough infractions that we got the right to ban him by the college.

    the cheating isn't what got him banned. it's when he started fondling his nuts during a game.

  20. 3 months ago

    While DMing, yes.

    Fudging rolls to be different than they are is in fact near mandatory I'd say. If it's session 1 and in the first combat encounter ever I roll two 20's in a row and instakill one of the PC's with no hope of revival as level 1's, you bet your ass those are no longer crits. death is, quite simply, often not fun if it comes at the hands of RNG. it can be! but there are many cases where it ends up feeling like a punishment in which you have to watch others having fun for 2-4 hours while doing nothing.

    similarly however, it is important to occasionally tilt things in the opposite direction to keep things spicy and dangerous. players will absolutely munchkin and minmax their characters to the point that encounters can pose no difficulty. as such, sometimes a bit of unfairness is needed to remind them that they're not immortal demigods.

  21. 3 months ago

    I know more about the module my GM is running than I let on because it's the most popular module for the system we're running and the community for the system will just casually toss out spoilers for it. I don't know a ton, and I try not to let meta knowledge impact my decisions in combat, but it feels bad to know something I probably shouldn't and then have to not act on it.

  22. 3 months ago

    >Have you ever cheated?
    Yep, unashamedly so. One time the "optimizer" decided he was going to run the Witcher RPG for us, and cut out all the "boring stuff" like roleplaying. Go to location; get told what rolls to make; any clarifying questions are met with "roll <X>"; get herded towards set combat encounter for the session. He would only allow one witcher (and hence one silver sword) in the entire group, and would allow us no way of finding a smith to silver our weapons. He got pissy when my merchant tried studding his boots with silver shekels because I realized kicking had the highest damage output because non-witchers were only allowed daggers and clubs. The only reason I stayed in the game so long is that we all worked together.
    One time we're fighting some giant insect and are doing zero damage. Witcher Bro has left the group at this point. I ask for a simple physical description: how big is it, does it look armored, what does it actually look like? GM tells me to just roll Monster Lore; he then reads out the worthless sidebar which is some in-character fluff; "don't go down to them there swamps or they'll git ye" goofy shit. I'm in a chat with Witcher bro and he informs me that GM is just converting the video game monster hunts to tabletop. He tells me the creatures name and I search it in the PDF. From the picture, there's a clear weak spot on its rear.
    Next turn I say "I strafe to it's rear and aim a kick at the red bit." GM says "no metagaming" and punishes me with an attack of opportunity (not a thing in the game). At this point I just left the table. It fizzled out soon after.

  23. 3 months ago

    Yes, but only on accident. Sometimes I forget to apply certain conditional modifiers to my rolls and I realize too late to tell the GM because we would have to roll back time to fix it and drag the mood down. If I can, I just silently nerf my next roll to balance it out.

  24. 3 months ago

    The GM in my 3.5 game regularly cheats, getting regular crits (no rolling to confirm) , sometimes having monsters with spells specifically prepared to frick over PCs (hey what spells do you guys have?), if you forget to say you're casting defensively he treats it like not saying uno, getting hits with monsters that should be impossible to hit us with and saving against spells that should be impossible to save against without 20s, every other tough monster having legendary resistance and actions. Every encounter is a slogfest and unless you're super optimized you're gonna go through multiple PCs.

    So I fudge rolls, and occasionally forget to deduct potions, and swap spell slots. It's moronic, I should just leave but I've grown attached to my charecters and also nobody else in my area is running anything besides 5e.

    • 3 months ago

      >no rolling to confirm
      Why is that a thing? Who decided needing to roll 2 twenties in a row to crit was a good idea?

      • 3 months ago

        Crit confirms do not require a second twenty to be rolled (I won't teach you how they work)

      • 3 months ago

        It's to avoid things such as goblins TPK'ing all your PCs at level 1 thanks to lucky crits. And as the other anon points out, you don't need a second twenty, just scoring a hit on the "confirm" die.

  25. 3 months ago

    In Pathfinder 2E, I play a wizard and treat it as if I have my entire spellbook prepared at all times and assign spells to spell slots only after I've used them. My DM is too lazy to check. No one has complained so far.

  26. 3 months ago

    We caught two of our players cheating last night, I don't know how it wasn't already obvious when they never "rolled" below a 15 but it's not surprising. I don't think there's a single one of us who hasn't cheated in some form before. But it won't matter, we who have DMed just raise all DCs for cheaters to balance out their higher rolls.

  27. 3 months ago

    I cheated at MtG by cooking my deck back in junior high. I got caught once, and now the player won't play with me again.

    I still fudge my stats when asked to roll them up, especially if the stats determine if my character will be competent or will completely suck. Turn it into a gamble where you have to "win big", I will cook my results. If you roll for me but make sure the numbers are decent for everyone, use point-buy/standard array, and I won't cook the results.

    Dealt with a control-freak GM back in junior high and I adapted a lot of habits from playing with him, including kissing ass (I was quite the pushover back then and I regret it, but it is my fault). I'm willing to give him another chance and forgive all infractions, because both of us being in junior high (with him the older) I think is a valid insanity plea.

    I fudge all the time as a GM, especially if the dice roll results aren't being conductive of another player's enjoyment. If the player gives me good description of all of the actions, even if they result in outcomes that aren't in his character's favor, I am much more apt to cook the results to give him a gridlock moment instead of an outright ass-fricking. I feel like my lingering habits to fudge and cook results to not be placed at the arbitrary whims of a dice roll or the potential of a GM who would abuse his power to get off of it on me would be better suited if I were behind the GM's screen to ensure that doesn't happen to anybody else- or at least that's what I tell myself. I also got more serious about GMing because I am a control freak, and GMing would force me to let matters run their natural course. I like to think I am making progress on it, but I'll leave the final judgement to my players.

    Thanks for reading my blog.

  28. 3 months ago

    I cheat all the time. No-one has ever noticed. I don't do it to get power, I only do it to tweak numbers and to realize concepts more fully.

  29. 3 months ago

    As a GM, all the time. Usually slapping more HP onto big enemies that the party kills instantly and playing it off as a second phase, or just saying he's not dead yet.

    As a player, not within memory or intentionally. Occasionally I forget to mark off food or think I have but not sure, and just mark it off anyways.

    • 3 months ago

      Slapping more HP on an opponent isn't something I'd consider cheating. It's just the kind of on-the-fly adjustment GMs are supposed to make when needed. It's not the same as fudging dice or anything.

    • 3 months ago

      >As a GM
      GMs can't cheat by definition, moron.

      • 3 months ago

        They can still cheat others out of a good moment

        • 3 months ago

          I'd say that's pretty much as good for "cheating as a GM" definition as you're going to get. Yes, you can do whatever you please, but if you're making the game less fun for everyone else you're breaking the golden rule. Don't fudge shit unless it's for the fun.

  30. 3 months ago

    I'm the DM. So no, the dice lie where they fall. Also, my main group had to switch to VTT a while back, so fudging dice isn't really a thing.

  31. 3 months ago

    As a GM I cheat, constantly, always, in favor of the players. I want them to have a good time, and that comes before anything else. I will ignore rolls on encounter tables, I will give them magic items as rewards that synergize with what they can already do, I will let a creature that is reduced to 1 HP by an attack just die so we can get a fricking move on, frick /tg/ and frick RAW. They call me the Game MASTER for a reason.

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