>be rpg. >"Female warrior"

>be rpg
>"Female warrior"

THE DAMN METROID, ruined this whole bloody industry!!!!

used to actually be a pretty novel idea. Now, the whole industry is saturated head to toe wit this
>chicks with dicks
syndrome, when we all know that if times get rough, women are more likely to turn to prostitutedom, sucking dick to replenish HP, then they are to becoming valiant warriors.

Women belong in the backrow,
They shouldnt speak unless casting a spell,
They can't wear heavy armor,
And their physical attacks are pathetic so dont even bother.
If she pisses off Cecil or Kain, rape her or leave the b***h for dead.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >>Wrong board

  2. 2 years ago

    >this is what cucking and "cleanup duty" does to a homie

  3. 2 years ago

    Samus is not an rpg doe

    • 2 years ago

      Doesnt matter. She was the first chick with dick.

      FF4 didnt have chicks with dicks.
      FF5 did.
      FF6 Didnt.
      FF7 and onward did.
      BOF... I dont think have any chicks with dicks, but if they made one now, I'm sure Nina would be the warrior and Ryu would be a little b***h boy.

      • 2 years ago

        All chicks have dicks doe

        • 2 years ago

          Rydia didnt have a dick.

          • 2 years ago

            She can summon one

            • 2 years ago

              But that is what is brilliant about her character.
              She is the perfect demonstration of a woman, to the point where the only way she can can muster power, is by summoning monster simps to amog other baddies.

              >They shouldnt speak unless casting a spell,
              Too bad they can't cast. Otherwise this would be a nice idea. Lets face it. The only thing women are good for is being camp followers and wenches.

              >The only thing women are good for is being camp followers and wenches.
              mmmm... Fusoya was in all likelihood a more powerful spellcaster than Rydia, Rosa, or the twin in his hayday. Tellah probably too. They were just old af by the time they join Cecil.

              Shitty thread, Ganker tier

              >ive never played ff4
              okay gay. Shouldn't you be listening to badly dubbed voiceovers that inhibit your imagination?

              • 2 years ago

                i played ff4
                in neither it or your post did i find a compelling argument for why fictional women are not allowed to be as strong as men

              • 2 years ago

                Good story is lost on you.
                >be cecil
                >murder israelites
                >back to castle
                >piss off king
                >sent to ukraine
                >murder e-girl parents
                >holocaust village
                >kidnap e-girl
                >frick off to middle east
                >murder 4 simps looking for your e-girl
                >take e-girl to turkey
                >hentai boss
                >watch turkey get bombed
                >total kek
                >go in
                >save no one
                >see hot red hed girl
                >"oh shit its this old mans daughter"
                >old man beats the shit out of her b***hass boyfriend
                >old man leaves
                >kidnap b***hboy and steal his hovercraft
                >goback to middle east
                >see some dumb b***h
                >too sick to kidnap
                >kill innocent antlion for medicine
                >kidnap blonde b***h
                >head for China
                >force e-girl to learn holocaust magic
                >watch some karate
                >arrive in hong kong
                >get sword that kills monsters that make them orgasm to death [SWOOON!]
                >go in a boat
                >e-girl + blonde b***h drowns [frick!]
                >so does b***hboy and chinese man [dont care]
                >wash up in Israel
                >twins? Kidnap them.
                >Go up mountain
                >Meet up with that old man
                >Commit suicide
                >Reincarnated as aryan
                >Steal israeli technology
                >Go back to Germany
                >Murder and become fuhrer
                >New wheels
                >Your best friend managed to saved that b***h
                >"kay. Give me my b***h back"
                >beat the living shit out of your best friend until he relents
                >have sex in front of him
                >go to africa
                >lali hos everywhere
                >bout to die
                >e-girl comes back and saves your ass
                >holy shit e-girl grew like by 8 years
                >Finally legal
                >e-girl doesnt recognize you
                >(this is kek)
                >cant help but be extremely aroused by you
                >have sex with her and blonde b***h
                God I love FF4.

              • 2 years ago

                Anon that's not accurate at all but I enjoyed it. You forgot to mention the secret angry man on the moon.

              • 2 years ago

                fu ck
                so much
                ya (you)

                >the only way she can can muster power
                she's literally the party's black mage, even without summoning she's strong. i don't know why i'm responding to someone who's having a schizo meltdown, though. maybe you should have a little bit of calm-down time. get off your computer and go relax with a book or play with a cat or something.

                >she's literally the party's black mage
                Yeah, if you only play vanilla (aka baby mode).

                >even without summoning she's strong.
                Pff not compared to the twin.
                The bm Twin has way better magic stats, along with a self buff capability.

              • 2 years ago

                >the only way she can can muster power
                she's literally the party's black mage, even without summoning she's strong. i don't know why i'm responding to someone who's having a schizo meltdown, though. maybe you should have a little bit of calm-down time. get off your computer and go relax with a book or play with a cat or something.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes she does b***h

  4. 2 years ago

    Tell us more about your phobia of women. In the meantime, I'll be playing my fem half-orc fighter tank.

  5. 2 years ago

    >seething this much over fictional women doing unrealistic shit in a fantasy setting
    think you could tone down the ol' 'tism?

  6. 2 years ago

    Sometimes you think about creating a bait thread with a deranged persona and then you read a thread like this and realize you don’t have the imagination to make something feel truly disturbed

  7. 2 years ago

    >meanwhile, around 90 years ago red nails was published

    • 2 years ago

      Conan was Howard's power fantasy. Valeria, Red Sonja, etc. were just his waifus.
      Howard was a fricking visionary and did not deserve the fate he got.

      • 2 years ago

        >Red Sonja
        Based clueless moron.

        • 2 years ago

          >Red Sonja is a fictional sword and sorcery comic-book superheroine[3] created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Barry Windsor-Smith for Marvel Comics in 1973, partially based on Robert E. Howard's characters Red Sonya of Rogatino, Dark Agnes de Chastillon, and Valeria.
          Forgive me oh wise and terrible anon.

          • 2 years ago

            >Forgive me
            OK. But the next time, if you don't have any knowledge about a subject, google it before posting wrong information.

            • 2 years ago

              In my defense I just mashed Red Sonya and Red Sonja together for obvious reasons.

  8. 2 years ago

    kys moron

  9. 2 years ago

    Take your meds.

  10. 2 years ago

    >They shouldnt speak unless casting a spell,
    Too bad they can't cast. Otherwise this would be a nice idea. Lets face it. The only thing women are good for is being camp followers and wenches.

  11. 2 years ago

    Shitty thread, Ganker tier

  12. 2 years ago

    then don't play games that force you to use one and stop posting, lord of lollygagging

  13. 2 years ago

    Big incel energy.

  14. 2 years ago



  15. 2 years ago

    Phantasy Star 1 stars a female warrior

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