Because of this piece of shit we will never have a good singleplayer cyberpunk RPG ever again

Because of this piece of shit we will never have a good singleplayer cyberpunk RPG ever again

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    Well there is that system shock 1 remake but that isn’t really an RPG. Perhaps it will rekindle interest.

    • 2 years ago

      wonder if the remake has the original ost being remake instead of the ambience

  2. 2 years ago

    Still the king.

    To be fair, the vision for Cyberpunk 2077 was great until the diversity hires flooded CDPR and the exec polacks went turbo israelite. They also never should've tried to shove it in PS4 and Xbox One/S.

    You should also keep an eye on this, maybe it'll be good;

    • 2 years ago

      >Still the king.
      true, true

    • 2 years ago

      >Still the king.
      Not when Deus Ex Mankind Divided exists

      • 2 years ago

        Poor bait. What a shame, my Black personman.

    • 2 years ago

      >its da blacks!!!
      Name 3 black men that worked on Cyberpunk.
      >its da israelites!!!
      It isnt.
      Its incopetant developers who dont know how to make games properly who get praised too much for shitty games so they tries something too ambitious and got burned by reality.

      Unpopular opinion - bloodlines 2 will actually be good and baldurs gate 3 will be too pozzed to be good but will at least have effort put into the remaining acts because of this disaster. I'm choosing to be optimistic and believe studios learned from this - no amount of previously accumulated good will will cover you if you buy a beloved IP and then shit on it.

      Cd Project red obviously thought that a good ip and previous good pr would let them stick to their budget/time table without repercussions. They were wrong. If it was just ill will, they might still do it because they can get enough pre-orders and day 1 sales (by buying up media and preventing leaks) to pay off the costs and then either improve it or sell shares and run away before anyone notices. But it didn't end with destroyed reputation. They had a full blown worker's putsche that dramatically increased operating costs along with it. No one is gonna be stupid enough to let that happen cause even if you manage to silence the now emboldened leaders, you'll still get sued for gross negligence in running the company and dumping shares. You can see the effect of this with paradox cloistering the entire bloodlines 2 dev team and completely redoing the game - despite the crazy costs of doing so and the already significant number of pre-orders. Cyberpunk ip martyred itself for some basic qa.

      >I'm choosing to be optimistic and believe studios learned from this
      Then prepare to eat shit again with a smile on your face while coping by telling yourself "Even though im not happy, It could have been worse like "X"!"

      • 2 years ago

        I did not say anything about blacks. And yes, it's always the israelites my goyim friend.

        • 2 years ago

          Wait... but i though asians were based and le honorary whites?

          • 2 years ago

            Chinks are a different breed, I consider them to be expendable drones.

          • 2 years ago

            basically it's only japanese that are that. Chinese are like a soulless locust swarm where everything they sell is overpriced junk. South Koreans are the intergalactic nexus of plastic surgery and credit card debt.
            Japan gave us stuff like anime, nintendo and ninjas. So they are fricking awesome.

            • 2 years ago

              >Japan gave us stuff like anime, nintendo and ninjas. So they are fricking awesome.

              • 2 years ago

                Nintendo Switch is based.
                I can play videogames in bed instead of sitting up for 12 hours and hurting my back.

          • 2 years ago

            Forced diversity will just never produce good games.
            Do I have to remind you that jap companies only have jap employees?
            Also, I heard part of the code was written with scratch blocks, that's what happens when you hire women to code.

            • 2 years ago

              Carmack types aren't women or poos.

              You can really tell the teams of 100 poos and women can't even use the tools white men made, like sub-saharans leaving rail lines to rust or ripping up the ties for scrap-metal, from all the bugs in modern games and complete inability to reproduce mechanics games ran over a decade ago.

              • 2 years ago

                >Carmack types
                Those usually frick off to a better paying job after being disillusioned and having their competence shamelessly milked.

  3. 2 years ago

    Like it or not, but this single game ended cyberpunk drought, and much more games in this genre came out ever since.

    • 2 years ago

      >this single game ended cyberpunk drough
      LMAO even

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, ya dumbass. Life is increasingly coming closer to everything cyberpunk and art imitates life. Did you think the Blade Runner remake/sequel/whatever wouldn't had happened without CDPRs teaser?

  4. 2 years ago

    Good. It's a garbage setting

    • 2 years ago

      Cyberpunk is a good setting, but it hasn't been utilized well in gaming.

    • 2 years ago

      fartquad when will you admit you dont like videogames and go play the sims or something

  5. 2 years ago

    Good. Medieval/fantasy is the better setting.
    Frick scifi and modern settings.

    • 2 years ago

      >Oh no not a futuristic setting my brain!!!

  6. 2 years ago

    Correct. No cyberpunk game can top it

  7. 2 years ago

    There are 3 Shadowrun RPGs anon. Play those.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Why is this kind of thing a trope in video games? I've never experienced or witnessed an interaction like this. It feels like live action Disney show writing. Straight up cringe.

        • 2 years ago

          It's common in tumblr. See the whole "mansplaining? thing

      • 2 years ago

        While is0bel did suck, gobbet and racter made that game worth it

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        HK dropped the ball with the party members. Gaichu, Gobbet and Rachter were great, but holy shit, what an insufferable c**t Is0bel is. And Duncan goes from being stubborn in main game to full moron in DLC.

      • 2 years ago

        >doesn't post her MUH SAFE SPACE dialog

        HK dropped the ball with the party members. Gaichu, Gobbet and Rachter were great, but holy shit, what an insufferable c**t Is0bel is. And Duncan goes from being stubborn in main game to full moron in DLC.

        It still blows my mind game's two optional stretch goal characters are the best.

        • 2 years ago

          he was cool.

          The emo Satanist cybergirl in Dragonfall was the worst companion yet a good cautionary against children getting groomed by "Wiccan" cults.


          It sucked there was no option to side witht he pro human faction, that you had to complete a sidequest against them to advance the main plot for a troll named Solomon, and there wasn't an ending option to gas the dragons.

          • 2 years ago

            >was the worst companion
            Did we play the same game? Buffing her with shaman shit and letting her loose with double the AP was the funniest shit ever.

            • 2 years ago

              My biggest problem with Shamans was how devs basically forgot they can summon spirits until Hong Kong, making your gimmick sometimes you'd use maybe a few times. It's also weird how because of high Charisma they get all the etiquettes they want, essentially turning shamans into the archetype that can smooth talk their way out of everything.

          • 2 years ago

            isn't there an option to go full on luciferian and have a depraved blood orgy with her

          • 2 years ago

            >The emo Satanist cybergirl in Dragonfall was the worst companion
            You mean Glory? Wtf? Glory was the shit in that game. Pair her up with Eigar and almost every fight is a breeze.
            >have glory run up and melee an enemy in cover to flush them out
            >eigar from the other side of the map kills them with a shot from her sniper rifle
            rinse, repeat, victory

      • 2 years ago

        I tried playing that game and was pure bullshit, thanks god I pirates it.
        The first thing you see after creating a character is a bunch of plot exposition that forces a predefined backstory to your character, after that the game is completely linear and you are forced to interact with woke characters of all kind. It's like fricking torture.

        • 2 years ago

          >The first thing you see after creating a character is a bunch of plot exposition that forces a predefined backstory to your character

          I had so many meltdowns over it. Had to rewrite my character over 20 times because every 2 hours you get new game changing information about your character. It starts pretty strict and then turns into fricking soviet russia. It's so inconsistent how the protagonist is that it's pathetic. One moment you're implied to be 40 years old since Duncan says you've been with Raymond for 16 years + 8 of prison + the 16 until he adopted you, the next one you're being called "kid" and acting like you're at most 25.

          Dunno what mentally ill writer wanted to self insert HIS backstory so bad but i hope he gets hate crimed. I was building up my character to be the black sheep all along and then near the ending Duncan goes on and on about how you were always Raymond favorite and Duncan was the one hated by Raymond, frick that.

          • 2 years ago

            >One moment you're implied to be 40 years old since Duncan says you've been with Raymond for 16 years
            This only confirms my suspicions that anyone who rages over SRHK is illiterate.

            • 2 years ago

              Considering most people's major complaint is that the game has too much reading I'd say it's a given.

    • 2 years ago

      are they Action-RPG?

      • 2 years ago

        they're like xcom

  8. 2 years ago

    Go back to Ganker you zoomer piece of shit. Cyberpunk 2077 is a great RPG.

    • 2 years ago

      >Cyberpunk 2077 is a great RPG.
      Is this a joke?

      • 2 years ago

        I agree with that anon. It is a good rpg. Just mentally filter out the troony shit

        • 2 years ago

          Have you even played an RPG in your life before this? Fricking Fallout 3 has more RPG elements that Cyberpuke

          • 2 years ago

            >Fallout 3 has more RPG elements that Cyberpuke
            I would say the opposite. It has everything F3 has to offer as an rpg and more. If you want to push it, the only thing it lacks is the moronic karma system which I don't miss at all.

            • 2 years ago

              I literally only play it whenever I’m trooning out so I guess it sort of works

      • 2 years ago

        It’s a great game. Gaming media decided to constantly shitkick it but the writing and gameplay are fantastic. It’s the only game where the atmosphere is so good and fun to traverse I don’t use fast travel, ever.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree with that anon. It is a good rpg. Just mentally filter out the troony shit

      It’s a great game. Gaming media decided to constantly shitkick it but the writing and gameplay are fantastic. It’s the only game where the atmosphere is so good and fun to traverse I don’t use fast travel, ever.

      >Fallout 3 has more RPG elements that Cyberpuke
      I would say the opposite. It has everything F3 has to offer as an rpg and more. If you want to push it, the only thing it lacks is the moronic karma system which I don't miss at all.

      Was just playing an hour ago after a few months off. It’s still the best game of the last few years.

      Actual imbeciles or CDPR shills. It's probably low IQ consoomers easily dazzled by the superficial presentation.

      • 2 years ago

        Quit projecting and present actual argument

        • 2 years ago

          Nah that guy's right. Liking 2077 is a clear redflag that your just a moron and will argue in moon logic. Waste of time.

      • 2 years ago

        “Superficial Presentation”. You mean atmosphere? Yes, it was totally engrossing.

        • 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    imagine an actual honest to god cyberpunk crpg, holy mother of based

  10. 2 years ago

    Was just playing an hour ago after a few months off. It’s still the best game of the last few years.

  11. 2 years ago

    The infuriating part is how a lot of sidequests are much better than the main quest, like the serial killer forcing hormones on kids, the jesus vr film, the couple that's getting brainwashed by a outer space ai, etc. On top the game constantly reminds you that you are going to die in a week but can take your time doing all those sidequests so any kind of immersion or urgency is broken. Then the skill trees, lmao. A lot of the stuff is useless because there's no single quest where you need a high diving skill.
    If they had done something like:
    >act 1: you and jacky earning your place in night city like the intro cutscene and metting characters like pam and melanie
    >act 2: doing most of the sidequests from the main quest and side characters, ends with the biochip assult
    >act 3: the final parts of the main quest with jap homie and side plots, relatively short so the sense of urgency actually makes sense this time
    This game may as well be the definition of wasted potential.

    • 2 years ago

      >On top the game constantly reminds you that you are going to die in a week but can take your time doing all those sidequests
      I agree that this is the most moronic thing in the game.

    • 2 years ago

      But anon, if we only get the chip in act 3, how are we going to shoehorn Keanu everywhere?

      • 2 years ago

        It feels like the CDPR got cold feet about handling an obscure setting with mostly original characters and so banked on Keanu as a crutch to keep people entertained if they didn't like the rest of the story. It sucks because the cast was mostly great and V was exceptional - easily capable of carrying the narrative without the ebin ghost boomer ruining the flow of the plot like

        The infuriating part is how a lot of sidequests are much better than the main quest, like the serial killer forcing hormones on kids, the jesus vr film, the couple that's getting brainwashed by a outer space ai, etc. On top the game constantly reminds you that you are going to die in a week but can take your time doing all those sidequests so any kind of immersion or urgency is broken. Then the skill trees, lmao. A lot of the stuff is useless because there's no single quest where you need a high diving skill.
        If they had done something like:
        >act 1: you and jacky earning your place in night city like the intro cutscene and metting characters like pam and melanie
        >act 2: doing most of the sidequests from the main quest and side characters, ends with the biochip assult
        >act 3: the final parts of the main quest with jap homie and side plots, relatively short so the sense of urgency actually makes sense this time
        This game may as well be the definition of wasted potential.

        pointed out.
        >mfw the jacket V wears on the cover is ackshually a special replica of the one Johnny used to wear because everything needs to use his brand
        Was it just being something that looks cool too much to ask?

        • 2 years ago

          Didn't the top director force the team to redesign the game around Keanu because he's a massive Reeves simp?

          • 2 years ago

            I mean anything's possible, but who the frick knows. It could just be that they had to re-focus the plot after the outsourced marketing interns fricked up and made all the promo materials portray the game as a GTA clone because they had no idea what the frick a Cyberpunk was.
            A behind the scenes documentary about what the actual frick went on during this game's development would be goat. Some parts of it have 10/10 sovl that can easily stand among the greatest rpgs, other parts are purely mediocre despite a glacial dev cycle, and other parts are worse than a chink mobile game, it boggles the damn mind.

            Once the game became consistently playable I'd say it was enjoyable but still poorly made.

            There are interesting characters and quests but they seldom connect in a cohesive manner because the main story is a mess they just tried to gloss over with Keanu Reeves.

            You know the writing team fricked up when your origin story is a meaningless tutorial, the world's largest megacorp has one of their most secure buildings bamboozled by an amateur crew, your character stupidly dies to a fat Black person despite previously mowing through an army of elite guards and 80% of the map is only unlocked after the chip in your head threatens to kill you in a few weeks so that you ignore any sense of urgency or the massive manhunt from supposedly killing the most powerful man on Earth.

            Out of four romantic interests, two of them aren't even involved in the main story and are just there to tick sexual orientation boxes. Also the women will dump you unless you flee the city with the nomads.

            Despite having over a hundred side quests, none of them impacts the endings besides a few characters showing up in messages telling how their minuscule stories were impacted by your decisions.

            The combat is fun but redundant since every mission except for the cyber psycho ones can be won through stealth or quickhacks without firing a bullet and the game rewards you more for being subtle.

            Progression and stats are awful because they arbitrarily dissociated crafting and engineering from intelligence into a technical ability tree, make us do repetitive tasks in a grinding fashion because they arbitrarily decided each stat sub tree needs an independent progression and also locked several game itens under a street cred progression you can already max out before finishing the first act that physically locks you out of 80% of the map. The original perk trees were so bad the devs completely overhauled a third of them due to uselessness, making you foi powerful or just being bugged.

            >because they arbitrarily decided each stat sub tree needs an independent progression

            Thing is, the theory behind it is solid since it tracks and rewards both the player's build and playstyle simultaneously. For example, if you spec into stealth/hacking, but go hot once you're found out, you'll naturally get the gun skills to compensate for your lack of investment in gun-related stats. Problem is, like you said it loops back around into tedious due to poor implementation.

            • 2 years ago

              The best parts of the game are your homie Jackie, driving the Basilisk for the first time, swimming with Judy and the assault on Arasaka with Rogue's help.

              The worst parts are Beat on the Brat, being shoot by Dex without being able to fight back, Kerry advancing on you just because you were nice to him and Saul being a beta cuck just to make Panam seem competent.

              Everything else is somewhere in between with River having decent character and storyline that sadly are completely unrelated to the game while Takemura tries to speak eloquently to hide the fact he is a shallow Arasaka simp.

    • 2 years ago

      >This game may as well be the definition of wasted potential
      i dont think its a horrible game but neither is it great. its a 6/10 for me, mainly due to me loving cyberpunk. but at the same time, i, and everyone, expected a 9/10 and thats where the issues lie

    • 2 years ago

      >This game may as well be the definition of wasted potential.
      doesn't help that they kept altering/changing the story and mechanics in development instead of fixing them.

  12. 2 years ago

    I think this game jumped the shark with big chungus Keanu reeves.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, the game was doomed to fail from the start, with keanu chungus or without him:
      >gta clone wannabee
      >pozzed as frick
      >diversity hires
      >CDPR never made a good RPG

      • 2 years ago

        They also tackled the rare combo of
        >Character creation + Customization
        then: 1) added way too much stuff, and 2) tried to have 13 games in one.

  13. 2 years ago

    i saw the other day this game actually has a lot of mods
    anything you guys know of that makes the game better?

    I'm assuming its mostly presets and recolored assets or some shit like that but I did see a "hardcore" mode difficulty mod (everyone dies in one shot, so its probably boring as frick)

    • 2 years ago

      There's obviously tons of character cosmetic/audio/atmosphere mods (including a mod that tweaks weather patterns to make it less sunny all the time)

      There's also a few mods that help to fix up vehicle handling, changes to crowd/traffic spawning/behaviour (changes to enemy searching mechanics too), and other shit like enemy level/damage scaling modifiers

  14. 2 years ago

    They're taking forever with the expansion.

    • 2 years ago

      Good i wanna watch V eat gross synth ramen

    • 2 years ago

      I'm just hoping the expansion doesn't feature V and Wholesome Chungus at all. At this point it might even be standalone like Far Cry Blood Dragon. Also, wtf are SPOKKO and The Molasses Flood?

      • 2 years ago

        Spokko makes phone games like Witcher Monster Slayer for cd project.
        The Molasses Flood are the people who made "Flame in the Flood" i guess cd project bought them or something?

  15. 2 years ago

    OK KID

  16. 2 years ago

    Unpopular opinion - bloodlines 2 will actually be good and baldurs gate 3 will be too pozzed to be good but will at least have effort put into the remaining acts because of this disaster. I'm choosing to be optimistic and believe studios learned from this - no amount of previously accumulated good will will cover you if you buy a beloved IP and then shit on it.

    Cd Project red obviously thought that a good ip and previous good pr would let them stick to their budget/time table without repercussions. They were wrong. If it was just ill will, they might still do it because they can get enough pre-orders and day 1 sales (by buying up media and preventing leaks) to pay off the costs and then either improve it or sell shares and run away before anyone notices. But it didn't end with destroyed reputation. They had a full blown worker's putsche that dramatically increased operating costs along with it. No one is gonna be stupid enough to let that happen cause even if you manage to silence the now emboldened leaders, you'll still get sued for gross negligence in running the company and dumping shares. You can see the effect of this with paradox cloistering the entire bloodlines 2 dev team and completely redoing the game - despite the crazy costs of doing so and the already significant number of pre-orders. Cyberpunk ip martyred itself for some basic qa.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, I'm sure Unnamed Studio will turn out a real gem with Bloodlines 2

  17. 2 years ago

    As a futachad I wholly support more mainstream games having Futa protagonists.

  18. 2 years ago

    Good, cyberpunk's a shit genre for shitty people
    Space opera and high fantasy are the thinking man's genres.

    • 2 years ago

      >space opera
      >high fantasy

      Mid-level fantasy is superior because shit like magic and mythical creatures lose their flavor if they're everywhere

  19. 2 years ago

    The cyberpunk genre is just cursed.

    • 2 years ago

      You might have a point there.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd say that's more because people perceive it as being tired to FPS, and that has a hard time mixing with RPG elements. When you go beyond those perceptions and play more into traditional RPG side of things cyberpunk can work out just fine.

  20. 2 years ago

    The gigs and side quests are comfy. The main quest after the heist and tracking down Evelyn is awful, though. Little things annoy me, like Panam getting her friends killed because she was too lazy to tell them you were planning to down a corpo AV ahead of time, and then nobody calling her out or mentioning it.

    The skill trees are half-useless, the weapon collectathon treadmill has the same problems as Borderlands, all the fights are too easy and the combat lacks depth, and even at v1.52 it still catapults stuff into buildings.

    In the current state it's a 6 or 7/10 game, GTA meets Doosex meets Borderlands, but never living up to the promise of that description. It has a few good side missions that punch above their weight, and while you're playing those you're tempted to rate it higher. The hype and counter-hype were both exaggerated.

  21. 2 years ago

    Should I play Deus Ex Mankind Divided or Cyberpunk 2077?

    • 2 years ago

      Mankind Divided

  22. 2 years ago

    It's not like we were getting much to begin with.

  23. 2 years ago

    cyberpunk 2077 is a great game, the people schizzoing and shazmposting are all poorgays, trannies and piss station 4 sodomites

    • 2 years ago

      >buzzwords and shilling while saying nothing of substance
      expected as much from a Gankershitter

  24. 2 years ago

    Once the game became consistently playable I'd say it was enjoyable but still poorly made.

    There are interesting characters and quests but they seldom connect in a cohesive manner because the main story is a mess they just tried to gloss over with Keanu Reeves.

    You know the writing team fricked up when your origin story is a meaningless tutorial, the world's largest megacorp has one of their most secure buildings bamboozled by an amateur crew, your character stupidly dies to a fat Black person despite previously mowing through an army of elite guards and 80% of the map is only unlocked after the chip in your head threatens to kill you in a few weeks so that you ignore any sense of urgency or the massive manhunt from supposedly killing the most powerful man on Earth.

    Out of four romantic interests, two of them aren't even involved in the main story and are just there to tick sexual orientation boxes. Also the women will dump you unless you flee the city with the nomads.

    Despite having over a hundred side quests, none of them impacts the endings besides a few characters showing up in messages telling how their minuscule stories were impacted by your decisions.

    The combat is fun but redundant since every mission except for the cyber psycho ones can be won through stealth or quickhacks without firing a bullet and the game rewards you more for being subtle.

    Progression and stats are awful because they arbitrarily dissociated crafting and engineering from intelligence into a technical ability tree, make us do repetitive tasks in a grinding fashion because they arbitrarily decided each stat sub tree needs an independent progression and also locked several game itens under a street cred progression you can already max out before finishing the first act that physically locks you out of 80% of the map. The original perk trees were so bad the devs completely overhauled a third of them due to uselessness, making you foi powerful or just being bugged.

    • 2 years ago

      >The combat is fun but redundant since every mission except for the cyber psycho ones can be won through stealth or quickhacks without firing a bullet and the game rewards you more for being subtle.
      I wanted some of the missions to give you a bonus for not being stealthy, like
      >And V, the client wants you to send a message.
      followed by
      >(Optional) Kill everyone in the snuff BD lab
      >(Optional) Walk straight in the front door
      >(Optional) Cut or shoot off Walter's arms, like he did to his victim

      • 2 years ago

        The only missions where you can engage in mayhem are the NCPD lockdowns and the Cyber Psychos sadly.

        Most missions have a good layout but they weren't daring in that multiple approach that they marketed.

        The main problem with stealth is how cringe the takedown system is. Neither male V much less female V should be able to grapple enemies twice their size into a chokehold unless they had Gorilla Arms equipped. They should have let us drug our target somewhat or just plain hold our gun to their head so they don't move.

        • 2 years ago

          Honestly the biggest part I dislike about stealth takedowns is how it's always done using your arms or hands, no weapon takedowns like with katanas or baseball bats, or gun takedowns provided your weapon is silenced and/or is capable of a quick weapon bash.
          Closest you get to weapon "takedowns" are knife throws and the 20+ Ninjitsu perk that adds +100% crit rate + damage or something to your melee strikes when undetected, and even then that blows chunks cuz it's not a "real" takedown.

        • 2 years ago

          >Neither male V much less female V should be able to grapple enemies twice their size into a chokehold unless they had Gorilla Arms equipped. They should have let us drug our target somewhat or just plain hold our gun

          Completely agree, but it could at least be partially fixed by making cyberware (the focal point of the setting) being more impactful/unique.
          Let's use takedowns as an example; even basic shit like
          >mantis blades being able to take out two enemies simultaneously if they're standing close enough to each other
          >monowire being able to stealth kill from a distance
          >gorilla arms giving infinite hold time on normal enemies to use them as a human shield
          would go a long way

  25. 2 years ago

    Game is good frick off maggot

    • 2 years ago


  26. 2 years ago

    Maybe we will get a cool steampunk instead.

  27. 2 years ago

    Every game made for the cyberpunk theme is a game wasted.

  28. 2 years ago

    I liked it, and life outcomes show that I'm generally a lot smarter than the rest of you.

  29. 2 years ago

    Lol, you frickin babies. 2077 was fine. I've played through it 3 times.

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