Best book on role psychology applicable to TRPG so it's like a therapeutic session?

Best book on role psychology applicable to TRPG so it's like a therapeutic session? I mean it already is, might as well understand subconsciously what's actually going on.

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  1. 4 months ago
    Frottage Cheese

    Check the catalog. Ate you the guy trying to pitch TTRPGs to treat Combat Stress?

  2. 4 months ago

    >therapeutic session
    i don't know what you're doing in your games homosexual, but you need to stop.

    • 4 months ago

      >i don't know what you're doing in your games homosexual, but you need to stop.
      What do you mean
      <The Dungeons & Dragons Players of Death Row>
      <Role Play in Therapy>
      D&D is basically bunch people chatting for hours none stop about some topic they made up, what motive better than the exploration of each person's own mind.
      thus the conclusion.
      stuff we already doing but we don't really know what it is so need to read some book to understand it better.
      we're not playing the same game? you're doing the computer game simulations instead right.

  3. 4 months ago

    Games People Play by Eric Berne

  4. 4 months ago

    A Game Free Life, by Stephan Karpman

  5. 4 months ago

    You don't need a book about this because it's so surface-level basic.
    >animals play to gain vital skills while minimizing risk
    >social animals play social engagements to gain social skills with a lower chance of being attacked or ostracized
    >people use stories and play-pretend to play at scenarios and personas they have been confronted with or may be confronted with in the future
    >this builds their understanding and social guile, lowering their anxiety
    >the Character acts as a disposable lesser-self that can test consequences of mindsets and behaviors
    >some people use this to exorcise what makes them anxious about themselves
    >some people use this to comprehend what makes them anxious about others
    >this compartmentalization is the same play as baby crocodiles chasing each other in a muddy river

  6. 4 months ago

    God I hope not. Accedemic infections of all hobbies so midwit MAs can get their degrees in Jung and Hotwheels are a blight on hobbies and accedemic integrity.

  7. 4 months ago

    the whole point of reading a book is to learn how to break down surface level stuff into most simple no simper form extracted out of vast amounts of examples so it's just as valid as your own thousands of sessions, but takes 10 hour to read through.

    • 4 months ago

      so you don't like something that's 100x more efficient.

  8. 4 months ago

    Keep your israelite shit out of our hobby you repugnant tunnel rat

    • 4 months ago

      keep your... stuff.....out of our.... thread... you impregnatable cute dumb dumb

    • 4 months ago

      On the contrary, friend. Our enemy wants to keep everyone in an anxious self-hating state at the bottom of Plato's cave. Self-knowledge is essential if you want to know your enemy. You're right to shun modern israeli pscyhology, but don't throw the baby out with the water. You could be using traditional games as a means to self-improvement, teaching our people's myths, teaching morality. On the other hand, our enemy caters to masturbation, which is why so many freaks are in the hobby as is.

  9. 4 months ago

    Listen to some of Dr. Jordan Peterson's seminars.

  10. 4 months ago

    Psychology is already struggling to establish itself as a real science and hasn't really made all that much progress since Freud summoned it into being while stealing from another German mystic.

    There is absolutely nothing to gain by obfuscating it with another layer of encryption.
    >Youh vill play ze Tiefhling? It seems like ze relationship with your father is deeply disturbed.
    This would turn into nothing but Astrology by men.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't fricking know, my man. if thousands of hour of clinical therapeutic conversations that actually solves peoples needs distilled down to something called psychology, I don't want to read it's not a valid perspective because I'm just playing casual games.
      You make a lot of sense.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm not quite sure what point you are trying to make.

  11. 4 months ago

    I'm going to host thousands of sessions, spend over 4000 hours into it but I don't want to take a hour or two to read a book so I won't make any of those mistake anymore stupidly than necessary for the rest of my games.
    You're all making a lot of sense.

  12. 4 months ago

    Washington, E. L. (1974) Effects of group counseling and role playing upon selected behaviors of institutionalized Male delinquents

    >an actually interesting perspective of case study about how some form of roleplaying allowed convicts to understand eachother's struggle.
    one of the situation demonstrated was that of a convict who had a missing finger, and was 'sticking out' of the group for that reason. the instructor had someone else try to 'encourage' him, before 'flipping' the situation and asking the handicapped convict
    >"if he had a missing finger, what would you say to him"
    and that's when catharsis happened, as the handicapped convict started spilling out everything he wish people told him.

  13. 4 months ago

    I know just what you mean, OP, and you're absolutely correct. I don't have any material to fit your request exactly, but I do have some philosophy leads for you. I know you're asking for specific psychology techniques, but any good psychology is just applied philosophy, just look at Jung.

    Alan Watts- I recommend the "Out of Your Mind" essentials collection by "Sounds True." One of his central themes is the "Anatman", or "God Self", and the many masks of God. In games as well as real life, we are the dramatis personae, persons of the play. Per-(through) -son (sonic, sound). "Person" is the latin word for mask, i.e. the masks worn during a play, through which the sound comes.

    Joseph Campbell is another good choice. His popular book is "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." I'm sure you've heard of it. His lectures are good as well, try "Man and Myth."

    These are less specific to what you're requesting, but are excellent for personal development. Spiritual excercise is wrapped up in myth, symbol, amd magic. So if you are into fantasy or ttrpg, this is basically the stuff that your hobby is made from! The transmutation of the soul is the great work (or magic) that we labor for while we live. Rpgs are merely a reflection of that; as above, so below.
    Iron John by Robert Bly, Prometheus Rising by RA Wilson, The Mystery of the Grail by Evola, Manly Hall's lecture series, Stephan Hoeller's lectures, Carl Jung's Man and His Symbols, The Way of Zen by Watts, Meditations by Aurelius, The Kybalion by Three Initiates, Zarathustra by Nietzsche

    • 4 months ago

      Literally only one of those books is a book of philosophy. The rest is one psychologist and a buncha pseudo-scientific hackery and nonsense mysticism. What a crock of shit someone has shoveled down your throat. I've read most it because I was also a moronic college sophomore once upon a time but god damn, son.

      • 4 months ago

        Idk what to tell you, each of those books and speakers all teach essentially the same thing. So I don't know which is the odd-man that you mean. Not sure at all where you're getting "pseudo-scientific" from, none of what I listed is scientific at all. I will add some more sophomoric books in the same vein that I forgot earlier for your derision: The Dao De Jing, The Art of War, the New Testament. I haven't heard an opinion like yours before. What kind of philosophy do you like?

      • 4 months ago

        I'm samegayging because I really want to find out what you mean. One or both of us really doesn't understand what we're talking about. I personally can't understand how you could be interested in philosophy, the love of wisdom, and reject mythology, mysticism, and magic. Like man, they're one and the same. Are you sure you're familiar with the people and books I mentioned? They lay it out in plain english. Like, 1+1=2. In my eyes, you're basically rejecting people like John Milton, Isaac Newton, and Rene Descartes. I also doubt you could hate this material as much as you do and make it through even one of Manly Hall's lectures, much less everything else I mentioned.

  14. 4 months ago

    Psychology provides great persepctive that maybe through more than 4000 hour of GMing there are things you didn't even noticed to begin with, truely eye opening, curious enough to read?

  15. 4 months ago

    At a certain point of pratice everything became easy wouldn't you started to really care about what your players think rather than your own expressions, right? hence what better way to understand, then learning it from masterpieces, the through pratice further refines it.

  16. 4 months ago

    as long as it work.

  17. 4 months ago

    you GM pass you 100th sessions right? then you have full ability to know which part of psychology book are applicable and useful to your sessions.

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