Best ending of each SMT game? For me, it's

Best ending of each SMT game?
For me, it's
1: Law - Neutral creates a Law hellscape because God is pissed (SMT 2) Chaos gives up the last remaining habitable land on Earth to insane anarchists
2: Chaos - The Law faction is full of dicks and Neutral is just Chaos but without Lucifer to guide/protect humanity and demonkind
3: Musubi (Isamu's Reason) - Every human being gets to have their own personal paradise. This is probably the most utopian ending in all of fiction, let alone SMT, but everyone does TDE for content lel
Strange Journey: Law as it's the only guarantee humanity doesn't get wiped from existence in the next few decades (ignore Redux's fanfiction)
4: Neutral but it's gae and shoehorned
4a: Anarchy - Dumb name because it's pretty much Musubi 2 except the writers don't want you to pick it (you get to create your own world)
5: Law
Devil Survivor: Most of them are pretty good actually especially in Overclocked, it depends on if you're confident in your/Abel's abilities to be a dictator (if so, Naoya, if not, Amane). I like Naoya.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Smt 2 law is still very yhwh-fricked because all survivors you have to make a new world from were handpicked by yhwh. After such an omega genocide I'd rather turn around and kill all of them too. Also killing lucifer in that route is basically just murder, he does no harm to you or anyone. In SMT at least he tricks you into a Beelz ambush if you're neutral

    Chaos is so soft in SMT2 with the silly demon towns with demon healing springs and demon taverns can't imagine it's not the most humane ending, ironically. But I never did it personally.

    • 4 months ago

      *Somehow I thought you wrote smt 2 law being the best before I wrote this. It's a common internet opinion for some reason. My mistake

  2. 4 months ago

    I disagree about 3's endings, I think each Reason is too ambiguous to point at and say "This is specifically what happens", except Yosuga which is muh world of strength shit. Worst-case scenario, Musubi might as well be suicide since it doesn't promise that you have any power over your new world, or that it's a good world, or that you could ever see anyone ever again. Shijima's worst-case is that it's just the heat death of the universe.
    What you have to take into account when the Reason holders are talking to you about why you should pick THEIR Reason is that they are all three of them pieces of shit and only care about using your power to further their goals; so why should they not make their path sound the most appealing? (except Chiaki because she's a stupid b***h and nobody could make world of strength sound appealing)

    • 4 months ago

      I think being god of your own world implies power over it, you're not the dude of your own world
      Having no power over it also just makes it unambiguously hell which is boring, it's up to interpretation whether it's truly possible to be fine with solitude

      • 4 months ago

        Agreed. It is kind of up to interpretation though. Worst case scenario you can will yourself out of existence or have a nice day which is better than the alternatives (in TDE you're probably dead, in the regular demon ending you are dead, same with chiaki's shitty chaos route, and I doubt Hinawa's society would function if a single cog in the machine roped). And the freedom ending specifically states that its just delaying the inevitable, who knows if the next reasons are going to be anywhere close to as reasonable as Musubi or even Hinawa's as it is technically a paradise

  3. 4 months ago

    The chaos ending in tbh 1 fricks the world up. It's a long, probably never ending war against God.
    The Liberator ending in tbh 2 is also shit. They are free but they are genuinely fricked

    • 4 months ago

      Judging by V being a sequel to Nocturne's TDE, it is entirely possible to kill God and having control over all of the demons as the king of Bel would mean you can create a utopia for humans with demons as slave labour and there's nothing they can do about it. It's honestly the opposite of traditional Chaos where the roles are reversed and obviously demons will frick over humans

      • 4 months ago

        The impression I got from the ending is that regardless of the victor, the world got fricked.
        Atsuro's ending let's you use demons as workforce without needing to enter a dick measurement contest against God.

        • 4 months ago

          Atsuro's ending is probably one of the worst specifically because it hands demons to the government, not the people. Anyone who knows anything about world governments should know that this outcome will not end well for the average joe. Only worse one is Yuzu's for obvious reasons

          • 4 months ago

            I don't want to get into the shitswamp that is discussing free portation of demons, but IN-GAME more than half normalgays did nothing but turn things worse using demons. Not counting wannabe Kira and Kaido.
            Atsuro's approach seems more reliable.

          • 4 months ago

            The point is that you as the player get to decide what to do with demons. Sure you can be moronic and let humans have them personally but ideally you'd homogenize them under your rule and make them work solely for the benefit of mankind.
            In Atsuro's route, you're handing over demons to the same government that installed microchips in electronics to nuke their own cities if worst came to worst and they were going to do this if it weren't for your intervention. That's CIA tier maniacally evil shit, I'd rather China or North Korea have them at that point and presumably Japan isn't going to share their superweapons with anybody.
            The options are:
            Nuclear holocaust after Nippon goes on a warpath with their newfound power, only option of all governments is surrender or take them down with us and at least some (Israel) are definitely going the nuclear route
            Extremely corrupt government uses demons to impose tyrannical rule. Japan isn't known for its soft and kind government, look at the prison system and actions ingame

            • 4 months ago

              >you'd homogenize them under your rule
              Yes the Jap government are psychos IRL but in-game they are just "adults" trying to solve a trolley problem ensuring less bloodshed instead of being heroes of justice like MC and saving everyone. They'll behave because they are not really evil.
              Now realistically, assuming the Jap government is evil and you need to do everything yourself, if you need to go on War against God to do that then it's useless. It's getting nuked by the Japs or being nuked by God while MC Kun plays demon lord.
              Also you don't know if you'll do the correct thing and, yes, power corrupts and if you choose chaos you're probably corrupted already.
              Even then you are not guaranteed to be better than God at ruling so it might be all a waste of time.

              • 4 months ago

                homie I just showed why the in-game government is just as shitty as the IRL one. The UEM field plot. They installed microwave chips in all electronics so that if they wanted they could fry all of Japan in an instant. It's originally written off as "for invaders" but by the 5th day it's spelled out for you that they are going to use this if the lockdown can't be resolved in a week.

              • 4 months ago

                And I tell you that if you take in consideration the possible impact of the demons can have over the world, the Japs actions can't be considered evil. Just a massacre to avert global apocalypse. But they are not psychos.
                I understand that if Atsuro gives them demons they might use them to kill their own people if needed, but until then they will do good for the world because tbh is anime Japan, not IRL Japan.

  4. 4 months ago

    Neutral. Other two is comically trigger happy towards opposition and is largely unlikable. Law is responsible for the shitshow that happens throughout the majority of the game and Chaos I found to be boring.

    >SMT 2
    Didn't play it, but from what I've gathered, Neutral if you don't like demons and Chaos if you do. Law does a weird thing where it both condemns and upholds what it stands for, making it not make much sense, to be honest.

    >SMT 3
    Musubi, because I really like being alone, and having an entire world to myself would be pretty cool. Other Reasons suck, TDE is a last second addition to the game for the edgelords(and because Atlus has a hateboner for Law so they pathologically have to suck off Lucifer in most of his iterations) and I have enough knowledge of SMT universe to know that the "Freedom" will end up with humans getting fricked over, regardless.

    Neutral for original. It, ironically, despite implications that humanity won't learn from their mistakes, exemplified the Neutral's theme of "hope" better than Redux(and probably other SMTs as well)
    New Law for the Redux. Humanity is governed by itself, violence and its adjacent urges doesn't exist and everyone lives in peace. Yeah, there's an implication that "something" can threaten this utopia, but that reads like a stretch to make this ending less appealing.

    >SMT 4
    The White.

    >SMT 4A
    Anarchy/Massacre. I sympathized with Dagda's true reason for this ending - to release him from his "Dagda shaped shell", and just liked him more than the so called "friends". The power of friendship trope was tired at this point and stupid, and with how much it was shoved down your throat it just made me want to do the other route.
    It should've had the option to side with Divine Powers as well.

    >SMT 5
    True Neutral. Would be Law if it weren't for the stupid "and nobody needs free will anymore". At least the game implies the protagonist prefers this one over Chaos.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm 99% sure there is a dialogue option in game that lets you side with the Divine Powers but it's just a game over. Pretty lame but as a player why would you surrender control of the new universe to a bunch of power-hungry conniving dickheads and not take it over for yourself

  5. 4 months ago

    >Musubi (Isamu's Reason)
    You fell for YHWH's trick. Every "Reason" ending leads to the creation of the normal world, to perpetuate the cycle. All three reasons describe the real world in different terms.

    • 4 months ago

      5/10 fanfiction and it lost the 5 points it needed to be good once you realize Kagatsuchi gets pissed at you when you pick the freedom ending and do exactly what you claimed every reason is

  6. 4 months ago

    I have a hard time getting Flynn in SMT4. We go to his hometown where everyone had been massacred by some demon undershitter but it's left up completely to me to react to that. I don't even get some dialog option to say I'm gonna kill every last unclean one motherfricker I see.

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